Russians don't give up. As the two ships defeated a squadron

In the 1821 in Greece broke out another uprising against the rule of the Ottoman Empire, grew into a national liberation war of the Greek people. The Greeks were supported by France and England, who hoped to weaken Porto and, moreover, hoped to strengthen their influence on the Balkan Peninsula. Alexander I preferred not to interfere in the Greek-Turkish confrontation, although on an unofficial level, Russia, of course, provided assistance to the Greek rebels. Who succeeded his brother Alexander I, Nicholas I was more aggressive policies. He chose to designate the position of the Russian Empire on the Greek issue, which he did not hesitate to use in Istanbul. Sultan Mahmud II closed for Russian ships Bosporus and ordered expelled from the Ottoman Empire in its territory of Russian subjects. It was a direct demarche aimed at insulting the Russian empire and demonstrating the belligerent attitude of Porta.

- Krasovsky, NP Battle of the brig "Mercury" with two Turkish ships, 1829 year. 1867.

14 (26) April 1828, Nicholas I declared war on the Ottoman Empire. So began the next Russian-Turkish war, which lasted two years and was marked by new feats of Russian weapons. Naturally, France and England, interested in the vengeance of Russia and the Ottoman Empire, did not even think to oppose Istanbul. Moreover, European advisers took an active part in improving the defensive positions of Turkish troops in the Balkans. The land armies launched an offensive in the Balkan and Transcaucasian theaters of war, with the main battles taking place on the territory of Wallachia and Bulgaria. The shock force in the Balkans was the Danube army under the command of Field Marshal Count Peter Wittgenstein, numbering 95 thousands of soldiers and officers. In the Caucasus, it had to be separate Caucasian Corps, General of Infantry Ivan Paskevich total strength of 25 thousand soldiers and officers.

In addition, from the sea, military operations of the Russian army in the Balkans and the Caucasus covered the ships of the Black Sea fleet. At that time, Admiral Aleksey Greig commanded the Black Sea Fleet. Having held the post of fleet commander in 1816 and remained in office until 1833, Alexey Greig was a hereditary admiral - his father, a former British naval officer, switched to Russian service and rose to the rank of admiral and commander of the Baltic Fleet. The main bases of the Black Sea Fleet by the time the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829 began. were in Sevastopol and Nikolaev.

Vice-Admiral Alexei Greig, who served as commander of the Black Sea Fleet, was also the military governor of Sevastopol and Nikolayev. It is worth noting that, under his command, the Black Sea Fleet proved itself very well during the Russian-Turkish war. In particular, in June 1828, a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Greig laid siege to Anapa and soon established control over it. For the successful command of the fleet, Greig was promoted to the rank of admiral.

Although the main hostilities unfolded on land, during the Russian-Turkish war 1828-1829. and there was a series of spectacular naval battles, all included in the history Russian Navy. Perhaps the most famous of them is the feat of the brig "Mercury", commanded by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Kazarsky. 14 (26) May 1829, the brig "Mercury" took the battle with two Turkish battleships Selimiye and Real-Bey. Despite the superior forces of the enemy, the brig managed to emerge victorious in an unequal battle.

But if the feat of brig "Mercury" and the name of his commander, Lieutenant-Commander Kazarsky well-known domestic readers, another heroic battle of Russian sailors, occurred a week before the fight, "Mercury" with Turkish Ships, remains "in the shadows." This is a battle in Shali Bay 7 of May 1829 of the year - between two Russian ships and an entire Ottoman squadron of 9 warships.

In February 1829, Russian troops continued their offensive against Turkish positions in what is now Bulgaria. In particular, they captured the strategically important fortress of Sizopol (now Sozopol), located in the southeast of what is now Bulgaria, on the Black Sea coast. Russian troops took Sizopol in two days, on February 15 and 16, 1829. A squadron of the battleships Empress Maria, Panteleimon, and Pimen, the frigates Raphael and Evstafiy, and three gunboats approached the fortress from the sea. The squadron was commanded by Rear Admiral Mikhail Kumani. During the day of February 15, 1829, the ships shelled the fortress, suppressing the coastal batteries. artillery enemy. On the morning of February 16, 500 Russian paratroopers landed on the shore and forced the Ottoman garrison, which outnumbered them three to one, to leave the fortress. The commander of the Ottoman garrison, Hamil Pasha, was taken prisoner.

Russian troops got 2 combat banners of the garrison, 11 artillery guns, ammunition and food. Capturing Sizopol, the Russian detachment immediately turned it into its foothold, proceeding to further strengthen the fortress. The command planned to turn Sizopol into the base of the Black Sea Fleet for further actions against the Ottoman fleet and the Ottoman troops on the west coast of the Black Sea. Since the fortress was of great strategic interest, 28 March 1829, the Ottoman troops attempted to repel it from the Russian army. This time, the 4-thousandth infantry formation and cavalry of 1800 men were concentrated in the Sizopol area. For the whole day of March 28, the Ottoman troops stormed the fortress, but their attempt to recapture Sizopol did not end in success. The defense of Sizopol cost the 27 soldiers and sailors of the fortress garrison and 5 of ship sailors to the Russian troops.

To enhance the Russian squadron, based in Sizopol, from Sevastopol to the fortress was sent 44-gun frigate "Standart", commanded by Lieutenant Commander P.Ya. Sakhnovsky. He was supposed to strengthen the group of ships, based in Sizopole. The overall command of the detachment of ships was also entrusted to the captain-lieutenant Sakhnovsky. At the end of April 1829, the fleet command received information that the Ottoman squadron had entered the sea. In search of the enemy, the Russian ships passed along the northern coast of Asia Minor, destroying the local infrastructure with artillery fire.

7 May 1829, the frigate "Standart" and 18-gun brig "Mingrelia" under the command of Lieutenant A.I. Rogula pursued nine Turkish warships. They approached the Shali bay and, despite the fact that the Ottoman artillery opened fire on them, they launched the rowing boats. Such audacity Russian sailors Ottoman commanders simply did not expect. While the officers of the Turkish fleet digested what they had seen, the Russian sailors sailed close to the Ottoman ships and entered into a hand-to-hand fight with the Ottoman sailors. As a result, two Turkish ships were captured by Russian sailors, while other ships were burned or rushed ashore. Many Ottoman sailors died, while the losses of the Russian crews were very insignificant.

