North Korea threatens the holy war of the United States and South Korea

North Korea threatens the holy war of the United States and South Korea

Today, February 25, in response to the joint exercises of the United States and South Korea in the disputed waters of the Yellow Sea, the DPRK threatened to launch a "holy war." This is the agency "France-Press".

The DPRK State Defense Committee emphasized that it regards the actions of the United States and South Korea as an "unpardonable military hysteria" and a "silent declaration of war."

The teachings of the United States and South Korea near the maritime border with North Korea launched 20 February. Pyongyang has made a statement that it will take retaliatory measures if even a single shell falls into the disputed waters. But "measures" did not follow. South Korea and the United States on February 27 intend to continue the exercise. The next maneuvers are scheduled for March.

The United States and South Korea periodically conduct joint exercises off the coast of the DPRK. Pyongyang makes sharp statements on this subject every year. But concrete actions never followed these statements.

The last conflict between North Korea and South Korea, which can be considered large, occurred in November of the year before last. North Korea fired shelling of the South Korean island of Enphendo (however, according to Pyongyang, South Korea was the first to shoot). Killed two South Korean marines. Pyongyang did not report losses on its part.
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  1. +5
    25 February 2012 12: 39
    And these hit jihad. On such a small, overall world, are there too many shocks? It seems that someone opened the Pandora's box!
    1. +5
      25 February 2012 12: 46
      well, the biggest army of a small country eating up all the gdp cannot do anything, it will gobble up itself so soon
      1. +1
        26 February 2012 05: 39
        Americans have long been eating other countries. They grabbed half the world and the rod further.
        1. Mikula
          26 February 2012 19: 59
          And when the USSR fed on other countries, it didn’t cause heartburn in you.
    2. Aleksey67
      25 February 2012 13: 13
      South Korea is forced to give territory free of charge for US military bases, because if it were not for their support, Korea would have long been united. It is strange that they succumbed to provocation, to conduct exercises (I don’t think this is their thought, not the United States). Considering that the situation in North Korea is now not the most calm because of the leader's death, all this is not without reason. However, maybe with a specialist the attention of Russia and China was "sharpened" in the B. East, while themselves (the USA, Japan and South Korea) will strike at North Korea? But here China will not remain aloof
      1. Mikula
        26 February 2012 16: 47
        Aleksey67 - South Korea is forced to give territories for US military bases for free.
        Alexei please tell me: what are you ready to give for the sake of life and freedom.
        1. Aleksey67
          26 February 2012 16: 49
          Quote: mikula
          Alexei please tell me: what are you ready to give for the sake of life and freedom.

          Well, as a reserve officer, I’m ready to give my life and homeland, but I won’t tolerate, the location on the territory of Russia of military bases of other countries
          1. Mikula
            26 February 2012 19: 16
            Well, imagine that other countries are protecting their homeland from slavery. Or, as was the case during the USSR, our base in the Czech Republic in Hungary, Poland, the German Democratic Republic, etc. Or just American bases is bad.
    3. +4
      25 February 2012 13: 56
      Quote: VadimSt
      And these hit jihad

      Something similar happened in 2010 here is the text of the official statement

      From the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army
      Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army November 23, 2010
      The South Korean puppets, who launched the Hawk military exercises against the DPRK and thereby escalated the situation on the Korean Peninsula, despite our repeated warnings, nevertheless committed a reckless military provocation by firing artillery into the DPRK territorial waters off Yeonpyeong Island in the West Korea Sea.
      The number of artillery shots fired by South Korean puppets in the territorial waters of the DPRK totals several dozen.

      The current military provocation is a continuation of an arrogant attempt to defend the robbery "northern dividing line" by repeated violations of territorial waters by puppet ships of the South Korean Navy under the pretext of "control of fishing vessels."
      Our revolutionary armed forces, guarding our sacred territorial waters, have taken decisive military action to immediately launch powerful physical strikes in response to the military provocation by the South Korean puppets.
      To respond to the fire of provocateurs with heavy fire - this is the traditional way of answering our army.
      Our revolutionary armed forces will continue without any hesitation to deliver merciless retaliatory military strikes if the South Korean puppets dare to invade at least 0.001 mm into the territorial waters of our Motherland.
      South Korean puppets should be hacked on the nose with strict warnings from our revolutionary armed forces that do not know empty words.
      In the West Korean Sea, only the DPRK-established naval military demarcation line will exist.

