Russia's interests in Kyrgyzstan are under threat

Russia's interests in Kyrgyzstan are under threatFollowing his visit to Moscow, Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev stated that Bishkek is not interested in the existence of a Russian 999 airbase located in Kyrgyzstan (in Kant). However, the question of closing the base has not yet been resolved. However, the Kyrgyz president made it clear that he is determined. In the light of the new, no longer political, but economic relations, which Kyrgyzstan intends to build with the Russian Federation, not only the strategic object in Kant, but also other Russian projects in Kyrgyzstan are under threat. According to the newspaper Kommersant, we are talking about controlling stakes in Kyrgyzgaz, Kyrgyzneft, the Dastan plant and the construction of four hydroelectric power plants.

Consequently, Moscow’s hopes of securing the loyalty of the Kyrgyz leadership — after the overthrow of ex-President Kurmanbek Bakiyev — did not materialize. According to Kommersant sources, Atambayev’s statement came as a clear surprise to Moscow. On the eve of the elections in the fall of 2011, Atambayev had a reputation as a “pro-Russian” politician and promised to fulfill all his obligations to the Russian Federation.

Last Saturday, Atambaev sharply criticized the Russian authorities, saying: “The base only consoles the pride of the Russian generals, does not pay rent, does not fulfill its obligations. Why do we need this?

According to the Kyrgyz president, at the meeting it became clear that President Medvedev has no idea about the situation with the base in Kant. The rent for the base, according to Atambayev, was not paid for four years. Accumulated debt of nearly fifteen million dollars. But information about this duty, the Kyrgyz president said, the Russian leader first heard from him.

The surprised Dmitry Medvedev immediately ordered the Ministry of Defense to pay off existing debts - within ten days. However, Atambayev stressed, the position of the leadership of Kyrgyzstan on this issue remains unchanged: most likely, the base will soon be closed.

The consolation for Moscow is Atambayev’s statement of intent to simultaneously get rid of the American military base Manas. Yes, consolation - but very weak.

Russia - after a short lull - forced to renew the struggle for influence in Kyrgyzstan. As Kommersant found out from its own sources, as an initial precautionary measure, Moscow has already given Bishkek a refusal of new loans to refinance debts.

A senior source in the Russian government told the newspaper that Russia plans to use Kyrgyzstan's outstanding debts as a tool to force it to fulfill its existing obligations. The source explained: "We already gave Bakiyev a loan for unfulfilled promises, so we don't want to step on the same rake. There is no longer any talk of issuing a loan of thirty million." In addition, the Kremlin press service reported that the solution to the problem of paying off Kyrgyzstan's debt to Russia (which is 493 million dollars) largely depends on the position of the Kyrgyz leadership.

However, President Atambayev, in an interview with the newspaper, emphasized that from now on Kyrgyzstan would not “beg for loans”, however, it would not give up credit assistance unless it was offered. The Kyrgyz leader explained such a dramatic change in government behavior with the high growth of Kyrgyzstan’s GDP over the past year and the firm continuation of the emerging trend.

Recall that Atambayev’s approach towards Russia has changed dramatically following his election.

As a presidential candidate in Kyrgyzstan, Atambayev was very generous with promises. So, he promised to close the American airbase at Manas airport - in accordance with the interests of the Russian Federation. Further, in exchange for writing off the debt in 180 of millions of dollars, he promised to transfer to Russia the building of the trade mission in Bishkek and another 48% of the Dastan plant producing torpedoes VA-111 Shkval. Also presidential candidate Atambayev gave hopes to Moscow to unite all Russian military facilities in Kyrgyzstan into a single base - under a lease agreement for forty-nine years with automatic prolongation. Before the overthrow of Bakiyev, Bishkek promised to open a training center in the south of Kyrgyzstan under the auspices of the CSTO.

In addition, Kyrgyzstan planned to sell interest to KyrgyzGas and Kyrgyzneft to the Russian state-owned 75. Together with Inter RAO, Bishkek planned to build hydropower plants Kambarata-1 and Kambarata-2 and with RusHydro - 4 hydropower plants on the r. Naryn In exchange for the fulfillment of these conditions, Russia expressed its readiness to issue a concessional loan in the amount of thirty million dollars to Kyrgyzstan and an additional loan for 106 million dollars from the EurAsEC anti-crisis fund.

As Kommersant found out, now Bishkek is thinking of revising almost all preliminary agreements. Bishkek refuses to promise to open the CSTO center, demands to pay at the market price for Kyrgyzgas. As for the Dastan plant, Bishkek is ready to pay only 48% to write off debt, the rest will be sold at the market price. If the Russian Federation refuses these unfavorable conditions, the assets can be offered to other countries interested in influencing the region — the United States, China, and Turkey.

Further, in an interview with Kommersant, Atambayev explained his attitude towards the Russian base in Kant. The president declared a significant economic growth in the country and made it clear that henceforth Bishkek will start building relations with the Russian Federation in a new way - from the point of view of a mutually beneficial partnership.

The Kyrgyz president noted that the state of affairs in which the Russian base is not fulfilling its obligations and does not pay rent is not satisfied with the Kyrgyz government. According to Atambayev, for all the years of existence of this base in Kant, the authorities themselves pay for electricity, water, heat, communications, and nothing in return.

Atambayev summed up: “It's not just rent payments. There were still a number of commitments. For example, our pilots should have been trained there. None have been trained! So the question arises whether we need such a base. ” The president denied claims that the base performs defense functions.

As the president noted, if Russia leaves Kant, the authorities will be able to use the airfield as civilian.

Responding to a question about the old agreements of Russia with ousted Kurmanbek Bakiyev about opening a training center for the CSTO, Atambayev said: “With Bakiyev, a lot of things were signed, a lot of things were allocated for him. But Bakiyev himself should be responsible for this. There are written commitments on behalf of Kyrgyzstan. We are ready to fulfill all obligations, but we insist that relations be equal. But you also fulfill obligations. ”

The leader of Kyrgyzstan in an interview also confirmed the intention to close the American base Manas. He said that the Americans did not believe him for a long time when he explained to them that there should not be a military base in Manas. The president, he said, with great difficulty, convinced the Americans that he was not trying to get extra money from the USA for himself or his family. He patiently explained his decision by saying that "there should not be a military base at any civil airport."

He added that many do not understand this and, as a result, “are looking for some dark motives. They say Atambayev wants to close the American base in order to ask Russia for a loan. Yes, I haven’t asked Russia for a single penny - neither credits nor grants! ”After all, Kyrgyzstan was able to increase budget revenues last year. “Kyrgyzstan is now another country. This is not a country that will beg someone for loans. If someone wants to help us, we will not refuse, ”said the President of Kyrgyzstan. He added that if the Chinese provide loans on more favorable terms than Russia, Kyrgyzstan will take them.

