The failure of the "offensive of Kerensky"

100 years ago, in June — July 1917, the Russian army conducted the last strategic offensive operation. The June offensive (the “Kerensky offensive”) failed because of the catastrophic fall of discipline and organization in the Russian troops, large-scale anti-war agitation organized by revolutionary forces and the complete disintegration of the rear, which led to paralysis of the army supplies.

The collapse of the control system and the army

Fevralista-Westerners, seizing power and destroying autocracy under the banner of "freedoms", began to destroy everything and everyone, breaking the last bond that still held back many contradictions and faults formed in the Romanov Empire. In one fell swoop, the entire system of civil administration was swept away: the administration, the gendarmerie, the secret police, the police, etc. Unlimited freedom of speech, press, assembly, rallies were proclaimed, the death penalty was abolished. The Petrograd Soviet issued Order No. 1 for the troops, which led to the "democratization" of the army. And all this in the conditions of the war, which led Russia! Attempts by the generals to stop the collapse of the army did not have much success.

A general amnesty was declared, “political” - radical, revolutionary activists of all stripes, and tens of thousands of criminals came out. In addition, the cities were inundated with deserters, many of whom were armed and found a place among the bandits. Even during the February-March coup, many prisons were destroyed, police stations, secret police offices were burned down, and unique archives with data on criminals and foreign agents were destroyed. Taking into account the dispersal of the old police, the loss of the majority of law enforcement personnel, a real criminal revolution began, the eternal companion of any distemper. Crime jumped several times. In some cities even imposed a state of siege. In Russia, the foundation was laid for the emergence of another “front” - the “green” (gangster).

Shock units of revolutionary militants are sent to Russia. From Switzerland, Lenin drove through Germany with his team. There was a double game - Western intelligence agencies tried to use the leader of the Bolsheviks to strengthen the unrest in Russia, and Lenin himself used the organizational and material capabilities of the Westerners to seize power in Russia. Trotsky (after the liquidation of Lenin) was to become a true conductor of the interests of the West and the future leader of colonial Russia. Trotsky moved out of New York, having US citizenship and a British visa. True, in Canada he was detained as a German spy, but not for long. Held and released, as a "deserved fighter against tsarism." The owners of the United States and Britain planned to completely destroy Russia and solve the “Russian question” (a thousand-year standoff between Russian and Western civilizations). The US “Gray Cardinal” House wrote to President Wilson: “The rest of the world will live more calmly if there are four Russia in the world instead of huge Russia. One is Siberia, and the rest are the divided European part of the country. ” The great Western powers, Turkey and Japan have already divided Russia into spheres of influence and colonies. At the same time, Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, which initially seize significant pieces of the Russian Empire, will soon be left unchanged. They waited for the fate of the vanquished - the collapse and partition. On the first role out of England, France, USA and Japan. In this case, the owners of the United States claimed the most "fatty piece" of Russia - Siberia (for the Americans it will be seized by the Czechoslovak Corps).

The failure of the "offensive of Kerensky"

L. Trotsky agitates soldiers

Disruptive, destructive and chaotic actions of the Provisional Government fit perfectly into the plans of the owners of the West to destroy Russia. In fact, the feudalist Westerners, the Russian masons themselves realized the old plans of the masters of the West to destroy Great Russia. They launched the first wave of the demolition of Russian statehood and civilization, were obedient tools in the hands of foreigners. Foreign ambassadors Buchanan and Paleolog disposed of the ministers of the Provisional Government, as their clerks. Each of their words became an indication, binding. We see a similar picture in modern Ukraine, where American and European officials easily turn the representatives of the Ukrainian “elite”. In essence, the Provisional Government became an occupational administration, “provisional” until the complete colonization of Russia. Then it was possible to disperse in Paris and London, to the "honorable retirement."

Foreign Minister Miliukov staged patriotic demonstrations under the windows of the British Embassy! He walked with the demonstrators, shouting slogans of "loyalty to the allies" (as we recall, the "allies" waged war with Germany until the last Russian soldier). In his speeches, Milyukov did not tire of expressing allegiance to the Entente: "Based on the principles put forward by President Wilson, as well as the Entente powers ...". “These ideas are completely consistent with those of President Wilson.” True, even such a democrat as Milyukov did not completely suit the West. He recalled the agreements concluded under the king, declared "historical mission ”of Russia to occupy Constantinople, take Turkish (Western) Armenia under the protectorate, and annex Galicia. The West did not like such requests. Buchanan and the Paleologue hinted, and Miliukov retired. They appointed Mikhail Tereshchenko, who already did not stutter about any acquisitions of Russia. He argued that the main thing for Russia in the war was “to withstand, to keep the allies friendly.” In the United States, a new ambassador, Bakhmetyev, was appointed, who even asked (!) That Wilson took a leading role in world politics and "allowed Russia to follow him." In Russia, under the Provisional Government, various Western adventurers, speculators, dark dealers, who were in full predation and exported strategic resources, rushed in even greater numbers. The interim government offered oil, coal, gold and copper deposits and railroads in concessions.

War Minister Guchkov has launched a “purge” in the army. They removed the "reactionaries", including Yudenich, Sakharov, Evert, Kuropatkin and others. The "liberals" were put forward in their place. Often these were talented commanders — Kornilov, Denikin, Krymov, and others. Many of them would later lead the White movement, launching the Civil War in Russia, which they would “order” from abroad. At the same time, a dull stream of various agitators, government commissars with corrupting opinions, leaders of the Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks, anarchists, various nationalists, etc. will rush into the army. Replenishments that have been poured into front-line units have already been dispersed in the rear. In some places, officers, among whom were many liberal intelligentsia, who greatly diluted the knocked out backbone of the imperial army, themselves introduced “democracy”, fraternized with the soldiers. Discipline collapsed to zero, the army literally in front of the once formidable force capable of beating external enemies and maintaining order inside the country, turned into a crowd of revolutionary soldiers who were ready to run home and begin the redistribution of land. Peasants and deserted soldiers throughout the country already burned landlord estates and divided the land, in fact, starting a new peasant war. Neither the Provisional Government, nor the bourgeois and white governments will not be able to curb this element, only the Bolsheviks will be able to calm the peasants (by force and development program).

