The strategy of creating the First Russian Empire

Prince Svyatoslav, concluding an honorable peace with the Byzantine emperor Tzimiskes, planned to continue the war. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years," the prince said: "According to Rus, I will bring Bole squads."

Svyatoslav left the Danube region, but Russia retained her conquests in the Azov region, the Volga region, kept the mouth of the Dnieper. Researchers believe that after meeting with the Byzantine emperor, when an honorable peace was concluded, returning Russia and Byzantium to the provisions of the 944 treaty of the year, the Russian army was on the Danube for some time. On the Dnieper Svyatoslav was only in the deep autumn.

At the Dnieper rapids it was already waiting for the Pechenegs. According to the official version, the Greeks (the Romans) were not going to let the formidable warrior back to Russia, realizing that he could assemble a large army, build a fleet, as princes Oleg and Igor did at one time, and return. The Byzantine chronicler John Skilitsa reports that earlier Svyatoslav had been sent to the Dnieper a master of political intrigue, Bishop Theophilus of Euchites. The bishop was carrying expensive gifts to Khan Kure and the proposal of John I Zimiscia for the conclusion of a treaty of friendship and alliance between the Pechenegs and Byzantium. The Byzantine sovereign asked the Pechenegs to no longer cross the Danube, not to attack the Bulgarian lands that now belonged to Constantinople. According to Greek sources, Zimiskhiy also asked to let Russian troops pass unhindered. The Pechenegs allegedly agreed with all the conditions, except for one thing: they did not want to let Rus.

Rusam about the refusal of the Pechenegs to miss the squad of Svyatoslav did not say anything. Therefore, Svyatoslav walked in full confidence that the Greeks had fulfilled their promise and the road was free. The Russian chronicle states that the anti-Russian-minded residents of Pereyaslavets told the Pechenegs that Svyatoslav was walking with a small retinue and with great wealth: “Svyatoslav with a small retinue goes past you to Russia, taking a lot of wealth and prisoners from the Greeks without a number. Hearing this, the Pechenegs set foot in the rapids. ” Thus, there are three versions: the Pechenegs themselves wanted to strike at Svyatoslav, the Greeks only kept silent about this; the Greeks bribed the Pechenegs; Pechenegs notified pereyaslavts-Bulgarians hostile to Svyatoslav.

The fact that Svyatoslav went to Russia in complete peace and confidence confirms the division of his army into two unequal parts. Reaching in boats to the “Island of Rusov” at the mouth of the Danube, the prince divided the army. The main forces under the leadership of the governor Sveneld went under their own power through the forests and steppes to Kiev. They arrived safely. No one dared to attack a powerful army. According to the chronicles, Sveneld and Svyatoslav offered to go on horseback, but he refused: “Go around, prince, on the rapids on horses, for they stand at the threshold of the Pechenegs. And Svyatoslav did not listen to him, he went on the boats. ” With the prince remained only a small squad and, apparently, the wounded.

When it became clear that not to go through the rapids, the Russian prince decided to winter on Beloberezhie, the area between the modern cities of Nikolaev and Kherson. According to the chronicles, the wintering was hard, there was not enough food, people were starving, dying from diseases. There is an opinion that Svyatoslav himself was not going to go to Kiev, he planned to continue the war and waited for reinforcements. In the spring, Governor Sveneld was to arrive with fresh forces, but he did not appear. In the spring of 972, without waiting for Sveneld, Svyatoslav moved up the Dnieper again. On the Dnieper rapids, a small squad of Svyatoslav was ambushed. Details of the last battle of Svyatoslav are unknown. One thing is clear: the Pechenegs outnumbered the Svyatoslav warriors in number, the Russian soldiers were exhausted by the hard winter. The whole squad of the Grand Duke fell in this unequal section. The Pechenezh prince Smoking ordered to make a bowl-brother from the skull of a great warrior and to enclose it with gold. It was believed that since the glory and wisdom of the Grand Duke will be transferred to its winners. Raising the cup, the Pechenezh prince said: "Let our children be like him!"

The strategy of creating the First Russian Empire

Ozhiganov I.Ye. Svyatoslav. Warriors of the North

The plot in Kiev

The official version of the straightforward prince-warrior, who was easily deceived by the Romans, putting the Pechenegs under attack, raises questions. Why did the prince stayed with a small retinue and chose the waterway in the boats, although he had always been flying swiftly with his cavalry, which had gone with Sveneld? If he wanted to return, he would leave with the main army. So, he was not going to return to Kiev? I waited for reinforcements that Sveneld was supposed to lead and continue the war. Why did Sveneld, who calmly reached Kiev, did not send help, did not bring the troops? The behavior of the governor is all the more strange that he did not even need to return to Kiev for help. According to the Novgorod First Chronicle, Prince Igor gave Sveneld the “feeding” of the land of the Rus streets, a large union of tribes living in the region from the Middle Dnieper region, above the rapids, to the Southern Bug and the Dniester. The princely governor could easily gain serious militia in their lands. Why did not help send the son of Svyatoslav, who ruled in Kiev - Prince Yaropolk? Why did Svyatoslav himself, who knew about the danger, not try to go the far, but safer way - through Belaya Vezha, where there were Russian outposts, along the Don?

Many historians have paid attention to this — S. M. Soloviev, D. I. Ilovaisky, B. A. Rybakov, and I. Ya. Froyanov. In our time, this strange fact was noted by the researcher of the era of Svyatoslav L. Prozorov (Svyatoslav the Great: “I am coming for you!” M., 2011.). S. M. Soloviev noted that "Sveneld, by will or bondage, hesitated in Kiev." DI Ilovaisky wrote that Svyatoslav "was waiting for help from Kiev. But, obviously, either in the Russian land at that time, the cases were in great distress, or there they did not have accurate information about the prince's position — help did not come from anywhere. ” However, Sveneld arrived in Kiev and was supposed to submit to Prince Yaropolk and the Boyar Duma a full report on the situation with Svyatoslav.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that Sveneld betrayed Svyatoslav. He did not send any help to his prince and became the most influential grandee at the throne of Yaropolk, who received Kiev. Perhaps in this betrayal lies the source of the murder of Prince Oleg, the second son of Svyatoslav, the son of Sveneld - Lyut, whom he met while hunting in his possessions. Oleg asked who drives the beast? Hearing Sveneldich in response, Oleg immediately killed him. Sveneld, avenging his son, incited Yaropolk against Oleg. So, the first large-scale internecine, fratricidal war in Russia began.

In addition, Sveneld could be an instrument of the Kiev boyar-merchant elite, dissatisfied with the transfer of the residence of the Grand Duke to the Danube and the cruelty of the prince, who did not listen to the advice of the "wise." In his desire to found a new capital in Pereyaslavtse, Svyatoslav defied the Kiev boyars and merchants. Capital Kiev was relegated to the background. They could not openly confront him. But the Kiev elite was able to subordinate to its influence the young Yaropolk and tighten the matter with sending troops to help Svyatoslav, which was the cause of the death of the great commander. It is also worth noting the Khazar and Christian footprints in this matter. Kiev boyar-merchant elite has long had ties with the Khazars, had business with Khazaria. Many Khazars settled in Kiev, weaved their “nest” there. Financial and trading morality (the ideology of the "golden calf") gradually penetrated into Russia and Kiev became the main stronghold of the Khazars. It is clear that the Khazars were happy to destroy the Grand Duke, who crushed their state and did not compromise with his conscience.

In addition, L. N. Gumilev noted such a factor as the revival of the “Christian party” in the Kiev elite, which Svyatoslav defeated and driven underground during the pogrom of the mission of the Roman Bishop Adalbert in 961 year (Educating the hero and his first victory). Then Princess Olga agreed to accept the mission of Adalbert. The Roman bishop inclined the Kiev elite to the necessity of adopting Christianity from the hands of "the most Christian ruler" in Western Europe - the German King Otton. Olga listened attentively to the envoy of Rome. She was supported by part of the Kiev elite, who saw benefit in the Christianization of Kiev and Russia. There was a threat of acceptance of the "holy faith" by the Kiev elite from the hands of the envoy of Rome, which led to the vassalage of the rulers of Russia in relation to Rome and the German emperor. At that time, Christianity acted as an information weaponsthat enslaved the contiguous regions in the interests of Rome (the then "command center" of the Western world) and Constantinople. Svyatoslav harshly stopped this information-ideological diversion. Supporters of Bishop Adalbert were killed, possibly including representatives of the "Christian Party" in Kiev. The Russian prince intercepted the threads of control from a mind-losing mother and defended the conceptual and ideological independence of Russia.

The long absences of Svyatoslav from Kiev led to the fact that his most loyal associates, representatives of the so-called. "Pagan party", accompanied him in campaigns, many died in battles. As a result, the “Christian party” was revived in Kiev, which had the support of the Khazar-Jews. There were many Christians among the boyars, who had great profits from trade, and merchants. The Christian church was calm about usury and was a convenient ideology for the boyars and the merchant, prone to the "golden calf." They also opposed the transfer of the center of power to the Danube. The Joakimov Chronicle reports on Yaropolk's sympathies towards Christians and Christians in his environment. This fact is confirmed by the Nikon chronicle. Svyatoslav's return to Kiev frightened them, threatened with pogrom.

