The US Air Force decided not to buy the iPad 2, because the device has a Russian application


The United States Air Force canceled the planned purchase of Apple iPad 2 Tablet PCs. This decision was made by the Air Force Command after receiving and reviewing the results of checking the application for reading documents written by Russian programmers.

At first, US officials planned to buy an iPad 2861 tablet for 2 pilots to store electronic versions of technical manuals and maps. All tablets also assumed the pre-installed program “Good Reader”, which allows reading files in different formats and complying with security requirements.

But Michael McCarthy, project manager for the introduction of smartphones into the US military, said that he would not allow the use of software developed in Russia yet, since he did not want to put American pilots at any possible risk.

Barney Skoch, a consultant on the defense industry of the US Air Force, demanded that each line of the source code be examined in order to ensure that the Russian application does not contain anything harmful. It was expressed in the sense that it is better to spend some time on checking, but to prevent the catastrophic consequences that would arise if the malicious code manifests itself in flight.

US officials said they would study every component of the Russian program in order to protect pilots from risk during missions. And until the results of the verification, the decision on the acquisition of tablets is postponed.
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  1. negabaritnyy
    25 February 2012 14: 07
    Well done! Worry for themselves wink
    1. +6
      25 February 2012 14: 14
      All the same, the love of technology will destroy them ... Tablets, and everyone now practically uses Russian, Chinese or some other developments ...
      1. +15
        25 February 2012 14: 56
        This love has already destroyed them. To date, in this regard, the US army is the most vulnerable in the world, despite the hanging talk. They have almost all of their armaments tied to satellites and digital communications, and night-vision devices, and this is the Achilles heel, and for this reason they changed their minds about invading Iran, because they sensed that it smelled fried.
        1. +30
          25 February 2012 15: 27
          Bernie Skoch, a US Air Force defense industry consultant, demanded to examine every line of source code

          Many lines will have to be checked. A significant part of the US programmers are former ours. laughing

          At the expense of the iPad 2 - in general insanity. The manufacturer's lobby is unambiguous. Since when has the army been using civilian technology? Everyone knows that for army needs there is a special requirement for the strength of products. I remember, even in my youth, in 1997 I went to KOMTEK. It means that I walk from one exposition to another, crawled into some remote corner, and there is a model of the monitor on the stand. A monochrome picture in orange tones with a passive matrix. The year was even 1997, but even for this year - such a picture is not "comme il faut" at all. Well, duck I was joking, like you fell behind, dear representative of the manufacturer, to which he immediately got "on the forehead" and "in a big way" ... it turned out that this monitor is shockproof, capable of working under water, in acidic environments at the widest temperature range. .. THIS IS SO !!!

          That is why our GLONAS module for the military looks like that, many hamsters think that this is a clear sign of a lag, but actually not !!! Lag of course UNTIL Yes, it’s only expressed not in the structure of the corps ...

          1. +8
            25 February 2012 15: 58
            You think in the right direction, which is why military electronics are many times more expensive and, sometimes, more dimensional than analogues of civilian purposes, and their functionality varies greatly
          2. +2
            25 February 2012 22: 39
            I’m a military man and I mnoku NOKIU 6021-all beaten up, poured with rain and scratched ... and the back cover on the glue-moment set, so as not to fail at the right time :))))
        2. Nymp
          25 February 2012 18: 20
          Quote: alexneg
          for this reason they changed their minds to invade Iran,

          Well, they also have a campaign company, and more than one candidate before the election has a military tyagomotin with coffins delivered to his homeland and financial expenses of the budget. Wait and see!
    2. Lech e-mine
      25 February 2012 14: 59
      And who is interested in protecting our fleet from the risks associated with the purchase of MISTRALS?
    3. +1
      25 February 2012 15: 00
      afraid means respect)))))))))))))))))
      1. Vashestambid
        25 February 2012 15: 12
        Chips are Chinese, applications are Russian, SURVIVED !! laughing

        Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.
        1. Sergh
          25 February 2012 15: 31
          ... prevent catastrophic consequences ...

          Is it like the pilot's navigational route will change to the opposite or will the handle of the catapult pull this iPad? Well, even I looked at it, I would love to!
          1. +2
            25 February 2012 23: 53
            Is it like the pilot's navigational route will change to the opposite or will the handle of the catapult pull this iPad?Sergh,---Of course not! wink just sing drinks and flips tongue Russian they are so insidious !!! wink love wassat
        2. Nymp
          25 February 2012 18: 23
          Quote: VashEstambid
          Chips are Chinese, applications are Russian, SURVIVED !!

