The church and the military-industrial complex are one

The church and the military-industrial complex are one

At the Crocus Moscow International Exhibition Center on Sunday, a congress of the Volunteer Movement of the All-Russian Popular Front in support of the army was held, fleet and the defense industry complex, which is being created with the support of Dmitry Rogozin, deputy chairman of the Russian government. The core of the new movement is made up of workers in the defense industry, activists of the Congress of Russian Communities and the Cossacks.

The basis of the program of the new movement was Vladimir Putin’s article “Russia: the national question”. The main objectives of the Volunteer Movement were: the revival of the defense industry and military science in the Russian Federation; unification of healthy social forces on the basis of national-patriotic ideology, principles of democratic development and the scientific and technological revolution; creation of a modern effective system of military-patriotic education of youth.

The congress was blessed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church in his speech said that “freedom is the ability of the people to determine their historical way". He also spoke on the topic of the fact that one can lose independence and freedom, having not only a powerful economy, but also a well-armed army. In support of his words, the Patriarch cited the example of the USSR, which collapsed without a single shot. According to the Patriarch, the big problem of the modern world is the information aggression associated with globalization. According to the clergyman, one should cultivate in people the ability to resist information aggression in order to learn how to sift destructive for society. The patriarch noted that thoughts on the development of the military-industrial complex should be accompanied by reflections on the spiritual state of those who stand in line and defend the fatherland with weapons in hand.

Patriarch was supported by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin: “It is impossible to reduce the mountains facing us without spiritual support and deep faith in ourselves and in Russia.” At the beginning of the speech, Rogozin read a welcome telegram from Vladimir Putin, and then recalled that the Prime Minister’s article on the development of the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex was nothing more than a doctrine of Russia's revival through new industrialization.

Dmitry Rogozin noted that in accordance with the state armament program, the defense industry complex must produce four hundred intercontinental ballistic missiles for the Russian Armed Forces in the next decade. missiles, eight strategic nuclear submarines, fifty surface ships, six hundred aircraft and a thousand helicopters. However, speaking about the development of military potential, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized, one must not forget about the civilian economy. Rogozin noted that "our programs should not be ruinous for the country." In his opinion, each enterprise of the defense industry complex should also establish the production of civilian products. Rogozin is confident that private capital should be attracted to this area: businessmen should understand that there are industries in the defense industry where talents can be applied and resources used.
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  1. 0
    27 February 2012 11: 14
    It is becoming increasingly unclear to me why such figures are constantly being voiced by Rogozin... After all, it is clear that we will not be able to produce so much in such a short time... Is it really just pre-election PR? Then it is not clear who it is intended for.. Those who are interested know perfectly well the capabilities of our factories, you don’t even need intelligence.. just read the interviews with factory directors and chief designers...
    1. Cripple cross
      27 February 2012 11: 43
      In the USSR, too, there were such plans that one could say - WE WILL NOT SUCCESS! But they did it and did it.
      1. 0
        27 February 2012 17: 47
        In the USSR, there was established cooperation between the factories, and now everything is ruined, and even if people are ready to work on the assembly around the clock, there are no common parts because almost everything, right up to the microcircuit, is now made and bought to order, with its own production cycle. Terms are increasing by an order.
    2. Timoha
      27 February 2012 14: 25
      I believe that these figures will be achieved by increasing annual output. Not evenly over the years, such as 40 missiles per year. As the production potential is restored and the CIS production is pulled into the Eurasian Union. Something like this.
      1. CBT Pinocchio
        27 February 2012 21: 15
        I recommend to all:
        Why thank the servant of God Cyril "slave in the galleys"

  2. Cripple cross
    27 February 2012 11: 15
    I like Rogozin, there are suspicions that he is the next president of the Russian Federation.
  3. +2
    27 February 2012 11: 18
    somehow it all smells bad ... well, they would mention that Putin wrote another article ... why should the church sculpt this ...
    1. +2
      27 February 2012 12: 40
      That's for sure! What kind of madness, by God! What does the church and the military-industrial complex have to do with this? The church has completely different tasks. Why interfere where its status says it shouldn't.
      1. CBT Pinocchio
        27 February 2012 18: 27
        Quote: morpex
        That's for sure! What kind of madness, by God! What does the church and the military-industrial complex have to do with this?