However, experts express doubts that the Kyrgyz government will be able to solve its problems without Russian loans. A. Vlasov, General Director of the Center for the Study of the Post-Soviet Space of Moscow State University, noted in an interview with Kommersant that Bishkek urgently needs financial resources today. The analyst says that Turkey has written off the country's debts, but did not give new money. And the PRC gives money on very tough terms. The analyst concludes that the only source of financial income remains the blackmail of Moscow and Washington over aviation bases. According to A. Vlasov, the statements of President Atambayev may well be regarded as an attempt to put pressure on Russia before the elections.
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    27 February 2012 13: 52
    Atambayev certainly surprised, beat himself in the chest in the election race that he would come closer and build relations with Russia, but now he says the exact opposite, apparently he doesn’t need the Collective Security Treaty Organization, but in vain ...
    1. +28
      27 February 2012 14: 04
      Here is just another example, and the first is Yanukovych. Oddly enough, more and more leaders claim that they will come closer to Russia, but in reality, after the election, a different situation occurs.
      1. +5
        27 February 2012 18: 15
        But it seems to me that everything is much simpler .. Kyrgyz do not want to pay debts and try, until the elections have passed, to bargain for themselves benefits and concessions .. The trick in the east is welcome ..
      2. UV58
        28 February 2012 03: 56
        here the fact is that some vote for them, while others pay money.
        for voters - rapprochement with Russia
        for those who pay - on the contrary.
    2. Sergh
      27 February 2012 14: 06
      President Atambayev blurted out without thinking, he did it in vain, not a country where he had the right to download, and he was in debt. Not long for him to sit in the presidents with such and such a bozar.
      1. +14
        27 February 2012 14: 09
        Quote: Sergh
        President Atambayev blurted out without thinking

        Can anyone tell me so right to shake?
      2. +4
        27 February 2012 18: 30
        The probability of another color revolution is very small, but rapprochement with the US (it is necessary to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and the US will agree to any conditions) is quite possible... It was not for nothing that this microbe suddenly crawled out of its cocoon...
    3. +8
      27 February 2012 14: 41
      no wonder ... since when did you start to believe the election promises, especially the Kyrgyz ones? ... the Kyrgyz always deceived Russia and only a naive naive person could believe at least one of their words ... now there will be a banal bargain: the Kyrgyz will say they will be allowed to stay Russian base in return for writing off debt at half a yard bucks ... ready to put a box of cognac ...
      1. +3
        27 February 2012 14: 57
        Yes, I do not believe in these campaigns, just reading and hearing about such news is disgusting.
    4. Aleksey67
      27 February 2012 15: 02
      Russia, according to the Treaty "ON STATUS AND CONDITIONS OF STAY OF THE RUSSIAN AVIATION BASE ON THE TERRITORY OF THE KYRGIZ REPUBLIC" dated September 22, 2003, should not pay Kyrgyzstan anything.

      Here are the points from this Agreement:

      Article 5
      The Kyrgyz Party shall transfer to the Russian Party for free use for the deployment of the Russian air base in the military camp N 1 (Kant) and at the Kant airfield, according to the List (Appendix N 1) and schemes (Appendices N 2, 3, 4), which are an integral part of this Agreement. Real estate transferred to the Russian Party is the property of the Kyrgyz Party.
      Article 7
      The Kyrgyz Party shall transfer to the Russian Party for the period of this Agreement, free of charge, aviation and other equipment for the Russian air base according to the List (Appendix N 8), which is an integral part of this Agreement. Aviation and other equipment transferred to the Russian Party is the property of the Kyrgyz Party.
      Article 23
      The Kyrgyz Party creates all conditions for the normal functioning of the Russian air base on its territory and takes appropriate measures to ensure uninterrupted supply of the Russian air base with communication channels, the provision of electricity, water and other types of utility services in accordance with the standards applicable in the Kyrgyz Republic, at no cost basis."
      1. Regul
        27 February 2012 17: 51
        And in these articles there is not a word about the air, ours breathed something during this time, and during the flights how much is burned, and passing the standards for running, for example, and there is little air left in Kyrgyzstan, it became expensive, especially in the area Kant. Again, you need to figure out what it means
        Quote: Aleksey67
        in accordance with the standards applicable in the Kyrgyz Republic,
        all of a sudden we were supplied with some kind of special electricity, and not according to the standards, so a penalty came running. And so, of course, Atambayev’s nonsense says, it’s necessary to calculate who owes to whom.
      2. Region65
        28 February 2012 04: 50
        the key phrase on all counts is on a non-gratuitous basis .. so why should Russia then for them? request
  2. Anatoly
    27 February 2012 13: 53
    Let's see what the Kremlin will answer. I hope it is tough and specific.
    As for the Kyrgyz debts, the topic has already been revealed, I think the time has come to put Comrade Atambaev in place!
    1. KGB161rus
      27 February 2012 14: 25
      I have the impression that we owe everything to life, there is no country in the world that would not try to throw mud at us, the American base will awaken in Kyrgyzstan as much as America wants, I think it will be exactly until the end of the operation in Afghanistan for about 14 years, and they’ll come up with something else, such behavior suggests that Atambayev already received a certain money transfer from the USA, this can be compared with Georgia, which is now fed by the West, through Atambayev there is an attempt to quarrel both sides, as it happened in Ukraine through Yushchenko, or Saakashvili, and so on, now almost all the countries of the former USSR are bought for American dollars. . .
      1. Anatoly
        27 February 2012 14: 33
        Eh, in vain we, at one time, stopped in Georgia. One such "king" would break his neck - but others will not be okay. As a vivid and illustrative example!
        1. +5
          27 February 2012 15: 38
          Georgian king, not yet tasted! He is getting ready to take revenge and begs for a modern weapon! So he still has the opportunity to rake again! wink
          1. Comrade
            28 February 2012 15: 04
            I will try to be there with great joy! I have not calmed down since 2008))) Maybe I will be lucky to take off his skin ?!
        2. gor
          27 February 2012 20: 56
          yesterday on NTV I watched a film about events 080808. so in Georgia they stopped only after the states hinted at something. secondly, the advance of the Russian troops did not stop after the signing of Sarkozy’s proposal for a ceasefire. thirdly, I advise many to find this documentary
          1. KGB161rus
            27 February 2012 20: 58
            after signing Sarkozy’s ceasefire proposal.

            And why suddenly stop, they started a war, whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!
            1. gor
              27 February 2012 21: 54
              generally teach geography.
              1. KGB161rus
                27 February 2012 22: 22
                generally teach geography.

                It’s like you were clever about it, well, well, I won’t even spend time on you. .
                1. Anatoly
                  28 February 2012 10: 57
                  He hinted that we had already captured all of Georgia then, without noticing it ourselves.
                  Miracles are straight!
                  1. gor
                    28 February 2012 14: 15
                    I hinted that there is international law. And by this right, Georgia is a country that has been subjected to aggression and can regain its territorial integrity by the methods that it considers necessary and no one will condemn them for it. So if we talk about victory in such a way and no. but as time will judge. and don’t have to play with muscles that aren’t there. Someone forgot about 90 and that’s why it happened because they spat on the world and wiped the world and spat on you and almost drowned. on the same rake, and become civilized and keep up with the times
                    1. Comrade
                      28 February 2012 14: 32
                      So Georgia has undergone or Ossetia ???
                      1. gor
                        28 February 2012 15: 43
                        Ossetia at that time was the territory of Georgia like Abkhazia. We heard a ringing, but do not know where it is. And if you really look at South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Georgia is considered the territory of Georgia with the exception of 4. so feel free to study geography
                      2. Comrade
                        28 February 2012 15: 45
                        And I advise you to learn history. Are you aware that these lands historically belonged to Russia?
                      3. Anatoly
                        28 February 2012 16: 53
                        He only knows what he read in the Georgian textbook. More horizons were not enough.
                      4. gor
                        28 February 2012 21: 50
                        these lands historically belong to the Ossetians. what is now North Ossetia as part of Russia is another question. if everyone starts to remember that to whom it belongs historically what it will lead to? let's tell smart people. does Kaliningrad historically belong to Germany and what should they make demands of now?
                      5. Comrade
                        28 February 2012 21: 58
                        Kaliningrad? Yes, the Germans are sitting and silent about Kaliningrad ... they know that they are to blame.
                        (it’s a pity that you can’t swear) + (I can’t talk on such topics without a mat)
                        And your friends know that the small intestine is thin in the middle of the night over the helpless civilians from Grad ... and you probably were a mercenary among them, what is it ....... I ?!
                    2. +1
                      28 February 2012 14: 59
                      Quote: gor
                      Georgia is a country that has been subjected to aggression and can regain its territorial integrity by the methods that it considers necessary and no one will condemn them for this.

