"And in war, as in war!"


(1 edition, not enlarged and uncorrected)
According to open foreign and Russian sources

"And in war, as in war!"

I was encouraged to write this material by an agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, KAMAZ Inc. and IVECO (Italy) to work together to determine the possibility of using the IVECO army vehicles in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the huge interest of the Internet community to this topic. As a result of the total penetration of the Internet in all areas of activity, the fantastic spread of digital photography, there is a real opportunity to use not only official materials, but also private content. This material is the first attempt to systematize this information and does not claim to be the absolute truth. Since the very specifics of this issue is very complex, and the information is contradictory. Therefore, I would be grateful for any constructive comments, additions, changes and be sure to make them into the text of the article with the authorship involved.

At the beginning of the story I will try to indicate my position. In principle, I understand the decision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the purchase of modern armored vehicles (hereinafter - BA) of such properties and of such quality and I consider it correct and reasonable. Especially when you consider that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can only assume where and how (in which theater) later on will use BA data. I think that they proceeded from the estimated statistics of the probable risk of loss of armored vehicles (hereinafter referred to as BT) 50% percent from the use of IEDs, PLC, TM and 50% percent of losses from light and heavy rifle weapons. And it is justified and motivated. But, using the example of the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, where the risk of losing BAs of the IVECO LMV type from the impact of IEDs is approximately 80%, and their crews are 75%, I want to prove that on such theaters (with the likely risk of loss of armored vehicles from the use of IEDs, IWU, TM significantly more 50%) requires the use of more secure and prepared by MRAP BT technology. The use of BA type IVECO LMV is justified, but requires changes in the modification of the ordered MO RF RF BA and the introduction of amendments to the tactical methods of their use. But I will write about all this in detail in the Conclusions for this article. I consider the use of BA machines that are not prepared by MRAP programs on a similar TVD to be generally unacceptable and criminal!

Systematization of the material is based on the national identity of the armored car to the army of a particular country, and already secondarily it is linked chronologically. This is done in order to take into account the specifics and "national" features of the conduct of hostilities, which, in my opinion, influenced the results of casualties in some cases.

In the framework of this material I do not see any point in bringing stories the creation and characteristics of IVECO (LMV) L ince, as I believe that this material will be primarily of interest to specialists, professionals and the most advanced non-professional users in the creation and use of BT. I will cite only the layout of the contingents of interest to us actively using BA IVECO (LMV) L ince. This is primarily the Italian, Spanish and Norwegian ISAF contingent.

Let's go!

Italian contingent ISAF

The main base of the Italian ISAF contingent is in Herat, GIRAT province, the forward base is in Bala Murghab, as well as a small contingent in Kabul, at the headquarters of the ISAF mission.

The first photographic materials on the admission of BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince to the arsenal of the Italian contingent in Afghanistan can be dated in the autumn of 2006.

Kabul, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Giampaolo Di Paola, with a visit to the Italian ISAF contingent.

1. I want to start with this BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince. Since I believe that this is one of the first cases of undermining BA of this type. I could not accurately determine the time of the explosion, but when these photos appeared in the earliest source (December 27 2007 of the year), which I found, I think this is the 2007 year. Along with “Kabulsky” it is the second in the number of photos, though not in the amount of accompanying information, undermining BA IVEKO (lMV). That is where a large amount of incompetent and frankly false information is walking in our segment of the Internet.

I give an example.

Attention, and now a photo of the funnel from the site of the explosion. All photos are in the same series.

I give the second photo as an identifier.

About the power of charge information is also not possible. Approximately this can be done from the funnel photo, but you need to at least know the type of slave. With a closer look at the photos, it can be determined that the BA was moving at a decent speed and, after blowing up, drove another 50-60 meters. The Italian media are very sensitive to the loss of their contingent in Afghanistan, and all publish official condolences and obituaries at once. Nothing like this for this period and it was not possible to find a suitable one for this particular case. Around this time, the commander of the Italian ground forces, Daniele Paladini, was killed in Afghanistan as a result of an undermining of a suicide bomber, while the incidents prior to this incident were mainly connected with the PUMA APC. It is of great interest to determine the ownership of the car. Judging by the color, he belonged to the special forces of the Italian army, specifically Task Special 45. Here is an example of such a BA IVEKO (lMV).

In favor of this, and "palm" on the back door. Approximately at that time the Italian crews indulged in this kind of creativity, but they were constantly criticized for promoting the “African Corps” and in the later photos of these cars “drawings” come across less and less. Here is a quote from an Italian newspaper, understandable without translation: “Esercito Italiano: la jeep con i simboli nazisti”.

Taking into account the strong damage, the BA machine is considered lost.

2. In my opinion, this is the first case with the death of a crew member of IVECO (LMV) Lince. And very indicative - the operator of the Lyukovaya Machine-Gun Installation (hereinafter referred to as the LPU) died. 14 July 2009 of the year when passing a column on IED exploded IVECO (LMV) Lince. It happened near Ganjabad, in 40 miles north – east of Farah. As a result of the explosion of an IED, one Italian soldier was killed and four were injured. The BA belonged to the 8 sapper regiment of the Folgore Division (del8º Reggimento genio guastatori paracadutisti “Folgore). The equivalent of VCA in TNT equivalent is 50 kg.

Died: il primo caporalmaggiore Alessandro Di Lisio. operator of health facilities

3. Undermining in Kabul on September 17 of four IVECO (LMV) Lince 2009 armored vehicles of the Volgoret division of the Folkoren Division with the help of a mined car in Kabul. The power of the VCA was approximately 186 kg (150 pounds in various sources) in TNT equivalent, although I believe that with such thorough preparation for the terrorist attack there was no point in saving the explosive. The explosion thundered in the morning at 150 when two armored cars were traveling from the airport towards the ISAF command base. Six Italian soldiers of the 9.45, 186 and 183 regiments of the Folgore parachute division were killed.

This case can be called unique in terms of the amount of photographic material, and gives us the opportunity to reconstruct the picture of the incident with the maximum possible realism for this kind of analysis. As can be seen from the photo, an undermining occurred during the passage of the first BA past the right-standing car, at the edge of the road, at a distance of 1-2 meters from the first BA and 5-8 meters from the 2 BA. As the witness explained, il caporalmaggiore capo Ferdinando Buono, who was riding in the second BA, they kept the distance indicated in the instruction so that their BA would not be separated by any other vehicle. Before this, the British and Norwegian BAs drove here, which makes it possible to state with a certain degree of confidence that the attack was directed against the Italians. During the investigation, it was possible to fairly accurately restore the picture of the incident. The explosion of a vehicle with IED occurred remotely, which follows from the fact that the investigating authorities did not find fragments of the body of the suicide bomber.