Two weeks later, the Shtandart frigate led Ottoman ships captured to Sizopol. After that, the victorious ship headed again to the Asia Minor coast - to explore. Brig "Mingrelia", in turn, was appointed to the Achkesara area in order to destroy the Ottoman corvette, which was about to be launched on.

Feat frigate "Standart" and the brig "Mingrelia" forever entered the history of the Russian fleet as an example of incredible valor of our sailors. Two not numerous crews of the Russian ships managed to crush the whole Ottoman squadron, capture two ships and bring them to the base of the Russian fleet in Sizopol, and destroy the rest of the ships.

Russians don't give up. As the two ships defeated a squadron

By the way, the brig Mingrelia, named in honor of the entry of the Principality of Mingrelia (Megrelia) into the Russian Empire and launched in 1813, entered the history of not only the navy, but also ... Russian literature. In August 1820, the Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin made a sea voyage on the brig, and it was at that time that he wrote his "Elegy".

14 (26) in May 1829 in the next year cruising the roads at the entrance of the Bosphorus again were three ships - the frigate "Standart" Lieutenant-Commander Sakhnovsky, 20-gun brig "Orpheus" of Lieutenant-EI Koltovsky and 20-gun brig "Mercury" by Lieutenant Commander A.I. Kazarsky. The general command of the detachment was carried out by Lieutenant Commander Sakhnovsky as the commander of the main vessel. At dawn, a detachment was spotted by a Turkish squadron of 14 ships, coming from the Anatolian coast. Lieutenant Sakhnovsky decided to reconnoiter and count the number of Turkish ships. After the target was completed, Sakhnovsky ordered the Russian ships to turn back. This was the right decision, since the Ottoman squadron, seeing the Russian ships, followed them in pursuit.

The brig Mercury was in drift when Kazarsky saw Orpheus and Shtandart returning from reconnaissance. They managed to quickly move a great distance from the Turkish ships. Brig "Mercury" less lucky - it overtook the best and fastest ships of the Ottoman fleet - 110-gun "Selimiye" under the flag of kapudan Pasha - squadron commander, and 74-gun "Real-Bay" under the guise of a junior leader. The rest of the Ottoman court chose to be in the drift. The Turkish command had no doubt that with such superior forces the 20-gun Russian brig would be destroyed or captured. However, as we know, this did not happen.

Team Russian brig decided to fight to the end. The last surviving sailor should have blown up the ship, confirming that the Russians did not surrender. The victory of the "Mercury" over the Turkish ships, which had a tremendous superiority in artillery and personnel, seemed really fantastic. The Turks had 184 artillery guns, the "Mercury" - only twenty guns. Of course, the brig itself was severely damaged and did not take further part in the naval battles of this war. But his crew was generously awarded after a surprising victory.

Lieutenant Commander Kazarsky was promoted to captain 2 rank, awarded the Order of St. George IV class and appointed adjutant of the Emperor Nicholas I. Captain Kazarskyi shone a brilliant military career, but to the deepest regret, he died in the year 1833 - 36 years in age. Hero of the Russian-Turkish War, served by this time the rank of captain rank 1 in the retinue of Emperor Nicholas I, coffee poisoned with arsenic. The captain was sent to Nikolaev to inspect the Black Sea Fleet and the Black Sea ports. Apparently, his assassination in order to avoid verification was arranged by representatives of the command and quartermaster services of the fleet. So a fearless Russian officer died, who survived many bloody battles with the enemy and, probably, even in a nightmare he could not imagine himself fallen at the hands of his own colleagues in the Black Sea Fleet.

Russian-Turkish war 1828-1829 years. became the Russian Empire extremely successful and victorious. 14 September 1829 years Adrianople peace treaty was signed, under which the Russian Empire retreated large areas on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, including the strategically important town of Anapa and Sukhumi, as well as the Danube Delta. The government of the Ottoman Empire was forced to officially recognize Russian sovereignty over Georgia, Imeretia, Mingrelia, Guria, the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates. In addition, Istanbul has pledged to respect the autonomy of Serbia, approved by the Akkerman Convention 1826 of the year. Walachia and Moldavia also received autonomy, and Russian troops remained on their territory. The Ottoman Empire was forced to grant autonomy to Greece, accepting the terms of the London Treaty of 1827. Finally, recognition of the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and Istanbul had agreed to pay the Russian Empire imposing a contribution of $ 1,5 million Dutch ducats.

In the victory of Russia over the Ottoman Empire, the most important role was played by the Black Sea Fleet. Many famous ships that participated in the naval battles of the war 1828-1829 years., For a long time continued to serve as a part of the Black Sea Fleet. In particular, the brig "Mingrelia" in 1830-1831. brandvahtenny took office in Odessa. Dismantled ship only 1842 year. The frigate "Standart" in 1830, carrying Russian troops from Rumelia to Russia, then participated in the landing of troops on the Caucasian coast. In the 1832 year on the frigate "Standart" sailed to Alexandria for talks with the Egyptian Pasha, Lieutenant-General Nikolai Ants. In the 1841, the frigate turned into a shop. The famous brig Mercury served in the Black Sea Fleet for almost thirty years - until November 9, 1857.

In 1834 in Sevastopol, on Michmansky Boulevard, a monument was erected to Captain Alexander Kazarsky. The initiator of the installation of the monument was the commander of the Black Sea squadron MP Lazarev, and the project of the monument itself was prepared by the then famous architect A.P. Bryullov. But it would not hurt for the edification of posterity (and these words are engraved on the monument - "Kazarskyi posterity as an example.") To capture the memory of the heroism of the Russian sailors of the frigate "Standart" and the brig "Mingrelia".
51 comment
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  1. +8
    31 May 2017 06: 52
    May 1829 frigate "Standart" and 18-gun brig "Mingrelia" under the command of Lieutenant A.I. Roguli pursued nine Turkish ships. They approached Shali Bay and, despite the fact that the Ottoman artillery opened fire on them, lowered rowing boats. Ottoman commanders simply did not expect such impudence of Russian sailors. While the officers of the Turkish fleet were digesting what they saw, Russian sailors sailed close to the Ottoman ships and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Ottoman sailors. As a result, two Turkish ships were captured by Russian sailors, and the other ships were burned or washed ashore. Many Ottoman sailors died, while the losses of the Russian crews were very insignificant.

