Russia has put forward a response financial claims of Kyrgyzstan

Moscow harshly responded to the words of Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev that he was not paid for the Russian military base located in Kyrgyzstan in Kant. The debt amounts to 15 million dollars. This amount will come in the next ten days, as agreed by the Kyrgyz president, thereby "shocking" Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. However, at the same time, the Kyrgyz side was reminded that its state debt to Russia, which is 493 million dollars, remained unpaid to Russia. The Kremlin indicated that this issue is more complex.

For example, the Kremlin reported that during the negotiations between the presidents of Russia and Kyrgyzstan that took place recently in Moscow, when discussing a whole range of issues relating to further bilateral cooperation between the two countries, particular attention was paid to the consideration of the issue of mutual settlements on debts. In particular, Russian President Medvedev expressed readiness in the coming days to pay for the rent of a military base and for the use of infrastructure facilities located in Kyrgyzstan, in the amount of 15 million dollars.

At the same time, the Kremlin’s press service notes that the most difficult issue is the repayment of Kyrgyzstan’s state debt to the Russian Federation, which is 493 million dollars (almost half a billion dollars). The Kremlin’s statement also stresses that the Russian side understands the difficulties that partners are experiencing in connection with the difficult financial and economic situation in Kyrgyzstan, and confirm their readiness to search for various options that can resolve this debt. The solution to this problem, the Kremlin believes, largely depends on the position of the leadership of Kyrgyzstan.
Last Saturday, Kyrgyz President Atambayev said that the Russian Federation owed 15 millions of dollars to rent a military base located in Kyrgyzstan at Kant. The Kyrgyz leader said that he discussed this issue during a meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. According to Atambayev, Russia did not pay for renting a Russian base in Kant for four years without the knowledge of Russian President Medvedev.
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  1. +47
    26 February 2012 11: 18
    that would have kept the Russian military base at the expense of Kyrgyz debts.
    1. Aleksey67
      26 February 2012 12: 05
      As always, a lot of inaccuracies. Us actually:

      In total, 4 Russian military bases are located in Kyrgyzstan. These are: an air base in Kant, an underwater weapons test base in Karakol, a military communications center in Kara-Balt, a radio-seismic laboratory in Maili-Suu.

      According to the agreement within the framework of the CSTO, Kyrgyzstan is not entitled to demand a fee for the air base in Kant. And the Kyrgyz officers went on training to pay the remaining three military bases.
      ... Kyrgyzstan does not receive money for the Kant airbase opened in 2003. On the contrary, the state at its own expense covers the costs of the air base ...

      Iskender Ormon, a specialist in international relations, believes that Russia will reconcile with the demands of Kyrgyzstan in order to maintain its military bases. Because Kyrgyzstan, raising the issue of raising payments, adheres to international law:

      - We have always been waiting for the reaction of Russia, this is a legacy of the Soviet era. Russia probably will not go to political bidding when it comes only to increasing the payment for bases. It would be different if we threatened to withdraw military bases. For Russia, whose economy is in fifth place (as in the original - approx. Ed.), Paying for a military base will not be a tangible waste.

      The Russian air base was stationed at Kant Airport in 2003. The base has five SU-25 fighters, four training aircraft, and two MI-8 helicopters. The number of military personnel is about 150 people.

      It can really bring out the bases, the test site for torpedoes is already half (I don’t know for sure, maybe already completely) Russian, establish a border, introduce a visa regime and claim debt... Such "antics" cannot be forgiven.

      Here's more:

      Interim President of Kyrgyzstan Roza Otunbaeva proposed writing off the external debt of the republic. She made such a proposal in New York at the UN summit on the Millennium Development Goals (the goals that UN countries intend to achieve by 2015: fighting poverty, expanding global cooperation, and so on).

      According to Otunbaeva, in the case of Kyrgyzstan, it would be possible to use a mechanism that provides debt relief "in exchange for environmental protection." laughing

      The external debt of Kyrgyzstan, as of August 2010, is $ 2,4 billion. As reported by the agency, the bulk of this amount (about $ 630 million) is the debt to the International Development Association, which is part of the World Bank Group. Other major lenders are the Asian Development Bank and the IMF.

      Among individual countries one of the largest creditors of the republic is Russia (according to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic, through bilateral soft loans, the debt is 300 million, through bilateral non-soft loans - about 193,5 million). After the April 2010 coup, the new authorities of Kyrgyzstan suggested that the Russian side consider the cancellation of debt in exchange, in particular, for the opening of a new military base in the republic of the Russian Federation.

      How much money can be thrown into this non-state? fool
      1. +4
        26 February 2012 20: 11
        Quote: Aleksey67
        military communications center in Kara-Balta

        Quote: Aleksey67
        Can really bring out the base

        Aleksey, unfortunately this center makes more sense to disband rather than translate for the following reasons:
        - stationary object (I hope you understand what is meant);
        - geographical location is one of the main factors of its construction in this particular place.
      2. sharp
        26 February 2012 23: 05
        Ishche Prozhivalsky wrote in his diaries that the Kirghiz are a small, thieving people. And they will suck wherever they can!!!
      3. SSR
        26 February 2012 23: 05
        yes under-state ..... and you yourself who?
        and Syria, who? ... and you are a fan of Libya, who? You can continue for a long time ...
        My Imha ..
        It's time to punish Atambekov harshly, clearly and without any reason for ambiguity...
        2nd will not be there we will be there China ...
        3rd Kazakhstan .. can help ...
        4.f Uzbekistan "to help" ... (if you do not know at all what happened there over the past five .. years .... buy ...)
        Situfigovina there is complicated ... but the people .. glad of change ...
        And you Aleksey67 ... not yet ... would have taken a pen and a sheet of paper ... and counted how many ... and how many of us think so ... and in general ... those at least somehow cooperate with us within the framework CSTO SCO CIS ... do not deserve your "angry" under .... but a meaningful comment ... for! a holy place is never empty ... for ... take the super of the state ...
        what a pity that they are not yet with us, huh? with us is the current supper of the state of Armenia .. Belarus .. Kazakhstan .... and you are a duper warrior and strategist ... rudely ...... but imha .... not too loud here to swell .. empty chimes. I generally .. to our Diplomats over the past few years .. only quietly respect ... or are you smarter than all diplomats?
        for "you" .. "you" is a separate quarrel .. I just get started when .. ahh they are, yes we are .. You just don't know how the same China is there .... ((((
      4. Uralm
        27 February 2012 02: 35
        Well, there should be a mutual settlement. Forget about half a billion and shock 15 million? Medvedev is rather weak.
        1. 0
          27 February 2012 10: 14
          Quote: Uralm
          Well, there should be a mutual settlement. Forget about half a billion and shock 15 million? Medvedev is weak

          Today's info, guys! ------------------
          IA Rosbalt, February 25. Kyrgyzstan hopes to pay off part of its external debt to Russia by transferring shares in the Dastan defense enterprise, and write off or restructure the other part.