The results of the revolutionary changes (we will note even before the Bolsheviks seized power) had an immediate effect. Germans in April, a small force undertook a private operation on the South-Western Front in order to recapture the Chervishchensky bridgehead on the r. Stokhod. He was defended by units of the 3 Corps of the 3 Army (more than 14 thousand soldiers). In the battle, about 1 thousand people were injured or killed, more than 10 thousand people were missing, that is, they surrendered or deserted. The German command quickly realized what was going on. Ludendorff came to the conclusion that the Russian army can no longer be feared, there was a temporary lull at the front. The Austro-German command ordered not to disturb the Russians, they say, their front is already falling apart. For their part, the Germans also helped the Russian army to decay. An excellent material was the exodus of the Provisional Government in front of the Entente. The agitators suggested that the “capitalist ministers” had sold out and the soldiers were already fighting for the interests of the foreign bourgeois. Leaflets were distributed: “Russian soldiers are victims of the British instigators of war” (which was close to the truth). In Berlin, approved the formula of General Goffman: called for "a world without annexations", but at the same time introduced the principle of "the right of nations to self-determination." The Germans understood that the western regions of Russia (Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Little Russia), which "self-determined", would immediately fall under the control of the Second Reich.

Minister of War Guchkov was a traditional Westerner. He believed that Russia should become a constitutional monarchy according to the British model, to develop according to the Western matrix. That the goals of liberals and Western powers in Russia have already been achieved. Stabilization is needed, you can no longer "rock the boat." Therefore, when the “Declaration of the Rights of the Soldier” was submitted to the government, it distributed Order No. 1 of the Petrosoviet to the entire army. Guchkov opposed this "Declaration." He did not want to break through the armed forces. On May 12, Guchkov resigned, was not liberal enough. He turned to the head of government, Prince George Lvov, with a letter, in fact recognizing the impossibility of resisting anarchy and the decomposition of the army: “In view of the conditions in which the government is placed in the country, in particular, the power of the military and naval ministers in relation to the army and fleet, - conditions that I cannot change, and which threaten the fateful consequences of the defense, freedom and the very existence of Russia - I honestly can no longer bear the duties of a military and naval minister, and share responsibility for the grave sin that is happening in relation to homeland. " The Minister of War was the protege of the Masonic “backstage” Kerensky. The collapse of the army was continued.

There was a quick change of supreme commanders. After the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, this post was taken by Alekseev. On May 20, at the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander in Mogilev, the I All-Russian Officer Congress began, at which about 300 delegates gathered. The Union of Army and Navy Officers was formed. Among the speakers were the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General Mikhail Alekseev, chief of staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General Anton Denikin, chairman of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma, Mikhail Rodzianko, representatives of the Allies in the Entente. Alekseev said that “Russia is dying. She stands on the edge of the abyss. A few more jolts ahead, and it will fall with all its weight into this abyss. You will not bribe an enemy with a utopian phrase: “a world without annexations and indemnities”. The officers tried to save at least part of the army by creating the so-called. "Shock parts", "death battalions". The troops began to form such units, including national ones — Ukrainian, Georgian, Serbs living in Russia, women’s, and so on, which were to be recruited exclusively from volunteers deliberately “going to their death.” An example of such units, according to the officers, was to "infect" the entire army with consciousness. However, this initiative could not stop the general collapse. Yes, and the national units eventually became the core of the formations, which took an active part in dragging Russia along national corners and unleashing a civil war.

22 May in Russia was published "Declaration of the Rights of a Soldier", approved by the Minister of War and Navy Minister Kerensky. This document finally equalized the rights of servicemen with the civilian population. The equation of rights with civilians primarily meant that political campaigning on the front lines was legalized. All the parties at once “went to the trenches”: newspapers, leaflets, brochures, posters, etc. were widely distributed among the soldiers. Only the cadets distributed around 2 million leaflets and posters, but they were mostly viewed by officers. Soldiers in the main mass more readily perceived the information of the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, after which the materials of the Bolsheviks went: "News of the Petrograd Soviet", "Voice of a Soldier", "Rabochaya Gazeta", "Army Affair", "Soldier's Truth", "Social Democrat" and so on. The Bolsheviks, who in February had almost no noticeable press in the society, sharply increased their propaganda among the troops. The circulation of the newspaper Pravda reached 85 thousand copies, Soldatskoy Pravda - 75 thousand. By the beginning of June more than 100 thousand copies of newspapers per day were delivered to the troops, which in practice meant the delivery of Bolshevik materials to almost every company.

It is not surprising that when Commander-in-Chief of the South-Western Front, General Alexey Brusilov, learned about the publication of the “Declaration”, he clutched his head: “If it is announced, there is no salvation. And then I do not consider it possible to remain a single day at my post. ”

Distribution of newspapers to parts

Alekseev was also a feminist; without his participation, the autocracy could not have been so easily dumped. But, like Guchkov, he did not want the collapse of the army and Russia, so he protested against the “Declaration”, and 4 of June removed it. Appointed supreme Brusilov, hoping for his popularity among the troops. The general himself was skeptical about his new assignment: "I understood that, in essence, the war was over for us, because there was, of course, no means to force the troops to fight." However, he tried to at least do something to strengthen the army. Brusilov spoke to the soldiers at rallies, tried to rely on the soldiers' committees, to build a "new, revolutionary discipline," but without success. Went already complete collapse.