    Interesting story! Thanks to the author for another page in the series of exploits of Russian sailors ..
    1. +2
      31 May 2017 09: 10
      It would be nice to clarify which classes were Turkish ships.
      1. +2
        31 May 2017 11: 22
        I think these were battleships: more than 4 0 guns were not installed on frigates, and here 110-clearly point to a battleship.
        I was presented with the book “Valor of the Russian Navy” for youths (in my opinion, it still lies somewhere) and there they spoke about the differences between frigates and battleships.
      2. +4
        31 May 2017 12: 29
        Quote: netslave
        It would be nice to clarify which classes were Turkish ships.

        It would be nice to clarify whether these were ships at all.
        For contemporaries, this battle was described as follows:
        May. 7th number. At 2 hours and 40 p.m. the “Mercury” bric arrived from the squad of Captain 1st Rank Skalovsky with papers and two prize ships. The detachment commander reported that on April 25, observing about 15 Turkish ships near the coast, he separated the Standard frigate and the Mingrelia bric for their capture and extermination. Enemy ships, noticing the pursuit of them, rushed some to the nearest shore, while others, among nine, took refuge in the bay of Shili. Having entered the bay, the frigate and brik anchored and, through rowing vessels, took control of two vessels; the rest, standing tightly aground, were destroyed. This attempt, committed under the strong and continuous fire of an enemy battery and shooters, cost us 1 killed and 2 wounded lower ranks.

        © Melikhov V.I. (1794-1863). Description of the actions of the Black Sea Fleet in the continuation of the war with Turkey, in 1828 and 1829.
        And in the Soviet (imperial-Stalinist smile ) time like this:
        25th of April. Chasing a squad of 9 light Turkish ships, 44-push. frigate "Standart" (captain-lieutenant P. Ya. Sakhnovsky) and 16-push. the Mingrelia brig (Lieutenant A. I. Roguly) forced the enemy to take cover under the protection of coastal batteries in the bay of Shili. Upon entering the bay, both ships, under the fire of batteries and shooters on the shore, lowered rowing vessels and, having captured two Turkish vessels, burned the rest, losing 1 dead and 2 wounded.

        © The Battle Chronicle of the Russian Navy: A Chronicle of the Most Important Events of the Military History of the Russian Fleet from the 1917th Century to 1948 - M .: Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, XNUMX.
  2. +4
    31 May 2017 07: 21
    Here, truly, "an example of posterity" (c) !!!
  3. +3
    31 May 2017 07: 30
    The courage of Russian sailors is a long-known fact. They didn’t take by numbers, but by skill, courage and solid military training, which made it possible to prevail over a significantly superior enemy.
  4. 0
    31 May 2017 08: 41
    Many thanks to the author for an interesting story. I knew about the battle of the Mercury brig, but there wasn’t about the battle of the Standart frigate and the Mingrelia brig.
  5. +1
    31 May 2017 09: 36
    . A squadron consisting of the battleships "Empress Maria", "Panteleimon" and "Pimen", frigates "Raphael" and "Eustache" approached the fortress from the sea

    I read about "Mercury" as a child and always admired this feat, but I read about the above-described battle for the first time. Respect to the author. But there was also a sad page in that war - the frigate "Raphael".
    1. Cat
      31 May 2017 12: 05
      Perhaps I will be harsh, but the truth can’t be poured into the mud bucket.
      On the warships of the Russian fleet, the flag of the adversary was raised more than once or twice. The story of Raphaillm was repeated many times before and after. Remember only the fate of the second Pacific squadron.
      The question is different, how contemporaries related to such events! The rejection of the story of Raphael is understandable, which is confirmed by the decree of Emperor Nicholas I, that there is no place for ships with a similar name in the Russian Navy and that’s the point. Or take a look at the situation of the present day, when Rozhdestvensky and Nebogatov, the culprits of the Tsushima tragedy, praise Tributs and Oktyabrsky (the first culprit of the Talinsky campaign, the second "fall of Sevostopol".
      If we indulge them, then the feat of the sailors and officers of Mercury, Standard, etc. will remain in memory, but without hope of finding our followers.
      P.S. Where in our fleet "Memory of Azov", "Memory of Mercury", "Standard", "Diana" or the land of Russia became impoverished by a feat! So far, only Admiral Tributs has been expanded.
      Ps.s During the Great Patriotic War, not a single ship and boat of the USSR WWII did not lower the red flag in front of the enemy! An example worthy of memory and imitation!
      1. 0
        31 May 2017 12: 36
        TK-51 captured fin. box in a night battle on June 17, 1944 in the Gulf of Finland. (as part of the Finnish Navy - TCA V3, after September 1944 returned to the USSR)
        BK-215 on August 23, 1941 in a break. state captured by the Finns in Vyborg Hall. (near Father Paatio), as part of the fin. Onega military. fl. as VTV1, after September 4, 1944 returned to the USSR
        No. 52 October 14, 1941 captured by the Finns at about. Suursaari (in the Finnish Navy SKA "Vasama", returned to the USSR in 1944)
        Where then is it from? And if you remember the RKKF !!! Then there are generally fun flags changed
        1. Cat
          31 May 2017 19: 04
          You are touching me! The thesis was as follows!
          During the Great Patriotic War, not a single ship and boat of the USSR Navy did not lower the red flag in front of the enemy!
          TK51 was captured, not surrendered!
          The last two were abandoned during the retreat of the ground forces.
          Now about the fleet of "Soviet Russia" 1917-1922! There was a civil war, and who were the more Russian "red", "white" or "green" is that question? Similarly, one can perceive the seizures of our ships and ships: French, British, Japanese, and other interventionists. After all, the merit of the Red Army is not to consider the loss of the squadron in Bizerte. So for the wretched I remind you that the USSR will appear on the map in 1925!
          Learn the history of your homeland!
          1. 0
            31 May 2017 19: 55
            Dear Kitty !!? So for the wretched I remind you, read the naval charter of the USSR Navy again! So in it in general the capture of the ship by the enemy was not allowed! Above you gave examples of Finnish trophies! And there are at least 15 facts of the delivery of sovetsky ships. So learn the story.
            1. Cat
              31 May 2017 21: 57
              Is Finnish trophies the only thing you found on the internet? Like 15 mythical ships and ships of the Navy of the USSR. Did one of them throw a white flag? Or he lowered the red one and surrendered to the mercy of the winner? The answer is NO! All ships and boats fought to the last, or were captured abandoned or at the docks! As included in your list KL "Belarus" - ex. floor. Zaradna (1935), as part of the PF since 21.02.41. + 15-17.09.41 on the river. The Dnieper (in the district of Kiev) sank as a result of injuries received from the fire of herms, shore, art. Later raised by the Germans, put into operation as a river KL, germ. "Kanonenboot No. 91" (on the Dnieper River). + 1943 in the Dnieper-Bug canal. it was blown up by a mine, re-raised by the Germans and scrapped. Where is the fact of surrender? Cowardice and default? With the rest of the "sovetskimi" ships the same thing!
          2. 0
            31 May 2017 21: 10
            By the way, in your opinion, it turns out that the USSR fleet in general appeared in 1935))))
            1. Cat
              31 May 2017 22: 12
              The USSR itself arose in 1922, the constitution of the USSR in 1925. See help!
              The state that existed from 1922 to 1991 on the territory of Eastern Europe, Northern, part of Central and East Asia. The USSR occupied almost 1/6 of the inhabited land of the Earth; at the time of the collapse, it was the largest country in the world by area. It was formed on the territory that by 1917 the Russian Empire occupied without Finland, part of the Polish kingdom and some other territories.
              And where is 1935?
              If the de facto USSR was established in legal language in 1922, de jure since 1925. Thus, the USSR fleet appeared as a de facto concept in 1922 and de jure 1925. See History of State and Law, Yagofarov, Ekb 1995. Civil drinking war is misfortune and pain in the best case of the RSFSR but not the USSR for sure.
              1. 0
                8 December 2017 12: 43
                By the way, the 1st Constitution of the USSR was adopted on 31.01.1924/XNUMX/XNUMX.
          3. 0
            8 December 2017 12: 41
            I do not know about the wretched, but the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR was signed on December 29.12.1922, 30.12.1922, and approved on December XNUMX, XNUMX.
          4. 0
            14 February 2018 12: 31
            The USSR appeared on the map in 1922, not 1925. This is a clarification. I agree with the rest.
      2. 0
        31 May 2017 12: 37
        Quote: Kotischa
        Or take a look at the situation of the present day, when Rozhdestvensky and Nebogatov, the culprits of the Tsushima tragedy, praise Tributs and Oktyabrsky (the first culprit of the Talinsky campaign, the second "fall of Sevostopol".