          "Kyrgyzstan and Russia are working on the issue of transferring 48% (controlling stake) of shares of the Dastan enterprise as a debt to Russia," Kyrgyz Finance Minister Akylbek Zhaparov told Interfax.

          He noted that “Kyrgyzstan’s position is that it is necessary to assess the company’s shares and transfer them to the Russian side to pay off the debt, and to negotiate the remaining part of the debt on its restructuring or write-off.” drinks
    2. Sergh
      26 February 2012 12: 12
      In the 90s I was in Issyk-Kul, so men, I honestly tell you, with me (we are 4 men and women) friends with weapons, Kazakhstan flew by car without problems, as soon as to Kyrgyzstan, or rather to the lake drive up, so it started.

      We drove here at night, I still have a daughter in a four-year-old car, behind our truck with rags and tents, then two more cars.
      They stop us at night by cutting two lousy Japs, we are Germans, and getting out of the cars, we drive the bozar: type of dough to give them, and the amount is not big for those years, well, we went away to consult the type, get the trunks (cop blocked all the way, yes more than one barrel), as volleys died down, we lived for two weeks, walked like Christ’s bosom, someone laid a watermelon under the door in the morning, still laughing.
      If anyone does not believe, I can prove it!
      1. gor
        26 February 2012 16: 08
        well and now we are offended by our russia about holidays in turkey))))))))))))))) we need to raise our level of culture, and not be proud that the more x........the more showy
        1. st.moss
          26 February 2012 18: 41
          dear man, unfortunately that's the only way in most cases you can talk without bullying anyone, but if, what, a tough rebuff. Only they understand that.
          1. Aleksey67
            26 February 2012 18: 59
            Quote: st.moss
            dear man, unfortunately that's the only way in most cases you can talk without bullying anyone, but if, what, a tough rebuff. Only they understand that.

            In the USA, it is recommended that if a robber attacked you, it is recommended that you give your wallet, watch, spread your buttocks, like life is priceless, and only "ours" in Brighton have established an "attack-ogrebi" order
            1. gor
              26 February 2012 19: 05
              in general, is there such a thing as a general level of culture? Yes, I agree, it is necessary to repulse when you are wrong with you, but when you are rowing everyone under one comb ... sorry you are not getting better
              1. Aleksey67
                26 February 2012 19: 09
                Quote: gor
                I agree it is necessary to fight back when you are wrong with you, but when you are rowing everyone under one comb ... sorry, you are getting better

                There are accumulated questions for Moldova too wink Demand in due time

                1. gor
                  26 February 2012 20: 11
                  start with yourself then the world around will change. with such an attitude, as it were, you wouldn’t have to get lost from everyone
      2. -5
        26 February 2012 21: 36
        This is a nightmare! What barbaric language do you, like Sergh, speak? In which gateway did you grow up and what can you teach your 4-year-old daughter - if you don’t speak, but are conducting a bazaar, if you turn a pleasure trip into a gang raid - what do you boast about? Primitive!!
        1. +7
          26 February 2012 23: 22
          But had he to protect himself somehow? Savages, however, do not understand differently, I know from my own experience. I think Sergh was right.
          1. gor
            27 February 2012 09: 10
            yes, you’re always right. because you didn’t see anything besides your bell tower, and if it weren’t a crap, you wouldn’t write about it now. A familiar weapon was brought in order to draw yourself in front of Serge
    3. beech
      26 February 2012 13: 50
      why are we just like they cannot demand a refund ??
      they have awesome debts before us, even if they are silent in a rag or from amers, let them require an additional che-thread !!!
    4. +10
      26 February 2012 13: 58
      From the beginning of 2011, Kyrgyz migrants transferred more than $ 980 million from Russia. From January to June 2011, more than 20 thousand Kyrgyz citizens filed a patent for work in Russia, most migrants who left the republic in search of work do not return home, about 500 thousand - earn in Russia, according to unofficial statistics, their number may exceed the official data at times

      Before you demand debts, think about what if they come back? I mean, they come back
      1. beech
        26 February 2012 14: 05
        I agree that for prevention it is necessary to raise this question once to the president to the president and send a little dzhumshutov from Russia, immediately wiser and Kyrgyzstan and the Baltic states and Georgians, in general, everything !!!! otherwise they wipe all our feet off us, and we are silent in a rag !!!
        1. gor
          26 February 2012 16: 10
          but how do they find work if you are all such hard workers? who will clean and build?
          1. +11
            26 February 2012 18: 42
            And in Russia, therefore, there is no decent labor market with good earnings, because there are Jamshuts who are ready to work for free, on whom the newly-born oligarchs profit. Instead of paying a good salary to their own, they recruit free Jamshuts. But we have enough tudegy and ours. I’m a builder myself and I know what it means to live from paycheck to paycheck, which is barely enough for 2 weeks, and this is primarily because of the Dzhamshutov who brought down the price of labor.
            1. gor
              26 February 2012 20: 20
              I don’t know what kind of salary you want, but the guys go to Russia and make 2 pieces of Baku a month clean. Why are they knocking down nepoyma there
          2. +5
            26 February 2012 18: 47
            Quote: gor
            but how do they find work if you are all such hard workers? who will clean and build?

