Brain Mobilization

The main task facing the Academy of Military Sciences is to find the most effective and economical ways to defend the country.

What is the difference between the geopolitical conditions in which the country's defense tasks were solved in the past and now? Then they chose mainly the armed route of confrontation, although diplomatic, economic, informational and other forms of international confrontation were widely used. War was understood as the continuation of politics by means of armed violence. In the recently adopted law "On Defense", war is still interpreted in this way.

However, now, when the scale and technological capabilities of non-military means of confrontation have expanded significantly, the question is increasingly being raised that their use already means aggression. This means that it is necessary to change the laws of wartime or their interpretation. Scientists began to divide wars into traditional ones with the use of armed violence and non-traditional ones, where non-military means are widely used. Taking into account the changed conditions, the definition of the essence of war should be clarified, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Academy of Sciences, it is necessary to develop reasonable formulations and submit them to the UN.

Our President in his Address to the Federal Assembly said that the world is entering an era of turmoil. Taking into account the new nature of the threats, the National Security Strategy and the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Law on Information Security were adopted. The time has come when the desire of other countries to preserve their sovereignty is declared obsolete. Not only military-political, but also economic expansion is being carried out. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on the development of alternative energy resources in order to deprive us of income from the production and sale of gas and oil, to put us under the threat of a socio-economic collapse. The center of business life is shifting and capital is migrating to the Asia-Pacific region, as a consequence of this, the movement of US and NATO forces to the APR and Central Asia, which directly affects the national interests and security of Russia. The threat is the provocation of unrest in the countries opposing expansion, the overthrow of unwanted power structures from within and the violation of the internal stability of states, as was the case in Iraq, Libya, and more recently in Syria and Ukraine.

How to counter these so-called non-military threats, "soft power"?

Brain MobilizationThe main factor holding back the deployment of a large-scale war is nuclear weapon... Therefore, the rulers of the modern world strive to achieve political goals through "color revolutions" in enemy countries, large-scale information campaigns, local clashes unleashed. To shield itself from these threats, Russia must be strong and powerful, primarily economically and technologically.

The problems of internal security are taking shape in a completely new way. As the tragic events in the village of Kushchevskaya, in the Urals and in other regions have shown, the local authorities and law enforcement agencies in a number of cases are highly dependent on criminals. And we are already talking about the internal strength and stability of the state.

The main and most urgent task of all branches of government and society is to ensure the unity and cohesion of the peoples of Russia, to suppress extremism and separatism. These phenomena should be stifled at their origins. Search and find those who provoke extremism and pay for it, including the media. The friendship of peoples, their rallying, led by the great Russian ethnos in the name of defending the Fatherland, was the most important factor that ensured our victory in the Great Patriotic War. This legacy must be preserved. We insist once again that Russia as a multinational state can maintain its stability and integrity only when it builds and develops on the basis of consistent implementation of the principles of federalism.

However, I will note: although Vladimir Putin called the war veterans the conscience of the nation, stories there was not a single participant in the Great Patriotic War. Nor are they in the Public Council under the President of the Russian Federation. There is not a single veteran in the created Russian military-historical society either.

To write off early Tanks

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must be in the highest readiness to carry out combat missions in local conflicts, anti-terrorist operations and mobilized for regional and large-scale wars.

Terrorism, fueled by extremist views, is a huge danger, aimed at overthrowing the existing government in unwanted countries, as, for example, happened in Iraq and Libya. Terrorists seize oil-bearing areas and create springboards for aggression against other countries, and primarily against Russia. Some terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaeda and IS, which are banned in the Russian Federation, have already fought for the Americans and against them. At the same time, the sending of refugees and, at the same time, terrorists exerts corresponding pressure on European countries.

Russia has a nuclear potential, and this restrains aggression against our country. To eliminate this most important strategic factor, the United States has been preparing a massive strike with precision weapons for more than ten years. And our most important task in the field of national defense is to prevent this from happening.

Recently, it is believed that battles with the massive use of tanks will no longer happen, the battles will take place mainly in the air and space, it will take several days and the conflict will end there. Military operations will take on a highly maneuverable nature: no continuous front lines, no need to engage in defensive breakthroughs and centralized fire engagement, you will have to act mainly offensively. All enemy targets and objects, as they are detected, will be destroyed at distant approaches. Clashes will take on a non-contact character.