          The vast majority of technical innovations are not American hands! Even a "helicopter" was invented by a Russian emigrant!
      2. alex_9797
        25 February 2012 16: 46
        but you Russian do not respect them, but on the contrary scum
        1. beech
          25 February 2012 17: 21
          and do it right !!! Respect the strong, and the amers are weak, they will get lost without jeepies, and how the toilet paper will end immediately give up !!!
        2. Nymp
          26 February 2012 00: 21
          Quote: alex_9797
          but you Russian do not respect them, but on the contrary scum

          And who respects them? If their ex-president confuses Iraq with Iran, Lunakhod is a rover and allows himself to slap the Queen of Great Britain on the shoulder! Well, let it be a transition to personalities, then about a state that bears democracy on missile warheads and on the wings of bombers, only animals that understand only the language of power can respect such a state! Trolls for example!
    4. Neighbor
      25 February 2012 15: 27
      We need to prohibit the sale of Polaris equipment at home - a purely Amer company, production and assembly Amer. People - remember and do not take - Colambia, Polaris !!! I took the heater myself half a year ago, right now I’ll go - I’ll break it and throw it out! belay lol
      1. Dmitry.V
        25 February 2012 15: 39
        Suddenly transformed
    5. fktrctqxbr
      25 February 2012 21: 47
      I know how to destroy the American army! angry angry angry It is necessary, by sabotage, to write instructions in Russian to their weapons and to stick the Russian flag on the label. bully bully bully

      drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks
      1. Knowing
        26 February 2012 12: 05
        yes you wit
        1. beech
          8 March 2012 20: 15
          Knowing, it immediately occurred to me: brother, do not upset me))
  2. 0
    25 February 2012 14: 07
    Forgot how to fly simple cards. If there is no malicious code, then it did not hinder to run it. So just in case. And there are different cases.
  3. Camyrai
    25 February 2012 14: 08
    Paranoid Fucking
  4. +3
    25 February 2012 14: 10
    They forgot how to fly on simple maps. And if there is no malicious code, it wouldn't hurt to launch it there. Just in case. And there are different cases.
    1. Aleksey67
      25 February 2012 14: 15
      Quote: Yazov
      Forgotten how to pin ******** s simple cards fly

      Well, at school they don't teach geography, all around computers are all on electronics. It is our pilots and navigators who can plot a route according to a pack of Belomorkanal (the older generation remembers how it looked). lol

      1. alex21411
        25 February 2012 17: 34
        Yes, yes, yes, I also wanted to insert a similar photo))) I look ahead of it! catch +
      2. zhidikhanov
        27 February 2012 13: 47
        As in the movie "Only old men go to battle" - A boot is safer in battle.
  5. +15
    25 February 2012 14: 15
    The Yussians are right to worry. They themselves are doing the same thing, investing in their programs and free antivirus programs like Avast, codes for the collapse of one or another segment of the Internet in the event of a military conflict, thereby disrupting the entire system of state governance in the antagonist country. That is why the issue of production capacities for the development and release of our own computer and office equipment capable of working in the national operating system and on our national software is so acute.
    1. +8
      25 February 2012 15: 01
      The best antivirus software is LINUX. IHMO. I do not recognize vindovoz, because this is spyware. I say this as an IT specialist.
      1. 0
        25 February 2012 19: 31
        Only MO officially uses Dr.Web
      2. -1
        25 February 2012 20: 04
        and toys like that? !!!!
      3. 0
        25 February 2012 22: 30
        Gimoroy with your Linux .... you can’t get around.
        In general, I call Linux addicts addicts - they themselves are addicted to it ..., and they are trying to tighten up others.
    2. novic
      26 February 2012 13: 06
      Avast from Czech programmers, but on pind ... in works. And everything that Microsoft produces has a direct connection with the NSA and in Massachusetts there is a center for collecting and analyzing incoming software information if you have an Internet connection. All mail copies are in the same place. To transfer all aircraft with IBM compatible PCs, we need more money and a vague political decision to take this step, which will deprive the pin ... of information and impact on systems built on these machines.
  6. Paradise hell
    25 February 2012 14: 31
    Well, gentlemen, the thief is always on fire! The Americans are clearly familiar with the "bookmark" system, and that's why they are worried. Attention, question: is imported software checked for such malicious codes in the Ministry of Defense or will it just get away with it?
    1. +3
      25 February 2012 14: 35
      In addition, all their assurances that "the United States is not going to fight with Russia" and "the air defense is not aimed against it" fly into the furnace - it turns out that they are even getting ready and preparing.
    2. +9
      25 February 2012 14: 43
      Of course it is checked. That is why Kaspersky Lab exists. By the way, there has not been a single high-profile trial of hackers in Russia. Why do you think that is? That is right, they are all joining the ranks of computer military specialists. The US is now most afraid of cyber attacks from Russia and China. And I also think they should be afraid of our programmers in Silicon Valley. After all, with the growth of Russia's authority, the love for the Motherland is adequately restored among emigrants.
      1. +3
        25 February 2012 15: 25
        Well, Kaspersky Lab, a private company, and the problems it deals with have many similarities with these, but it’s not engaged in this, although it certainly could
    3. +9
      25 February 2012 15: 21
      Quote: Rayad
      Attention, a question: whether the imported software is checked for similar malicious codes in the Ministry of Defense