    4. ISRAEL
      25 February 2012 14: 16
      Maybe they've even struck jihad. And they're even raising their hands.
    25 February 2012 12: 42
    And here again the Americans are sticking their noses into everything!
    1. VIKING
      25 February 2012 13: 08
      Quote: TROYAN
      And again, the Americans are poking their nose anywhere!

      Well, where is this "Americans are sticking their nose again"? laughing
      1. TROYAN
        25 February 2012 20: 58
        But I will answer you VIKING. they, along with South Korea, tease the DPRK with these exercises, creating an imbalance in the sea borders
        1. Mikula
          26 February 2012 19: 23
          What does it mean to tease. That is, Russia teases the United States by conducting exercises, or that Jupiter can not be a bull.
          1. TROYAN
            28 February 2012 09: 26
            did you forget how to read mikula ??? read carefully ...
  3. +3
    25 February 2012 12: 45
    Well, they won't rust after these! Out of hunger, at the first cry of their "Beacons of the Nation" they will rush anywhere, even though they will know that only dust will remain of them. Let them rebel. This is another source of concern for the Yusam... Let them worry. Korea for Russia is like a sectarian neighbor - he knocks his forehead against his idol, but does not bother his neighbors.
  4. Slayer
    25 February 2012 13: 04
    In fact, these "fanatics" may still move from threats to actions, their army is too large for such a state, and the worst thing is that if the US supports South Korea, the North, in its last breath, may arrange a nuclear bombing...
    1. VIKING
      25 February 2012 13: 16
      Quote: Slayer
      if the united states supports south korea, the northern one at the last run-out can arrange nuclear badabum ...

      In any case, the United States will support the southerners, not only politically, but also by direct participation in the battles. And about the use of nuclear weapons by the northerners, one can only guess. I want to believe that Koreans are not as frostbite as Islamic fanatics. No.
      1. FiremanRS
        25 February 2012 13: 21
        maybe not frostbitten, and maybe frostbitten .......
      2. +2
        25 February 2012 14: 02
        [quote = VIKING] I want to believe that Koreans are not so frostbitten [/ quote

        The Koreans nevertheless have a little border with China and exist only thanks to its support, therefore, it’s not only the Korean government who will decide about the possibility of using nuclear weapons

        Quote: VIKING
        The US will support the southerners anyway

        Didn't support when North Korea sank the corvette "Cheon An"
        1. Aleksey67
          25 February 2012 14: 08
          Quote: Vadivak
          Didn't support when North Korea sank the corvette "Cheon An"

          Quote from an article about this:

          All experts are well aware that Chong An was sunk by the northerners. Yes, perhaps we are talking about an accidental mine. But in no case can the option of a deliberate attack be ruled out. Moreover, on the eve of the sinking of the corvette, Pyongyang threatened Seoul and Washington with "unprecedented nuclear strikes." Here, of course, the strike was non-nuclear, but rather unprecedented. And there is little doubt that the White House ordered the South Korean president to swallow humiliation.

          Illusions about the ability of the US Armed Forces to wage four wars simultaneously at the Pentagon have long been obsolete. But now it’s becoming clearer that the United States cannot wage a single large-scale classical war involving high casualties. A mercenary army cannot stand such a war; people will cease to go into it. It is impossible to return the call for political reasons. It is clear, after all, that the DPRK States themselves are not going to attack, and the Americans are not ready to pay for the protection of South Korea with the lives of their children and their own lives.

          The enormous technological superiority of the United States over the DPRK, as stated in the article about the "Second Korean", will by no means become a panacea for the Americans. The most difficult geographic conditions on the theater of war, the fanatical persistence of the northerners, their multiplicity (both personnel and equipment), the ability to bury themselves in the ground (more precisely - in caves and tunnels) and even the presence of nuclear weapons (even if only in the form of land mines) exclude the Iraqi scenario. Victory will be achieved at too high a price; American society is not ready to pay it.