In history, both world wars began with highly mobile actions, but then the desire to secure the flanks and rear areas led to a certain stabilization of the fronts. Then it was necessary not only to break through the defenses and attack, but also to defend, and sometimes retreat. It is also impossible to destroy all targets and objects of the enemy as soon as they are identified - there simply will not be enough expensive WTO ammunition for this.

And what is a local war? According to American views, the Korean war in the early 50s was a medium-intensity conflict, with about 2,5 million people fighting on both sides. For the occupation of Iraq or Afghanistan, the troops of several dozen countries were involved.

Automated control systems, robotics, unmanned reconnaissance and strike assets, weapons based on new physical principles will make many changes in the nature of military operations. AVN is called upon to thoroughly investigate new phenomena. But at the same time, one cannot break away from reality, one should objectively and objectively approach the study of innovations.

Where did the conclusion come from that there will be no more tank battles? In the Persian Gulf zone in 1991, the belligerents had over 10 thousand tanks - more than in the Berlin operation in 1945, where 6300 participated on both sides.

The widespread use of special forces, private military formations, peacekeeping forces, manipulation and violent involvement of the population by terrorists in conflict zones create a difficult situation. It is necessary to take into account and resolve not only operational-tactical, but also socio-political, and sometimes military-diplomatic issues, as is the case, for example, in Syria, where our aviation and the fleet fulfills its tasks with dignity.

Army reform is a recognized need

With the modern nature of the armed struggle, the center of gravity and the main actions are transferred to airspace. The leading states place their main stake on gaining dominance by conducting massive aerospace operations at the very beginning of the war, on striking strategic and vital targets throughout the depths of the country.

This requires the solution of aerospace defense tasks not by purely defensive air defense-missile defense means, but by the combined efforts of all types of the RF Armed Forces with the decisive use of active methods of action, strike means while centralizing control under the leadership of the Supreme Civil Code and the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.

In general, the AVN members agree with the main measures for reforming and building the Armed Forces under the leadership of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Head of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, including on the revision of previously adopted decisions in the management system of the RF Armed Forces, military education, scientific and mobilization work. A gradual return to the divisional system of army building and the solution of other issues is also very important. It is also desirable not only to restore, but also to enhance the role, rights and responsibility of military commissariats. Article 22 of the Law "On Defense" contains a definition of the concept of "territorial defense", which lists measures at the federal and regional levels during the period of martial law and a state of emergency. This is a major step forward in improving strategic planning. And it is very important to ensure the coordination of the corresponding actions of the RF Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies, the mobilization plan and the transfer of the national economy to martial law.

Asymmetric plans

Taking into account modern threats, it is advisable to plan and carry out coordinated actions in the political, diplomatic, economic, informational, technological, psychological and other spheres, to use the appropriate means to influence the opposing side.

All these actions and activities carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign economic relations, intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the border service should be led by the Security Council and the government, based on the general strategic plan with the leading role of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.

For the day-to-day coordination of the resolution of defense issues, it is advisable, along with increasing the role of the General Staff, to endow the Minister of Defense with the rights of the Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, not only for wartime, but also for peacetime.

Great hopes are pinned on the Advanced Research Foundation, which, being associated with the Russian Academy of Sciences, research and design institutions of the Ministry of Defense and the defense industry, will be involved in promoting the development and implementation of advanced technologies. Given the comparatively weakness of our economic potential, the main emphasis should be on creating asymmetric means and methods of response. It is known, for example, that the leading states have communications, navigation, reconnaissance and all control of strategic nuclear forces, missile defense, WTO through space. The collapse of this system by electronic and other means can greatly reduce the advantages of the opposing side.

Stalin's lessons

The progress of weapons and technology determines the development of the art of war. We proceeded from this position for decades. In principle, it remains in force, but one cannot be limited to only one side of the matter. Military science should more accurately determine the main directions for the development of weapons and military equipment, generate specific operational-strategic and tactical requirements (a description of weapons and technology of the future). Each Soviet research institute had a special department that dealt with just this. Then these units were liquidated, entrusting their case to teachers of tactics of military academies. But here we need specialists who also know technical issues.