        1. Where praised Rozhdestvensky ZP (without d) and Nebogatov N.I.? Rozhdestvensky was convicted, acquitted of injury and persecuted by the press (although there are many questions not only to him), Nebogatov and former captains of the 1st rank: Smirnov, Grigoryev, Lishin were tried and sentenced to death, which the Tsar replaced with ten imprisonment in the fortress years of each. What is recognized as correct now.
        2. Tributs V.F. and Oktyabrsky FS, of course, the distant Stalin had mercy? To him, the stump is clear, everything was worse visible than to the current "experts" who do not know how to spell "Sevastopol" and the name of the admiral?
      3. +1
        31 May 2017 15: 01
        I don't understand how the failure of Sevastopol, which was caused by a whole series of objective and subjective reasons, can be attributed to one person. Maybe you should think about who exactly to blame for Russia's defeat in the Crimean War? But let's be specific - one! By the way, what was the alternative to the Tallinn crossing?
        1. Cat
          31 May 2017 19: 55
          In order!
          History has no syllable declension, but the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 itself was a mistake. Moreover, in the Wishkins of this victorious war, one can record both the emperor himself and his uncles and the entire clique of the Romanov dynasty. They are these yellow macaques left !? The mistakes were also the direction of the Pacific squadron itself to Port Arthur, or rather the composition of the "hodgepodge", in particular the tail from the 3rd Pacific squadron. By the way, the vessels of the Volunteer Fleet went from Odessa to Vladik for 21 days. And how much did the Pacific squadron crawl?
          I think it makes no sense to continue! By the way, read articles on the internet about Rozhdestvensky. In 2010, he was even included in the top five great naval commanders of Russia !!!?
          Now about the Tallinn campaign! Why was it to lay all the eggs in one basket. Initially, Tallinn, like Libava, were traps for our fleet. Only in the course of the First World War did the Russian command see this in a timely manner, during the time of the Second World War we received what the enemy wanted. Or is Stalin to blame? No! The blame lies with the command of the Baltic Fleet, which allowed the enemy to mine the escape routes into the dark "white" nights! They did not conduct a reconnaissance of the mine situation, and were unable to properly organize the evacuation of the ground forces and ships (vessels) of the Baltic Fleet. Who's guilty? The one who stood at the helm of the “helm” Admiral Tributs. Preventing whining that it was impossible I will give an example of the evacuation of Odessa in 1941 or of German and Romanian troops from the Crimea in 1944.
          Last Sevostopol and Admiral Oktyabrsky + subjective and objective reasons! In order to describe the causes and conditions of the fall of Sevastopol during the Second World War will take more than one volume! In short: The Black Sea Fleet did not have an equal enemy throughout all 4 years of the war. But his participation in the defense of Sevastopol was nominal. Why? Yes, it’s just that not a single ship of the ChVMF used up 100 mm of ammunition and above more than two ammunition for the entire war! Poor defense organization of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevostopol in particular ..... Mining of the Sevlstopol Bay alone cost us more than 100 displacement, continue to continue. I will continue the evacuation of ammunition and artillery in Poti, and then the convulsive attempts to return it ....... For that, the bosses were notorious. This provokes the behavior of the head of the local police department, Ivanov, who refused to leave the city. That's an example!
          Perhaps soldiers and officers are to blame? In Aria, the commander is never always to blame, in our case, Admiral Oktyabrsky. All point.
          1. +1
            1 June 2017 12: 14
            Quote: Kotischa
            Now about the Tallinn campaign! Why was it to lay all the eggs in one basket. Initially, Tallinn, like Libava, were traps for our fleet. Only in the course of the First World War did the Russian command see this in a timely manner, during the time of the Second World War we received what the enemy wanted.