        Right!!! And what do you want? The KGB colonel in the world, Gudyaev, has made tens of millions on the smuggling of alcohol, cigarettes, oil, diamonds ...
        The vices of sin, like alcohol and cigarettes, are pure spirituality ... recourse
    2. -2
      27 February 2012 13: 25
      IMHO - the Russian Orthodox Church is a long time ago CJSC "Russian Orthodox Church". They themselves climb where exactly they smell delicious. And no matter what.
      I have nothing against faith, religion and other things. I am strongly opposed to doing business on these saints for many things.
      1. CBT Pinocchio
        27 February 2012 18: 30
        Quote: Aventurinka
        IMHO - the ROC is a long time ago CJSC "ROC". They themselves climb where exactly they smell delicious. And no matter what

        A country without spirituality is dead. I recommend watching the movie "Tsar", this is just in time for this topic ...
        Quote: Aventurinka
        I have nothing against faith, religion and other things.

        But the Russian Orthodox Church is not spirituality, but rotten parasites on Mercedes and Braitlings for 15000 euros on hand.
  4. Nechai
    27 February 2012 11: 24
    The main thing is that the Volunteer Movement does not pass as a pre-election farce and tshik. The questions and tasks discussed are very important. Effective resistance to information aggression was also necessary "posture, the day before yesterday ..."
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 11: 31
      I can argue with you that all these volunteer movements and fronts will scatter like smoke right after the presidential election ... these are purely election technologies and nothing more ...
  5. 916-th
    27 February 2012 11: 59
    The patriarch noted that thoughts on the development of the military-industrial complex should be accompanied by reflections on the spiritual state of those who stand in line and defend the fatherland with weapons in their hands.

    Dmitry Rogozin: “It is impossible to collapse the mountains facing us without spiritual support and deep faith in ourselves and in Russia.”

    Correctly say - spiritual support, deep faith in yourself and Russia. We must stay away from the camp of globalists, liberals, democrats and buggers.

    Quote from the book "Project Russia" (
    "... an indirect indicator of the development of democracy is the dynamics of the spread of vices. Pederasty is tacitly recognized as the most accurate indicator of the level of democracy. International experts in their studies assess the situation precisely by the growth of vices. Everything is logical. If everyone is really declared equal rights, the carriers of vice receive legal status and propagandize their passion. Propaganda increases the number of people willing to try what they advertise. It doesn't matter what they advertise, margarine or some idea. It is important that growth begins. So, if homosexuals really have equal rights with everyone, they will try to justify in the eyes of society, their passion. This always translates into propaganda of pederasty. First, a tolerant attitude is cultivated towards it, then a positive one. This is inevitably accompanied by the growth of pederasty. If the number of pederasts does not increase, then their rights are infringed, that is, democracy is not enough. "
    1. +1
      27 February 2012 13: 31
      I applaud standing for the quote.
  6. Nilfgaard
    27 February 2012 12: 11

    Because it is an integral part of the Russian people and its culture. The moral core of which was famous throughout the world. As soon as we lost it, the Russians began to be accepted only in combination with a bandit, drug addict, drunk, prostitute.
    1. -1
      27 February 2012 12: 28
      Russianness is even deeper than Orthodoxy.

      I am Orthodox, at least I think so.
      So take away my church and faith in God - I will remain Russian, I will remember who Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Ivan the Fool are)))

      In us Russians - in the very roots, in language, in the nature of our homeland, in epics and values ​​- the essence of Russianness is laid. Orthodoxy was able to adjust and take root and became Russian, but not vice versa.
      1. CBT Pinocchio
        27 February 2012 18: 32
        Quote: EVIL
        Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich

        Ivan the Fool is Russian, and Alyosha is from the Belarusian lands, Ilya is from near Chernigov - he is buried in Kyiv.
        Quote: EVIL
        Orthodoxy was able to adjust and take root and became Russian, but not vice versa.