          In addition to the psychological unpreparedness of society for a bloody large-scale war in the future, and not very distant, the US armed forces will begin to lose the technical capabilities of its conduct. The Pentagon buys more and more expensive and complex weapons in less and less quantities (due to very high product prices). What has always been a "consumable" (fighters, submarines, destroyers) becomes a "treasure" that is scary to send into battle, because there is very little of it and it is very expensive. Moreover, no concept of "network-centric war" will help here. We must not forget that they are still fighting not with a computer network, but with "combat platforms", that is, with armored vehicles, artillery, aviation, and ships. The network principle of the Armed Forces structure multiplies their effectiveness, but it is necessary that there was something to strengthen. We must also not forget that it is impossible to hit more targets than the ammunition of the "platforms" has ammunition, even if the effectiveness of ammunition is fantastic in real combat 100%. In addition, the "platform" can be destroyed by the enemy.

          For example, how many Apaches are needed to knock out 3,5 thousand North Korean tanks, given that the northerners have up to 10 thousand MANPADS and 11 thousand anti-aircraft guns (neither one nor the other can not be suppressed by any electronic warfare), provided that the war will go mainly in the mountains? For reference - in total in the US Armed Forces 740 "Apaches"That is, if all of them are sent to Korea (which is fantastic in itself), then for each there will be about five tanks and almost 30 air defense systems. Of course, such a formulation of the question can be considered a crude primitivization, but still ...

          In my opinion, at the Pentagon, analysts are by no means stupid wink
        2. -1
          25 February 2012 14: 40

          They didn’t support when the DPRK sank the corvette “Cheon An”

          German torpedo?
      3. 0
        25 February 2012 16: 17
        if a direct invasion ensues - naturally nuclear weapons will be used
        1. Mikula
          26 February 2012 19: 32
          Why the invasion - they are starving to rest.
          1. Aleksey67
            26 February 2012 19: 39
            Quote: mikula
            Why the invasion - they are starving to rest.

            MikulaYou may die of lack of air due to deep suction wassat
  5. _N_O_S_
    25 February 2012 13: 10
    usa it is profitable and therefore war is possible
    1. TROYAN
      25 February 2012 21: 03
      Well, maybe war is possible, but I think that the attention of the United States is now concentrated in Iran, rather than here. it's my opinion...
  6. Neighbor
    25 February 2012 13: 18
    Samsung and LG - will soon become radioactive thanks to the DPRK. Please refrain from buying this equipment! belay
    1. Neighbor
      25 February 2012 15: 39
      What - you can’t joke? Who put a minus - well, admit it! am
  7. LiRoy
    25 February 2012 13: 24
    The DPRK is advantageous to the American and therefore most likely will exist for a very long time. Since it does not allow the Koreans to unite and create a single strong state, it also makes it possible to maintain a controlled hotbed of tension there in order to always have the opportunity to be present in this region. United Korea is not beneficial to anyone.
    1. +4
      25 February 2012 13: 49
      The DPRK is advantageous to the American and therefore most likely will exist for a very long time. Since it does not allow the Koreans to unite and create a single strong state, it also makes it possible to maintain a controlled hotbed of tension there in order to always have the opportunity to be present in this region. United Korea is not beneficial to anyone.

      A divided Germany was beneficial to everyone except us and the Germans themselves, however. The comparison is not entirely correct, I agree (about "the unity went according to the Western scenario, the occupation troops remained), but a single" South "Korea with the preservation of the bases is like a nail in ... eh China.
      1. LiRoy
        25 February 2012 19: 02
        just imagine a united Korea, with a technological south and workaholic zealots in the north, it will be just a monster economically, and only then militarily.
        1. +2
          25 February 2012 22: 48

          You do not give me the opportunity to misbehave))
          "..and who will give them .." Even Colonel Isaev did not have time. Korea is like a match - maybe.
          1. LiRoy
            26 February 2012 11: 11
            I completely agree with you that Korea is a match that will always be kept ready.
  8. Mr. Truth
    25 February 2012 14: 30
    I doubt that the Americans will be able to effectively help the southerners in the event of hostilities on the ground, they will undoubtedly seize dominance in the air, but of course it will be more difficult on the ground, they apart from the Marine Corps in Okinawa really have nothing there.
    1. 0
      25 February 2012 14: 48
      I agree, the article Alexey67 above, in the same heap. Then the question: "..varum all this .."?
      1. Aleksey67
        25 February 2012 14: 54
        Quote: es.d
        "..varum all this .."?

