Rogul ordinary


Once upon a time, my aunt-teacher, told history.

Her student, a bad student, was amused by the fact that he was taking lessons out of obscene language. The aunt led him out into the corridor and offered to get out freely, without any restrictions, and then return to the classroom and quietly watch out until the end of the lesson. To this the young matershinnik reasonably objected that swearing in an empty corridor was completely uninteresting to him, because no one hears and cannot appreciate his coolness.

Recently, visitors to this site witnessed the appearance of such a matershinnik, who was bored with swearing in front of a mirror, and he thirsted to the audience. Moreover, the audience is not scared and this turn is clearly not ready.

Many did not understand what had happened. But in fact, the Ukrainian fighter of the ideological front turned to us a little light. And talked with us as accustomed at home. Therefore, I do not ask to love and favor.

This is not a classic trolling. I would call it intellectual exhibitionism. I would not touch upon this unpleasant topic at all if it were not for three points:

- This type will definitely come back. He needs an audience like the above described Losers.
- He is not alone. In fact, there are already many. This kind of trolling is specially cultivated and has grown to such a level that it spilled out from marginal sites to decent ones. I'm afraid it was just intelligence.
- This type of trolling has a distinct national color.

That is what prompted me to write this article to warn my colleagues in the forum who they might encounter in the near future.
It was a classic Ukrainian trolling, different from, for example, Polish trolling. I hardly write the phrase “Ukrainian”, because it is not a national peculiarity of the entire population of Ukraine and is not a perversion, as someone might have thought. This is a thoughtful and, it should be recognized, an effective kind of political struggle aimed at sowing ethnic strife on an emotional level. It is emotional. The situation is ideal when, regardless of the context, the spoken keyword “Khokhol” or “Moskal” causes a brain failure, rapid heartbeat and spontaneous compression of the fists. National in this propaganda installation is the fact that it very successfully laid down a number of features of the character of the part, I emphasize, part of the inhabitants of Ukraine.

But first, a little Ukrainian history

Modern Ukrainian nationalist ideology revolves around a pivotal statement from the national anthem: "E, brotherhood, Cossack family."

In fact, the Cossacks that existed in Ukraine are divided into three groups:

- It Zaporozhets, originally ethnic Circassians, subsequently dissolved among people from neighboring nations. It is a robber republic, a cross between the pirate republic of Tortuga and the state of the Spartiats, surrounded by disfranchised helots. Zaporozhtsy repeatedly visited the composition of Poland, Russia, Turkey. And each time they asked to go there themselves, looking for a temporary "roof" after the next predatory campaign against the neighbors. After the resettlement to the Caucasus, the Zaporozhian Cossacks, having become the Kuban and Terek Cossacks, put an end to banditry, civilized themselves, joined the cohort of imperial peoples, themselves becoming the imperial people. Part of the Zaporozhtsev moved over the Danube, becoming an integral part of the history of the Turkish Empire.

- It Cossacks of the left bank of the Dnieper, from 16 century, part of the Moscow principality, almost indistinguishable from the Don Cossacks. This Cossack community was directly involved in the formation of the Russian Empire and therefore is a full-fledged imperial people with an inherent mentality of such people.

- It registry Cossacks in the service of the Commonwealth and defending her interests, including fighting with the Zaporozhtsy. They have always been a second-rate part of the population of Poland with a correspondingly poor outlook. By status, they differed little from the "cattle" and "Roguley", as the Polish gentry called the population of Right-Bank Ukraine.

That is, none of these Cossacks has ever been the bearer of the idea "Independent of Ukraine”, And binding the national idea of ​​modern Ukraine to the history of the Cossacks is a juggling of historical facts.

Actually, Ukraine (for short) is divided into 4 territories - Left Bank (as part of Russia from 16 century), Hetmanate (as part of Russia since the beginning of 18 century), Novorossia - former Wild Field and Crimea (as part of Russia since 1764) and Galicia - A colony of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (as part of the USSR since 1945).
It is from here, from the difference in the timing of integration, that the split of Ukraine into the South-East and West that is observed today begins.

It’s unnecessary to talk about the anti-Russian orientation of the “Project Ukraine”. I want to talk about something else

I want to talk about ordinary fighters from the other side of the ideological front, one of which we had the pleasure of watching live.
I have been researching the topic “Hohlosracha” and dissecting these individuals for several years. It is not always pleasant, although sometimes merry moments arise. But having overcome the natural human disgust and showed patience, I managed to identify some steady trends that I want to share with visitors to this site.

Speaking of the term Khokhol

As you know, the history of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks is 400 years old. Of these, 200 years of robbery and 200 years of construction of the Russian Empire. Therefore, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks have no relation to the history of the newly-made state "Ukraine", but direct to the history of the state "Russia". That is, "Khokhly" is ours, Russian. And to me, a descendant of the Kuban Cossacks and, accordingly, a descendant of the Zaporozhtsevs, it is insulting and bitter that the word “Khokhol”, by a misunderstanding, has become abusive and applies to defective people, not having any right to it. Personally, I try not to use this word in a derogatory sense. The benefit of the Russian language is able to give a more caustic replacement. (I like “Shnevmerliki”).

I can only compare this situation with the Slavic Kolovrat, which the Nazi Nazis appropriated in the form of a swastika and for 12 years vulgarised for centuries.
Through the efforts of the Ukrainian Nazis, a metamorphosis occurred with the word Svidomit. "Svidomit" in Ukrainian is only "conscious". But in the Russian language, the word forever acquired the definition of a mournful human mind, the basis of whose worldview was cave Russophobia, based on the lie of Goebbels’s spill.

The shape of Svidomita-oranzhoyda-puchevmerlika

First of all, it comes from the central part of Ukraine, from the layers that in civilization development have not even reached their own state. The carriers of the state idea - the Cossacks moved to the North Caucasus, leaving behind them ilots, who absolutely do not care for whom they work for Poles, Cossacks, Jews or Russians. These right-bank sleds outgrew the clan structure, but were stuck at the tribal level. Therefore, the problems of the state, and even more so of a multinational state (empire), remain beyond their understanding. The limit of flight of thought is the satisfaction of physiological needs. Accordingly, all other people they consider the same primitive creatures. With regret, I observed this narrowness in Western Ukrainian carriers even of very high IQ.

But these are ordinary performers. The instigators and instigators of their Galicians. For Galician characteristic thoroughly concealed cruel disappointment. In the new state, they intended for the first time in their history to become elite, pan, white gentlemen, but did not work out. It is from here that the hatred of the Donbass, which feeds them, but does not recognize them as masters.

As a result, we have a bunch of Galitsai - Right Bank Rogul, similar to a bunch of fist-podkulachnik or Sher Khan - Tabaki. The first in the bond is the beneficiary, the motives of the second are irrational. But who yelps the loudest? That's right, Tobacca.

The desire to take a higher position in society is natural. But the ways to achieve different. Some take the path of creation, trying to beat the rest (like France after losing the war with Prussia). Others try to “lower” their neighbors, first to their level, and if they are lucky, even lower. Way Svidomita - definitely the second way.

Since high matter is inaccessible, any reasoning beyond physiology is not perceived and swept aside as "stupid." The whole discussion quickly comes down to a dispute in the style of Panikovsky’s dispute with Shura Balaganov: “And who are you, tell me please? - And who are you? - No, who are you, I ask? - And who are you?!".

Conjure, do not compete with them in this. Lose instantly.

A distinctive feature of Svidomit is to demonstrate its superiority. But, since his deliberate delusions of grandeur are the reverse side of the hidden inferiority complex, mania acquires grotesque, caricature forms, which at first lead an embarrassment to an unprepared interlocutor, and then cause a persistent desire to step back and call the nurses. Weighted respectful discussion is simply impossible.

The intensity with which the Svidomity attack Russia is directly proportional to their own failures in politics and economics. Our success in aviation and astronautics cause malicious envy, failure, malicious excitement. It is difficult to convey in words the joy on the verge of orgasm, which they experienced when the "Bulgaria" drowned. And how they suck up our troubles and problems ... And they do it noisily, demonstratively.

The reason for this is clear to me. They need to prove, and not so much to others, as to themselves, that separation from the USSR was a blessing for them. And if the facts contradict this, well, so much the worse for the facts. It is said that our compatriots who work as lobsters in America and Europe indulge in this.

Myths Svidomitov

The leitmotif of all the new-ukrainian mythology is adamant confidence in the imminent collapse of Russia. The deadlines for collapse have been postponed for two decades now, but confidence is only growing. For every year the end is coming.

You can describe indefinitely, so I will list only the main myths:

- Ukraine originated 140 000 years ago and has a rich and glorious history, ignored by the sworn Muscovites. True, the rest of the world also knows nothing about it, but no complaints are made against it.

- There is such an ancient people - Ukry, which existed always and always was so called.

- Russians stole their name from Ukraine. (Therefore, the Svidomit language to pronounce the word Russia simply does not turn. Instead, new words are invented: Raška, Rosya, Roissya, Ryutsikiia (Matsatsakalia) and other linguistic perversions). True, this statement is in contradiction with the previous one, but who cares about the little things?

- Ukraine actually occupied half of the territory of the USSR and should double / triple after the inevitable collapse of Russia.

- Before the “famine”, Ukrainians constituted more than half of the population of the USSR.

- All the good things in the USSR are the result of the activities of the Ukrainians, all the bad things are of the Russians.

- Ukraine feeds Russia. Without Ukraine, we will die of hunger.

- Ukrainians do not swear. Obscene language to Russia is not obscene.

- Russians don't work. Not in the sense of working poorly, but not working at all. Tajiks and Ukrainians do everything for them.

- Russians have pronounced Mongoloid facial features, walk in sandals, sleep on the stove in an embrace with balalaikas and prefer glass-making (don't ask me what it is, I have been trying to find out from Svidomitov myself for many years), brandy and tequilka. About bears on the streets do not mention. They generously left the Europeans.

Speaking of this, they are not fooled, I assure you. They know this for sure and talk about the intricacies of our wretched life quite seriously with amazing details.

- Russians are not Slavs, but at the same time: Finns / Ugrians / Mordovians / Mongols / Tatars.

- And right there: Among the Slavs, the ancient Ukr is the elder brother, and the Russian, respectively, the younger. Again, do not look for a logical link with the previous statement.

“Every morning, Putin’s bloody tyrant wakes up with the thought of how disgusting Ukraine could be.” He enforces an empire in Russia, claims that the Russians are the highest, God's chosen race, educates them in chauvinism and nationalism and, in general, intends to conquer the whole world, eclipsing Dr. Evil. He zombied the population so much that he was worshiped as God. If it hadn’t been in Russia, the Orange would have already ruled long ago, and gas would have been supplied at a fair price of 50 $ per cubic meter.

“Hungry Russians dream of moving to Ukraine.” The number of Russian migrant workers in Ukraine is growing at an unprecedented pace.

And the most important myth: Ukraine will soon become the greatest power of the planet, which will be admired by all nations. The only obstacle is who? Of course, Russia. Soon, very soon the United States will destroy Russia and all its wealth will be given to Ukraine. Why Ukraine? Stupid question. And who else?

Features and trends "Hohlosracha"

Remember Kipling:
“We are great! We are free! We are admirable! Worthy of
admiration like no other people in the jungle! We all say that - it means
true! they shouted. - Now we will tell you about ourselves what we are.
wonderful, since you listen to us and can pass our words to the people
The jungle so that in the future he will pay attention to us. ”

Is it any wonder after this that the nickname “Banderlog” is also firmly attached to Svidomit?

But the most remarkable thing is that as a result of repeated repetitions Banderlog themselves believed in their greatness. And if several years ago it was a deliberate trolling in order to disbalance your opponent, now it is being asserted as quite well-known truths. Attempts to point out some lightness of arguments come across immediate obscene language.

From the outside it may seem that one person writes the same thing under different nicknames. And it is, as without it. But a new generation has grown up, which thinks with the same stamps and repeats them one after the other word by word. And the number of such individuals is growing.

But not everywhere.

As already mentioned, Ukraine as a single community is not. There are left-bank carriers of imperial psychology and there are descendants of Polish slaves, whose servility has not disappeared until now.

The Poles used to call Ukrainians Roguls before. Therefore, the word "Rogul" among svidomitov-banderlogov - puppies under a tacit ban.

But here residents of the left-bank Ukraine use the word in relation to the Right Bank people constantly.

The battle on the Ukrainian sites goes day and night. Ours participate in it. The majority is engaged in frank shob. That is, the attacks on Russia in response to hatred of Svidomitam cause contempt. Imagine how offensive - rushing your breasts to the embrasure, and instead of screaming horror from the bunker you can hear laughter and snide comments about the obscenity of your posture.

But, from the point of view of inciting national hatred, this is also a good result. Even those who are fighting seriously, the main question to Ukram is: “What is your name, a doggie barking at an elephant?”. And in this very often, almost constantly, the Russians come out in one front together with the inhabitants of the Crimea, the East and the South of Ukraine. Accordingly, Westerners hate their Southern and Eastern citizens until a frenzy, before convulsions. Even more than Muscovites.

But although the puppeteers may well report on the success of the operation, for the non-understanding the essence of ordinary Roguli, the main thing is still to come. Since on their sites, the complete superiority of Ukraine and the insignificance of Russia is proved (Who does not agree with the suitcase-station-Russia), they decided that the time had come for ideological expansion.

The time has come to explain to the Russians that they are nobody, a people without nationality, history, honor, intelligence, conscience and property. Therefore, when Ukry will come (they have everything in the future tense) for their own, Muscovites must give everything without resistance and with words of gratitude for science.

In the meantime, we must repent. Moreover, it is not repenting that 300 has been drinking juice for years and not in the Holodomor. These are past affairs. We must repent of today's terrible and indisputable crime: that the proud freedom-loving Ukraine in 20 years has not become the second France.
Ask, where is Russia? And who else?

Ruthless ideological rink from Ukraine is approaching. Blitzkrieg is inevitable, because it cannot be otherwise. This is fatum.
In general, prepare for defeat at the mental level, colleagues. Get ready and tremble.

However, there is one option. Remember why the Ancient Gods lost their power? They forgot about them.

Do not argue with Svidomitami at all. Ignore Hohlosrach. Fully. Remember that he is inspired by the enemies of both nations. Do not feed the troll-banderlogov, do not stoop to their level. The way they wriggle in front of a mirror and are poisoned by their own poison.
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  1. Vanek
    15 February 2012 07: 15
    I’ll read it, but the map is already scary
    1. admiral
      15 February 2012 17: 06
      Ukry, which is 140 years old, is cool !!!
      Unfortunately, these people also have enough. Nazis. Skinheads ... But if the employer of our homegrown fascists is quite obvious, then who pays these sadomas gets a double benefit in general, besides divide and conquer, there is also a complete unification of the territory under control !! !
      It doesn’t remember the old Brzezinski’s mind: Ukraine is confidently marching to the West, and if Russia (read the rushka) behaves well, then the unwashed ancient ukry will take with them! fellow
  2. +35
    15 February 2012 07: 18
    I support the author.
    As a site administrator, you have to ban such "tovarischas" almost every day.
    Yesterday made some changes - limited the number of comments per day (10-6-3) for those who are on the shoulder straps of the skull. So, they will not be able to write much ...
    1. +12
      15 February 2012 07: 36
      Smirnov Vadim,
      I welcome you, Vadim and thank you for cleaning the site - it has become easier to breathe. And as for the article, I think, dear Charon, your aunt teacher would deliver 5 + to you and I would love to support her! Very informative, reasoned and correct. Plus, pal Charon. drinks
      1. +15
        15 February 2012 09: 51
        Greetings Valery! I read your information about Venediktov. What can I say is high time, these friends are much more dangerous than a primitive "osrach"
        aggressive trolling is a common provocation with the aim of provoking a sharp and negative reaction among opponents, preferably with insults and elements of chauvinism and ethnic hatred. Then the response comments are processed break out of the context of the dialogue and placed, for example, in front of an audience of Ukrainian sites. Like, Ukrainians look at the evil people who hate the Ukrainian people, i.e. the usual substitution of concepts occurs. (Do they get paid for such work? I don’t know, but I think some 30 Judas coins are still tossed to them). This is the usual marginal Internet chantrap
        Much more dangerous are professional ideologues from "independent media outlets and a zombie boxer like Venediktov (by the way, the owners no longer pay them 30 pieces of silver). They scrupulously select negative and provocative information and in an unobtrusive form in the form of news blocks and digests with comments from various political scientists and" prominent economists "pours out on the brains of our citizens after a hard day, who sat down to watch TV. As a result, an ordinary sane person creates a negative image of the surrounding reality, the wretchedness and depravity of power, bitterness and anger. Then, as if in passing, finally (and only the last phrase according to Stirlitz is remembered) how well and correctly they fight corruption and crime somewhere in prosperous Sweden.The person is led to the conclusion why I need SUCH a country and a government of thieves and crooks, let the right guys come from behind the hill and put things in order here at last and we go to the rally and we will help them.
        Where do these "soldiers" of the ideological war come from? As a rule, from refined humanitarians, historians, journalists, bloggers who in life do not know how to do anything except how to profitably sell themselves to Western owners to receive another grant for a historical science-like myth-dissertation distorting the history of Russia in a way beneficial for its enemies or to mold themselves into an image of an implacable defender of human rights and a fighter against corruption such as Navalny, As they themselves admit that business is nothing personal, the main thing is to sell themselves more expensively. They know that it is not so easy to refute a "loud sensational opus" and the one who refutes is always in a losing position because he has to make excuses somehow.
        For example, such an Opus, the bloodthirsty Zhukov forced him to attack through minefields, as a result of which all his victories and military leadership were nothing more than a myth of Soviet propaganda. Although any platoon commander will tell you that if you run into a minefield you need to go ahead because there will be fewer losses, as the laid-down personnel will inevitably be taken into the mortar plug and will load it all together with the commander. Then it’s necessary to explain why he won’t get it all in the minefield, for this, for an ignorant citizen you need to read a whole lecture about the methods and types of setting various mine-explosive barriers, the applied configuration of mines, landfills, etc. etc. and it’s boring and uninteresting. And there are a lot of such examples. Later I will tell a case in point from personal practice as the press forms a negative image of the army and exaggerated sensations.
        1. admiral
          15 February 2012 17: 22
          Can you imagine what kind of reaction of a sentiment of this kind occurs in young brains poisoned with scribble: they serve in the army only, the cannon fodder of which, the Zhukov’s bloody masons, make their career path !!! This is a diversion of pure water! Read the relevant article to become the Criminal Code, so where is the reaction of the competent authorities! ..
          In the same celebrated America, such a Venediktov would have long been drunk by a Kamaz, or had been caught wearing a black maid ...
          And in our country, Rasey, walk a flaw1 Business, you see, is - business! Nothing personal !!! And where else is even more personal! angry fool
        2. dmitri076
          15 February 2012 18: 03
          "audience of Ukrainian sites." - I will try to answer an expert in everything ... today in Ukraine there is a certain set of a wide variety of media (television, print and especially the Internet), so citizens, if they want to, of course, have a fairly good choice and an ALTERNATIVE in submitting a wide variety of information .. no need to make from all the fools .. and let's not initially insult people by attributing to them non-existent "pieces of silver" .. there is evidence? imagine and we will discuss! no, don’t try! (I hope they won't be banned for this? laughing ) further: "negative information is selected" ... a strange approach .. what is really happening, then they try to show! there are positive points, show! but instead of the dangerous fire on December 30 in Roslyakovo at the nuclear submarine (info in Kommersant-Vlast), it is not necessary to show some kind of crap about the horrors taking place in Europe ... is your own more important? is not it? let's make ALL Russian media private and let them COMPETE among themselves for viewer and listener! why limit them? what are the authorities afraid of? or Venediktov in the tragedy of Bulgaria "is to blame? when journalists are accused - this is already an open weakness of the authorities! this is obvious .. do not like Navalny? offer your fighter against corruption! what is the problem? where are they? show them?" only with documents and evidence, but not with unsubstantiated statements ... when "the press is to blame for everything," this is called the inability of the authorities to exercise their powers ... and there are ELECTIONS to solve this problem! LET PEOPLE COME TO THEM AND ASSIGN someone they love and dear to them. no need to go into the electoral process like an elephant in a china shop .. it is very noticeable ..

          and one more thing: if Putin is so confident and firm in himself, then let him go ON LIVE with BULK and smash all his claims regarding simply gigantic CORRUPTION in Russia! .. with documents and facts in hand! this will be a worthy deed!
    2. +7
      15 February 2012 08: 06
      I have a suggestion: along with the nickname on the profile, highlight the user's IP address and this will immediately give its result in ignoring their comments by other forum users.
      1. +3
        15 February 2012 08: 33
        That's exactly what the banderlog troll has
    3. +1
      15 February 2012 09: 44
      I fully support, Charon.

      Vadim, but they will not clone with wild speed?
      Can filter by IP?
      here, immediately did not pay attention, alexneg offers the same.
      1. +6
        15 February 2012 09: 50
        Now many IPs are dynamic, that is, every time they connect to the Internet, an arbitrary IP number is allocated, where the last digits may be different each time.

        And in order to show the location of the visitor - already done, to the right of the nickname, the country of location is shown.
        1. Hans grohman
          15 February 2012 13: 30
          Good article, just one remark - I have never come across the word "roguel" in colloquial speech, we often say "rogul".
          1. +3
            15 February 2012 15: 42
            I confirm. , With emphasis on a
            1. Charon
              15 February 2012 16: 45
              I accept the comment. I practically do not use the word itself, but I did not bother to check it.
              1. dmitri076
                15 February 2012 17: 21
                "I accept the remark." - and where is the exit, respected expert? what to do with such monsters of the human race? maybe for a count?
              2. matvey.z
                16 February 2012 00: 49
                and gas would be supplied at a fair price of $ 50 per cubic meter. ,
                For 1000 m3.
                50 per m3 - we are all in favor, but Ukrainians will be 50 years AGAINST such a sweet price ....
        2. Physician
          15 February 2012 17: 48
          Quote: Smirnov Vadim
          Now many IPs are dynamic, that is, every time they connect to the Internet, an arbitrary IP number is allocated, where the last digits may be different each time.

          And in order to show the location of the visitor - we are already working on it, there is not enough finance for everything ...