        Yes, just don’t forget that for Russia there is still much where there is Buddhism and especially Islam.
        1. 0
          29 February 2012 11: 46
          But Pinocchio is not a Russian boy at all, besides, if I'm not mistaken - he is wooden)
  7. Nilfgaard
    27 February 2012 12: 54

    Thanks to Orthodoxy, the Russian people appeared. Orthodoxy contains our culture. The combination of the magnificent gene pool and the moral - cultural core gave birth to our amazing people.

    1. -1
      27 February 2012 14: 09
      It seems to me that the people create a religion, not a people religion.
      Somehow here from the mother with Orthodoxy - the children do not work.

      Religion is only a tool, a means to consolidate certain moral standards. For the Russian soul - Orthodoxy was acceptable. Now Orthodoxy - is indeed a part of Russian man - I emphasize part.

      I just don't like categoricalness)
  8. -1
    27 February 2012 12: 54
    Handled earlier and without the support of Comrade Gundyaev. others like him .and did not cope badly ..
  9. +2
    27 February 2012 13: 26
    There was faith, there was the Russian Empire. Faith taken away people turned into an animated piece of meat, living instincts. The USSR was created on the basis of the fragments. It’s good, too, at least there was faith in the CPSU and the General Secretary, but there was faith. The USSR was shouted, generally lost everything and again became a piece of meat. Poorly, they started to recover poorly ... The Church has no power, it has other tasks, but it can and should lead the leaders, including the leaders. If a preacher hears the people and hears power, then society is alive and united.
    1. +5
      27 February 2012 15: 02
      I agree. The church at this stage should become precisely that core, which did not become with the collapse of the USSR. Correct, only in one, the attempt to replace faith in Christ, faith in man failed. And right now, the triumph of Faith must be indivisible - there are no and there can be no alternatives. And people with Faith work miracles. Russian people especially.
      1. dok
        27 February 2012 15: 17
        Quote: papss
        And right now, the triumph of Faith must be indivisible - there are no and there can be no alternatives. And people with Faith work miracles. Russian people especially.

        I agree. Because with the faith of our Orthodox, we drove our enemies from our land.
    27 February 2012 14: 27
    A lot has been said on the topic imposed by Russia, Christianity, and to prove that this is a parasitic organ is unnecessary. In the archetype of consciousness of any Russian person, there is Real Faith and the time of Her Renaissance is very close.
    In support of this I cite an excerpt from the bibliographer of the Rothschild family "... about Christianity." So:
    “... We took you into our hedgehog gloves and destroyed your entire magnificent structure that you erected and turned back your whole story. We destroyed your gods, we discarded all your racial traits, and replaced them with God in accordance with our own traditions. Not a single conquest in history is even remotely incomparable with how fully we conquered you. We put a stop tap on your progress. We have imposed on you an alien book and an alien faith that you can neither swallow nor digest, because it contradicts your natural spirit, which as a result is in a painful state, and, as a result, you cannot accept our spirit completely, neither kill him, and are in a state of split personality - schizophrenia. "
    Mark Eli Ravage -
    personal biographer of the Rothschild family
    "About Christianity"

