Hillary Clinton: Bashar Assad will overthrow the army

Hillary Clinton: Bashar Assad will overthrow the army
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton believes that the Syrian security services and the army can become a force capable of overthrowing the political regime of Bashar al-Assad.

Speaking after the failure of the “Friends of Syria” conference, the Secretary of State said that “surrounded by Assad, people began to think about alternatives” and they do not intend to destroy their own people.

In confirmation of her words, Hillary Clinton gave an example of last year's uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, it was the military that put an end to the long-term dictatorial regimes.

Clinton said that this could happen again in Syria.
According to the Secretary of State, further events in Syria will develop according to the following scenario: the military will polarize and eliminate Bashar al-Assad, and thus will be able to avoid a bloody and long civil war.

American President Obama and Hillary Clinton have repeatedly hinted at the possibility that the elimination of Assad will occur through elements that are within his own regime. Robert Danin, a former dignitary at the State Department, believes that the speech of US Secretary of State Clinton in Tunisia is the most outspoken call of the administration to the putsch.

According to Danin, this is the cheapest and shortest way, able to preserve those institutions that are not affected by the conflict. The army is one of these institutions, it can ensure stability and unity.
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  1. BOSS
    27 February 2012 11: 51
    In confirmation of her words, Hillary Clinton gave an example of last year's uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, it was the military that put an end to the long-term dictatorial regimes.
    Well, you are the United States and scum!
    1. Slayer
      27 February 2012 11: 55
      She simply openly stated that the United States will try to bribe the Syrian military
      1. BOSS
        27 February 2012 11: 57
        The way it is!
      2. Regul
        27 February 2012 12: 01
        According to the Secretary of State, further events in Syria will develop according to the following scenario: the military will polarize and eliminate Bashar al-Assad, and thus will be able to avoid a bloody and long civil war.

        Interestingly, that’s how they intended to act or are trying to divert Assad’s attention and strength from something else.
      3. Sergh
        27 February 2012 12: 02
        Now, when will they rest these rats? Well, let their people live in peace, or even the rest. Doesn’t she understand that everyone in the world is watered it and not only ....
        1. Roman A
          27 February 2012 12: 25
          They don't care what they are called (the State Department is used by both Putin's and the nationalists, but they are silent) hope for the new government, and they will tell what kind of peacekeepers they are. There remains hope that they will tell the right story then.
          Now, when will they rest these rats? Well, let their people live in peace, or even the rest. Doesn’t she understand that everyone in the world is watered it and not only ....
        2. +4
          27 February 2012 12: 41
          Well, no matter how much you swear at her with our choice obscenities, she will stick to her guns! You know, sometimes you wonder, why are they doing all this, is it really just to give a shit about the whole world? No way, they really think that what they are lying about from high platforms is the very truth, the only and purest. You can't convince these people, it's in their heads. "Klim Chugunkin," Bulgakov said briefly. In what kind of country will they be for decades suck question fatties and this man? Hypocritical hypocrites, when will you fall underground?
      4. +4
        27 February 2012 12: 05
        ...I agree, it is easier to get chestnuts out of burning coals with the help of others...and to go openly after Russia and China supported Assad may end up costing itself more,......but this way it is more familiar....buy a couple of generals with greenbacks and the job is done...like when Baghdad fell practically without a shot......
        Let's hope that Assad will survive .........
      5. +9
        27 February 2012 13: 02
        Quote: Slayer
        She simply openly stated that the United States will try to bribe the Syrian military

        I think they have already paid, now they "predict" with a clever look In general, during menopause, all women have a roof, and especially those who did not have it
      6. 0
        27 February 2012 23: 26
        An ancient saying: "The gates of the fortress will be opened by a donkey loaded with sacks of gold"
    2. +13
      27 February 2012 11: 57
      Quote: BOSS
      In confirmation of her words, Hillary Clinton gave an example of last year's uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, it was the military that put an end to the long-term dictatorial regimes.
      Well, you are the United States and scum!