            And you can find out what kind of "all eggs" the command of the Baltic Fleet in Tallinn put in the basket? “Oktyabrina” was taken away from there in early July 1941. And only light forces (“Kirov”, 2 leaders and 6 new EMs) and 4 old “novices” remained in the main fleet base. Moreover, these light forces were needed to work in the Gulf of Riga.
            Quote: Kotischa
            In short: The Black Sea Fleet did not have an equal enemy throughout all 4 years of the war. But his participation in the defense of Sevastopol was nominal. Why? Yes, it’s just that not a single ship of the ChVMF used up 100 mm of ammunition and above more than two ammunition for the entire war!

            Yeah ... "nominal" participation of the same "Parisian" led to the fact that in March 1942:
            six 305-mm guns cracked trunks at the muzzle sections, and some ends of the trunks were torn off, the resource of the guns (250 combat shots per barrel) was completely used up

            And it will not be amiss to recall that after the abandonment of Nikolaev and the enemy’s exit to Sevastopol, the Black Sea Fleet lost all pre-war shipbuilding and ship-repairing capacities. As a result, the combat strength of the fleet as early as 1942 was reduced to 1-2 KR, 1-2 LD, 3-5 EM and a pair of TFR.
            Quote: Kotischa
            Poor defense organization of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevostopol in particular

            That is, this fleet did not hold the enemy in Perekop and Ishun positions? belay
            For the defense of Crimea, the fleet did everything possible - just remember at least brilliantly carried out the evacuation of the Primorsky Army from Odessa. Unfortunately, it was impossible to repeat it in Sevastopol - if only because the fleet could hang a fighter umbrella over Odessa convoys (60 cars worked from airfields in Crimea).
            Quote: Kotischa
            I will continue the evacuation of ammunition and artillery in Poti, and then convulsive attempts to return it ..

            Fleet ammunition was evacuated to the ports of the Caucasus coast. Because at the end of October 1941 no one could guarantee that they could keep the base: it was not clear who would win the “run to Sevastopol” - either the Germans would pull up their main forces and break through the base’s garrison defense, or the Primorye Army could come to the aid of the garrison.
            And if the Germans take Sevastopol, then the fleet is left without ammunition.
            The main stocks of artillery and infantry ammunition of the Black Sea Fleet were in Sevastopol at artillery warehouse No. 7, in other fleet bases, ammunition was available only for coastal batteries

            Moreover, most of the ammunition taken out from Sevastopol is shells for 305/52 artillery shells (of which there were 8 in the base and 12 outside), shells for 100 mm guns (standing on cruisers, minesweepers, submarines) and 76 mm anti-aircraft guns of all types (stood on the "Parisian", all EMs and mobilized vessels + air defense of newly equipped bases).
            Shirokorad, a pomnitsa, went over the need to strengthen the air defense of the ports of the Caucasus (they say, already in the same Novorossiysk there was already a whole division), loudly stating that in 1941, German aviation bombed only objects directly attacked by units of the Wehrmacht. But at the same time, he somehow forgot that the very Novorossiysk - the main base of light forces and the port for delivering goods to the Crimea - was bombed by the Germans on August 30, 1941.
            On August 30, 1941, at 21:02, three Ju-88 aircraft appeared from the direction of Verkhne-Bakanskaya. Having dropped bombs on the stern and bow of the cruiser Krasny Krym, they made four more passes over the city and port, at 21.31:21.47, 21:59, 22.17:5, and 7:250. A total of 500-3 high-explosive aerial bombs were dropped, weighing approximately 5-1 kilograms. Of these, 2 to XNUMX bombs were dropped in the bay and XNUMX-XNUMX on the shore. Anti-aircraft artillery of the naval base and ships of the Black Sea Fleet conducted intensive barrage fire, but did not shoot down a single aircraft.

            And already in November was the first massive raid:
            On November 2, the raid began at 9:25 a.m. The city was attacked from the air by 30 Ju-88s. They approached the city in eight echelons. Over 50 FABs weighing 50-200 kg and 3 mines were dropped, approximately over 10 minutes on the outer roads. 10 people were killed, 43 were wounded, a total of 53 people were injured. Three residential buildings were destroyed, a NovoRes garage with three cars, a cement pier, the 3rd elevator pier, and a portal crane received significant damage. In several places, 3 meters of railroad tracks and one section of a water supply line were destroyed and damaged. The office - laboratory of the Proletary central plant, the NovoRes office, and a polyclinic were partially damaged. Minor damage was received by the furnaces of the Oktyabr central plant. The telephone cable of the city networks received frequent damage. At 75:11 a.m. the all-clear signal was sounded, and at 39:11 a new raid began, in which 53 enemy aircraft participated. During this raid, the FAB explosion disrupted telephone communications in the Tuapse direction and with Gaiduk, tore off a span of tram wire, and destroyed a freight car with cement at the import pier. Communication was disrupted at 5 industrial sites. In the area of ​​the explosions, glass and frames were knocked out in many houses. On the Novoros, fuel tanks were pierced by shrapnel and the power plant was damaged. In the area of ​​the explosions, 2 unexploded FABs remained at the facilities. Fires broke out at the oil pumping station, the motor ship Kuturye, and the cruiser Voroshilov, which were quickly extinguished. Minesweeper No. 3 was blown up by a mine and sank. A fishing vessel was partially damaged. Damaged and sat on the ground near the cement pier of the semi-submarine ship Chapaev.
            The cruiser Voroshilov was damaged in this raid. The bombs that hit the Novoros garage were intended for it. The tanker Vayan Kutyurier was also damaged in the engine room, where a high-explosive bomb hit and caused a fire.
          2. 0
            1 June 2017 17: 23
            Kotische, regarding Admiral Oktyabrsky and Tributs: 1 did not dare to open his mouth and followed the orders of "Admiral from Horse" Budyonny + Stalin, a land-based man, reacted painfully to the loss of surface ships. However, for some reason he calmly accepted the "Talin breakthrough".
            2 somewhere met the assumption: Tributa defended Zhdanov
            1. 0
              1 June 2017 17: 44
              Quote: Monarchist
              Stalin, a land man, reacting painfully to the loss of surface ships