Here is such a picture in the troops and the country reigned before the planned decisive summer offensive of the Russian army. The military historian Zayonchkovsky described this collapse in those days: “At the beginning of May (according to the old style, according to the new style — in the second half of May - A.S.), when Kerensky received the portfolio of the military and naval minister, he began feverish preparations for active actions on front. Kerensky moves from one army to another, from one corps to another and is furiously agitating for a general offensive. The Socialist-Revolutionary-Menshevik Soviets and front committees in every way helped Kerensky. In order to suspend the ongoing collapse of the army, Kerensky proceeded to the formation of voluntary shock units. “To step, step!” - Kerensky shouted hysterically, wherever possible, and he was echoed by officers and front, army regimental committees, especially the South-Western Front. The soldiers, who were in the trenches, came to the "scouts" who called for war and an offensive, who were not only indifferent and indifferent, but also hostile. The vast majority of the mass of soldiers was, as before, against any offensive action. ... The mood of these masses is illustrated by one of the typical letters of soldiers of that time: “If this war does not end soon, then it seems to be a bad story. When will our bloodthirsty, fat-bellied bourgeois get drunk to the full? And just let them dare to delay the war for a few more time, then we will go to them with weapons in the hands and then no one will be given mercy. Our whole army asks and waits for peace, but the whole damned bourgeoisie does not want to give us and is waiting for them to be massacred. ” Such was the menacing mood of the overwhelming majority of the soldiers at the front. In the rear - in Petrograd, Moscow and other cities - a wave of anti-war demonstrations took place. Rallies were held under Bolshevik slogans: “Down with the capitalist ministers!”, “All power to the Soviets!”

Brusilov and the front commanders begged the government that with the army disintegrated it was impossible to launch a decisive offensive. In defense, she is still poorly holding herself, defending herself, dragging out considerable enemy forces, supporting her allies. If you break this balance, it will be bad. And indeed, after the failure of the Nivelles offensive on the Western Front, the Russian offensive has already lost all meaning. However, the Western powers demanded that the Provisional Government fulfill the "union debt." The Russian army again had to wash with blood for the sake of the "allies." Buchanan and Paleologue pressured the government; the French minister Tom was specially visited by the Russian capital. Connected and the Americans. A famous banker and Zionist leader Yakof Schiff addressed the Provisional Government with a personal message. Persuaded to overcome the "reconciliation mood" and "intensify efforts." President Woodrow Wilson sent E. Ruta’s mission to Russia. He reminded the ministers about the promised loan in 325 million dollars and put the question firmly: the money will be allocated only in case of the onset of the Russian army. As a result, the money was not given, but beckoned to them.

Kerensky at the front

To be continued ...
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  1. +13
    30 June 2017 05: 53
    The author dared about temporary ones so disrespectfully.
    The entire liberal-democratic community is convinced that the temporary ones who during the war made a coup and destroyed the state apparatus of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE in a matter of months and prepared RUSSIA for occupation by * allies *, and on * legal grounds * began to create * constituent assembly *.
    How much mud and lies were poured on the B and Lenin and the Bolsheviks, who dared to throw off the temporary workers and defended the integrity of the country, waging stubborn and bloody battles not only with the interventionists but also with the * whites * that served the interests of the interventionists.
    1. +13
      30 June 2017 06: 33
      The provisional government and all of it, thank God, not a long activity is a vivid and vivid example of what will happen to the country when liberals such as Navalny, Gozman, Kasparov and other guys who actively lick the ass of the West come to power, like Kerensky who did not pull out his the tongue from the ass of the Englishwoman - collapse, anarchy, balobolstvo, blood and sale of the country wholesale and retail .... That's what history should teach us, but apparently, it doesn’t reach everyone for some reason ...
      1. +13
        30 June 2017 08: 40
        Just the army was decomposed primarily by the Bolsheviks and other social democrats. This was their strategic (and I must say successful) position. Read the April theses of Lenin. And, in fact, it was by this that Lenin worked out the received German money.
        Well, the temporary workers were really naive go ....., admitting to the country all this corrupt Bolshevik clique and other gorlopans. It is a pity that the military did not seize power in the country. Then there would be no October 17, nor 90's. But, unlike the Bolsheviks, the military were too decent, fair, in the apt expression of a well-known comrade. For which the country paid.
        1. +9
          30 June 2017 09: 11
          after all, you apparently forget that the army is a people, and he did not go after the white military! lol
        2. +14
          30 June 2017 09: 13
          Do not write stupid frank! hi In the presence of strong centralized power and specifically the presence of one-man management in the army, no decomposition is possible in principle, but when someone with some kind of foolishness removes its main core from the army, and introducing freedom for the soldiers - they say choose your own commander and generally the word "order "not comme il faut ... then anarchy and collapse begin! But all these words, and now the facts - after the February Revolution, the Bolsheviks were the third most influential party among the socialists, but at the same time having only about 24 thousand members, and for example essays had about a million members ... The Army of the Russian Empire had in 1917 year about 7 million bayonets. So think about how 24 thousand to decompose 7 million. Army? Purely logical - how? And about Lenin’s money, it’s all the same nonsense, the British sponsored Kerensky and what of this?
          1. +3
            30 June 2017 12: 08
            Quote: Finches
            Kerensky British sponsored and what ..

            I think that it is necessary to clarify the sources of financing "temporary". According to financial documents, between February and October A. Kerensky received two tranches of $ 200 million each from New York; today, about $ 1 trillion comes out in purchasing power. Another thing is that Prince Lvov, as a member of the Great East of France Masonic lodge, is quite possible that he received funding from British banks, only at that moment Britain waged a fierce war on the continent, their workers worked for 12-14 hours (hence the not advertised uprising later shot down by Manchester workers), they themselves had little money, not to mention the complete financial and economic ass in the German Empire caused by the war.
            1. +5
              30 June 2017 12: 17
              Quote: venaya
              According to financial documents, between February and October A. Kerensky received two tranches of $ 200 million each from New York; today, about $ 1 trillion comes out in purchasing power.

