"Civilized" Western world against the great Russia


During the First World War, the United States entered into active hostilities later than its allies, but at the same time derived the greatest benefits from the situation. First, America shook all the fruits of its neutrality, and then the fruits of victory. From the war, the States emerged as a leading world power with its own “new world order” plan.

To understand the essence of world wars unleashed in the XX-XXI centuries (they are all pages of one big war, part of the Big Game, where the prize is the planet), it is always necessary to remember that direct predatory wars and subversive sabotage, espionage and information war against our the country and the people were always, throughout the visible stories. More Romans and Greeks-Romans (Byzantines) fought against the eastern and northern "barbarians", "Scythians", among which were our direct ancestors - the Russ, Slavic-Russian tribes and clans. For example, the vandals recorded in “classical” history (western version of history) into Germans (the ancestors of modern Germans) were in reality a Slavic-Russian family known under a variety of names: veins — venets — Veneds — vandals, etc. the territory of modern Germany, Austria, Northern Italy and other lands of Europe were once inhabited by a super ethnic group of Rus.

However, in the course of a long, more than a thousand-year-long war, the Western core of the Rus superethnos was practically destroyed, assimilated, and subordinated to the “Western matrix,” like the Poles (Western Glades) or Croats. Russian cities such as Berlin, Rostock, Dresden, Brandenburg-Branibor, Vienna and Veneta-Venice became the major centers of the new Western peoples. It must be said that similar ethnic, cultural, historical, and linguistic processes continue to this day. In particular, we see how “Ukrainians” and Belarusians (“Litvins”) are singled out from a single ethno-linguistic, cultural space of the Russian civilization and superethnos. The onslaught to the East continues, and the war of annihilation will continue until the masters of the West destroy the Russian superethnos. The Lords of the West do not care who rules in Russia - the grand dukes, kings, general secretaries or "democratically elected" presidents. Western masters do not care what kind of a system we have - a monarchy, a socialist republic or “democracy” with peripheral capitalism.

The war will continue until the complete solution of the “Russian question”, that is, the destruction of the Russian superethnos and Russian civilization with its unique “Russian matrix” - the idea of ​​justice and life according to conscience. Only by destroying the Russian people and the Russian language, physically destroying or assimilating the Russians, the West can get the main prize - the planet. Only with the destruction and dismemberment of great Russia is the infernal, non-slave-owning slave-holding new world order possible, which is created by the masters of the West. Therefore, the attempts of a part of the current Russian political top, which since the times of Gorbachev and Yeltsin has been trying to “fit” into this “new order”, are meaningless. The Western masters do not need a "compromise", "cooperation", the fight against "world terrorism", "partners", they only need complete surrender, full control over the great northern civilization and the final elimination of the self-consciousness, historical memory, culture and language of Russian super-ethnos. So that from the people-warrior, worker, creator and righteous there should be only slaves-consumers and parasitic predators sucking the resources of the North in the interests of the owners of the West and the East.

At the same time, despite the constant threat from the East (Turkey, Persia, China, Japan), the West always remains the main, constant, most dangerous, prudent and at the same time greedy enemy for Russia, and the Anglo-Romano-Germanic world that joined them later and who in the 20th century took on the role of the leader of the Western project and the "crusade" against the Russian world - the United States. The papal Rome remains the spiritual ideologue of the "onslaught to the East", on Russia and the Slavic-Russian civilization from the early Middle Ages to the present day. The other two “command posts” of the western project are London and Washington.

For millennia, Russian superethnos resisted the onslaught from the West (the current history of Russia-Russia is “circumcised” to please the western “partners”). The last fifteen hundred years, the West has been confronted by Russia-Russia with capitals in Novgorod, Kiev, Moscow and Petrograd. The basis of the confrontation is the genetic code. This is the deep difference between Russia and the West, this is the misunderstanding by the Western nations of the “mysterious Russian soul” and, accordingly, the Russian misunderstanding and rejection of the lack of spirituality, materiality (“golden calf”), animal egoism, individualism and predatory, parasitic habits of the “Western "Person.

Therefore, Western “elites” always looked at the “mysterious” Russians with great surprise, incomprehension and fear, who always, having superiority in military skills (warrior people), did not colonize, did not plunder, did not destroy the neighboring nations. . They wondered why the Russians, beating off “crusades” from the West, which are regularly organized by the owners of Rome, Paris, Berlin, London and Washington, in response, did not “tear off seven skins” from rich western cities, as Western conquerors always did. Moreover, the Russians, unlike the Western colonialists, have always seen people of their own peers in the inhabitants of Siberia, the North, the Caucasus, Central Asia. Not slaves and "subhumans" of the second or third grade, but the same people, just with a different language, faith and culture. This allowed the Russians to create the great empire itself in the history of mankind. People of other nationalities and cultures have always eagerly joined the Russian (Soviet) project.

For centuries, the masters of the West created a bestial consumer society and self-destruction, parasitized their peoples and subjugated peoples. Hence, the modern global biosphere crisis, the crisis of man (its degradation, involution) and of humanity, the white race. When entire regions of the planet are literally destroyed, devoured by the consumer society and self-destruction. Huge forests in South and Central America, Africa and Asia are brought down from the face of the earth, rivers and lakes turn into muddy ditches, whole “seas” of garbage appear in the oceans, flowering forest-steppes turn into deserts, huge dumps of garbage and various wastes, etc. .

You can take almost any country in South America, Africa and Asia, which are literally in one way or another subordinated to the Western world, capital, Western TNCs and TNB, and everywhere we see the same picture of the domination of a consumer society and self-destruction, of a cannibalistic "capitalist society". A person in such a society is constantly physically, intellectually and spiritually degraded, self-destructed. A person is doomed to survive, that is, he tries to exist by selling his forces (labor) or even his body, predatory extraction of natural resources (for example, deforestation). All this leads to the catastrophe of both society and the biosphere as a whole. This is an evolutionary deadlock leading to the self-destruction of all mankind. At the same time, the masters of the West are trying in every possible way to prevent mankind from getting out of this impasse - the most intelligent leaders who are trying to create an alternative model of development (for example, Jamahiriya M. Gaddafi) are physically destroyed. People are deliberately stupid with the help of destruction and distortion of education and upbringing systems, destroy their physical, intellectual and spiritual potential with the help of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, poisoned and modified food, virtual worlds of TV and the Internet, game worlds, indulging lowly needs, etc. .

Western civilization, predatory and parasitic in its essence (hence the love of Western inhabitants for films about vampire ghouls), lives by sucking out other people's energy and resources. The core of the capitalist system - the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, is flourishing, and the periphery of the capsystem is constantly degrading. True, the core is gradually destroyed. Parasitism, animal consumption destroys a person, since his purpose is creativity, creation. Hence all the problems of the West - the extinction and degradation of the white race, its extinction, the flourishing of human vices and the extinction of morality, hedonism and consumption with the simultaneous disappearance of spirituality and creative activity. However, by dying out and self-destructing, Western society in its long agony and bestial greed kills, destroys and poisons the rest of the world with poison. This process does not last for the first millennium and can take from two to three hundred years to two to three millennia, if the owners of the West can finally crush the rest of the world, including the ancient civilizations of the East (Persia-Iran, India, China, Indochina, Korea and Japan), and Russia.

The Russians are carriers of the creative matrix code. This is precisely the reason why, despite catastrophic wars, invasions, “crusades”, inspired masters of the West, despite subversive revolutions and uprisings, destructive “perestroika-reforms” conducted by Russian Westernizers, representatives of the “fifth column”, despite Tens of millions of demographic losses caused by this confrontation (in particular, if not for the revolution, war and the “reform” of the 20th century, now there would be about 500 million people, that is, we would be the third ethnic group on the planet as at the beginning of the century, after the Chinese and Indians), with each turn of development the Russian superethnos and Russia become more and more powerful and great nation and power.

In particular, the 1914-1920 disaster. led to the incredible rise of the Soviet civilization (project). The Russian Communists, led by Stalin, began to create a society of service and creation, with the domination of ethics of conscience, which corresponded to the code of the Russian superethnos. The results were amazing - the USSR-Russia became the leading superpower, created a development project, an alternative to the Western one. All of humanity looked with hope at the Russians, who challenged the masters of the West, destroyed the colonial system with their projects and gave the people of Asia, Africa and Asia the hope of creating a different society, without the parasitism of the few "elected" over the masses. The Soviet Union showed humanity and its "bright future", the main path of development is going beyond the limits of the "cradle" of the Earth, the exploration of space. Only going into space, as well as building a society of service and creation on the planet itself (with the restoration of the biosphere, the full-fledged development of air, water and underwater spaces) allows us to maximize the intellectual and creative potential of man.

Thus, the origins of the great confrontation between Russia and the West, in different matrix codes of the Russian and Western projects. The Western Matrix is ​​a society of consumption and self-destruction, a model of the “golden calf” (initially Satanism, the dark, bestial side of human nature), with parasitizing few “elected” slave owners over “two-legged tools”, slaves-consumers. With the domination of bestial individualism, egoism and materialism, spiritual emptiness and constant self-destructive pursuit of pleasure (hedonism). The Russian matrix is ​​the domination of the ethics of conscience, the society of service and creation, where the spiritual is higher than the material, the general is higher than the private, justice is higher than the law, service is higher than ownership.

Russia and Russians are genetically (hence the millennial demand for Russian beauties), who has been spiritually and intellectually more perfect under the authority of the degenerate West. Hence, the key to Western Russophobia. The current Russophobia is not due to the fact that in the West they do not like “bad Putin or Stalin”, it has millennial roots. This is the fear of the Russians (“Russians are coming”), which was known as in Ancient Rome and Constantinople, preserved in Paris, London and Washington, which inherit the ancient traditions of confrontation between Russia and the West. This is a hatred of Russians, hostility, which expresses an inferiority complex inherent in a less perfect culture in relation to a more perfect one. Misunderstanding and inability to understand a more developed culture, while militarily more powerful people (the Russians have often defeated the Western hordes, but not demolished Warsaw, Berlin and Paris, as they could), generates genetic, biological fear and envy. Westerners are afraid of militant Russians and envy them, eagerly want to take advantage of the wealth of the Russian land. The material, “dark” essence of the Westerners does not accept the higher form of humanity, to which the best people of humanity called, such prophets as Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad. And which is the core of the "Russian code".

The West is instinctively trying to destroy Russia, exterminate the Russians (the “red plague”) as phenomena that are incomprehensible to it and carry the mortal threat to the slave-owning “new world order”. The West feels threatened by Russia, the Russian super-ethnos. At the same time, in the West they do not understand that only the Russian project can save humanity, solve the problem of a systemic crisis, lead people to the main road of development. The West reacts to a higher culture with primitive aggression. The West contrasts with the evolution and super-evolution of man, of humanity — of war, rebellion, revolution, violence, all kinds of death and predatory, parasitic activity. At the same time, in the West, the project of “transhumanism” is being promoted, when a person is “improved” with the help of science and technology, biotechnology, and becomes an appendage of the machine world. This is the “electronic concentration camp” project, as part of a global slave civilization - the “new world order”. The masters of the West dream of becoming omnipotent, almost immortal "gods", and the rest of humanity to "clean" and turn into microchipped "two-legged tools", completely deprived of free will and choice.

The western project is a society of slaves and slave owners. In the current version there is a society of oligarch usurers and consumers lowered into a cattle-like state. Not for nothing in the USA and in the West as a whole idealize Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece - the slave-holding civilization. Currently, the masters of the West are trying to bring peace to this “perfect” state. Hence the wildest archaic, into which they are now trying to plunge the world again, to return it to the “dark ages”. Therefore, it is not surprising that pedophilia, cannibalism and the legal sale of drugs are promoted in Western countries, and “traditional” slave-owners and slave markets appeared in the war-torn Iraq and Syria, where you can buy a girl or a boy at a reasonable price. The West and Western "democracy" from the time of Ancient Greece stand on the slavery of the masses, the power of rich oligarchs and slaveholding morality, now disguised as a consumer society with its slaves-consumers.

To be continued ...
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  1. +8
    7 July 2017 06: 41
    The main European * value * for which * true Europeans * fight to the death is irresponsibility and impunity. All the words about democracy or equality-brotherhood begin to sound only when they have a bad time. Just like * gopniks * who brazenly and with full conviction of the right to robbery attack, always with intimidation, and getting in the face immediately and about * joked * and about * universal love and brotherhood *.
  2. +3
    7 July 2017 06: 43
    that direct predatory wars and subversive sabotage, espionage and information warfare against our country and people have always been waged throughout the entire visible history

    In this world, everyone is fighting against everyone.
    1. +1
      7 July 2017 23: 52
      Quote: populist
      In this world, everyone is fighting against everyone.

      This is not true. War is the basis of the interaction of the southern peoples, where the main slogan is wolf to man. The basis of the interaction of the northern peoples - symbiosis - man, man, friend, brother and comrade.
      Hence the chronic misunderstanding of each other. We see friends in our Western "partners", but they see wolves in us.
  3. +8
    7 July 2017 06: 52
    To understand the essence of world wars unleashed in the XX-XXI centuries (they are all the pages of one big war, part of the Big Game, where the prize is a planet), you must always remember that direct predatory wars and subversive sabotage, espionage activities and information warfare against our country and the people were always led throughout the entire visible history.