          Indicate the virtual wallet, we will help you than we can, such a trash as Bandera should be removed from the site all this scum here in order to paralyze the resource and mock users it just goes beyond all boundaries remove the sadist and Russophobe and his bots that sow racial hatred and incite intolerance!
          Here they are
    4. dmitri076
      15 February 2012 17: 19
      "As a site administrator, almost every day you have to ban such" tovarischas "." - when will the admins put up a CLEAR AND EXHAUSTIVE list of reasons for the ban ?! or "I wanted it so"? but what about freedom of communication? or any criticism is prohibited a priori? give transparent principles of punishment
      1. Reader
        15 February 2012 19: 30
        Quote: dmitri076
        A clear and exhaustive list of reasons for the ban

        You sadist raise your eyes above read that All People write about you am
        You are not going to scoff at People!
        1. dmitri076
          15 February 2012 20: 37
          "You are a sadist, lift your eyes higher, read what All People write about you am
          You won't scoff at People here "- oh, that's it ..... I am a fiend? .. laughing thanks for the compliment of course, however, who am I mocking here, buddy? .. just besides stupid minuscation, some elementary arguments aren’t ... so who is to blame for this? Yes
          1. ytqnhfk
            16 February 2012 06: 31
            You always have arguments! You have achieved that you don’t want to talk at all - you just got tired of your tactics, by the way, you are not Ukrainian, but more Jewish because you have more meaningless questions about your own questions!
    5. ytqnhfk
      16 February 2012 06: 23
      Vadim Smirnov THANKS FOR ACCOUNTING WISHES !!!!!!!!!!
  3. KamikadZzzE
    15 February 2012 07: 37
    Forewarned is forearmed
  4. +4
    15 February 2012 07: 40
    I agree with the author, the less attention there is on trolls, the more complete the information on the article under discussion. Just another discussion grows into a skirmish with the wretched ...
  5. Vanek
    15 February 2012 07: 41
    "BROTHER 2"
    you still answer me for Sevastopol
  6. Uralm
    15 February 2012 07: 41
    Charon. everything is right
  7. +9
    15 February 2012 07: 55
    After the division of the Black Sea Fleet and the appearance of the Ukrainian Navy in the vast oceans, a textbook in Ukrainian was published in Canada for conducting PPR with personnel. Thick book of pages three hundred and four hundred.
    So there it was said in all seriousness that the Cossacks invented the submarine... about the great hetmans, chieftains and other loop I will not tell ...
  8. +7
    15 February 2012 08: 02
    Credit card.
    Instead of rogues and ukrov, I propose to call the independent ones - ROGUKRA.
    In fact, the author is right south and Crimea for us ...
  9. +6
    15 February 2012 08: 35
    Yes, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
  10. +6
    15 February 2012 08: 53
    Credit Card ...
    prefer glass (do not ask me what it is, I’ve been trying to find out from Svidomites for many years)

    Campaign is a tool for washing the windshield in the winter ...

    From the same opera ...
    From the published history book of Ukraine. (Translation from Ukrainian with author's notes).
    An excerpt from a Ukrainian history book on the Holodomor looks something like this:
    Once upon a time there lived a dancing nation, a merry people. And so he loved to dance and have fun, that the rest, not so advanced peoples of the world marveled and envied. Or maybe they were annoyed by the creak of floorboards and latitudes-meridians under girls’s boots, but they could not create anything to stop that dance, because besides all, there were trousers from the local couple, as well as good horses and sharp Cossack sabers fed with bread and salt. In the end, if some evil people were too bored, the little pair of ships outfitted the ships hollowed out of the best trees in the world and went on a march across the seas to pacify the negligent, it happened, they even got to Greece. However, worse than all the imperfect peoples was, of course, the strange and terribly wild northern people. At first, the noble dancing people felt sorry for the northern dirties, even taught them to build huts, forge iron, navigate stars and at least occasionally make laundry. But the vile northern people, until then living in caves and trees with bears, harbored a cruel resentment against the dancing people, stemming from their own insignificance.
    1. +4
      15 February 2012 09: 43
      and you can refer to this "textbook"! ??? It’s hard to believe that this could have been written ... although Yusch’s brother at one time managed to concoct a similar textbook - maybe it’s out of him! ????
      1. 0
        15 February 2012 18: 39
        Dart weyder
        and you can refer to this "textbook"! ???

        I would know that it would come to that — I would keep the original (I held it in my hands and read it personally, take a word). And it was published at the very beginning of the process, even under Kravchuk.
        1. URB
          16 February 2012 04: 57
          such textbooks were not in educational institutions, article and provocation
          1. +1
            16 February 2012 06: 10
            Textbooks were in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for "educational" work with the personnel. No provocations.
    2. +1
      15 February 2012 11: 14
      Quote: PSih2097
      Campaign is a tool for washing the windshield in the winter ...

      This detergent "Clean" was so called in the 90s, such as a yellowish solvent or rubbing based on technical alcohol which was a rampage at industrial enterprises of the Union, is now prohibited and not widespread, homeless people were blind from it and their legs were taken away from them, they hardly ever used it regularly someone else is alive.
      1. eSid
        15 February 2012 11: 18
        now banned and not distributed

        Well, yes, but to see vodka in the frost in the Donetsk car market they were selling instead of antifreeze. Everything was and is.
        1. 0
          15 February 2012 19: 13
          Quote: eSid
          Well, yes, but to see vodka in the frost in the Donetsk car market they were selling instead of antifreeze. Everything was and is.

          You confuse it with an ice-freezer, it was rubbing liquor, by the way the ice-freezer also changed, alcohol left Russia, now it doesn’t stick, it stinks wildly and freezes at -30
  11. +7
    15 February 2012 09: 33
    Hello, thanks to the author.
  12. 755962
    15 February 2012 10: 11
    When on the site swearing reaches the mat, not only leave the forum, but generally turn off the computer and go for a walk on the street. I don't want to offend anyone even behind the "keyboard" in quiet. And if after this article it will be quieter, then I’m only glad to be honest. Finally, at least somehow they solved the problem of rudeness and hamla.
  13. +7
    15 February 2012 10: 22
    Thanks to the author and support in ignoring the banderlogs.
  14. eSid
    15 February 2012 10: 48

    "water" for washing the windshield, made on the basis of alcohol :) Carries like a drunk with experience :)
  15. connect30
    15 February 2012 10: 54
    In fact, the name "" and "I am a Nazi muzzle," came from the 16-17 century. Ukrainians were called "ami" for the forelocks that were in fashion then. And "I am a Nazi muzzle, om" they called the Russians for beards in the form of goat beards, (like a tsap).
  16. itr
    15 February 2012 10: 56
    the map is just a bomb
  17. +7
    15 February 2012 11: 02
    Ukrainians have the same attitude to Kievan Rus as the Turks to Byzantium. For
    territorial overlap is the only thing that connects them accordingly.
    Until the 18 century, Ukrainians were generally called Circassians.

    The Ukrainian HUT (the Turkic word) is built from adobe (a mixture of clay, dung and straw) (also the Turkic word), from this alone you can see where this technology was taken from.
    What is the fence of HATU? Correctly THIS (this is also a Turkic word)
    What decorates the HUT surrounded by THESE? Correctly KYLYOM (also a Turkic word).
    What do Ukrainian men wear? Correctly Turkic harem pants, Turkic wide belts and hats.
    Ukrainian women wear PLAHTU (also Türkism) and the TURKISH HOUSE.
    What is the army of Ukrainians? Correct KOZAKI (also Turkism), what do they look like?
    Just like the Turks-Pechenegs (whom Svyatoslav copied in his appearance by the way), the Polovtsy and Circassians later looked the same (this is by the way why the Russians often confused the Cossacks and the Circassians, they were very much alike, and called them one word "Circassians" by the way, this is how the city of Cherkassy got its name): a lock of hair not shaved on the back of the head, a sign of belonging to the Turkic military class, in the ear a Turkic earring (meaning what kind of son in the family you are, if you are the only one that you took care of), in the mouth of LULKA (Turkism) stuffed TYUTYUNOM (Türkism) in the hands of BANDUR (Türkism) In which military units are the Cossacks?
    IN CATS (Turkism) Their symbol is BUNCHUK (Turkism).
    In Ukrainian more about 500 of Turkisms: MOV, Chumak, Kat, Nenka, Ruh, Maidan, Hamanets, Leleka, Surma, etc.
    The Ukrainians, like the Polovtsians, divide their land along the Dnieper. And ukr. just like the Cumans digging in the KRYNYTSY steppe (Turkism). I'm not even talking about the fact that 70% of Ukrainians have dark eyes and dark hair. So Ukrainians should turn to their true history: the Berendey, Cumans, Torks, black hoods, " Tatar people ".

    Let's take Ukrainian surnames for the analysis, the ending -ko in the Turkic language means "son" (kyo), that is, in Ukraine surnames were formed in the same way as in Russia, only in Ros. "SON OF PETROV", and the son disappeared was just Petrov (the same as in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, Slovakia), then in Ukraine they said Petra-KO (in Turkic, Son of Peter) that transformed into Petrenko and others, the same Turkic roots have surnames in -uk, -uk, (Turkic Hayuk, Tayuk, Kuchuk) Ukrainian Kravchuk, Mykolaichuk, etc.
    In addition, a number of Ukrainian surnames remained absolutely Turkic Buchma, Kuchma (in Turkic it is a high pointed cap) !!!

    Such a common Ukrainian surname as Shevchenko is of Adyghe origin. It goes back to the word “sheujen”, with which the Circassians designated their Christian priests. Their descendants were naturally called “shevzhenko”, “shevchenko”, it is known that in Turkish “KO” means a descendant, a son. Another very common surname Shevchuk goes back to the Adyghe surname Shevatsuk.

    The next promising surname in terms of Adyghe etymology is Buta. This surname exists in Ukraine and in the form of Butko, Buteyko, Butenko. In 1637, a rebellion broke out in Zaporozhye, led by Pavlo Buta, nicknamed Pavlyuk. It is known that one of the associates of the Sultan of BarkUK bore this name - Buta al-Cherkasy. The Ukrainians, following the Turkic peoples, draw up the names in - uk - Chuk. The notorious surname KUCHMA is only a distortion from the Adyghe Kuchmez, Kuchmezok. The Ukrainian surname Demenyuk dates back to the Adyghe Demenuko. Demenoko. In the same row is the river Demenyuk in Kabarda. A completely Circassian composite is the Ukrainian surname CHICHKO, which is used in the same form in Adygea. Ukr. Fam. Ananka, Onyshko, Opryshko, are an Abkhaz-Circassian composite. Of interest is the Kabardian surname GOGOLEV, actually GOGOL. This word is a purely Adyghe composite where - Gogo - has several interpretations at once.

    The center of the Dnieper Cherkasy was the Zaporizhzhya Sich on the island of Khortytsya. It is significant that the toponym Khortytsya has quite adequate Adyghe meaning. Khortytsya is just a slight distortion from hurtis (hurtis) “a place where men gather”, where hur is “man”, and t1ys “sit down”. As you know, the Zaporizhzhya Sich really was a men's assembly where women were not allowed. The word “slice” goes back to the Adyghe SE “knife”, “cut”; hence the common meaning of “slice” for Ukrainian, Russian and Polish, as well as a checker (from sashkho “big knife”). THRESHOLD is a general concept for Ukrainian, Russian, and Polish (prog). In Adyghe peraoh (peraohju) means “obstacle” and, apparently, initially this concept was related to the terrain, since the old Adyghe dwelling had no threshold. Almost the basic concept of Ukrainian life is a HUTOR. The influence of the Adyghe language, as well as the Adyghe way of life and settlement is also obvious here. In the modern Adyghe farm is designated as qutyr. The Ukrainian language proves Adyghe's lexical and structural archaisms. The stay of ethnic Circassians in Ukraine was reflected in the genotype of the Ukrainian nation. The similarity of the external appearance of Ukrainians and Circassians drew the attention of Af. Shafonsky, author of the end of the 18th century: “The present mountain Circassians in appearance of their faces, in their clothes and in all their grasps, to this day are very similar to the inhabitants living in the lower parts of the Dnieper, and are especially similar to the former Zaporozhye Cossacks, which are generally all Little Russians, from the old are called Circassians. ” But the features of significant similarity in the anthropological and ethnographic appearance of Ukrainians and Circassians are not the result of only the assimilation of the latter in the 13th-18th centuries, but they are also a consequence of the presence of an MORE ANCIENT TUSK population in this territory.