            You know as well as anyone else that migrant workers are primarily exploited by people of the same nationality who have firmly settled in our country, and it is not a matter of the type of work performed, they (most employers do not pay taxes, insurance) they are not responsible for the lives of their workers, they receive several times less, therefore they are profitable, and money is a terrible force.
            1. beech
              26 February 2012 22: 23
              yes, and after the jumshuts, the next year everything falls apart again!!!
          3. 0
            27 February 2012 07: 20
            migrant workers work for handouts in the amount of 8000 rubles or even less ... live in one room for 20 people, or right in the basement of the house where they sweep the street, eat doshirak ... Russians certainly are not going to compete with them for such a salary and working conditions and lives ... at their expense employers profit, make fortunes for themselves .....
            if suddenly one day all the migrant workers disappear, the Russians will do the same work but for completely different money and conditions ... so that the end of the world will not come ...
            1. gor
              27 February 2012 11: 38
              yes really? a friend of mine was 2 months old and brought 5 pieces of Baku and said that a janitor can do 40000 thousand rubles in Moscow. if you take 2 plots at once. and therefore they pick up from gastric because it’s better to collect bottles than to sweep.
              this guy really built a summer house from scratch. why you don’t want to take ask yourself.
            2. beech
              1 March 2012 14: 45
              but better!
      2. +2
        26 February 2012 14: 54
        I think about the people there, the last thing they think is, and the managers will have enough money for bread with a very thick buttercream
    5. +3
      26 February 2012 14: 46
      at first glance it's fair but if we (Russia) are not there our American friends will immediately appear and at the airfield there will no longer be five old rooks but many modern, in fact excellent aircraft including reconnaissance ones the jump-off point again we need to feed them but not overdo it of course otherwise they will become impudent and in general if the leadership of Kyrgyzstan has become so bold I think we will soon no longer be there as sad as it is
      1. recitatorus
        26 February 2012 15: 20
        For that kind of money, Kyrgyzstan can be bought as a summer cottage, as a soda plot !!!
        And all Kyrgyz migrants and guest workers, in order to maintain the appearance of international law, should be politely asked to vote for a president from the Cossacks. Kyrgyzstan is no different from Tuva or Buryatia, and accordingly its status should be similar!
        1. st.moss
          26 February 2012 18: 47
          Here is the right view, I lived there. I recently ate in a cafe, took lagman and manti, delicious as in Central Asia, asked who made it, it turned out to be kigizi, we got to talking. They say where have you gone, come, our prices are low, it's good here. The time of the USSR is the heyday of Kyrgyzstan, it has never been like this and probably never will be
        2. +6
          26 February 2012 19: 50
          Kyrgyzstan should be put on the counter or allowed to pay by the territory for planting poplars.
    6. baraban
      26 February 2012 20: 25
      Also thought it would be fair
    7. +2
      26 February 2012 21: 36
      I generally got the impression that we take their massacre too close to heart... The Kyrgyz are already pushing Tajiks and Uzbeks out of Moscow... And all with Russian passports... We throw money around like dirt... Poor princes...
  2. Sarus
    26 February 2012 11: 25
    Here they give the Kyrgyz ...
    Give us 15 million and let your half a billion suffer .. We don’t have money .. The crisis ... I hope the Russian Federation will not forgive this debt as it did before everyone ..
    I see 2 options ... Either let the land be given where our bases are (forever). Let another Kaliningrad in Kyrgyzstan be ...
    Or let the United States beg for Manas and then give us ....
    I hope the Russian Federation already understood that Kyrgyzstan should not forgive debt .. Let them pay with assets and industry ... So, for the whole CIS, we’ll get discounts on gas, what else are we doing ...
    We must take an example in this case from China ... Friendship is friendship and debts must be paid ..
    Kyrgyzstan will play out on two fronts ...
    And the United States will throw them in the loot ... Anyway, leave Afghanistan ...
    And the Russian Federation hopefully takes its debt ...
    And the Kyrgyz will either be with China or with Afghanistan ...
    Then they will remember that the Russian Federation and Kyrgyzstan have been friends for millennia
    1. Tatars
      26 February 2012 12: 39
      Yeah, debt is not frail for such a poor country, it would be beneficial for them to join the Russian Federation
      1. Aleksey67
        26 February 2012 13: 00
        In Kirkizia, on the re-export of Russian aviation kerosene, all the previous presidents "got rich". It seems like because of this, the revolution took place there. There are no politicians in Central Asia, there are "hucksters" there. Will be sold at any time.
      2. beech
        26 February 2012 13: 48
        they are MB and profitable, but we do not, the problems themselves are higher than the roof !!!
      3. +1
        26 February 2012 15: 08
        What the hell are they nudging us! It was necessary, even with the union, to throw them off with the other Asians ... By the way, such a varic was considered in a secret way in the 80s!
      4. st.moss
        26 February 2012 18: 48
        yes they sleep and see this option
    2. toxa-xa
      26 February 2012 13: 29
      What can you do, our officials desperately need money ... Yes, and I heard from our sources that in order to pay off part of this debt, our government is ready to transfer your Dastan plant, where "squall" torpedoes are produced. And it is also possible for Kyrgaz
      1. Aleksey67
        26 February 2012 13: 43
        Quote: toxa-xa
        for the repayment of part of this debt, our government is ready to transfer to your factory Dastan

        These are rumors, in fact, everything is much sadder

        The Indian Ministry of Defense intends to develop a center for the development and testing of torpedo weapons "Dastan" in Kyrgyzstan Soviet-built, Lenta.Ru reports with reference to PTI. The project will be implemented jointly with the Kyrgyz government. We are talking about a test base located on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, 250 kilometers from Bishkek. It is assumed that Kyrgyz companies with experience in creating torpedo weapons will also take part in the work of the center.

        The Indian Defense Minister Arakaparambil Kurian Anthony has already visited the test base of the Dastan anti-submarine torpedo weapon in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan. In the near future, an Indian military delegation is expected to arrive in Kyrgyzstan to conduct negotiations with the Kyrgyz government, as well as assess the funding required for the development of the torpedo center.

        According to preliminary data, the existing infrastructure of the Soviet base "Dastan" allows torpedo launches and the necessary research. In particular, the base has many sensors and tracking devices that allow you to determine the speed of movement of torpedoes, as well as test their guidance and control systems.. According to the plans of the Ministry of Defense of India, the Kyrgyz base will also be used to develop and test autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles for the Indian Navy.

        In the USSR, the Dastan test base in Karakol was used to test the unique Shkval ultra-high-speed winged rocket torpedoes capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Torpedoes are propelled not by the rotation of the propellers, but by the jet stream from the built-in rocket engine. Another feature of the torpedo is the exhaust of jet gases through the nose while driving. It allows you to create a gas cushion in front of the nose and overcome the colossal water resistance. Having released its wings, the underwater projectile moves, as it were, in a gas cloud flowing around it. All this allows the "torpedo missile" to reach a speed under water at which enemy ships and submarines have no chance of escaping defeat. In addition, ports and coastal cities of the enemy can become the object of the "Shkval" attack. The destroyed nuclear submarine Kursk was armed with "squalls", and the self-detonation of jet torpedoes has long been promoted as the cause of the submarine's disaster.

        After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Dastan base fell under the control of the Kyrgyz government and has practically not developed since then. Despite the fact that in Kyrgyzstan you could buy everything, For a long time foreign special services were unable to copy "Shkvali". Only the German and Iranian navies managed to do this in the last three years. It is believed that the secrets of the production of "Shkvalov" leaked abroad during the reign of the ex-President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiev.

        Several months ago, during a visit to Bishkek by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, it became known that Turkey was claiming the dastan plant. At the same time it was announced that Kyrgyzstan was not against transferring the plant to the Turks. However, then the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambayev, who met with Erdogan, had to publicly refute this information.

        Possession of Dastan gives India the ability to arm its fleet with nuclear torpedoes, from which there is practically no escape. This would give the Indians a great naval advantage over China, which, as far as is known, has no such torpedoes today. Recall that India has recently been leaning toward a military alliance with the United States.

        It is interesting that all the years of independence the Kyrgyz authorities have promised to hand over Dastan to Russia, but under various pretexts they do not. In 2008, it was reported that the Kyrgyz government intended to lease the Dastan base to the Russian Navy. The rent was estimated at $ 4,5 million per year. Sources in Kyrgyzstan report that Bishkek is not giving Dastan to Russia under pressure from the US, which maintains its air force base at Manas airport.

        1. +5
          26 February 2012 14: 32
          It's a pity that we don't have the opportunity to watch the negotiations online. I would really like to see the reaction of this insolent Kyrgyz to the words about Kyrgyzstan's debt to Russia! These last of the traders have learned nothing except (not even - not to trade! The word "trade" implies some kind of civilization, a certain decency and responsibility for obligations!) - to speculate and parasitize! I really hope that when Putin comes to power, he will not allow such antics towards Russia, but will force such presumptuous idiots to fully take into account Russia's interests and not to go too far. I think that this situation will not hang in the air without a solution that does not infringe on Russian interests and does not humiliate Russia's pride. We have once again been convinced that these speculators have no pride, and a creature without self-esteem deserves to be walked on without any regret. am
          1. +4
            26 February 2012 14: 44
            These are not traders and not speculators. These are shepherds. Which cannot be trusted more than a ram. And more like this animal do not understand anything. They forgot how Russia rushed them off from syphilis, which everyone was sick with. Even the alphabet created Russian for them.
            1. +7
              26 February 2012 15: 13
              I suggest you, guys, read this article written by a Kyrgyz journalist, which shows that the people of Kyrgyzstan are perfectly aware of who is who, but these fucking greedy temporary workers are hindering not only Russia, but also their own people, who know perfectly well what can happen if the current leadership of Kyrgyzstan starts spitting on the hand that feeds them. It's just a waste of time... And nerves. -------- Kyrgyzstan: Almazbek, will you be the third?

              Well-known Russian intellectual and publicist Anatoly Wasserman expressed the opinion that the "United States of America", as he calls the United States, is increasingly using the tactics of "a donkey laden with gold" rather than direct military intervention. So, according to the scientist, it comes out much cheaper and more efficiently.

              And apparently, Wasserman is right. At least, this is true in relation to Kyrgyzstan.

              Such a "donkey" or maybe a "Trojan horse" is the American Manas airbase near Bishkek.

              Already two presidents seduced by American millions have paid for it with power and honor.

              Will Almazbek Atambayev become the third? God is said to love the trinity! So far, the current president claims that the extension of the contract after the lease expires in 2014 will not follow. Although, most likely, our head of state is disingenuous.

              The situation in the world is such that a war in Iran is likely in the near future. Consequently, the United States will try in any way to keep its outpost in Kyrgyzstan, which means that it will offer the decision maker a large bribe. And Atambayev, of course, will take it, and even bow and say thank you! And such a development of events is more than likely if Atambayev, by that time, does not get rich enough to be included in the Forbes list. But this is already quite fantastic.

              If it happened as we suggested, the Kremlin will again "be offended", but will not allow to carry water on itself, as is customary for the offended. And again he will disperse this watering gang called the government. If not "punish" more severely.

              By the way! When I typed the text to the real place, then, for fun, I decided to check the fortune-telling program on my computer. So, this toy, under the name "Dozen", gave out that such a development of events is quite acceptable!

              I don’t know whether it is worth trusting the technology, but since the computer agrees with the above arguments, you and I should not immediately discard the foregoing as unrealizable.

              After all, we are not presidents, but ordinary citizens. And in which case, we will have nowhere to run. Yes, neither Putin nor Lukashenko are waiting for us, nor will they give us asylum to the people of Kyrgyzstan!

              Zarylbek Mombekov ---------------- I especially ask you to pay attention to the paragraph about Russia's "offense"!
          2. -8
            26 February 2012 16: 05
            Do not tell, Yesaul, but what has your Putin been doing for the past 12 years? Without his knowledge, nothing is done in Russia. And here is the result. About Russia does not wipe his feet only lazy.
            1. +8
              26 February 2012 18: 11
              God knows, I did not set a goal for myself - to make you laugh, a proud inhabitant of the mountains (otherwise, how can you understand the nickname "Highlander" behind which it is unknown what it breathes and what it is?)! But you made me laugh laughing Alaverdi to you BALshoy! Show me, darling. Where did you find such a hard-working person who tirelessly wipes his feet on Russia! I hope you speak only on your own behalf, and not on behalf of those guys from "Vostok", who, together with the Russians and Georgians (and there were such guys there!) forced Saakashvili to peace and who, as their manly duty, recognize military work to protect Russia? I asked this question because you awarded yourself a very beautiful and proud word, having appropriated such a nickname! And if you are talking about some presumptuous morons, incapable of calculating for themselves the consequences of their boorish (like the representative of Qatar in the UN, who, to put it simply, was covered in paraffin up to his tomatoes!) antics, then - so much the worse for these morons! If you mean another begging of a Kyrgyz who unexpectedly for himself found himself in a high position, clothed in the form of an ultimatum - then this is because of the speed with which he took off and has not yet realized thanks to whom and what he ended up there. So that you too realize - read again the paragraph on which I focused the attention of the forum members! It was not me who wrote this, but a person who lives in Kyrgyzstan and sees reality from the inside! Well, and - globally... laughing If Russia had been reduced to a state of a rag now, then there wouldn’t be that frenzied campaign of lies aimed at the collapse of the country, but they just wanted to, they came and took what they wanted! But it doesn’t work! Have to be considered! We also have to give up military actions, withdrawing aircraft carriers from Hormuz and apologize under various pretexts for the actions of his ambassador McFaul! So, highlander, do not rub your tongue in vain! ...
    3. Nymp
      26 February 2012 17: 52
      Quote: Sarus
      And the Kyrgyz will either be with China or with Afghanistan ...

      So, after all, China itself says:

      Quote: Sarus
      We must take an example in this case from China ... Friendship is friendship and debts must be paid.
      1. 0
        26 February 2012 17: 57
        China began to develop the Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan in the years 90-91
    4. gor
      26 February 2012 20: 41
      so I’m wondering how many millennia the Russian Federation exists?)))))))))))))))))))))))))
  3. +6
    26 February 2012 11: 27
    Well, the brazen blackmailer has become brazen... Apparently, it is necessary to activate the work of the relevant department of the SVR in an enhanced mode. Each new Kyrgyz has new rabbit trails for finding money, and there is no end in sight.
  4. ytqnhfk
    26 February 2012 11: 30
    We see a speck in someone else's eye, but don't notice the log in our own! Just pay us our debts and then maybe we'll pay you ours!
  5. +5
    26 February 2012 11: 31
    Well, the southern "brother" is getting cheeky, it's time to start teaching.
  6. LiRoy
    26 February 2012 11: 32
    I think that there is nothing wrong with applying the experience of the Americans and using economic levers of pressure in relation to Kyrgyzstan when promoting their interests. Become more accommodating.
    1. Tyumen
      26 February 2012 12: 17
      Quote: LiRoy
      to use economic leverage in relation to Kyrgyzstan when promoting their interests.