      It’s checked, checked, for a long time and very meticulous, I dare to assure you, as a specialist in this field. And it’s not difficult to disable electronics for the duration of the conflict and without bookmarks, with the appropriate funds, we have them both in the USA
  7. FiremanRS
    25 February 2012 14: 33
    Rzhu nimagu !!!!!! Right fighter)))))) laughing
  8. scrack
    25 February 2012 14: 34
    We need to send them "Belomor" with a filling useful for us
    1. raf
      25 February 2012 22: 37
      And by the filling, I think you mean a jamb!
      1. scrack
        25 February 2012 23: 19
        No, tobacco soaked in purgen. Then they definitely won't be up to war.
        1. +2
          26 February 2012 17: 41
          Like in a movie ... "There were two brothers, Purgen and Imodium" ... lol lol lol good Then everything, the end to all wars !!! drinks
  9. andrklimanov
    25 February 2012 14: 51
    and we trust them so much that we buy entire ships that will sink at the right time laughing sorry for the laugh, this is hysterical.
  10. +7
    25 February 2012 15: 03
    Well, Medvedev, unlike the American, is all on the drum
    President Dmitry Medvedev instructed to step up work on the introduction of an "electronic passport" for Russians, despite the fact that a domestically produced chip has not yet been created. "We will not wait until our chip is created, otherwise it will never be created. Implement with a foreign chip," the head of state said
    According to the acknowledgment of electronic engineers, a program is easily wired up in a chip that sends information to manufacturers through terminals with a network.
    1. +2
      26 February 2012 12: 26
      Some in our government, if not with foreign chips, then go with foreign programs in their heads.
  11. suharev-52
    25 February 2012 15: 39
    And here we are trying to talk about the revival of the greatness of the country, if our head of state even sleeps with a tablet that can spy on him. And is this not relevant for him? Most likely yes. He already works for the world oligarchy and I don’t see the benefits of his 4-year stay in power, one harm. He wants to leave the entire population of Russia under the control of the West before leaving the presidents. And here we are reasoning how our army would be stronger. Soon all of us will be turned into biorobots with the following functions: work, eat, sleep. Without the right to emotion and the slightest disobedience to the regime of the oligarchs.
    1. admiral
      25 February 2012 17: 52
      But it was very interesting for him to work as president !!!
  12. freedom
    25 February 2012 15: 44
    "Bernie Skoch, ... expressed himself in the sense that it is better to spend some time checking, but to prevent catastrophic consequences that will arise if the malicious code manifests itself in flight. . "- will be bombed on Washington, or the Pentengon there. And al-Qaeda terrorists are not needed. tongue
  13. +7
    25 February 2012 15: 57
    into this number, but they say that apart from oil and gas, we don’t produce anything or export anything
    extremely good news
  14. Antoxa
    25 February 2012 16: 34
    Do it right. It would be nice if we had foreign-made products. Although given its amount, I'm afraid it will be pointless.
  15. +1
    25 February 2012 16: 37
    I wonder if they have any chips in their toilet paper? Otherwise, bam, and your ass looks like the British flag. laughingWhy not catastrophic consequences?
    1. 0
      26 February 2012 08: 42
      Yes, and figs with her, and with the flag too.
      What do you need to show someone? Ass?
      They there sew their flags on their underpants.
      We have something to be afraid of - well, let the "mattress with stars" flaunt.
      Toka wife will see. A lover there (who has). Cool.
  16. +1
    25 February 2012 19: 07
    Quote: scrack

    We need to send them "Belomor" with a filling useful for us

    They have enough "stuffing" in Afghanistan! But give them a light - it is necessary!
  17. +1
    25 February 2012 19: 09
    Russian programmers urgently need to pass feces and urine tests to the State Department and the Pentagon - it is possible without containers! Collective applications are welcome!
    1. +1
      25 February 2012 21: 23
      Quote: VadimSt
      Russian programmers urgently need to pass feces and urine tests to the State Department and the Pentagon - it is possible without containers! Collective applications are welcome!