Gumilyov considers Sveneld to be the head of the surviving Christians in the army of Svyatoslav. Svyatoslav staged the execution of Christians in the army during the war with the Greeks-Romans, punishing them for their lack of courage in battle. He also promised to destroy all churches in Kiev and destroy the Christian community. Svyatoslav kept his word. Christians knew that. Therefore, it was in their vital interests to eliminate the prince and his closest associates. What role played in this conspiracy Sveneld, is unknown. We do not know whether he was the instigator or just joined the conspiracy, having decided that it would be beneficial for him. Perhaps he was just framed. There could be anything, even Sveneld’s attempts to change the situation in favor of Svyatoslav. No information available. One thing is clear, it is possible that the death of Svyatoslav is more connected with Kiev intrigues than with Byzantine ones. In this case, the Greeks and Pechenegs simply appointed the main culprits of the death of Svyatoslav. It is also possible that the interests of Constantinople and the tops of Kiev in this matter coincided, and both sides did everything to Svyatoslav died and could not continue the war with Byzantium and return to Kiev.

The value of Svyatoslav

The great Russian commander, Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich, looks more like an epic figure of Russia than a real statesman, so great is the scope of his military-political activity. Prince Svyatoslav was a politician of global significance. In a number of areas - the Volga region, the Caspian Sea, the North Caucasus, the Kuban, the Crimea, the Northern Black Sea region, the Danube region, the Balkan Peninsula and Constantinople, he actually laid the traditions and the main course of the foreign policy of Russia - the Russian kingdom - Russia - the USSR. He and his direct predecessors - Rurik, Oleg Veshchy and Igor - outlined the Russian global super-tasks, and created the First Russian Empire (united Russian state).

The acts of Svyatoslav Igorevich would not be enough for one great statesman and commander. The great Russian prince suspended the conceptual ideological invasion of Rome and Constantinople in the Russian lands (the Christianization of Russia). Svyatoslav decided centuries-old historical the task, which was still solved by his predecessors - the princes Rurik, Oleg and Igor, was crushed by the Khazar Kaganate. The Khazar "miracle-udo" - a monstrous serpent of Russian legends, leading girls and children into slavery, was destroyed. The army of Svyatoslav Igorevich destroyed the Khazar military-political elite, the army, the main cities and fortresses of the enemy, the Khazars lost power and influence over a vast territory. The Volga route, which led from Eastern Europe to the southern countries, was open to the Rus. Russian outposts appeared on the Don (Belaya Vezha). Russian steel Tmutarakan (Taman Peninsula). Rus began to gain a foothold in the Crimea - Korchev (Kerch). Rus became masters of the Northern Black Sea region. The struggle for Bulgaria and the attempt to establish itself in the Subunavia were supposed to solve the main strategic tasks in Russia in the south. The Black Sea would finally become the “Russian Sea”. At the same time, Russia brought under its control the main trade communications in the vast region from the Volga to the Danube.

The decision to move the capital from Kiev to Pereyaslavets, from the Dnieper to the Danube, also looks reasonable. During historical fractures, the capital of Russia was transferred several times: Oleg Veshchy transferred it from north to south - from Novgorod to Kiev. Then it was necessary to focus on the problem of uniting the Slav-Russian tribal unions and solve the problem of protecting the southern borders, focus on the problems of fighting the Khazars and Byzantium, for this Kiev was better suited. Andrei Bogolyubsky decided to make Vladimir the capital city, leaving Kiev, steeped in swarches, where the degenerated boyar-mercenary elite drowned all sovereign undertakings in the mud of intrigue. Tsar Peter transferred the capital to the Neva in order to secure Russia's access to the shores of the Baltic (once the Varangian) Sea. The Bolsheviks moved the capital to Moscow, since Petrograd was militarily vulnerable. It is worth noting that at present in the name of the new Russian project, which will give hope for the future of the Russian Federation, Little and White Russia, and should continue the development of Russian civilization, it is also better to transfer the capital from Moscow to the east, for example, to Nizhny Novgorod or Novosibirsk .

Svyatoslav assigned the Northern Black Sea region to Russia, strengthened in the Balkans, therefore the capital on the Danube should have assigned the region to the Rus. I must say that the Russian prince could well have known that one of the first cities called Kiev had already existed on the Danube. The transfer of the capital greatly facilitated the development and subsequent integration of new lands. Much later, in the XVIII century, the Russian Empire will have to solve the same tasks that Svyatoslav has outlined - the Caucasus, the Don, the Kuban, the Taman, the Crimea, the Danube (the Northern Black Sea region as a whole). There will be plans for the penetration of Russian influence in the Balkans, and the creation of a new capital of Slavism - Constantinople.

Unfortunately, the heirs of the great strategist, mired in feuds, quarrels and intrigues, were no longer up to the throw to the south and east. The Christian entourage of Prince Yaropolk will unleash a civil war against the "pagan" princes Oleg and Vladimir. Civil war will seriously weaken Russia. Although the individual elements of the program of Prince Svyatoslav tried to perform. In particular, Prince Vladimir captured Korsun (Chersonese). But in general, the plans and fruits of the victories of the Grand Duke were buried for many centuries. Only under Ivan the Terrible, Russia returned to the Volga region, occupying Kazan and Astrakhan (in its region there are the ruins of the Khazar capital, Itil), began to return to the North Caucasus, and plans were made to annex the Crimean peninsula. Svyatoslav, however, many historians within the framework of the "classical" history, beneficial to the masters of the West, "simplified" them as much as possible, turned them into a successful military leader, a knight without fear and reproach. Although behind the acts of a warrior, strategic plans for the construction of Great Russia (the First Russian Empire) are easily read.

The heroic deeds of Svyatoslav and his squad were forever included in the Russian military chronicle as one of the most vivid examples of the valor and military skill of the Rus-Russians. The greatness of his military art is undeniable. At the same time, Svyatoslav became an epic hero with his eternal words: "We will not disgrace the Russian land."
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  1. +6
    22 March 2017 06: 56
    Sveneld could be an instrument of the Kiev boyar-merchant elite, dissatisfied with the transfer of the residence of the Grand Duke to the Danube

    I would like to write: “look for a woman” by French sentence, although it would be more correct to “look for those who are profitable,” that is, money. How does this all contrast with:
    Svyatoslav became an epic hero with his eternal words: “Do not shame the Russian land».
    1. +7
      22 March 2017 07: 10
      Quote: venaya
      I would like to write: “look for a woman” by French sentence, although it would be more correct to “look for those who are profitable,” that is, money. How does this all contrast with:

      ... you have the right to speak, no one has taken it from you. However, I agree with the author of the article and even YESTERDAY "dared" to speak out on this subject:
      V.ic 7 Yesterday, 06:50 | The mystery of the death of the great Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich
      Not only the Byzantines were interested in eliminating Svyatoslav. According to L.N. Gumilyov, playful little hands to the cause of eliminating the pagan prince were also made by the Christians who lived then in the unbaptized Russia, who carried out the will of Constantinople. And I think that a rich merchant-Khazar layer, which was by no means destroyed during the destruction of Khazaria, also inserted its “five shekels”.
    2. +4
      22 March 2017 10: 02
      All this is from a number of historical theories that do not have real facts under them. In the historical environment this often happens. The creation of historical theories is the engine of historical research.
      It is worth noting that at present, in the name of a new Russian project, which will give hope for the future of the Russian Federation, Lesser and White Russia, and should continue the development of Russian civilization, it is also better to move the capital from trading Moscow to the east, for example, to Nizhny Novgorod or Novosibirsk .
      Kolchak proposed making Omsk the capital.
      1. Cat
        22 March 2017 13: 49
        Quote: Wend
        All this is from a number of historical theories that do not have real facts under them. In the historical environment this often happens. The creation of historical theories is the engine of historical research.
        It is worth noting that at present, in the name of a new Russian project, which will give hope for the future of the Russian Federation, Lesser and White Russia, and should continue the development of Russian civilization, it is also better to move the capital from trading Moscow to the east, for example, to Nizhny Novgorod or Novosibirsk .
        Kolchak proposed making Omsk the capital.

        Funny !? But at the turn of the mid-90s of the last century, Omsk and Nizhny Novgorod also offered themselves in the form of the capital of Russia. Nizhny Novgorod dodged and received a “patent” in the name of the third capital. Having retreated by the court’s decision only in the line of “dumplings”, “vodka” and, if I’m not mistaken, “cosmetics”, which was clogged up by previously cunning Urals and Kazan Tatars.
        From the side, these squabbles are ridiculous, but try Omicha to say that the third capital is the “Lower”, gnaws!
        1. +4
          22 March 2017 14: 24
          The third capital is Ekb ... gnawing wassat Damn God forbid if all this trash moves to us angry
          1. Cat
            22 March 2017 15: 04
            At the level of "small-town chauvinist" I put you a bold plus!
            Now we will begin to "gryzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt" !!!
            Just not the tail! laughing
          2. +2
            22 March 2017 20: 12
            Russia has three capitals, Moscow, Ryazan and Lukhovitsy. Hello honest company from sloppy))
      2. +1
        23 March 2017 09: 34
        Yes, the capital of Russia must be moved closer to Russia!
    3. 0
      23 March 2017 09: 22
      Rurik came from overseas, with all of Russia! With Russian balalaika, Russian vodka, Russian bath, Russian nesting doll, Russian accordion !!! - We are Russians - ZAMORSKY! NOT THAT THESE ARE LOCAL !!!
  2. +5
    22 March 2017 07: 04
    (C) Svyatoslav, however, many historians within the framework of the “classical” history, beneficial to the masters of the West, “simplified” it as much as possible, turned it into a successful military leader, a knight without fear and reproach. Although behind the acts of a warrior, strategic plans for the construction of Great Russia (the First Russian Empire) are easily readable.