    What do the "typically Slavic" names of settlements KAGARLYK, DYMER, BUCHA, UZIN mean (Kiev region),
    UMAN, KORSUN, KUT, CHIGIRIN- (Cherkasy region, BUCHACH- (Ternopil region)),
    TURK, SAMBOR, BUSK- (Lviv region), BAKHMACH, ICHNYA- (Chernihiv region),
    BURSTYN, KUTY, KALUSH - (Ivano-frank.oyul.), KhUST- (Carpathian region),
    TURIYSK- (Volyn region), AKHTYRKA, BURYN - (Sumy region),
    ROMODAN - (Poltava region), KODYMA, GAYSAN - (Vinnitsa region),
    SAVRAN - (Kirovograd region), ISMAIL, TATARBUNARI, ARCIZ and a huge number of others?

    In Turkic, "Shchina" or "Ina" means "land", and if in Kievan Rus and
    Russia was written by Chernihiv land, Kiev land, Novgorod land
    then in Ukraine only Chernihiv, Kyiv,
    and the land at the edge (at the border) - "At the edge of the INA" (meaning the border of Russian lands).
    Comments are redundant. In Russia, they still write Moscow LAND, Siberian LAND!

    In Russia, Turkic words often wintered NEGATIVELY. Those. Barn - in Turkic PALACE, in Russian HALUPA for cattle and utensils. BASHKA - "stupid head" and "bright head (glorious word)". KOSHCHEY is the name of a fabulous collective EVIL, and the Turkic POLOVTSY-KASHCHEY, i.e. the Russians fought against the Polovtsians, and did not mingle with them. So it is with the Turkic word SHCHINA - earth. The Russians have a NON-TOTAL, TATARSHINA - that is, Tatars Germans their side of their land- ENEMIES. Negative borrowing speaks of the opposition of cultures of their opposites, Russians never say - Siberian, Muscovite. And in Ukraine, SHCHINA has a positive borrowing - Kyiv region, so we call our land !!! What does this mean? The fact that Tatar words were not perceived as hostile, BUT AS THEIR CLOSE KIND !!!! There are also plenty of such positive borrowings as KOHANA, native HUROT, HATA. Now it is clear why the Ukrainians did not retain their self-name RUSSIANS AND RUSS-good heirs of Kievan Rus !!! They now call their land in Tatar language SHCHINA.

    Baths were built in Ancient Russia (where by the way Olga burned the Drevlyansky ambassadors) as in Russia; in Russia they built log houses as in Russia; they drank honey, recipes of which were preserved only in Russia; in Russia, epics that were preserved only in Russia were told (this is not a fairy tale about the Cossack of Mamaia); in Russia they wrote annals and literary works which, again, were preserved only in Russia (THE TALK OF TIME YEARS, albeit in copies BUT SAVED - knew YOURSELF, the Word about Igor's regiment, etc.)
    In Russia, a lot of architectural monuments from the time of Russia have been preserved.
    In Ukraine, the oldest building dates back to 1324. Everything else is thoroughly rebuilt (like Laurels in the Barroco style (!!!), which they pass as an ancient architectural monument
    Russia) and restored (such as the Golden Gate) in Polish time.
    The question arises why the Ukrainians didn’t cherish all this, the answer is that it’s not all theirs.


    Saltovite Bulgars, Chernihiv Bulgars, black hoods,
    Polovtsy-Koshchei, Horde-Kypchak minority, Nogai outcasts,
    Mongol-Tatars Batu,
    the remains of Rusichs and a bit of Lyakho-Lithuanians are the REAL UKRAINIAN.

    princely dynasties and Russia survived only in Russia and Belarus.
    And MAMAI became an epic hero in Ukraine.,769466
    1. Asketxnumx
      15 February 2012 15: 02
      Thanks for the educational program. Your notes and yes to each independent site!
    2. 0
      15 February 2012 17: 13
      I ... didn’t understand something, dear ... *) Do you feel bad about the Turks, excuse me? *))) I understand, of course, he loves Russian with Ukranets, bite each other = however, just like Kazakh and Uzbek =, but nevertheless, there is a measure of respect, I think ... *)

      I don't say here that in Uzbekistan, "Cossacks" are called rodents = emron-goat, kumron-goat =, in memory of the bandit campaigns of the Cossacks, on the territory of Central Asia = rodents are also the same, they made raids = ... *)

      You see ... history is history ... *) you need to know and remember it ... and not try to distort and distort. And now, all the same, I think it’s worth being the bearer of modern culture, and not the past ... *) For example, I was formed in the USSR ... I am proud of both my past in the USSR and I remember my Turkic roots and I equally respect both the Russians and their roots, and the Ukrainians and their roots ...

      Dudes ... in general - take a measure in everything ... *))
      1. Dust
        15 February 2012 17: 20
        What was it? Nothing in Uzbekistan is much better than neighbors under the name of goats, that is, the current Kazakh do you know? Side by side longer, you know ...
        No need to invent, huh?
        1. 0
          15 February 2012 17: 29
          Have you ever thought about the ethnogenesis of the word - Cossack, Kazakh? *)) In Central Asia - Cossack, Kazakh - "renegade, outcast", a person expelled by the community ... *)
          1. Dust
            15 February 2012 17: 32
            You tell the local Kazakhs this - and I will admire it from the outside!
            And then I’m balancing on the verge of a ban ...
            Oh, already in anticipation ...
            1. 0
              15 February 2012 17: 35
              Oh, oh ... *)) I understand that perfectly well ... maybe Kazakhs will be reassured by the fact that I say that the word Uzbek = I myself am Uzbek = is a relative "remake"? *)) Both Kazakh and Uzbek, in general use, appeared already during the Soviet era ... *)
              1. 0
                15 February 2012 17: 45
                Meanwhile, it is a well-known fact that at the beginning of the 1312th century Sheibani Khan brought to Central Asia those very "Uzbeks" - the Horde, who left their homeland and, as you know, adopted a new name ("Uzbeks") in honor of Uzbek Khan (1341 -XNUMX ), who established Islam as the state religion in the Golden Horde. “So, the Turks who remained in Samarkand and Fergana,” writes the same Gumilyov, “bear the name of their conquerors, the Uzbeks. The same Turks, who left for India, began to be called“ Moguls ”in memory of the fact that three hundred years ago they obeyed the Mongol to the prince ... "
                1. 0
                  15 February 2012 17: 56
                  You confuse, however, the cause with the effect ... *) The reason is the nationality even - the tribe = Uzbeks, the consequence - the people, Uzbeks ... *)) what is not clear then? *) This is soooo anxious, damn it ... *)
        2. 0
          15 February 2012 17: 50
          As for fabrications ... *) Does it see - we are talking about the Yaitsky (Ural) Cossack army ... *) I didn’t have the Terek Cossacks or the Terek Cossacks there ... *) And these guys robbed including in the Middle Asia ... And in the face they gave SA khans, and in the face they got ... it's history ... you know? *)
      2. 0
        15 February 2012 17: 32
        No offense to the Kazakhs ... in general, the Kazakhs, as far as I remember, were, in life, Kara-Kyrgyz ... and the word Kazakh, in general use, is a fairly new word, by historical standards ... *)
    3. 0
      15 February 2012 17: 26
      emron-goat - Cossack glutton - gopher
      Kumron Goat - Sand Cossack - Groundhog

      etc. etc.

      In general, we cooked in the same cauldron, we were all together, for many, many, many centuries ... and fought, but still more - we were friends, it seems to me. The guarantee of friendship is - Iranisms, Turkisms, Russian inclusions, IN ALL languages ​​of the "common pot" ... *) And look in the mirror yourself - how much blood has mixed in you? Is it worth it to worry about trifles, while forgetting that all of us, together to live on this land - the Heartland, Eurasia - who like nravitstsa ... *)
    4. Hans grohman
      15 February 2012 17: 29
      Quote: Chuck-Norris
      Ukrainians have the same attitude to Kievan Rus as the Turks to Byzantium. For
      territorial overlap is the only thing that connects them accordingly.

      Terry hooked the author! Yo! The statement is at least inadequate, but in a good way, and at all - rudeness!

      Further in the text (blah-blah-blah pseudo etymology, etc.) Yes, there are many Turkic borrowings in the Ukrainian language, but this is natural. And by the way - "money" from the Turkic "tanga", etc. By the way, Ukrainian (not new, but the one that was taught in the schools of the Ukrainian SSR) and Belarusian are MUCH closer to Old Church Slavonic than modern Russian! The explanation is simple - Russian was a "common imperial" language, and as a result, it was much more susceptible to the natural (and sometimes artificial) process of transformation. So borrowing from the Turkic language was peculiar not so much to the Ukrainian language as to the Slavs in general.

      Quote: Chuck-Norris
      Negative borrowing speaks of the opposition of cultures of their opposite, Russians never say - Siberian, Moscow. And in Ukraine, SHCHINA has a positive borrowing - Kyivshchina, so we call our land !!! What is this talking about? The fact that the Tatar words were not perceived as hostile, AND HOW THEIR CLOSELY NATIVE !!!!

      After reading this terry delusional, the author would like to wish less to plump, peck, smell, and generally begin to recover !!!

      Quote: Chuck-Norris
      In Ukraine, the oldest building dates back to 1324. Everything else is thoroughly rebuilt (like Laurels in the Barroco style (!!!), which they pass as an ancient architectural monument
      Russia) and restored (such as the Golden Gate) in Polish time.

      Was the author in Kiev? Have you personally seen Lavra ??? Have you seen the golden gate? NO!!!!! Otherwise, I would not write such delusional !!!

      Quote: Chuck-Norris

      The administration of "VO" certainly knows better, but IMHO - this article, at least part of it quoted by the stern Chuck Noris, is nothing more than an attempt to incite ethnic hatred.

      To summarize, I would like to once again wish the author of the article to recover, and if it doesn’t work out, kill himself against the wall.
      Sincerely, Paul.
  18. - = 999 = -
    15 February 2012 11: 09
    1. Aleksey67
      15 February 2012 11: 14
      Quote: - = 999 = -

      Do you think that when Caps Lock is turned on you will be better seen? Annoying this spelling in capital letters, I’m not a plus or minus myself and I don’t see how my comments vary, but when I see BIG LETTERS, the mouse itself presses the down arrow smile
      1. - = 999 = -
        15 February 2012 14: 43
        1. with
          22 February 2012 22: 25
          Read, you read, and write only in large print ???))
          Smiled !!!))
  19. +5
    15 February 2012 11: 13
    Trolling (from the English. Trolling - catching fish on a spinner, not to be confused with trawling - catching fish using a trawl) - posting obviously provocative messages with the aim of causing a flood wave, flame, offtopic, receiving a negative reaction from users. Often the result of trolling is the lulz.

    It is also possible to understand how the Russian-language deformation of the word troll (trawl): bullying. The link in the words is the opposite, that is, for example, the pacifiers were poisoned even when the concept of “trolling” in RuNet and this was not used by your Fido. But in Western forums and blogs, the very concept of don't trawl already existed. Therefore, it is not clear what appeared earlier. However, to everyone.

    It should be noted that trolling is similar to bullying, but differs from it primarily in common sense (usually trolls only for lulz) and in the second, dependent number of audience (unlike bullying, where the victim is persecuted and humiliated). Although one does not exclude the other, especially if you see that the victim at the same time creeps.

    The troll is the author of a provocative message (previously the message itself was called so).

    The main trolling levels, in increasing order of difficulty:
    Pretending to be an idiot. A special account is created from which the complete stupidity of CAPSLOCK begins to be written. Community members begin to make fun of themselves, then dress themselves in front of each other. The method is interesting if you want to look at the reaction of some people. Srach is short-lived, as there is no opposition, and ends after the exit. Nevertheless, there may be even more people whom this will annoy, and they will boldly go to the ban with the troll to succumb to a provocation. But this is very rare.

    Throwing slander, incriminating evidence, rumors about a person, group or event. It works very well on pirated sites of any Sharo-vara, where they usually post links to ripped films and television series. The troll usually finds a link to another similar web resource, and throws it as an answer to the question "Does it happen when the next series is already: ??". Lovers of freebies begin to argue about when the series will appear, sobsno, and rub their brains about a link in which there really is nothing. A fun sight for torrent coves. True, very often ends with a sharp ban from the side of the distributor.

    Impersonation of a girl with the further divorce of some kind of romance and exposure. Oppositions are gullible romantics on the one hand, and mistrustful sullen internet wolves on the other. A separate view can be considered a divorce of lesbians and feminists. A sea of ​​lulz is provided. A special lulz is delivered when the kagbs flirt with two (several) horses to sow enmity between them.

    Impersonation of a foreigner. You should go to the channel, ask a stupid question in English, start asking again. Many will rush to demonstrate their deep knowledge in foreign languages. Others will begin to correct them. A careful selection of locations is required, otherwise it is thick. At one time, it worked very well on multilingual resources, Pedivikia or LJ.

    Insulting a person with an unstable psyche. However, this participant usually has several like-minded friends who will intercede for him. Some members of the community, aware of the impenetrable stupidity of the victim, also begin to scoff at them and make fun of them, thus creating opposition. In the end, you can ask what city it is from, say that you are also from this city, look at a map of this city on Google, and assign a “arrow” near some remarkable place (it is better not to choose monuments and sights, a hospital, a large store will do) . After his departure to the "arrow" to reveal the card.

    A dispute over tastes (musical, food, cinematic, fiction, alcoholic, etc.). Then take an unsupported position and start arguing with the majority. Food is proportional to the knowledge of the topic. Special Olympics in its very natural form.
    Aichi. Having minimal IT skills, you can ask for help, and after listening to the recommendations, declare them lamer and stupid. Having a little more knowledge, you can ask to justify these tips, slightly doubting their correctness by asking additional questions and clarifying the details of the problem, which, ideally, make the proposed solutions wrong, and even worse harmful. Actually refers not only to IT. Of the minuses - it is advisable to really thoroughly know the subject.

    Political Srach. You should post an urgent political problem, look at how most users react to it, and declare them a stupid zombie cattle who have been brainwashed. If you also stick a poll to the thread, then the natural srach will arise by itself. In 2007 — 2008, the most popular was Oscar about Ukrainians, Russians, gas, the Ukrainian language and culture. Launch requires the presence of representatives of both nationalities (or sympathizers) in the chat.

    Matrixism Trolling of certain individuals in order to output pieces of their IRL biography to the virtual. It works something like this: first there is a forum where participants default fill in as much information as possible (ICQ numbers, phones, etc.). Sometimes social workers by type of contact are very helpful. Then the most “noisy” ones are selected from the participants and are deliberately provoked to insult (this is easy for them). After that, a serious letter is written to the person who has arrived, on behalf of the parties / law enforcement agencies / administration, etc., with the issuance of some data from his real life. For example, at the end of the letter is placed "Your name is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, right?" Or "You really live there and you have such and such a telephone." Finally, the troll enthusiastically watches as the victim gets worse and she begins to apologize, and in rare cases, even ask for mercy. Pretty lousy, but requires considerable effort.

    Absolutely serious posing as a celebrity. The majority of users usually do not believe in this and begin to “check” and argue. A well-known case is the issue of youth cinema actors on social networks. In this case, you can even fish out a meeting with the "fans" of the celebrity. Phone calls were also known. It was especially winrarnous to do this with the BOB: a certain Insider aka an agent of the supranational Global Predictor and a member of the well-known usurious mafia families caused fierce boiling up of shit with considerable SPS.

    Placing deliberately ambiguous questions that can be answered diametrically opposite, depending on the interpretation. Classical examples are the “airplane problem” or “Science vs Religion”.

    Self-confidence. The troll intervenes in any reasoning and, using Wikipedia and Google, starts to confidently argue on any topics, laying out irrefutable evidence supported by links, and showing the incompetence of the participants in the discussion.
    Double game. The troll uses two accounts, fanning a dispute with itself in order to find support from both sides among users. It often resembles the act of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings and, with the passage of a finely perceptible edge, often leads to radiation sickness.

    Psychologist. The troll pretends to be a psychologist (usually not being one) and begins to diagnose participants in absentia in absentia. An online psychiatric hospital option even works. Behind the scenes, the troll is amusing itself over its "clinic."

    Successful man. This type of trolling exploits one non-illusory human feeling - envy. The recipe is simple: you need to create the image of the smartest / most beautiful / richest / etc, in a word, a person who has reached the “peaks” that others can only dream of daring. For this, just one well-constructed phrase is enough, although the completeness of the disclosure of the image is not limited by anything. Since little more than all the inhabitants of the Internet (and this planet of yours in general) are infected with black envy, there is no doubt that there will immediately be those who want to “besiege” the insolent. Some will assure that he is t (see the paragraph “Celebrity”), others - that he is not so good as he thinks, and others - just sprinkle bile from the knowledge that they are losers. Lulza delivers all of the above. An example is the famous copy-paste.

    Creating anti-themes. It is used on forums of game or movie universe lovers - with the subsequent announcement of the object of worship of the community as something bad. Example: ru_anti_moscow. Often accused of "Russophobia" and antiism.

    Delusional generator. not very common, but a thickish kind of trolling. The troll generates a message on the forum, which is a weakly connected stream of thoughts or a modification of copy-paste that has nothing to do with the subject of the message. The message should be ambiguous and cause the reader to write down the css. As a rule, it calls in response to a bunch of conflicting messages due to different interpretations of the discussion participants. A certain proportion of respondents takes the author for a psycho and begins to give advice in all seriousness, including advice on taking substances.

    A sharp change in behavior. Thick-thin version. First, it is necessary to bring the victim to a condition of defiant and rude behavior, after which, when the patient begins to vomit, throw and swear in response, suddenly become cultural and reproachfully reproach the victim with rudeness. The pattern often breaks.
    1. admiral
      15 February 2012 17: 49
      What’s the point? Why is there so much effort? fool fool fool
  20. CEO
    15 February 2012 11: 18
    Useful article plus. The card is fierce)))))
  21. dobrovollets
    15 February 2012 12: 19
    all is true, except he is the only one, here some gentlemen of the regulars, with large stars on painted shoulder straps, shine with similar or veiled slightly expressions almost under every article, especially on socio-political topics. Why do not they apply a ban? request
    1. Charon
      15 February 2012 13: 43
      I will answer for them.
      Yes, there are heated discussions in which it is not always possible to stay within the bounds of decency. Yes, there are disagreements in political views and ideas about what is good for the country.
      But I do not remember that someone from the big-stars even in an attack of severe irritation spoke out to the opponent in this vein:
      "I am a small, beggar, stupid freak, because you bother me. But when you die (and you must die), I will immediately become smart, handsome and rich. Therefore, die quickly, otherwise I am tired of waiting, risking so insignificance and dying. And so that you die quickly, I'll tell you how worthless you are, the son and grandson of worthless freaks who prevent others from seeing in my ancestors and me the power and beauty inherent only in us. "

      Agree this is a slightly different type of discussion. This is not even a discussion, but a cross between neuro-linguistic programming and spoiling.
      Such, in a good way, must be banned at the time of conception. But it is not in our power. For this reason, they have the ability to breed and multiply.
      But there is an opportunity to save yourself from their presence at least on this site.
    2. 0
      15 February 2012 19: 15
      Quote: dobrovollets
      all is true, except he is the only one, here some gentlemen of the regulars, with large stars on painted shoulder straps, shine with similar or veiled slightly expressions almost under every article, especially on socio-political topics. Why do not they apply a ban?
      Well veil, tea is not teenagers
  22. vladimir64ss
    15 February 2012 13: 44
    Interesting charter of conduct on the site. If everyone (or most) accepts these recommendations "by default", it will become much cleaner.
  23. Artur09-75
    15 February 2012 13: 49
    The number of Russian migrant workers in Ukraine is growing at an unprecedented pace.
    Let them come and look at the contingent of representatives of the "oldest profession" at the points. A third is definitely a guest worker from "Velikaya" and "Nezalezhnaya".
    Then we will discuss who, where and why is going to earn money (and most importantly how).
  24. +1
    15 February 2012 14: 04
    Quote: Chuck-Norris
    In Ukraine, the oldest building dates back to 1324.
    Blooper. But what about the pre-Mongol era?
    Borisoglebsky Cathedral 1120
    Yelets Monastery 11 century
    Elias Church 12 century
    Anthony caves 11 century
    Pyatnitskaya church 12 century
    This is so offhand in Chernihiv
    1. Eugene
      15 February 2012 15: 22
      Off the beat on the wiki:

      During its existence, Borisoglebsky Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. Each time, its architecture acquired new features. At the beginning of the XVII century. During the Polish intervention, the cathedral was rebuilt into a Dominican church. The temple survived another restructuring in the second half of the XNUMXth century. The cathedral was rebuilt in the Baroque style. An octagonal rotunda - vestibule is attached to the western facade, the shape of the domes has been changed. Significant were the restructuring of the XNUMXth century, when the cathedral was expanded to the east due to a new apse for the altar. The monument was badly damaged during the Second World War.

      Pyatnitskaya church (Ukrainian: P'yatnitska church) was built by Chernihiv posad people in the late XII - early XIII centuries on Pyatnitsky field, which since ancient times was a trading venue. Throughout its existence, the church was repeatedly destroyed and burned during enemy attacks on the city. During restoration work at different times, it was significantly rebuilt and changed its appearance.
      In 1941, the church was almost completely destroyed. [1] The bell tower miraculously survived, but later (in 1963) it was dismantled - according to one version, it interfered with the construction of the regional drama theater named after Shevchenko, on the other - on a brick to rebuild the temple. For a long time the church remained destroyed.
      A careful study of the remains of this monument, attributed to the architect Pyotr Miloneg, made it possible for P. D. Baranovsky to recreate its original appearance. The Pyatnitskaya Church, restored from ruins, is a small, vertically directed four-pillar structure [1] that has much in common with the monuments of medieval Smolensk.

      almost a remake ...