    To understand the essence of world wars unleashed in the XX-XXI centuries (and earlier), it is necessary to remember that all wars were fought to resolve economic issues between states. And they were conducted always and between all.
    1. +8
      7 July 2017 10: 43
      Try it, try to read the article more carefully and scrupulously. What was "always" ended in the year 1853! Perhaps you have not had time to notice this. And that year began a series of new wars - wars for world domination! Try to read the Talmud more closely, do not confine yourself to an abridged version, the book "Shulchan Aruch." Then you may be able to understand that all these economic wars are nothing but a means of gaining dominance in the whole World. In 1853, the “Zero World War" began precisely for the world domination of representatives of large, very large, even huge money. I already wrote here that Rothschild himself took upon himself the financing of the so-called “Crimean War”, the British Parliament then decided to “wash his hands”, that is, he allowed the sending of the British corps, but he refused to finance this military company at the government expense, I considered that so everything is "cool." I can’t describe all the ins and outs in one post, try to look at this topic in the lectures of prof. Kasatonova and other leading experts specializing in this topic, there the term “World Zero War” is justified, which began precisely in the XNUMXth century, unlike all the wars you described.
      1. +1
        17 August 2017 11: 16
        Dear venaya! With great respect, I read your comments and marvel at the patience with which you sow on the rocks, that is, you are trying to educate the clutching tops of arrogant talkers. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I will be pleased to read your future comments.
  4. +22
    7 July 2017 08: 23
    I am sincerely sorry that the article cannot be put in a bold minus, and its author is also a bold two in history. I began to read, but ... when I got to the passage about the "Slav-Rus," I realized that the matter was unclean, because similar phrases had happened to be found in the ravings of the evil memory of Khinevich. True, that neopagan patient of chamber N6, the Slavs generally flew from some galaxy.
    And this is not to mention that the data of both historiography and archeology are called Scythians and Slavs different peoples. And the Slavs in Northern Italy are generally nonsense. The only Slavs in Central Europe are the Slav and Puddle Slavs, who lived in Northern Germany and the Czech Republic. And they fought with them only Germans. Other European nations did not participate in this, and the Poles, for example, already being part of the pan-European civilization, quite calmly fought the German Teutonic Order and defeated it near Grunwald in 1410.
    And the passage about the "masters of the West" is completely delightful, since the European countries themselves fought with each other with considerable ecstasy, it is enough to recall the Hundred Years or Thirty Years War. And if Europe had some kind of secret unified leadership, striving for a thousand years to destroy the Russians, then there would be no inter-European wars at all, since the forces of all Europe would be thrown to achieve one goal.
    Well, the last delightful thing in this "article" is the equalization of the USSR and Russia, despite the fact that they relate in the same way as Kaiser Germany and the GDR.
    PS I did not expect that on the pages of such a respected publication as “VO” something so base would appear.
    1. +6
      7 July 2017 09: 20
      Do not rely on data from archeology and historiography.
      The traditional historical concept is completely unreliable.
      Further, the middle of the so-called nineteenth century, the real history of human civilization is not traced.
      And the history of the previous century is full of such white spots ...
      The opinion about who such Slavs underwent dramatic changes even in traditional historiography.
      At first, the Slavs and Germans were opposed: they say, nothing in common. Notice, not the "Germans." "Germans" are more likely Finno-Finns. The transfer of the term "Germans" to Germanic Deutsch was late: at the end of the century before last.
      Then, the point of view changed: the Slavs are also part of the Germanic peoples.
      The last evolution: the Germanic peoples and the Slavic are one and the same.
      Given that the German is a "consanguineous", "relative", in this point of view there is nothing unusual.
      What kind of Poles were at war with what Germans? The Polish-Saxon Duchy with the Hungarian Kingdom?
      Are the Slavs in Northern Italy nonsense? The Italian ethnos consists of two parts: the white north (no matter who are Germans or Slavs, they are one) and the black south (actually the Caucasus).

      Given that the "ancient history of the most ancient people" was written in the last century, including all the "holy books", and the fact that the words "Jew" and "European" are synonyms, the traditional story is a funny thing from the field of unscientific fiction. And if you add that the "Jew" and "Aryan" in some old languages ​​are pronounced the same ...
      1. +10
        7 July 2017 10: 20
        Forgive me my harshness, but how can this not be based on archeological data, when this is the only one available to us? material source of bygone days? Not the fabrications of the "researchers", but the real things of real people.
        1. +2
          8 July 2017 00: 00
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          Forgive me my harshness, but how can this not be based on archeological data

          And it’s impossible. We don’t see the data of archeology, we are presented with an interpretation of these data, and so free that it takes the hell.
          You probably think that history is written on the basis of some kind of chronicle or archaeological research, in fact, it's the other way around, the results of historical research are customized to the history already written.
      2. +4
        7 July 2017 10: 28
        You are absolutely right. It is a pity the author is poorly oriented in these matters, thinks in cliches. If it’s not difficult to publish links to the latest research by Russian scientists. We will be grateful to you. Of particular interest is the connection between the Aryans and the Jews. At what stage did the concept change? Our group did not think about this issue.
        1. +4
          7 July 2017 18: 10
          Quote: mar4047083
          It is a pity that the author is poorly oriented in these matters, thinks in cliches. If it’s not difficult to publish links to the latest research by Russian scientists.

          The author is well-versed, and what was 1000 years ago, no one will for sure answer you. The most important thing the author laid out in full, Europe is a disaster for the world and for Russia: it robs, poisons the planet, its nobility and soul survives from the Russian. If you do not understand this, you will be on your way to the West.
          1. +4
            7 July 2017 23: 43
            The author is well-versed, and what was 1000 years ago, no one will for sure answer you. The most important thing the author laid out in full, Europe is a disaster for the world and for Russia: it robs, poisons the planet, its nobility and soul survives from the Russian. If you do not understand this, you will be on your way to the West.

            I will tell you a secret:
            In this world, everyone is robbing each other!
      3. +3
        7 July 2017 16: 26
        Syrian and Sinai codes were written in the last century? The results of radiocarbon and linguistic analysis suggest something else.
        1. +1
          7 July 2017 23: 08
          Quote: Shahno
          The results of radiocarbon and linguistic analysis suggest something else.

          But what are these analyzes for him! To argue with the Fomenkovites is the same as playing chess with a dove!
        2. +1
          8 July 2017 00: 06
          Quote: Shahno
          The results of radiocarbon and linguistic analysis suggest something else.