      In our city, the Kyrgyz in half with the Tajiks on the roads in flocks sit waiting for work (this is not an exaggeration). Only in our company there are about 30% of them. And so almost everything is sent home. If you wish and will - you can find the lever. This is - in addition to the interests of the base, so, for tone.
      1. LiRoy
        26 February 2012 12: 54
        I would like to add that the quota for the import of foreigners, say, in the field of agriculture has been canceled altogether. (Bring in at least a million!). Since last year, their registration has been canceled. No matter what they say, but the FMS, unlike the police, do not cope with the situation at all and are only concerned with issuing passports. The legal levers of expulsion and deportation have not been worked out. The border at the entrance is absolutely transparent. Before deportation, foreigners must go to temporary detention centers, but, for example, there is only one for the entire Moscow region, for 400 places. The crime rate created by citizens of the "banana republics" is openly hushed up. The main problem with foreigners is to break up the places they are already creating for compact living on our territory (GETTO), since when carrying out any operational measures there, they are a black hole in which everything simply disappears, even literally people. There are cities in which, in order to ensure the work of the SOG (Investigative Task Force) on a crime, it is necessary to accompany the group at least two squads of the PLR ​​(Immediate Response Group).
        1. Tyumen
          26 February 2012 14: 22
          I don’t know how in Moscow, but they have no problems with us. And * places of compact residence * they do not have. For a week, everything is already in rental apartments throughout the city, and then - who is the first to get lucky with work, the rest are in standby mode. Tomorrow I’ll ask how they do registration and work permits.
        2. gor
          26 February 2012 16: 19
          and they are silent because your state needs them. Someone only hopes for the pipe and wants to live and be a pure white person. And they and barbarians and cattle according to your statements. I see a good way to knock on the keys.
          it wasn’t necessary to help if then stabbing your eyes with it was no longer help, but blackmail. and don’t forget that the base is in Kyrgyzstan, and not a Kyrgyz base in Russia, which means there are interests. Yes, and don’t forget that the pipe is cheaper at times maybe so by accident.
          1. Tyumen
            26 February 2012 16: 42
            NO ! Does not need. There are enough local unemployed. It is easier for employers with such a contingent. I don’t know who relies on the pipe, I work with my hands and the pipe interests me only in terms of contributions to the budget.
            Quote: gor
            Do not forget that the base is located in Kyrgyzstan, and not the Kyrgyz base in Russia, which means there are interests

            Our interest is $ 500 million, their number is 15. So let them remember before the arrivals.
            1. gor
              26 February 2012 19: 06
              Well, they will ask you beautifully if you think like that and you look either the states appear there or the Chinese. As I understand it, the Chinese have an interest there
              Yes, and there you have big fines for illegal immigrants, so most of them work legally, since it’s easier for employers? Do you need to draw up more documents? The trouble is, whoever doesn’t want to work will find 1000 reasons not to work. Not all of them were made by managers as managers and in orange pants
          2. st.moss
            26 February 2012 18: 56
            And what kind of Kyrgyz base do you, my dear, propose to arrange in Russia for growing tomatoes, or what?. All cricket know your six
            1. gor
              26 February 2012 19: 11
              and you, my dear, are purely a warrior and the Russian people do not know what agriculture is. For those who do not know, I will tell you that agriculture is a basic strategic industry for any country. This is if we take it from the basics, since the food security of the state depends on it. And a country that does not have agriculture is more vulnerable than even a country that does not have an army, but has agriculture.
              my advice here is to do a lot of broadening one's horizons and not to dirty the keyboard of your computer so actively and give out completely raw and ill-conceived thoughts as the only truth
  7. +7
    26 February 2012 11: 34
    This is a typical picture when all "these" do not remember their debts to the Russians ...

    Interestingly, how much does all this Kyrgyzstan cost? Hardly more than half a billion ...
    so he can demand his own, and ask the Kyrgyz to look for another place to live?
  8. aironfirst
    26 February 2012 11: 35
    the local "kings" were completely out of breath
    we calculate: 493 - 15 = 478 million $, divide by 100, we get 4.78 million $ - and this is only 1%!
    we multiply by at least 7.2% (forecast inflation by 2012 year in Russia), and we get 34.416 million $ !!!! by this amount their debt should grow over 1year (further - more)
    Conclusion, they must ALWAYS us! bully
  9. Anatoly
    26 February 2012 11: 37
    And eat the fish and ..........
    The first island discovered by the Kirghiz is still called Okinawa ... Having landed on this island, the proud Kyrgyz sailors saw small and yellow Japanese. Seeing them, the Kyrgyz were horrified and exclaimed. "Oy-bye! Die! Auzyna sigeyin !!" This is how the legendary samurai and shoguns appeared in Japanese history ...
  10. +8
    26 February 2012 11: 39
    The Americans screwed up big time in Afghanistan. They weren't respected there anyway. The Germans sent their entire group to Kundus. They are preparing to evacuate everything there. The Kirghiz thought that the Americans wouldn't pay anymore. And they squandered all the money. We want to eat, let's take Russia first. And we won't pay off the debts. But you can't take industry from Kirghizia either. Everything is destroyed. There is only land left on which everything needs to be built anew.
  11. Mr. Truth
    26 February 2012 11: 40
    Russia needs to expose Kyrgyz citizens, and those who have received citizenship over the past 5-6 years, I work with them myself, I know how they get it, half of the documents are fake.
  12. +4
    26 February 2012 11: 42
    they bargain, they know that we need a base, and they don’t care that they themselves owe a lot. They get loans, discounts, help, and look at what they do...
  13. +4
    26 February 2012 11: 50
    Kyrgyzstan is trying to sit on several chairs at once. This is a common problem of states that fall into the spheres of interest of large military-political blocs or of individual developed economies.
    The Kyrgyz leadership, by the way, does not believe that cooperation with Turkey and NATO will affect the allied relations with Russia and other CSTO allies, but shares the opposite point of view. It boils down to the conviction that the countries of Central Asia, and in particular the mountain republic itself, can become a bridge for the development of cooperation between the North Atlantic Alliance and the Collective Security Treaty Organization. NATO, meanwhile, continues to view the Tien Shan as a convenient bridgehead.

    “We intend to end the military operation in Afghanistan in 2014, but this does not mean that on January 1, 2015, not a single soldier will remain in Central Asia,” James Appathurai, Special Representative of the Alliance Secretary General for the Caucasus and Central Asia, said during a visit to Bishkek .

    but the candy-flower phase of flirting will ever end, and Kyrgyzstan will have to decide who it is
    1. +5
      26 February 2012 12: 03
      Yes, they have long decided, when it smells fried, they will bow to our legs, they know that we won’t leave them out of kindness, but for now they will balance, looking for benefits for ourselves ............ ...
      1. +12
        26 February 2012 12: 50
        here is a photo in the subject
  14. Toroptsev
    26 February 2012 11: 51
    Guys - this is unfortunate! (replica to the Kyrgyz).
  15. predator
    26 February 2012 11: 55
    Yes, all Central Asian republics need money, but they have forgotten how in the early 90s they expelled representatives of other peoples, primarily Russians, from their “republics”, and now they themselves proudly bear the name of migrant workers!
    1. LiRoy
      26 February 2012 12: 07
      Note that all of their production, which they built in Soviet times, and which could be maintained in good condition, ceased to exist immediately with the outflow of the Russian-speaking population. That is, the Russian-speaking population supported high-tech production.
      1. Tenok
        26 February 2012 15: 01
        Quote: LiRoy
        that all their production, which they built in Soviet times, and which could be maintained in good condition, ceased to exist

        Yes, it stopped, but in Russia with the collapse of the USSR, too, many industries were closed, or were on the verge ... + then, in Kyrgyzstan there is no oil ...
        1. Aleksey67
          26 February 2012 15: 04
          Quote: TenOk
          Yes, it stopped, but in Russia with the collapse of the USSR, too, many industries were closed, or were on the verge ... + then, in Kyrgyzstan there is no oil ...