      And for example, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was practically unchanged.
      1. +1
        15 February 2012 16: 52
        And why is silence about the Elias Church and the Anthony Caves with the underground church.
        Love wiki - catch it
        Anthony Caves were founded as a cave Christian monastery by Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (1027-1076) and Anthony Pechersky (in the world of Antipas) (983-1073) - a church leader of Ancient Russia, one of the founders of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery, a native of Lyubech.
        “And he sent Stslav the night singing Anthony to Chernigov. "Anthony, having come to Chernigov and loving Boldin’s mountain and digging a cave, has settled there, and there is a monastery of the Holy Virgin on the Boldin Mountains to this day." Ipatiev Chronicle
    2. veresk
      17 February 2012 19: 36
      Quote: Dmitry Desnyansky
      Blooper. But what about the pre-Mongol era?

      like this:

      Let's think for a moment:
      in the XII century, not only our brilliant culture,
      but civilization was much higher than the western ones.
      What is left and where?
      About three hundred we have known stone buildings since the time of pre-Mongol Rus,
      и two thirds of them - in the West, in present Belarus and Ukraine.
      Three dozen survived.
      Only two thirds of already in the East, in Great Russia, where the Horde authority was recognized.
      And not a single book ...
      This is the price of being enslaved by the West. "

      He won:
  25. Kievan
    15 February 2012 14: 09
    The author himself is a fat troll. The topic of illiterate Russian schoolchildren-Ympertsy and inappropriate psychos is not disclosed. The author simply set out the gaze of one side, and in the most triangular form, and did not notice the log in his own eye. Then another author of the site wrote in comments about the racial non-usefulness of ALL non-Russians in the Russian Federation in particular and on the planet in general. And about his desire to see how they will slowly and painfully die. As a result of obscene sracha, ONLY I got into the ban. Admins of course all the Natsik cametnts that fall under 282 were wiped, but they didn’t ban it ... Probably your Nazi - it smells like raspberries)))))
    1. Charon
      15 February 2012 14: 27
      Kiev, thanks for the illustration to my article.
      The "fool himself" answer is very characteristic of the individuals I have described.
      I would like to draw the attention of my colleagues how the Kievite wrote the word "Ympertsev". The word "empire" is not pronounced by the Svidomites either.
      The word "Great" is not yet pronounced. Usually they write "Vyalikaya".
      Out of the simplicity of their souls, they think that by writing the phrase "Vyalikaya Rossiskaya empire" they thus win an ideological, political and moral victory.
      Let them out. We will not disappoint.
      1. Kievan
        15 February 2012 14: 54
        Generally in milk)))
        Maybe you’ll try again, and this time, in fact, without foolishness ...
        1. Charon
          15 February 2012 16: 48
          Compared with the linguistic perversions of Svidomites, described on Lukomorye - a miserable likeness of the left hand.
          I will not give examples. Disgusting.
          Threat minus is not mine.
          1. Kievan
            15 February 2012 20: 03
            I do not know why posts about "the fool himself", linguistic perversion, and other nonsense about who writes the word "great". I'll try to explain it on my fingers. An article claiming to describe and research such a phenomenon as "osrach" is itself it. Since it is a one-sided presentation of the point of view of one of the direct participants. In short, the alcoholic declares that he is not drinking, but is researching alcoholism. In previous posts, you immediately stick the label "svidomit" and immediately start this very "orach": Although he himself wrote:

            "Do not argue with the Svidomites at all. Ignore the osrach. Completely. Remember that he is inspired by the enemies of both peoples. Do not feed the Banderlog trolls, do not stoop to their level. The way they grimace in front of the mirror and are poisoned by their own poison."

            Why write it if you yourself can’t follow your own tips?))))))
            And if you are such a "researcher" then write an article about the other side of the srach and the types described in my first post.
            PS Do not answer off-topic posts.
    2. 0
      15 February 2012 20: 12
      Can I find this Natsik?

      Per Night: Added 51 news and 2225 comments
      For the week: Added 268 news and 12449 comments

      Really follow all the comments as you think?
      We mainly respond to complaints (there is a link at the bottom of each comment), if you see something like this - report ...
      1. Regularis
        15 February 2012 20: 24
        Yes, a clone of Bandera
        Quote: karla
        Not only Egypt. All of them are oiled with one oil. Good Arab - lying 2 meters underground and preferably 20 years

        How much can you play on the Orthodox and Muslim nerves to step on the Web is easier than defending
      2. Kievan
        15 February 2012 20: 49
        Alexey Prikazchikov
        1. 0
          15 February 2012 20: 52
          He went to "the bathhouse for 10 days" and his rating was downgraded ...
          So, not only you will fall under our repression ...
          1. Kievan
            15 February 2012 21: 32
            I saw his posts the day after my ban.
            1. 0
              15 February 2012 22: 14
              This was done later, now it is under the ban.
              I already wrote to you. that the manager will not follow everything, then they did not notice, they noticed later.
  26. -2
    15 February 2012 14: 21
    Quote: Chuck-Norris
    Chernihiv Bulgars

    The first time I've heard. I always thought that in the Chernihiv region the northerners lived and live. Mostly light-eyed.
    Quote: Chuck-Norris
    The question arises why the Ukrainians didn’t cherish all this, the answer is that it’s not all theirs.

    Well, of course, but there was no big war. The Germans destroyed Chernihiv to the ground. One building has survived.

  27. +1
    15 February 2012 14: 43
    for seeding the coat of arms of Chernigov

    and Chernihiv province

    Nothing like.
    P.S. Russian, not Ukrainian stuffed words. If you tell the truth, you need to tell it to the end
  28. apl
    15 February 2012 14: 55
    Unfortunately, the article describes the real situation. Here is an example of a high-level banderlog in the rank of lieutenant general, it seems to the police,
  29. gladiatorakz
    15 February 2012 14: 56
    I am against swearing and insults. In any case, it is right to do this while standing opposite the interlocutor (s). So that you can hold it by the throat. (Even if for the last time) I read the article and am in shock. Why is there so much hatred for brothers? (Or maybe already Russian and Ukrainian are enemies?) He writes a descendant of the Cossacks. Bullshit. I saw different Cossacks in my life. And drunks also met cowards. (Although there are few of them) But that they didn’t wash their brothers. (Which means to humiliate their dignity) It’s clear with the author. Here is either personal resentment (maybe they took the money at school) or work (for 30 pieces of silver dog Russian Ukrainians). But another thing is interesting. I wrote comments as one person. Everyone praises the author: he opened his eyes and blew it, and finally the smart man wrote. And the most genuine attitude towards the Ukrainians, and to yourself too. Who wrote the warriors? Or what kind of synagogue? Why is such a nonsense passed on a good military site? Who is better off this? Russian, Ukrainians? I doubt it. Or maybe just those who by all means want to quarrel us? I invite everyone to reflect on the words: BROTHER, HONOR. Today is the day of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. There we were together. Let the author take his article and go to their collection. He reads and tells which Ukrainians are bad. I HAVE HONOR.
    1. Dust
      15 February 2012 14: 59
      Almost the only sane comment on the branch ...
      I feel that for the expressed consent I risk going to the ban - it’s so democratic to not let my opponent express my opinion ...
    2. Charon
      15 February 2012 16: 39
      Past, gladiatorakz.

      What kind of brothers did I wash? Brothers of the Cossacks? Where? Oh yes, the registry. So with the registry that were in the service of the Poles, the Cossacks periodically slaughtered two hundred years. And in any way the Registries could not be the ideologists of independent Ukraine. Quite the contrary, stranglers of independence. So here I have not violated any Cossack tradition.
      Yes and no them already. Two hundred years as not. But there are Kuban.

      Hatred of Ukrainians? So I deliberately several times stipulated that the Ukrainian is Ukrainian to discord. And he explained why. Is it necessary to remind about the current feuds between East and West? Or prefer not to notice?
      Galitsai is definitely not my brother. Never was and never will be. Remind me, what friendship did these Uniates have with the Zaporozhets 300 years ago? I’m not going to hide this position.
      And with eastern Ukrainians (Chernihiv, Donbass) we are of the same blood. Five hundred years together they built a single empire.
      Would you like to reconcile everyone? Find a mutually acceptable compromise? God help you. But for some reason I’m sure that just the Russians will agree to a compromise. But those whom I described, for whom they stand up for, will be the first to tear you as a spy.

      I am against swearing and insults Good words. Only I brought swearing Svidomitov to Russia. Did not notice? Sorry. But what can you do, everyone sees what he wants.

      But about the comments - to the point. I wrote myself laudatory comments by registering myself under several nicknames. And I was preparing for this a very long time. The registration date of each of my fake nicknames can be checked.
      1. Dust
        15 February 2012 17: 14
        Do you believe that your article is not conducive to inciting passions? Meaning? Do not convince the stubborn, but you will cause unnecessary anger and irritation in the quiet from scratch, unnecessary statements that they will regret a little later ...
        1. Charon
          15 February 2012 17: 27
          I repeat. This article would not have appeared had not broken through to the Svidomo website. Before he was completely banned, he managed to pretty shit. But some were seduced because they did not encounter such a thing.
          Took the trouble to explain.
          Many of those who condemned me simply did not face such. I understand their perplexity. If I didn’t know the subject, I would also consider such an article inciting ethnic hatred. Therefore, I take criticism calmly, with understanding. Moreover, I approve of such people. But unfortunately, preventive measures are late. The monster has already been born. And I did not give birth to him, I only showed his vile mug.
          After reading the comments, I came to the conclusion that the article is now about homegrown freaks, in order to avoid accusations of bias.
          1. Uralm
            15 February 2012 18: 30
            Charon. The fact that we were led, we just have a lot of inexperienced youth. Not stupid, but experience comes over the years and through mistakes, if you digest them, of course, in the brain. And the fact that without being lazy you explain a lot of advantages. Only you yourself probably understand this long and tedious process. By the way, we are even Trolls, even if they are well revered, delved into, in real life, even a lot of benefits. The benefit is not letting you breed
            I also peck at it sometimes when I'm drunk. Hence the conclusion, drinking is not good
      2. -3
        15 February 2012 19: 14
        Galitsai is definitely not my brother ...


        With such ease you scatter your "brothers" that you just go crazy ... And you yourself do not even notice what jargon you are throwing towards the Ukrainians? You, in fact, who is a sent Cossack, or how?

        In the summer I lived in Lviv - I had one major = Ukrainian = neighbor, beginning. battalion headquarters, fought in Afghanistan. The old wounds bother him, the man hardly walks, but I just tried to help him as best I could - sometimes for a skate, they drank, remembered, compared military experience = I have the experience of the war in Tajikistan, 95-97 =.

        You, dear, at least read the story, remember about the Principality of Galicia, before you give up kinship. And the people there in Lviv are so adequate, kind and normal. Once only some kind of kid, with a break or something, jumped in my direction = my talisman - a Lion cub with a St. George Ribbon was hanging from my computer bag, my children gave it to me as friends, in St. Petersburg =. But when I explained plainly to him that if I did, I would unscrew the rake and his weak neck and screw it into the anus - I immediately calmed down.

        If this is your article, then I will join those who did not like it. You, criticizing your mmmmm ... opponents, you yourself did not notice how you switched to their field. They began to apply the same methods.

        In general, before you, smart, adequate, strong people COLLECTED the country bit by bit, and you, dear, with your incomprehensible zeal, incite discord between nations. Along the way, someone is also "screwing" us Türks here for some reason. By type - "You have more Turkisms, you are lesser Slavs." Heh ...
    3. ytqnhfk
      16 February 2012 06: 41
      Do not confuse normal people with these ................ I did not pick up the word !!!
      1. +1
        16 February 2012 13: 51
        Normal people, and they are the overwhelming majority, in front of "these", are not guilty of anything. And the second - "normality-abnormality", does not depend on the nation. Look ...
  30. Dynamite
    15 February 2012 15: 25
    The issue of Ukrainian nationalism in the forum is well disclosed. However, it would not be bad to suppress the manifestations of any nationalism concerning the peoples of the former USSR and EVEN foreign countries.
    1. Eugene
      15 February 2012 15: 45
      I agree. I would even say not just foreign countries but the USA and NATO countries in particular. It seems that the forum believes that any German burgher is sleeping and sees how to fry in the oven and send to the concentration camp damned Russian, Ukrainians, etc.
      1. ytqnhfk
        16 February 2012 06: 46
        Eugene of you tolerance is so rushing! We are not very favored, we have suffered over 90 in relation to our country and ourselves so I don’t agree with you! Myths about bears are drunk and so forth! (red heat red scorpion), etc!
  31. +1
    15 February 2012 15: 31
    Here are some more interesting “studies.” There really. There are words on the "mov". But it’s not difficult to understand. There is a certain banter and everywhere - "Albanian" language. But this is for the coloring of the presentation. And so - just the topic. Yes, and I worked a little bit text. I do not give a link and the author - for the roots of this note have long been lost.