As a result of the explosion, the first car was dropped on the left shoulder (through the dividing and oncoming lane) by about 20-25 meters and lay down on the right side, turning to the site of the explosion by stern by about 90 degrees.

As a result of the impact on him of all the factors of the VCA, the car is partially destroyed and lost to the health facility. On the presented photo clearly shows the tubular power frame of the car. He studied this photo for a long time and was inclined to believe that it was IVEKO (lMV) SF, without a roof. In favor of this version I can cite the fact that I did not see a roof from it in any photo, and the hatch installation is visible. And if we assume that it is very likely that the hatch installation and the roof under the influence of the blast wave should have flown in approximately one vector, and the roof is obviously heavier than the installation, then it should lie in the path between the car and the hatch installation. Further study of the high-resolution photo saw the rear upper wall and the upper end of the rear left door at the rear of the armored vehicle (the IVEKO (lMV) SF had a short “half” door). But, for the sake of objectivity, I have to clarify that I did not find a single photo with IVEKO (lMV) SF in Afghanistan, and even less in the photo of the 186 regiment. In this car killed five Italian soldiers.

Three crew members are paratroopers of the 186 regiment, one sergente maggiore Roberto Valente, paratrooper of the 187 regiment and one passenger, primo caporal maggiore Massimiliano Randino, parachutist of the 183 regiment who was returning from vacation. The elder of the column was most likely sergente maggiore Roberto Valente and took the place of the radio operator from behind, to the right. The commander of this division of the 186 regiment and commander of the machine was a tenente Antonio Fortunato. From which it follows that he sat in front, to the right.

The second car IVECO (LMV) L ince

took a blast wave in frontal projection, approximately from the direction of the 1-2 hour and the distance 10-15 meters. The car was partially destroyed in the front, but it was on wheels and practically did not change its position after the explosion and did not descend from its trajectory, which suggests that at the last moment before the explosion he either stood or moved at a very insignificant speed. I consider this moment to be important, but I will dwell on this in detail in the conclusions of this article. The cab of this car is not destroyed and withstood the shock of the blast wave, but despite this, one member of the crew of this car was killed. This is the operator of health facilities Gian Domenico Pistonami.

According to the instructions, the operators of the health facilities during the movement control the different parties in the direction of travel.

The body of the operator of the LPU is located along the vector of motion of the shock wave, behind the left rear wheel. The upper part of the body of the deceased serviceman is significantly disfigured and the helmet and body armor are torn off him by the blast wave. I do not want to seem cynical, citing such details, but I think that they are important for further study of the experience of using IVECO (LMV) Lince family cars in the aspect of adopting them to the Russian Army.

According to the method of undermining and the type of VCA, this case is similar to the case of the Spanish BMR 600 in November 2010, when two members of the crew of the BMR 600 were killed and the rest were injured. Here is a photo.

Photos from Spanish BMR 600

Photo of the blast site in Kabul

But along with similar conditions and the type of IEDs, we see obvious differences, for example, the size of the crater and the consequences of the explosion of the IED. This can be explained by a different type of vehicle used as an VCA, the use of a more powerful explosive charge, or by giving the VCA directivity, the latter can be confirmed by the fact that the main vector of the blast wave fell on board the first armored car (hereinafter BA) IVEKO (lMV) 7 tons), which dropped it to 20-25 meters and at the same time did not move the second car, located in 5-8 meters, according to the vector of the impact of the blast wave on the 1-2 hour, although it caused him considerable damage.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that some Afghan and world media claimed that the surviving members of the crew of the second car opened fire on passersby. In this connection, an investigation was conducted. Сaporalmaggiore capo Ferdinando Buono claimed that he shot back, although at the same time he somehow managed to shoot at the phone. However, it is harder for me to translate from Italian, in connection with which I could incorrectly interpret the original text.

Сaporalmaggiore capo Ferdinando buono in the blood of the machine gunner, whom he tried to drag in shock under the protection of BA.

As a result of this incident, six Italian soldiers were killed, four were contused, two of them were wounded.

il primo caporal maggiore Gian domenico pistonami photo 1 operator LPU BA
il primo caporal maggiore Matteo mureddu photo 2 operator LPU
il primo caporal maggiore Davide ricchiuto Photo 3 driver
il primo caporal maggiore Massimiliano randino Photo 4 passenger
il sergente maggiore Roberto valente photo 5 senior column, radio operator
il tenente Antonio Fortunato photo 6 crew commander

il caporalmaggiore capo Ferdinando buono
il primo caporalmaggiore Sergio Agostinelli
unknown crew member
unknown Air Force soldier

4. October 15 2009, as a result of a traffic accident, turned over BA IVECO (LMV) Lince, who was on duty from Herat to Shindant in duty patrol mode. In this case, the operator of the LPU il Primo Caporal Maggiore Rosario Ponziano was killed, two crew members were slightly injured, one was not injured. All were fastened. BA belonged 4 regiment paratroopers alpine shooters. The crews of the BA IVECO (LMV) Lince are called “rally list” machine gunners (RALLISTA).

il primo caporalmaggiore Rosario Ponziano operator of health facilities

5. Undermining October 9 2010, BA IVECO (LMV) Lince. Four Italian soldiers were killed, one was wounded. The incident occurred in 9.45 local time in Gulistan, approximately in 200 km east of Farah, on the border with Helmand Province.

Left car in the photo. Behind the machine gun Sebastiano ville

The military and the BA IVECO (LMV) Lince belonged to the 7 Alpine Riflemen Regiment, Julia Brigade. Information on this incident is very controversial. And in many sources, a description of this case contains a photo with an inverted armored personnel carrier "PUMA". But in the search process, I found the testimony of a witness to this incident. This is Luca Cornacchia, 31 anni, abruzzese, alpino della Julia, who was a crew member of this IVECO BA (LMV) Lince. He received typical compression-minded traumas: the lumbar vertebra was fractured, blunt injuries to the chest, abdomen, liver bruise, lung and fracture of the left leg, but remained alive. Luca Cornacchia was sitting in front of the right, in the place of the car commander.

Luca Cornacchia in place of the commander.

In place of the driver sat Gianmarco Manco. The operator of health facilities Sebastiano Ville. Marco Pedone and Francesco Vannozzi were in the back. According to Luca Cornacchia, they were driving in the middle of the front of the column, when the BA just took off and fell on its side, indicating that the IED exploded under the car. He also claims that the remote signal suppression device on the BA was turned on (?) And perhaps they hit a push-action device, although they did not drive the first car in the column.

