Smoot, which ruined the Old Russian Empire. Part of 2

Smoot, which ruined the Old Russian Empire. Part of 2 Currently, part of the ruling elite and the patriotic public of Russia is trying to present the 1917 revolution of the year (it implies the Great October Socialist Revolution) to be extremely negative, presenting revolutionaries as the origin of hell, and the Russian Empire as a model of the late XIX - early XX century as an almost ideal state that most answered popular ideas of social justice. As a result, October is trying to break up into a coup d'état, which allegedly was perpetrated by the “fifth column” under the leadership of Russia's external enemies.

However, this is a traditional political device when black is made white and vice versa. In reality, the coup d'état was the February Revolution, when a bunch of high-ranking conspirators of the Februaryites (Westernizers and Freemasons, representatives of the degenerate elite of the Romanov empire) overthrew the tsar and destroyed the autocracy in order to put Russia on the rails of the "Western Matrix". They dreamed of transforming Russia along the lines of “enlightened Europe” (Britain and France), they thought that “the West will help them”. In reality, the February feudalists-Westerners destroyed the last stronghold of the empire - autocratic power. The second main pillar is the cadre army, laid down on the fronts of the First World War, when the Russians were once again used as “cannon fodder” in the interests of Paris, London and Washington. As a result, the army, replenished by millions of peasants, not yet "hewn" by army discipline and thousands of intellectuals, traditionally liberal and hostile authorities, itself became a source of unrest and anarchy. All that was needed was a fuse that would plunge Russia into another confusion, and they were the February revolution, which overthrew the tsar.

The February revolution had revolutionary consequences, since the Westernizers, through their actions, revealed all the social, political, economic and national ulcers that had been accumulating for centuries in the Romanov empire. There was a civilizational and state catastrophe. The civil war began before October - nationalists and separatist separatists split the country into parts, the peasants began their war to restore justice and "black redistribute" the land, spilling age-old hatred on the landlords and all the "masters". The countries of the West and the East began to divide Russia into spheres of influence, the occupation of the most tidbits. The liberal-bourgeois Provisional Government of Russia turned out to be completely incapable. Blaming the Tsarist regime for all sins, the February-Westerners themselves turned out to be “impotent”, all their actions only worsened the situation and led Russia to the final destruction.

Thus, the Russian Communists (Bolsheviks) simply took the fallen power, and they had the will, purpose and program that met the interests of the majority of the people. Therefore, they were able to defeat the whites, separatist nationalists, gangsters, peasant freemen and interventionists, managed to unite most of the country, create a new development project and Soviet civilization, which became the beacon of all humanity, as it offered social justice, life without social parasites for the overwhelming most people.

It is necessary to understand that story time after time punishes for not knowing the lessons of the past. In the foreseeable history of Russia-Russia (Russian civilization), there are several unrest, social crises that put it on the verge of death. The first known troubles began during the crisis of Russian paganism and the introduction of a foreign ideology — Western Christianity (the introduction came from Rome and Constantinople, but in the end, the Byzantine version took up). Christianization led to the elimination of the carriers of conceptual power - the Russian priesthood (the heirs of the Vedic past of Russia), began the turn of Russian civilization on the path of development of the West. There was a split of society into the Greeks - church hierarchs, the social elite, which externally accepted Christianity without understanding its essence, and the common people, who for centuries maintained the old beliefs (the so-called “dual faith”, externally performing the Christian ritual). The introduction of alien conceptual power in Russia caused a series of civil and internecine wars, the struggle of elite clans - princely feuds. In particular, it is the suppression of pagan uprisings, civil wars and the beginning of Vladimir’s reign (civil war between Yaropolk and his brothers) and after his death (civil war of Vladimir’s sons). The then “elite” (princes and boyars) solved personal and narrow group tasks, forgetting about national tasks, which led to the collapse of the Old Russian Empire. Thus, the subsidence of the spirituality of the “elite”, its focus on solving personal problems led to a general crisis.