                      so go ahead under the tanks, restoring the integrity of the country is one thing, and eating ties is another
                      1. gor
                        28 February 2012 21: 56
                        and there are many such brave people here and they fight so bravely on keyboards and are ready to sacrifice the lives of other people without thinking. There is enough material on YouTube about this war and those guys who were there did not experience any particular delight from it. And also for those who called the Georgians cowards, you can watch how they ran.
                      2. Comrade
                        28 February 2012 22: 06
                        Well, if we learned how to fight for our Motherland in clavas, do you really think that in life we ​​are different from our heroic grandfathers?
                      3. gor
                        29 February 2012 09: 11
                        in life, scatter like a herd and this is the only truth. I have seen those who scream until they are described. heroes .....
                      4. Comrade
                        29 February 2012 12: 44
                        One moment, I have nowhere to run, there is water around! I’m not a rat, like those who are stuck with the Swamp gateway.
                      5. Comrade
                        29 February 2012 12: 50
                        And immediately I remembered the song of Igor Rasteryaev ... about the Russian road ... there is a good line there-

                        The text of the song "Russian Road"

                        author Igor Rasteryaev

                        On the crying earth without smelling boots
                        Our bloodless squad escapes from enemies
                        Feeding on the go with oxalis leaf
                        Sleeping in a gully under a viburnum bush

                        We can’t rest - run, run, run
                        And our supposedly friends sat down over the hill
                        And they watch how they beat us without taking their eyes off
                        And only long roads are completely for us

                        Wipe away the tears, take a rest, I'm on the Russian road
                        Go away, and I’ll cover you with mud and water

                        But head over heels in the mud, in the water to the very eyes
                        After some time, the enemies again caught up with us
                        And they beat even harder, that's about to be decided
                        But severe frosts are rushing to our rescue

                        Wait, dry the tears of fire, we are Russian frosts
                        Freeze, notice melancholy, beckoning Moscow

                        Nature at war, like a mother to us
                        But there is time to bury, and there is time to advance
                        And we soon showed up in enemy towns
                        And they began to destroy everything around, smashed to smithereens

                        Torn to pieces, thrashed in the trash
                        And, finishing, explained to the groaning enemies:
                        Remember the mysterious tactical device -
                        When we retreat, we go forward!

                        Along with the cold and forests ahead of Susanin
                        It’s just that the Russian Road bequeathed to us from God
                        Russian Road, Russian Road, Russian Road ...

                        Good topic!
          2. Region65
            28 February 2012 04: 59
            the states hinted at something :)))) nonsense, they didn’t hint at anything :) just as always they made a good face in a bad game :) because they know that the states have a thin gut and the whole of NATO :) this time secondly, the NATO pontorez drove their troughs into the Black Sea already after the Russian troops stopped and went back before gouging the whole so-called Georgian Navy and the rest of the military infrastructure of this under-state :) so it's just a show-off and attempts to save one’s face world crap democracy. :) we go further - already all the then politicians of the USA squealing in 2008 about the Russian meanness themselves (moving away from state affairs and resigning from their posts) admit that Georgia is to blame, that Mishko Srakakashvil is to blame :) among those who recognized their shoals Gondonlize Rise, Zhora Bushev, Nicole Sraskazi (he, too, will soon be toppled so that he has nothing to lose) ....... well?
            1. gor
              28 February 2012 21: 57
              about tato nato. you can ask the destroyer class orly-burke can compete on equal terms with Peter the great. here you are
          3. 0
            28 February 2012 06: 34
            Quote: gor
            yesterday on NTV I watched a film about events 080808. so in Georgia they stopped only after the states hinted at something. secondly, the advance of the Russian troops did not stop after the signing of Sarkozy’s proposal for a ceasefire. thirdly, I advise many to find this documentary

            Give me the name of the film specifically! Who made it and who is telling the story. I, too, watched documentary films about this war and was a member of an American forum of those days. So, I am aware of what Russian-speaking Americans were talking and thinking about! And what was so mysterious and terrible that the Yus "hinted" at? You were probably given the gift from above - to see and hear what no one else can. There is no point in returning here to the content of the NTV film. Everyone saw how the Georgians heroically fired at a peaceful city with Grad rockets, to whose residents, a few hours before, Saak (calling them brothers!) promised that Georgia was stopping the path of violent confrontation! He called for peace!... And the Russian troops stopped not because of the fig in the pocket of the Yus (of course, it was prepared as the last and most decisive argument!), but because of the excessive commitment of the DAM to observing international norms, etc., etc. You are probably the main spy and resident of all the special services of the West and you know something that everyone else should not know? You, boy, tell these fables to the girls at the party, they love fake heroes and agents 007! You and those like you were fed noodles by the Yussians, well, you are happy... And you think that everyone else is the same sheep as you. It's funny - I can't stand it...
            1. gor
              28 February 2012 11: 32
              yes, they just hinted that if necessary they would use force to defend the statehood of Georgia. And that was August 13th. Then the Russian troops stopped. Although they had to stop after signing the ceasefire conditions, they did not stop.
              and be proud of the victory in Georgia? this victory also revealed many weaknesses. despite the fact that the 58th army was better prepared than the other units.
              Georgians fired about heroically. Before that, Ossetians fired at Georgian villages heroically and ms commander said that he could not control them. This was said in an interview. And who wants a movie you can google to find the NTV program for that day. The approximate time is 22-00 hours. I also did not watch it from the beginning
          4. 0
            28 February 2012 15: 14
            firstly, name this film, secondly, even if we assume that the states hinted to someone, it is unlikely that someone would know about it, and thirdly, let’s go
            1. gor
              28 February 2012 15: 44
              Well, actually there they take an interview on these events from the US Secretary of State, from Lavrov. These events are also described there. And I wrote how to find this film
      2. +3
        27 February 2012 18: 34
        Let me remind you of a fairy tale... About Mowgli... Remember that episode when Akela missed... The behavior of the pack in particular... And then the same pack after Mowgli's educational speech... Now jackals think that in a wolf pack the main one can be a tiger... But they are cruelly mistaken... The leader of the wolves is always a wolf...
      3. Region65
        28 February 2012 04: 54
        if Russia as the successor of the USSR starts to charge everyone for debts, then the whole world will toil for Russia until the end of the world))) for example, all sorts of scum from the Baltic "states" (and many other former members of the Warsaw Pact) have the audacity to make monetary claims against Russia for occupation and so on...let's make claims against the countries - members of the Hitler coalition? then the country's budget will be able to do without the oil needle for a very long time - we will be fed by Japan, Germany and the USA, since Hitler was financed and armed at the expense of American bankers and arms barons:))) oh, and Mongolia also needs to be charged for the Tatar-Mongol yoke:)))))
    2. 0
      27 February 2012 16: 26
      Wolf is his friend. Everyone knows that no matter how much they feed the wolves, they still look into the forest. It seems that it is necessary to change the work of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that it is not habitual to make any complaints to us. Already tired of all sorts of ..... that came to power in the wake of good relations with Russia, too quickly begin to make claims. And who is to blame?
  3. +14
    27 February 2012 13: 57
    It is not clear to me the appearance of this article TODAY! Being late is a mess! Already there is information today in the wake of the one where it was said about Russia's counterclaims to Kyrgyzstan!
    infa today guys! ------------------
    IA Rosbalt, February 25. Kyrgyzstan hopes to pay off part of its external debt to Russia by transferring shares in the Dastan defense enterprise, and write off or restructure the other part.