              Then they sawed the balo and took it offshore?
              In general, what kind of nonsense?
              400 million dollars in 1916 is today
              $ 1 in 1925 = $ 12,20 today

              ikanskih-cen-s-1776-goda-po-segodnyashnij-den /
              Before posting nonsense, at least a little check.
              In 1916, the United States transferred Kerensky 5 trillion bucks at today's prices. laughing
              Clinic lol
              1. +4
                30 June 2017 13: 28
                Quote: karish
                In 1916 g US transferred Kerensky 5 trillion bucks in today's prices

                Thank you for your fairly competent economic amendment. Just notice, I am writing about the period from February to October 1917, so please clarify your financial calculations for this period of the purchasing power of $ s. As for the reliability of the shipment - remember the famous “Case on the purchase of steam locomotives” by Lenin in Sweden, because in that mountainous country there had previously been no engineering production of steam locomotives, only thanks to Lenin Sweden became an industrialized country, remember SAAB and Volvo. Other methods of sending money overseas, except through Sweden at that time, were found in America itself when people looked very askance at financing foreign revolutions. Lenin did not take money from the Americans, but he paid for the expenses of A. Kerensky for organizing the October Revolution. After all money love account, is not it? As for your "Clinic lol" - all claims to American researchers of that period, for example, Anthony Sutton "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" and very, very many other sources. Bank payments for these transfers are still preserved. So try to study more closely the history of other countries before making rash and incompetent comments in these areas.
          2. MrK
            30 June 2017 12: 45
            Quote: Finches
            And about Lenin’s money, it’s all the same nonsense, the British sponsored Kerensky and what of this?

            I agree. Since 1917, a duck has been spread about the German money of Lenin. The first to deny the counterintelligence of the temporary.
            The second in the 1918 year was the commission of the RSDLP. Well did not find any German money. 1000 articles are written about this.
            But how firmly a liberal infection fits into some heads.
        3. +16
          30 June 2017 09: 25
          Nicholas By Today, 08:40 ↑ New
          Just the army was decomposed primarily by the Bolsheviks and other social democrats.
          Well, of course, it was the Bolsheviks. Who would expect another bunch from you. One thing is interesting to me, but how do you explain the fact that the Bolsheviks “decomposed” the tsarist army, then managed to create their own from the same soldiers, heap white cuffs not only to them, but also to their allies in the Entente, and in addition to all kind of trash like Petliurites, Basmachi and other bandits ?! Paradox... recourse
          Not respected negative , not only do you not know the story from the word at all, so you are also such a mediocre and illiterate troll that you cannot even cook up a more or less digestible version of events. Or you didn’t change the manuals or your curators also forgot how to think ... request
          1. +5
            30 June 2017 09: 43
            And your curators also forgot how to think?
            True Lenin, who was Nicholas, worked out German money, but not for long, until 1918.
            Trotsky worked off American money.
            The so-called interventionists, actively, using weapons and ammunition, helped the Bolsheviks, and also actively interfered with the whites.
            And the so-called Civil War, in fact, continued during the Second World War, and after it.
            1. +15
              30 June 2017 09: 55
              Sorry, but my "curators" are "hto" ... lol ?! Has Lenin and Stalin been resurrected ?!
              About the money. There is a lot of talk about Lenin’s money, but there is still no evidence, except for liberal nonsense. BUT, even if there was money, which I fully admit, in the end Lenin threw the Germans and threw beautifully. It is not necessary only about the notorious Brest Peace. To save the country and not go for it. The fact itself is important, the country was preserved, and the territories were returned later!
              As for Trotsky, he and the devil would have taken money only to drink blood, but only here is a pichalka crying he finished poorly, an ice ax stuck in his head. But do not remind who Trotsky moved along with his clique ?! And then I somehow forgot recourse memory maiden see request
              I’ll go all over, sprinkle ash on my head and urgently cook her husband’s soup in the kitchen ... laughing
            2. +6
              30 June 2017 10: 57
              Quote: ignoto
              True Lenin, who was Nicholas, worked out German money, but not for long, until 1918.

              Quote: ignoto
              Trotsky worked off American money.

              Quote: Nikolai K
              And, in fact, it was by this that Lenin worked out the received German money.

              Good gentlemen, can you provide evidence? Well, there are appearances, passwords ... pah! receipts, bank accounts, payrolls? laughing No? Tady call. No body - no business.
              1. +3
                30 June 2017 11: 45
                The receipt is safe and sound on Red Square, go check it out. lol
                1. +2
                  30 June 2017 12: 44
                  That is, you cannot provide anything concrete ... => "And, like flies, here and there rumors are circulating in homes, And toothless old women are being carried around the minds!" (C) No more. laughing
            3. +2
              30 June 2017 12: 24
              Quote: ignoto
              Lenin .. worked out German money, but not for long, until 1918.

              It would be nice to clarify what kind of money it is and to whom it previously belonged. Can the money received for the passage of the carriage from the Hamburg branch of the New York company "Leib, Schiff & Company" (now "Cheese Manhattan Bank") be considered German money? What is this concept of "German money" in general? Maybe the money of the treasury of the German Empire or the personal savings of Kaiser Wilhelm? If the money is received from the American fin. companies, it is legitimate to consider them American money or still explain what the very concept of "German money" means. I hope to receive an answer to such a burning question.
              1. +2
                1 July 2017 09: 22
                Do not make yourself a naive guy. Or do you sincerely believe that if money comes to Russia from the Cyprus offshore, then this is necessarily the money of the Cypriot Aborigines, and not our oligarchs?
                Or do you also think that the German secret services should have transferred money to V.I. Ulyanov’s personal account in a Russian-Baltic bank? Believe me, even 100 years ago it was not difficult to transfer money through a shell company. Moreover, everything has long been studied and published, through which sources the Bolsheviks received money.
                There were two of these sources: German intelligence services and the international Jewish lobby, primarily the American lobby (via Trotsky and his comrades). Both had their own interests in the revolution in Russia, but they both agreed on Lenin.
                1. +2
                  1 July 2017 10: 06
                  Quote: Nikolai K
                  there were two sources: the German intelligence services and the international Jewish lobby, primarily the American one (via Trotsky and his comrades). Both had their own interests in the revolution in Russia, but they both agreed on Lenin.