The equivalent of VCA in TNT equivalent is given in 100 pounds.

il primo caporal maggiore Gianmarco manca Photo 3 driver
il primo caporal maggiore Sebastiano ville photo 1 operator LPU
il primo caporal maggiore Francesco vannozzi photo xnumx shooter
il caporal maggiore Marco pedone photo xnumx shooter

il primo caporal maggiore Luca Cornacchia commander

6. 17 May 2010 of the year when a large column consisting of 179 machines is moving, from Herat to Bala Murghab, to 9 15 min. The fourth car of the IVEKO column (lMV) Lince was blown up by the IED. As a result of the blast killed two crew members and two were injured. The servicemen belonged to the Taurinense mountain brigade. (32esimo reggimento Genio "Taurinense").

Photo of a blown up car on the phone of one of the participants of the incident and sergente Luigi pascazio, commander of the vehicle, against the background of his BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince

il sergente Massimiliano Ramadù 33 of the year (right photo) car commander
il caporal maggiore Luigi Pascazio 25 years (left photo) driver

il caporal maggiore Cristina buonacucina27 years radio operator
il primo caporal maggiore Gianfranco scirè 28 years old photo 1 operator LPU
il tenente Mattia Barcarol 24 on photo 3

The equivalent of the VCA in TNT equivalent is estimated at 35 kg (70 pounds). Massimiliano Ramadù, e Luigi Pascazio sat in the front and died instantly, Gianfranco Scirè - the operator of the health facility broke his knee, Cristina Buonacucina received typical minivry injuries. She has three broken lumbar vertebrae, an open fracture of the left tibia, the right shin and heel bones are fractured. I believe that this is very important information in terms of understanding what kind of injury the crew of BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince receives when undermining an IED.

Cristina Buonacucina in the process of recovery.

7. The case of BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince, which is not directly related to the ISAF mission, but occurred during the training of combat crews for Afghanistan directly in Italy. But since the case is very typical, for machines of the first series with an unprotected health care facility, it must be taken into account.

In the afternoon of February 25 2011, while returning to the base from the exercises from Bracciano to Livorno, turned over and lay down on the roof of the IVEKO (lMV) Lince 185 Parachute Regiment of the Folgore Division. As a result of this incident, a medical facility operator died, and five (?) People were injured, two seriously. Such a number of passengers suggests that one of them was not fastened, but most likely ALL. From some sources it follows that the driver at high speed tried to drive around some animal and as a result of two abrupt maneuvers he ran over the fence and turned over.

Judging by the photo of the BA is damaged, and serious repairs are carried out only at the "Firm". We consider BA lost.

Died: il caporal maggiore Nicola Casà operator of health facilities

8. 28 February 2011 of the year in 12.45 local time, 25 kilometers north of Shindand on IED exploded BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince belonging to the Alpine Vipiteno Alpine Shooters Task Force del 5 regiment. BA moved third in the column. As a result of the blast, one crew member died and four were injured.

il tenente Massimo Ranzani 36 years

Four crew members

Given the damage to BA IVEKO (lMV) in similar cases, we consider the car lost.

9. 23 September 2011 year in 11.20 Italian time near the base in Herat, an accident happened with BA IVECO (LMV) Lince, which resulted in three soldiers being killed and two injured. The servicemen were instructors and belonged to the training unit for Afghan soldiers OMLT. The story is dark and requires additional information and confirmation. According to Il generale Massimo Fogari, portavoce del ministero della Difesa, there was no exchange of gunfire, but he said that it could have been a blast on the IED.

From the text it is clear that the car turned over at high speed, but is not yet known as a result. However, the circumstances of the circumstances of this incident affect only the type (IEDs, accidents, offense) of the loss of the BA and the crew, and not the number of incidents. As a result of this incident, three Italian soldiers were killed and two were injured.

il capitano Riccardo Bucci photo 3
il caporalmaggiore Scelto Mario Frasca photo 1
il caporalmaggiore Massimo Di Legge photo 2

two crew members

For the above reasons, BA can be considered lost.

10. 4 August 2011 in 12 .20 local time using IED was undermined by BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince 11 Bersalier regiment (all'11 / o Reggimento Bersaglieri di Orcenico Superiore di Zoppola (Pordenone)). Four soldiers were wounded, three lightly, one Michele Mozzo, 32 anni, caporale maggiore seriously. His right leg is broken, his left one is injured. Place of attack is the village of Siah Vashian, south of Herat, near the international base of the ISAF Camp Arena. The BA photo was not obtained, but judging by previous instances of the application of the VCA, the machine is lost.

Michele Mozzo in place of the driver.

11. 12 January 2012 in 15.30 two kilometers from the forward operational base (FOB) "Dimonios" in the province of Farah as a result of an accident received minor damage to BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince special parts of carabinieri (Brigata "Sassari") representing the mission Police Operational Mentor Liaison Team (POMLT). The car received minor damage. As a result of an accident, carabiniere L. di L (NATO's new confidentiality policy in Afghanistan), the operator of the health facility struck the machine gun heavily with its breast, which caused its internal bleeding. He was successfully operated and there is no further health hazard. L. di L among his comrades has the nickname “toro”, so I think that the Browning machine gun suffered more.

BA IVEKO (lMV) Carabinieri

carabiniere L. di L “toro”,

These are all cases and incidents that can be somehow personalized by photos, the names of the dead and wounded, descriptions in the media, private blogs. In total, along with the above material, along with photos of unidentified IV IVO (lMV) BA and references to minor injuries of crew members, I was able to track down the X IVUM incident with BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince. Further, just for general interest, I will give the most interesting photographic materials.

“The BA IVEKO (lMV), blown up on IEDs, is quite far away and it’s quite difficult to determine its belonging to the Italian contingent, but the AB 205 helicopter gives us a direct link to this, as the Spaniards use PUMA-SUPERPUMA helicopters.

Judging by the photo, the car is badly damaged and cannot be restored and is considered lost. It was not possible to get any additional information and personal binding on this photo. Most likely it is spring or early summer.

- Photo BA IVEKO (lMV) with clear traces of the impact of the shock wave and damaging elements.

The photo does not show the starboard, but the car is clearly deformed and damaged on the right side as a result of applying IEDs, at some distance from it. I do not exclude the combined defeat of BA and not only IEDs. It was not possible to personalize this car and tie it to one of the above cases, but this is exactly Bala Murghab.
The car is considered lost.