Economic, political, diplomatic, informational and other methods of confrontation (including military ones) should be carried out in close cooperation. And the commanders should take into account the complex interests of the country. So, in the Sandomierz-Silesian operation, the commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Marshal Konev, decided to encircle and destroy the German grouping in Silesia. But the Headquarters corrected, demanding that a narrow strip be left for the enemy to exit this industrial area without protracted battles, so that there was less destruction. In the Iasi-Kishinev operation, skillful work with the Romanian opposition made it possible to turn the national army against Hitler.

In the experience of the Great Patriotic War, not everything is fully disclosed. But circumstances similar to those mentioned should be incorporated into a single plan for the forthcoming strategic, political, diplomatic, economic, informational and other types of confrontation. By the decision of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff, at the next meeting of the leadership of the RF Armed Forces, time was devoted to an in-depth study of the experience of the Great Patriotic War and, above all, of the military leadership skills of Marshal Zhukov. This is very important, because the initial period of the war has not yet been objectively studied. Even the secrecy label has not been removed from all documents. Recently, one of our well-known veterans of military service gave an interview to the newspaper "Soviet Russia" and when asked if Stalin made any mistakes in the initial period of the war, he replied that he did everything correctly. Historically, this is, of course, true - they defended Moscow and won a victory under the leadership of Stalin. But in June 1945, he said: "Our government made many mistakes, we had moments of desperate situation in 1941-1942, when our army was retreating ..."

In the pre-war years, not a single district had a single full-fledged defense exercise. In December 1940, the General Staff held a strategic war game involving the commanders and chiefs of staff of all districts. But the initial situation was created on the 12th day of the war, that is, the exercise began at a time when the initial stage had already ended. And the participants in the game decided not to reflect the aggression, but to inflict counterstrikes and continue offensive hostilities.

When the commander of the Western Front, Pavlov, was arrested, during the trial, the judge asked why he did not report to Stalin about the deployment of German troops near our borders. He replied: "I reported to him what he wanted to hear from me." This is the worst thing in a war, when not what is, but whatever is reported to the chiefs. And the People's Commissar of Defense, the General Staff, the commanders of the troops of the districts had to give appropriate commands so that the troops were ready to repel the enemy's attack. We will have to return to these questions more than once: the gap between military history work and operational, combat training does not lead to anything good. Cognition of past experience and forecasting development should be closely linked. It is also true that without knowledge of the essence of modern military art it is impossible to properly understand complex military-historical problems.

To increase the efficiency of scientific research in the field of defense security, the following seems appropriate.

First, when transforming the Russian Academy of Sciences and the entire scientific sphere of the country, along with the general tasks of innovative, technological modernization, to provide for measures to increase the proportion of research in the interests of defense. In turn, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, instead of trying to create its own scientific institutions for each problem, it is advisable to make fuller use of the potential of existing research organizations. In particular, during the reorganization of the RAS, along with other necessary transformations, to clarify the composition of the scientific council on defense issues and the direction of its work, taking into account the nature of the threats with a wider use of non-military means ("soft power"). Establish a scientific department of defense problems in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Clarify the composition and focus of work in order to track the corresponding achievements in the field of not only natural and technical, but also social knowledge.

Second, taking into account the nature of the new threats and security objectives, reorganize scientific work in the RF Armed Forces. To transform the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces into the Main Military Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Defense, to raise its role and status, to make it responsible for planning and coordinating all relevant work in the Armed Forces and in the interests of the country's defense as a whole. It should be ensured that the appointment to the committee is prestigious from all points of view.

Thirdly, to create the Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the RF Ministry of Defense, designed to quickly analyze, generalize and bring to the interested management bodies and institutions information on the latest achievements.

As the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces demands, all officials must radically change their attitude towards science, because work in this area is the most important component of activities related to in-depth analysis and reflection on pressing problems, creative search for non-standard solutions. In military affairs, special importance is attached to this, because an undertaking can be carried out in one or another area of ​​work only with the consent and approval of the senior commander. You can have the greatest scientific achievements and discoveries, but if the leader is not at the top of modern knowledge, he is not able to perceive them, let alone put them into practice.