    "A Real case Against the Jews"
    One of them Points out the full Depth of their Guilt.
    Marcus eli ravage
    1. +2
      27 February 2012 14: 57
      Enchanting nonsense... The only question that arises is where were these Rtschilds when Christianity appeared? It wasn't even in the project yet... Or do they mean the entire Jewish people by the phrase "we"? Then how can one explain the fact that the Jews were the most ardent persecutors of Christians from the very beginning and tried to destroy Christianity itself. And here, you see, they specially spread it in order to destroy and subjugate the whole world... What world? The Roman Empire, or what? They subjugated it well, because the Romans wiped Jerusalem off the face of the earth. It wasn't difficult for them. Or maybe they wanted to subjugate those barbarians who at that time lived on the territory of what was then Europe? Why subjugate them? In general, I will repeat myself, but I will say that this is nonsense for those who do not know history at all.
    27 February 2012 14: 55
    [quote = vorobey]There was faith, there was the Russian Empire. Faith selected people turned into an animated piece of meat, living instincts [/quote]
    During World War I, when the "obligation" to visit the regimental churches was canceled for the tsar, the number of parishioners decreased by 1% !!! And these are warriors !!! [quote = vorobey]The church has no power, it has other tasks[/ Quote]
    And here you are wrong. The Christian Church is precisely the second power. Just think, what can happen if Gundyay calls on his "flock"?
    And among the plague, who can you see and how many? Think! And if you thought of it, then all "Swamp" is just child's play.
    Read more:
    “We took you into our hedgehog gloves and destroyed your entire magnificent structure that you erected and turned back your whole story. We destroyed your gods, we discarded all your racial traits, and replaced them with God in accordance with our own traditions. Not a single conquest in history is even remotely incomparable with how fully we conquered you. We put a stop tap on your progress. We have imposed on you a book alien to you and a faith alien to you that you cannot swallow or digest, because it contradicts your natural spirit, which as a result is in a painful state, and, as a result, you cannot accept our spirit completely, neither kill him, and are in a state of split personality - schizophrenia. "
    Mark Eli Ravage -
    personal biographer of the Rothschild family
    "About Christianity"

    "A Real case Against the Jews"
    One of them Points out the full Depth of their Guilt.
    Marcus eli ravage

    Glory of the Great Russian Empire!!!
    1. +1
      27 February 2012 15: 13
      Dear Savoyar, Christianity and Orthodoxy are close, but not identical. The patriarch, if he calls, then to defend the fatherland, but not to the crusade to spread democracy.
      1. -1
        27 February 2012 15: 22
        Christianity and Orthodoxy concepts are not only identical but are one and the same. Initially, Christianity existed only one (if I may say so), and then as a result of numerous schisms, the Catholic Church was formed first, and then Protestants and other sectarians came from it. And the name Orthodox appeared to show the difference from these other breakaway churches, which appeared to be in a split.
        1. +1
          27 February 2012 15: 29
          Therefore, it is not identical.
          1. 0
            27 February 2012 15: 41
            Why so?
            1. +1
              27 February 2012 16: 15
              What is the difference between porcini mushroom and fly agaric? I do not want to engage in polemics. You know the story, you can find the answer yourself. Why, after all, Byzantium and not Rome.
              1. 0
                27 February 2012 16: 30
                It is difficult to say what you mean by porcini mushroom and what is meant by fly agaric. Explain ... Also did not understand where does Rome and Byzantium. Therefore, I can not answer.
        2. -3
          27 February 2012 18: 55
          The Christian is the one who fulfills the commandments of Christ
          He who is not with me is against me; and he who does not gather with me scatters.
          (Matt. 12:30) - Who is ready to turn the other cheek like him? Faith without works is dead (James 2,17:XNUMX)
          Well, a person is free to call himself what he wants to be Orthodox or Muslim
          The job of the patriarch is to pray to God and not to interfere with the authorities and politics (other values) - politics is a dirty business and you can't get by without a compromise with the devil, so render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. (Mark 12,13:17-XNUMX).
          1. 0
            27 February 2012 19: 26
            Well, you are wrong. Here are some points from the "Regulations on the Patriarch in the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church":
            -Patriarch represents the Russian Orthodox Church in relations with the highest bodies of state power and administration;
            -The patriarch has a duty of petition and “sadness” to public authorities both on canonical territory and beyond.
            And for example, in Byzantium there was a symbiosis of power and the Church and the state existed for about a thousand years, and ceased to exist only with the loss of this feature.
            The patriarch, as an archpastor, must have relations with the authorities, if only because there are Christians in power who need to be nourished.
            1. -3
              27 February 2012 21: 04
              Quote: saveall
              Here are a few points from the "Statute on the Patriarch in the Charter Russian Orthodox churches":