          Radiocarbon analysis gives a spread of plus or minus eternity.
          1. 0
            8 July 2017 09: 47
            Maybe you mean the error in 100 years. For man, this is eternity. I think you should know if you are talking about archeology. Radiocarbon analysis with 70x has undergone major changes. Widely used calibration methods are dendrochronology, etc. (IntCal). As well as a comprehensive analysis based on mathematical probability theory, linguistic method, stratitography, radiocarbon analysis. You can quite accurately distinguish between the age of the artifact of the last century and that of the 4-6 century AD or 1000 east day I agree that dating of objects of the 20 century and above with this method will be difficult. Fomenko’s methods are recognized by the RAS and the scientific community as untenable. He disregarded himself from further controversy.
            1. +2
              8 July 2017 20: 16
              Quote: Shahno
              Fomenko’s methods are recognized by the RAS and the scientific community as untenable.

              Have you decided that I am a follower of Fomenko?
              I myself am not a follower of anyone.
              Quote: Shahno
              You can quite accurately distinguish age

              You see what the matter is, all these methods are corrected and used as much as possible. However, the facts are that they first wrote a story, and then these very scientific methods began to appear.
              Quote: Shahno
              Radiocarbon analysis from the 70s has undergone great changes.

              The biggest problem of radiocarbon analysis is that we do not know what the concentration of the carbon isotope used to be - this is NOT a CONSTANT.
              Yes, tables are created, but these same tables are created on the basis of the data that must be checked using the same method. Just like munhausen pulled himself by the hair.
              1. +1
                11 July 2017 21: 45
                Quote: Setrac
                we do not know what the concentration of the carbon isotope used to be - this is NOT a CONSTANT.

                Exactly! drinks In the isotopic composition of carbon dioxide, the proportion of carbon-14 (which is formed from nitrogen under the influence of solar radiation) is by definition a function of solar activity and changes almost annually!
                1. +1
                  11 July 2017 21: 51
                  Quote: Weyland
                  In the isotopic composition of carbon dioxide, the proportion of carbon-14 (which is formed from nitrogen under the influence of solar radiation) is by definition a function of solar activity and changes almost annually!

                  In addition, solar radiation affects the atmosphere and its density is also not a constant and was very different in different eras.
      4. 0
        7 July 2017 23: 57
        Quote: ignoto
        Further, the middle of the so-called nineteenth century, the real history of human civilization is not traced.

        You wrote everything correctly, but you have incredibly deepened the story. The real history of human civilization can be traced as long as eyewitnesses are alive, and then the history of World War II shows that even this is not always possible
    2. +4
      7 July 2017 10: 21
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      .. The data of both historiography and archeology are called Scythians and Slavs by different peoples. And the Slavs in Northern Italy are generally nonsense. The only Slavs in Central Europe are the Slav and Puddle Slavs, who lived in Northern Germany and the Czech Republic. And the fight against them was exclusively by the Germans. ..

      Well, why are you so telling all archaeologists one substance. Have you already talked with all archaeologists of the world on this subject? Why, meeting with today's archaeologists face to face, in most cases they say the opposite of what you wrote? It may be better to take a closer look at all these issues, consult with truly top-class specialists, if there is such an opportunity. Ea today, given the additional DNA-gynealogy of Dokozan from all sides, that the Scythians (a term of Greek origin, that is, new) is nothing more than a branch that separated from the Rus 4000 years ago, reaching China 3800 years ago, later moved in the opposite direction . They are Russes. In the sixteenth century, the Velers were indeed called both “Slavs” and “Celts”, and they even came up with such a name as “Germans”. Try reading about it. One of the greatest scientists of the 150th century, Yegor Klassen used the term "Slavic-Russians" to denote the people who lived before the advent of the Rurikovich, read his book, it was banned for 7 years. Now on sale. I think it’s not worth it to shift your own competence in the issues described in the article to the author. Respect at least yourself! The Slavs on the Apennine peninsula are not nonsense, but simply the changed name of “Venetian”, “Slovenian,” Racen - didn’t you hear such concepts? Not only Venetians lived in Venice, but also Venets. St. Petersburg is sometimes called Northern Venice, there were also Venets for at least -XNUMX thousand years, as modern excavations in the Okhta River region indicate, in the center of the city, do you not know this again? But Venets still live in the Vendee, and the Baltic was previously called by the Greek map "Venetian Gulf "." Svei "lived in Scandinavia, now there are" Svens "(Swedes) - so they are also Venetian, only rocky-Scandinavian and also on the shores of the Gulf of Veneto. How many more examples do you need to give you to reach the justice of the article written by Samsonov He’s read it overwhelmingly on other sites, he’s talking about what he’s writing, and while this article is too tough for you, you don’t have enough public knowledge, and there are critics, critics ... horror.
      1. +9
        7 July 2017 11: 16
        Egor Klassen? Gardenerwho invented the "Slavic runes"?
        About venets - where is your data from? Can you name at least one study?
        1. +2
          7 July 2017 12: 12
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          Egor Klassen? Gardenerwho invented the "Slavic runes"? About venets - where is your data from? Can you name at least one study?

