Rogozin figured out how to calculate the prices of military equipment

Rogozin figured out how to calculate the prices of military equipment
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin derived a price formula that should solve the problem of setting prices for military equipment in the Russian Federation. Rogozin believes that the price should be calculated based on the cost price of the prototype and then applying the reduction factors.

Speaking at the Federation Council last week, the Deputy Prime Minister explained the difficulties here. He said that it is impossible to compare the new model with Western models, because “in the West it will be several times more expensive. And it’s also impossible to compare with a model already produced in Russia, because we haven’t produced anything for twenty years. ”

It must be said that military experts regard the Rogozin initiative with suspicion. As the editor-in-chief of Arsenal magazine Viktor Murakhovsky noted, the Ministry of Defense does not include many significant expenses in the cost price of military goods, for example, on business trips of workers of military factories during testing.

Murakhovsky gave an example: when the Voronezh plant Sozvezdie conducted tests of the ESU TZ, in Alabino “a hundred people sat for almost a month. Can you imagine what this money is? ”

According to him, when calculating the cost of a prototype, the military takes as a basis the average wages of workers in the region where the military factory is located. Very often at defense enterprises, in order to attract qualified personnel, it is necessary to raise the level of remuneration, which the military interprets as ineffective management.

A significant role here is played by the mobilization reserve of defense enterprises: in some industries it exceeds ninety percent of the production capacity of the plant.

Murakhovsky noted that, on average, enterprises have to keep 25-30 percent of capacity. He pointed out that in shipbuilding this volume is much smaller, since there is too much production there. And in tank building the opposite: a mobilization reserve is bigger. But the largest share is in small arms.

According to the head of the Center for Military Forecasting Anatoly Tsyganok, it is necessary to develop a system for estimating the cost of prototypes of equipment.

He noted that, in addition to the prices of materials, it should be envisaged that factories need to produce equipment and train employees. From here and the price reduction factor for serial samples should have been different.

The price formula for military products, he said, should take into account the specifics of production, and all components.

He noted that the Defense Ministry is not interested in how defense enterprises train personnel, where they acquire equipment. The ministry only needs military equipment. “And,” said Gypsy, “some specifics are not taken into account there. For example, the Ministry of Defense does not care that the transportation of helicopter engines occurs separately from helicopters. They need a ready helicopter. As a result, confusion arises. ”

The expert also stressed the need to plan military spending for at least three decades ahead. Long-term planning will allow enterprises to properly distribute funds for the re-equipment of their industries.
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    27 February 2012 11: 35
    Rogozin thinks correctly, it is necessary to eradicate corruption in the defense industry complex and not only that, and he is looking for all the ways to solve this huge problem for Russia!
    1. Sergh
      27 February 2012 11: 45
      Well, I think Rogozin knows what he is saying, there are plenty of economists and financiers at hand. The main thing is that it would not be worse, but better then forward.
      1. +1
        27 February 2012 19: 08
        The sign knows, but again we will run into the same wall... there will not be enough money to develop new models... The ones that have been released will be enough to pay for themselves, but new ones will be on credit again...
        1. 0
          27 February 2012 19: 23
          Quote: domokl
          .Money is not enough to develop new samples ... To pay off the released enough, but new again on credit ...