    "Kyrgyzstan and Russia are working on the issue of transferring 48% (controlling stake) of shares of the Dastan enterprise as a debt to Russia," Kyrgyz Finance Minister Akylbek Zhaparov told Interfax.

    He noted that "the position of Kyrgyzstan is that it is necessary to assess the shares of the enterprise and transfer them as a debt to the Russian side, and negotiate the rest of the debt on its restructuring or write-off.
    1. +6
      27 February 2012 14: 22
      Quote: esaul
      and write off or restructure the other part.

      no write-offs, you have the courage to be rude, then you can pay debts
      1. +3
        27 February 2012 15: 35
        I absolutely agree, Vladimir! And I want to add - before being rude - think carefully - is there any place to hide if the pill arrives ?! wink
        1. +1
          27 February 2012 15: 38
          the citizen of the President needs to realize that spring is on the nose, and in the spring it is customary for the Kirghiz to arrange revolutions
      2. +2
        27 February 2012 18: 38
        We are waiting for an official joint statement from Kyrgyzstan and the United States on the extension of joint actions against the Taliban in Afghanistan...
    2. Regul
      27 February 2012 17: 57
      Quote: esaul
      and for the remainder of the debt to negotiate its restructuring or write-off

      peculiar they understand conduct of negotiations on cancellation, or in an ultimatum form it’s now fashionable, the Yusovites have heard enough, and it seems to me that he went too far with zeros,
      Debt accumulated at almost fifteen million dollars.

      or then ask for the principle more, they will give at least something, so something may turn out to be painful.
      1. +2
        27 February 2012 19: 16
        Pavel, it seems to me that the situation here developed something like this: - "the garage of the president of sovereign Kyrgyzstan" wanted to rip off some dough for urgent expenses and showed up in Russia, frowning and with a paper in his hand, where Russia's debts to Kyrgyzstan were calculated. But imagine his surprise when he was told the news that Kyrgyzstan owed Russia half a billion Baku rubles! He thought that he had married a virgin country! Without debts, without obligations!... If he had known, he wouldn't have gone to Moscow, but this way... Maybe the pregnancy would have resolved itself somehow... Annoyance!... fool
  4. +4
    27 February 2012 13: 58
    here is ChPO (in translation from Ukrainian - Cholovichi Polovy Organ) sad
  5. predator
    27 February 2012 13: 58
    Well, Almazbek, now wait for a new, or rather another revolution!
  6. +3
    27 February 2012 14: 05
    Recall that Atambayev’s approach towards Russia has changed dramatically following his election.
    He is not the only one like this, as practice shows, with such people you need to have a strong trump card up your sleeve, so that the SELLERS don’t back down.
  7. +3
    27 February 2012 14: 09
    The crow croaked all the raven's throat .... the cheese didn’t fall out as she swallowed it before.
  8. Tugarin snake
    27 February 2012 14: 15
    Is this something new, the President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev is demanding something ?!
    Atambaev can only quietly, politely, remind or ask :)
  9. -1
    27 February 2012 14: 20
    completely overgrown, put pritenzii on their zholyu, high pay on time and not any deferrals and write-offs
  10. +4
    27 February 2012 14: 24
    The Chinese have long aimed at Kyrgyzstan in the Tien Shan mountains; there is the whole periodic table. This is gold, uranium and so on. As a very good raw materials appendage, it is very tempting for the Chinese. Here now Russia needs very good diplomacy with China.
    1. Gur
      28 February 2012 08: 48
      I don't know about the whole periodic table, there is gold but not much... and the rest if there was... do you think they would have waited for the Chinese?? Development would have started back in the USSR. There is also a version that Genghis Khan is buried at the bottom of Issyk Kul, in the mountains in one of the collapsed caves there are countless treasures, of a monastic order... descending from the Mongols. Another treasure is Lake Issyk Kul itself, and nature in general. Torpedoes were made (or rather made in Alma-Ata at the "Porshen" plant) and tested on Issyk Kul since the times of the USSR. And this confidence in the Kyrgyz president, in my opinion, came... after his visit to Turkey for the congress of Turkic-speaking countries, where he spoke in Turkish, calling the Turks brothers and calling on them to close cooperation.
      1. -1
        28 February 2012 11: 10
        Quote: GUR
        rather, they were made in Alma Ata at the Piston plant)

        at the Kirov factory
  11. 0
    27 February 2012 14: 24
    (factory "Dastan", which produces torpedoes VA-111 "Flurry")
    I did not know that in Kyrgyzstan something was being produced at all, and even more so torpedoes.
  12. +4
    27 February 2012 14: 24
    Probably the Americans were more promising for their base. It is clear that let the Kyrgyzbashi not be amused, these will not pay anything at all, and will scatter with Russia at the end.
  13. +3
    27 February 2012 14: 29
    Kirghiz - well, pure speculation. Americans probably promised to take them to Disneyland and feed them chips. There is another aspect here, our soldiers are not allowed into the city to woo Bibigulka, but Americans walk around freely, thereby increasing the gene pool of Kirghiz, and Russians would be happy to, but their mother won't let them, that's the result.
    1. Zamirbek chomaev
      15 March 2014 16: 14
      Because Russian soldiers do not know how to behave. As usual, drunken nonsense. Better let them hang out at the base than to shame!
  14. drossel81
    27 February 2012 14: 30
    I didn’t understand only one reason why Medvedev fussed with him, although I think so as not to mess up the fever, but there should be plenty of leverage. Wait before the election, Putin will come up with something ..)))
  15. zamanyha
    27 February 2012 14: 33
    if he is telling the Truth, for some reason I have no doubt. That’s the policy of the tandem’s friends. The tandem is guilty of dismissing his friends. Hence the rallies and here is the foreign policy. MONEY-MONEY MONEY. When these friends (our oligarchs) make money ? These next 5 years will show. If it is not too late.
  16. Nechai
    27 February 2012 14: 42
    Quote: Denis
    with such people you need to have a strong trump card up your sleeve so that the SELLERS don't back down

    Marshal Semyon Budyonny had such a trump card! Possessing a piece of cloth from his cavalry overcoat, a burqa is an invaluable heirloom and amulet in Central Asia.
    Quote: Lazer
    something is being produced in Kyrgyzstan, and even more so torpedoes.