It is worth saying that the current Russian authorities, taking the image of Vladimir as the unifier and baptist of Russia (in the church history of the Holy), made a conceptual mistake, since it was the beginning of the fall of the Old Russian Empire, created by the efforts of Rurik, Oleg, Igor and Svyatoslav. As a result, after the adoption of Christianity, the history of Russia became a succession of crises and unrest, severe wars and conflicts that led to the disintegration of a single Russian state, the absorption of Western Russian lands by the West. Hungary, Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian captured and began to "digest" the West Russian lands. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia, which was originally a Russian state in reality, with the Russian state language, were also gradually subordinated to the “Western Matrix” - through Catholicism and the union of the great Lithuanian princes with the Polish throne.

At the same time, Christian chroniclers created the historical myth of "wild and backward" pagan Russia (The black myth of the "savagery" of pre-Christian Russia), which in later times was actively supported by liberal and pro-Western historians. This myth also includes the myth that Christians have given Russia "culture and writing" (Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius). For centuries, Russians were inspired by the “good Greeks” written by “wild pagans” - the monks Cyril (Constantine) and Methodius. Although in reality the Russians (Ruses) had a written language before baptism and the most developed spiritual and material culture in Europe. For example, if in Western Europe literate (that is, bearers of knowledge) were mostly churchmen and some representatives of the feudal nobility (in general, “brilliant” knighthood was illiterate), in Russia in cities, in particular, in Novgorod and Pskov, they were literate and ordinary people, including women and children. For example, two ancient Russian swords (of the pre-Christian era) were found, with Slavic inscriptions on them - apparently, the names of blacksmiths, “Lyudota Koval” and “Slavimir”. Another tangible evidence of the existence of Slavic writing is the inscription on the famous “Nesting korchag” of the mid-10th century (it was found in one of the Gnezdov kurgans in the 1949 year by DA Avdusin). The inscription consists of a single word "peanut" (apparently mustard), scratched on the surface of an already burnt-on crabs. There are other material evidence. In the life of Cyril (the "founder" of Russian writing) it is reported that while passing through Korsun-Khersones (an ancient city near modern Sevastopol), he saw the Gospel and the Shepherd written in Russian letters.

For the inhabitants of Europe, Russia was then a "country of cities." At the same time, the Ruses had a high culture of preserving their spiritual and bodily purity. “A civilized man”, a Byzantine missionary Belisarius, visiting the Novgorod land in 850, wrote about the Slovenes and Rusyns: “Orthodox Slovenes and Rusins ​​are wild people, and their lives are wild and godless. The men and girls of the nagia are locked up in a hotly burnt hut and torturing their bodies, knitting themselves with wood with a twig, before being exhausted and after jumping into a snowdrift or a snowdrift and, oholonishysya, again going to the hut to torture their bodies ”. Even Herodotus in the V century BC. says about the inhabitants of the steppes of the north-east, that they pour water on the stones and steamed in huts.

Europe at the time for centuries was illiterate, dirty and unwashed. Drowning in dirt and sewage, while in the Russian cities there were wooden sidewalks. This fact is also stated in the letters of Princess Anne - the daughter of the Russian prince of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise. He married his daughter to the French king Henry I. It was prestigious for European kings to form alliances with Russia, since Europe was far behind in all respects, both cultural and economic, compared to the Old Russian empire. Princess Anna brought with her to Paris, then a small village in France, several carts of her personal library, and with horror discovered that her husband, the king of France, could not only read but also write. The princess was not slow to unsubscribe from her father, Yaroslav the Wise. She reproached him for sending her to this province: “Batyushka, why do you hate me? And sent to this dirty village, where there is no place to wash ”. And on the Bible, which she brought with her to France, in Russian, French kings began to swear.