- Photo BA IVEKO (lMV) Lince received damage from a close gap of 25 mortar shells in July 2009 year in the Farah area.

- Photo BA IVEKO (lMV) flipped on its side

- Photos with replacement wheels IVEKO (lMV) Lince.

The photo clearly shows that replacing the wheel in combat conditions requires the efforts of two crews.

At the moment, this is all that I managed to get for the losses of BA IVEKO (lMV) and their crews of the Italian ISAF contingent. When I receive something new, I will make edits, corrections and additions. When I started to prepare this material I thought it would be easier, but in the end now there are only more questions, and first of all, precisely by the number of lost IVEKO (lMV) Lince. Well, nothing, we look. But the loss of crews can be calculated with almost one hundred percent certainty. These are nineteen people dead, at least six of them are operators of health facilities. Fourteen people died in the explosion of IEDs. Five people died as a result of an accident. Also with a great degree of confidence it can be argued that not a single crew member died during the shelling from light, heavy or any other type of rifle weapons , although there was an incident with a missile hit between machines, mortar shelling, seven mentions of firing from a small arms.

ISAF Spanish contingent in Afghanistan.

The Spanish contingent uses two bases in Afghanistan. It is the main base in Herat and the base for promoting the development of the province of Badghiz in Qala-i-Nau. For information, I would add that in Kala-i-Nau, during the Afghan war, the base of the 1 and then the 4 of the MMG of the USSR Border Troops and many veterans were well known. At the time of writing, it was possible to find information on seven cases of the IVECO BA (LMV) undermining the IED before the 25 death on June 2011, but they are not personalized and sound in the context of the latter.

L'attacco di Domenica è il primo dove si vero verificati decessi dopo esplosioni di IED, da quando l'esercito spagnolo ha cambiato i blindati a favore del LINCE. ”

1. I want to start with the case of the undermining of the BA IVECO (LMV) 9 infantry regiment Sorya (Regimiento de Infantería Soria número 9) 26 June 2011 of the year. It was this event and the discussion around it that gave me the reason to study the topic and the appearance of this material. And not only for me. In Spain, after this incident, there was a big sensation in the press regarding this incident. Basically, all the meager information, figures, facts and features of this explosion were learned from the words of the Minister of Defense of Spain, Carme Chacón (La ministra de Defensa, Carme Chacón)

"El Lince alcanzado por la explosinra el elra abra la columna y presumiblemente pis una mina de presin oculta de al lado del camino. Si el artefacto empleado el sbado de la semana pasada contena“ al men 20 kilos de explosivo ”y el“ el ms potente utilizado contra las tropas espaolas hasta la fecha ”, en palabras de la ministra de Defensa, Carme Chacn, el de ayer plo lasar una carga incluso superior, segn la ministra. Al contrario que entonces, la explosin no se produjo justo debajo el vehculo, sino en sura lado derecho, la caja blindada del lince, diseada parasitra la onda expansiva de una mina, no für suficiente para proteger a sus cinco ocupantes. "

The original text can be viewed on the website of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

In the photo on the right sargento Manuel Argudin Perrino, and, most likely, this is this car. It is known that this photo was taken in Herat.

The subversion of BA IVECO (LMV) occurred in 20 km north of the city of Kala-i-Nau, Badghis province. Some veterans of the Border Troops claim that the Spaniards used the old “Soviet” unpaved roadway about 200 km and it was there, near the village of Mugur, that the explosion took place. The power of the VCA is indicated indirectly, according to Carme Chacón, the power of the VCA was significantly greater than those 20 kg used in the case of June 18 a week earlier (we’ll look at it later) and the epicenter was not under the car, but on the right side of the road. But if we draw analogies with the explosion and the consequences for the second BA Italians in Kabul 17 September 2009 of the year (150-200 wagon kg), and undermining the Spanish BMR 600 (150-200 wagon kg) and the death of two soldiers (three wounded), I assume that here the charge of the VCA was significant. However, in order to at least somehow name the equivalent of explosives, you need to know much more than we have at the moment. The blast killed two soldiers of the Spanish army and two soldiers and one civilian were injured. It is known that the VCA exploded to the right of the IVECO BA (LMV). This gives reason to believe that sargento Manuel Argudin Perrino was sitting at the right front and was the crew commander, while Niyireth Pineda Marín was sitting at the radio operator's place.

sargento manuel argudin perrino
soldado Niyireth Pineda Marín

el soldado Rubén Velázquez Herrera
el soldado Jhony Alirio Herrera Trejos
el soldado Roi Villa Souto

I would like to dwell on one moment in more detail. Niyireth Pineda Marín is a Spanish soldier of Colombian descent. Due to the lack of people willing to serve in Afghanistan, Spaniards actively recruit soldiers from Spanish-speaking states. Since 2005, at least 7 and one Peruvian have died in Afghanistan.
Given the severity of the incident, the car should be considered lost.

2. Undermining BA IVECO (LMV) 14 on April 2010 of the year in the area of ​​Ludiny, 20 -30 km. north of Kala-i-Nau. The car went third in the column, and after the explosion the column was fired upon. Although the car traces of fire is not visible. But this is typical, when a convoy is caught off guard as a result of an explosion, everyone starts shooting at random and then claims that they were shot at (the case in Kabul, with the Italians). The photo shows that the ground is not firm and it was easier to drop something of pressure action and not to wait in such an open place. TNT equivalent power was estimated at about 20 (?) Kg. Although it seems to me that the edge of the crater and destruction is less.

It is to this incident that I attribute the photo of this IVECO BA (LMV)

Although these photos appeared during an active company in the Spanish media after the 18 and 26 June 2011 explosions, the crew members were seated on the right, and here the epicenter of the explosive IEDs is clearly on the left. Data on the names and injuries of the soldiers could not be obtained, but no one died for sure (there is no mention of those who died at that time in the Spanish press).
As a result of the explosion at the SVU, the car was badly damaged and lost the door, and there is every reason to assert that it is lost.

3. Undermining the BA IVECO (LMV) of the same 9 infantry regiment Sorya (Regimiento de Infantería Soria número 9) 18 June 2011, north of Kala-i-Nau, near Ludina.

The power of the VCA is defined in 20 kg in TNT equivalent. As a result of the explosion, four crew members and one civilian translator were injured. Two wounded crew members then amputated feet. This el teniente AGB, most likely the commander of the car and the driver of el soldado JGL This fact indirectly indicates that the explosion occurred under the bottom, closer to the motor of the car and injured the legs of those crew members who were closer to epicenter. El soldado AQS broke his leg and got bruises. The el-soldado IMI and the civilian translator suffered less. Considering all known aspects of a given detonation, IVECO BA (LMV) can be considered lost.

el teniente AGB machine commander
el soldado jgl driver
el soldado AQS operator of health facilities
el soldado IMI shooter civilian translator.

The photo of this incident could not be found, but given the severity of injuries received by the crew, the BA can be considered lost.

4. Photos of the inverted BA IVECO (LMV). The car does not carry obvious signs of explosion at the IED and suffered slightly. Most likely this is the result of a traffic accident. Presumably the operator of the health facility could suffer. The incident with similar consequences was described above, when one crew member died (presumably the operator of health facilities) and one was injured, but no reliable data could be found. To determine which part belonged to the car at this stage of the study is not possible.

These are four episodes of the eight indicated in the Spanish media, which can at least be personalized by photo and printed material. Not thick, but still better than nothing. The new NATO privacy policy in Afghanistan is affecting when incidents without killed and seriously wounded military personnel are hushed up. But despite all this, we can state with full responsibility that in the incidents with the Spanish BA IVECO (LMV) in Afghanistan, two people died for eight cases of explosions at IEDs and one accident.

As a result of this chapter I would like to draw attention to one thing. Before the BA IVECO (LMV) in Afghanistan, the Spaniards actively exploited the BMR 600 armored personnel carrier (ignoring unarmored cars). Since the start of operation of the BMR 600, in all armed conflicts, the Spaniards have lost 27 people to these machines. In Afghanistan, in 14 cases and incidents involving IEDs, 13 was lost. I would like to cite the case of the undermining of medical BMR in 2010 year. When soldado Idoia Rodríguez Buján died.

According to Spanish media, the equivalent of BB 6.5 is 7 kg. Case penetration through with the appearance of internal overpressure (glass extruded).

The Spaniards themselves actively criticize the use of the BMR 600 in Afghanistan and consider it outdated and unsuitable for such a TVD machine.

From the material available at the moment, it is very likely that the losses of the Spanish ISAF contingent of two dead crew members and at least seven wounded people can be determined.

Norwegian ISAF contingent

Operationally, the Norwegians are subordinate to the regional command North. Their main location is the PRT base in Meymanehe in Faryab province, west of Mazar-i-Sharif. Norwegians, according to their own statements, do not participate in combat operations, and are there for humanitarian purposes and only respond when attacking them. They are actively using BA IVEKO (lMV) in Afghanistan since the end of 2007 year (judging by the dating of the photos found). The Norwegian contingent lost nine people dead in Afghanistan, seven of them died from the undermining of IEDs. One soldier died directly from the impact of the VCA, one, a driver-mechanic, while undermining the CV90 infantry fighting vehicle, one — while undermining a civilian TOYOTA and four people — undermining BA IVEKO (lMV) and this is the case that interests us in the context of this article .

1. This blast occurred during the day of 27 on June 2010 of the year in the area of ​​the village of Almar in 30 km west of Meimanehe, Faryab province. Part of the circumstances was recovered from the official report of the Norwegian Defense Ministry, and partly according to Stephen Meade Smith, the head of the USAID mission in Afghanistan. According to him, the Norwegian contingent "actively responds" to the "requests" of the American command to escort USAID missions in the province of Faryab. Norwegians are categorically opposed to the joint use of the armed forces and humanitarian missions, arguing that the military is putting civilian specialists at risk. This is the convoy that was this time. The car followed the seventh in the column (in the sixth car was Stephen Meade Smith). The IED exploded under the head of BA IVEKO (lMV), as a result of which the BA exploded in two parts. The frame, chassis, and engine were thrown to 18 meters, and the cab to 28 meters. The estimated equivalent of BB in the report is listed as 12-25 (?) Kg. It is indicated that the VCA consisted of an indefinite number of 107 mm reactive and 152 mm artillery shells. The diameter of the funnel is 3 meters, and the depth is 90, see. In my opinion, the equivalent is not specified correctly (the type and thickness of the components of the VCA are not taken into account), or they simply meant the weight of the VCA. In the case of the undermining of two BA IVEKO (lMV) Italians in Kabul, the weight of the VCA was much greater and the moment of application of force was simpler - to drop and BA overturning to the side 25 meters. Here, the BA was thrown up and with a lateral deviation overcame another 18 and 28 meters. That is, the work (A) done in the second case is clearly more. As a result of this incident, four Norwegian servicemen were killed. Three "coastal rangers" (norske kystjegerne) and an intelligence officer of the Norwegian Navy. The machine was equipped with a system of suppressing the remote signal to undermine the VCA.

Photo of the crew of this BA IVEKO (lMV) shortly before this incident. Standing on the right is an intelligence officer of the Navy, a specialist in counter. application of the SVU orlogskaptein Trond Andre Bolle, is left to the left løytnant Christian Lian crew commander, operator of the health facility fenrik Simen Tokle and driver kvartermester Andreas Eldjarn.

orlogskaptein Trond Andre Bolle intelligence officer of the Navy, a specialist in counter. approx. IED
løytnant Christian Lian crew commander
fenrik Simen Tokle operator of health facilities
kvartermester Andreas Eldjarn driver

orlogskaptein Trond Andre Bolle arrived to replace an officer who was wounded in a battle 2 in May 2010. The crew of this BA IVEKO (lMV) participated in that battle.

The IVEKO (lMV) armored car has been destroyed and is considered lost.

2. 2 May 2010, approximately at 16.00, in the Ghowrmach district of Bagdis province, a convoy of the ISAF Norwegian contingent was ambushed. As a result of heavy shelling, the Norwegians were forced to retreat. At the same time, two BA IVEKO (lMV) cars were damaged, one serious. Eight people were injured, two seriously.

Photo: Lars Kroken / Forsvaret

The dead crew of the BA IVEKO (lMV), who was killed on 27 on June 2010, participated in this battle. løytnant Christian Lian (right) and fenrik Simen Tokle after the 2 battle in May. Wounded: two crew members of this BA.

The car is significantly damaged and considered lost.

3. In the evening of June 7, 2011 of the Afghan time in the 21.30 region of the Ortepah valley, north of Meymanehe, BA IVEKO (lMV) was fired from anti-tank grenades (panserverngranat), causing damage to the undercarriage.

Judging by the photo, BA IVEKO (lMV) received minor damage and is subject to restoration in field conditions.

4. A fragment of video clashes. Time is not exactly set. Presumably the area Ghowrmach.

In total, the Norwegian ISAF contingent lost significantly four people dead from the crews of BA IVEKO (lMV).


Now, having studied the topic with all care and scrupulousness, it can be reasonably stated that the losses of IVECO (LMV) L ince crews are currently twenty-five dead.
Of these, twenty people died from the application of IEDs.
Five people died in traffic accidents.
Of the dead crew members, seven were operators of health facilities.
And not one was killed by the use of any type of small arms, both light and heavy.

I repeat again. It is generally unacceptable to use wheelbase BA on outdated wheelchair BA of outdated structures and BA unprepared for the MRAP technology. With an increasingly apparent tendency to increase the mass of explosives in IEDs, they have not the slightest chance. I think that it is necessary to use wheeled vehicles, which are more protected by MRAP technology, on a similar TVD. Active BA operators in Afghanistan came to the same conclusions, but they came to this experimentally, in a “bloody” way. Why should we repeat their mistakes?

Italian BA Cougar MRAP 5.

ISAF contingents actively exploiting BA IVECO (LMV) are adopting even more protected and heavier models and in connection with this change tactical methods of using IVECO BA (LMV). Trying to divert them to minor tasks, especially when conducting columns and convoys, and on the main, IEDs - use dangerous directions and not willingly. Yes, the use of armored vehicles such as IVECO (LMV) is permissible, but each exit must be thoroughly worked out and disassembled with the crews. It is necessary to use non-standard and non-standard methods of using IVECO BA (LMV). Make maximum use of the speed and maneuverability of the BA data and do not tie them tightly to the column, use the side secondary paths in the course of the movement of the columns. The armored car does not come to the site of the blast itself, it is brought there by a person, and a modern BA already gives it a chance to survive! It must be thought, it is necessary to work. An important aspect of reducing crew losses to a minimum is primarily the discipline of the crews themselves. The appearance of armored capsules, explosive chairs and the restriction of the inner protected space requires the mandatory use of seat belts. And this experience is invaluable in the light of the design of new models of BT. And no trips on the armor!

The presence of an open hatch machine-gun installation in general eliminates the difference between IVECO BA (LMV) and previous-generation machines, at least for the operator of the health facility! As a result of the combat work and operation, the LPU operators suffered the greatest losses. On the Italian machines of the first series, the LPU operators received serious injuries from the wire and fishing line stretched at their “hooligans”, and therefore the cutters appeared on these machines. Already since the ninth year of 2009, the Italians experienced more protected medical facilities and then gradually put it into operation. But I think all this is only half measures. It is necessary to adopt a machine only with a remote machine gun installation! These are the ones that stand on Czech and British vehicles and on the RG-31 of the Spanish contingent.

Spanish Defense Minister Karma Chacon in RG-31

Yes, well protected mr ba BA roads! But how expensive? More expensive than at least four trained professional crew members? What is the compensation of their relatives?
What are all sorts of benefits to relatives after their death?
Or more expensive than the grief of their wives and children?
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  1. 750
    14 February 2012 09: 52
    Author Vadim Silantiev

    Great article, a lot of facts, photos! It is significant how the threshold arched by the explosion, and it should have such a form V before the explosion. But this is all (VCA) children's creativity compared to factory models:
    When analyzing, the determination of the mass of explosives by the funnel and the nature of the damage is lame, perhaps it is worth resorting to the help of specialists, Yu.G. Veremeyev, for example?
    The conclusions are also true, but few. The main missed IVECO (LMV) is unsuitable for use in mine hazardous areas. Researches for KAMAZ were carried out by the Taliban-low. From Russian armored vehicles IVECO level of explosion resistance is not far gone. You need a car with a V-shaped bottom, at least on the front doors. The machine gunner’s weak security is also correctly noted, And the simplest option is a welded turret, with an open top like on the German sdkfz222, it is cheaper than remotely controlled weapons, on the Pindos hammer they used a square, glazed u-bird, not a machine gun on the joystick!
    What's the funniest fascist BA has a V shaped bottom, 15 mm armor and less mass than the Tiger, and with a 20mm cannon is just a beast. Why not use a proven design on modern units? No, we always have our own way ...
    War is the best training ground for testing and testing equipment that seems good until they shoot, it is absolutely useless in battle.
    Absolutely safe equipment is not yet foreseen, and the answer to reinforcing armor is always the same - reinforcing weapons of defeat.
    1. +2
      14 February 2012 11: 28
      Of course, I have my own opinion on the definition of the EQUIVALENT of the mass of explosives in IEDs. But in order to determine this with at least some more or less certainty, only a photo of the funnel and a picture of destruction are not enough. It is necessary to inspect the place of detonation, determining the type of IEDs and the composition of the explosives at least. Everything else is fortune-telling on coffee grounds.
      IVECO LMV was undermined in the war back in 2007! , and the technology in it is 2001! And here "Russian armored vehicles" are undermined only with tongues and further piz ... well, it's not going!
      Article "ON CONTRAST" - enough to wrap the old aavno in new pieces of paper. We need new, modern cars.
      1. 750
        14 February 2012 12: 03
        Vadim, if you have an opinion, do not hesitate to show it, and write, I think that 120 kg is the tale of Papa Carlo. About the determination of the mass of explosives, everything is correct, but by the nature of the impact, it can be roughly said how much it was. If on the video, the link below, 6,4 kg tore off the fuck face. And in my opinion it would be possible to limit to 2 killed 3 wounded, otherwise DO NOT wait for me in Italian. some kind. There is also a lack of loopholes and smoke grenade launchers.
        Article "ON CONTRAST" - enough to wrap the old aavno in new pieces of paper. We need new, modern cars.

        So write the conclusions in the article, not in the comments. And as for the bombings, I do not believe, without comprehensive testing of the basic properties, they do not accept equipment for service. If you can provide the facts. Ideally, conclusions can be drawn up in an open letter, and sent to Serdyukov, in the State Academic Bolshoi Theater, so that real changes need to be made! Successes and new articles.
        1. +4
          14 February 2012 12: 53
          The new website of the RF Ministry of Defense does not imply any feedback! When you contact "contacts", he throws everything off. You saw him, he is redundantly "INTERACTIVE" and hangs at the slightest load.
          All conclusions are in the article! Yes, they are a little out of sight, but this is the style of the article and the “human view of a journalist”, an attempt to dilute the dry picture of figures and facts. This is precisely an attempt to attract a wide range of specialists and those simply interested in the dialogue.
          Of course, my IMHO conclusions would have sounded more harsh and specific, but with this I would cut off and "petrified" on this material a large number of specialists in the field of BT. Therefore, such a "PATIENT" article.
          I don’t have any information about the undermining of our BA, if I’ll be glad to see you.
    2. beech
      14 February 2012 15: 25
      and why not modernize the Soviet BRDM, through patency not a tiger do not trot with it and do not stand close, but remake the armor protection like a thread in a modern way !!
      1. +1
        15 February 2012 01: 36
        it’s easier to make a good armored personnel carrier and not to suffer with armored cars ... the whole article is a vivid illustration of that ... use cars in battle locations can only ...
    3. KGB161rus
      14 February 2012 15: 48
      No, we always have our own way ...

      Everything is very easy and simple, the fact is that some of our dignitaries will receive an excellent fee from this IVECO, by the way there is an article about this
      Last year, the Ministry of Defense inflicted billion losses on Russia
      here it is, it is known that IVECO will be more expensive, and it is generally not known in what condition it will enter the army, or rather what class of armor it will be, the theft of our officials, including the military, knows no end and edge, and our soldiers will pay for it officers, after all, experts in the defense industry bought everything as one speak about this IVECO the best, the same will happen with our AK-12 (while it is being tested and will still undergo changes), but there is already negative about it, they say that you need to buy rifles from England or Germany what it is it's again about weave into our general’s pocket, but what’s there, it’s not just the generals. . .
      1. +1
        14 February 2012 16: 48
        these are the words of a true patriot! the essence of which boils down to the old thesis - they steal.
        Tell me, do you really believe that if these funds (allocated for IVECO) were spent on our military-industrial complex, the percentage of theft would be dramatically lower? Or do our managers from the military-industrial complex become saints, unlike the Italians? or when "their own steal" is it forgiven for them?
        1. KGB161rus
          14 February 2012 17: 46
          YOU have read and did not understand, although it would have stolen, but supported your military-industrial complex, and not someone else's, hence we have jobs and salaries for people, that's all that this support is required. .
          1. 0
            14 February 2012 18: 06
            and where, and who will bring the file and sledgehammer, this is a miracle of capitalist thought ????
            so for reference ... 1700 cars will be assembled in the TERRITORY OF RUSSIA, RUSSIAN workers. and you don’t believe them, but they will still be paid POS.

            super: ".... it would have been stolen, but ..."
            1. KGB161rus
              14 February 2012 18: 59
              1700 cars will be assembled in the RUSSIAN TERRITORY

              If so. .
            2. KGB161rus
              14 February 2012 19: 25
              In your words, solid Poison, you are trying to hurt me, but none of this will come of it. .
              1. +1
                14 February 2012 20: 59
                did not want to offend. rather sarcasm.
                I also want our guys not to ride "on armor". and if an expensive foreign car is better for these purposes, then not all generals will buy armored Mercians, there are more important situations.
          2. -3
            14 February 2012 18: 09
            you call it a salary, maybe you are the director of a factory that has not received an order for this squalor, called TIGER?
            1. KGB161rus
              14 February 2012 19: 11
              you call it salary

              Yes, you know, people go to work for 10-12 thousand. at the same time they wave a shovel or crowbar, ride every morning a hundred kilometers before work, you seem to have no idea about life. . . just do not need me to answer, he who seeks will always find all of you are so brave on the net and smart , and in life most likely you’re completely different from yourself. .
              1. +1
                14 February 2012 22: 43
                Yes, we are all different in life. in my words about wages, "irony" wages at our factories are such that the worker will not even notice that the factory is gone. I myself have traveled 40 km to work for half of my work experience, but I want to get a decent salary, not a penny. and not a tiger in the series will not go. they won't do it well, there is no motivation. devilry for a pittance, so that the director and his 25 deputies have real estate in Cyprus, no thanks. and you advice to adequately respond to comments.
      2. Arc76
        14 February 2012 23: 23
        And our enterprises think they are rolling back less, this is Russian know-how.
  2. -2
    14 February 2012 10: 07
    Here you have the vaunted iveko.
    1. +4
      14 February 2012 13: 13
      I would have thrust this Serdyukov with the rank of mine of defense into Iveco and blown them away by 6 kg. We will withstand it. We will not withstand it and we will have a new minister!
    14 February 2012 10: 18
    Well, if the Lynx is bought to "spur" Russian manufacturers, then at least something better was bought, for example, Dingo from KMW. There is better protection and more serious running gear - like on UNIMOG (almost one to one). a couple of Italian "combat" cars - photo below)))))
  4. +1
    14 February 2012 10: 20
    Do you remember this quote?

    The company IVECO regularly confirms the high class of protection of your car. Over the 10 years of operation, 28 demonstration explosions at landfills were carried out and around 10 vehicles were blown up by the enemy in combat. The only time that people died was 26 June 2011 of the year, when the Spanish Army's armored car was blown up by militants in Afghanistan. Despite the fact that the power of the side explosion was measured 120 kg in TNT equivalent (which is tens of times higher than the stated resistance under blasting), only two people from the crew died, and three more were injured, but survived.

    1. 750
      14 February 2012 11: 31
      Excellent link, a lot of specifics and put the turret. As well as a video of a real explosion of 6,4 TNT, there is no result. And 120 kg is probably in a ravine, the neighboring aul was pulled by the whole machine (relatively).
  5. Patos89
    14 February 2012 10: 37
    Well, the car is not so hot more armored, I think it makes no sense to do it, they just put more explosives, so the author of the article is wrong in Chechnya, too, they undermined the armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, but they’re all the same 0
  6. Patos89
    14 February 2012 10: 55
    The purchase of IVEKO can be done for political reasons and you also need to think about the composition of the armor of the used alloys. The Italians were strong when the Roman Empire was. The same Mistral that is so often criticized for buying and the United States did not want, for example, to buy a ship from our country and offer the French to cancel the deal just for what purpose the customers know these things. And what is better for cavo saying every bug praises its swamp
    1. +1
      14 February 2012 17: 48
      So this purchase is made for political reasons. Berlusconi and Putin have agreed on this for a long time. So there is no business or sober calculation here. Only politics. And from myself I think maybe Berlusconi is taking revenge on Putin (impersonating IVECO), because he UAZ Patriot somehow sold? smile
  7. dred
    14 February 2012 11: 18
    That would show this article to our MO.
  8. +1
    14 February 2012 11: 45
    article is good. I look forward to continuing. everyone draws their own conclusions. I somehow had no doubt that the main comment would be "GAUNO ITALIAN". from the commentators, I would like to know the lope of the landing man survives after the detonation of an anti-tank mine with the bottom of an armored personnel carrier or an infantry fighting vehicle, I think they are not found alive there. you shouldn't even stutter about the Russian tiger.
    1. Owl
      14 February 2012 15: 07
      In May 2001, during the explosion of a land mine (2-3 artillery shells 122-152 mm) under the driver of the BMP-2 (Edik, good memory to him): 1 dead (Edik), 3 - "300" heavy, 4 - shell shock (strong) and scratches. The group was located: half "in armor", half "on armor", all except Edik were in bulletproof vests, some were "on armor" in helmets. After being ambushed, the group fired back with dignity (2-3 hit "hobbits")
      1. 0
        14 February 2012 15: 26
        and how does a bulletproof vest help with a land mine explosion?
        1. Owl
          15 February 2012 18: 38
          I caught a "secondary shard" in the "armor"
  9. Owl
    14 February 2012 14: 58
    You need to be able to collect information, think, learn from the mistakes of others, and after that - develop and produce your own product that surpasses what you have seen before. Any "piece of iron" is not worth the life and health of one citizen (soldier, officer, employee).
  10. Dust
    14 February 2012 15: 13
    No matter what you do, but in the war people perished and will perish! There’s war for that, to kill the enemy, otherwise there is a negotiation table, there is only a glass itself even cooler than splashing water in the face ...
    If you lay a ton of explosives, the coolest tank almost near Earth orbit starts very successfully ...
    There are doubts about the usefulness of such armored cars in principle, and the fact that you have to rely on your strengths in this matter, and to buy any advertised junk, and even for kickbacks is a crime in general ..
    1. Patos89
      14 February 2012 16: 26
      Well, I think it's better to go in such an armored car than in an UAZ or rag rag.
      And the armored car is needed for patrol or fast movement of troops
      By the way, I looked at the basic cost of the Tiger for ordinary inhabitants almost 1 million 800 thousand fell from a chair.
      1. Dust
        14 February 2012 19: 42
        In fact, it’s better not to go to such places at all ... wink
        With mature thinking, in general there are big doubts about the appropriateness of such a technique - it’s not lucky, it’s expensive, it eats with appetite ...
        The only advantage is that someone can survive the explosion, but there is practically no chance of further survival if the car gets up and help does not work right away ...
        Accompanying caravans is a weak armament and little can be seen on either side, passengers are sitting face to face, which means they will not affect the situation until they leave. and at the exit they will have to wait for the natives ...
  11. +3
    14 February 2012 15: 40
    Perhaps the best review of op BA IVECO, which I have ever met. Many thanks to Vadim for the journalistic investigation. I will follow your articles.
    It is obvious that in the nearest medical facilities they will be controlled from the BA. Interestingly, the RF Ministry of Defense orders an IVECO BA with all the technological stuffing? Will ours have "remote suppression" VU? Finally, our guys will stop riding "on armor"!
  12. Sleptsoff
    14 February 2012 16: 38
    And here you can read about the tiger http://karden.livejournal.com/17643.html
    1. +1
      14 February 2012 17: 08
      read the article and looked at the photo, just tin. there’s no need for a battle-collision, and so you can be crippled if you take off your helmet. they’ll throw it at Iveco, but there is at least some kind of protection against land mines, there is also an excellent bullet protection. in the tiger, look at the landing seats screwed to the floor and after the f-1 explosion under the tiger, the entire spine of the paratrooper will fall into his underpants.
  13. 755962
    14 February 2012 18: 06
    An article ... more of these. People feel sorry for whoever they are. Our MO is a lesson. If they continue to be guided by IVECO.
    1. -2
      14 February 2012 18: 13
      maybe you’ll give statistics about the number of dead crews and assault forces on our equipment, so for comparison.
      1. Antibrim
        14 February 2012 19: 12
        meaning? as such, we don’t have BA, mainly armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, and this is a completely different class. BA is in small quantities. Therefore, comparing machines of different classes is pointless
      2. Dust
        14 February 2012 19: 43
        So they just ride, and ours fought on their equipment ...
        1. +2
          14 February 2012 20: 00
          WELL YES ONLY WE Fought, and no one but us. do not humiliate your enemies. maybe the Italians and Spaniards did not take Berlin, but they also have glorious military deeds. but about ours they fought, and they are currently skating, no, they are also fighting. and they are killed too. but as ours were preparing for operations in Afghanistan, this is complete insanity, first all property and equipment will be driven to the parade ground. they will count the bowlers and soap (they count two weeks) and then move out in a column to the place of operation, by the way, in the "modern" Russian army, everything is still happening to this day, what secrecy, what efficiency, and they just ride.
          1. Dust
            14 February 2012 20: 21
            And what kind of glorious fighting traditions do they have? Maybe enlighten? Spaniards have war with Napoleon? The Abyssinian campaign among the Italians?
            Nobody humiliates anyone here, just hints that NATO members never had the task of "keeping the ground" ...
          2. vladimir64ss
            14 February 2012 21: 08
            The exploits of Italians and Spaniards ended in South America in the 16-18 centuries. And they kill where they can. Only this is not a feat.
  14. ivan79
    14 February 2012 23: 45
    At one time, Beria tested the armored limousine by landing the project developers in it and firing at this device with a division of machine gunners, it would be nice to first fire at the stool in Iveco (preferably from the KPVsmile) and then undermine anything. under it and look at the result, this unit corresponds to the declared data or not.
    1. kott
      15 March 2012 15: 34
      Taburetkina in Iveco undermine and ivan79 in the tiger and see who survives he is right.
  15. suharev-52
    15 February 2012 00: 39
    Nice comment with pictures. I was especially pleased with the link about the Tiger. Yes. But it seems and was created by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was then that the MO began to try it on. But it seems at the last exhibition they demonstrated a decent technique. Of course, it is necessary to run in and test in conditions close to combat. And the conclusions of the specialists, and the revision of the comments. Then there will be a decent technique. And so, I remembered a case from my life. The ChMK received a batch of Volga from GAZ (it was in the early 90s, it was exchanged for metal). The men lifted the car on a lift, and the bottom was rusty, dirty (it didn't smell like a primer), and along the bottom in large letters "As they pay, we work."
  16. aleksandrik
    28 December 2012 01: 11
    It’s interesting to me ... if I drive three cars 1) an armored tiger 2) an armored UAZ 3) Iveco LMV to choose from and suggest, say through the whole of Dagestan and Ingushetia, I’m sure that 100% of yelling here that Iveco is full of ***** about and about unpatrioticness it would be him who would sit)))))))))))))))))))))

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