              that's it - where is the Christian
              And you are not called teachers, for one Teacher you have is Christ, yet you are brothers;
              9 and father yourself do not call anyone on earth, for one is your Father, who is in heaven;
              10 and do not be called mentors, for one of your Mentors is Christ. (Mt 23: 8-12)
              Matt. 7 "22 Many will say to me on that day: Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? And did not we cast out demons in your name? And did not you perform many miracles in your name? 23 And then I will declare to them: I never knew you ; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. "
              “Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15) “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:16)
              1. 0
                27 February 2012 21: 47
                This is precisely what Catholicism suffers from, because it is their pope who is called the viceroy of Christ on earth (as if Christ had gone away somewhere and he needed a viceroy) and imagine yourself the only infallible person. This is one of the reasons for the split of the Orthodox and Catholic churches.
                In Orthodoxy, the Patriarch is not the vicar of Christ and infallible, but simply the ruler of the church, and this came from the Apostles, because they were the first archbishops of the church from Christ and they ordained the first bishops and archbishops of the Church. Apostles then I think you do not consider heretics? Your idea of ​​the church is more like a Protestant one.

                And you are not called teachers, for one Teacher you have is Christ, yet you are brothers;
                9 and father yourself do not call anyone on earth, for one is your Father, who is in heaven;
                10 and do not be called mentors, for one of your Mentors is Christ. (Mt 23: 8-12)

                In the lines of the gospel that you quoted, Christ tells the Apostles to preach with meekness and without exaltation over others and so that in the future there will be no divisions in the Christian church. This is what Ap says. Paul, convicting Christians that they are exalted one above another, saying who was baptized from whom and who is higher.
                "I am Pavlov"; "I am Appolosov"; "I am Kifin"; "and I am Christ." Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, so that no one would say that I baptized in my name. I also baptized Stefan's house; and whether he baptized anyone else, I do not know. For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in wisdom, words, so as not to abolish the cross of Christ "(1 Cor. 1: 10-17)
    27 February 2012 16: 37
    [quote = saveall]Christianity and Orthodoxy concepts are not only identical but are one and the same[/ Quote]
    The basis of Christian scholarship - the Bible, is a shortened version of the Torah and therefore there is no and cannot be about the Russian People or their Ancestors! In addition, to continue the topic, the falsification of the latter was confirmed on the sites. Search and find!
    Following your logic, then there should be Orthodox Catholicism, and Orthodox Buddhism, etc.
    Orthodoxy has never been a religion. This is FAITH. Literally means - GLORY RIGHT! This is the mighty Russian Language given to you by your ancestors not in order to rush into unconfirmed historical inventions, but in order to preserve in the subconscious mind information that may be in demand. [
    quote = saveall]Or they have the whole Jewish people under the phrase "we"[/ Quote]
    That's exactly what they had at the beginning. On behalf of him, Ravage writes. And in order to judge such things I advise you to read, at least the Old Testament of the seven days of creation. If you tell yourself who was created on the sixth day, and who on the seventh then it makes sense to continue our discussion.
    In general, I repeat, but I will say nonsense for those who absolutely do not know history.
    You are probably in the history of the dock, because there are questions to the HISTORY:
    Where and when was Jerusalem built? Who destroyed it? Why were all the Crusades only to Constantinople (Tsargrad)?
    Why is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher built on the "place of garbage", in contrast to other confessional structures!
    Only confirmed materials are accepted, and not in your opinion.
    1. +1
      27 February 2012 17: 04
      Oh, and the dregs in your head ... The fact of the matter is that everything you have is confirmed on the sites (you would send me to bloggers), and not personally from books or your own experience.
      The Bible is not a shortened version of the Torah, but quite the opposite. The Bible contains the Old Testament (the Torah itself) and the New Testament. But you don't know that... why... it wasn't written on the "websites". Why should the Bible write about the Russian people if they didn't exist at that time? It says about the origin of all peoples, and the Gospel about Christ and the birth of Christianity, which has nothing to do with nationality.

      Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

      Is that where it came from? What is the logic?

      Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

      Orthodoxy from Greek literally means "correct judgment", "correct teaching", and not at all the nonsense that you have written here. The fact that Orthodoxy is not a religion, but a faith is a pearl that speaks of your complete ignorance. What is religion and what is faith? Please give a clear definition. From here the question of who is throwing historical reflections here disappears by itself.

      I have already commented on the Rothschilds and the Jewish people and their "imaginary" omnipotence, I will not repeat myself. This nonsense doesn't deserve it.

      Yes, by the way, I almost forgot.

      24 And God said: Let the earth produce a living soul after its kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth according to their kind. And so it was.
      25 And God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and cattle after their kind, and all the reptiles of the earth after their kind. And God saw that it was good.
      26 And God said: Let us make man in our image in our likeness, and may they rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creeping things that creep on the earth. Genesis 5,1-2
      27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Mat. 19,4; Mar. 10,6; 1 Cor. 11,7; Col 3,10
      28 And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and possess it, and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over every animal that creeps on the earth.
      29 And God said: Behold, I have given you all the grass that sows the seed that is on all the earth, and every tree that has a tree fruit that sows a seed; - it will be for your food; Genesis 9,3
      30 But to all the beasts of the earth, and to all the birds of the air, and to every creeping thing on the earth, in which there is a living soul, I have given all the green grass for food. And so it was.
      31 And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning: the sixth day.

      And on the seventh day God rested from his works.
      Well, now I am worthy of communication with you? May I now enter into a discussion with you?
    27 February 2012 18: 00
    [quote = saveall]And on the seventh day God rested from his works. [/ Quote]
    So he rested on his seventh day:
    1 So the sky and the earth and all the host of them were accomplished.
    2 And by the seventh day God completed His work which He did, and
    rested on the seventh day from all his work that he did.
    3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, for in that
    rested from all His works that God created and created.
    4 This is the origin of heaven and earth, when they were created, while
    the time when the Lord God created the earth and heaven,
    5 and every field shrub that was not yet on the earth, and
    any field grass that has not yet grown, for the Lord God does not
    sent rain to the ground, and there was no man to cultivate
    6 but steam rose from the earth and irrigated the whole face of the earth.
    7 And the Lord God made man out of the dust of the earth, and blew into
    his face is the breath of life, and man has become a living soul.
    8 And the Lord God planted paradise in Eden in the east, and placed there
    the person whom he created.
    9 And the Lord God grew every tree from the earth, pleasant
    looking and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of paradise, and the tree
    knowledge of good and evil.
    10 A river came out of Eden to irrigate paradise; and then
    divided into four rivers.
    11 The name of one Phison: it flows around the whole land of Havil, the one where
    12 and the gold of that land is good; there bdolah and onyx stone.
    13 Name of the second river Gihon [Geon]: it flows around the whole land of Kush.
    14 Name of the third river Hiddekel [Tiger]: it flows before
    To Assyria. Fourth Euphrates River.
    15 And the Lord God took the man [whom he had made] and made
    him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
    16 And the Lord God commanded man, saying: From every tree
    in the garden you will eat
    17 But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you do not eat from it, for in
    the day that you eat from it, you die.
    18 And the Lord God said: It is not good for a man to be alone;
    let us make him an assistant according to him.
    19 The Lord God formed from the earth all the animals of the field and all
    birds of the air, and brought [them] to man, to see how he
    He will call them, and so that, as a person calls every living soul,
    was the name of her.
    20 And man called names to all cattle and birds of the air and to all
    field animals; but for man there was no helper like
    21 And the Lord God brought a deep sleep upon man; and when he
    fell asleep, took one of his ribs, and covered that place with flesh.
    22 And the Lord God made a wife from a rib taken from a man, and
    brought her to a man.
    23 And the man said: Behold, it is bone from my bones and flesh from
    my flesh; she will be called a wife, for taken from her husband
    [of his].
    24 Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and be cleaved
    to his wife; and there will be [two] one flesh.
    25 And they were both naked, Adam and his wife, and were not ashamed.
    Too lazy to read? And here is the truth!
    [quote = saveall]Orthodoxy from Greek literally means “correct judgment”, “correct teaching”[/quote]
    Also translate from Hebrew...PRAVO SLAVIE is a syllabic script and does not need translations into the Native Language. You will have to figure it out with your own brains. If you have any. Because those born on the seventh day do not have them. As for the discussion - I don't see the point, especially on this site.
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 18: 28
      Too lazy to read? And here is the truth!