    I completely agree with the first half of the author’s phrase, but as for the empire, it’s not so simple here. Indeed, Svyatoslav planned to “sit on the Danube”, but / who would allow him to / in the Byzantine Empire had his own opinion on this. Byzantium was still strong and even, having been burnt by "Russian help" (from Prince Svyatoslav), was not afraid to attract the Rus - the squad of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich (at that time not yet baptized) to suppress the rebellion of Varda Sklir. But after 232 years, Byzantium, like an overripe fruit, fell under the feet of the crusaders.
    If someone is interested, then:
  3. +14
    22 March 2017 07: 11
    And who is our author? Oops. Alexander Samsonov. On the second call about the Grand Duke Svyatoslav. Probably already adjusted for criticism? Alexander Samsonov, can you answer a simple question? Why in the annals of the era of any prince ends the same way “And his servants and boyars mourned, and weeping stood all over the earth, and so on and so forth,” and the era of Svyatoslav ends with the words of the chronicler “So Svyatoslav died. They do not seek a stranger from their land.”
    So it wasn’t all so glorious in his reign as the second time you try to convince us
    1. +16
      22 March 2017 07: 29
      And we still dare to reproach Ukrainian historians ... Where are they to us. For those people, the sea is digging, and we are immediately building an empire - what a time! So maybe it's 10-12 thousand years ago we dug it up? And at the same time Onega ... why is it so called? Because "They dug him up!". Then, over the years, the last word disappeared and remained - “Onet,” that is, Onego!
      1. +9
        22 March 2017 07: 42
        Quote: kalibr
        For those people the sea is digging, and we immediately empire building - how!

        It is strange that as conceived by Svyatoslav then strategic tasks, the author did not mention ... Soviet Russian empire-civilization Yes
        1. +6
          22 March 2017 11: 15
          "then conceived Svyatoslav strategic tasks, the author did not mention" ////

          How did he forget that? - Chronicle of "The Most Ancient Years":
          "and the sun-prince went to the high bank of the Dnieper,
          and he said: May there be red flags and a high wall, and water spills through it, and
          in the dark, yellow torches shine brightly, like the sun. And I’ll call it a miracle Dnepro-Gostomysl, in honor of Grandfather Rurik, abbreviated Dneprogos.
          And the ancient uk__r__y didn’t lie nearby.
          1. Cat
            22 March 2017 14: 07
            Regarding the "red flags", paradoxically, you are right. Old Russian wars of the times of Svyatoslavavkhoevoe under the "red" red banners!
            Regarding the Dnieper, if, based on the Tale of Bygone Years, Cue was a ferryman, after all !? And who is now the first "Great Kromchy"? I laugh, but dear, who are the Russes of the era of Svyatoslav Igorevich !? Russians, Ukrainians or Belarusians? Krivchi, glade, tivertsy, radimichi ............, chud, etc. Yes, the idea of ​​a large state has collapsed, but if we take BES and read what an empire is, we will find in the state of Svyatoslav a number of features and characteristic signs that later empires cannot boast of. For example, as a sacred Roman, Austro-Hungarian or Brazilian! Therefore, let us distinguished to separate the grain from the hymen!
        2. +1
          22 March 2017 14: 50
          Quote: Olgovich
          ... Soviet Russian empire-civilization

          laughing good
        3. 0
          23 March 2017 09: 26
          Yes, Sots. The camp went from him!
      2. +5
        22 March 2017 08: 05
        Quote: Rich
        And who is our author? Oops. Alexander Samsonov.

        Quote: kalibr
        For those people, the sea is digging, and we are immediately building an empire - what a time! So maybe it's 10-12 thousand years ago we dug it up?

        Everything is numb to you. What are you going around here? Really in our country there are no corresponding sites for enemies of the people, or as they used to say "Japanese spies". To mess up a military-patriotic site - that you only get paid for it. I don’t only have to sing songs here that a professional journalist “for no reason” will water his stool from the fan. Yesterday they made a bacchanal on the site; today, is it also expected to continue?
        I doubt that you even have any knowledge in this topic, the author refers to very authoritative experts, with one of whom I even thought it was worth talking to. I assure you that they are specialists in this topic, of the highest qualification. If you have not grown even a little to their level, then there is nothing to replace your own shortcomings, personal lack of competence in this topic, with a fan with sewage. Not interesting - go to another branch corresponding to your level.
        1. +11
          22 March 2017 08: 50
          You know not for you to determine my level of scientific competences. You know, it is defined by such an organization as the Higher Attestation Commission. VAK defined your competence? I doubt it ... But I determined and confirmed mine twice. And then it was more than once determined by such a competent organization as the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, so I have every right to water the stool of ignorant and (bad word) people of an unscientific kind. And they are more likely to be "Japanese spies" than me, because scientific data replaced by intellectual debauchery. Are sexual intercourse prohibited? Is it considered pornography? But you can do pseudo-scientific pornography, right? And you can’t touch such people?
          1. +9
            22 March 2017 09: 26
            Dear venaya! And that outstanding specialist with whom you spoke was not called Viktor Petrovich Osipov? Fedor Viktorovich Kondratyev, too, without a doubt, would be interested in talking with you.
          2. +16
            22 March 2017 09: 38
            As a candidate of sciences, I cannot but support kalibra.
            My sweet venaya! As Professor Preobrazhensky said, "In no case, Ivan Arnoldovich, do not read the communist newspapers before dinner." Maybe you follow his advice?
            No one disputes Svyatoslav’s military talent. Readers are rejected by the unproven conclusions of Mr. Samsonov, who is so dear to you.
            There is no reason to consider Svyatoslav a great statesman. Well, he did not show himself in this field. Yes, and did not want, apparently.
            Between the dates of the death of Stanislav and the writing of the Tale of Bygone Years - 145 years. Given the average life expectancy of the time, 4-5 generations were replaced. Therefore, we can only assume what anyone wanted and what they were thinking about (regarding the death of Svyatoslav).
            Statesmen are judged by descendants by their deeds. What does Svyatoslav have besides brilliant military victories?
            And the last one. If someone’s opinion does not coincide with yours, this does not mean that your opponent is an enemy of the people. Not everyone is required to admire alternative historians.
            1. +10
              22 March 2017 10: 07
              “There is no reason to consider Svyatoslav a great statesman. Well, he did not show himself in this field.” Briefly and clearly.
              For the head of state, and even more so, as some declare, empires, waving a sword is not the main thing. First of all, he must be a politician, a diplomat.
              And in this disgrace Svyatoslav lost. Byzantine policy Svyatoslav outplayed completely, all his military victories went to dust.
              Besides the fact that they had a fatal significance for the Bulgarian kingdom, they negatively influenced the political position of the Slavs.
              Byzantium with the help of Svyatoslav successfully solved its foreign policy tasks.
              1. +1
                22 March 2017 10: 37
                Yes, yes, yes, we know, we know - Khazaria and Byzantium to this day bloom and smell, and Russia and the trace has gone cold bully

                You would have looked out the window before lying shamelessly.
                1. +10
                  22 March 2017 11: 03
                  Actually, we discuss and evaluate the events that took place more than 1000 years ago and their significance at that moment.
                  If you see them outside the window, I envy you. I know one such clairvoyant, but he is more in the future. "" And today tomorrow, not everyone can watch. Rather, not only everyone can watch, few can do it. "
                  And I am transferring the allegations of lies to Uspensky Fedor Ivanovich. He, of course, is not such an outstanding specialist as Samsonov, but in the history of Byzantium he understood a little.
                  1. +1
                    22 March 2017 11: 22
                    Obviously, it is difficult for you to understand such a historical phenomenon as a chain of events. Therefore, the story seems to you a bunch of unconnected fragments, and not a development from simple to complex.

                    What does F.I.Uspensky’s subjective opinion have to do with it? The undeniable fact of the annihilation of the Russian land’s geopolitical adversary and the discovery of the direction of the state’s eastward expansion are brought to you in this article and comments.

                    What was given to you by the notorious Byzantium - all the questions with it were decided by the son of Svyatoslav, having adopted Christianity.