        Creation of chaos in areas of the globe that are problematic for the United States. The financial system is collapsing, the debt goes off scale, the allies are beginning to realize that they are simply being used and are already strong enough to smoothly (for now) avoid fulfilling their "allied duty" (Germany did not bomb Libya, but "helped" morally and with radar aircraft). So to fan the "fire", and sit "on the sidelines" ourselves, profiting from sales to the belligerent countries (example of WWII)
        1. 0
          25 February 2012 16: 13
          Creation of chaos in areas of the globe that are problematic for the USA.

          These are truisms. BUT, Chaos (Greek chos, from chino - I open up, I spew out), in ancient Greek mythology, the boundless primordial mass from which everything that exists was subsequently formed.
          Are you in that sense?
          P.S. Your quotes are lovely, how do you do it?
  9. Knowing
    25 February 2012 14: 56
    they are Soviet socialists, militarists and communists, as well as patriots
    every Korean
  10. Paradise hell
    25 February 2012 14: 58
    You can understand the northerners, a huge army must constantly see the enemy in front of you, otherwise there will be trouble, and eternal food problems and a low standard of living are compensated by an ideological pumping cleaner than the Soviet one. Nuclear strike? Yes, this is the end of the DPRK, the population is ready to possibly die for their ideals, but the rulers are unlikely. So they will start up and re-establish.
  11. SenyaYa
    25 February 2012 15: 14
    All patriots and communists and socialists and there is nothing to eat !!!!!!!!
  12. sahha
    25 February 2012 15: 16
    How many times have the teachings been held, so many times have there been threats to start the Holy War, in my opinion it's a bluff.
    1. Aleksey67
      25 February 2012 15: 19
      Quote: sahha
      How many times have the teachings been held, so many times have there been threats to start the Holy War, in my opinion it's a bluff.

      Or maybe "straws are being laid" just in case. Happen, "and we warned." It also makes sense.
      1. sahha
        25 February 2012 15: 37
        For all the time, the straws were laid so much that the stack had already grown.
        It's time to move from words to action, or stop threats, and throw words to the wind.
      2. TROYAN
        25 February 2012 21: 08
        fully support !! as they say, they (USA AND SOUTH KOREA) will conduct exercises "AT THEIR OWN RISK".
  13. suharev-52
    25 February 2012 15: 26
    Tension between the Koreas is beneficial only to the world policeman. The tension is maintained artificially at the instigation of the USA. Such smoldering conflicts are needed so that at the hour "X" a match would be enough to blaze up. And for the sake of trying to preserve its milking system of the whole world with the help of the dollar, the USA can sacrifice some of it.
    1. 0
      25 February 2012 23: 08
      Now the Korean regime is very reminiscent of the Union of the 80s - the same decrepit leadership and also great economic difficulties - so America provokes tension - cowards them - they think that they will also fall apart themselves :))) But for some reason it seems to me that this young new leader of theirs will nevertheless softly and carefully carry out some reforms... Although anything is possible - it is difficult to assume anything here knowing the dramatic history of the confrontation between the two Koreas...
  14. Antoxa
    25 February 2012 16: 43
    North Korea is unpredictable. They can easily start a war. America shouldn't tease them.
    1. negabaritnyy
      25 February 2012 18: 31
      The northerners will not start a war. And the Americans are the same. The Amers, and so they still had more problems with Korea than the roof, the more experience they already have in fighting in Korea.
    2. Mikula
      26 February 2012 19: 46
      AnToxa - In vain America teases them.
      And that’s right - the DPRK can destroy the United States with a flick of the wrist of Kim Jong-un.
  15. andrklimanov
    25 February 2012 21: 41
    Quote: Tatanka Yotanka
    well, the biggest army of a small country eating up all the gdp cannot do anything, it will gobble up itself so soon

