Rogozin believes that the defense industry needs "breakthrough ideas"

Rogozin believes that the defense industry needs "breakthrough ideas"How was 26 handed over to February RIA "News", The defense industrial complex of Russia should step up work on the search for ideas for the development of weapons. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister D. Rogozin.

Speaking last Sunday at the founding congress of the Volunteer Movement in support of the army, fleet and the defense industry complex of the All-Russian Popular Front, he said: “We need to think faster. We need our breakthrough ideas. ”

Rogozin also noted that it is necessary to remove the obstacles that prevent the active cooperation of basic science and enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

In addition, Rogozin reiterated that it was necessary to increase the role of the general designers of defense enterprises. They should become not just hired managers of companies, but the intellectual elite of society.

Thousands of delegates representing DOSAAF, defense companies, Cossacks, public, student and political organizations are participating in the congress, which is currently taking place at the Crocus City exhibition center near Moscow.

Among the invited guests of the congress are: the head of Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin, the patriarch Kirill, the president of the Academy of Military Sciences, Makhmut Gareyev, the chairman of DOSAAF, Sergei Mayev, the head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, Roman Trotsenko, etc.
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  1. +5
    27 February 2012 09: 40
    Yes, it's time to "Collect stones!" Time to return "leaked" brains and create the most favorable conditions for them, as well. likewise, nurture your newest intellectual potential! Now the situation is favorable for us and God forbid that our leadership will use these opportunities prudently and intelligently!
    1. +5
      27 February 2012 09: 52
      Damn... I want to rant and rave, rant and rave... Give money for research and experiments... And breakthrough ideas... There are such ideas, only they do not come from the chief designers, but from real ones... The administrative barrier will still get in the way... We need to give as much as they ask for, and ask like in the USSR... We are killing thinkers right in the design bureau - work on what has been approved and what has been paid for, and not for the future... Smarter ones, from those who have access to the Kremlin, will think about the future for you...
      1. Desert Fox
        27 February 2012 10: 13
        Creativity is not enough ... smile
        Quote: domokl
        The administrative barrier will still be a hindrance...

        And whatever interferes, give way to private traders. In Russia there are still many minds living here who are capable of giving our defense industry such ideas that the West has never dreamed of. And I am more than sure that we will have our own "Demidovs" and "Putilovs" again.
        1. +1
          27 February 2012 10: 32
          Which private individuals? Which private individuals finance scientific research and projects? Private individuals can only use what is already prepared... they don't have such funds, and no one will invest in something that will quite possibly just end up in the trash... The maximum that can be achieved from a private individual is the production of some insignificant parts...
    2. Regul
      27 February 2012 10: 15
      Well, of course, if this process goes on, but they did not say about the return of the "leaked" brains, although it would be desirable. Is it true how many "leaked" brains will be able to be returned back, especially if they are busy with what they love, they are not denied anything, they receive a decent salary, they are confident in the future, but so far there are only promises. It is very difficult to bring up a new shift without the old school, but this is so in our way, to disperse, and then collect bit by bit. And again, in our opinion, something comes out of this, God forbid.
      1. +1
        27 February 2012 16: 26
        Quote: Regul
        that's just about the return of the "leaked" brains were not said here, although it would be desirable

        Buddy, I paid the same attention to this problem! I listened to Alferov’s interview, and so it’s loaded with this problem.
  2. predator
    27 February 2012 09: 48
    This is already a question for our scientists and designers, Soviet designers in many areas were ahead of their Western colleagues, creating weapons on the principle of "cheap and cheerful".
    1. +3
      27 February 2012 09: 58
      Soviet designers received everything they needed... Money, equipment, and the best personnel... That's why it's funny to compare designers now...
  3. alps
    27 February 2012 09: 51
    Rogozin correctly believes that only this applies not only to the military-industrial complex, but in general. The state should introduce the latest at its own expense, as it is implementation that is the most expensive and complex and the business is in no hurry to do it for its own.
  4. 916-th
    27 February 2012 09: 57
    It is time to recall such a powerful intellectual scientific and technical resource of the country as INVENTORS and RATIONALIZERS. Russia has always been rich in craftsmen, nuggets, starting from Lefty, or the same Kalashnikov ...