      It's not from bastardry, my friend BOSS! When one after another "cunning" plans fail, panic and confusion begin! And one of the methods is threats that everyone in the enemy camp is a scoundrel and ready to betray each other! And all this is done in fulfillment of the words - "Divide and rule!" If there was a smiley in the form of a fig - it would be appropriate here!
      1. +3
        27 February 2012 13: 12
        Hi, Valera, there is one on avatar.ru, though not with a fig, but with a penis, but I think it will work
        1. +2
          27 February 2012 14: 09
          Igor, salute! Approach it - it will do! ... Yes, only moderators can hack! laughing But Skorobey’s not a bad find - XXX!
          1. +2
            27 February 2012 14: 53
            Well, on DTV show and not that, maybe we will pass?
    3. +5
      27 February 2012 13: 14
      Don't panic. This is already out of hopelessness, they do not succeed. There are too many examples of kidalov, the Syrians, in my opinion, made the right conclusion - not to believe anyone, to bend their line ... Nobody puts this "bad aunt" in xxx anymore.
    4. recitatorus
      27 February 2012 16: 08
      Imagine if she said the same thing about Russia !!! Say, the Russian special services and the army will be able to become a force capable of overthrowing the political regime of Vladimir Putin !!! And in support of his words he will give an example of last year's uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt !!! Horror! And it will become!
    5. -1
      27 February 2012 19: 35
      Quote: BOSS
      In confirmation of her words, Hillary Clinton gave an example of last year's uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, it was the military that put an end to the long-term dictatorial regimes.

      Probably a bit wrong:
      In support of her words, Hillary Clinton gave an example of democratic revolutions in Iraq and Libya!
  2. +7
    27 February 2012 11: 56
    But I wonder why Hillary got the idea that the army and security services are destroying the people? A bunch of paid rebels, the terrorist is the people or what? Hillary, the public is now very informed and just not very smart can peck at this stupidity. smile
  3. freedom
    27 February 2012 11: 57
    If you prove to the Syrian army that you learned to do better than Monica, then the army will follow you.
    1. +2
      27 February 2012 12: 06
      Exactly, and no other way laughing
  4. +6
    27 February 2012 12: 02
    At least some order is maintained in Egypt thanks to the army. So these "dissatisfied" again make noise that the army is pressing them now. As for Syria, there is no data yet that the entire army is against the "tyrant" Assad. So far, the army is regularly "raising" a handful of "noble" positions in Holmes and other places.
  5. +8
    27 February 2012 12: 02
    For starters, it wouldn't hurt to learn from this old chicken of diplomacy.
    Squeals like a pig for what month ...
    It is scary to go against China and Russia directly, so they came up with another bunch of rats "Friends of Syria", seemingly tempted by the achievements of "Friends of Libya" - who pump oil on corpses.

    Assad enjoys both the support of the army of so ordinary inhabitants of the country, and all that shushera consisting of mercenaries will get to him tongue
    1. +10
      27 February 2012 12: 07
      Quote: Pharao7766
      For starters, it wouldn't hurt to learn from this old chicken of diplomacy.

      Buddy, she has no time for diplomacy! "Boss! Everything is lost! The plaster is being removed, the client is leaving!..."
      1. +2
        27 February 2012 12: 14
        Valera, I agree to all 100 drinks
        "So you want that already driving your teeth!" - but they don't give you a bite!
        PS By the way, I support about the smile - FUCKIN. I really need it.
        1. +2
          27 February 2012 12: 23
          Maxim, I'm thinking - "how far progress has gone!" Klintonovna, maybe only, hisses on a snake, but by imposing a sound, they make it look like she's talking. What do you think? laughing
          1. +1
            27 February 2012 12: 37
            Her, Valera to sizzle her teeth needed.
            And they are already exhausted from anger (the reasons are darkness - starting from old problems in the intimate sphere and ending with constant failures in conquering the world), they only had to be removed when they climbed onto the political Olympus.
            So it’s most likely that a moaning voice is imposed No.
    2. +2
      27 February 2012 12: 14
      Quote: Pharao7766
      For starters, it wouldn't hurt to learn from this old chicken of diplomacy.

      For her, politics is PR and business shows, and everyone has long known how to get into business shows. wink
      1. 0
        27 February 2012 12: 23
        Quote: Denis
        and how everyone gets into the business show for a long time

        So she would be glad to get into the show through this - so who will climb on such an old and dumb rag ?! wassat
        ... it only remains to see what an empty vote ...
        1. +1
          27 February 2012 13: 04
          Quote: Pharao7766
          So she would be glad to get into the show through this - so who will climb on such an old and dumb rag ?!

