Belgrade and Pristina agree on the status of the Republic of Kosovo

Belgrade and Pristina agree on the status of the Republic of KosovoAccording to European Voice, Belgrade and Pristina agreed on the status of Kosovo. From now on, the self-proclaimed state will be able to fully represent itself at international meetings.

It should be noted that Serbia did not recognize the republic, but recognized Kosovo’s right to participate in regional organizations in the Balkans and the right to sign official documents. The relevant compromise agreement was concluded in Brussels. According to a representative of the European Commission, Maya Kosjacic, the parties also agreed to jointly protect the disputed border.

Negotiations between the province of Kosovo and Serbia were resumed on Wednesday after the 2-month pause. The mediator was the European Union. The signed agreement is the first agreement reached by the parties since 2008, when Kosovo made a statement about secession from Serbia unilaterally. Representatives of Pristina insisted that the text of the document should include a provision recognizing the independence of Kosovo, but such a provision was not included in the agreement.

Last October, the European Commission recommended giving Belgrade the status of an EU candidate, but did not make a decision on this issue at the December summit. It should be noted that in Brussels it was repeatedly said that the issue of Serbia’s joining the EU depends on the settlement of relations with Pristina by Belgrade. The point here is that Kosovo also claims to participate in the European Union: the independence of this republic was recognized by twenty-two of the twenty-seven EU member states.

Recall that the Kosovo armed conflict 1998-1999's. started because of an attempt by local Albanians, who make up roughly 90% of the population, to achieve independence. The Serbian authorities obstructed the secession of the province, which ultimately led to seven-seven to seven-day bombing of Serbia by NATO member countries. An international military contingent was introduced in Kosovo, which was entrusted with the tasks of preventing hostilities and maintaining security in the enclave.

In the 2008 year, with the support of the United States and the European Union countries, the Albanian authorities unilaterally declared Kosovo’s independence from Serbia. But Belgrade does not recognize the self-proclaimed state.
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  1. Brother Sarych
    25 February 2012 12: 36
    It remains only to be patient a little and the "democrats" of Serbia will finally merge their compatriots in Kososvo ...
    1. Igor
      25 February 2012 12: 54
      The Serbs themselves, not the "democrats", are to blame for their troubles; they have squandered everything and everyone for the sake of the EU cowboy.
      1. +1
        25 February 2012 16: 55
        I agree. something like this
        1. Sergh
          25 February 2012 17: 55
          The European, the Obese, wanted to see hissedly. Sweet gingerbread on a gruff-cut off brains.
      2. +2
        25 February 2012 21: 55
        I agree to 100 ... I don’t understand, bros, as it’s not so good to suck ...
      3. Nymp
        26 February 2012 00: 50
        Igor, Do not forget my friend that they had to endure before this!
        1. +3
          26 February 2012 08: 05
          Something I don’t remember there is the second Stalingrad or the second blockade of Leningrad!
          Why did they "endure" this?
          I agree with Brother Sarych
          In any shitty situevina you have to remain a man, alas, Tadic is not an example !!!
          1. +3
            26 February 2012 11: 14
            Tadic and Campania are trying to make Serbia a "corrupt woman", for the sake of IMF loans they sell their heroes, and exchange sovereignty for sausage
  2. +8
    25 February 2012 12: 37
    Here are the first swallows, Tadic will get a gingerbread, but Kosovo Serbs whip!
  3. +11
    25 February 2012 12: 37
    It should be noted that Serbia did not recognize the republic, but it recognized Kosovo's right to participate in regional organizations in the Balkans and the right to sign official documents. The corresponding compromise agreement was concluded in Brussels. -------- Such agreements make me laugh. I remember a joke from my youth. During another space flight of a Soviet rocket, a representative of Mongolia was among the crew. They flew, returned... There was a press conference. One of the journalists asked the Mongol a question - "Why are both your arms up to the shoulders in bandages?" The Mongol answered in broken Russian - "Mine was the main one during the flight! Only the captain kept hitting my hands and saying - don't go there, don't go here!" And so it was with Pristina...
    1. +12
      25 February 2012 13: 25
      esaul Serbia's problem is that it is headed by Tadic. This grief leader was brought up in the same place where Mishiko, Yushchenko, Kasyanov and our modern Orangemen were brought up. If it were not for the resistance of ordinary Serbs, Tadic would have long ago recognized Kosovo as an independent state. Unfortunately, the Serbs did not defend their "Putin" - Milosevic. All the more strongly we need to stand up for our choice and Russia.
      1. +4
        25 February 2012 13: 50
        In general, in relation to their heroes - Milosevic, Mladic and other Serbs acted just like swine! Therefore, the attitude to them, even in the EEC, as to a decisive, radically, people. Right - not given! It's a shame ...
  4. predator
    25 February 2012 12: 46
    And these are the descendants of those Serbs who in the 1st World War smashed the Austrians and Germans, and in the 2nd World War they liberated two-thirds of their territory from the Germans! that's how nations are dying.
  5. paanvl
    25 February 2012 12: 49
    This is just one of the first steps towards surrendering positions. Kosovo has been dumped! =(((
  6. LiRoy
    25 February 2012 12: 53
    Again the age-old question: "What is more important, the nation's right to self-determination or the state's right to territorial integrity?" Our Western "colleagues" with the situation around Kosovo have again shown that they will only accept an answer to this question that suits them. Yeltsin also has a lot that was promised in due time in the West, only we received nothing but slaps in the face from there.
  7. Scholarships
    25 February 2012 13: 05
    the only good news is that Tadic will not go to the presidency for long.
  8. +6
    25 February 2012 13: 16
    But what's the point? Kosovo surrendered. It's good that Russia in 99 did not get involved in the war. Now there would be some more occupants called. And there is no need to push in about "brothers in blood" - they left their Albanians in Kosovo for slaughter! and only a handful of people came out to protest!
  9. +5
    25 February 2012 14: 09
    Nothing in the soul! Except regret. Now have a handful of Serbs to fight with a vengeance.
  10. suharev-52
    25 February 2012 14: 17
    Like us, the people became hostages of their rulers. So, it’s not worth waiting for something good in the situation with Kosovo. Unfortunately, the Slavic world has practically abandoned its fundamental principles, these are justice, honesty, devotion and faith. The forces of "evil" continue their destructive work across the globe. Everywhere - deeds are replaced by verbiage, honor - ridiculed and slanderous, decency - leveled and associated with the embedded concept of "goof", instead of morality - permissiveness is promoted, and instead of the soul - a basket of consumption, moreover, dimensionless. The world is degrading, and healthy forces make up a tiny percentage of the main biomass. With the onset of chaos, friends and the decline of human civilization !. For civilization cannot exist on the values ​​that are introduced throughout the world.
  11. 0
    25 February 2012 15: 47
    as required, they sold out and merged
  12. freedom
    25 February 2012 15: 52
    Squeeze the little brothers. Well, the day will come and an Albanian with a crooked Turkish yatogan will knock on many European doors.
    25 February 2012 16: 06
    And all this for the entry of Serbia into the European Union, which is bursting at the seams, sadly (.....
  14. +6
    25 February 2012 16: 10
    the value of Orthodox Slavs is conscience. the value of Western nations is profit - the desire for profit, for enrichment by any means. Since the end of the 80s and to this day, our great nations (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Serbs, Kazakhs, etc.) have been trying to translate into Western values, to instill a culture of seeking profit that is alien to our nations, to make them value not our souls, but our wallets. WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE A GREAT PEOPLE WITH A GREAT CULTURE OF OUR OWN. And the Serbs were simply betrayed by their own elite, as was the case with us in the 90s. I hope their next leader (if he is allowed) will pursue a completely different policy and will take a course toward rapprochement with more fraternal nations.
  15. +3
    25 February 2012 17: 15
    It should be noted that Serbia did not recognize the republic, but recognized for Kosovo the right to participate in regional organizations in the Balkans and the right to sign official documents. You can’t be a little pregnant. The treaty signed by Serbia is the de facto recognition of Kosovo’s independence. It is painful to observe how an original and brave people, for the sake of some consumer values, are gradually turning into a European herd.
  16. +2
    25 February 2012 18: 35
    Quote: freedom
    ... and an Albanian with a crooked Turkish yatogan will knock on many European doors.