                  Truly true: "Do not make yourself a naive guy."! Here you are imposing on me the long-worn-out version that the October coup was conceived, planned and carried out by Lenin himself. And what, in my naivety, should I and others believe in this not really fantastic version? You do not take me for that. I have been dealing with this issue for a long time, I learned a lot. To believe that since July, Lenin, who has been in an illegal situation in Razliv, had at least a theoretical opportunity to somehow influence such a massive anti-state diversion organized overseas. Your naivety here amazes me. Facts: at the July (17th) plenum of the Bolshevik faction (already the party), the entire Lenin Central Committee of the Bolsheviks, headed by V. Molotov, in the absence of Lenin himself, but already with the appointed chairman of the party of the RSDP (b) Y. Sverdlov (by the way a member of a higher party, BUND), voted against the coup scheduled for October. Do you know this fact? Study the materials more closely. After such a failure, Y. Sverdlov simply went wild. he dispersed "his" (that is, still Lenin) Central Committee and appointed a new, indeed his Central Committee, already the Bolshevik party "RSDP (b)". If something is not clear or unknown to you. then, according to the laws of decency, it is more advisable at first to ask a question, and only later, after reading the materials and really understanding, to inspire criticism. By the way, it was Trotsky, the chairman of the Petrosoviet, who, together with A. Kerensky, the prime minister of the VP, and with the organizational participation of Y. Sverdlov, actually organized and carried out the coup itself, and Lenin was out of business, even though he knew everything.
          2. +7
            30 June 2017 09: 48
            Greetings Diana love the Manarchists and Liberalists today are in full swing, only able to post nonsense lol
            1. +16
              30 June 2017 10: 03
              Uncle Murzik love and to you my respect! hi They generally have brain problems. Lying is getting harder. Their brains are clearly not enough, but they haven’t brought in fresh manuals, not even the curators. And curators with brains are also tight. There are fewer and fewer specialists in Russia. Brzezinski died, Kissinger was also prepared a place in Hell, and the youngsters were all dumb as a cork. So poor fellows suffer. The facts do not coincide with their interpretation of our history, the poor have a brain and boil away from tension.
              By the way, I don’t watch a Teterin, Olgovich, a soldier and a Russian, haven’t I woken up yet ?!
              1. +7
                30 June 2017 10: 12
                dear Diana Ilyina, these guarantors are now crying for peasants in the article "The Chapan" war », but even there they are faceted on the table! laughing
                1. +15
                  30 June 2017 10: 23
                  Now I’ll go and see what kind of war there is. Here, something else bothers me. This is who we have here in 15 minutes drew a troll and provocateur Nikolai 7 stars painted ?! Surely all the monarchists have reincarnated, or are they like gypsies in a noisy crowd running around on topics and plying themselves for the sake of the appearance of a “popular” approval ?!
                  1. +6
                    30 June 2017 10: 31
                    dear Diana Ilyina, what can I do, as they say in the “family is not without kind”!
                    1. +12
                      30 June 2017 10: 39
                      Uncle Murzik Today, 10:31 ↑
                      dear Diana Ilyina, what can I do, as they say in the “family is not without kind”!
                      I agree, not all patients have tidied up the war. Yesterday I watched one of ******’s Solovyov’s, or rather four, if you count the assistants. What is characteristic of reality on all Russophobia and anti-Soviet leaders is the seal of ugliness, that’s true! Didn't pay attention ?! request
                      All the same, God marks the mockery ... lol
                      1. +2
                        30 June 2017 11: 47
                        Diana and Uncle Murzik, would you go to a dating site and exchange pleasantries there. Do not litter the forum.
                      2. +13
                        30 June 2017 12: 00
                        Nicholas K Today,
                        Do not litter the forum.
                        It’s so bad to make a forum like you are unlikely anyone can, so don’t you talk about trash here! negative And in general, do not indicate what to do and we will not say where you need to go ... laughing
                        would you go to a dating site and exchange pleasantries there
                        Do you have any problems communicating with the opposite sex? Who, as they say, hurts and speaks about that? It’s already according to Freud ... request
                        By the way, one should not point out to me the position of a woman in society and how she is obliged to behave in the presence of men. Firstly, we are not in the Stone Age! And secondly, you are not a man negative , even if you have pants and something is hanging out. Real MEN do not behave like that and do not be rude to women!
        4. +3
          30 June 2017 10: 37
          [quote = Nikolay K
          Well, temporary workers were really naive go ....., [/ quote]

          And the Bolsheviks introduced the provision on the "democratization" of the army ???
          1. +9
            30 June 2017 11: 28
            The regulation was introduced by the Petrosoviet. Who was in it at that moment - google.
            In general, it’s fun to read how the people of all dogs hang on the Provisional Government and blame their opponents for not knowing the history, completely forgetting at the same time that dual power was established in the country in the very first days of the February Revolution.
            1. +2
              30 June 2017 11: 49
              Quote: netslave
              The regulation was introduced by the Petrosoviet. Who was in it at that moment - google.

              Your wish, mon ami, fulfilled ... "Googled." And what did I "google"? Let's read it together ...
              "...Executive committee
              In the initial composition of the permanent Executive Committee of the Petrosoviet from 15 people. only the 2 of the Bolshevik came in — A. G. Shlyapnikov and P. A. Zalutsky. 28 February (13 March) 1917 the number of the Executive Committee was increased to 20 people at the expense of representatives from political parties [3]. On 1 (14) on March 1917, an additional 10 representatives from soldiers and sailors were elected to the Executive Committee, including the 2 Bolshevik. On the same day, the Council of Soldiers 'Deputies formed from representatives of the Petrograd garrison merged with the Council of Workers' Deputies. Moreover, the number of garrison representatives far exceeded the number of workers. Thus formed a single Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies. To 2 (15) March 1917 March The Executive Committee already consisted of 36 members, among which were 7 Bolsheviks.

              The head of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet was N. S. Chkheidze - a member of the IV State Duma (leader of the Social Democrats-Mensheviks fraction), a freemason, a member of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma created at the same time.

              The comrades of the chairman are the Menshevik M. I. Skobelev and the Social Revolutionary A. F. Kerensky (all three are members of the IV State Duma).