When they write and talk about the Old Russian state, one often hears about the tribes: glade, Sloven, Drevlyans, Krivichi, Radimichi, Viatichi and many others. When the word "tribe" arises the image of some North American Iroquois, Comanches, or Pacific Papuans, but in no way developed community. Although in reality, any Slavic-Russian "tribe" was a union or super union of the tribes that controlled a huge space (equal or significantly more than European kingdoms). The union had a developed management system: an elected prince, voivods, an army squad, a council of nobles (boyars and elders), and a popular assembly — veche. The union of the tribes was primarily a political, territorial, and not a generic phenomenon. Each “reign” or “land” had not only its “reign”, but also the “laws of its fathers,” that is, the legislative system. The fact that the Pagan Rus was a powerful civilization is also indicated by the traces of ancient fortifications - the so-called. Serpent's ramparts (created in the period from the 2nd century BC to the seventh century AD). Such structures can only be developed society, which can coordinate and direct the efforts of large masses of people.

The ancient Scandinavians called the Old Russian state Gardarika, ie, the state of cities. According to the German chronicler Tithmar of Merseburg, Kiev was a rival to the capital of Byzantium - Constantinople, which was the largest city in the Mediterranean and Europe. Noted a large number of cities of Russia and Eastern sources. Arab ibn Ruste wrote that the Rus have “many cities”. Interestingly, the eastern travelers, familiar with Baghdad and Damascus, and the Scandinavians, who saw the cities of England, France, Spain and Italy, unanimously assert that the Rus of the pre-Christian era had cities. Moreover, in such quantity that it was surprising to experienced travelers. Such a source as the “Bavarian geographer” (this is a list of peoples and unions of tribes, mainly of Slavic origin, who inhabited areas in the 9th century east of the Frankish state), reports dozens and hundreds of cities (!) Of the East Slavic principalities-lands.

At the same time, Russian (Slavic) paganism, which, in the opinion of the clergy, was idolatrous (“they worshiped stumps”), was a bright, sunny faith, filled with universal harmony, goodness and justice. Our ancestors believed in the “Right” the bright, righteous world of the gods, which for our ancestors were not “masters”, but ancestors. Our ancestors considered themselves the grandsons of the gods. Father-Rod was the parent of people (Genus), the creator of Nature. It is foolish to think that the paganism of the Rus is a wild, backward belief. Modern Japan, India, and in many ways China, retain their ancient beliefs and do not suffer from this. They make the life of their peoples more meaningful, allow them to maintain their origins, restrain the onslaught of "universal" (western) values ​​of the world of the "golden calf" (devil). It is interesting that in many respects the faith of the Rus is still alive today; it has been preserved not only in fairy tales and epics, but also has been absorbed into Christianity, making it Orthodoxy (“Glory to Government”). The main myth-images of the ancient Russian faith are preserved: the Christian Trinity, the image of the Virgin, George the victorious serpent - these are the Slavic Triglavs, the Mother Lada-Rozhanitsa, Perun the victorious serpent or in rare images of a bear (Veles-Volos), etc. You need to know your roots , the faith of their ancestors who believed the One God the Father, the Parent of all things (the Genus), Mother Earth, God the Son (the Sun).

Thus, our ancestors were a very developed people, had their own power, civilization, faith, rooted in the time of the appearance of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans, long before baptism. The “black” myth of the savagery of the ancient Slavs-Rus is a tool of the information war, created to destroy the memory of a unique Russian civilization, creating an inferiority complex in our country. And Christians from Byzantium did not bring high culture and writing to the “wild country,” the Ruses had a highly developed society and civilization long before baptism.