    Well, first things first, the very word "PEOPLE" think where it came from ?? Correctly. Guessed.
    LIDI (people) - 12 “old-time * Russian” communities, which united the “Oriansky” (ancient Kaklyak) water leader Lid, took part in the creation of the “long-time * Russian national power Etrurії”. People from there too took more often, netaka kakly ...

    Somewhere in 2008, the booklet of such a writer Lev Silenko came out in Ukraine. It is positioned as the quintessence of the "classical thought of right-wing intellectuals" and the true "history of oaths." Now in more detail. With quotes.
    "MAGA VIRA" is a fundamental work of the outstanding kaklin (UWB) Sumerologist, ethnologist, philosopher and historian Lev Silenok. This great work was preceded by Silenok's trip to places, de Prague, "ancient uk * rainski tribes ORIV, PELAZGIV (!!!), UK * RIV (Indiya, Iran, Palestine, Mala Asia, Italy, Greece), Western ... Pelazge again! This mament is very important, gaspada ftykatele, he dares that PELAZGE was kaklama, and no ** pet! the author also irrefutably proved that it was in the "old-time Oriani" (the first name of the Uk * raina V-IV millennium BC) that the horse was first tamed, the kaleso and the plow were found (backs ***), the "persha khlibin" was baked ...
    The book traces the historical, missionary path “the old age uk * racist-oriiv” (kaklof), who carried the grain culture in the following directions: - Гіттія - Італія - ​​Gretsіya - Aztecs - Peruani - Західна Європа. Corn (remember - an ear?) Kakly gave to the Aztecs, well, put and maya, how not to ***.

    The Sumerians (kakly), who were the first people to be known on the earth, created Eden (Paradise) another five thousand 300 years ago. In schools, she studied "mathematics, geography, astronomy, zoology, mineralogy, grammar." Well, Sanskrit, clear ***!
    HYCOSI (gig-suck) was more than kaklam, owned Ebipt (Pharaoh Shishak ta Inshi), built the Rusalim for the pizza from the years before the invasion of "Iv to Canaanu." (Jedi suck!) In general, the little book dalba ** ba Silenki "makuti nastilnoy book - a book of life, a book of spirituality dermal uk * raїнцц." Unquestionably more important than the booklet in howl mythology. In the case of an attendance, takava kaklam should follow the department of history of ancient Ukrov (kaklopezdezh) GAVNIIK. The producer also issued Kaplam Fapotek (X).
    ORATANIYA - the ancient name of the UK * RAII.
    ORIANA - the first name is more "old-age Ukrainian * rainy." Strona ORІІV (kaklof). "Had a mess" (formed - apyat corn!) In the XNUMXth millennium BC “Prabatkivshchyna of the Indo-European peoples”. That inshih ...

    ORIЇ (ARIЇ) - the oldest name is “long-standing uk * racintsev”. The first plowmen of the world. Tamed the horse, "vinishli wheel that plow." Found - damn ... list *** and! Cavo is a mystery! They brought their knowledge of field cultivation and folk crafts to China, India, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Egypt, Northern Italy, the Balkans, Western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribes of Odessa became the basis for "all the Indo-European nations".
    PELAZGI (PELASGI, "LELEKI", "ZHURAVLI") So we got to the point of a sensation, INTO dropping kakkology to a new level, and to the chief matrosken it was not worth bringing a name to the academician! PELAZGI - uniting the "old-fashioned * rainsky" tribes, sho, in full accordance with the demagrophic policy of VOLKHVIV (cm), settled in Thrace, Asia Minor, Palestine, Greece, Macedonia, the island of Christ, the whole of the Mediterranean Herodotus argued that "the Afinians resemble the Pelazgivs." Abrate more vigorously - Macedonia !!! Ten and steamed ssobako!

    In a lesser number of pelazgivs, there were such a long ago * Russian tribes as Lelegi, Wenedi, Etruscans, Trojans, Pani (Psheks?), Galichs (Galicians, Gauls), Obrich, gyrniki, Vovks (X?), Popeli (zopeli?) companions (Samrani), savini (pigs?), shikuli (sikuli, stsikuli?) and that.

    Here we are now going to Sashko our Macedonian! So, the territory of Macedonia was inhabited by pelazgi, that is - kakly. And as we already know, the antique (like) aphthors (Lysy, Strapon and Inshi) betrayed more important relations with AMAZONAK (cm) precisely with Sashko of Macedon, who came from Pelazgiv, *** their mother! “... from Oleksandr Makedonsky, who looked like from PELAZGIV.” (c) Here is ano !!! The two-year work of Professor Sailor-sailor in collecting proofs of a different name, Sashko, was successful, and the great professor again climbed up the patsul !!
    Kaklama Christianity was adopted not at all in 988 AD, but at all in the 35th from the Nativity of Christ (Yatsko Bogolyudini). As far back as the XNUMXth century BC, Kakly, akazyvaitso, settled in Palestine and Northern Italy. The adoption of Christianity in ancient Ukraine was facilitated by “MAGICIANS - uk * ukrainian zhertsi” (s), who instantly apaznale in the freshly born Yatsko svaevo, a relative of the Etruscan tribe. The Etruscans themselves were byle Kaklama, and the Pasquoks Greeks descended from the Etruscans, then the Greeks - Kakly. (B ** I will, and it is written!)

    Ukrainian mythology is the most ancient "in the world." “Vaughn became the BASIS for all” Indo-European mythologies, “just like that, like” the ancient Ukrainian mov - Sanskrit - became the promoter of “all Indo-European mov”. (with)
    ANTES 1. The primary name of the warriors, “Pershokozakiv” (first-Cossacks), sho populated Illyria and other territories of the ancient “Italy, Greece tosho” (c). How “pershokozaki” - people of extraordinary physical strength and high spirituality - had an influence on the ancient world, “make that fact”, that their name is associated with the great shophes ** ts the historical period in the development of mankind: the ancient world, ancient culture, etc. . Okag!
    2. more united than ancient Kaklin tribes, sho in the III-VIII centuries A.D. founded a powerful, stable and the first in the history of the "Ukrainian * people" united "Ukrainian country." The first democratic state on earth - the legislature was the veche, the executive - the tsar ... The administrative-territorial Antian (Persian-Cossack) power was the first unitary-centralized power in history, which allowed the unification of the дав all ancient ра * * їн ор моря »» tribes from the Baltic to the Black Sea from the Elbe to the Don. "The capital of Antії-Uk * district bouv Kiev". (!!!)
    AMAZONS (KOSACHI, KOSATSKI) - a militant community of long-Ukrainian women (okag!) III - I millennium BC Inhabited the lower reaches of the Dnieper, the Black Sea and Azov steppes "that bagato іnshih territories". Engaged in fishing, "dbaly about the horses", "that vіiskovym dobutnitsvom" - that is, robbery. According to the information of Herodotus (also kakl judging by the pavsem), the Amazon dummies were more like “spirits, arches of warriors”, the acram of the tavo “were kindly sworn with a sword, battle treasure, bow and arrow”. The African, island, and South American Amazonian shucks, who come from the Black Sea, “knew the sea spider too.”
    On an old Ketai engraving, Kakluhe-Amazons are depicted with a thick braid, sho fall to the ground. (Ketayskoy, b *** b! Okag, things have gone far,!) Hence - "uk * rainska (and Ketayska) the name of the Amazons - KOSACHKI, KOSACHI". The Amazon-kaklukh is the founder of the "uk * rainskoy kozatskoy volnitsi", patmushta - nii ** t! The depiction of the "old-fashioned * Rainsky Cossack with a" sedentary "- a scythe" found in the tomb of Pharaoh Horemkheb (XIV century BC) confirms the origin of "name" Cossack "from the word KOSA" Strange, you don't find - "Cossack" from "scythe"? Rather, from "goat", well, or - "" ...

    VENEDI - one of the "oldest and most ancient * ancient Russian" tribes. Wenedi founded the city of Venedіyu, sho nechona called “Venezіya”, and another “dawnyok * raskyske” tribe TROYANI - Troy.

    Breshet this L. Silenko like a gray gelding. Read Comrade S. Niyazov ("Rukhnama"). He clearly proved that the Turkmens invented the wheel.
    1. Eugene
      15 February 2012 15: 48
      With all this, back in the days of the USSR, the theory (archaeologically uncontested) was widespread that the Slavs came from the interfluve of the Dnieper and the Dniester. The most ancient monuments, which can be unambiguously considered Slavic, are located there and are dated, somewhere around 4-5 centuries of our era.
    2. sas
      15 February 2012 16: 25
      Do not go bile
  32. +1
    15 February 2012 15: 39
    I generally don’t understand such a tough attitude towards the Ukrainians. Most of the population does not think so, as the author believes. Most consider border posts between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus a temporary misunderstanding.
    Let the author go, at least once to Senkovka

    chat with people. A potm will unsubscribe.
    Start such provocative topics wrong and incorrect. Ukraine is divided into 2 parts. Pro-Russian and pro-European i.e. Orthodox and Catholic. Forgot to say about the Crimea. He is already almost Muslim. Why toss firewood into the fire. It is not burning, smoldering. It is necessary to extinguish it in a pioneer way, and not add oil.
    1. +2
      15 February 2012 17: 08
      there is no need to tell tales about "Muslim Crimea". I live in Crimea for about three months a year. I do not observe the dominance of Muslims. Well, there is a mosque in Alushta. A couple of ethnic Crimean Tatar villages on the Simferopol-Yalta highway. At the market you can find Crimean Tatars selling vegetables and fruits from Turkey. Quite adequate guys. What else??? I don’t remember anything else ...
      The fact that within Ukraine there is a specific conflict between the pro-Russian and Pro-Banderist "communities" is yes. There is such a thing. But that's just "extinguish" it is unlikely to succeed. Since it is based on the ROOT contradictions taking place in this territory. Not an economic one, but a mental one. Their solution, in my opinion, is either in the division of this territory or in the establishment of order with a "strong hand". the latter (IMHO) is only a temporary measure. sorry if someone is "against the grain".
      1. +1
        15 February 2012 17: 48
        I have been to Saki for a long time ??? And in the villages?
        1. +2
          15 February 2012 18: 20
          So I’m talking. Write specifically. "Tatars predominate in Saki." "There is such and such an Islamic caliphate in the village." Let's take a look. And then - "Crimea is practically Muslim." Ask 100 people who travels to Crimea - has he ever been to Saki? Hardly anyone will answer. Is that in Evpatoria.
          In the villages from Chongar to Simferopol, I somehow did not observe Muslim dominance. And in the region of the Black Sea-Tarkhankut - there is still secular power.
  33. Nechai
    15 February 2012 15: 53
    Quote: Chuck-Norris
    in the ear a Turkic earring (meaning which son you are in the family, if the only one took care of you),

    Specification: - an earring in the right ear is the only son in the family.
    - earring in the left - the only one left ...
  34. sas
    15 February 2012 16: 23
    I started reading, then spat. Judging by the article, the author would keep quiet about trolling. Judging by the logic, the author himself has no relation to the Slavs, if he is from the Kuban, who are from the Cossacks, who (according to the author) are from the Circassians. So, I congratulate him. Here the answer to this article can only be like "the fool himself." You can write a lot on this topic: and about who entered where when, who was called what, about the origin of languages, etc., you can connect DNA research data. What's the point? I do not see. If the author wanted to humiliate someone, then he did not succeed. Well, perhaps himself, his beloved. In fact - 0. The article is nothing. And after such "writings" is it necessary to be surprised that Ukrainians perceive Russia more and more negatively? By the way, is it true that yesterday Makarov said that the Ministry of Defense for 5 years stops buying Russian-made BTT?
  35. 0
    15 February 2012 16: 41
    mdaaaa! there is where to get interesting information. Are these really left in Ukraine?
  36. Nikk
    15 February 2012 16: 57
    read an article .... it's just a little ruff .... well, how does such a person come to mind? but on the topic, the same thing can be written about Russians, and about Jews and about Poles and about Americans, in general, a long list! Draw conclusions, comrades, among the Russians there are also enough inadequate! Let's not let everyone down under 1 line!
    1. +4
      15 February 2012 17: 23

      1. -2
        15 February 2012 18: 08
        New anal and STB is a separate conversation.
        1. Hans grohman
          15 February 2012 18: 41
          Quote: Dmitry Desnyansky
          New anal and STB is a separate conversation.