    I also think so that the military in peacetime needs to come up with peaceful activities, "so that they don't eat bread in vain laughing "I remember that in the USSR, the military in their vehicles helped on the collective farm during the "harvest", transported grain, and so on. A tank driver in a tractor, infantrymen to reinforce the police "patrol". laughing
    PS we cross swords in yelling wink
  16. 0
    25 February 2012 22: 50
    North Korea will not attack anyone - once again it is simply reminding people of itself - so that they do not forget completely... If you imagine even an incredible scenario of a war between the north and the south - I think that, unfortunately, the north will not last long - they do not believe in socialism as much as they did in the 50s... And their current leadership has become shallow - they are no longer figures of the scale of Kim Il Sung... They are somewhat reminiscent of the decrepit Soviet leadership of the 80s... They can still make some noise, but this is more of an illusion than a serious matter.
    And even if we assume that someone wants to use nuclear weapons, then America has much more and Koreans will suffer much more ... nuclear weapons have already been used and not far from North Korea ...
    Brotherly China is also unlikely to seriously intervene in the fight with America - firstly, it is not economically advantageous for them, secondly, time works for them - China as a military power is growing stronger year by year and thirdly, modern China is no longer led by leaders like Mao...
    The situation with North Korea is rather reminiscent of a long political fuss in which in the West and in America just politicians make a career ...
    Who cares - find the film "Secret Mission in North Korea" on the grid - see how the people live there - really awful ...
  17. lars
    25 February 2012 23: 22
    Quote: sahha
    It's time to move from words to action, or stop threats, and throw words to the wind.

    Not "words to the wind", but words to "people". All this is part of the ideological game (oh, sorry - the struggle) that this people should see. Well, when, not a single shell fell where the Party and the Leader forbade (how are we, huh ?!) - also an achievement. The people should see and know this.
  18. elfxnumx
    26 February 2012 09: 56
    North Koreans convinced themselves that they fought alone, but this is complete nonsense without Soviet pilots and military specialists, and most importantly, without several million Chinese "volunteers" of North Koreans, nothing shines
    especially considering the fact that most of the weapons of North Korea from the last century and the war will resemble Iraq, where the millionth army of Hussein simply dared
    1. +1
      26 February 2012 13: 09
      The Americans did not dare to Iraqi army, but bought, as in the case with the protection of the Libyan leader. Conscripts have been serving in the DPRK for 10 years, moreover, getting into the army is prestigious and profitable; they have better food, security, and generally prospects, and training in the army is iron, both physical and moral. In Iraq, open spaces, sand, in Korea, a complex mountainous terrain. In vain do you think, elf71, that the Koreans forgot about the help of the USSR, rather, we forgot about them, although North Korea sympathizes with our country, could be an ally. These are all political issues, however, Americans are not shy about being with southerners. Who knows, there would be support for Russia, maybe the DPRK would behave more restrained, and so, they are essentially cornered, and can only rely on themselves and, in part, on the cunning help of China, which is on its own mind.
  19. SenyaYa
    26 February 2012 10: 13
    It seems to me that besides war .. North Korea has no other way of development .. they live in isolation, the army is huge in the blockade, there is no industry, there’s nothing to eat ... then what else is there to wait for someone ?????
  20. BAT
    26 February 2012 13: 59
    The Americans are playing with fire. Neither the Iraqi nor the Libyan option will work in the DPRK. They want to take advantage of the moment, while the DPRK has a new leader - to try to destabilize the situation. But Kim III, like his predecessors, doesn't give a damn about all these UN, security councils and other pro-American crap. And if necessary, the great one will burn out any encroachments against himself with a hot iron. And he is not afraid of his southern neighbor at all. On the contrary, he is just waiting for the right moment to start a war. The army has been sitting around too long.
  21. 0
    26 February 2012 15: 23
    I want someone to give a good stump to America and its sixes