          Let me remind you: the teacher at A.S. Pushkin was Arina Rodionovna. The farmers-agrarians in Persia were called just "Aryans." Are you not adapted to work on the ground "white bone"? Why so offend people of labor on earth? Yegor Klassen was once considered the most educated polyglot man in the Russian Empire during the reign of both Alexander I and Nicholas II, so he was invited to anointing with the enthronement of Nicholas II. Take a closer look with our past please. As for the "runes" - this is a song, I did not expect this from you, I do not even know what to say. Please note that I myself try not to use the term "Slavs", in my opinion this newspeak of the XNUMXth century confuses everyone, but many used it stubbornly, even M. Lomonosov and others. I myself like the term “Veneto-Russes”, but they do not refer to the Scythians (the Greek term, the self-name of whales, wanderers, even cattle), they are better than “Scythians-Russes,” I think it will be more accurate. As for the Venets: the inhabitants of the Russian Federation are still called Venets in some languages, take an interest yourself, the inhabitants of the Vendée province are still called exactly the same. Do you need monographs on this topic? I have not seen separate monographs, in other sources this information is present, it is important to strive to search in order to understand this topic in more detail.
          1. +8
            7 July 2017 12: 26
            Egor Klassen actually died in 1862, so that he could not be physically present at the coronation of Nicholas II.
            Regarding the gardener, he was the editor of the gardening magazine, and he was fond of history as an amateur, and his "theories" were, to put it mildly, fantastic. At Zadornov’s level: “The Etruscans are Russians.”
            However, if you take this seriously, it makes no sense to conduct a dialogue with you, because "Slavic-Russians" is the same as "ancient Ukrainians".
            1. +3
              7 July 2017 13: 34
              I agree only in my typo regarding Nicholas, indeed of course I was talking about Nicholas I, although this could have been guessed. The fact that "Etruscan" (the Latin term) were Slovenian, that is, all Russian, who spoke and wrote in the ancient dialect of the Russian language, has been written and is written by many scholars, it is possible that this topic is simply not familiar to you. Today's forms of writing are what are "Latin", that even our modern alphabet comes from their forms of writing. You are not familiar with this, which means you have never dealt with this issue as deeply as many of today's researchers, yes even read it yourself, not about him. He gives examples of inscriptions that are not even specialists, who know only today's Russian language and writing, easily read some already well-known inscriptions. Also get acquainted with the works of Academician A.S. Shishkov, his followers are now just a sea. The outstanding linguists of today not only develop his ideas, but significantly expand their knowledge in this area. Already found, and for a long time, the time of the appearance of the Proto-Russian language. Using computer technology, a figure of 30-40 thousand years has been obtained. Science moves, widespread publication of publications in this direction lags behind. For example, Klassen’s book was banned for publication for 150 years! Do not you understand to whom all this disgrace is beneficial? A careful study of only the surviving works of M. Lomonosov, why are so few people familiar with them? Sometimes you should read the source, and not arrogant illiterate critics, but it turns out like in an anecdote: "I didn’t read the author’s book, but I don’t agree with her conclusions!" Think about it at your leisure and stop the author’s baseless accusations, it’s not decent and not worthy.
              1. +3
                7 July 2017 14: 36
                The final destruction of the Russians has always been the goal of all the exceptional. No more, no less. Not even enslavement. The exceptional always dream of world domination. And this people, with their strength and truth, is an obstacle to them ... The slave under you who is to your right is a very uncomfortable and dangerous slave. Others will look at him and take an example from him.
              2. +10
                7 July 2017 15: 59
                I can’t understand one thing: why are you suggesting me to read the opuses of some charlatans? And where did you get the idea that this person was forbidden to print, and it was exactly 150 years old? However, this is not important. The history of Russia and the Russian people is brilliant and has many glorious and beautiful pages. And if you want to, in contrast to studying the real history of your homeland, remain captive to pseudo-historical myths, then I can only tell you this:
                1. +3
                  7 July 2017 16: 44
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  why do you suggest me to read the opuses of some charlatans? And where did you get that This person was forbidden to print, and it is precisely 150 years?

                  Just It’s you who read charlatans from science! To get to the point of not knowing the reasons for the burning and prohibition of the most ancient books about Russia by foreign charlatans. Yes, you do not seem to want to know about the past of the country and the people living in it. In such circumstances, it is no longer possible to cure you, and E. Klassen was barred because of the categorical protest of the Polish Catholic Cardinal, who threatened the tsar with an uprising in Poland if published. Tsar Nicholas I had no choice but to give permission to issue 50 copies and store seven seals. Same Alexander II released the Russian Vedas only abroad, and even then in foreign languages, so that the "Europeans" would not be conceited about their roots. All this, apparently, is not known to you, and you do not observe a desire for knowledge, and this is a sure sign of mental disorders caused by hatred of the past of the Russian people, incorrectly called "Russophobia". This is no longer treatable; ask psychiatrists for this.
                  1. +8
                    7 July 2017 17: 48
                    Foreigners burned books, and the emperor of the Christian Russian Empire published some "Vedas"? The real history of Russia instead of wild myth-making - Russophobia? Are you serious now? Or are you trying to troll?
                    Seriously, then, apparently, nothing was done in Kashchenko’s internet, but in vain ...
                    PS Ancient rusich shocked by your version of the story wink :
                    1. +3
                      7 July 2017 18: 53
                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                      The real history of Russia instead of wild myth-making

                      And who is this stuttering here about the real history of Russia and at the same time offends the emperor? The emperor of already Christian Russia published the Russian Vedas in other countries and not in Russian. Do you really so inappropriately reading my post still have the audacity to declare the presence of a certain, in principle, “real history of Russia” that you do not have? Instead of knowledge, you are frankly distributing “opium for the people,” and you suggest that you put all really outstanding researchers on this issue into a psychiatric hospital. That is, your proposal is openly drawn to psychiatric repression against dissent in relation to the foreign version of religion, in particular against the Christian. Tell me, your relatives accidentally did not earn extra money in the SS. And then after all, now Poklonskaya is promoting the descendants of an SS officer as heirs to the Russian throne. It is dangerous to deal with you, it is quite possible that you have serious financial support behind the cordon.
                      1. +8
                        7 July 2017 22: 19
                        Sorry, but you either openly scoff at the readers of VO and common sense, or rave. For you, the works of Tatishchev, Karamzin, Aksakov, Klyuchevsky, Solovyov, Kostomarov, Ilyin, Tarle, Rybakov, hundreds of museums throughout Russia - is this not a real story?
                        And who did I propose to "put in a psychiatric hospital"? Read my comments carefully and do not mix your speculation with my words.
                        PS But a phrase about relatives in the SS is a direct insult. In a real conversation, for such words in a decent society, they beat you in the face, you know.
              3. +1
                8 July 2017 13: 08
                venaya - So it is beneficial to such as Lieutenant Teterin, the most zealously distorting Russian history are people from the Middle East, of whom there are a great many among modern historians of the USSR and the Russian Federation, who do not have their own history and compose fairy tales about the history of Jews, they are trying to destroy the genuine history, the most interesting thing, after the Jewish nation there was nothing left. No graves, no coins - nothing. You would think that all the traces of its existence simply evaporated, disappeared as if by magic.
        2. +1
          8 July 2017 13: 17
          Lieutenant Teterin - the only people who invented their own language and script are Jews. The Hebrew language, or the language that we usually call Hebrew, never actually existed; it is a language that does not have a single ancestor language and is composed of elements of Greek, Arabic and Chaldean origin. And if you recall Yiddish in fact, the Bavarian dialect of German, then all questions to this lieutenant will disappear.
    3. +7
      7 July 2017 10: 48
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      I did not expect that on the pages of such a respected publication as "VO" something so base would appear.
      I would not want to upset, but their name is Legion
      read your comment with much more interest than the article itself
      1. +4
        7 July 2017 12: 21
        Quote: A1845
        their name is legion .. read your comment with much greater interest than the article itself