          There (in Kyrgyzstan) gold mines, but they were sold to their foreign companies. You can’t even think of more stupidity fool

          Gold mining in Kyrgyzstan began in the mid-80s. Its volumes were small (especially in comparison with the total gold production in the USSR - 250 tons per year). Having gained independence, Kyrgyzstan from 1992 to 1996 mined an average of only about 1,5 tons of gold per year. But in 1997, production growth began (more than 16 tons), reaching a maximum in 2001 - 24,5 tons.

          Kumtor has been developed since 1992 by the Canadians - the Cameco Corporation. The Kyrgyz authorities gave this goose that lays the golden eggs even without a tender. Moreover, the authorities agreed to fix in the general agreement between Cameco and the government of Kyrgyzstan the norm according to which even the laws of Kyrgyzstan apply only to the extent that they do not contradict the general agreement... According to the final version of the May 1994 agreement, Kumtor Gold Company, controlled by Cameco, became the owner of the project. Already during this period in Kyrgyzstan, there are attempts to clarify the situation with both the Kumtor deal and the mysterious disappearance of several tons of gold, which, according to some Kyrgyz politicians, was trivially appropriated by none other than the then President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev. They even believe that the latter went to dissolve the parliament in order to hush up the growing scandal.
        2. 0
          26 February 2012 15: 46
          there is gold in Kyrgyzstan and much more, for such a small country it would be enough, but everyone else was busy
    2. +6
      26 February 2012 12: 16
      I experienced this predator on my own skin. And how they ruined a beautiful green city. Which they left.
    3. Tenok
      26 February 2012 14: 55
      Kazakhstan, too, cf. The Asian Republic, no one has expelled anyone. Especially Russian
      1. predator
        26 February 2012 15: 22
        There are no complaints about the Kazakhs, but the rest (Uzbeks, Tajiks) made a mess.
        1. +5
          26 February 2012 15: 49
          Quote: predator
          Kazakhs have no complaints

      2. Aleksey67
        26 February 2012 15: 33
        Quote: TenOk
        Kazakhstan, too, cf. The Asian Republic, no one has expelled anyone. Especially Russian

        But what about this?

        However, one should not think that the Russians in Kazakhstan did not become victims of the same processes that took place and are taking place in other regions. Yes, there was no massacre in this republic, here the Russians were ousted "in a civilized manner". The ideology on which the policy towards Russians began to be based since the late 80s was formulated by the local ethnographer Makash Tatimov. It was his thesis that was repeatedly voiced by the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. The essence of his doctrine, the goal that it pursues, Tatimov formulated as follows: "Conflict-free retreat of the former imperial nation" - that is, Russian. For the first time, chauvinistic tendencies loudly appeared in Kazakhstan in December 1986. The events in Alma-Ata were not sufficiently investigated and covered. In his article “There is a wild fury ...” (“Tomorrow”, No. 10 (327), March 9, 2000) V. Yertaulov writes: “The investigation of the December events, which was interrupted at the most crucial stage, nevertheless managed to clarify something.

        Firstly, that December riot of 1986 was neither spontaneous nor spontaneous: the posters and banners carried by the "rebels" were made one year, two, or even three years before the events.

        Secondly, official babble about the social causes of the riots was completely untenable. In the slogans under which the "rebels" spoke, there was not a single word about material distress or housing disorder. “Long live the Kazakhs!” (“Cossack Zhassasyn !!!”) - this is what a crowd of thousands chanted at the full power of a young mouthful. “Kazakhstan is for Kazakhs!”, “Kazakh must govern Kazakhstan!” - that’s what it meant on the banners.

        Third, "Spontaneous" performance was surprisingly amicably supported throughout the south of Kazakhstan.

        But the main thing that was revealed during the investigation, which was the least enjoyable and completely destroyed the Kunaev legend about the “laboratory of friendship of peoples”, was obvious: here sooner or later ethnic cleansing is coming. ”

        Great cleaning
        Over the years, the intellectual Kazakh elite has been preparing the ideological justification for the future great ethnic cleansing.

        Ethnographer Makash Tatimov summed up the result of the inspired work. Since then, the main theses of the "Tatimov doctrine" have been repeatedly voiced by N. Nazarbayev personally. Here is a brief summary.

        The ethnic situation in which the Kazakhs were in a numerical minority on their land was created artificially, at the behest of the "Moscow center", by starvation and expulsion of Kazakhs in the process of collectivization of the 30s, as well as as a result of the use of the territory of Kazakhstan for mass exile and deportation, especially the Germans, Chechens and Koreans. Well, since the situation was artificially created, the Kazakh people have all the rights, and most importantly, the moral right, to overcome this situation also by artificial methods. Under the Union, M. Tatimov kept quiet about the essence of these methods, later, as an adviser to President Nazarbayev, he became much more frank, expressing his thought as follows: "conflict-free retreat of the former imperial nation" - that is, Russians ...
        Since a large number of Kazakhs live outside of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to provide a "horde basy" at the state level - "a union of hordes", that is, the unification of all Kazakhs in a single state. As a result, by 2010, it is planned to restore historical justice destroyed by the "hand of Moscow" and to form an ethnically homogeneous electorate. Then all the slogans of "Decembrists-86" will automatically come true.

