The joint exercises of the South Korean and American military began.

The joint exercises of the South Korean and American military began.
Today began the annual large-scale joint military exercises of South Korea and the United States of America. The maneuvers, in which 200 thousands of South Korean and a little over two thousand American military men take part, will last until April 30.

Exercises include Air Force maneuvers under the name "Eaglet" and maneuvers of land and naval forces of the two countries, which are called "Key decision". In the course of the exercise, it is planned to work out the questions of the application and interaction of the units of the Air Force, the ground forces and the naval forces of the countries.

North Korea has already reacted negatively to the actions of the United States and South Korea. Pyongyang perceives these teachings as a silent declaration of war, and the head of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un, arrived at a military base located on the border with South Korea, and ordered a powerful punitive strike in case of violation of the DPRK’s borders during military exercises.

Last week, the South Korean Armed Forces (AF) conducted military maneuvers, accompanied by firing practice, near the disputed border with North Korea. The exercises were held near the island of Yonphendo, in the region of which the disputed line of separation between South Korea and the DPRK is located. Soon after the official Seoul informed Pyongyang about the start of the exercise, representatives of the DPRK Supreme Council declared maneuvers "pre-planned military provocation" and warned that in case of an attack on North Korea, Pyongyang would use force.
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  1. Anatoly
    27 February 2012 13: 11
    Tough guys! Kim Jong-un is watching you vigilantly.
    1. Neighbor
      27 February 2012 17: 00
      They will learn it - from China and the DPRK... they will receive it. am
    2. Region65
      28 February 2012 05: 14
      video report about the first days of the exercises.
    27 February 2012 13: 13
    Yes, they will not attack North Korea, they just give them a signal that they need to cooperate with the Amirikos and everything will be calm, but as Fradkov said, we have normal relations with North Korea and there are prospects for the future, here the Americans and the South Koreans decided to show that they they hold the wrong path, but in the case, it’s just the same - closer to Russia!
  3. damba
    27 February 2012 13: 13
    loshars just check Kim’s reaction 3rd
  4. Sergh
    27 February 2012 13: 15
    But Pyongyang can grunt, it is not necessary to persuade him for a long time. Something amers arrived a little, got lost along the way? Or is it just correspondents with observers?
    China is now also reaching the borders, everyone will come to take a look.
  5. +11
    27 February 2012 13: 15
    The states decided to attract the attention of the DPRK and they succeeded, and thereby distract everyone from Iran there, as it turned out, nuclear weapons are no longer being developed
  6. Regul
    27 February 2012 13: 21
    200 thousand South Korean and two thousand small US military

    normal such exercises, large-scale, between times such forces can cross the border and "not notice"
    DPRK declares maneuvers "a pre-planned military provocation

    so, on the other hand, it is possible to conduct a reciprocal exercise with the name "Defense of the State Border from a Potential Adversary", declare mobilization and stand on the border, and see what they themselves are capable of making their neighbors nervous.
  7. +4
    27 February 2012 13: 27
    The Koreans are not tired of looking at each other yet. Their maniacal desire to "kill" each other causes only regret.
  8. +1
    27 February 2012 13: 31
    There is absolutely nothing non-ethnic in the article. The exercises are planned. Similar exercises have been held regularly for several decades. Since this region is of key importance in the US doctrine, the exercises here are the most large-scale of those in which units and parts of their armed forces participate outside the continental United States.
  9. Tugarin snake
    27 February 2012 13: 32
    A new secret rocket has been created in North Korea. The Americans are very concerned that their air defense systems were completely unsuitable for its interception. The missile has an ultra-low flight path and absolute accuracy, since it is delivered to the target directly by bicycle. US President threatened Sev. It’s a retaliation to Korea if it doesn’t destroy all the bikes it has in two weeks :)
  10. +4
    27 February 2012 13: 35
    The United States, in a circle, holds its points of influence. Here is the next one. Demonstration of the power of the DPRK, grin China. Do not forget about the region. True, to act simultaneously in all directions of power is no longer.
  11. +2
    27 February 2012 13: 56
    The Americans are dreaming and trying to provoke a mess in any place of Eurasia. Anyway - where, if only there was a war. And any war is a way to support their dying bucks.
    Doesn't it occur to the South Korean rulers that the US wants to use their hands to steal chestnuts from the fire they're lighting for themselves?
    It will be South Korea that gets the most, and if also Japan, China and Russia, then how many rivals for Americans will become less.
    But, I repeat, it is South Korea that is the most raking. It may even cease to exist if they provoke Pyongyang to use nuclear weapons.
  12. +1
    27 February 2012 14: 30
    Do they want to make the orange revolution there too? "Our shot has ripened everywhere." America in any case, pi..dets, there will be war or not, which is why they are so zealous in the whole world.
  13. zamanyha
    27 February 2012 14: 39
    sorry for me NORTH KOREAN. In my heart I’m ready to accept that even the Americans will give them Freedom. But it’s not Life how they live. FREEDOM NORTH KOREAN!
  14. Nechai
    27 February 2012 14: 50
    Quote: Sergh
    Something amer arrived a little

    What if, through secret tunnels, on a dark, dark night, countless hordes of special forces of the DPRK Armed Forces make their way straight into the camp of the heroic Yankees and cut everyone to pieces... It's scary, though. They brought all the fearless ones...
  15. Bravo
    27 February 2012 15: 38
    North Korean people are sorry they live in poverty but loyal to the country and patriots
    1. PabloMsk
      27 February 2012 16: 09
      These are just zombie poor fellow ...
      We ourselves were not so long ago.
  16. Mishutka
    27 February 2012 16: 11
    In the US, the navel will probably be untied soon belay Already and the Celestial Empire decided to tease am
  17. Railways
    27 February 2012 16: 18
    NHK TV showed what Kim Jong-un said about this: “If there is any violation of the border (apparently he meant the DMZ), even by 0,001 mm, we will immediately and harshly respond.”
  18. Svyatoslav
    27 February 2012 16: 36
    The Americans soon jump with their teachings.
  19. FIMUK
    27 February 2012 16: 37
    "gave the order to deliver a powerful punitive blow" said kim jong-un and made a call to a friend in Beijing *))
  20. Novosibirsky
    27 February 2012 17: 09
    North Korea is doomed to integrate with South. In general, it still rests only on the reluctance of the North Korean elite to lose power, and on Chinese patronage.
    I would not conduct exercises in the place of South Korea under the nose of the North, but send amateur theatrical groups there, with sabers, tambourines and long-legged girls. He helped everyone as much as possible, held free unlimited Internet for all comers, and at the same time held negotiations with the elite regarding the division of the pie and the preservation of personal assets and other benefits.
    The North Koreans, I believe, are already sleeping and seeing life like Southerners, only they will not utter this thought aloud, even in private with the toilet, from sin ...
    Look, who lives, the union will be colorful, like the opening of the Olympics! )))
    (if only not like Hiroshima, etc.)
    P.S. apparently not really that Southerners need this union ...)
    1. lars
      27 February 2012 20: 35
      spent free unlimited internet for everyone

      no, they won’t give - this is an ideological question
  21. Sapper
    27 February 2012 17: 58
    The United States really wants Kim to strike South Korea.
  22. +2
    27 February 2012 18: 16
    No matter how we exaggerate, regarding the military potential of North Korea, but the morale there is enough for both Americans and blood brothers! North Korea considers its armed forces invincible. And, the individual training of soldiers, judging by the information, is quite high.

    1. The country is officially cultivating the "Songun" course, that is, "the army is above all."
    2. Service in the DPRK Armed Forces is considered an honorable affair. It gives advantages in admission to the party and admission to universities, so men tend to join the army. It is not easy to do this if health does not allow or the origin is unreliable. Well, let's say there are relatives in South Korea. They usually serve in the North Korean army for ten years.
    3. Since 2002, the M-2002 tank has been produced on the basis of the Soviet T-90. Now, according to the South Korean military academy, the DPRK annually produces about 200 tanks.
    4. According to the White Paper of the US Department of Defense, the DPRK ground forces have 1 million people, 3900 tanks, 2100 infantry fighting vehicles, 8500 artillery pieces, 5100 mobile missile defense systems, 3000 amphibians. The DPRK naval forces are 60 000 military personnel, 420 warships, 70 submarines, 260 airborne boats. The North Korean Air Force consists of 110, 000 military, 870 combat aircraft, and 840 support aircraft.
    5. According to South Korean estimates, the DPRK armed forces, whose official data are not published, comprise 1 170 000 people. They occupy the 4-e or 5-e place in the world in terms of number of members.
    6. On May 25 of 2009, the DPRK conducted the second underground test of a nuclear explosive device after 2006 of the year, after which the UN Security Council adopted a resolution introducing new and tougher previous sanctions against the North Korean state. In Pyongyang, this was actually perceived as a declaration of war, but the nuclear program was not stopped. And they are unlikely to abandon the existing nuclear weapons: according to Western experts, this is 5 — 6 of ammunition.
    1. eJik
      27 February 2012 21: 58
      based on Soviet T-90
      fail, where did they get the t-90 and even Soviet))
      1. -1
        28 February 2012 02: 38
        Sorry, just cut back and therefore cut out the base (... developed on the basis of the Soviet T-54 ...), that’s what happened.
  23. LiRoy
    27 February 2012 20: 15
    North Korea is a scarecrow that is beneficial for Americans to have in this region. If the Americans wanted Korea to unite, it would have been so for a long time, but this is not beneficial to anyone, not China, nor Japan, nor the United States, nor Russia. Why do we need another strong rival in the region.
  24. lars
    27 February 2012 20: 34
    Planned exercises, unscheduled - the army must "walk" at least in the format of exercises and maneuvers. I just have to. A small question - who pays for the "walk" - that special thanks.
  25. 0
    27 February 2012 20: 54
    Quote: LiRoy
    Why do we need another strong rival in the region.

    +Agreed! A united Korea would be a pain in the ass not only for the above-mentioned countries, but also a "saber-toothed tiger" for the entire Pacific region. I have known about the efficiency and stubbornness of Koreans since Soviet times. I think that the current state of affairs is still advantageous for our Far East. We will get stronger, develop in a new way - then no Kimilsungs and Denxiaopins with samurai together will risk teasing the Northern Bear! And the Americans are simply tolerated there (for now!). All countries in the region have special scores to settle with them!
  26. 755962
    27 February 2012 23: 40
    The Koreans are poor. I feel sorry for them. They are already suffering, and here are the Americans with their range ... They would feed them better on this (training) money ...
  27. alexey-filatov-1988
    28 February 2012 16: 43
    Air Force maneuvers called "Eaglet" laughing