    He already knocked: Albanians crushed criminal groups in France and Italy, Benelux countries. To match it, radical Arabs and Turks operate in Europe.
  17. +5
    25 February 2012 19: 00
    The war of religions, the Orthodox Catholics crush together with Muslims.
  18. +1
    25 February 2012 21: 01
    At this "powder keg balkan" the wick smoldered, smolders and will smolder. Until one man stands at the helm who will distribute the first number to everyone. Only then will they be calm. But the wick smolders all the same.
    1. 0
      28 February 2012 22: 00
      That is, a man like Tito? :)))
  19. Andrew Scott
    25 February 2012 21: 42
    didn’t even finish reading, betrayal, high treason, definitely!
  20. +1
    25 February 2012 21: 56
    Hurry, the EU would accept Serbia and Kosovo into its ranks. Maybe then the EU
    finally, having received a new headache, he will shut up on his internal problems and stop poking his nose in other people's affairs and engage in the reorganization of the world, following the United States. And then the life of themselves can REbuild! And let the Serbs and Kosovars try the EU paradise, if they so wish, and the experience of the Greeks and other troubled EU countries does not teach them anything!
    1. 0
      26 February 2012 16: 14
      I have a feeling that Kosovo is more likely to join the EU as an independent state than Serbia ...
      1. -1
        28 February 2012 22: 02
        Kosovo will never join the European Union - a Muslim country will never be accepted there - Turkey is a clear example... The creation of the state of Kosovo is simply done to weaken Serbia as much as possible and dictate its terms to it...
  21. +3
    25 February 2012 23: 10
    Sorry for the Serbs. A continuous war from the beginning of the 90x, and then another constant pressure from the NATO side. I'm afraid they are even more than us, the Russians have got over the years. Most likely they were already taken by psychological starvation, and so they are forced to surrender quietly. God give them help and strength.
  22. +1
    26 February 2012 09: 13
    You can’t be greater Serbs than the Serbs themselves, if they surrendered their own ...
  23. Owl
    26 February 2012 18: 15
    Victory of the USA and NATO Europe. A conserved conflict, the flame of which, if necessary, can be "blown up" very easily.