    In Soviet times. Tested in Issyk-Kul. With the collapse, they transferred to Dagestan. Amer all at that enterprise climbed. They were looking for specialists. Balalaika....
    Quote: drossel81
    I didn’t understand only one thing, why Medvedev clucked with him

    Because he DAM ....
  17. lars
    27 February 2012 14: 45
    "the Kyrgyz president made it clear that he is determined"
    no comment belay
  18. andrklimanov
    27 February 2012 14: 47
    expel all the Kyrgyz from Russia, let's see how they "work" there. the entire Kyrgyz budget is kept on gastors laughing
  19. svvaulsh
    27 February 2012 14: 49
    Perhaps emotions, possibly blackmail, perhaps defending national interests. But how to repay a debt of half a billion?
    There is also a geopolitical aspect, namely, the weakness of the Armed Forces of the republic and the instability of the internal situation, the rivalry of the clans of the south and north. There is only one conclusion, or seek a compromise, or freeze relations (do not forget that there are a lot of Russian-speaking population who will suffer in the first place).
  20. +2
    27 February 2012 14: 54
    remembered a joke in the subject
    Animals are flying in an airplane, suddenly a crow starts yelling - the fox is a whore, the hare thought about it and agreed, the animals looked at each other but remained silent. They fly on, the crow doesn't calm down, the wolf is a faggot, the hare agrees again, the animals again remained silent, the crow gets into a rage, the bear is a dummy, the hare doesn't remain silent again, the animals get tired of this and throw them both out of the airplane, the hare flies down like a stone, the crow flutters happily and asks, hare, can't you fly?
    he responded, “No, of course I’m not a bird,” the crow shrugged her shoulders and asked, “And were you showing off?!”
  21. +1
    27 February 2012 15: 10
    But what is he modestly silent about the debt of Russia ...
  22. +3
    27 February 2012 15: 13
    This president of the new Kyrgyzstan is very unpleasant. It is obvious that he has a good education and manners, but he behaves like a small shopkeeper.
    Although, very skillfully drives amers and us by the nose. He will bargain with everyone.
    But he doesn't understand that if something happens to Kyrgyzstan, and this can happen at any time, then no one except Russia will defend it, as they would defend themselves. No one will need it. Only as a bargaining chip.
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 19: 40
      Quote: ioann1
      But he does not understand well that if suddenly what happens to Kyrgyzstan, and this can always happen, then no one except Russia will defend it, as himself.

  23. Reader
    27 February 2012 15: 14
    blackmail of Moscow and Washington over air bases remains the only source of financial proceeds
  24. Bener
    27 February 2012 15: 19
    Well, you Kyrgyz are the highest race. You didn’t see the report of their scientists. And Adam was a Kyrgyz and the Kyrgyz would save the world, but what did you not know?
  25. +1
    27 February 2012 15: 25
    I think everything is clear here. Need money? Let us blame Russia for something under the threat of demands for the withdrawal of the base. How was it with the American Manas? Remember. But another dollar injection came in and that's it suddenly it became good.
  26. +3
    27 February 2012 15: 34
    As all this is characteristic of Serenasian bais, you are simply amazed. As soon as I climbed onto the presidential stool, I immediately forgot all the promises. Not only that - begins to engage in petty blackmail. Well, and for a long time, interestingly, he will be able to sit on a stool with this approach?!?
  27. +2
    27 February 2012 15: 34
    In Kyrgyzstan, as spring approaches, the situation is getting more and more tense. As a Rosbalt correspondent reports, Kamchybek Tashiev, leader of the Ata-Zhurt faction of the Kyrgyz parliament, told reporters today: "We, with the help of the people, will force the authorities to leave."

    March 1, Kyrgyzstan will begin to judge the blogger, Ph.D. Vladimir Farafonov. For publishing a series of materials on the situation of Russians in this country, he faces 48 years in prison.

    Spring has come, and sneeze seasonal exacerbations
  28. Bravo
    27 February 2012 15: 34
    how much did the west pay him for these statements and how much does he want from us? again on steals like predecessors and escapes
  29. alps
    27 February 2012 15: 35
    After the very first lines in the article, there is no desire to read it further and the desire comes not only not to have their interests there, but to completely merge this, or some other, republic to the Chinese, so that they, like a vampire, suck all living things out of it, leaving after me, absolutely indigent indigenous people, so that the rest would be a good lesson in foreign friendship.
    1. -1
      27 February 2012 15: 39
      Quote: alps
      completely merge this, or some other, republic to the Chinese, so that those like a vampire suck out all living things from it leaving behind an absolutely impoverished indigenous population, so that the rest would be a good lesson in foreign friendship

      you can’t give in to emotions, it’s not difficult to merge;
      1. alps
        27 February 2012 15: 51
        It will not, because the desire to return everything will come from within, and not from outside, and the desire will be very strong.
        1. -1
          27 February 2012 16: 27
          if you give to "someone", then besides the desire of the Kyrgyz to return, you will need to give "someone", but no one likes to give
    2. Zamirbek chomaev
      15 March 2014 16: 23
      China does not need Kyrgyzstan, but Russia will not interfere in the territories and in everything else.
  30. +2
    27 February 2012 15: 40
    In connection with the growth of the Kyrgyz economy... and to speed it up, send the Kyrgyz home. And what is simple and tasteful... the question is how much will the economic growth in the economy of sovereign Kyrgyzstan fall after the arrival of the first thousand gastriks to their homeland. And there is no need to be shy... their president cares about them, and ours should care about us... and no other way.
    1. Zamirbek chomaev
      15 March 2014 16: 26
      The Russian economy will also fall. Because the main black labor is gastric. Do not forget
  31. nnnnnnnnn
    27 February 2012 15: 43
    I wrote about this in my comments before Atambayev was elected president of Kyrgyzstan. Of course, this is blackmail, one of the ways to try to put pressure on Russia so that Kyrgyzstan is accepted into the Customs Union and then into the EEU, because there is no economic growth and the only way out is to get into the CU and get oil, gas, coal, grain and other things for free. The same thing is happening with Kazakhstan, as the Kyrgyz authorities have stated that they will review all contracts and agreements with Kazakhstan, since this is unacceptable for the Kyrgyz. I think the whole point of these temporary workers was said by Atambayev himself. “Kyrgyzstan is now a different country. This is not a country that someone will beg for loans. If someone wants to help us, we will not refuse, ”said the President of Kyrgyzstan. And he added that if the Chinese provide loans on more favorable terms than Russia, then Kyrgyzstan will take them. only the peoples of this country are sorry.
  32. PabloMsk
    27 February 2012 15: 51
    What amuses me most is that many of our forum members are jumping into action without looking back, either for Syria... or for Iran...

    Well, really, "examples" of our Central Asian neighbors are not going to be useful, eh ..? :)
    We are here for them, for almost all of them we’ll go to fight tomorrow ..... to defend against the Americans ....! To defend the scolded honor of the brothers of Sisrians and brothers of Iranians ....
    Yes!!!! And for the Kyrgyz brothers, too, we will harness if the war tomorrow ...

    They hate some today, and tomorrow they’ll put others at stake ... east ...
    Let's treat the issues of "friendship" with these countries more objectively!
    1. +3
      27 February 2012 17: 45
      Whatever it is. Fascism against the Kirghiz is still not permissible, do not even hope
      1. Ivan35
        27 February 2012 21: 08
        Correctly involved! Kyrgyz leadership must be taught and educated - or replaced
        But we can’t let Kyrgyzstan itself out of our control - we’ll immediately find “friends of the Kyrgyz people” from Pendustan or the Chinese - and we don’t need that.

        And this "pabla" stealthily pushes us a muddy idea - no need to speak for Iran and Syria to harness - and leave Kyrgyzstan - they are all "ungrateful", so tomorrow we will hand over Belarus and Kazakhstan and the Caucasus and so on.

        That's all wrong! On the contrary, we must strengthen our influence and expand our empire!
  33. Born in USSR
    27 February 2012 16: 08
    Russia has enough leverage to project its influence on Kyrgyzstan. The case for professionals and political will
    1. -3
      27 February 2012 17: 03
      Well, yes, unfortunately, we don’t have either one .....
  34. Nechai
    27 February 2012 16: 25
    Quote: ioann1
    but behaves like a small shopkeeper.