          And the 5th there, in ... um, a piggy bank.
      2. 0
        15 February 2012 18: 42
        amusing br unit. Does that mean "ying-yang" from Tripoli? SUPER! But it is not known - where did this Tripolye go? Nobody knows. And no traces - except for shards. Probably they moved to China, closing their eyes from the sun.
        The famous Chinese mandala "ying-yang" contains all the greatest philosophy of Taoism, about which in Ukraine NOBODY has an ear or a snout. There is not a single serious scientific monograph and never has been. However, it is easy to rank yourself among this (and even as the ancestors). For the reason that they heard about it, something. that it is mysterious and that the pictures are similar. And why? And nii *** em! And also because I really want to be the most important and the most ancient.
        1. Evil Tatar
          16 February 2012 06: 15
          Exactly ...
          It’s like in an anecdote about Petka and Vasily Ivanovich, when they get lost instead of Ukraine, they fly to China, they descend along the ramp, and there are darkness around the Chinese, and Vasily Ivanovich says: “Well, squinted? ...
  37. 0
    15 February 2012 17: 12
    Quote: Charon
    And with eastern Ukrainians (Chernihiv, Donbass) we are of the same blood. Five hundred years together they built a single empire.

    Respect for sobriety! and put a plus.
    We have in Chernigov a small mystery that does not fit into history
    "The Boldiny Mountains keep many secrets, and one of them is associated with the Gulbische burial mound,
    located in the eastern part of the Boldin Mountains. This huge mound surrounded by a moat
    8,5 m high was excavated by the expedition of archaeologist Dmitry Samokvasov in the 1872 year.
    Excavation results have surpassed the most daring professions of the professor!
    The burials of a man, a woman and a horse, as well as a variety of objects were discovered,
    accompanying the burial rite of the cremation of our pagan ancestors on the eve of the baptism of Russia.
    One of the skeletons apparently belonged to a combatant. Among various military equipment
    the most impressive find was an unusually large sword - the largest of those found
    Old Russian swords. Its total length with a handle is 126 cm. The blade with a width of 6,5 cm had a length of 105 cm,
    the massive handle was decorated with silver notches and three rows of stones. For comparison: in the X century
    Old Russian swords usually had a length of 85-90 cm. For free possession of the sword found
    in the mound “Gulishche”, the warrior was to have a height of at least 215 cm. On the heroic physique
    the unknown warrior was also witnessed by other items of military equipment found
    in the mound. Some historians, as well as ancient weapons experts, suggest
    that the epic Ilya of Muromets was buried here. It must be said, however, that some reasons
    for such a statement, nevertheless, there are. In many epics the name of this fabulously strong hero
    is repeatedly mentioned in connection with certain events in Chernigov or near it. "
    On the left is the "Gulbische" mound, on the left is the dome of the Elias Church
    1. Dust
      15 February 2012 17: 25
      In fact, the burial place of Ilya Muromets has long been known, and it is not at all 215 cm tall, but much lower, but it was wide in the shoulders, this can also be seen from the relics, as there are signs of the disease, why did he sit there for so long ...
      And he died from a blow to the chest with a spear. if memory serves me right ...
      1. Charon
        15 February 2012 17: 40
        It was also possible to hear another version. The seat is not sick. A seat is one who sits at the estate without a break. Sitting on the stove in a hero does not grow. But there was no parolympic sport then. But if we assume that a certain nobleman, a professional warrior with considerable experience of civil strife at the age of 33, went to look for princely service, his exploits become understandable.
        By the way. Been in Bryansk. Bryansk is considered the birthplace of the Nightingale the Robber.
      2. 0
        15 February 2012 18: 04
        Ilya Pechersky mean? There are many historical discrepancies
  38. +5
    15 February 2012 17: 28
    Good article, it's time to join forces against the trolls /
  39. Kiev
    15 February 2012 17: 43
    Administration please delete this !!!
    1. Charon
      15 February 2012 19: 49
      Here, he called. Fresh has come. That's it, the path is trodden.
  40. gercog_75
    15 February 2012 20: 28
    funny filmets laughing I am sure that the brothers are seriously not taking such a miracle of history. If I am mistaken, then there definitely remained ukry. I propose an Oscar in the nomination Laughter Extends Life
    1. 0
      15 February 2012 21: 19
      Connection check
  41. +3
    15 February 2012 21: 09
    fucking cousins, but no others. If not for two friends, it would be generally sad
  42. +3
    15 February 2012 22: 17
    "Do not feed the Banderlog trolls, do not stoop to their level. The way they grimace in front of the mirror and poison themselves with their own poison." - Reasonable. By the way "svidomit" is a term deliberately consonant with the word SODOMIT?
  43. Evgeny B.
    15 February 2012 22: 22
    Excellent article!
    When my eldest daughter brought a textbook on the history of Ukraine and my wife and I read it - believe me, it was no laughing matter. For a long time I walked like a patient, because children are taught this nonsense! Thanks to the indifference of a large number of Russians both in Russia and in Ukraine, this "truthful" ideology is gradually hammered into the heads of children, as a result, the army of ukrovs is growing, and there are more and more Russian children there. This plays into the hands of the West and the Americans, you can use this duped population in the fight against Russia.
    Russia does nothing to support the Russian population in Ukraine, and it’s morally difficult for us to live in this stench.
    Many children feel and learn accordingly. As a result, the educational level is steadily decreasing from year to year, degradation occurs, and the time will come and today's students will come to government. T. about. we can say that the consequences of atomic bombings are still flowers, compared to what awaits us.
    1. Hans grohman
      16 February 2012 02: 20
      Greetings Eugene!
      And I confirm everything you said. At one time, a good friend of mine went to Russia with his family, precisely for this reason - because of children (more precisely, because of problems with Ukrainian education).
      Moreover, such a PPC with these differences in languages ​​- the sister is getting married, he is from Leningrad, the notarized translation of one document is 100 UAH. (about 400 rubles), but Yanyk promised to make Russian the second state language !!
  44. Letekha
    16 February 2012 03: 36
    As a resident of Crimea, I confirm almost everything that was said in the article, the only thing I would like to add is that when meeting Westerners, they often smile, are interested in, etc. but having lived in Ivano-Frankivsk for more than 2,5 years, I saw all that was at the ready. And the most interesting thing, which I personally did not expect, in dealing with people over 40 years old, I saw a lot of nastolgic in conversations about the times of the USSR, some even spoke in private conversations that an adventure with independence did not bring them anything good!
    1. +1
      16 February 2012 04: 06
      the elders remember the times of union, stagnation and illich of the second because of this and are nostalgic. They lack stability, stability and peace, confidence in the future. and it’s scary for the youth, their brains are rinsed out, unfortunately, thoroughly and professionally.
  45. URB
    16 February 2012 05: 03
    I’m just funny to watch how everyone is being led to this outright lie ... by their
    after your comments, love for Russians doesn’t increase much (why incite hatred?) know one thing, that in our country, in Ukraine, only sheer idiots are badly treated! Someone, apparently, is very interesting and profitable, watch on our srach, with the release of another article that incites hatred among two peoples (and the government does not judge all the people ...
  46. veresk
    17 February 2012 19: 24
    Quote: URB
    ... articles that incite hatred among the two peoples (and the government does not judge the whole people ...

    Ah, well, well esche)

    help "Papa Karl"
    1. Tambovskiy Volk
      17 February 2012 19: 34
      It is good that Ukraine has such powerful and authoritative support as Brzezinski. Yes
    2. URB
      18 February 2012 00: 29
      what is it? what does it have to do with my post? I write so that people do not bite among themselves and do you want to prove something by this? It's been clear for a long time ...
      1. veresk
        18 February 2012 03: 26
        that would be clear, first quote:][/url

        It may seem strange that we attribute the ability of an ethnic group to self-regulation.
        But ethnos in historical development is dynamic and, therefore, like any long-running process, it is realized with the least expenditure of energy in order to maintain its existence.
        Others are cut off and damped.

        All living systems resist destruction, i.e. they are anti-entropic and adapt to external conditions as much as possible. And since some complexity of the structure increases the resistance of the ethnos to external shocks, it is not surprising that
        where the ethnic group at birth was not sufficiently mosaic,
        as, for example, in Great Russia of the XIV-XV centuries, he began to single out sub-ethnic formations,

        sometimes formalized in the form of estates [41].

        Stood out on the southern outskirts Cossacks,
        in the north - pomors.
        Subsequently added to them explorers (at first sight,
        just representatives of a certain kind of occupation, and the peasants who followed them, who mixed with the aborigines of Siberia and formed a subethnos Siberians, or "cheldons".
        The split of the church led to the emergence of another sub-ethnic group - Old Believers,
        ethnographically different from the bulk of the Russians.
        In the course of history, these sub-ethnic groups have dissolved in the bulk of the ethnic group, but at the same time new ones have stood out.

        and so, the Galician people are now active antipodes of those who created them and the state during the times of Rus in the Kiev period. (type in Yandex (!) "anti-system Ukraine")
        In the central part, loss, atrophy of elementary historical memory. The article is in a sharp form. It is possible that in some places there are strains, but on the whole it is accurate. And I have placed the picture for clarity of WHO is the customer and what is the main PURPOSE. If "ours", then we'll figure it out.
        Continuation of the discussion, as an option, here:
  47. Jeen
    17 February 2012 19: 34
    These rabid Russian "patriots" are funny.
    They look in the mirror and carefully and honestly write what they see.
    And then they use the favorite agitprop method of inversion of meanings, substituting the word "roguly-svidomity" instead of "Budennovtsy"
    Presumably, this text was written specifically for daily reading and Komsomol complacency, especially after raking yet another Zhydobandera pendulina of the iron arguments of the forged NATO boot.
    Well, so as not to hang yourself and not drown.
    Such a saving straw for the imperial soul from suicide
  48. 0
    10 February 2014 21: 59
    2014 year. Nothing changed.
  49. 0
    4 September 2015 22: 34
    The article is still relevant. Rogues and puppies in the end are unbelted.
  50. +2
    23 September 2015 13: 30
    This boil has long matured in December 2013. burst.
  51. 0
    23 December 2019 15: 27
    Quite a thoughtful article. delicious))))