          After all, there is McCain wink
          1. +1
            27 February 2012 13: 29
            McCain after Vietnam has a disordered orientation lol
            1. +2
              27 February 2012 13: 45
              Quote: Pharao7766
              McCain after Vietnam has a disordered orientation

              Duck can and Hilary after Monica sex changed wink
              1. -1
                27 February 2012 13: 50
                Quote: Denis
                Duck can and Hilary after Monica sex changed

                Yeah, my husband, Billy. am
                For not "blowing your nose" in other people's dresses crying
                (although you can understand a man ...)
      2. 0
        27 February 2012 12: 34
        As she said, L. Valley. The path to the screen licks through the sofa.
  6. 0
    27 February 2012 12: 06
    If this old nag is not stopped, she and her company will bring a lot of trouble to the world.
    1. +3
      27 February 2012 12: 58
      Yes, let her carry on her nonsense! laughing
      Firstly, with such statements she herself soon, speaking in a bourgeois way, "describes herself in the eyes of the public." wassat
      And secondly, in the world they will begin to think - are they not insane in power in the States?

      In short, you can make clowns out of them if you try. wink
      So let as many empty empty loud exhausts rush from across the ocean laughing
  7. +1
    27 February 2012 12: 12
    The ovs themselves have a mouthful of problems, they are not enough, they climb into other people's affairs. Apparently, in order to distract their own population from internal problems, rallying "the common cause of democracy."
  8. Tugarin snake
    27 February 2012 12: 15
    The more you listen and look at Hillary, the better you understand Bill;)
    1. +3
      27 February 2012 12: 38
      And you begin to understand the students of this democracy TPA Mishiko, Yushchenko. It’s interesting what she chews in the process of experiencing.
  9. Bener
    27 February 2012 12: 17
    For a long time, everyone knows that both Kandaliza and Hillary are lesbians, embittered all over the world, where corrupted people live.
  10. Anatoly
    27 February 2012 12: 18
    This is "Western Zhirinovsky" - they only hold her for laughter. As a politician, she is not! - only loud and thoughtless statements.
    Stupid PR, and no more ....
  11. +1
    27 February 2012 12: 26
    Just another "air concussion". If we could do something, we would do it quietly, and so request
  12. PISTOL
    27 February 2012 12: 29
    Hillary Clinton: Bashar Assad will overthrow the army

    And the Russian sniper will ever overthrow you, agree!)
    1. sahha
      27 February 2012 13: 08
      The West is fully likely to eliminate Assad in a quiet way, and this will fundamentally facilitate the change of power, and in whose favor it is not known, but there is little chance of ours.
    2. +3
      27 February 2012 14: 36
      - Damn woman! That’s it for us.
      “Hugh, how can one speak of a woman like that?” Now I'll slap her ...

      Man from the Boulevard des Capucines
  13. lars
    27 February 2012 12: 39
    "this is the cheapest and shortest way"
    Oh! How we love cheapness (even cut paper is a pity sad ): cheap corrupt generals, cheap mercenaries from Qatar, cheap promises to lumpens, etc.
    But not always cheap way will be short winked
  14. +1
    27 February 2012 12: 42
    The aunt in her frenzied insanity simply gives out the wish for the reality. He sees the eye, but the tooth is numb.
  15. IIorpaHu4Huk
    27 February 2012 12: 44
    She said that the Syrian, implying the American army.
  16. 0
    27 February 2012 12: 48
    She would have to take hormones, otherwise the climax is something very bad for the psyche
  17. +2
    27 February 2012 12: 52
    Well yes! It didn’t work from the front door, let's try from the back door.
    1. +1
      27 February 2012 13: 23
      Well so, right, where else can gays come in, it's more familiar
  18. +1
    27 February 2012 12: 54
    Chicken brains and that’s it.
  19. +3
    27 February 2012 13: 05
    Clinton once again in her own words confirmed the attachment of the American hand in the Egyptian and Tunisian events, they are also trying to do in Syria, but what will happen to Putin if he wins the election? He is also objectionable to the current US government
  20. gavrila
    27 February 2012 13: 10
    Takes Wish for Reality-Washington Dreamer ...... Bl ..
  21. Roman A
    27 February 2012 13: 13
    I know we need to ask Russia to pay back America's debts (government bonds) in gold, and the rest will follow Russia (there may not be enough gold for everyone), and then there will be another hysteria, and Russia will sell the S400 to Iran, and it will be easier for Syria, the militants will have nothing to pay with
  22. +2
    27 February 2012 13: 27
    Okay, lads, there’s not much left for this Hullins Clinton, they will retire soon, will head some kind of blowjob fund
  23. 0
    27 February 2012 13: 29
    Clairvoyant .. or just knows who they are investing in ..
  24. gavrila
    27 February 2012 13: 29
    yeah, like de Gaulle, dollars for gold were exchanged for francs, they are still offended. but it would be fun wink
  25. +2
    27 February 2012 13: 39
    Well, of course, some forces must do something. So much is invested in them. So weapons are sold through third countries. And they get international support. For the USA - the principle is important the worse, the better.
  26. Roman A
    27 February 2012 13: 46
    Hillary Clinton: Bashar Assad will overthrow the army
    Units of the Syrian army captured ten French troops among which there are officers and soldiers. The French were captured in the area of ​​Baba Amr in Homs, among them there is one with the rank of army colonel, according to Syrian media.
    French news agencies present this event as follows. During the fighting in Homs, parts of the Syrian army were surrounded by about one and a half thousand armed militants. When some of them were detained, the French commandos introduced themselves to the Syrian officers and asked to be considered prisoners of war.

    The French military refused to disclose their unit number and the nature of their mission in Syria. According to Syrian media, French intelligence supplies armed rebels with weapons and satellite communications.

    In this story, the behavior of captured French soldiers who asked to consider themselves prisoners of war is interesting. It is worth noting that Syria and France are not warring parties, and captured French citizens with arms in their hands on the territory of Syria can in no way fall within the scope of the Hague Convention on Prisoners of War. They are ordinary mercenaries who are illegally in Syria.

    In addition, a captured soldier is obliged to state the number of his unit and the nature of his mission, the only way to determine whether he falls under prisoner of war status or not.
    And I wonder what kind of army will overthrow it?
    1. +3
      27 February 2012 13: 58
      Roman A,
      Half the Arab France acted extremely carelessly = it will fly
      1. Roman A
        27 February 2012 14: 07
        I wonder how many Syrians live in France
        1. +1
          27 February 2012 14: 15
          Roman A,
          I do not know, I was not interested, but I think not very much, there are mainly North Africans, most of Algeria.
  27. Nymp
    27 February 2012 14: 09
    Everything is clear, a client has matured in the USA: - the so-called opposition artificially nourished has reached a peak - the peak of not contentment without support will decline. And the legitimacy of plans through the UN was foiled by Russia and China. Here we are watching hysteria! Yes, okay and wonderful! The enemy is hysterical!
    27 February 2012 14: 13
    what is nourished by this old nag-thirst for blood, vampire
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 14: 19
      Does she even believe in what she says? Maybe she thinks she is a ... pretty chick, then why did Bill prefer Monica Livinsky to her?
  29. +1
    27 February 2012 14: 19
    Personnel decides everything. Hillary, what can a person with a name like Burhan Galiun lead? Many Syrians studied in the Soviet Union. And here we usually clean our latrines with bleach.
  30. zamanyha
    27 February 2012 14: 20
    In fact, they use absolutely all methods to achieve their goal. Yesterday, in a film about Putin, it was shown how Lavrov talked to her tete-a-tete, and she laid it all out at the UN. In Russian, you need to punch her in the face and then she will throw her presumptuous thoughts down from the sky. Well, personally, American policy will not break me in any way - because I think that they have presumptuous thoughts about themselves. And how many of us are like that? Don't worry, America - soon the revolutionaries will rot you from within. Or maybe you will end up like Libya?! Isn't that an option?
    1. +1
      27 February 2012 15: 40
      Well, what about the revolution in America is a clear overheating
  31. 0
    27 February 2012 14: 52
    And who will overthrow Hillary?
    1. Sniper 1968
      27 February 2012 17: 02
      Friend, only in one case: if somewhere in the back room of the White House she is caught, that someone is doing cunnilingus or something like that ...
  32. Sniper 1968
    27 February 2012 15: 29
    Clintonich is an evil fury who hates the whole world. I want to believe that she is wishful thinking. A famous saxophonist, a lover of oral sex, unknowingly released the genie from the bottle, this evil monster that hates the whole world. Even her " Fas "no need to speak, barked everyone, spattered with saliva ... But seriously, the East is a delicate matter. The generals then sold Saddam's deceased. Everyone remembers how he was hanged on air ???
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 15: 33
      Sniper 1968,
      Tipun to your tongue
      1. Sniper 1968
        27 February 2012 16: 15
        Brother, I myself do not want to believe in it. But, you know these Arabs. Life has taught you to be ready for anything ...
  33. kasha
    27 February 2012 15: 52
    What is characteristic is that in the USA itself dissent is strictly suppressed. And the contradictions have accumulated on several civilians !!! Moreover, the population is almost completely armed!
  34. andrklimanov
    27 February 2012 16: 43
    Quote: kasha
    the military will polarize and eliminate Bashar al-Assad, and thereby be able to avoid a bloody and long civil war.