        Ethnic cleansing, as already noted, had "civilized forms": displacement from any important positions and from trade, defeat in political rights, in education, finally, in language. “At present,” writes Ertaulov, “tens of thousands of objects have been renamed in Kazakhstan: streets, squares, cities, urban and rural areas, which have never had any other names than Russians. The largest and most defiant act of "onomastic vandalism" is, perhaps, the renaming of the primordially Russian port city of Guryev into "Atyrau".
      3. +4
        26 February 2012 15: 49
        Of course, no one drove, just created the conditions such that many left for themselves
        Now when the Russians are selling the apartments and they start to bargain, they hear the answer they don’t like the price, we will not wait much more and we will pick up everything for free.
        1. Roman_23
          26 February 2012 17: 11
          there are a few things that can be said about all of the Near Asians
          1. Eastern politics has 2 faces (hypocrisy I say one thing, I do the other)
          2. As mentioned above, these are traders (no one canceled the genetic memory and behavioral stereotypes)
          3. And as a consequence of the 2nd lack of conscience.
      4. Roman_23
        26 February 2012 17: 04
        what are you ?? belay and look how many Russians have left for Russia since 91. I live here ... or rather I live and see everything. It’s you the Russians who are visiting Kaz. fairy tales come and tell the Russians who live here / no longer need to live. there are many interesting things
  16. +3
    26 February 2012 12: 04
    Quote: aironfirst
    we multiply by at least 7.2% (forecast inflation by 2012 year in Russia), and we get 34.416 million $ !!!! by this amount their debt should grow over 1year (further - more)

    and plus a penalty for using Russian funds in the amount of the bank refinancing rate, which is 59,
  17. +7
    26 February 2012 12: 04
    Any country that has gone through the stage of a "color revolution" will never be a reliable partner of Russia! The clearly expressed bilateral and practically equal, in proportion, "polarization" in the society of these countries will be used by the local elite, exclusively for national or personal purposes! And this, regardless of program goals, because otherwise, they will simply not be able to hold on to power, under pressure from the opposition!
    An incentive to normalize relations can only be a complete default of the country, the lack of support from other forces, and the coming to power of leftist forces! As an option - the collapse of a unitary state, with a commitment, one of its parts, to cooperation with Russia.
    All other hopes for partnership - Utopia!
  18. +3
    26 February 2012 12: 16
    I read somewhere that Kyrgyzstan wants to give up an enterprise that produces some unique torpedoes in exchange for forgiveness of debt. Or maybe something else. Too lazy to look fellow
    1. Aleksey67
      26 February 2012 12: 24
      Quote: Chuck-Norris
      I read somewhere that Kyrgyzstan wants to give an enterprise that produces some unique torpedoes in exchange for forgiveness of debt

      Russia received in payment of the debts of Kyrgyzstan in its management blocks of shares of several defense enterprises - defense corporation "Dastan" and Ainur JSC.

      This is where torpedoes are produced
      1. +1
        26 February 2012 13: 07
        It is absolutely true at the Ainur plant and the head of ignorance was tested at Issyk-Kul. He himself once saw a piglet about two meters long and 40 centimeters in diameter flew to the beach in the Anannvo district. After 20 minutes the whole beach was cordoned off. Three helicopters flew in.
    2. +1
      26 February 2012 13: 23
      it would be more correct to say, when it produced
      1. +1
        26 February 2012 13: 50
        Old racketeer I apologize for my data 20 years ago.
        And the incident with a torpedo saw 24 years ago.
    3. +2
      26 February 2012 13: 36
      The enterprise seems to be called "Dastan" ... but there is a big BUT ... it seems that there is already nothing to take from this enterprise, which previously produced supersonic torpedoes "squall" ... the reason for these thoughts is the following episode ... for a while back I decided to buy a new gasoline kerosene stove, for going out into the countryside ... a batch of primus from Kyrgyzstan with the Dastan brand turned out to be in the store ... apparently they are produced as part of a conversion ... out of the whole batch of two dozen pieces, I could not choose a single one Primus - absolutely all are defective ... so probably all the equipment from the factory was sawed long ago and sold into scrap metal ..
    4. 0
      26 February 2012 15: 50
      torpedoes they only experienced collected them in Alma-Ata
  19. +6
    26 February 2012 12: 28
    Quote: VadimSt
    Any country that has gone through the stage of the "color revolution" will never be a reliable partner of Russia!

    + A true observation! As they say, once a traitor, he will betray again. But, it seems to me, it is not about the economy or even about the external influence of hostile forces. As a result, some inner core of people breaks: moral criteria are distorted, collectivism disappears, family life perishes, Faith turns into a beautiful performance of rituals, the concepts of "Motherland", "patriotism", "comradeship", "mutual assistance" and others are ridiculed and spat upon. IMHO, each of us in the post-Soviet space must show inner will and resistance to this hellish invasion. This applies to all countries without exception!
  20. perryiht
    26 February 2012 12: 37
    It would be good to quarrel with Kyrgyzstan, this is the last hope that the opening of the border promised by Putin will not take place and we will not get bogged down in Kyrgyz drugs ...
  21. 755962
    26 February 2012 12: 40
    Atambayev noted that Kyrgyzstan has given its request for readiness to join the SES, but “the authorities of three other countries - Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will decide”. After joining, it will be possible to talk about debts.
    1. freedom
      26 February 2012 17: 54
      I believe that neither in the CES, nor in the future union state of the Kirghiz, Tajiks and other sov and en should be close. Enough, we drank in due time. Only Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. All. Everything else is on a market basis, but in the sphere of our influence, a buffer in a word.
      1. Aleksey67
        26 February 2012 17: 59
        Quote: freedom
        I believe that neither in the CES, nor in the future union state of the Kirghiz, Tajiks, etc. s and en should be close