First of all, an increase in the proportion of scientific work in the headquarters of all levels and in other bodies of military command is required. On the other hand, the construction and training of the RF Armed Forces or the development of new statutory documents requires both theoretical research and verification of their main provisions in exercises. The governing bodies should not only issue assignments, but also confirm the theory with practice.

The next direction is to increase the role of military academies in scientific research, both in operational-strategic and technical issues. This will make the learning process more creative.

Academic hour

On the instructions of the Security Council, the Federation Council, the State Duma, the government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies, a number of studies have been carried out, over a hundred theoretical and other scientific works have been prepared and published. Members of the academy actively participated in parliamentary hearings and conferences on defense security issues in the country and abroad. In particular, a center for joint study of the history of World War II in the Far East has been created jointly with the Jilin University of the PRC. Based on the results of the research, the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces and the Security Council presented detailed reports assessing the prospects for the development of the geopolitical situation in the world, on the new nature of multilateral threats to Russia and the organization of the country's defense in order to counter military and non-military threats, on ways to improve military scientific work in the Armed Forces. RF. The research of problems of state and public security by scientists from St. Petersburg, Bashkir, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Belorussian, Amur, Kazakhstan, Volga, Siberian and other departments deserves attention. Other departments of the academy also worked actively. This was discussed on March 4 at the general meeting of the RF AVN.
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  1. +16
    April 2 2017 05: 08
    When the commander of the Western Front, Pavlov, was arrested, during the trial, the judge asked why he did not report to Stalin about the deployment of German troops near our borders. He replied: "I reported to him what he wanted to hear from me." This is the worst thing in a war, when not what is, but whatever is reported to the bosses
    it seems now they are also reporting on the situation inside the country ...
    1. +5
      April 2 2017 06: 14
      Gareev, Makhmut Akhmetovich author of the article
      Makhmut Akhmetovich Gareyev (born July 23, 1923, Chelyabinsk, USSR) - Soviet and Russian military leader, military leader, retired army general, doctor of military and doctor of historical sciences, professor. Military theorist. Born in Chelyabinsk in a Tatar family. Father, Akhmet Gareev (born 1881), is a worker. Mother, Rakhima Gareeva (born 1892), is a housewife. For a long time, the family lived in Central Asia. In 1939 he volunteered for the Red Army. He graduated from the Tashkent Red Banner Infantry School named after V.I.Lenin in 1941. In 1941-1942 he commanded a platoon in the Central Asian Military District, studied at the Vystrel Higher Shooting and Tactical Training Courses for infantry command personnel.
      Since December 1942 - a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He fought on the Western and 3rd Belorussian Fronts. He was deputy commander of a rifle battalion, assistant, deputy chief and chief of the operational unit of the staff of a rifle brigade, from June 1944 - an officer of the headquarters of the 45th rifle corps. In 1942 he was wounded in battles near Rzhev, in 1944 he was again wounded in the head. In February 1945, after leaving the hospital, he was sent to the Far East, as a senior officer of the operational department of the headquarters of the 5th Army. As part of it on the 1st Far Eastern Front, he fought during the Soviet-Japanese war in August 1945.

      After the war, until 1947, he continued to serve at the headquarters of the 5th Army in the Far Eastern Military District. In 1950 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. In 1950-1957 he was chief of staff of the regiment, senior officer of the operational management of the headquarters of the Belarusian Military District, commander of the 307th Guards Training Motorized Rifle Regiment in the 45th Training Tank Division of the Belarusian Military District, chief of staff of the 120th Guards Motorized Rifle Division. In 1959 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. Since 1959 - deputy division commander, commander of a motorized rifle and tank divisions, chief of staff of the 28th combined-arms army in the Belarusian Military District. 1970-1971 - Chief Military Adviser in the United Arab Republic. Since 1971 - Chief of Staff of the Ural Military District. From February 1974 - Chief of the Military Scientific Directorate of the General Staff, Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, from 1984 - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Colonel General (30.10.1978/1989/1990). Since 1992, he was the Chief Military Adviser in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from there. He played an important role in planning the military operations of the government forces of President Najibullah. Since XNUMX, he served as Military Adviser - Inspector of the Group of General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Since XNUMX - retired.Гареев,_Махмут_Ахме
      1. +2
        April 3 2017 20: 37
        I will also add that at every Victory Parade is next to the Supreme.
    2. +1
      April 2 2017 10: 02
      There is another option, that everyone hears and sees what he wants and whether only what he is able to perceive.
    3. +4
      April 2 2017 13: 10
      Well, yes, an old tale about today - a good tsar and bad boyars ... Do you still believe in that?
  2. +1
    April 2 2017 05: 44
    I'll try to joke) This is how the president of the fraternal republic spoke, after he did not agree on the sale of MZKT and did not receive "a lot of money"
  3. +7
    April 2 2017 06: 34
    As the tragic events in the village of Kushchevskaya, in the Urals and in other regions have shown, the local authorities and law enforcement agencies in a number of cases are highly dependent on criminals.

    ... yeah, and police colonels with lards of green, in number comparable to the ANNUAL budget of an average city ...
    1. +4
      April 2 2017 09: 26
      embedded thinking in sales positions. is treated by firing squad and confiscation. someone will say, will not help. I promised a complete cure. but the lowest level of playful hands is where they do it. hi
  4. +7
    April 2 2017 08: 07
    Quote: Mystery12345
    it seems now they are also reporting on the situation inside the country ...

    I agree with you. Moreover, they whisper that the rating is growing, which means that everything in the country is normal. Pensioners are rosy-cheeked and contented, young people are inundated with offers of high-paying jobs, food prices are almost Soviet. If this is not the case, i.e. report the real situation, then it is not clear why the president still tolerates this government. In Russia, what are the professionals who care for the country? Or again "we are not giving up our own"?
    1. +4
      April 2 2017 08: 24
      Quote: rotmistr60
      If this is not the case, i.e. report the real situation, then it is not clear why the president still tolerates this government.

      Yes, because the current state of affairs is quite satisfactory and does not seem somehow awful
      1. +1
        April 2 2017 09: 39
        under all understandable circumstances. sharp, but albeit correct movements. dangerous. it is these steps that the spellcasters of squares and Maidan await. start with what you need. no one argues. but very smoothly. hi
        1. +3
          April 2 2017 09: 54
          Of course, smoothly and slowly, until everyone rested like flies. Only this "smoothness and slowness" lead to the Maidan. Or the complete chaos of the authorities spitting on their people
        2. +2
          April 2 2017 10: 09
          What is "correctness" if in the next process everything can turn out even worse. Nobody sees that the surrounding events have moved to the level of highly dynamic. reactions. People have not become more capable in their reaction, much less an adequate reaction to changing circumstances. Moreover, computerization significantly reduces this adequacy. We stop thinking with our own brains. We ourselves have created an information space when information already makes us hostages of the processes taking place in it.
        3. 0
          April 5 2017 15: 07
          What is it that unpopular among the people initiatives are taken at a gallop, and the necessary and sore ones are afraid? Something the mosaic does not add up.
  5. +2
    April 2 2017 09: 50
    When migrant workers from the West are in power, it is pointless to wait for any real progress in domestic politics. The rest is rubbish.
  6. +3
    April 2 2017 09: 57
    He is foolish who thinks that at the present moment in time it is possible to create a model of the future. After all, the emergence of new technologies and new weapons only expands the variability of the possibilities that events can be more capacitive in a variety of their forms. Therefore, we need not new models of what awaits us in the future, but models for the analysis of highly dynamically changing complex events.
    1. 0
      April 6 2017 03: 00
      smart speeches and it's nice to listen ...
  7. +3
    April 2 2017 10: 33
    oh Makhmut Akhmetovich, Makhmut Akhmetovich, you are very respected and very old, for many years
  8. +2
    April 2 2017 10: 45
    In general, the AVN members agree with the main measures for reforming and building the Armed Forces under the leadership of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Head of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, including the revision of previously adopted decisions in the control system of the services of the RF Armed Forces, military education, scientific and mobilization work. A gradual return to the divisional system of army building is also very important., solution of other issues.
    Well, yes, only when these decisions were made and the divisions were destroyed, what was your expert opinion, did you also agree?
  9. +1
    April 2 2017 11: 52
    Quote: GspdjGneva
    I'll try to joke) This is how the president of the fraternal republic spoke, after he did not agree on the sale of MZKT and did not receive "a lot of money"
  10. +1
    April 2 2017 12: 20
    What is it, escalating the situation or taking the topic out for public discussion ... if tomorrow is a war ... Then the question is, why do we need parasites in uniform analyzing the situation.
  11. +3
    April 2 2017 13: 35