    Not in condemnation and not in mockery - well, that's how they are. So brought up, such traditions. I remember, at first it was oh, how hard it is to push the proposition DU = B1000 to immigrants from Central Asia. But after "putting it in the market-counter fashion, when you ask the gunner how many coins he should get for this product, and not the range and aiming, it bounces off the teeth. After all, read each of them from fake traded in the bazaar. This is something from transcendental spheres. And for how many days he sold it at once, without any calculator to a penny (meter) will count ...
  35. Mishutka
    27 February 2012 16: 41
    He famously threw his electorate. But the motives are not clear, is it really stupid blackmail
  36. CBT Pinocchio
    27 February 2012 16: 45
    So, Kyrgyzstan seemed to require 25 billion dollars for occupation ... And Ivana - go home !!!
  37. Nymp
    27 February 2012 16: 48
    Well, let's say the GDP growth in Kyrgyzstan has increased, I think this is not the factor that made the newly-minted president throw out in Moscow (the country is even in debt to Moscow like in silk!) Most likely, the new leader earns points inside his country! Apparently the anti-Russian elite is clearly outlined there. Again - the result of a coup! These coups and the orange revolutions around our territory are not good. I think that’s what; hitting an American base is most likely fictitious! Unlike a collision at a Russian base! Veiled anti-Russianism.
  38. 0
    27 February 2012 16: 58
    I have said more than once that everyone sold out to the USA !!! The Russian base will be removed, but the US base will be left !!! All this is very sad ... one more minus of the current Russian government in foreign policy ...
    1. Nymp
      27 February 2012 17: 00
      Well Alexei do not hang your nose! We do not know all the pros and cons! Break through!
    2. Comrade
      27 February 2012 17: 32
      Most likely, the next revolution will be, for fear, Russian-speaking, to flee to the Russian Federation. Yes, and the United States most likely put pressure on Atambayev to remove the base from Kant.
  39. Sarus
    27 February 2012 17: 06
    What is it ...
    He completely forgot how Kyrgyzstan asked the Russian Federation for airborne assistance in order to reassure the protesters ... He doesn’t think at all ... The United States will stage another orange demonstration so that China does not get Kyrgyzstan ...
    You shouldn’t be so comrade Alzambek .... They’re not joking with such things ...
    Changing power in Kyrgyzstan is very easy, which is what you proved ...
    Or do you hope that you can leave your country and leave with money from the Russian Federation? ...
    The most annoying thing is that ordinary citizens suffer the most in such disputes ...
    After all, how many jobs would Russian projects give ... A big impetus to the development of infrastructure ... And what about Turkey or the USA ... They will only make bases and passages for drugs from Afghanistan ... China will either force energy to work or take out natural resources will be....
    And who will protect against Islamic radicals? Who will give new jobs to youth? Who will raise the level of education? ...
    I’m already tired of the situation that almost all the CIS countries are ready to say that the Russian Federation is bad and terrible and we don’t need ... Maybe we can really throw them all off the neck ... Enter the border with visas and we will see how they develop independently
    1. Comrade
      27 February 2012 17: 28
      And why doesn’t anyone think about the Russian-speaking people in all these countries, including Kyrgyzstan? For example, there are about (or maybe more) 500 thousand of us living there. I lived in the village of Novo-Pokrovka near Kant. Kant should stay there, like at least some hope is ours. Because everyone who considers themselves Russian knows, in which case you need to run to Kant to the base, that they will be saved there. I am surprised the Russians who shout that Russia is for Russians, they absolutely do not care about those who stayed there.
      Atambaev is a former director of the enterprise where both my mother and father worked. With the collapse of the USSR, he bought a lot of enterprises (probably with the help of the United States). In a word, the monopolist. I heard his interview with Ekho Moskvy and he seemed to me a wise and sensible person ...
      I was offended when crosses were put on our houses, when they attacked us. The local police hid, and the army was all in the south, and the Russian troops were guarding the embassy. Everyone was not up to us. , people who consider themselves Russian and remember their historic homeland great patriots! We protect there the interests of a country that we do not need.
      There is still a feeling or to speak directly so it is that we live there as hostages.
      1. Gur
        28 February 2012 08: 54
        I agree, I have also asked this question more than once.
    2. +1
      27 February 2012 17: 41
      After all, the children are still quite .... laughing
  40. OilGas2011
    27 February 2012 17: 11
    Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev probably forgot that he has a neighbor, China.
  41. Nechai
    27 February 2012 17: 14
    Quote: Teddy bear
    He famously threw his electorate.

    If you share with the electorate, it does not crash like its predecessors, it will be worn on your hands.
    In the 90s, two lads came to Ashgabat. They go out to the station square and see such a new solid monument. And to one another: "What did they ... put this on?" And in less than a minute, a guard policeman approached them and explained politely to the newcomers that this was a monument to the father of all Turkmen, Turkmen-Bashi. And for his insult, if it is repeated, they will take away not symbolic terms of imprisonment. The monument is a popular expression of love and respect for the Turkmen-Bashi. What in this case will be regarded as an insult to the entire Turkmen people. That is, they will give you the maximum ...
  42. +2
    27 February 2012 17: 37
    one of two things. Either he received a lot of money from the United States, or he is sick on the head, although both get on very well ....
  43. +4
    27 February 2012 17: 38
    Interesting. When they feel bad, they are ready to build relations "in accordance with the interests of Russia", but as soon as they got better (not without the help of Russia), "new relations" were immediately established. Only at the same time they forget about their unpaid debts.
    1. Comrade
      27 February 2012 17: 43
      You have to be tougher with all these opposition revolutionaries. Harder!
  44. -1
    27 February 2012 17: 46
    I think any psychoanalyst will say only one thing - that’s hysteria!
    1. -1
      28 February 2012 02: 54
      For those who thought that it was a mental illness. It's about political psychology!

      Political Psychology studies:

      1. The subject of politics (leaders of political movements, statesmen and other persons studying, designing, creating and applying political power.),
      2. The object of politics (people and masses of people reacting to the use of power as voters, citizens, participants in strikes, demonstrations, riots, etc.).
      3. Political activity (ideological discussions about the forms and manifestations of power, the process of legislative changes in the structure and functions of power, economic management through its power regulation, the use of force in controlling the political behavior of the masses of people or its leaders).
  45. amph1cyon
    27 February 2012 17: 47
    Either he "sends" America, then Russia. You know, I just want to say "not yours, not only our ***** wave." Tomorrow, when there will be mass disturbances from Kyrgyzstan, thanks to such leaders, everyone will turn away from Kyrgyzstan.
  46. Comrade
    27 February 2012 17: 54
    Right now they gave him money, and in the spring again the revolution and he will run away like his previous colleagues ... Russia does not need to pay for the base but simply write off the debt. And while Kyrgyzstan has a debt to the Russian Federation, the base will be there. They’ll settle down faster.
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 20: 06
      Quote: Comrade
      ..Russia does not have to pay for the base but simply write off the debt. And while Kyrgyzstan has a debt to the Russian Federation, the base will be there. They’ll settle faster

  47. +1
    27 February 2012 18: 08
    Well, what can I say - it's completely expected and predictable....not that kind of mentality, where money rules the roost and only then reason.
  48. +4
    27 February 2012 18: 37
    What kind of rats, you can't call them anything else, are we in the CIS? Yanukovych was supposedly pro-Russian and that's why the people elected him, then Atambayev, but the result is the same - a refusal to keep his election promises. There is no trust at all.
    1. PabloMsk
      27 February 2012 19: 20

      I agree ...

      But our dear President and Presidential candidate at least once in my life would have made a precedent !!!!

      We would speak publicly on television and say - we are leaving this country, breaking diplomatic relations and sending all citizens of this country from Russia ..!
      Live yourself, as you know. For help to Russia, earlier than 10 years - do not contact !!!

      That would be a Lesson to adherence to the rest of the "neighbors".
      1. -1
        27 February 2012 19: 30
        take the Russians from the Kyrgyz Republic to your home ?!
        1. Gur
          28 February 2012 09: 04
          And are you, sir, so afraid of this?? Don't worry... those Russians who, if they come from Central Asia, will be able to build houses for themselves, and work no worse (and maybe even better), and they drink less (although of course there are some who are not inferior to the natives) if only the leadership had the will. And what happens, I, a Russian, moving to Russia... I have to prove for five years that I am Russian, and have the rights of a migrant worker (in some regions, they are treated better than Russian immigrants)
  49. 0
    27 February 2012 19: 15
    If someone wants to help us, we will not refuse, ”said the President of Kyrgyzstan. And he added that if the Chinese provide loans on more favorable terms than Russia, then Kyrgyzstan will take them.

    All over the world they are carefully watching countries and their credit ratings !! I do not think that China will give a loan to a country that does not pay its debts !!
  50. 0
    27 February 2012 19: 17
    Hmm, for some reason he flew to Moscow when our money was not paid to them for rent, he remembers well, but the fact that Kyrgyzstan owes us 10 times more money is something he somehow forgot ... If they want us to remove our base let the debts to us be paid off for a start, otherwise they sit who think how much they owe them, but they don’t remember their debts. I hope Putin will be tougher than Medvedev and will not be afraid to remind them of this; one should not allow such a Pug to bark at an elephant, otherwise there will be many more of them then run to barking ...
  51. 0
    27 February 2012 19: 19
    It’s a pity that our intelligence services are very humane, not like the United States.
    Kicked out of your position, or hit with a brick on the head, supposedly an accident.
    And elect a new president.
    And if he starts playing around, then by chance something might happen to him...
  52. tm70-71
    27 February 2012 19: 31
    I am from Kyrgyzstan, a little about the base: there are only 5 su here - 25,400 military personnel, the base in Kant gives many people work, as does the American one in Manas. The base was set up after the Batken events, so to speak, to cover the Afghan-Tajik-Uzbek direction, the Dastan plant: I once worked at the Dastan plant, at the moment only horns and legs remain, all the equipment is morally and physically obsolete, what they did not have time to hand over to China for scrap metal, they brought there who did not come, Turks and Chinese, Iranians, but it seems to me they salute the Turks, he has a special love for them, he has business there
    1. Comrade
      27 February 2012 19: 46
      What is the nationalist situation like at the moment?
  53. tm70-71
    27 February 2012 20: 11
    Russian journalist will be tried for inciting national hatred - he wrote the truth about the deposition of Russians in Kyrgyzstan
    1. Comrade
      27 February 2012 20: 13
      The situation of Russians in Kyrgyzstan is exactly the same as everyone else in this country, including the Kyrgyz. People survive as best they can.
  54. tm70-71
    27 February 2012 20: 15
    Today there was a small picket in defense, near the Russian embassy, ​​with a request to influence somehow - zero emotions, they won’t do anything
    1. Comrade
      27 February 2012 20: 17
      they have no time for this right now... they should solve everything here and they will decide there.
    2. SSR
      27 February 2012 21: 44
      and the local "loudmouths" have grown up and are shouting that everyone needs to be kicked out... then we'll see how they whine there...
      and how will our Russians survive there with the locals? It doesn't matter...
      hurley grit... if they live in "Western" Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia... then they will survive in some Asia....
      Russia has many levers of pressure... and as some people say here, "dumping" Atambekov won't work... since Kyrgyzstan is in the CSTO, SCO and CIS and if we "dump" him, then the word and agreement with Russia will be worthless... if a small mountainous country can influence him like that... (only the decision of all participants will be legitimate)

      Atambek didn’t get a slap from the amers... he had visited Turkey before this... and back in the 90s, cadets returning from studying in Turkey immediately went to the Security Council with statements about how the Turks recruited them...
      and it also seems to me that atambk... in front of part of the pope, he is trying to present himself as a "cool" guy... and in general it is sad and but a generation of people has grown up for whom the word "brotherly peoples"... international... and many other things are simply incomprehensible... and so they need to be "conquered" with new... ideas taking into account new realities.
      but atambek... you need to hit him with a hook... and when he falls, hold him... and press his Turkish balls with your heel..
      With Kyrgyzstan in the region, not everything is so simple.... the water resources so necessary for Uzbekistan flow through them... and Karimov is still a “ball”, but if they decide to drain them, the Kazakhs will harness it... in general, there is a small but crappy knot there
      sorry... so think out loud.
  55. -1
    27 February 2012 20: 34
  56. SSR
    27 February 2012 21: 51
    Here we can only hope for the Supreme Leadership of our country... because in reality... we are all against this (the Foreign Ministry should hear it)... the bureaucrats at the local level... forget about their duty to the Fatherland... and start to deal exclusively with their own wallets... these are the ones who need to be taken down... then speak they won't.... because the goldfinch isn't big enough for a Falcon speak (our embassy for them should be like a sacred cow for Hindus)... and if there is a constantly chattering "sparrow" messenger nearby, then there arises... a feeling that he is competing with his equals...
    It is necessary to give soup to both of us...
  57. +1
    27 February 2012 22: 41
    The Kyrgyz leader explained such a sharp change in government behavior by the high growth of Kyrgyzstan's GDP over the past year and a solid continuation of the emerging trend. ----- I had the good fortune to become acquainted with this trend called house slippers wink - with a proud inscription, made in Kyrgyzstan!!!!! laughing fell apart after 7 days!! belay Chinese at least laughing wassat lasted a month!!!
  58. 755962
    27 February 2012 23: 25
    Not only the strategic facility in Kant, but also other Russian projects in Kyrgyzstan were under threat.
    If you don't want it to be bad, if it's good it will be worse... wink
  59. bremest
    28 February 2012 00: 06
    You can't rely on a contract in relations with those who don't value the legal system and are prone to betrayal. Any monetary loan must be secured by collateral, and when signing the agreement with Kyrgyzstan, it was necessary to take care of this. In particular, one could ask for shares of enterprises, assets, as collateral, as well as an obligation to keep their gold and foreign exchange reserves in Russia, which would also be collateral. It was necessary to secure Atambayev by a personal agreement and a large monetary reward, which would be kept in accounts in the Security Council of the Russian Federation. SECOND: Apparently, Atambayev was re-recruited during his stay in Turkey, received a large bribe, which is the reason for such behavior. THIRD: If he doesn't come to his senses, and in all likelihood he won't come to his senses, then a revolution awaits him......
  60. Odessa
    28 February 2012 01: 00
    I am generally surprised by Moscow's policy. What is there to coddle, and with whom? Why not adopt American methods of influence: very close work with the opposition and tough economic pressure on the government, or more precisely on their firms, accounts, etc., on the country as a whole. Who are they? Why can a small parasitic country (they are completely dependent on everything) brazenly bargain and pose, while the Russian Federation only makes pirouettes and throws up its hands? Who cares what Atambayev thinks: should or should not be in the civil service? airfield military airbase? There are intergovernmental agreements - fulfill them. And it doesn't matter who signed them: Bakiev-Shmakiev or Vasya Pupkin. He was the president of the country and Kyrgyzstan got the money. Kyrgyzstan got it, not Bakiev personally (although he got some of it, too). What the hell is this? It's tough, extremely tough to put it on your back: either the base, etc., or the money on the table in accordance with the agreements. And if not: get a star for tea - a massive connivance of the Kyrgyz government and destabilization of the country, up to a change of elite to a more loyal RF.
  61. 0
    28 February 2012 01: 36
    I'm not surprised. NATO members are trying to stake a claim on Kyrgyzstan, because... this is a convenient springboard for a possible attack on Russia. From there, Siberia is cut in half (the steppes of Kazakhstan can be driven very quickly). Another bridgehead is Georgia - with a quick strike you can not only capture the south of Russia, but cut the country along the Volga. A blow from the West, of course, the Balts. The Far East - as if it were not North Korea (after the revolution). Add to this the training of the US Army for fighting in the Arctic and we get a blow from the North.
    Fighters will be recruited in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries with permanent war, where everyone has learned to shoot, but there is no money to live.
    Our only options for response are Syria and Iran (blocking oil), Serbia (attack the center of Europe), Cuba and Venezuela - the southern United States.
    5-10 years, I think it’s still there.
  62. Nechai
    28 February 2012 03: 57
    Quote: Hauptmann Emil
    Only at the same time they forget about their unrepaid debts.

