Russia has completed the development of a ballistic missile "Liner"

Russia has completed the development of a ballistic missile "Liner"State missile The Makeyev Center has completed the R&D work on the creation of the new Liner ballistic missile. The head of the GRC, V. Degtyar, is quoted by the Interfax agency: "The Central Interdepartmental Commission has completed the work on submitting the design documentation. Today, the act of the state commission was prepared, which recommended the missile system with the Liner missile for serial production."

The missile launches for the purpose of testing took place on May 20 and September 29 of last year. In early October 2011, Interfax, citing a source in the General Staff of the Naval Fleet RF, reported that the missile flight test program was completed, and soon the "Liner" will be adopted. This missile will be part of the Russian Navy along with the Sineva R-29MU2.

In February of this year, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, V. Vysotsky, said that the Liner should not be adopted, as this is “an existing missile undergoing modernization”. He said that strategic submarines, which are on alert in the World Ocean, were the first to receive the upgraded missile. But in the future, the Liners will re-equip all the ships of the Kalmar and the Dolphin projects 667BDR.

The “liner” in question is an improved version of the “Blue”. The new missile differs from the base missile with an improved missile defense system and an increased number of warheads. The upgraded missile can carry up to twelve low-power warheads, or up to medium-capacity 4 units, or a combined-type combat load. Due to the planned rearmament of the Liner, the existence of the northwestern group of submarines Dolphin will probably be extended to 2025-2030.
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  1. Igor
    25 February 2012 11: 29
    Sineva, Mace, Liner, why so many missiles with sea launch?
    1. PLO
      25 February 2012 11: 34
      blue and liner are mod-ii liquid rockets R-29, for submarines of projects 667BDR(M)
      Bulava new solid fuel rocket

      don't count the number of types of rockets by name only
      1. PLO
        25 February 2012 11: 49
        here is the evolution of rockets
        R-29RMU2 "Sineva"
        R-29RMU2.1 "Liner"

        in fact, this is a systematic improvement in the characteristics of one missile, which allows not building new submarines (for new types of missiles) to significantly improve the effectiveness of existing
        1. Igor
          25 February 2012 11: 53
          So Sineva and Liner, this is one rocket, then it’s understandable. Thank you.
          1. +1
            25 February 2012 13: 29
            But is the BTR-80 and BTR-82A the same BTR?
    2. Aleksey67
      25 February 2012 11: 38
      Quote: Igorek
      why so many missiles with sea launch?

      Putin set the task of developing missiles with improved penetration of missile defense. It can be seen that this is not casual at the Russian borders. The elections alone would not have caused such a "shift", something is coming. Let's wait, hope and believe that the military-industrial complex will have time to "build muscle"
    3. Neighbor
      25 February 2012 12: 28
      There should be a lot of good missiles, like planes, tanks! drinks
    4. +3
      25 February 2012 12: 57
      Igoryok - they’ll get closer to the US coast, but the missile defense system is interfering from the Urals!
    5. +2
      25 February 2012 16: 56
      And so: they swam up to the Statue of Liberty and banged heartily. And all these missile defense systems in Poland are money down the drain.
      1. Sergh
        25 February 2012 20: 01
        In the photo, the damn thing went beautifully, you won’t catch such a thing. The beauty.
  2. scrack
    25 February 2012 11: 32
    Great! I wish you would please us with such news more often. Now the main thing is to launch them into production
  3. Evil Tatar
    25 February 2012 11: 33
    Let them be ...
    Why should we be shy? Yes, it means you have to fly, kada is necessary and where it is necessary.
    1. +6
      25 February 2012 11: 37
      As far as I can judge, relying on information from the Internet, - "Liner" is the most advanced of those adopted for service. It would be rash, having created one good racket, to stop development. The only thing is to let the questions with unification out of sight - down-z-zya!
      The news is glorious! good
  4. +2
    25 February 2012 11: 42
    Only forward! Keep it up!! Yes
  5. alseek
    25 February 2012 12: 14
    "All the best for children - American"
  6. FiremanRS
    25 February 2012 12: 36
    Muscle-playing .... If this bears fruit, then why not)) Modernization is a good thing, it is better if you push a fundamentally new one into the old building. And the old guides do not need to be redone and quite misleading)) Forward Russia, add Th))
    1. +6
      25 February 2012 13: 03
      Quote: FiremanRS
      Muscle-playing .... If it bears fruit, then why not)
      - I can not agree! Russian without show-offs - bespontovy Russian smile
      This really helps to cool hot heads, and those who don't get it will get beaten up with these same muscles in real life. That's all the math.
    25 February 2012 12: 46
    without modernization and improvement, things will be bad for the army !!
  8. +1
    25 February 2012 12: 55
    [color = # 000000] Due to the planned re-equipment on the Liner, the existence of the north-western submarine group Dolphin will probably be extended until 2025-2030. Also not an unimportant factor. Blue is a good rocket, but it may soon become obsolete, and the Liner will not let us write off the Dolphins that we have.
  9. Region65
    25 February 2012 13: 32
    the next rocket developed should be called the "Phallus of Democracy" ... ... and sent to the center of world democracy on its own.
  10. +1
    25 February 2012 13: 59
    In our country, for every inhabitant there is a Kalashnikov assault rifle, you give every inhabitant of Russia a missile for the worst, and also a missile system. HOORAY.
  11. Mr. Truth
    25 February 2012 14: 14
    When the American radar network covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation with the exception of Lake Baikal, you think that the underwater component of the strategic nuclear forces is the only tool that can make Western vegetables sweat with fear.
    25 February 2012 16: 10
    Well done, I thought they would slowly curtail the development and production of liquid-fuel rockets, but no, they will continue), good news.
  13. 0
    25 February 2012 18: 25
    The increase in the number of warheads and the improvement of the missile defense system are very serious improvements.
    In general, the task of creating a separable warhead was not very simple and was solved for a rather long time in the Union. A multi-unit homing unit is also interesting because in addition to maneuvering warheads, there are several mimicry units that distract anti-missile systems. Apparently the Liner in this respect is an improvement of Sineva. As for me - a serious revision.
  14. suharev-52
    25 February 2012 21: 01
    A rational and necessary solution for today. Thanks to the designers and workers for the excellent work.
  15. KSG55
    25 February 2012 21: 15
    Another usheterstvo before the elections. And you hung up your ears "gentlemen officers" and generals "of the Internet. It would not hurt you to listen to and read real servicemen.
    1. zhidikhanov
      27 February 2012 14: 00
      Hi Omsk! Why such anger? If not difficult, then we are ready to listen and read an article from real experts. I am not even an "officer", but I served in the USSR, and I keep track of this kind of news and read comments and I will say unequivocally that in our time no one will throw words to the wind. Good luck everyone!
  16. 0
    25 February 2012 21: 53
    Maybe you, probably you're a real servant?