              C'mon ... at the KBF on the second day of the war they lost the Angry EM on mines (moreover, they finished it themselves - and never finished it) and almost lost the Maxim Gorky KRL - there were no organizational conclusions. At the Black Sea Fleet, on the fourth day of the war, the Moscow missiles were lost on mines - without consequences.
              They began to shake over the ships in 1943 - at the Black Sea Fleet after the Verpa. For there was nothing to replenish the Black Sea Fleet, and there was especially nowhere to be repaired. It’s enough to recall the technical kamasutra with docking with a loading capacity of 5000 tons of KRL with a displacement of 10 tons, the length of which was a third longer than the length of the dock (and not just setting, but for docking with the stern of the KRL of another project).
        2. 0
          14 February 2018 12: 37
          The coward Oktyabrsky can be blamed for the fall of Sevastopol. On his orders, back in September 1941, half of the Black Sea Fleet's ammunition was taken to the Caucasus. And in the summer of 1942, the city fell, among other things, because the mainstay of the defense, batteries No. 30 and No. 35 (305 mm), and others of a smaller caliber, were left without shells. In the end, they fired training blanks and even blanks at the nearby German infantry. Without shells, the guns (I repeat, the basis of the defense) are scrap metal! And his "heroic" escape from the city at the end of June 1942 and abandonment to the mercy of fate of 80 battle-hardened soldiers, sailors, and junior commanders was marked by a resounding slap in the face right on the stage of the Sevastopol DOP after the war, to the stormy approval of the audience. There are eyewitness accounts.
      4. +1
        31 May 2017 19: 09
        Quote: Kotischa
        Or take a look at the situation of the present day, when Rozhdestvensky and Nebogatov are praised - the culprits of the Tsushima tragedy

        Eeeee ... well, okay, for Rozhdestvensky I personally stood up many times. Incidentally, it is written without the letter "DU", it is CHRISTMAS, not Rozhdestvensky. And I am still ready to explain quite reasonably that it’s impossible to take responsibility for Tsushima on Rozhdestvensky. If approached from this point of view, then Zhukov should have been shot for losing the border battle.
        But who and when praised Nebogatov ?! Someone tried to justify him with a quiet glanders, it was, but to praise ?!
        Quote: Kotischa
        P.S. Where in our fleet "Memory of Azov", "Memory of Mercury", "Standard", "Diana"

        We haven’t built as many ships as you have listed :)))
        Z.Y. In general, yes, it would be worth returning the old, "Marsoflot" names of distinguished ships. Though “Azov”, at least “Memory of Azov” - the ship fought wonderfully.
        ZZY And "Three glasses" must also be returned! laughing
        1. Cat
          31 May 2017 21: 15
          I prefer "Do not touch me" to my liking! But in general, it’s sad that there are few ships!
          According to Rozhdestvensky, I agree with you only partially in part! Yes, a victim of circumstances, yes, he was wounded at the beginning of the battle, yes ...... But how many times the Ous fleet, despite everything, won a victory, being in the minority!
          Regarding the surname is to blame, I will be more careful - the paws are big!
      5. +1
        31 May 2017 20: 25
        in general, you wrote it right, but what's the point?
        Quote: Kotischa
        During the Great Patriotic War, not a single ship and boat of the USSR WWII did not lower the red flag in front of the enemy! An example worthy of memory and imitation!
        Was there a naval battle between the RKKF and the Kriegsmarine during the Second World War? And there are no major naval victories for the RKKF.
        1. Cat
          31 May 2017 21: 29
          The issue is not in major naval victories, but in human qualities! For example. The death of the Varyag is a tactical, even operational mistake of the leadership at the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, but a bright page - of Russian courage, Russian spirit, in fact, a century later it is a marker of Russian self-identification and the matrix of Russian civilization! Conclusion - a defeat that became a geopolitical victory for Russia.
          Yes, the losses of the USSR fleet in the Second World War were not commensurate with victories, but not a single warship or boat in the period from 1941 to 1945 threw a white flag. And if it was captured by the enemy, then either in battle or abandoned after damage or malfunction.
          1. 0
            31 May 2017 21: 40
            White flag? Maybe the navy flag was lowered
            1. Cat
              31 May 2017 22: 24
              Facts to the studio!
              Maybe? There are no examples in the Finnish and German sources! Repeatedly participated in conferences on similar topics, if they had the opportunity, they poked our brother with his nose. At sea, there was everything from undermining netral bots by a boarding team from a Soviet submarine to piracy and genocide. But all captured warships and boats, I repeat, were captured during the battle, raised after flooding, completed or abandoned during the retreat. There were no voluntary surrenders!
          2. 0
            31 May 2017 22: 55
            Quote: Kotischa
            but not a single warship or boat in the period from 1941 to 1945 threw a white flag.