              Chkheidze and Kerensky were appointed by the Petrograd Council as its representatives in the Provisional Committee of the State Duma. At the same time, the first commissions of the Executive Committee of the Council were formed - military and food, which established close cooperation with the relevant commissions of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma [3]. By 3 (16) on March 1917, the number of commissions increased to eleven. 17 (30) of April 1917, after the All-Russian meeting of Soviets, at which 16 of representatives of provincial Soviets and front-line army units were included in the Executive Committee of the Petrosoviet, the Bureau of the Executive Committee was created to conduct current affairs

              On 9 (22) on March 1917 the Bolshevik faction of the Petrosoviet (about 40 people) took shape organizationally .... "
              At the time of the adoption of the provision on the collapse of the army in the Petrosoviet, there were 4 Bolshevik from 30 members ... 13% ....
              1. +1
                30 June 2017 14: 05
                Yes, I am aware that the Bolsheviks did not even smell in February and that a month ago Lenin himself spoke of the impossibility of a revolution in the country at that time. I'm about something else:
                1. Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Council of 01.03.17/28.02.17/XNUMX was a response to the Order of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma on the troops of the Petrograd Garrison of XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. The document, signed by Rodzianko, was intended to restore order in the garrison. Here is an excerpt from it:
                1) all individual lower ranks and military units immediately return to their barracks;
                2) all officer ranks to return to their units and take all measures to establish order;
                3) the unit commanders arrive at the State Duma to receive orders at 11 o’clock. morning of February 28th.
                2. About the authors of Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet: “... in essence, there was no leadership. The appeal was given the appearance of an order. It was composed by several people according to the instructions of the meeting, where unknown soldiers went to the podium, made proposals, one more radical, and left with noisy applause. It would be a mistake to look for the individual author of this work, which has received historical fame under the name of “Order No. 1”. It was made up of an impersonal mass of soldiers ”(Kostyaev EV, Russian Social Democrats and Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet of 01.03.1917/XNUMX/XNUMX).

                Therefore, my friend, once again: you do not have to hang all the dogs on the "temporary" (Provisional Committee of the State Duma or Provisional Government). They simply did not have that much real power.
          2. +7
            30 June 2017 11: 53
            The main backbone of the interim government was the intelligentsia, at least it determined its ideological platform. And the intelligentsia in Russia has always been naive and toothless, and they gave the simple peasant a lot of freedom at once, call him “you”. And he responded with a fist to his teeth and to a vigorous mother. In the army without discipline is impossible.
    2. +9
      30 June 2017 06: 39
      Naturally, in the opinion of all these liberalists, and the monarchists too, it was the Bolsheviks who were to blame. Even in what they did not do (for example, the February revolution). Moreover, the basis of this hatred is the realization of the fact that a "grimy" man, without any "blue blood" there, could make Russia under the name of the USSR a great power. And this they can not forgive either the Bolsheviks or (now) Russia.
    3. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        1 July 2017 08: 47
        The reason for the Bolshevik atrocities in December 1917 in Sevastopol was the funeral of the coup sailors, who went to suppress the legitimate authorities in the Don. But it turned out that killing unarmed and fighting a serious opponent are two different things. The sailors were defeated, killed, they fled to Sevastopol, where after the funeral of accomplices and vented anger on the heroes of Zanguldak, Varna and Trebizond.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. The comment was deleted.
      1. MrK
        30 June 2017 14: 22
        Quote: DimerVladimer
        The find of Karaev’s body with numerous wounds inflamed passions so that on 16 of January the crowd nearly tore all the prisoners in the local prison.

        It was a people's anger for all the bullying of their nobles over the boors by sailors.
        And the Bolsheviks just tried to stop the reckless executions.
        1. 0
          1 July 2017 08: 55
          Quote: mrark
          It was the people's anger for all the mockery

          It was military CRIME against commanders during the war with the invaders.
          What did you do with these in WWII?
          Quote: mrark
          And the Bolsheviks just tried to stop the reckless executions.

          The Bolsheviks just led to these executions and carried them out.
      2. +6
        30 June 2017 17: 49
        DimerVladimer, you are already tired of your lies.
        “Two officers were welded in the boiler of the engine room, and one officer (Novitsky. - Auth.) Was burned, forcing the other, his comrade, to look at the burning live torch, and from this terrible, painful sight he went crazy.”

        As a former sailor and a member of the engine crew, I declare that this is an ordinary idle talk.

        A ship steam boiler is not a kitchen boiler in which borsch is cooked. It is structurally impossible to cook a person in a working boiler. It is hermetically sealed. It may be possible to burn in a furnace, but try to put a living person there. If the boiler is in operation, then there is such heat from the firebox that the "executioners" will also burn.

        “A burning living torch” is generally a fruit of an inflamed fantasy, a person is almost 90% out of the water and cannot burn like a torch. The author shows associations with films where burning little men drenched in gasoline run around in the frame. Yes, and to see how a person burns and writhes in a furnace is also impossible. You can’t keep an open firebox, but you don’t look much into the peephole, and you can only see the flame in it.

        Further, too, a lie.
        “According to S.P. Melgunov, possibly inflated, for three days on January 15, 16 and 17, at least 300 people were killed and drowned on the Truvor transport and on the Romania hydraulic cruiser. Sailor Kulikov said at one of the rallies that he “personally threw 60 people into the sea overboard”

        Where did they get so many officers? If on these ships their officers were killed and drowned, then on the ships of the officers there are not so many, maximum 20-25 people. If they were brought there from the city, then what is the point of taking them to the ship, which stands on barrels in the middle of the bay, and where to get on the longboat. It’s easier to straighten out.
        1. +1
          2 July 2017 15: 12
          "Yes, and to see how a person burns and writhes in a furnace is also impossible" ///

          However, burning people alive in the furnaces of steam locomotives was common
          the kind of execution during the Civil War - both among the whites and the reds, and the bandits, of course.
          1. 0
            2 July 2017 17: 37
            Quote: voyaka uh
            burning people alive in the furnaces of steam locomotives was common
            the kind of execution during the Civil War - both among the whites and the reds, and the bandits, of course.