                    You would reproach Svyatoslav Igorevich that he did not take the Kuril Islands from Japan laughing
                    1. +5
                      22 March 2017 11: 30
                      What you said subjective opinion - it is yours and will remain on the assessment geopolitical the situation of the middle ages will not be affected. All the best.
                    2. +1
                      23 March 2017 09: 19
                      Svyatoslav came to the Oka to the ancient Muscovites, and asked - To whom do you give tribute? Khazaram! - answered the ancient Muscovites. Pay Kiev - said Svyatoslav, Prince of Kiev, and went to the Volga to beat the face of the Khazars.
                2. +2
                  22 March 2017 20: 19
                  There is no Khazaria. But the "Khazars" are thriving and their work alive alive.
              2. +4
                22 March 2017 11: 40
                the spirit of communism was still not weathered in Russia. Unfortunately. from there and kookies like "if you have a different opinion, then you are an enemy of the people"

                We are already visible for centuries
                indistinguishable detail
                and only a historian is given
                the ability to lie documented. (C)
                1. 0
                  23 March 2017 09: 30
                  Social The camp rules!
              3. Cat
                22 March 2017 14: 29
                Well, dear "Candidates" and "doctors", and if without extremes! VAK is good, the RAS is even more “beautiful”, but weren’t the “great” and “respected” mistaken!
                For example, academician Rybakov with the 1500th anniversary of Kiev? And this is just one example! When the desired goes past scientific reality.
                Bad Fishermen? Well, I’ve missed, already several CIN and DIN have denied his “allegations”, both in Russia and Ukraine! So what? Yes there is nothing history as science develops and errors are inevitable! But I will reproach you dear scientists, why wave crusts and crush “merit”. Persuade by word, persuade by fact, persuade by deed. Vyacheslav Olegovich, it’s impossible for you to be sincere “fu” so ugly because you yourself know that the road will take the road, and you will forgive the directness “hand in hand” - “I’m the boss, you -”. Not so, not pedagogically!
                1. +1
                  22 March 2017 20: 34
                  It depends on what road a person is on! If you need to, then - yes - let it piss. And if in the swamp, and they say to him - "don’t go there, go here", but he still ... stomps. That ... yes, let it go on. One (bad word) will be less! Now what in my concept is "humping." But that’s when you print not only where they’re taken, but also in reputable journals and put forward your ideas there. And with specific page links, historiography data, and not what I want, I’ll write it. And after, after ... after receiving the "mandate of trust", you can "frolic" here. Not the other way around!
                  1. Cat
                    22 March 2017 21: 39
                    Vyacheslav Olegovich, ten or fifteen years ago when I picked up the book of Nasonov-Fomenko my world collapsed, no kidding! Many science fiction writers nervously smoke aside. But ... a swamp of history in which you propose to give an opportunity to drown opponents, ours is with you. Yes, it is not regrettable that this is our common “swamp” in which “Normanists”, “Anti-Normanists”, “nasonovtsy”, “Doctors of Sciences” and people with 10 classes are sitting in the sandbox.
                    Objectively, I understand that it is not realistic to drain the swamp and find the truth for 1 years with a hook, but it is necessary to drain it because at the bottom the truth is our story.
                    Moreover, Svyatoslav is the real ruler of the Russian land, he was seen in person! Various sources mention it. That is why it is valuable to us. But these sources are extremely poor. In this connection, there is a desire of the author to think, to conceive, to write. Everyone sinned from this, starting with V. Tatishchev ending with V. Yanov and Rybokov. But if you imagine that the author or authors of the PVL also thought of something !? But what if the scribes are to blame for their explanations? Well, someone tried to clarify, and then by! Or did the political outlook change and ......?
                    We will make arguments and guesses for a long time, even endlessly, the truth is born in a dispute or with the help of artifacts, although archeology sometimes gives it out of the box.
                    Examples you know.
                    I am pleased with another interest in our swamp! We’re drowning but we’re still climbing For what I want to say sincere thanks to everyone!
          3. +1
            22 March 2017 13: 52
            Dear Vyacheslav! I see you did not count))) chat with these professionals.)))
            1. +2
              22 March 2017 20: 37
              Alas! I am more in the department meeting with those who bring us new theories of universal happiness and ... well, in general, it is clear. Our doctors of science, philosophers, on this occasion usually say this: "Well, you can’t forbid a person to be interested in philosophy ?!" And you know, when only we didn’t stay ... Firemen, retired artisans, retired Interior Ministry majors ... horror!
              1. +3
                22 March 2017 23: 17
                Conclude an agreement with the nearest medical institute. Let students be sent. Business hours. They practice and part-time, relief to you.
        2. +10
          22 March 2017 09: 01
          ahahahaha! good Dear Venia, no offense only! drinks The day began with a positive. "The caliber organized a pogrom on the Samsonov branch!" To whom to tell - will not believe. wassat Usually, Samsonov’s fans and other “patriots” organize a regular, fascinating show, “Hit with a slipper in Caliber, or Shpakovsky against everyone.”
          Caliber, aren't you ashamed ?? lol To smithereens, to the ground to disperse harmonious theories. Yes, you are just a Penza barbarian with a mustache, a certificate of an assistant professor and a candidate's degree. laughing
          Not interesting - go to another branch corresponding to your level.

          You literally quote me two months ago, when the cheers patriots flooded on other branches.
          All have a good day, my friends, and saintoslavophiles, and saintoslavophobes! drinks
        3. +6
          22 March 2017 09: 30
          Quote: venaya
          Really in our country there are no corresponding sites for enemies of the people, or as they used to say, "Japanese spies." Foul military-patriotic site - that you only get paid for it. I don’t need only to sing songs here that a professional journalist "for no reason" will water from the fan stool

          You, dear. cross ALL boundaries of decency. On a reputable VO site, I think this is unacceptable.

          VO rules:
          comments on the site are intended only for readers to express their views on published articles.
          , not commentators.
          1. +6
            22 March 2017 10: 25
            where Samsonov surpass the science fiction writer from "Science" Slavik Shpakovsky! and the macadok is right there, apparently by accident! lol
            1. +5
              22 March 2017 10: 47
              oh what people in hollywood! Hello, hello! the day promises to be interesting and eventful! wink the same people on both sides of the barricades ..
          2. +2
            22 March 2017 10: 26
            Quote: Olgovich
            You, dear. cross ALL boundaries of decency. On the reputable VO site, I think this is unacceptable.
            VO rules:
            comments on the site are intended solely for readers to express their opinions on published articles. , not commentators.

            ... but it turns out you can?
        4. 0
          23 March 2017 09: 28
          Rurik came from overseas, with all of Russia! With Russian balalaika, Russian vodka, Russian bath, Russian nesting doll, Russian accordion !!! - We are Russians - ZAMORSKY! NOT THAT THESE ARE LOCAL !!!
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +11
        22 March 2017 10: 48
        Quote: kalibr
        we still dare to reproach Ukrainian historians ... Where are they to us. For those people, the sea is digging, and we are immediately building an empire - in what! So maybe it's 10-12 thousand years ago we dug it up? And at the same time Onega ... why is it so called? Because "They dug him up!". Then, over the years, the last word disappeared and remained - "Onet", that is, Onego!

        So for the neo-pagans of today everything is just that. Like earlier, the ancient Rus flew into space on the boats, and bad Christians came and ruined everything am
      5. +1
        22 March 2017 14: 36
        Quote: kalibr
        "They dug him up!" etc
        A plus. unequivocal plus, burying MTSische underneath wassat He shouted so much a fluff of current over his mustache flowed, but the infection did not fall into his mouth wassat
    2. +6
      22 March 2017 10: 54
      Quote: rich On the second call about the Grand Duke Svyatoslav. Probably already adjusted for criticism?

      Do you know what amazes and delights me? This, as from a small paragraph in the annals, you can draw such conclusions and write, I note, a rather big article, huh? smile ps I hope this my comment will not be considered an insulting statement addressed to the author? laughing
      1. +3
        22 March 2017 11: 44
        will be. All who are against Samsonov and his apologists are awaiting camps and executions. One, over there, is already a "Japanese shpien" - a firing squad. drinks
        1. +3
          22 March 2017 11: 52
          Aw, wow, shaw, you say that? belay Is there no hope? laughing Okay, a hundred grams and a cigarette, before being shot? wink drinks Schaub, I lived like that!
          1. +1
            22 March 2017 12: 07
            Okay, a hundred grams and a cigarette, before being shot?

            even doctors smoke before shooting? wink alcohol themselves natsedite. Go to the "killer doctors" case. drinks I will get off cheaper - I will clean the toilets with my hands.
            1. +3
              22 March 2017 12: 19
              even doctors smoke before shooting?

              And where have you seen sober and non-smokers real doctors? smile I don’t know how Latin is in lingua, but "whoever does not smoke and does not drink, that healthy one will die!" Not a cursed drunkenness for, but a current of health for the sake of! drinks ps the second part of Samsonov, still looks better. Not without Jews, it’s nothing, but as I understand it, the author has a tender feeling for this nationality. Everyone has their own weaknesses.
              1. +1
                22 March 2017 12: 33
                Gumilyov’s feelings for them were no less tender. However .. no offense to the author, for me Gumilyov is more credible.
                1. +2
                  22 March 2017 12: 43
                  Gumilyov’s feelings for them were no less tender. However .. no offense to the author, for me Gumilyov is more credible.