        I would also add to your post about borders with these "stans" (Kazakhstan, as you correctly noted pro-Russian and self-sufficient) and mandatory introduction of a visa regime to eliminate drug trafficking
  22. stasyan
    26 February 2012 12: 42
    I certainly do not really respect the actions of Kyrgyzstan, but this is called an independent policy
    1. +7
      26 February 2012 13: 29
      this is called kidalovo, women of this type are called kept women, and men are gigolos (this is so for you, for general development), and in business circles they are called rats
    2. +1
      26 February 2012 15: 52
      this is not called smart policy
    3. beech
      26 February 2012 22: 32
      this is called blackmail and provocation !!
  23. +2
    26 February 2012 12: 45
    So they’re playing on it. There will be no money from Russia, then there will be money from the USA. And they will run from the CSTO to NATO. Do we need it?
    One big NATO base called "Kyrgyzstan"!
    1. +1
      26 February 2012 13: 14
      NATO has its own problems with America. More Kyrgyzstan. When they themselves put things in order inside, in their farms. Maybe they will "conquer Kyrgyzstan."
    2. -1
      26 February 2012 15: 53
      they don’t drive
  24. recruit
    26 February 2012 12: 59
    Everyone wants to live beautifully, but at someone else's expense.
  25. suharev-52
    26 February 2012 13: 03
    It's high time to use an economic "whip" in relation to such states. Enough has been forgiven, tens of billions, to all the "old" friends. But there is still no money for our Non-Black Earth Region. Only when our own state solves all its problems and obligations to its people, only then will it be possible to think about some preferences for the Kyrgyz. And at the moment: pay 15 million for rent and harshly remind them of the debt. Stop playing democracy. And look at the UN, they are already asking Russia to write off their debt. But it is quite possible that our "nanopresic" will make a generous gift to the Kyrgyz. And what, not from his own pocket.
  26. +3
    26 February 2012 13: 16
    It’s always a matter of time. Which we don’t have enough right now. For at least a couple of years we should not slow down the pace, the situation will change radically. And for the debts, make Kyrgyzstan the whole concubine.
    1. +6
      26 February 2012 13: 35
      correctly, drank, ate, took the money-work out, it will be articulated, it is possible in a perverted form
  27. BAT
    26 February 2012 13: 42
    If the UN wants, then let them write off the debts that Kyrgyzstan owes them. And we'll wait a little. We'll build up our muscles a little, then we'll ask - who owes Russia and how much. Then all these Kyrgyzstans, Tajikistans and other banana countries, together with the Balts and some other countries, will behave differently. They're all so impudent now. But we're patient, we'll be patient a little longer.
    And no one can write off debts !!!
    1. +2
      26 February 2012 13: 58
      In Europe, a plan is already ready to squeeze all the "new states of Europe". Soon everyone will have to pay their bills. The Kyrgyz will then resort to Russia themselves. When they see what is happening here. Examples: Greece, Spain, etc. Heating in schools is turned off, there is nothing to pay with.
      1. +3
        26 February 2012 14: 13
        Yes, I agree. Europeans learned how to shake glass beads for a long time, but it only works in their interests, so it was thought from the very beginning. All their industrial and technological "leaps" took place on resources stolen from the countries of the "third world". And about what comes for the "glass beads", the deceived peoples should ask their "effective leaders"
    2. gor
      26 February 2012 22: 14
      the pipe will end soon. or someone naively believes that with such thoughts and will allow in the elite row?))))))))))
  28. aironfirst
    26 February 2012 14: 05
    There is a saying:
    when you owe a hundred - these are their problems,
    but when you owe a thousand - this is your problem .. smile
    How to solve this problem with the maximum benefit for Russia, this is a question ....
  29. Sarus
    26 February 2012 14: 33
    I certainly don’t understand, but what is the problem of transporting production to the territory of the Russian Federation? or is there a unique place? I'm talking about Dastan ...
    But Kyrgyzstan could pay off the debt with natural resources or with what they are still rich there .... But in my opinion, such a position of the country is not what you can count on it in case of conflict ...
    It is necessary to ask Kyrgyzstan ... Who are you and with whom .... Depending on the answer and conduct dialogue with her adequately ...
  30. +1
    26 February 2012 15: 07
    The article seems to have been reprinted from a news site (and from several at once). It gave absolutely nothing new, there is more information in the comments.
  31. +3
    26 February 2012 15: 44
    It seems that Kyrgyzstan wants to move out of its external debt in the Russian Federation, and what does it have to do with it, it feels something is brewing, and bz ... against the background of unstability in the eastern part of the globe.
    the modern government of this country needs to change something in their heads.
    Or they will remain without a clear line in foreign policy, either ...
  32. Michael
    26 February 2012 16: 00
    Medvedev is conducting the conversation too softly, how can the Kyrgyz open their mouths with such a debt, since they started talking, give them the money.
  33. Tugarin snake
    26 February 2012 16: 26
    The adage of the Kyrgyz presidents: "We will have time to reach the Kazakh border ..."
  34. Russich
    26 February 2012 17: 31
    Well this is generally above any roof angry This is what it takes to be an impudent and unscrupulous ass, so that with such a duty, to come and to present with a brazen face, it’s time to bend it, and it’s time to put your brains in place, in one place am
  35. +2
    26 February 2012 19: 05
    They themselves are in deep debt and somehow don’t think ... Disgrace ... Or something they didn’t smoke or smoke in the mountains there ...
  36. SIA
    26 February 2012 19: 07
    Surprised by the policy of the leadership of Kyrgyzstan! The debt itself hangs, so that my mother does not cry, and they require some 15 mill. $ From Russia. Yes, they first let them pay their debts to us, and then they will talk about something else.
  37. +2
    26 February 2012 19: 19
    Yes, it's just time for Russia to collect debts. there is no money, not a problem, let's see what is and not tomorrow, but now. then many in the world will begin to scratch their turnips and local dukes, and many presidents. They will immediately remember that it is better to be friends with Russia. They have already gone to the edge
  38. Juga
    26 February 2012 19: 32
    Hopefully the time for "throwing stones" is over, the time must come to collect debts. And then the asymmetry is striking - you run 15 lamas for us, and we will talk about "half a watermelon" of greenery later. Obviously, the "bashis" have somehow beguiled them, at the UN they are shouting about writing off, in a hurry, they feel their "impermanence" with their spinal cord ...
  39. +4
    26 February 2012 19: 49
    What difficulties ... must ... we pay, but you will return what should be in time ... There are still questions ... take your citizens with all their villages back, even if they earn in a free democratic Kyrgyzstan.
  40. +3
    26 February 2012 20: 36
    Here it just became interesting... 980 for 000 workers... total per capita 000 bucks or 500 per month, i.e. minimum wage... considering that they live in a village, i.e. plus another 000-1960 mouths, and they want to eat and sleep under a roof, that's another 163 wooden per worker... the question is how many bunches of greenery need to be sold or squares of plastered to hammer out the official figure... but in reality this figure is many times higher, and what is so profitable for us... correctly, DRUGS. It turns out that our government pays for all this so that they can ruin us?
  41. lars
    26 February 2012 22: 03
    In my opinion, it's just some kind of cheap game of politics. Pure populism from the Kyrgyz side in the "barking at an elephant" style.
  42. alps
    27 February 2012 09: 12
    I’m losing weight with you, gentlemen, so much dirt on the Kyrgyz people because of the article, the authenticity of the information in which, to put it mildly, is doubtful.
  43. 0
    27 February 2012 11: 20
    Fucking. Write to us our half-billion debt and return your 15 billion. And what else? It starts again. How to borrow money on credit, everything is cool (how many times did they promise to withdraw the amers from Kyrgyzstan?), But a little bit worked out, so immediately they all fledged. As mentioned above, let them be sold to us in parts. all that is due to write-off of the public debt.
  44. Gur
    27 February 2012 11: 41
    My opinion is that Russia itself is to blame for the fact that some people want to eat. Inconsistent, without any algorithm policy towards the post-Soviet space, in particular towards Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc. The desire to show one's nobility and desire to have influence on this region, without a clear financing policy and normal agreements on mutual settlements, leads to such incidents. Throwing money on empty promises to be loyal and obedient with figs in their pockets. The money invested in these states will not return in a normal way. Because they are not there. Kyrgyzstan is a country with a purely agricultural policy. The small share of gold that they have there was given to a Canadian company (if my memory serves me right), and lately suspicions have arisen as to whether they are washing gold there. So some of the chemicals brought in for this activity are more suitable for making drugs. (the territory is fenced with a double fence with a video surveillance system, cars are not subject to inspection throughout the territory of Kyrgyzstan) So Russia itself needs to dot the i's, we give you so much, you either keep quiet about paying for the bases and fulfill our agreements, or even better, act like the Americans, print money in incredible quantities and support these states with it. (nonsense, but what can you do)