Dozens of people injured in Libya as a result of armed tribal clashes

Dozens of people injured in Libya as a result of armed tribal clashes

In recent days, dozens of people injured in armed tribal clashes in south-eastern Libya have been admitted to hospitals in Tripoli. As they say, Ukrainian doctors working in the Libyan capital, some patients were seriously injured and others could not be saved. Many hospitals in Tripoli transferred to an enhanced mode of operation.

According to the UN, since February 12, when around the city of Kufra (a population of 40 thousand people), armed clashes between the Zuvay and Tubu tribes began, more than a hundred people were killed on both sides. Several thousand Libyans left their homes. Libyan Provisional Government sent army units to the southeast, but, according to eyewitnesses, the situation there remains tense.

The Tubu tribe is settled in southeastern Libya, in Sudan, Chad and Niger. During the reign of Muammar Gaddafi, this tribe was subjected to oppression. Tubu and Zuvaya have been hostile for a long time, but, according to ITAR-TASS, the conflict between the tribes aggravated after the killing of the Zuvayya tribe by the smugglers.

Armed ethnic clashes in Libya, as observers say, are a serious challenge for the transitional government. Being in power, it is constantly faced with the problem of bloody unrest - due to the large number of rival armed groups. At the same time, the national army is just being formed.
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  1. +6
    28 February 2012 11: 43
    Tuaregs will now show everyone who is boss! Previously, they were united by Muammar, and now the devil himself is not a brother to them! All of these BARRIERS are now getting help! Who the hell need them ?! The Moor has done his job, the Moor can be boarded! ... Empty Moor is content with bombed-out houses and assurances of eternal and indestructible friendship! And about oil - "don't forget to forget"! fool
    1. +4
      28 February 2012 12: 02
      Esaul You are right: "The Moor did his job ....." Now in Libya everyone is fighting against everyone. And the west pumps free oil under the protection of private military companies. And even the death of PMC employees does not bother the West, they are state servicemen.
      1. 0
        28 February 2012 12: 25
        Mistaken: And even the death of PMC employees does not bother the West; it’s NOT state military personnel.
  2. +4
    28 February 2012 11: 45
    the western coalition has achieved its goal, the tribes are fragmented, the economic downturn, etc., it remains only to take the oil field with the help of the interim government and pump oil
    1. negabaritnyy
      28 February 2012 11: 49
      Oil went on and on. And almost for nothing. European Union 5+
  3. vladimir64ss
    28 February 2012 11: 46
    The obvious result of the intervention.
  4. Born in USSR
    28 February 2012 11: 50
    This is what the vaunted democracy is! We need to constantly raise the issue of the ongoing interethnic clashes and deaths of civilians in Libya on the international stage. Raise the temperature of the problem - we need to poke our counterparts in their own shit! Let them think more about how to restore order in Libya, and not provoke a war in Syria!
  5. Tugarin snake
    28 February 2012 11: 51
    Here it is - "orange democracy" without makeup.
  6. KAV
    28 February 2012 12: 12
    Urgently introducing contingent of BRICS countries to save civilians wink
  7. +2
    28 February 2012 12: 16
    What did they not live in the world? They wanted a war, they got it.
  8. Bandera
    28 February 2012 17: 17
    We had the dashing 90s because of the goats across the ocean and our traitor.
    Now it’s similar to happen in Libya, with the difference that the main wealth of the country is divided by these same freaks.
  9. 0
    28 February 2012 21: 31
    This is a very clear example of what the next orange revolution brings to the common people under the auspices of the largest "democratizer" of the galaxy. Who else wants to taste the joy - get in line. But in every way it turns out that the people of Syria are in no hurry in such a turn. Well, the Libyans will very soon remember their life under Gaddafi as a fairy tale, and don't go to a fortune teller.