                  ... no offense, that's for sure laughing Gumilev, a man who is fond of, but also as a scientist and as a writer (I mean the style of presentation), great. I write without irony; I read it myself. The amount of material that a person recycled is striking. Not a couple of the current Wisdom. laughing
                  1. +2
                    22 March 2017 12: 51
                    yes, he referred to a huge number of sources, including foreign ones.
                    1. +2
                      22 March 2017 13: 09
                      What, Nikolai, characterizes him as a Scientist. Proper name, honor, as it is, in the old regime laughing not an empty phrase for him. Maybe he was mistaken in what and ethnogenesis was riddled with mystical meaning, but he knew his business. Plowed like a damn. hi
                      1. +1
                        22 March 2017 13: 12
                        Alexander, and his theory about the stages of historical development, I suspect, is confirmed in practice. hi plowed and lived in a communal apartment. A man with a clear mind and a broken fate. By the way, recently the article was about Pokhlebkin. Reminded: Gumilev did not eat potatoes, preferred her turnip.
      2. +3
        22 March 2017 11: 48
        Quote: avva2012
        Do you know what amazes and delights me? This, as from a small paragraph in the annals, you can draw such conclusions and write, I note, a rather big article, huh?

        This is all, to the “historian” Prozorov referred to in the article — I read his book about Svyatoslav, there are continuous speculation and a fit for my theory, absolutely everything is sucked out of my finger. As a science fiction writer, that's completely nothing. About the same Kolovrat book is interesting, but how fantasy! To refer to him as a historian, I consider frivolous
        1. +3
          22 March 2017 12: 06
          About the same Kolovrat book is interesting, but how fantasy! To refer to him as a historian, I consider frivolous

          Yeah, pearls, for example, "the Mongols drowned fat from the dead, poured into jugs, set fire to it and threw it into the besieged city." This was invented by the writer of course, but professional historians, trying to describe that time, often go far from writers in their fantasies. The problem is that after them others appear, and even they write about the events of the 9-10th century, as eyewitnesses. laughing
    3. +1
      24 March 2017 20: 02
      I will answer! no more corrupt people than chroniclers! They will write everything that the breadwinner asks for
  4. +3
    22 March 2017 07: 38
    In this case, the Greeks and Pechenegs were simply appointed the main culprits of the death of Svyatoslav
    ..In principle, as it were, yes .. Even then ... they'll kick the emperor king with a fork .. they declare hemorrhoidal colic to the public .. with a bag in the temple .. they announce the disease ... or they suffocate .. and then they go out to the people and say ..she died ... weep the Orthodox ...
    1. +2
      22 March 2017 09: 27
      By the way, about the snuff box and the guards scarf. For over a hundred years, the official version in the Russian Empire was the death of an illness due to natural causes: “from an apoplexy stroke” (stroke). And son Alexander did not really like dad either.
  5. +8
    22 March 2017 07: 45
    Damn, what we love, Schaub necessarily once - and here it is, a whole empire, during the life of one person laughing

    Svyatoslav Igorevich was not Superman and qualitatively did only part of the work in this direction - he destroyed the only geopolitical opponent of the Russian Earth at that time. The rest did the rest.

    PS Conspiracy of Christians and Jews - it will be stronger than Goethe’s “Faust” laughing
    1. +1
      22 March 2017 08: 24
      Quote: Operator
      why do we love, Schaub necessarily once - and here it is, a whole empire, during the life of one person

      This usually happens, even in shorter periods. There is nothing to pull the rubber, or to break it down - everything is very much there, but to assemble it - you see in any way.
      1. +1
        22 March 2017 09: 17
        Quote: venaya
        Nothing to pull rubber

        Just do not throw the presentation to Svyatoslav Igorevich, rather ask yourself: "What have I done to build the Empire?" laughing
        1. +3
          22 March 2017 10: 14
          It turns out that even in the ancient Kiev principality, the liberals crap, betrayed the pagan prince for the sake of Christian cookies. laughing And today, the descendants of those Kiev liberals are again shitting in the Moscow state and want to eliminate the Christian ruler Putin, for the sake of gay cookies. laughing
    2. +1
      22 March 2017 10: 12
      Quote: Operator
      Collusion of Christians and Jews - it will be stronger than Goethe’s “Faust”

      You are laughing in vain, apparently you didn’t read the material on the link to L.N. Gumilyov ... And nobody canceled the truth "the enemy of my enemy = my friend"! By the way, where did this “pearl” come from:
      Quote: Operator
      The rest did the rest.

      ? lol ?
      1. 0
        22 March 2017 10: 46
        The factology that Gumilev cites is good; his conclusions from factology are mostly fiction. The collusion of Christians and Jews in Kiev is a typical example of Gumilyov’s fiction.

        The proverb that you quoted as “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is a typical pearl of the Jews. Otkel firewood? bully
        1. +3
          22 March 2017 10: 56
          Quote: Operator
          "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a typical pearl of the Jews. Otkel firewood?

          Apparently a bad teacher taught your math class. Our Nina Semenovna at once explained everything about the multiplication of numbers with different signs:
          (+) x (+) = (+);
          (+) x (-) = (-);
          (-) x (+) = (-);
          (-) x (-) = (+);
          When the Indians were in use THIS mathematics, the Semites still wiped their asses with camels.
          What about:
          Quote: Operator
          The rest did the rest.

          This is probably your great secret? lol
          1. +1
            22 March 2017 10: 58
            And what was the name of your teacher, who led a class in politics - Sarah Izrailevna, not? laughing
            1. 0
              22 March 2017 11: 07
              Quote: Operator
              And what was the name of your teacher, who led a class in politics - Sarah Izrailevna, not?

              Lift your eyelids, gently wipe your eyes and sharpen: I retype from the previous replica again, especially for you:
              Quote: Operator
              Our Nina Semenovna
              1. +1
                22 March 2017 11: 09
                Then why are you replacing political methods with mathematical ones?
                1. +2
                  22 March 2017 11: 23
                  Quote: Operator
                  Why are you replacing political methods with mathematical ones?

                  ... you ask a question so "deep" in meaning that I start to guess: what else do you need? Indeed, the situation with the political rule "and mathematics is understandable even to a 5th grade student! I hope you don’t have a chance to call mathematics the Queen of Sciences? Mathematics is a strict and precise science, unlike politics, history and culture, etc. hours
                  1. +2
                    22 March 2017 11: 41
                    I was taught in my Soviet school that mathematics and politics are different sciences.
        2. +4
          22 March 2017 10: 58
          The collusion of Christians and Jews in Kiev is a typical example of Gumilyov’s fiction.

          at least kill me, I don’t remember Lev Nikolaevich writing this. And he wrote approximately the following: during the wintering on the island after Dorostol, Christian warriors were slaughtered by heathen warriors. And in Kiev, repression was also expected. It was in this that Gumilyov was looking for the reason that someone had “guided” the Pechenegs to the remains of Svyatoslav's squad.
          Moreover, Gumilyov never spoke about the collusion of Jews and Christians. And to the Jews, in general, they were soooo unevenly breathing "with a negative sign."
          1. +1
            22 March 2017 11: 06
            I do not argue - just V.ic for some reason refers to Gumilyov in the matter of conspiracy of Kiev Christians and Jews, which is illogical, based on their irreconcilable contradictions.

            I fully agree with the logic of the response of the Kiev Christians that you have given.
            1. +3
              22 March 2017 11: 22
              I read out Gumilyov’s book "From Russia to Russia", I remember many moments from my memory. If they write about their conspiracy - it’s not just illogical, it’s already “reasonable” to pull out phrases out of context and turn them upside down.
              Yes, and about Svyatoslav Gumilyov, little is said good. He considered the whole trip to the Byzantine lands an adventure.
              1. +2
                22 March 2017 11: 44
                Correctly considered. But this does not change the bottom line from the outcome of the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich.

                There Peter I, I remember, went to the Prut campaign in the same direction and nothing - as great as he was, he remained so.
            2. 0
              22 March 2017 11: 39
              Quote: Operator
              I do not argue

              ... hello-s-te ... and I get to some other [Operator] -y send my objections? Isn't it a bit too much [Operator] s on the site?
              Quote: Operator
              in the matter of collusion of Kiev Christians and Jews, which is illogical, based on their irreconcilable contradictions.

              Byzantine engineers helped build the Sarkel / Belaya Vezha fortress to the Khazars, a recognized fact. And "suddenly otkudanimsya" appeared prince with a squad, to begin with crushing the Khazars and encroaching on the Byzantine protectorate after the suppression of the enemies of Byzantium in it. As a result, Svyatoslav is an enemy of both the Byzantines and the Khazar Jews. If Svyatoslav was not an enemy of people who read the "five books", then convince me of this. Only with arguments backed up by valid source links.
              1. +1
                22 March 2017 11: 56
                Firstly, judging by Mikado’s comment, the conspiracy of Kiev Christians and Jews is not Gumilyov’s hypothesis, but yours.

                Secondly, I admit that the Jews could proceed from the logic “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” (see, for example, Israel’s actions in Syria in collusion with Assad’s enemies).