    The service provided does not cost anything.
    Quote: Comrade
    You have to be tougher with all these opposition revolutionaries. Harder!

    He hopes that the lender - Russia (USA, PRC, TURKEY) is interested in the life and health of the borrower. But if you show with a couple of clear examples, and not only to the lords and sultans, that the Russian Federation doesn’t care about any loot if the partner turned out to be not a man of HONOR and WORDS. And everything will become clear to everyone...
    Quote: bremest
    Apparently Atambayev was converted during his stay in Turkey

    I can imagine how the Turkish specialists fought off his advances - “Well, take me to the shpitny! And I can also be an agent of influence!” The Turks, unable to bear it, nevertheless took the subscription. Maybe it will work out for something.
    Actually, we need to understand that the “flag” of all former republics is nationalism. And it is directed not only and not so much against Russia, but against its neighbors. That's right, it was noted here that it is necessary to fight for the youth. Home-grown “sultans” are losing it primarily to the Ismailis; Western “values” are less popular. Here is a possible direction of propaganda (at a glance): good neighborliness, that all issues can be resolved peacefully, leading to shared prosperity and increased prosperity. And both of the above mentioned paths - Wachabism and universal humanity - lead to the devils.
  63. aironfirst
    28 February 2012 09: 29
    It is difficult to do business with a country that, in fact, is not a country at all.
    All these "little tsars" and "little sultans" need to be eliminated systematically if they don't want to live in peace and conduct business in a constructive manner. It seems they haven't yet realized that the times when they could yelp and spit in Russia's direction with impunity are over.
  64. 0
    28 February 2012 10: 14
    The man was clearly stunned by the power he received Yes
    I wonder how long he will last on his ambitions?
  65. Aleksey67
    28 February 2012 17: 58
    Well, here it begins... Central Asia is like a kindergarten, Petya has a car and I want the same!!! Damn, they didn’t give one clown a shortcut, now we’re waiting for the next “petitioners” to appear in the Kremlin, who owe Russia “like land to a collective farm,” but they won’t miss their chance to “gnaw off the dough for free.”

    Dushanbe insists on charging rent from Russia for military baseNews | 28.02.2012 | 16:16

    Dushanbe insists on leasing Russia for the presence of the 201st Russian military base in the republic... This was stated in an interview with the Tajik service of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, the Ambassador of Tajikistan to Russia Abdulmajid Dostiev.

    According to him, One of the main issues that was raised during a telephone conversation between Tajik presidents Emomali Rakhmon and Russia Dmitry Medvedev was related to the status and conditions of stay of the 201st Russian military base, but the parties did not reach specific agreements.

    In September last year, Medvedev announced in Dushanbe that a new agreement on the further stay of the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan (another 49 years) is planned to be signed in the first quarter of 2012.

    The stay agreement for the 201st RBD was signed in Dushanbe in October 2004 for a period of 10 years. In the ranks of the base, there are about 7 thousand troops. Its parts are located in the cities of Dushanbe, Kulyab and Kurgan-Tyube.

    This is Russia's largest military formation abroad, which is located practically free of charge. Negotiations to revise the status of the base began three years ago. Earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi stated that During the negotiations, all options for the continued presence of the base are considered, including on a reimbursable basis.

    First, the pilots are now a base, by the way, the planes are still under arrest. Isn’t it time to start sending “sick” Tajiks back to their homeland again?

    So, according to official data in 2010, the volume of Tajikistan’s external debt reached $1,943 billion and amounted to 34,6% of GDP. However, according to experts from international financial institutions, Tajikistan’s public debt amounts to about 40% of GDP, which poses a threat to the national economy.

    Today, some financial institutions do not consider Tajikistan as a partner and have begun to avoid it like the plague. This happened at the end of 2010 with the Asian Development Bank, which refused to provide new loans to Dushanbe, justifying its decision by the large volume of the country’s public debt and the problem of its sustainable servicing.

    But this is indicative:

    the average monthly salary is only about 32 somoni (11 US dollars). Tajik analysts claim that In terms of economic development, the country returned to 1929.
    1. Aleksey67
      28 February 2012 20: 27
      GUYS, new CASUALTY!!!!!
      Read the comment above, otherwise no one cares or no one noticed wink
  66. Aleksey67
    29 February 2012 09: 56
    It looks like the United States is doing a good job displacing Russia: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan. Maybe it's time to put our debtors on the "counter"?

    Negotiations between Russia and Azerbaijan on extending the agreement on the use of the Gabala radar station have stalled over the proposed rent, writes the Kommersant newspaper on Wednesday.

    Baku demands an increase in rent from the current $7 million to $300 million and is unwilling to make concessions. The Ministry of Defense called this price inadequate and, if Baku did not curb its appetites, they threatened to leave Gabala.
    1. Aleksey67
      29 February 2012 10: 03
      However, Azerbaijan seems to be “jumping” themselves, Iran is already dissatisfied there

      Iran demands explanations from Azerbaijan over deal with IsraelNews | 29.02.2012 | 06:55

      The Iranian government has demanded an explanation from its Azerbaijani counterparts regarding the arms deal with Israel. The Azerbaijani ambassador was summoned to the Tehran Foreign Ministry, where they pointed out to him the complete fallacy, from their point of view, of the agreement with Israel regarding the provision of Azerbaijani territory for the “Tel Aviv bridgehead.”

      The Ambassador of Azerbaijan assured official Iran that the weapons systems acquired in Israel will not be used against third countries, but are needed only for the liberation and protection of the occupied Azerbaijani territories. Let us recall that the day before it became known about the largest Israeli-Azerbaijani deal for the purchase of drones and air defense systems in the amount of $1,6 billion.

      This is already the second call of the Azerbaijani ambassador to the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Two weeks earlier, the Tehran authorities demanded “a cessation of the activities of Israeli intelligence services on the territory of Azerbaijan, directed against Iran.” According to the Iranian leadership, open Zionist anti-Iranian activity is being conducted in Baku and other cities of the republic.