    We need a well-thought-out state policy, stimulating and encouraging inventors, and to it - a kind of effective filter that separates the seeds from the chaff. Unfortunately, the Soviet committee on invention and rationalization could not cope with this task ... overgrown with bureaucrats.
    1. +3
      27 February 2012 10: 02
      It seems to me that you have touched on a completely different topic... Rationalization and invention are in no way connected with revolutionary ideas... A real revolution can only be made by a competent professional, and not a talented amateur... Modern weapons are the development of hundreds of people, and sometimes thousands...
      1. Olegovich
        27 February 2012 10: 15
        Quite right: it says here - breakthrough IDEAS are needed. Those. As part of the overall project, ideas that solve complex, sometimes insoluble issues will be welcomed. And the project is the result of the work of many people united by a common task. The task of a leader of any level (for example, the chief designer) is to unite subordinates, and not to let the blanket be pulled over, to infect with a common idea. Therefore, the innovator and innovator is good in its place, and as a rule, it grows out of the very same team, because it thinks about solutions constantly.
  5. alexey-filatov-1988
    27 February 2012 10: 24
    Yes, long ago it would have to be done.
  6. lars
    27 February 2012 10: 34
    First of all, we need NEP - the establishment of basic order. Including, and first of all, to protect a competent professional manager from kickbackers and from those to whom they carry. What have we come to: at the highest level, they admit the theft of colossal funds from the State Defense Order and nothing more request
  7. +2
    27 February 2012 11: 00
    Breakthrough ideas! It is necessary to change the state’s approach to the entire process of identifying, supporting and becoming young scientists.
    The notorious USE brought nothing but corruption, in the form in which it functions. First of all, it must perform two functions - identifying "specialized talents" among schoolchildren and assessing the level of teaching at school! The form of state support for talented students (participants, prize-winners of school Olympiads of various levels), as well as an assessment of the professional suitability and level of payment of teachers, should depend on this!
    And, further, according to the scheme - special classes, special schools, specialized higher educational institutions. With mandatory financial support and the conclusion of a contract from the moment of admission to the university!
  8. +2
    27 February 2012 11: 05
    I liked his words that the general designer should become the elite of society. God grant that ever happens. And then the weapons designer dies, sometimes they won’t even talk about it on TV. But, damn it, Whitney Houston died, so more than a week lousy on Russian TV !!! As if she brought more benefit than the same great scout Vartanyan, who passed away about a week before her. But it is, lyrics
  9. +2
    27 February 2012 11: 07
    Finally we came to our senses. As it was said above - the brains "leaked" (not all of course). Only it is necessary to tighten up not only the defense industry, but the entire "science". Since without (for example) physicists and mathematicians, there will be no breakthrough technologies. And again, for example, at the Faculty of Physics at St. Petersburg State University for a long time, no one massively "defends" (I mean dissertations), only a few. And not because it became tougher, but because they do not want to drag out the miserable existence of Russian scientists later. Unfortunately. I really hope this situation will be corrected.
  10. Nechai
    27 February 2012 12: 51
    "The Russian defense-industrial complex should intensify its work on the search for ideas for the development of weapons."
    Precisely their own ideas, and not blindly copying Western ones. Even in times of stagnation it began, aha, once they had it, it began to be and we need it! And it is necessary or does not fit with anything, it was already the tenth thing. And Bartini also said that the only Socialist State in the world would never win "fair competition" with the Western World. They have the vast majority of any world resources. And we can be successful only when we find our own ways, our own solutions to the problems facing us. Less costly, but more effective. "Cutting" the distance of the civilization race.
    The main thing is that the "probable friends would agree" to give us time for this now. And for this, the potential of Russia that is currently at hand can help. To take a closer look at the developments in this regard, Father, Syabrov does not hurt.
  11. 0
    27 February 2012 15: 06
    Yes, all the ideas have long been known - this is the further robotization of everything in the world.

    I would also suggest trying to develop a technology for energy transfer without wires.
    Those. it would be possible to supply energy to airplanes and balloons, and those would already use it to pump lasers or an electromagnetic pulse.

    Then it would be possible to make a truly impenetrable air defense and not be afraid of any nuclear batons and nothing at all.
  12. KDM-219
    27 February 2012 18: 54
    the article is stupidly stolen from here: