T-50 - better than American counterparts. Putin thinks so


At a meeting with representatives of the military-industrial complex, Russian experts in the field of national security and the military, Vladimir Putin said that at the present time there is no doubt that the Russian-made 5 fighter will be better than its American counterparts. This was reported by RIA "News" The presidential candidate told military experts about the implementation of the T-50 project (PAK FA - a promising aviation frontline aviation complex), and also highly praised Russia’s cooperation with India.

As the prime minister noted, India will purchase fighter in large quantities. Putin stressed: “It is clear that we will do it. Everything, there are no questions. Technological issue is closed. And we will do it quickly enough. ” Putin added: “The T-50 turns out better than the American 5 generation aircraft. It also becomes obvious to all specialists. ” Vladimir Putin, who recently visited the manufacturing plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, said that today the 3 of the aircraft is already in the air, and several more will appear this year.

The participants of the “round table” also learned from the prime minister that the first stage of the project was carried out by the Russian aircraft manufacturers, one can say independently. In order to reduce both the cost of the project and the final product, India is involved in the work. Putin noted that the Indians will buy this plane in considerable quantities.

Compared with analogues of previous generations, the PAK FA combines the capabilities of a strike aircraft and a fighter. The aircraft is equipped with a promising radar station with a phased antenna array and a fundamentally new complex of onboard electronic equipment with the function of an electronic pilot. The first flight of the T-50 made 29 on January 2010 of the year. A public display of this aircraft was held on 17 on August 2011 of the year at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2011.

Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Colonel-General Alexander Zelin, said earlier that in 2015, the number of those participating in the PAK FA trials would increase almost fivefold.
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    27 February 2012 11: 19
    Not only Putin thinks so, but the whole world!
    1. Sergh
      27 February 2012 11: 27
      This airplane should-be better than what is done after, always with an eye to the previous one, and the F-22 must have been sorted into shelves and the pace is not bad, you need to see the flashlight at the fourth samol, it should be without binding.
      1. Splin
        27 February 2012 13: 32
        Putin certainly knows better, he once flew a fighter!
    2. KASKAD
      27 February 2012 15: 26
      They promised to launch the series in 2015 and now they say the number of tested aircraft will increase, at this rate in 2017 the Americans will have a 6th generation aircraft without a pilot with breakthrough performance characteristics, and we will have 10 tested aircraft, which is cool! The wrong country was called Honduras.
    3. Neighbor
      27 February 2012 16: 51
      The most important thing is that when the T-50 is created, new jobs are created, more importantly, a new (young) generation of engineers and designers, scientists grows and learns.
      Give the T-50 Air Force. !!!!
      Give Russia Putin !!!
  2. Regul
    27 February 2012 11: 27
    As the prime minister noted, India will purchase a fighter in large quantities.