        Then you will have a direct road to the Echo of Moscow, BBC, Voice of America or Radio Liberty sites - there you will not regret it in bulk. And here is the Military-patriotic site, it is in a slightly different direction, apparently not for you.
        1. 0
          10 July 2017 01: 41
          Here the site is simply military, where everyone can freely (but without insults) communicate. Express your opinion, etc.
    4. +9
      7 July 2017 10: 58
      Statia is composed on the basis of mythology buzz. How seriose reading is not good.
    5. +3
      7 July 2017 19: 07
      "Moreover, the Russians, unlike the western colonialists, have always seen people in Siberia, the North, the Caucasus, Central Asia - people equal to themselves." But I liked this passage! If you insert here all the epithets that the Russians awarded the inhabitants of these countries, then .......... they will simply be thrown away. Some jokes about the Chukchi are worth. And Lermontov about the Caucasians ... Martynov ... is also a poet ... And jokes are a reflection of the confrontation of cultures. And they colonized them like everyone else. They burned them at home, when necessary, shot them out of mitraliasis, forcibly removed the burqa, soldered vodka ... There is such a wonderful novel, "The Last of Udege" ...
      1. 0
        8 July 2017 14: 46
        Quote: kalibr
        And colonized them like everyone

        not always successful - Russian Chukchi wars, for example.
        It’s just that in any domestic (for any country) period the formation is usually heroic (conquered, annexed, returned, etc.). The usual psychological technique for better protection of one’s area (patriotism / imprinting)
      2. 0
        10 July 2017 01: 43
        Especially as with the Jews did (under the Russian Empire).
    6. +4
      7 July 2017 21: 11
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      I did not expect that on the pages of such a respected publication as "IN" will appear something so low-grade

      For you, as I understand it, the breakdown of historical material is its compliance with the course laid by Miller, Bayer and Co.?
      And I appreciate the HE precisely because there is no inert spirit here in studying the history of both my country and the world. The study of the past goes on constantly, but in the history books all the same immutable data as centuries ago. About the same Arkaim can be read only in popular literature and it is necessary to search.
      Therefore, one cannot blindly trust modern historical science, since it is entirely formed and controlled by the West (as a political system) in its own interests: Western civilization, with the help of historical science, seeks to justify its supposed superiority over the surrounding nations.
    7. +3
      7 July 2017 23: 05
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      And the Slavs in Northern Italy are generally nonsense.

      Look at the map of Slovenia - and with whom it borders! And how the name of the Venetian broadsword "Schiavona" is translated!
    8. 0
      8 July 2017 12: 07
      In general, writing with nonsense while referring to the data of historiography and archeology is apparently typical of this author, especially if he cites the opinion of the historians of the Soviet school and as a continuation of this sextonist doctrine of the official current historians, which is worth only the statements of these so-called historians about Iranian-speaking Scythians , through a line of claiming that the Scythian language is unknown, or when a historian parsing a chronicle of a millennium ago, has the audacity to say that in his opinion everything was wrong, or not modifying crafty, he declares it a fake, simply because before that he wrote the labor born his sick imagination.
  5. +14
    7 July 2017 08: 47
    What a tendentious material filled with frank chauvinism. The rubbish in the author’s head is not a desire to comment on frank nonsense.
    The author does not know that Western countries fought against each other with the same success? Throughout European history, alliances have been created against a strengthened country.
    1. +7
      7 July 2017 08: 51
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      The rubbish in the author’s head is not a desire to comment on frank nonsense.

      Moreover, the farther the worse)))
    2. +3
      7 July 2017 09: 50
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      .. a tendentious material filled with frank chauvinism. The rubbish in the head of the author ..

      Thanks at least for the honesty in my position. For starters, try reading the immortal works of Shovi himself, at least in order to more accurately determine for yourself what kind of chauvinism "chauvinism" is. Good luck in raising your intellectual level. "Russ" - the same wish.
  6. +4
    7 July 2017 09: 04
    The Russian Communists, led by Stalin, began to create a society of service and creation, with the rule of ethics of conscience, which corresponded to the code of the Russian superethnos. The results were amazing - the USSR-Russia became a leading superpower, created an alternative development project to the western one. All of humanity looked with hope at the Russians, who challenged the masters of the West, destroyed the colonial system with their project and gave the peoples of Asia, Africa and Asia hope for the creation of a different society, without the parasitism of the few “chosen” over the masses. The Soviet Union showed mankind its "bright future", the main path of development - going beyond the "cradle" -Earth, space exploration. Only access to space, as well as building a society of service and creation on the planet itself (with the restoration of the biosphere, the full development of air, water and underwater spaces) allows you to maximize the human intellectual and creative potential.

    Everything Russian, everything that has been achieved by dozens of generations, everything that the "West" hates, agents and slander of this "West", recruited from the traitors of the people and the denigrants of the Russian Renaissance, are trying to plunge Russia into the hyena of "Western democratic values." Take a look at what muck and with what kind of slop these worshipers of “Western freedoms” water and say on various television half-debates ... They don’t understand that the attitude towards them is the highest degree of freedom. In no Western country would anyone allow them to humiliate their national dignity. In England, there is a playground in Hyde Park to express one’s own opinion. Say any nasty things .... Who wants to listen, who does not listen .... And here, under the guise of freedom of speech, it is allowed to harm the state ....
    It is necessary for free expression of the positions and thoughts of these haters of the whole Russian to give them a place. And let them grind there no matter what ...
    I propose for this to allocate a place for them in the closed dump "Kuchino" in Balashikha ... And there are many places, they can act simultaneously, and it’s very easy to get there ...
    1. +4
      7 July 2017 21: 22
      Quote: moskowit
      agents and minions of this "West",

      For almost three years I didn’t attend VO and with great sorrow I note that during this time the site has been flooded with professional russophobic trolls, which is clearly seen from the comments on this very informative article. I do not even know how to fix it yet, but I need to correct it.
      Site managers also need to think about it.
      1. 0
        8 July 2017 23: 03
        True of Stalin, true of the West --- what else is needed?
        Some foolish and dangerous hopes of some compatriots for friendship with the West.
  7. +6
    7 July 2017 09: 19
    The article is frankly weak and superficial. One of the oldest branches of the proto-Russian people - Ukrainians - was completely ignored. Not used data from the latest discoveries of paleontologists, geneticists and linguists. The author could use the scientific conclusions that we were introduced to by such thoughtful researchers as Benjamin, O-v, K-v, Gv, etc. The fact of the subversive activities of modern "pseudo-scientists" is ignored. Such are found even on this site. The apologist for these "pseudoscientific" research is, known to many, K - the ardent enemy of all Russian and simply "byak". At the moment, under the guidance of a prominent scientist and public figure V.N. our group is working to systematize the history of ancient Russians and ukrov. Since the work has just begun the facts of mockery of the real story, for now I will not cite it.
    1. +1
      8 July 2017 12: 20
      mar4047083 - your last name is not Bebik by chance, but maybe Yushchenko - can you see that this oldest branch, after digging a foundation pit under the Black Sea, drowned safely, this is the end of the history of ancient ukrov, it seems to me that the same thing will happen with your group, it’s better study the history of no less ancient hobbits and concoct a dozen dissertations.
  8. +4
    7 July 2017 09: 45
    The very essence and guarantee of success of the West is Hellenic culture, Roman law, Christian ethics, a free market economy and personal freedom. It is not difficult to notice that at present the countries of Europe and the United States are moving farther and farther away from these foundations, which, in fact, gives Russia a historical chance to become a big West than the West itself, and thereby return to the path of becoming a world hegemon.
    That's just for this, rulers of the scale of Peter Alekseevich are needed. A native of the Petersburg gateway, who carried a suitcase behind Sobchak, is not capable of this in principle.
    1. +3
      7 July 2017 10: 44
      We don’t have any chances, after 200 years everywhere except China, India and maybe Latin America there will be sharia.
      1. +8
        7 July 2017 10: 53