    We need not only "mobilization of minds", we need the mobilization of the entire population. Moral, spiritual, moral mobilization. And how such a mobilization will be carried out, around what common idea for all. The idea of ​​the Great Victory, unfortunately, is gradually disappearing into the past, along with honored veterans and human memory. There is no other such unifying idea. And how will the rich and the poor unite? The hucksters in peacetime show their real attitude to the "plebs", and what will happen in case of war. We can recall the First World War, which is now actively cultivated in our country in connection with the idea of ​​"reconciliation" imposed by the authorities between the Reds (the bulk of the robbed population of the Russian Federation) and Whites (corrupt bureaucrats, commerce, majors, pseudo-creative intelligentsia, etc.). Preparing for modern warfare is impossible without defeating the inner enemy, who can always stab you in the back. It is completely impossible to defeat the modern "fifth column" (corrupt bureaucrats, commerce, majors, pseudo-creative intelligentsia, etc.) in Russia, it is quite possible to minimize it by cleaning our rotten capitalist society from the bottom to the top. It is clear that without distortions, personal accounts and heart-rending screams (again the 37th year !!!) can not do, but in any other way. Only for this we need the political will of the country's leader and an effective team of managers. But this has not yet been observed. Apparently, God should again bring our long-suffering Motherland to the very edge of the abyss, so that a leader from the people, and not from the "elite", appears and people open their eyes to all this chaos. The ostentatious imitation of the power’s struggle with themselves is already so annoying for people that it’s impossible to distract the impoverished population with any high-profile foreign policy actions and statements, as well as moronic zombie showers. I doubt very much that the majority of Russia's population maintain the stability of the "world of slaves and masters" of today's Russia. Most of the population express support for foreign policy measures, generally aimed at strengthening Russia's position in the international arena. And even then, in many respects such support is formed by the zomboyaschik and other mass media, the public consciousness is manipulated, as elsewhere. After all, we don’t know all the nuances. On the fear of the population before the Maidan and the possible collapse of the country, power also parasitizes. Like, do you want both on the outskirts and the collapse of Russia? That is, if not with them, then against them. And if neither for those nor for others? They either fight for power and money with each other or Oval - this is a setup so as to show that we have not a systemic opposition and identify opponents of the government. In general, there is no money, but you hang on there! There is always money for the elite, but for the majority of the population, there is either Rosguard for optimization and reduction, or for extremes. Probably our bourgeoisie realized that their Western brothers would not accept them in their elite non-slave club and, on occasion, would take away everything acquired by overwork. So it is necessary to strengthen defenses. Of course, they tell us something else, creating an image of an external threat for rallying the entire population, poor and rich. There is a threat, of course, no one is arguing, but not only that. But Navalny is the same "guardian" for the country and people, as those who hold power today. They are fighting with each other for power and loot, and they are using people blindly. Well, he dug dirt on the iPhone and other defective managers, so what? The iPhone is all like water off a goose, he is laughing at himself. In geyropov, a politician or civil servant would have long resigned, while the MDA is all on the drum. Well, the Guarantor is satisfied with the work of the MDA and the government as a whole. So what conclusion? They are one field of berry. And the point is not at all in Navalny and other Khodorkovsky, but in the special attitude of the Russian and Soviet people to such categories as truth and justice, which at the state level have been destroyed since 1991. In capitalist society, there is no place for such categories with rare exceptions in a "new" Russia. Who is satisfied with the stability of wealth and poverty?
  12. +2
    April 4 2017 17: 59
    why did he not report to Stalin about the deployment of German troops near our borders

    kindergarten, by God. Stalin received information from a variety of sources. Pavlov alone did not determine his awareness! For example, Zhukov expressed concern about the process, so Stalin knew everything.
    The headquarters was aware that the strip of literally 30-50 km near the border was simply flooded with German troops.
    then the headquarters found out that tank units were also being transferred there. And Pavlov "did not report"? Are you kidding me?
    And the border guards who belonged to the NKVD, Pavlov also did not report for them?
    Did the pilots who regularly flew the border also fail to report?
    I am inclined to consider this description of Pavlov's words a forgery.
    1. 0
      April 5 2017 15: 54