    Eh, it would not have turned out that only everything that is built and will go there, and the army will get 2-3 aircraft. Such cases are already bored.
  3. +5
    27 February 2012 11: 42
    They again list TTX about which perhaps only children do not know. When will it cease to be not promising but quite real?
  4. -3
    27 February 2012 12: 02
    If HE thinks so, then it will be so. I recalled a story from personal experience: in a report on the situation to the big boss, the general, HP mentioned the Faroe-Icelandic border, pointing to the map with a pointer. The general was indignant and said: "Show the southern tip of Greenland. And now - the northern tip of Great Britain. Connect them with a pointer - this is the Faro-Icelandic border. Do you understand? HP was not at a loss and answered to the laughter of those present:" Where do you say, Comrade. General, there he will be! "Moral: they do not argue with the authorities.
  5. 916-th
    27 February 2012 12: 07
    For me, the keywords are:
    Putin emphasized: “It is obvious that we will do it. No questions. The technological issue is closed. And we’ll do it fast enough. ”
  6. BOSS
    27 February 2012 12: 08
    The main thing is that it’s its own development! And better or worse, it will be seen!
  7. -2
    27 February 2012 12: 16
    Getting money from arms sales is certainly good. But. selling what a couple have themselves is stupid. in this regard, amers fellows. they don’t sell their f-22 to anyone, but offer a lightweight version of the f-35 (though not yet available). When will our people stop thinking about income as the highest priority than the country's security.
    1. kPoJluK2008
      27 February 2012 12: 43
      Why did the F-35 suddenly become a "lightweight version" of the F-22 ??
  8. +4
    27 February 2012 12: 47
    I really want to believe that it will turn out a really good device
  9. 0
    27 February 2012 12: 52
    only a real battle can show whose plane is better ..
    you can say anything ..
  10. +2
    27 February 2012 14: 37
    Better and cheaper. And the development of Russia. They didn’t muzzle, but did it, albeit with a delay, but did it. Of course, to show who is better may not even be a real battle, but at least a local conflict. Let's hope that this does not come to this. That's why they create such aircraft.
    1. +2
      27 February 2012 15: 31
      And what they did. The plane is still undergoing tests; it has no weapons, radar, etc. As one general said, I don’t remember the name, it’s simply not correct to compare the F-22 and T-50. One of them has been in service for years and more than a hundred and fifty have been released, the second is being tested and has not even tested weapons, radar, etc.
      T-50 can be compared with the Chinese J-20, both are not adopted, both are tested.
      Personally, I don’t like the F-22, it’s very expensive, very moody, and many performance characteristics are doubtful, but I consider the high-profile statements of our top officials and generals premature.
      Since last fall, in our Domna from 52 Mig-29s, not one has been able to ascend into the sky. In the near future, Su-25 attack aircraft transferred from the Steppes unfrozen last winter will take up combat duty on air defense.
      This is the real situation with fighter aircraft in the country.
      1. 443190
        28 February 2012 13: 33
        Well, what can I say ... This is a fact. By the way, Islentych ... is that you?
  11. +1
    27 February 2012 15: 57
    I do not call F-22 and F-15 a 5th generation fighter since they are equivalent to our 4 ++ fighters, and in some aspects they are superior to drying. It’s just that our people don’t jump higher than they can, well, we don’t know how to PR so much .. And the T-50 will be exactly 5 generations and no competitors are expected. The main thing is to finish it.
  12. suharev-52
    27 February 2012 20: 41
    That the T-50 will complete this I have no doubt, only a worm of doubt gnaws at me. Amer said that they have a new line of developed a complete line of new weapons. But with us, I don’t hear this. Aircraft may be better, with TTX superior to the enemy, but if the enemy sees you earlier and has missiles armed with missiles 50-100 km away. next, who will win? I think you will not argue on this issue. Where are the weapons for the T-50? Who can answer?
  13. FiremanRS
    27 February 2012 21: 58
    The answer to the question about weapons for the T-50.))) I think there is something to equip it with, only everyone does not need to know about it. With regards to the article itself. Let’s see what the gunsmiths will answer Putin, or rather how they will answer .... They will launch it in a series soon or not, t and what people will expect if they fail the head of state))))
  14. dimks98
    27 February 2012 22: 42
    I want to believe in it ... wink
    I saw him at the last MAX. They showed it to us briefly, but honestly, I was impressed. Up went no worse than the vaunted F-35! good
    A friend of mine who collects parts from composites, including some components of the T-50, watching the whole picture, said: I wonder how it (T-50) has not yet collapsed ...
    I do not know whether he was right or not.
    One way or another, it would be better if we did not send all this to India, but would strengthen our air forces. Well, for starters, at least ...
  15. Eugene
    28 February 2012 10: 30
    "-50 is better than American counterparts. This is what Putin thinks."

    Nena if Putin believes, then it is. Otherwise, he knows better. said better is better.
  16. 443190
    28 February 2012 13: 30
    "The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Colonel-General Alexander Zelin, said earlier that in 2015 the number of PAK FA participating in the tests will almost fivefold." - well, if in five it is clear ... there was one, there will be five ... But let me ... what tests in 2015. A little earlier, he also announced that in 2015 they would begin to be put into the troops for operation ... Ie. tests d. already finished by that time. Where is the truth ???
    1. Eugene
      28 February 2012 14: 47
      There are 3 of them already in trials.
      1. 443190
        3 March 2012 22: 29
        And it's all ???
        1. Regularis
          22 March 2012 16: 54
          Quote: 443190
          And it's all ???

          bye yes
          Change the bot flag, and then the German still shows lol