                Thirdly, you are mistaken in assuming that Kiev Christians certainly had to enter into a conspiracy with local Jews in order to prolong Svyatoslav’s order to send additional forces to continue the war with Byzantium.
                1. +5
                  22 March 2017 12: 29
                  my friends, Gumilyova can be read online. Climb up and look.
                  "Further events seem rather strange. Svyatoslav did not go to the capital, but disposed of an army exhausted by wounds, deprivations and the transition to Berezani. Soon there was a shortage of food. It would seem that you had to move along the river valleys to Kiev. So did one of the governor of the prince - Sveneld. He left Svyatoslav, with some of the soldiers he climbed the Southern Bug and went to Kiev.What made Svyatoslav stay on the island of Berezan and spend there a painful, hungry winter of 971/72? It was hardly a fear of a collision with the Pechenegs. Sveneld, and most importantly, the Pechenegs were the only ones who sold provisions to the Russians; therefore, Svyatoslav had some kind of relationship with the nomads.
                  Rather, the fact was that on Berezan in the army of Svyatoslav there was a split. Pagan Rus accused the defeat of the Rus-Christians who were part of the squad. The pagans explained the failure of the campaign with the anger of their gods - Perun and Volos, and the island saw terrible scenes. All Christian warriors were tortured and killed, and a relative of Svyatoslav Uleb was among the dead. In Kiev, they could not have known about the bloody events in Berezan. The Kiev Christians, who made up a large and influential community, understood what awaited them when Svyatoslav, with a fierce squad, entered his own capital.
                  How did events develop further? All chronicles report that in the spring of 972, the Rus from Berezan moved to Kiev. For some reason, they chose not the narrow and quiet Southern Bug, but the rapids of the Dnieper, where left-bank Pechenegs were expected at the ill-fated Dnieper rapids. In a short battle, the squad of Svyatoslav was completely exterminated, and the Pecheneg Khan Kurya acquired a bowl made of the prince's skull.
                  The question arises: who warned the nomads that Svyatoslav, with exhausted hunger and disease, was marching along the Dnieper? This could be done by someone who had enough time, who maintained contact with Berezan, knew the living conditions on the island, and most importantly, really did not want this squad to come to Kiev.
                  Historians of the last century believed that the Byzantines sent the Pechenegs to Svyatoslav, but for this they needed to sail the entire Black Sea, notify the emperor’s synclit (council), with the decision of the synclite again to get to the left bank of the Dnieper, find the Pechenegs in the immense steppe and, handing over relying on such an occasion gifts, to persuade the steppes. We can assume that Tzimiskes miraculously had enough time to get information about Svyatoslav’s squad, and then go with the Pechenegs. But if Bazileus wanted to exterminate the Rus, he could make it easier - to burn the defenseless rooks of the Rus on the Danube with the “Greek fire”.
                  Who really was interested in the death of the prince and his troops was Kiev Christians, headed by the eldest son of Svyatoslav Yaropolk. He knew what was happening on Berezan, and he could have conspired with the Pechenegs. Recall: as far back as 969, the voivode Pretic fraternized with the Pecheneg Khan. Therefore, we can assume that the blame for the death of Svyatoslav and the death of his squad lies not with the Christians of Constantinople, but with the Christians of Kiev. "
                  milev _-_ Ot_Rusi_k_Rossii._Ocherki_etnicheskoii_is
                  WHERE ARE THE JEWS HERE? hi
                  It reminds me of a joke: "The ancient Kyrgyz did not know about the existence of the ancient Jews, so everything bad that happened to them was attributed to the actions of evil spirits and the forces of nature" drinks
        3. +1
          22 March 2017 20: 32
          Irish toast: "For the health of my enemies is an enemy. Moreover, the Jews.
  6. +1
    22 March 2017 10: 55
    Yes, the author was agitated by the local elite. spears break, rattle of metal and screams. everything was mixed up.
    but all the same, it’s better not to take what is wishful thinking.
    even at a later time, when the princes were more educated and Christian morality prevailed, there were few people with state thinking among them. as indeed now.
  7. +5
    22 March 2017 11: 03
    It seems that Samsonov left Nicholas II and the February Revolution alone
    (everything is a conspiracy of the West and the Jews, if anyone forgot smile ) and switched to the ancient Russian princes
    (everything is a conspiracy of the West and the Jews, if anyone else has not understood smile )
    1. +5
      22 March 2017 11: 30
      You, dear Warrior, do not be offended by my joke, I suspect the next article will be "The Conspiracy of Aliens and Jews." wink The article will examine in detail why drinking water disappears from the taps. drinks well, in short, you understand who to blame, the aliens are just "extras" will go. hi
      1. +4
        22 March 2017 12: 52
        drinks No, logically, the next article should be about a conspiracy of the West (red-headed Anglo-Neanderthals and treacherous great-Jews) against Aryan Rusich, peacefully reaping their bread on the plains of Eurasia (First Russian Empire) 10-12 thousand years ago.
        Moreover, the article is abundantly documented, like all the works of Samsonov fellow .
        1. +3
          22 March 2017 13: 09
          rather, abundantly retelling his own thoughts about the "conspiracy theory." Although, when he writes about the Napoleonic wars, I read with pleasure. drinks
          1. +2
            22 March 2017 13: 30
            "Although, when he writes about the Napoleonic wars" ///

            This is a different person. They are distinguished as follows: if there are paragraphs highlighted
            in bold, it is Samsonov-geopolitics-conspiracy theorist.
            And if there are none, then this is Samsonov the historian (and he writes interestingly).
        2. +4
          22 March 2017 13: 27
          Why did you cut the territory of the First Empire so much? What about Egypt?
          1. +1
            22 March 2017 13: 33
            Egypt is not us. Egypt is a daylight (in connection with new theories). The Black Sea is an artificial watershed. drinks
            1. +5
              22 March 2017 13: 40
              We don’t need someone else’s. Digging the sea - yes. And Egypt, it is not interesting to us. We claim the ancestral home of all mankind.
              As for Egypt, in addition to the classics Fomenko and Nosovsky, young people pulled themselves together. Further quote.
              “Candidate of historical sciences Svetlana Zharnikova opens up new parallels between the cultural heritage of India, Russia, Egypt. Plunging into ancient history, we see that the roots of the protoculture, which later gave the foundation for the formation of many peoples, lie on the territory of our country. Kostenkovskaya culture on the Don is considered the oldest settlement of the Europionoid man in Europe. Traces of what ancient civilization was Tur Heyerdahl looking for on Don? Mahabharata talks about the sixth millennium, when there was the city of Ajamidha, in which the ruler ruled from his original territory, where the North Star shines at the zenith, from the island in the ice sea Who taught the Egyptians how to make linen clothes? Linen crops do not grow in Egypt, where did they come from? Why was the oldest list of Artharveda written on birch bark? And where did the tradition come from in India, according to which marriage in the upper castes is still not considered legal until it’s recorded on birch bark? "
              As you can see, India is also in doubt.
              1. +6
                22 March 2017 13: 50
                all these attempts to pull something on the globe fit into a joke:
                Linguistic Congress. One scientist stands up and says: “Latin is the ancestress of all languages. One Russian merchant sailed along the Tiber River, goods were stolen from him when they asked him:“ What happened to your goods? ”He answered:“ And they stole them from me. ” That’s where the word “stiffen” came from.
                A voice from the audience: “Excuse me, colleague, didn’t this happen in Pisa?”
              2. +2
                23 March 2017 01: 15
                Quote: Curious
                We claim the ancestral home of all mankind.

                Why is there little things?
                “Do you know who Adam is?” So, the Lord created the Ukrainian a day earlier than this sinner! laughing
                1. 0
                  23 March 2017 09: 07
                  And how many years did this sinner live - Adam?
                  1. 0
                    29 March 2017 03: 00
                    Allegedly 930. The salt of the joke is not in this - but in who exactly The Lord created a day earlier than Adam.
            2. +2
              22 March 2017 13: 47
              You are wrong, this is definitely not Egypt. There was no deity with the head of a pig in the pantheon of gods.
              1. +3
                22 March 2017 14: 05
                Sorry, of course, but there is a significant gap in your knowledge of Ancient Egypt.

                In ancient Egypt, the attitude to this creature is twofold: pigs are kept as domestic animals and eaten, but are considered unclean animals.

                “Under the guise of a black boar,” Seth attacked Horus and injured (var., Swallowed) his eye. Therefore, the pig enters the retinue of the murderer Osiris and acts as a symbol of evil. On the relief of the temple in Edfu, Gore pursues Seth in the form of a boar.

                According to the myth, Nut, having assumed the form of a pig, swallowed her star children, therefore, a pig eating (sometimes feeding) piglets acts as a symbol of the sky goddess. Images of a pig with piglets are a popular amulet in Ancient Egypt and a symbol of fertility, an inexhaustible source of life, well-being.