          Hi, domocles, as you always look at the root, the Moscow Region does not take into account that prototypes are often done on the knee, but for serial production it is necessary to rebuild production lines, produce (buy) new equipment and, often, buy new equipment, in short, pricing should take place with the mandatory participation of production representatives, and not just in their presence
    2. Cripple cross
      27 February 2012 11: 47
      So far, Rogozin is talking. I hope we will see the results, at least someone should fulfill their promises once.
    3. wall
      27 February 2012 13: 30
      All you have to do is shout "hurray", but at least don't dawn there! And by the way, criticism towards Rogozin is very justified, despite my enormous respect for him. It is impossible to draw up a universal formula for the price of products and production costs without leaving your office. To do this, you need to painstakingly work for months, involve regulatory bodies and carry out systematic cleansing of personnel. And our scammers have long learned to bypass various formulas. 20 years of "democracy" were not in vain.
  2. lars
    27 February 2012 11: 50
    "... The Ministry of Defense is not interested in how defense enterprises train personnel, where they acquire equipment. The Ministry only needs military equipment." Moreover, - said Tsyganok, - some specifics are not taken into account there. For example, the Ministry of Defense is not interested in the transportation of helicopter engines happens separately from helicopters. They need a ready-made helicopter. As a result, there is a misunderstanding ""
    The cost price and the selling price are different things. Maybe this is where the "misunderstanding" begins? What's really bad about economists? request
  3. 0
    27 February 2012 11: 52
    Is ice breaking! ?????? It is high time!
  4. 0
    27 February 2012 12: 02
    Both the OPK and the Ministry of Defense can be understood. As in the market: the seller wants more expensive, the buyer is cheaper. But that's just not a market / bazaar. Therefore, they have long had to find a compromise. To produce, put into operation ... products, and not be distracted by various "little things" (though not such little things).
  5. BOSS
    27 February 2012 12: 06
    I think Rogozin is just a balabol (unfortunately)
    1. 0
      28 February 2012 03: 29
      Time will tell, until 2015 - 3 years.
  6. itr
    27 February 2012 12: 10
    Here I had an idea, and if the entire defense industry complex is included in the RF Armed Forces, you won’t be able to take a kickback from yourself, and the men’s salaries will increase several times over, look at the lieutenants, their salaries are already decent by Russian standards
  7. +2
    27 February 2012 12: 20
    It's good that a thinking person has appeared in the government.....BOSS, sorry, I downvoted you because I absolutely disagree with you.......his first steps (as well as his activities with NATO) say the opposite - he is trying to move this unwieldy, decaying machine......
    And good luck to him ...
  8. +2
    27 February 2012 12: 26
    Wait and see. You should not wait for special results right now. It is not so easy to rebuild such a colossus. And even more complicated than humans.
  9. Nilfgaard
    27 February 2012 12: 44
    It’s nice to look at such people. This is really a politician, not a corrupt banderlog. It’s a pity Putin doesn’t have the tools that Stalin possessed.
  10. Juga
    27 February 2012 12: 51
    Everyone understands that they want to buy cheaper, and sell more expensive - the market, however, but when it comes to the "defense", then urgently it is the duty of both parties to seek a compromise, the country is one, dear, and you can "sew up" your pocket for the sake of the interests of the Motherland ...
    And the fact that the Ministry of Defense does not take into account the "hidden" costs of enterprises seems strange, maybe the manufacturers cannot explain (do not listen)?
    Is there a profession of "military economist", "military. Financial analyst"?
  11. 0
    27 February 2012 13: 27
    Quote: lars
    The cost price and the selling price are different things. Maybe this is where the "misunderstanding" begins?

    I totally agree! And here "the military takes it when calculating the cost." From the course of economics, we know that the cost is, the actual costs, taking into account all items (material costs, wages, deductions, depreciation, overhead).

    in Alabino, "sat a hundred people for almost a month. Can you imagine what kind of money this is? ”
    Doesn't Mr. Murakhovsky know that travel expenses are included in the wage fund? Yes, and often, not only those who really need it "go" on a business trip!

    Most likely, what was already said here - some want to sell more expensive, others, realizing this, bring down the price!
    1. +3
      27 February 2012 14: 10

      I agree completely. Strange, but what did Rogozin do wrong? Interesting. How did they sell equipment to the troops. Is it really like a sausage? They released the sample, calculated the costs, and then threw 100%. And they earned money. Apparently the manufacturers got the least here. Cabbage chopped intermediaries. That's where the rumors came from, which is cheaper to buy than to produce. Yes, Rogozin should sweat in this matter, if the pricing scheme is correct, costs can be significantly reduced. Technicians release more.
    2. 0
      27 February 2012 19: 38
      Yes, the fact of the matter is that military acceptance (it is she who coordinates the price) often spits on the economy course, arbitrarily determining the wage fund and depreciation of equipment. Example = depreciation terms are laid down even according to Soviet standards, more than 10 years, and high-tech equipment becomes obsolete in 2 -3 years, If you want to lag forever, of course you can fart on an old one. And no one will take specialists off on a business trip unnecessarily
  12. 0
    27 February 2012 17: 19
    People that Rogozin defined, if almost the entire defense industry is private enterprises, including design bureaus? Well, he will appoint a lower purchase price, but, for example, my factory stupidly refuses to sell the product for such a price, because I don’t want to work at all minus. Component prices are rising every hour, and contracts are concluded for years to come, and the price is determined at the same time. My factory has now faced the fact that we can’t fulfill the state contract at the old price, because the contractors issued invoices, the payments on which cover several times all the profits.