            I don’t think this is a common tool, have you ever seen a firebox? A shurovochny hole is usually no more than 60 by 45 cm in size. It is closed by two sliding sashes, which narrow the hole even more.
            To put a person in there, you must at least attach it to a long board, otherwise you do not put it in, but the long board will not fit either, because the firebox itself is shallow, and after burning one person, the firebox is contaminated by adhering remains and must be cleaned. Yes, and for burning one person, considerable time is needed even in a specialized crematorium furnace at a temperature of 1200 degrees, it takes about two hours.
            1. 0
              2 July 2017 17: 38
              So, about Lazo - a bike. I'll know.
              1. 0
                4 July 2017 15: 46
                Quote: voyaka uh
                So, about Lazo - a bike. I will know

                I don’t know how about S. Lazo, but the fact that it’s very difficult to burn a person in a firebox is a fact. But knowledgeable people say that a dead body is possible if desired. I protested your "... burning people alive in the furnaces of steam locomotives was common
                kind of execution ... "The keyword" common ".
                Why did I pay attention to this? This is for disavowing Melgunovsky's "Red Terror", where he writes that in Odessa during the civil war the Bolsheviks burned several thousand people in the boilers of the cruiser "Almaz", which is absolutely impossible.
  2. +7
    30 June 2017 06: 50
    Now, such as Lieutenant Teterin, Gopnik and others, they will rush to write that this war was the first Russian war for the RUSSIAN people! wassat
    1. +2
      30 June 2017 18: 07
      Quote: Uncle Murzik
      was for the RUSSIAN people the first patriotic

      The first was the war of 1812. But this is not a reason to call for defeat.
  3. +4
    30 June 2017 07: 17
    The best that I read from Mr. Samsonov. A lot of facts. One can argue about the details, but essentially true. All these “Westerners” of the 17th year turned out to be an infantile parody of statesmen. Their criminal deeds are the beginning of the ills of modern Russia.
  4. +6
    30 June 2017 08: 05
    At the same time, the US masters claimed to be the “fattest piece” of Russia - Siberia (the Czechoslovak Corps will capture it for the Americans).

    A very new and peculiar view of the actions and participation of the Czechoslovak corps in the Civil War in Russia.
    The Czechoslovak National Council (CSNS), which sought to turn the Czechoslovak corps created by Russia into a "foreign allied army located on Russian territory", petitioned the French government and President Poincaré to recognize all Czechoslovak military units as part of the French army. Since December 1917, on the basis of a decree of the French government of December 19 on the organization of an autonomous Czechoslovak army in France, the Czechoslovak corps in Russia was formally subordinate to the French command and received instructions on the need to be sent to France

    They went east in 63 trains, each with 40 cars. The first echelon left March 27 and a month later arrived in Vladivostok. By May 1918, the echelons of Czechoslovakians stretched by rail for several thousand kilometers, from Samara and Yekaterinburg to Vladivostok. The largest groups of Czechoslovakians were in the areas of Penza - Syzran - Samara (8 thousand; Lieutenant Chechek), Chelyabinsk - Miass (8,8 thousand; Colonel Wojciechowski), Novonikolaevsk - Taiga station (4,5 thousand; Captain Gaida), in Vladivostok (about 14 thousand; General Diterikhs), as well as Petropavlovsk-Kurgan-Omsk (captain Syrovy)

    The fighting of the Czechoslovak Corps should be considered in a separate, very voluminous material.
    1. +1
      30 June 2017 16: 26
      Quote: moskowit
      .. owners US claimed to be the “fattest piece” of Russia - Siberia (the Czechoslovak Corps will capture it for the Americans).

      A very new and peculiar view of the actions and participation of the Czechoslovak corps in the Civil War in Russia. ..

      I did not notice anything new and peculiar in such acts of the US masters here. They have been observing similar traditions from the moment the USA / USA was created to the present day, through the wrong hands and to paradise. It is possible that you personally just did not have time to notice this.
  5. +9
    30 June 2017 11: 02
    The owners of the United States and Britain planned to completely destroy Russia and solve the "Russian question" (the millennia-old confrontation between Russian and Western civilizations).

    Yes, really - another Samsonov's pearl.
    But nothing that Great Britain counted on continued participation in the war of Russia under the leadership of the interim government?
    The author clearly mixes his fantasies
    1. +2
      30 June 2017 12: 44
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      Great Britain counted on continued participation in the war of Russia under the leadership of the interim government?
      The author clearly mixes his fantasies

      "continued participation in the war of Russia under the leadership of the interim government"- I think that you have confused concepts in principle here: the February revolution in Russia was organized by the West as to exclude Russia itself (RI) in sharing the gesheft after the end of hostilities. The meaning of writing" Decree No. 1 was precisely that Russia should continue the war pulling German forces away from the west, in principle, it was not able to win victories, that is, ultimately not to participate in the production division after the end of the war. How can you not guess that the participation of the West in the February defeat of the Russian Empire was pursued solely and exclusively for selfish purposes, so it’s not Samsonov who is “obviously mixing your fantasies”. In principle, they did not have a task to work for the interests of the Republic of Ingushetia, never and under no circumstances.
      1. +4
        30 June 2017 13: 25
        Quote: venaya
        the Jewish revolution in Russia was organized by the West

        Sound like a diagnosis?
        Who is the West? What is the divide of gesheft in 2017?
        Specific organizers? Financial flows?
        In historical science, it is not customary to refer to "unidentified" third parties or "phenomena called" organized by the West "
        You still write - bourgeois vibes ...
        Why write uninteresting conjectures when this stage of history has been studied in great detail and on the basis of documents, and not idle conjectures and conjectures.
        Copywriters with fantasy, this is called in the scientific community.
        1. +1
          30 June 2017 14: 25
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Who is the West? What is the divide of gesheft in 2017? Specific organizers? Financial flows?