    it's like: chopping off a healthy head instead of a sore finger with the aim of "healing" the body am
    Mrs. CLINTON let death to pee, and instead of living quietly in California, she unleashes wars S C O T I N A (this is not a mat)
  35. 0
    27 February 2012 17: 40
    Quote: Sniper 1968
    , only in one case: if somewhere in the back room of the White House she is caught, that someone is doing cunnilingus or something like that ...

    Nifiga will not work. Country of victorious tolerance. And that means all sorts of lesbian feminists and other speedoids of color orientation have privileges.
    Quote: kasha
    What is characteristic is that in the USA itself dissent is strictly suppressed. And the contradictions have accumulated on several civilians !!! Moreover, the population is almost completely armed!

    The question remains, why so far no one has set fire to this situation?
  36. amph1cyon
    27 February 2012 17: 45
    yes, but what if the USA and NATO block are deprived of the opportunity to supply offensive weapons to the rebels? What will happen then. The rebels, as soon as they lose support, immediately calm down.
  37. aironfirst
    27 February 2012 18: 29
    I would advise Madam Secretary of State not to tell the Syrians what to do, and then perhaps they will not tell where to go ... smile
  38. 0
    27 February 2012 18: 37
    So I understand that these carriers of light in darkness with the army did NOTHING!
    What pleases.
    It’s a kind of horse move, wishful thinking and provoking purges in the army.
    It’s mean, of course, but you won’t go for the glory of democracy.
    By the way, here recently I came across an interesting maxim:
    The monarchy differs from democracy only in the number of candidates for the throne. bully
  39. 0
    27 February 2012 20: 15
    And what if they pay, Assad will overthrow the army. They paid in Iraq, so the warriors and planes there buried in the sand. And if there is not enough sand in Syria, the good Yankees will bring it ...
  40. +1
    27 February 2012 21: 17
    It’s time to overthrow her ... old senile fool ...
  41. 0
    27 February 2012 22: 54
    And I think that the busty Monica is still cooler ...
  42. Santey77
    27 February 2012 23: 15
    maybe I'll repeat myself... she's a jerk... like all the management of this damn, brainless page!!!
  43. gavrila
    27 February 2012 23: 53
    I kept thinking who does she resemble? And all the same old, "good" Dr. Goebbels ... and habits and manners ..
  44. 755962
    28 February 2012 00: 16
    The USA is not against war, but "by someone else's hands"
  45. bremest
    28 February 2012 00: 47
    Gentlemen, look at the picture of the Iron Maiden disc - Killers 1980, it seems to me that H. Clinton looks very similar.......
  46. +1
    28 February 2012 01: 16
    Today, gentlemen, it dawned on me... I perceived the situation with the "Arab Spring" as: the US has a gigantic debt, the economy is in crisis... so they organize wars to get to resources, to load the economy... one thing confused me: are they really that stupid that they don't see that by destroying the "pillars of stability" they are feeding Islamic radicals? But today, reading articles on the question no... I read that Mubarak was actually completely pro-American and during the "revolution" the key military ministers of Egypt were invited to Washington. And it clicked in my head... they don't need oil and other resources and small victorious wars won't change the economic situation much... and to solve all the problems with the crisis they need a big war and for this they, like a patient peasant, are raising a monster in order to then bring it down. And I even assume that the reason will be Israel... And all this screaming public now, they are sacrificial sheep and Israel is a bargaining chip... There are more than enough facts, so they are not stupid, they are evil, smart, cynical creatures...
  47. 0
    28 February 2012 01: 40
    There is something in this. They always wanted to cheat someone. Another holocaust and save the "offended Jews."
  48. Region65
    28 February 2012 05: 03
    hmm .. apparently getting older Herlary ..... already trampled on the sign of an American aging pensioner - dreams that drooling are exposed to the public .. exactly the same way the old man-senator McCain and his friend Kessinger dream about it with his hands .. now and Clinton same way.....