      1. +3
        25 February 2012 22: 18
        Yes buddy! Only, he would have corrected himself a bit - not to the State Department and the Pentagon, but to .... and to the US as a whole
  18. +3
    25 February 2012 19: 35
    Oh, look at the site there are fans of amers! They rushed together in defense of the State Department and the Pentagon - good luck.
    1. raf
      25 February 2012 22: 40
      Yes, there are such comrades, although no, they are not at all comrades to us!
  19. +4
    25 February 2012 19: 36
    Read someone else's code? Pff good luck lol
  20. Evgeny B.
    25 February 2012 20: 32
    The owner gives his jackals a command- not to use anything from Russia, except for raw materials. The development of science-intensive areas cannot be allowed. For those who dare to use Russian developments - a boycott.
  21. +1
    25 February 2012 21: 18
    [img]СЃР »Рѕ
    СѓРїРѕРє.png? 1255154984 [/ img]

    AS? Do we have Russian programmers in our country ?!
  22. 0
    25 February 2012 23: 00
    Bugaga)))))) I need to give them all to us .... I want a tablet for myself .... damn when they start doing normal at home, and not just write software ... recourse
  23. +5
    25 February 2012 23: 21
    Quote: alex_9797
    but you Russian do not respect them, but on the contrary scum

    You would have been in America in the early 90s, you would have felt the contemptuous and condescending attitude of ordinary ordinary Americans, you would have spoken differently. It is we, Russians, who are accustomed to the fact that the state can be bad, and people are good, but they do not. I fully felt there that we “lost the Cold War”. Although I was only 20 years old then and was all in the rosy liberal dreams of the triumph of crap.
    And when an 8-year-old amerikos strikes you in the eye that “all the entrances of Mr. do not allow in our house to speak your fucking language "... In short, you can go on for a long time.
    In general, today is Forgiveness Sunday. so it’s not worth it about the Americans. And if anyone offended here excuse me!
  24. +2
    25 February 2012 23: 30
    the other day under the window there was clowning (sorry, a little off topic). Three cool naval "specialists" argued what bookmarks French shipbuilders could lay on our "mistrals". "Specialists" are quite specific: the first is a mechanic on a river ferry, the second he lowered the ramp (he supported the grannies under the handles), the third (the coolest) owned a "cauldron". It is clear winter, boring. That's just not woven: and the electric screws will be short-circuited (special code), then the same code will knock out the kingstones with the help of a miracle Yudo squib), the ramps will be unhooked. In the end, the GDP in the government is stupid, we vote for Ziu ... I mean, what can they have a persecuted policy? laughing
    1. +1
      26 February 2012 00: 03
      Alexei-, they see Sam on chicken shit slurped !! laughing
    2. sams
      26 February 2012 18: 57
      Why be surprised?
      Yes, simple men will be smarter than some "specialists".
  25. vostok-47
    26 February 2012 05: 46
    Why do they need tablets ??? I will try to reflect:
    1. For storing music, movies, pictures.
    2. For navigation (if the pilot gets hungry during the flight, he will sit next to the nearest McDonald's)
    3. Games will help them stay awake at boring meetings.
    4. Possible for remote control of a fighter :)
    5. It can be used as a fotik (there to photograph how a fighter performs a backflip)
    1. sams
      26 February 2012 19: 02
      "... to store electronic versions of technical manuals and maps."

      For storage of technical documentation.
  26. 0
    26 February 2012 10: 21
    Or they didn’t agree with the manufacturer about the rollback. Agree on the price.
  27. +2
    26 February 2012 13: 03
    US officials said they would study every component of the Russian program in order to protect pilots from risk during missions. And until the results of the verification, the decision on the acquisition of tablets is postponed.

    So where does the Russian program officials get so afraid of? So this is the usual tactic of the Americans to infect equipment sold to certain countries with a virus program. So during the USSR, you can recall the explosion at a gas pumping station, due to improper operation of the high pressure valve. Or from modern Iran, the scattering of turbine bearings when the speed mode is not correctly triggered.
    Americans are afraid that they might stumble upon the same tactics that they themselves invented ............. ???
  28. +2
    26 February 2012 14: 04
    Quote: APASUS
    So where does the Russian program officials get so afraid of?

    Quite right! Fear of a "worm" - capable of dumping information.
  29. +1
    27 February 2012 08: 48
    How pilots will be handed Ipadas, fingers will start to stick to touchscreens, the Chinese will be blamed because they lubricate it with the wrong oil or find the wrong electrons ... There are still sane people in the USA, what are Ipadas in the army ???