        Will not work. IDF is a terrible force.
        1. +2
          7 July 2017 15: 20
          good good good The only thing you can pay attention to in connection with this article is this photo! God, thank you for creating Woman!
        2. +1
          8 July 2017 10: 42
          A very attractive girl .... Just the Revveka from "Aivengo" ... It’s just shot a little wrong .... An elegant woman but too large hands ... Violates the harmony of the image ... Do not you think dear commentators ???
          1. +1
            8 July 2017 15: 09
            Her name is Kim. HER 24. She has already passed urgent.
    2. +5
      7 July 2017 14: 25
      Quote: IvanTheTerrible
      The very essence and guarantee of success of the West is Hellenic culture, Roman law, Christian ethics, free market economy and personal freedom ..

      Let us try to consider these very “pledges of success”: 1) “Hellenic culture” - arose on the basis of a culture of 4 thousand years ago, when temples with frankly Russian Vedic culture in the form of numerous swastika ornaments appeared in those places. Look at examples of the highest level of Greek sculpture, they depict young women frankly with the genetics of the female "X" chromosome haplogroup "H", the usual, more than 50% of the carriers of today's women both in the Russian Federation and in many countries of the west ("Europe"). After the conquest of that territory by immigrants from the south, a slave-owning economic culture arises in Hellas, that is, a culture of life at the expense of slaves from the neighbors of Hellas. Plato himself believed that only foreigners and not Greeks should be slaves, but he himself was sold into slavery like a simple pot! So the economy there was slave-owning, no freedom, hence one of their forms of government, the rule of slave owners under the name "democracy" - the collective power of the slave-owning caste. 2) "Roman law" - read something about the Etruscan "Book of the Court" - the fundamental principle of all Roman law itself. 3) "Christian ethics" -
      Today's Christianity originated in the Middle East, developed in Rome and Greece. It is based on the Vedic culture with symbols of the sun god (Ra, Yara-Ra, Yarilo, etc.) in the form of a cross-shaped swastika (at least four, at least eight, at least six-rayed). 4) "free market economy and personal freedom" - this is something! Well, what can be a "free market economy" in the conditions of the total dominance of private transnational monopolistic companies and, in addition, private transnational banking structures that manage all this, such as the Fed? There is clearly something wrong! MORE: "and personal freedom" - tell this story about personal freedoms to prisoners in American prisons, where 25% of all prisoners in the world are. Yes, at least look at how Westerners themselves are shackled in communication, without large doses they can’t talk about their problems in any way; So today's economic successes of the West are based primarily on hard slave labor (talk them yourself) veiled under all kinds of tales of "democracy", "Christian values" (also a hidden form of slavery) and "freedom" (who saw them?). Read carefully the Talmud, everything is said in clear language about all this. I’m Pyotr autocrat, I’ve killed so many people in Russia that only the Baptist Vladimir can compete with him - by cruelty: two boots, a pair.
      1. +7
        7 July 2017 14: 36

        Sorry, I don’t know what else to answer to this opus.
        1. +4
          7 July 2017 14: 52
          Try to study this topic more closely, and I advise you to save your time - “you need to drink less”, as the famous hero of the film said, then there will be more time to raise your knowledge, otherwise you will be attracted to all kinds of drugs. The lack of knowledge caused by rare publications leads people to alcoholism and drug addiction, this vile phenomenon must be fought by the whole world, otherwise we will not see good luck!
    3. 0
      8 July 2017 12: 28
      What does the West have to do with it, the well-known ancient civilizations are all in the East, and the West has always been a dirty, smelly bunch of gopniks, and the only thing you adopted from the West is because of your extreme stupidity and cowardice, headed by Peter Alekseevich - begging, and how not to be brave you’re not even good for gopniks, so mold.
  9. +11
    7 July 2017 11: 11
    We often make fun of the Ukrainian concept of a great nation - "ancient ukrov", twist a finger at the temple and utter sarcastic comments of all kinds about the great Svidomo scholars-historians from independent. But I suspect that in Ukraine, too, they laughed at the “historical” concepts of “Muscovites” like the one presented in this article.
    In general, in my opinion there is no fundamental difference between the "ancient Ukrainians" and the "superethnos of the Rus", only the names are different.
    1. +3
      7 July 2017 14: 36
      Quote: alebor
      .. in my opinion there is no fundamental difference between the "ancient Ukrainians" and the "superethnos of the Rus", only different names

      Really a lot to converge. In this regard, I had such an idea that the creation of fakes about "protoukras" = "ancient ukrov" is one of the forms of a multi-year war against Russia. after all, this whole "Europe" in essence, and according to already quite a lot of research, is an early Russia. So your remark is quite reasonable, only from which side to look at it. I myself believe that more in-depth studies are needed, and first of all, their publication, with the last grief full of many centuries. But "Ukrainians", "Ukrainians" de facto appeared only in the 1991th year, this must also be universally and globally explained.
    2. 0
      8 July 2017 15: 19
      Quote: alebor
      in my opinion there is no difference between the "ancient Ukrainians" and the "superethnos of the Rus", only the names are different

      every nation (people) wants to know about itself that it is the oldest, best, fair, etc. human epithets of superiority. The history of states on paper is the fruit of such attempts, and of the leaders of the state.
  10. +3
    7 July 2017 13: 37
    Quote: "In the current version - a society of usurer-oligarchs and consumers, lowered into a cattle-like state." But does this "society" have any other options? Present-day Russia is precisely in this state; it was not in vain that in 1991 a bourgeois-oligarchic coup was launched. What are the prospects for the country in this state of society?
  11. +6
    7 July 2017 18: 02
    I read and did not understand: it seemed or not? Brilliant - the author expressed everything as is, I look forward to continuing. I will support and add. If the USSR could hold out a little longer, the West would bend itself and there was no longer any need to fight with it. When the USSR was, the Iron Curtain existed and it was not worth it to push back. There was no need to help the West, let them look into the mirror of their greed.