      What is too lazy to read? What are you talking about? I read the book of being, as well as all of the Holy Scripture, and more than once. What are you driving at? I don’t understand?

      Translate from Hebrew ... LAW AND GLORY is a syllable letter. And does not need translations into the Native Language.

      Yes ... well, this is a diagnosis. Excuse me ... The word Orthodoxy came from Greek along with Christianity to Russia. And it was translated from Greek. What is the syllable letter?
  14. CBT Pinocchio
    27 February 2012 18: 24
    Once again I am convinced that spirituality in Russia is in the deepest decline ... The church and the guts on the caterpillar of the tank are the same native concepts ... recourse
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 18: 29
      Yes, unfortunately with regard to spirituality. How the concepts of Church and guts on a tank caterpillar are related is not clear.
    27 February 2012 19: 27
    [quote = saveall]What are you getting at? I don’t understand? [/quote]
    Who was created on the seventh day? Read the link in paragraph 7, and regarding the reading of the scripture several times, it could be read in between asshole rubbing
    ! [quote = saveall]The word Orthodoxy came from the Greek language along with Christianity to Russia[/ Quote]
    Correctly with Cyril and Methodius, who did not know the Old Russian language at all, but did not deny HIS EXISTENCE.
    Let's end a worthless dialogue, the existing knowledge is not for you !!!
    Truly the Motherland needs HEROES, but n ...... and gives birth to FOOLS.
    Always remember - KNOWLEDGE FORCE!
    1. 0
      27 February 2012 20: 05
      Who was created on the seventh day? Read the link in paragraph 7, and regarding the reading of the scripture several times, it could be read in between asshole rubbing

      7 And the Lord God made man out of the dust of the earth, and blew into
      his face is the breath of life, and man has become a living soul.

      And then what? Why all this conspiracy?
      Well, if the word Orthodoxy came along with Cyril and Methodius, then this is generally Tryndets. Especially if we assume that Cyril and Mythodius lived in the 9th century and were not on the territory of then Rus, and the baptism of Rus was only in the 10th.
      I definitely don't need such knowledge. If knowledge is drawn from "sites", then it is sad and leads to the same consequences.
      I, too, for ending this dialogue ...
  16. suharev-52
    27 February 2012 21: 22
    Guys, you seem to have deviated a little from the topic. We are here discussing whether it is possible to unite the military industrial complex and the church, and you have already been brought to the origins of religion. Please, next time. Okay? And regarding the article, I would like to say the following. The patriarch should be concerned with souls and faith, not politics. It is these clumsy attempts to combine figuratively speaking "a hedgehog and a snake" only harm the common cause and level the GDP rating. I hope no one will deny the relationship - the content of the article and the elections. It is advisable for the patriarch to attend to the decline of morality among the people and to exert all his efforts to revive spirituality, and not to fight for freedom (without decoding - who and from what). In my understanding: the patriarch should generally distance himself from politics, so as not to stain the white robes of the holy veil. Sorry if something is wrong. Sincerely.