            so this was another war, can you give an example of capture with the ejection of a white flag, a ship of another state during WWII?
        2. 0
          14 February 2018 12: 40
          An analogue of the battle of "Mercury" with the Turks is the battle of "Sedov" and "Sheer", or "Fog" with three German destroyers ...
  6. +2
    31 May 2017 09: 49
    That's about whom movies need to be shot! And do not twist endless "Ryan".
    Thanks to the author!
  7. 0
    31 May 2017 11: 39
    Interesting article. I did not know about this episode. Thank you to the author.
  8. 0
    31 May 2017 11: 46
    Ilya, thank you for the story about the valor of our sailors.
    Regarding Kazansky: "... Coffee and arsenic were poisoned .... representatives of the command and commissariat services rigged up" is one of several versions, but there are no reliable facts. (Talk about this a few years ago on TV)
    In fairness, we must somehow perpetuate the names: Greig, Sakhnovsky and Koltovsky, at least in the museum a separate stand about them.
    Ilya, you do not know: how was this event noted? All the same, the scuffing of enemy ships is not a frequent occurrence
  9. 0
    31 May 2017 12: 20
    The saddest thing in the whole story is that the main defeat the Russian sailor-hero received was from his own people - poison.
  10. +5
    31 May 2017 12: 45
    If we take an unknown episode of that war “for posterity as an example”, then this is the burning of a Turkish battleship in Penderaclia - right at the shipyards, in a harbor protected by coastal batteries. Moreover, when it turned out that the ship couldn’t be set on fire with gunfire, a rowing ship with volunteers entered the harbor in the afternoon (!), who nailed hemp fenders in the ports and on the sides, doused them with tar and lit.
    11th ... At 7 1/2 hours, a detachment of Captain 1 rank Skalovsky arrived in Sisopol; the report of the detachment chief about his actions was as follows: after learning from the Greeks, on one of the taken merchant ships, that a battleship was being armed in Pendaraklia, and in the town of Akchesar a 26-gun corvette was preparing to launch, Skalovsky sent the hasty frigate to exterminate the last , and he, with the other ships, went to Pendarakli, with the intention of taking possession of the enemy ship or, if it turns out to be impossible, to destroy it. On the afternoon of May 3, the detachment approached Cape Baba, bordering the Pendarakli raid on the northern side, to destroy the battery located at the tip of the cape, which covered the ship moored at the Admiralty; since the wind did not allow the anchor to sit in front of the battery, and therefore, having entered all the vessels into the wake of the Parmen ship, Skalovsky opened fire on it, which was renewed in turn by each vessel; in the course of this maneuver, it was seen that the ship was defended by several more fortifications arranged along the shore of the raid, in the admiralty and on wooded heights around the raid, and that all these places were filled with armed crowds. On the 4th day, taking advantage of favorable weather, the squad leader ordered the hasty frigate, who arrived from Akchesar in the morning, to stand near the enemy ship and be a collection point for rowing vessels that were separated for boarding; the ships "John Chrysostom" and "Nord Adler" take places against the main batteries; frigate "Standart" to sit in front of the city and not allow residents to help troops; the “Mingrelia” briquette was assigned the extermination of vessels south of Pendaraklia; finally, the ship "Parmen" is scheduled to be placed in the center of the location of other vessels in order to be able to back up from it those that will require benefits. By evening, all the ships took their places, excluding the hasty frigate, which could not fulfill this because of the remoteness and the opposite current, which prompted the chief of the squad to replace him with the ship Nord Adler. The latter, with the onset of night, approached by means of deliveries of 208 to the enemy ship at a distance of 200 fathoms and anchored at a depth of 30 feet. Then Skalovsky went to the "Nord Adler" for the final survey of the terrain and teaching instructions to officers selected to board the enemy ship. Around midnight, our rowing vessels in two compartments under the command of captain-lieutenants Bronevsky and Skrydlov piled away from the Nord Adler ship in perfect order and silence, but on a clear night they betrayed them and they were subjected to fire from all over the enemy’s coast, so terrible that the commander the detachment, fearing a very significant loss of people, decided to call both squads back to the "Nord Adler" and proceed to destroy the ship; In addition, two of the following circumstances prompted him to do this: firstly, as soon as we discovered our intention, then, in all probability, a significant number of troops will be sent to the ship to protect him, the consequence of which should be the most fierce struggle in which all benefits will be on the side of the enemy; and secondly, the depth at which the Nord Adler stood provided a good reason for assuming that the Turkish ship was aground and that, therefore, removing it under the crossfire of batteries and shooters would cost us very much. In the morning, the most severe cannonade of the enemy ship was discovered from the Nord Adler ship, but since the first one was exposed to the fire of nine batteries, and therefore, to entertain the enemy’s attention, the ship “John; Zlatoust "and frigate" Hasty ". The Turkish ship, while aground, did not sink, it was not possible to fire a fire on it with a firearm; therefore, to exterminate it, there was only one means left - to light from a rowing vessel. Despite the danger of such a feat, many hunters appeared on the first call, of whom the following were appointed: the 37th naval crew, midshipman Treski, naval naval corps conductor Cherkasov, the 6th naval artillery brigade, non-commissioned officer Dementiev and the 37th naval crew 4 non-commissioned officers and 4 privates; adhering to the Turkish ship, they nailed hemp fenders in the ports and on the sides, doused them with tar and lit them. At 10 o’clock the ship embraced in flames, why, hiding behind the fire of the ship “John Chrysostom”, “Nord Adler” and “Hasty” left their places, and “John Chrysostom” left behind them. In addition to the ship, the military transport near it and about 15 other ships were destroyed. Our loss consisted of 7 killed and 12 wounded lower ranks, moreover, on the ship "Nord Adler" a captain-lieutenant Chuprasov was wounded by a fragment of a grenade from the 37th naval crew. Damage to vessels was as follows: “Nord Adler” had 32 holes and 88 other injuries, “John Chrysostom” - 16 holes and 18 other injuries, “Parmen” - 4 holes, “Hasty” - 19 holes and 52 other damages. The damage to the Turks was to be very significant, judging by the selflessness that the enemy exerted to save his ship; fire from the coast did not interrupt during the entire duration of the action wherever possible, the enemy set up batteries, and if our artillery forced him to leave one, he immediately opened fire from a different position and suddenly acted more than out of 20 guns; his arrows, despite the fact that the coast was showered with buckshot, were always visible in many, and some of them ventured even to extinguish the fire on the ship. Regarding the actions in Akchesar, the report of Captain 1st rank Skalovsky was as follows: the hasty frigate, arriving on the 3rd day at noon in Akchesar, approached the corvette on the slipway and caused a lot of damage to it with artillery, but couldn’t light it with firescopes, I didn’t dare to fulfill this landing by the many Turks with whom the coast was strewn. After the ship was burned in Pendaraklia, the head of the detachment again sent the hasty frigate and the Mingrelia bricks to Akchesar, which, upon arrival, laying anchors in the closest distance from the coast, destroyed the corvette to the ground with the combined artillery.
    © Melikhov V.I. (1794-1863). Description of the actions of the Black Sea Fleet in the continuation of the war with Turkey, in 1828 and 1829.
  11. -1
    31 May 2017 15: 17
    That is why the names of Sakhnovsky and Koltovsky were consigned to oblivion, because despite their past merits, they showed ordinary cowardice, consisting of a shameful flight and abandonment of a comrade in arms (Mercury). Suvorov's expression - perish yourself, but rescue your comrade - did not allow for a double interpretation in those days.
    1. +1
      31 May 2017 17: 41
      Quote: Seeker
      they showed ordinary cowardice consisting in shameful flight and abandonment of a comrade (Mercury).