      "... Without canceling the order for the district to put the air defense on high alert by June 19, the blackout itself was demanded to be canceled by his telegram G.K. Zhukov on June 21:" You have given an order on air defense to put into effect provision No. 2 - this means to carry out a blackout in the Baltic States, and thereby damage the industry. Such actions can only be carried out by the decision of the government. Now your order causes various rumors and irritates the public .... "

      Chief of the Political Propaganda Department Ryabchiy Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Klenov. (TsAMO, f. 344, op. 5564, d. 1, l. 34-36. Original. VIZh No. 5 1989. The first days of the war in documents, p. 48. - view / 200/3)

      This directive appeared in PribOVO in the execution of the order of the General Staff of June 18, which, apparently, set the following tasks:

      - to complete the work in the foreground (before that there was a separate directive of the General Staff, about which Marshal M. Zakharov writes in his memoirs "The General Staff in the Pre-War Years", M .: ACT, 2005

      with. 218: "A few days before the start of the war in these fortified areas, at the direction of the district and in accordance with the directive of the General Staff, work was carried out to equip the foreground to a depth of 35 kilometers" from the border) - this is clause 2 of the PribOVO directive, Moscow also indicated the end date works - "by the end of June 21" and restrictions were given: "to occupy the position of the foreground only in case of violation of the border by the enemy";

      On June 18, the commander of the 2th Air Division, General Zakharov, flew around the U-48 along the border of the ZapOVO in order to assess the deployment / deployment of German troops, which was recorded by him:

      "... I flew to U-2 together with the navigator of the 43rd Fighter Aviation Division, Major Rumyantsev. The border areas west of the state border were packed with troops. In the villages, on the farms, in the groves, there were poorly disguised, or even not at all disguised tanks, armored vehicles, guns. Motorcycles darted along the roads, passenger cars - apparently, staff cars. is about to spill over it.
      The number of troops, fixed by our eye, keeping an eye on it, did not leave me any other options for reflection, except for one thing: the war was approaching. Everything that I saw during the flight was layered on my [100] previous military experience, and the conclusion that I made for myself could be formulated in four words - "from day to day" ...
      We flew then for a little over three hours. I often landed the plane at any suitable site, which might seem random if the border guard did not immediately approach the plane. The border guard appeared silently, silently saluted and waited for several minutes while I wrote a report on the wing. Having received the report, the border guard disappeared, and we again rose into the air and, having covered 30-50 kilometers, sat down again. And again I wrote the report, and the other border guard waited silently and then, having saluted, silently disappeared. In the evening, in this way, we flew to Bialystok and landed at the location of the division of Sergei Chernykh.
      In Bialystok, the deputy commander of the Western Special Military District, General IV Boldin, was reviewing the recently completed exercises. I briefly reported to him on the results of the flight, and that evening, in a fighter jet provided to me by Chernykh, flew to Minsk.
      The commander of the air force of the district, General I. I. Kopets, listened to my report with the attention that testified to his long-standing and complete trust in me. Therefore, we immediately went with him to report to the commander of the district (front). As he listened, General of the Army D. G. Pavlov looked at me as if he had seen me for the first time. I got a feeling of dissatisfaction when at the end of my message he smiled and asked if I was exaggerating. The intonation of the commander openly replaced the word "exaggerate" with "panic" - he clearly did not fully accept everything that I said. Then Kopets, ahead of me, said that there was no reason to question my report, and the district commander, in order to smooth out the awkward pause that had arisen, uttered several conciliatory phrases in tone and thanked for the clearly completed task. With this we left. However, there was no peace in my soul.
      Later I learned that the result of our reconnaissance and communication to the commander was an order for one of the tank corps to urgently pull up to the border from the area of ​​the summer exercises. But this minimal precaution was too late: the war caught the tank corps on the march ... "
      Zakharov George Nefedovich
      "I am a fighter"