          Okay, let's say that you are a completely illiterate person who does not have the ability to independently search for materials on this topic described by the author of the article. But have you even read the article itself? The author Samsonov does not suck out his information from a finger, a lot of scientific works have been written on this topic, and in many countries of the world, I personally also know these works. Do you know all this? Then whom x-you here defecate on the author and insult others. The article clearly defines the main financier of all this disgrace - this is Yakof Schiff. Have you not noticed this? But he was at the time leading the Wall Street Bankers Union. Please do not betray your own non-competence (unless it is something more) for "not idle conjectures and conjectures. .. Copywriters with fantasy .. ". As far as I understand you, that is why you are not at all on the topic of the article under discussion and use the information that does not cause any respect and trust, simply put to plain mischief, while you manage to be rude to both the author and people familiar with the topic.
        2. +2
          30 June 2017 18: 10
          Quote: DimerVladimer
          Who is the West? What is the divide of gesheft in 2017?

          Read Starikov. Everything is chewed with a bunch of links.
    2. MrK
      30 June 2017 14: 09
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      But nothing that Great Britain counted on continued participation in the war of Russia under the leadership of the interim government?

      After October 1917 and the adoption of the Peace Decree by the Bolsheviks, England was already thinking about something else. In December, the 1917 Entente entered into an agreement on the division of Russia.
  6. +9
    30 June 2017 12: 23
    Many of them will later lead the White movement, launching the Civil War in Russia, which they will “order” from abroad.

    - This is a pearl made of pearls.
    Does the author fantasize with history comics?

    It’s so easy to write nonsense about one of the most tragic stages in the history of Russia - well, I don’t know what cynicism should be possessed.
    "Order a civil war" - - for this it is necessary to intensify the contradictions to the limit, you just can’t buy it.
    That speaks of a low intellectual level and historical knowledge of the author.
    1. +2
      30 June 2017 13: 37
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      "Order a civil war" - - for this it is necessary to intensify the contradictions to the limit, just "can not buy"

      And where did you get such historical illiteracy? You at least remember the "Arab Spring", the defeat of Libya, and much much more. It is easy to criticize the author, especially having complete illiteracy in these questions described by the author. You are welcome, boost your own literacy and intellectual levelotherwise it’s indecent.
    2. MrK
      30 June 2017 14: 12
      Quote: DimerVladimer
      Does the author fantasize with history comics?

      The civil war began with the rebellion of the Czechs. And the Czech intelligence knocked out the Czechs for rebellion. So less emotion bro. And more facts.
  7. +5
    30 June 2017 13: 04
    How long can this historical masturbation continue. Anointed Nicholas II pro .... srvl kingdom handed to him by God and people. For the ignorant. Anointed
    the person over whom the rite of anointing with oil is performed. “Anointed One” is a biblical term that symbolizes the highest responsible service to God. Anointing was made with the high priests, prophets, kings. The anointing of the kingdom entered into the circle of the traditional rite of accession of the sovereign to the throne. It is believed that through anointing the monarchs receive their power from God himself and are responsible to him for their people. Such monarchs (kings, emperors, kings) are called the anointed of God. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ himself is called the Anointed.
    Everything else is a consequence of the presence on the throne of a worthless monarch.
    1. +1
      30 June 2017 14: 38
      Quote: Curious
      Everything else is a consequence of the presence on the throne of a worthless monarch.

      Yeah .. your level of knowledge is simply amazing. You are not only not competent in the field of DNA-gynealogy, but you are also trying to show your incompetence in other areas of knowledge. Let it be known to you that in addition to the monarch of the Russian Empire, there were three more monarchs who "sowed" their empires. You’re respected, and the murdered president of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, is also worthless, but you never know the leaders of countries that were dealt with in a similar way. "blame yourself", for example, the leader of Romania Ceausescu, etc. You’re just horrified by reading your comments.
      1. +2
        30 June 2017 16: 36
        If my comments terrify you, then I'm on the right track.
    2. +7
      1 July 2017 09: 07
      Quote: Curious
      How long can this historical masturbation. Anointed Nicholas II about .... srvl

      What a syllable! good It is evident that a person read a lot and knows a lot, since he uses definitions below the belt to express his "thoughts". lol
      By the way, Bolshevism
      Quote: Curious
      about .... srvl
      country, unlike the three emperors-without any war and with full power.

      Article minus: VP performed its task is to organize the most democratic elections in the world.
      1. +3
        1 July 2017 23: 27
        Olgovich! These are pathetic attempts to undermine my untouchable authority. You are cheating. The country prokakat not Bolshevism. It, as in 1917, was sold by specific people. And it is not the fault of socialism in 1991, as well as of monarchism in 1917, that small, insignificant people met on their way. So do not puff up, otherwise you will get a brain hernia.
        1. 0
          2 July 2017 07: 25
          Quote: Curious
          Olgovich! These are pathetic attempts to undermine my untouchable authority.

          You cannot stagger that which is not.
          Quote: Curious
          You cheat

          Quote: Curious
          . The country prokakat not Bolshevism. It, as in 1917, was sold by specific people

          Specific Bolshevik people united in the "mind, honor and conscience of the era" lol laughing fool
          Quote: Curious
          And it is not the fault of socialism in 1991, as well as monarchism in 1917, that small, insignificant people met on their way

          This people-standard of socialism-them created. educated and trained, no one else influenced .. By the way-with the leader of all the leaders. lol
          So do not puff up, otherwise you will get a brain hernia.

          Do not wish, otherwise themselves and get what you want other. The well-known truth, by the way.
  8. +1
    3 July 2017 18: 01
    This offensive is Kerensky’s main mistake.
    It was possible to sit out on the defensive for another year, gradually
    demobilizing the most tired and staying at the front units, reducing
    active army. And wait for the end of the war that has bothered everyone.
    This would have knocked out the trump cards of the Bolsheviks. And then start the Socialist-Revolutionary Land
    reform. And, you see, Russia would have climbed out of the crisis.
  9. 0
    5 July 2017 11: 36
    It is unfortunate that such pseudo-historical, hysterical articles began to appear on the pages of this Internet resource. The place of this opus on the pages of the magazine "Amateur". Moreover, such "works", including at the level of Fomenkovism, are becoming more and more. Sorry, so sorry. There is no desire to argue or refute.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"