    It is precisely in this that there is a profound difference between Russia and the West, it is precisely in this that the Western peoples do not understand the “mysterious Russian soul” and, accordingly, the Russians do not understand and reject the spirituality, materiality (the “Golden Calf”), bestial egoism, individualism and the predatory, parasitic habits of the “Western »Person. In the current situation, this quality is not particularly evident - here it is the influence of the West.

    Not in vain in the USA and in the West as a whole they idealize Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece - a slave-owning civilization
    And they grind theories favorable to them: Darwin, Freud, Hawking, Einstein.

    Hence the wildest archaic in which they are now trying to plunge the world again, return it to the "dark ages"
    One gets the impression that we are already immersed in them.
    1. +1
      7 July 2017 19: 35
      Einstein and Freud did not please you.
      1. +5
        7 July 2017 20: 51
        Quote: Shahno
        Einstein and Freud did not please you.

        That Einstein's theory is an American-sponsored hypothesis is as relative as its name. Freud, before writing about the Oedipus complexes, would first carefully read Homer.
        1. +3
          8 July 2017 14: 17
          Be careful in your statements. You may accidentally run into someone who has successfully completed MIPT.
          The entire set of experimental data in high-energy physics, nuclear physics, spectroscopy, astrophysics, electrodynamics and other fields of physics is consistent with the theory of relativity within the accuracy of the experiment. And I think only the one who realized and passed through the logic of field theory and quantum electrodynamics can talk about the adequacy of SRT and GRT. And this logic says that- "There are many friends of Horatio in the world that your sages did not dream of."
          1. +3
            8 July 2017 14: 57
            Quote: Shahno
            Be careful in your statements. You may accidentally run into someone who has successfully completed MIPT.

            Yes, I do not say that I am a scientist, but academics do not scare me. You know that almost everyone in the world of invention is made by talented and self-taught people. I proceed from logic: if the Theory of Relativity was so reliable, why would the Americans impose it so intensely? The same holds true for Darwin's theory. Einstein is everywhere with the Americans, although Mendeleev, Tesla, Amper have done much more for the world. Propaganda takes over the mind, and if STO and GTR did not live in their minds, it would not stand up to criticism. What is the point of these abstract discoveries, formulas, and schemes if the market dominates humanity? There is a lot of talk about black holes, quasars, space-time, but all this is far and does not bring any benefit. This is interesting, because it is mysterious, but life is here and for her a formula is not needed. Now there are many professors and academicians, but the meaning of life is simple, however, you yourself guess.
            1. +1
              8 July 2017 15: 32
              Yes you are right. Reality is not a science. But if Amper, Maxwell, Minkowski, and the same Einstein had reasoned like that, where would you and I be? And by the way, judging by the notes, Einstein greatly appreciated the works of Ampere, Lorentz, and Maxwell. He did not respect Darwin. Mendeleev did not meet estimates.
        2. +2
          8 July 2017 14: 37
          Well, with regards to Freud, with all the ambiguity, he made a huge contribution to psychoanalysis. And his works will undoubtedly lie as one of the crown stones in psychotherapy. And which of the scientists will refute his merits? And anyone can be called a charlatan.
    2. +1
      8 July 2017 00: 20
      Quote: Brother Fox
      If the USSR would have lasted a little longer, the West would have bent itself and there was no longer any need to fight with it.

      The West was supposed to bend in the sixties of the last century, and it was the USSR that did everything to prevent this from happening.
  12. +4
    7 July 2017 18: 49
    I plusan essay, but honestly, I could have dashed off shorter. Essence: Russia is Khan! For from the fronts it is attacked by "partners", and "effective managers" will plant a knife in the back. In a word, "and no one will know where my grave is ..."
  13. 0
    7 July 2017 19: 28
    Well, then it’s necessary not to peel 7 skins from them, but 700, since they don’t understand for good.
  14. +1
    7 July 2017 21: 44
    Quote: venaya
    Quote: alebor
    .. in my opinion there is no fundamental difference between the "ancient Ukrainians" and the "superethnos of the Rus", only different names

    Really a lot to converge. In this regard, I had such an idea that the creation of fakes about "protoukras" = "ancient ukrov" is one of the forms of a multi-year war against Russia. after all, this whole "Europe" in essence, and according to already quite a lot of research, is an early Russia. So your remark is quite reasonable, only from which side to look at it. I myself believe that more in-depth studies are needed, and first of all, their publication, with the last grief full of many centuries. But "Ukrainians", "Ukrainians" de facto appeared only in the 1991th year, this must also be universally and globally explained.

    That's it, we are just busy. At the moment, our colleague has even been subjected to political repression for their beliefs. And in vain do you think that the Ukrainian arr. 1991 is a Ukrainian. This is a profound error. I can’t understand how you fell for such primitive fakes of Samsonov. You are an intelligent person, verified by previous articles, and here it is. Why do not you study the hypothesis of PK Oparyshev. After all, his theories are in excellent agreement with yours. Instead of a coordinated thoughtful study of history, you sing the hosnage to someone unclear.
  15. +3
    7 July 2017 22: 20
    Enemies of the people of Gorbachev and Yeltsin drove Russia away in a technical, industrial, scientific and ethical state 50 (fifty) -60 (sixty) years ago and plunged the people into wild feudalism !!!
  16. +4
    7 July 2017 23: 56
    The article is pretty dumb in content, and completely anti-scientific. The author only sees that everyone is attacking Russia. The author apparently forgot about the constant wars between Europeans, about the confrontation between the British and the French (which lasted for centuries!). Russia also actively fought for its interests, just not so much because of the large supply of resources. But the author forgot that everyone is fighting for their interests, and the world is always immersed in war.
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +5
    8 July 2017 07: 18
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin

    PS I did not expect that on the pages of such a respected publication as “VO” something so base would appear.

    Well, actually Samsonov at VO is a constant author, and a similar low-grade nonsense about the "treacherous West, throughout the history of mankind seeking to destroy the great Russia" comes out here regularly hi
    1. +6
      April 18 2021 00: 11
      Isn't that so? Didn't the West strive and strive not to destroy us?
  19. +1
    9 July 2017 19: 35
    Why publish such a heresy on VO pages?
  20. +1
    10 July 2017 00: 19
    "Russia and Russians are genetically (hence the millennial demand for Russian beauties), spiritually and intellectually more perfect."

    "... with each round of development, the Russian superethnos and Russia become an ever more powerful and great nation and power."

    Genetically transient superethnos!?!? What distinguishes it from Nazism?
  21. 0
    13 July 2017 09: 45
    What are their values? Where from?
  22. +9
    29 March 2021 17: 17
    During World War I, the United States entered active hostilities later than its allies, but at the same time benefited most from the situation.

    It was the same during the Second World War. And now the states are pursuing profit / benefit for themselves in the first place.
    1. +8
      April 18 2021 00: 11
      So they are capitalists after all. For them, financial profit is above human values.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"