                The pig is also associated with:

                • Moon - the sacrificial animal of the god and goddess of the moon (Osiris, Isis) at the festival of the moon;
                • Isis - dedicated to her as a Great Mother;
                • Demon.
                1. +2
                  22 March 2017 14: 39
                  Victor, your scholarship is beyond praise and the light of wisdom finally illuminated my confused mind. But tell me, did you share a piece of the burning flame of reason, the comment above that “You do not need someone else's” and the territory, by misunderstanding called Kimet, did not enter the zone of the action of the God-like, in truth, protoucreas? And now, you say that the sacred animal, nevertheless, had an effect on the lower and upper inhabitants of the Nile? Hope has sunk, yeah?
                  1. +4
                    22 March 2017 14: 58
                    A stack taken on time is very helpful in illuminating a confused mind. Regarding the "burning flame of the mind" - you quench it with a cucumber or pickled fungus, that's it. And the fact that the territory is not included in the zone of interests does not mean that we do not look after order there. Nobody took responsibility from the ancestors of civilization.
            3. +4
              22 March 2017 15: 08
              "The Black Sea - an artificial watershed." ////

              The Black Sea is ... a sandbox.
              Here are the ancient Angles - they tensed nepodetstsky ...
              They, creatures, would have to retreat from Eurasia under the onslaught of the Russians. And dug the Atlantic. Why are they? - they always had a lot of green copper coins (“copper coins”) - they themselves printed in their main federal cave. And with the dough and d_u_r__ak dig the ocean.
  8. +4
    22 March 2017 11: 14
    The Pecheneg Prince Kurya ordered to make a great warrior out of a skull chalice and bound her with gold.

    Bratina - a large oval, rarely round bowl with low edges for drinking wine on fraternal feasts, christenings, name days, etc.
    Well, the prince had a skull! belay wassat Some hydrocephalus laughing Really, epic pepper! Something like Svyatogor. ps I'm not saying that the skull consists of several bones, which tend to detach from each other.
    1. +1
      22 March 2017 11: 24
      Quote: avva2012
      I’m not saying that the skull consists of several bones, which tend to detach from each other.

      And if it is set in silver?
      1. +3
        22 March 2017 11: 40
        Does material matter? belay In order for the bones to be used (let’s say, as a preparation) they need to be digested horseradish knows how many hours. For the bowl, presumably, too. Hygiene is elementary. If only silver is fastened at the seams of the bones, let's say between the frontal, temporal, etc.? In general, do not you find a strange custom? The volume is small, in functional terms, at least that you do not. The material is fragile. Maybe this just indicates that the Pechenegs are barbarians? For example, in the annals, the steppes, foxes eat, their own babies.
        1. 0
          23 March 2017 01: 23
          Quote: avva2012
          Maybe this just indicates that the Pechenegs are barbarians?

          In fact, making bowls from skulls is an ancient Aryan custom, and it was among the Scythians and the Vikings ... Take an interest in the origin of the standard Scandinavian toast "scol!"

          "The Scythians were very brave and cruel, after the battle they arranged feasts, during which they drank and ate from the skulls of freshly killed enemies.
          Those of the soldiers who did not kill a single enemy could not take part in the feast for the lack of their dishes and watched from afar the triumph, tormented by hunger and remorse. "(Teffi) laughing
          1. +1
            23 March 2017 02: 40
            laughing Yeah, the picture presented. It’s easier to eat the heads themselves. Dreamers!
            1. 0
              29 March 2017 03: 01
              Quote: avva2012

              Well, since the name Taffy says nothing to you ...
              1. 0
                29 March 2017 07: 24
                Well, since the name Taffy says nothing to you ...

                Another witness? laughing You holding a human skull in your hands? And separated from the torso? "drank and ate from the skulls of freshly killed enemies" ??? Try, mentally, to open the skull to make a cup out of it. Raves your Teffi.
    2. 0
      22 March 2017 11: 39
      in vain you. this was practiced in the steppe. and made such cups. from skulls. much is mentioned.
      1. +1
        22 March 2017 12: 10
        You know, any barbaric custom has a practical meaning. For example, in the custom of Papua New Guinea, a man could not marry and have children until he brought his head from another tribe. And here, what and why? The material, I repeat, is not durable and dangerous to use.
  9. +2
    22 March 2017 11: 42
    .... decided to winter on the White Coast, the area between the modern cities of Nikolaev and Kherson.

    To the author: .... there is an opinion that this is the Kinburn Spit (the left bank of the Dnieper estuary)
    PS. In general ... many thanks for the articles ... I wanted to insert above, but there are solid "Normans"
  10. +2
    22 March 2017 12: 46
    Prince Svyatoslav was killed by the Pechenegs, everything else was from the evil one. Perhaps he was looking for death after defeat and the signing of a rather shameful world.
    1. Cat
      22 March 2017 14: 55
      Interesting version! Blame it all - "crafty?"
  11. +2
    22 March 2017 13: 32
    What the hell, click answer and fly to the end of the list belay Okay. Ethnogenesis, the end and the beginning again ... Yes, 200-300 years, we still have smile If we consider that the Great October Revolution was a new passionary impulse, then one more round is ahead. I hope so.
    1. +2
      22 March 2017 13: 42
      it means the branch is overloaded. As, in principle, any article by Samsonov on the Old Russian state.
      Gumilev believed that there is. I agree with you. And if you imagine that the last explosion of drive was in the 17th year? And the most passionate enthusiasts were knocked out during the Civil, purges of the 30s, the last - in the Second World War? And now we have a "Pepsi generation" .. The rhythm of life has clearly increased.
      1. +1
        22 March 2017 14: 42
        Think in the West, read Gumilyov and draw conclusions laughing For a passionate push, what follows?
      2. +1
        22 March 2017 15: 37
        According to Gumilyov’s theory for 17 years, anything but a passionate jolt, in general, according to Gumilyov, we should now end the breakdown stage and begin the 300-year inertial stage.
        1. +2
          22 March 2017 15: 47
          I remember that he wrote about it. Wait and see. A push is not a push, but something global has happened.
          1. +2
            22 March 2017 16: 24
            Something? belay So, it’s easy to say that there hasn’t been such a social system for the entire existence of mankind. There were attempts to tell what happened once, but there is no real evidence. The presence of the USSR, by the way, blew up all theories about whether such a state could exist or not. And let all anti-Soviet shout that they are only 70 years old, 70 years old! The history of the reverse development does not have, but "if there were no war!". Who knows?
            And, correct, I’m not confusing anything, the push on Gumilyov can happen at any stage? Is this a mystical component, a blow, does it come from heaven? I’m not ironic.
            1. +2
              22 March 2017 18: 15
              I meant that Gumilev did write that 300 years of inertia and cultural values ​​await us. But personally, in the revolution of the 17th year and subsequent development, a surge of passionarity also seems to me. That is, probably, a "push at any stage." I say, wait and see!))
            2. 0
              24 March 2017 22: 56
              "The presence of the USSR, by the way, blew up all theories about whether such a state can exist or not" /////

              The communist idea is not new. Such states - with all types of property and its distribution in the hands of the state - have arisen more than once in history. Usually it was tyranny. And all did not exist long, like the USSR. And everything returned again to private property.
              1. 0
                25 March 2017 03: 09
                And detail? Urartu, no? So it is not one decade, to put it mildly, existed. And, more in the head and nothing climbs. And this state is more legendary than real. And I think, all the same, they were not communist ideas. laughing Tyranny is now with us, and in your country, what? The state of Palestine, the decision of the UN should be formed in 1947, not? Does your government carry out tyranny against the Arab population without fulfilling a UN decision or not? And at the expense of private property. For some reason, all free-thinking people use only the cliches that Trotsky created at first, polemizing remotely with Stalin, then Goebbels strengthened them, and then was picked up by the CIA, don’t tell me how? You really, in the socialist economy of the 30s, do not understand. What forms of ownership were, when and with whom some of them ceased to exist. At what time did the USSR economy return to capitalist forms after which, alas, this state was socialist only in ideology? As some comrades like to say, "learn the mat. Part".
  12. +1
    22 March 2017 14: 05
    Put a plus. Thank you for giving a reason .... laughing
    1. +2
      22 March 2017 14: 13
      yes, there hasn't been such an epic discussion for a long time drinks
  13. +2
    22 March 2017 14: 21
    The main forces under the command of the governor of Sveneld went under their own power through the forests and steppes to Kiev. They arrived safely. No one dared to attack a powerful army. According to the annals, Sveneld and Svyatoslav suggested riding on horses, but he refused: “Go around, prince, the rapids on horses, because they are standing at the thresholds of the Pechenegs. And Svyatoslav didn’t listen to him, he went on the boats "
    Nooo how !!! How can you spoil your brain like that !!! The governor invites the prince to go together, and after he refuses to leave with the army, leaving the wounded as well (I didn’t think of this). There is either a prince, not a prince, or history is sewn with white thread on white paper. But if we rely on historical facts not disputed by Samsonov, it turns out that in this case there is only one suspect, Sveneld, and it does not matter to whom he sold himself. That is the reason why Oleg Svyatoslavovich killed Sveneldich. The fact that Yaropolk killed Oleg for this does not mean that he was the customer of Svyatopolk. Maybe just took advantage of the situation.
    The funny thing in this story is that perhaps Svyatoslav himself became the cause of his death, having believed in his strength, a divine roof or something else, history knows many such dashing and short ones.
    1. +2
      22 March 2017 14: 46
      -believing in your strength, the divine roof.
      Do not eat fly agaric mushrooms without measure! Addiction is harmful to your health. Ministry of Health warns!
  14. Cat
    22 March 2017 14: 53
    Quote: avva2012
    Quote: rich On the second call about the Grand Duke Svyatoslav. Probably already adjusted for criticism?