      In terms of military honor, yes, in terms of military expediency, no.
  12. 0
    31 May 2017 15: 24
    Quote: Alexey RA
    © Melikhov V.I. (1794-1863). Description of the actions of the Black Sea Fleet in the continuation of the war with Turkey, in 1828 and 1829.

    Where to read this?
    1. +1
      31 May 2017 18: 12
      Quote: kvs207
      Where to read this?

      Online. smile
      ov_V_I / text1.php
      1. +1
        31 May 2017 18: 44
        Quote: Seeker
        Sakhnovsky’s surnames ... were forgotten,

        What makes such articles good is that I want to rummage through the sources, read the research on this topic.
        Both sons of Sakhnovsky rose to the rank of admiral, so they were quite worthy and honored sailors. And both served in the Black Sea Fleet.
  13. 0
    31 May 2017 21: 32
    I wonder why the battle of Mercury is considered a victory for the Russians. Mercury did not win but managed to escape. Which in those circumstances was a feat but not a victory.
    1. +2
      1 June 2017 10: 38
      Quote: Ken71
      I wonder why the battle of Mercury is considered a victory for the Russians. Mercury did not win but managed to escape. Which in those circumstances was a feat but not a victory.

      For a brig sent for reconnaissance, "to flee with the enemy fleet data" means to "win." smile
      Moreover, there is definitely a losing side in this battle - 2 Turkish LCs that caught up with the brig, but were unable to drown or force it to surrender.
  14. Cat
    31 May 2017 21: 54
    Is Finnish trophies the only thing you found on the internet? Like 15 mythical ships and ships of the Navy of the USSR. Did one of them throw a white flag? Or he lowered the red one and surrendered to the mercy of the winner? The answer is NO! All ships and boats fought to the last, or were captured abandoned or at the docks! As included in your list KL "Belarus" - ex. floor. Zaradna (1935), as part of the PF since 21.02.41. + 15-17.09.41 on the river. The Dnieper (in the district of Kiev) sank as a result of injuries received from the fire of herms, shore, art. Later raised by the Germans, put into operation as a river KL, germ. "Kanonenboot No. 91" (on the Dnieper River). + 1943 in the Dnieper-Bug canal. it was blown up by a mine, re-raised by the Germans and scrapped. Where is the fact of surrender? Cowardice and default? With the rest of the "sovetskimi" ships the same thing!
    1. 0
      31 May 2017 22: 05
      Wow!!! And the internees in the Swedish ports? What did the USSR Navy charter equate to a crime? N ud in your opinion and the USSR Fleet only appeared in the year 35, because the flag of the USSR Navy was approved on May 27, 35 !!! For you, the flag is primary and not the fleet !!! It’s enough to do casuistry !! But for some reason, in all the documents of the times of the USSR, the years of the existence of the Soviet fleet are indicated 1918-1992! So dear, you need to learn a story and not engage in verbiage on political topics, looking for the difference between the RKKF and the Navy of the USSR !!!!
  15. 0
    1 June 2017 00: 58
    Dear Kotische read K.B. Strelbitskovo We go to Sweden. About the internment of minesweepers in Sweden. Simply put surrender to a non-warring country.
    1. Cat
      2 June 2017 21: 05
      Internment of a ship - capture of a ship - surrender of the crew of a ship (ship) different legal concepts! Even the term casuistry has a specific definition, unfortunately you confuse it with sophistry! Well, the last is such a specialty military jurisprudence! They just teach people to see differences in legal terms. By the way, petty hooliganism is also an administrative offense, but ..... according to the laws of formal logic, the essence is determined by the specific terms “indicators”, and the tail wags the dog, only at the request of the dog itself!
      It is your right to consider that the “sovetsky” fleet is a gathering of cowards and villains who only did that during the Great Patriotic War: drowning, surrendering, interning, etc., etc. My opinion is simpler that our fleet during the war years was not effective due to the unsatisfactory leadership of individual "leaders", but sailors, foremen and officers have no fault in this, which they proved by their courage throughout the war.
      The last almost ten years ago, I had access to the archives of court documents of the KBF and the Northern Fleet during the Second World War and with all responsibility I declare to you that I did not see the facts of cowardice, cowardice, alarmism and desertion of the crews of the ships and boats of the Navy in full force leading the delivery of the ship to the enemy . To consider cases such as the capture of a captain washed away overboard by a shame - I refuse! Life is full of living cases, not lines of the charter, or rather their absence. This does not apply to the civil war in Russia, everything is complicated there!
      And last don't disgrace the form!
      1. 0
        3 June 2017 04: 07
        I agree with you in something! And I don’t make a sovereign fleet a bunch of things as you wrote ... Just since you are familiar with the documents, you should know the unpleasant moments of the fleet’s activity, to keep silent about this is not correct to evaluate completely! That's just in military jurisprudence is not necessary! Since all activity is regulated by orders, and according to the current moment, the same order can be interpreted as criminal or as necessary in this situation (here's the casuistry)
        By the way, if you had access to documents of the KBF, then didn’t you see documents about the fate of those who were interned in Sweden and then returned to the USSR ?! Yours faithfully!!! hi
        PS But do not touch the form ...
  16. +3
    1 June 2017 14: 49
    I love Sevastopol! The city is simply imbued with the patriotic spirit and power of Russian weapons! Here are some films to shoot where are you directors ?? You don’t have to invent anything .. Just take our History and make films about every single feat, about Kazarsky, about sniper Rosa Shanina, about pilot Lidia Vladimirovna Litvyak who knocked down Nazi aces at the age of 20 .. About the exploits of tankers alone fighting with whole columns of fascists. ... About the 35 coastal battery that led the battle, under the inconsequential artillery attacks and air raids .. And how many of their heroes can you count ... Eternal memory and glory to all the heroes who fought for their homeland !!! Once again, a huge request to the directors do not copy Hollywood, we have everything, you just need to open the book under the name. Russian history!