    Do you know what amazes and delights me? This, as from a small paragraph in the annals, you can draw such conclusions and write, I note, a rather big article, huh? smile ps I hope this my comment will not be considered an insulting statement addressed to the author? laughing

    Third run!
    Was Svyatoslav a Grand Duke !? Or all the same Kagan!
    Is it possible to believe the Tale of Bygone Years !? Perhaps it is a story, not a chronicle, which by the way began to be written almost a century and a half after the death of Svyatoslav.
    AND ..........? The sea has such questions, but there is no sense in keeping silent. I am pleased with our discussion, which means "I go to - You !!!" our prince, or kagan .... tfu is confused.
    I repeat the words of the famous archaeologist- "Slovens invisible people" if we did not find their traces, this does not mean that they were not! This means that we work poorly. It is easy to search in Veliky Novgorod - to Yanov or Rybakov in Kiev, there is no it is not easy. But it’s much harder to look in the field. An example - the place of Kulikov field? ".
    Read the same about written sources Shakhovsky and where is the truth in the PVL. And who wrote her PVL? .........
    Regards Kotische!
    By the way, compare school textbooks about the history of Ancient Russia of the 80s and 00s, scientists wrote, but which of them is right! The riddle !!!
    1. +1
      22 March 2017 15: 13
      Reading PVL it is easy to notice that the legend of Svyatoslav is not a record in the annals, but a standing up independent story.
    2. +5
      22 March 2017 15: 35
      Dear Kotische. To be my will, I’ve been like that for 50 years, Marorius introduced any historical changes in textbooks. Has Ukraine’s experience taught anything? You look, there are all sorts of bilzhos, they calmly declare that the USSR attacked Ukraine, Poland in the Second World War. They opened the Pandora's box, thinking of spoiling the Soviets, and from there, it popped! They began to give churches. Oops, what about the synagogues? And what is wrong? Then, someone else will have to give something. And there you look and remember about Kazan and about the Siberian Khanate. You need to sit on the fifth point evenly and keep quiet. It seems that all this pampering with Svyatoslav, the empire, whether there were Tatars with a horde. And ask yourself, they recognize that there was no invasion, but there were princely disassembly, what will happen? The Mongols are far away and most importantly, what to take from them? And from Russia? Rave? I don’t think it’s possible to turn so that it doesn’t seem enough. We recognized ourselves as a civilized country, that is, not a scoop. We, now, are like everyone else. Only in comparison with others, we are oh. Therefore, until you have gained experience, strength, return Soviet textbooks, museums to the state and sit quietly, quietly. And, to introduce not only administrative responsibility, as in China, but also criminal. So, just in case.
      1. +1
        22 March 2017 16: 07
        And it’s better for 500 years, and to mobilize the people in the labor army without exception, otherwise they got rid of it.
        1. +4
          22 March 2017 16: 54
          Narodishko, in 41-45 it was not the mystical Slavic empire that he defended and not the labor army. The people, then, were Soviet and defended Soviet power, if not strange. And it doesn’t happen that labor soldiers / slaves fight like that. They fought for the power that gave the people education, medicine, for the human attitude to the one who works. For his power, so that they do not speak biljo.
          1. 0
            24 March 2017 12: 43
            Quote: avva2012
            They fought for the power that gave the people education, medicine, for the human attitude to the one who works ...

            - umm ... that is, in your opinion, they fought for a warm aviary and a full bowl, if you simplify?
            - IMHO is still a little for that wink
            - as an example, in 1812 there wasn’t that “own power” yet, it didn’t come about ... What, you say, they fought for the tsar? Yes, your language will not turn laughing

            They fought for their homeland ... and in 1812, and in the Great Patriotic War - for their homeland. This is primary, and the kings-kings-general secretaries-parties are strongly secondary.

            Voooot ...
            1. 0
              24 March 2017 13: 39
              Quote: Cat Man Null as an example, in 1812 there was still not that “own power”, it did not come about ...

              At the expense of 12 years, everything is simple. Occupant in a foreign country, "mother, testicles, milk ..". The girls are white, the peasant is chopped up like. And, if their landowners for such amusements were periodically raised to forks, then in this case, God himself ordered.
              They fought for their homeland ... and in 1812, and in the Great Patriotic War - for their homeland.

              Yes, I agree, they fought for their homeland. Now, only in the 17th year, before the same German, they left their positions, went home. And the Bolsheviks are not at fault. Or in the militia Minin in 1612, almost drove with kicks. Homeland, an over abstract concept for many. And now, when for many it becomes clear that your children can learn how to be an engineer, teacher, doctor and will not be like you, and all your ancestors will tear their veins from morning to night. When power gives you something that you didn’t dare to dream of, then for this Motherland you will tear any throat with your teeth. Over the long decades of Soviet power, they are used to a normal life, albeit without Mercedes, but nothing, the popularity of the “Soviet era” by now, already says a lot. True, soon we will die out who caught the Union, and as the liberals liked to say during perestroika, "Moses drove Jews 40 years in the wilderness so that the last one who knew slavery would die" with a hint of Soviet people, then democracy and universal happiness will begin to flourish.
              In your opinion, precisely for a warm aviary and a full bowl, if simplified?

              belay das provokation?
              1. 0
                24 March 2017 13: 50
                Quote: avva2012
                At the expense of 12 years, everything is simple. Occupant in a foreign country, "mother, testicles, milk ..".

                - great-a-avilno ... and in 1941 and beyond - the same thing.
                - and the fight was not for the Party and Stalin personally, but for the homeland. And everyone has her own.
                - and certainly they didn’t fight for a bright future in the form of
                Quote: avva2012
                ... your children can learn how to be an engineer, teacher, doctor and will not be like you, and all your ancestors will tear their veins from morning to night. When power gives you what you didn’t dare to dream about ...

                - they fought for their homeland. And for yourself in this homeland.
                Black wings don’t dare
                Fly over the motherland
                Its fields are spacious
                Do not dare to trample the enemy!
                There is a people's war,
                Sacred War!

                - a very clever song, by the way. You don’t have any “party” and other ... attributes request

                Quote: Cat Man Null
                for a warm aviary and a full bowl

                - I just slightly simplified your, ahem, complex definitions. Meaning saved Yes
                1. 0
                  24 March 2017 14: 05
                  Sehr gut Voldemar, sehr gut!
                  1. 0
                    24 March 2017 14: 15
                    Quote: avva2012
                    Sehr gut Voldemar, sehr gut!

                    Quote: Anecdote
                    - Bond. James Bond. - Off. Fak Off ...
      2. 0
        23 March 2017 08: 35
        Go ahead! In SOC. CAMP !!!
        1. +1
          23 March 2017 08: 40
          Quote: Vladislav Bolshakov
          Go ahead! In SOC. CAMP !!!

          To the camp without us!
          Hello to you from the guys from the camp
  15. +2
    22 March 2017 18: 44
    Sorry, why is Svyatoslav being denied strategic thinking? After all, he was a prince, had the appropriate upbringing, somehow communicated with basileus ... I think we will no longer know how everything was really and what Svyatoslav wanted to achieve.
    1. +5
      22 March 2017 20: 54
      How everything was in fact, we just know. Khazar defeated, lost the battle under Dorostol, then he was killed. Now, briefly and without speculation. And what he wanted does not matter. In each case, the result is important, but it is known. All sources are known. You can guess on them, just like on a crystal ball!
  16. 0
    23 March 2017 08: 28
    Rurik came from overseas, with all of Russia! With Russian balalaika, Russian vodka, Russian bath, Russian nesting doll, Russian accordion !!! - We are Russians - ZAMORSKY! NOT THAT THESE ARE LOCAL !!!
    Rurik died in 879, and his grandson Svyatoslav was born in 940, MAKE A SON AFTER 61 YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF HIS FATHER !!!
    My father died at 70, he had 3 grandchildren from 22 to 17 years old and 1 granddaughter 13 years old ...
  17. 0
    23 March 2017 08: 49
    In your opinion there are no AMERICANS, BRAZILIANS, CHILEISS? And there are English, Spanish! And the Spaniards and the British ARE UKRAINIANS, as they are at the edge of Europe.
    Although you make the whole of Moscow monuments to the princes of Kiev, Moscow will not become Kiev. Khreschatyk is there, and we have Bolshaya Ordynka ... And then, as the binary, we tailor the solution to the right answer ... I personally am a noun - RUSSIAN, and whatever you want ...
  18. +1
    23 March 2017 18: 26
    What kind of dill throwing? What kind of dill in the picture? The author does not even know the definition of Empire.
  19. 0
    30 March 2017 15: 57
    No matter how Svyatoslav was judged, he still voluntarily did a lot: first of all, he destroyed Khazaria, strengthened the position of Russia in all political and military positions .... Byzantium was very reckoning with Russia. Expanded the territory. As a result, his ideas were realized through the centuries under other rulers, but this was only the beginning .....

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