However, it is obvious that in this period Russia experienced a spiritual crisis, which was expressed in the creation of the “pantheon of gods” by Prince Vladimir. Apparently, there was a degradation of the paganism of monotheism (when all the "gods" were only the manifestations of the One God the Father) into polytheism and idolatry, which Prince Vladimir expressed in the pantheon of the main gods. Degradation of paganism, and therefore the priesthood, which was supposed to maintain faith in purity, led to the fact that the then “elite” (princes and boyars), finding the weakness of the priesthood in the formulation of national tasks, began to look for a more convenient information “tool”. The chronicle refers to the “choice of beliefs” (“test of beliefs”) by Vladimir. The preachers of Islam, Judaism, Western "Latin" Christianity (Catholicism) were called to the court. According to the chronicles, in the year 987, Vladimir, at the council of the boyars, decided to be baptized "according to Greek law." Even before Vladimir, the Kiev elite had almost adopted Christianity from Rome. In 962, the German emperor sent bishops and priests to Kiev at the request of Princess Olga. However, then the Western informational and conceptual sabotage was stopped by Prince Svyatoslav, who liquidated the "fifth column". Westernizers, not accepted in Russia, "barely saved."

In this way, Russia turned for the first time on the civilizational path of development of the West. This path provided the then "elite" high status of "masters of life" with the blessing of the church. As a result - several centuries of unrest, uprisings, strife, the collapse of the Russian state into many principalities, lands and destinies. The loss of a number of strategic territories in the south - on the Don (White Tower), in the Crimea. The consistent loss of land in the west - Ugrian Rus, Galician Rus, Volyn, Kiev, Minsk, Polotsk, etc. A long standoff began along the “steppe - forest” line when the heirs of Great Scythia (Skifskoy Rus) were the Russians of Kiev, Chernihiv and Pereyaslavl and their steppe relatives, known under the names of "Pechenegs and Polovtsy", became enemies.

Only when a political center emerged in Russia, which posed a national task — the unity of all Russian principalities and lands — did the process of restoring a great power begin. Ordinary people supported the Moscow princes, because in general they acted in the interests of all civilization and the people. At the same time, the long process of merging of the ancient Russian faith and Christianity was completed, which led to the emergence of the “fiery” Orthodoxy of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The clan (Svarog) became the Almighty (God the Father), the Mother Lada the Virgin Mary, the Sun (Horse) the God the Son, the patron saint of Perun warriors George the Victorious, Volos Veles (in the form of a serpent or bear), Vladyka Navi the devil. All the main myth-images of the Rus-superethnos, dating back to the time of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans, were preserved, Christianity became Russian (before Nikonianism, when its fiery essence was deprived of its living content).

To be continued ...
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  1. +14
    21 February 2017 05: 53
    It has become very difficult, Mr. Samsonov, you are good at retelling the course of hostilities, the rest is not yours, I present trash in the discussion.
    1. +29
      21 February 2017 06: 46
      Quote: Cartalon
      ... Samsonov you well retell the course of hostilities, the rest is not yours ...

      Well, it turns out - not at the Samsonov’s rank to discuss such serious topics? Only foreigners, it is better even from another continent, even Africa, have exclusive rights to discuss such serious topics?
      1. +17
        21 February 2017 08: 54
        venaya Today, 06:46 ↑ New
        Well, it turns out - not at the Samsonov’s rank to discuss such serious topics?
        Yes, they do not like the local town-bakers of Samsonov, for his clearly expressed communist views on history. He becomes his throat.
        Thus, Russia for the first time turned on the civilizational path of development of the West. This path provided the then "elite" with the high status of "masters of life" with the blessing of the church.
        Exactly. The problem is that such turns to the West have always ended sadly for Russia. On the one hand, we needed their technology, on the other, we got the dominance of a pro-Western culture alien to us. As for the priests, this is generally a separate topic for discussion. Popov’s power in Russia always went hand in hand with the current government and always existed in order to keep the people in check and obedience. Yes, and sheared the people like sheep.
        Imagine what will be in the comments now.
        1. +7
          21 February 2017 09: 18
          Quote: Samsonov
          In the life of Cyril (the "founder" of Russian writing) it is reported that driving through Korsun-Khersones (an ancient city near modern Sevastopol), he saw the Gospel and Shepherd written in Russian letters.

          In Korsuni Kirill (Methodius was with him and, possibly, the author of the life) "Learn that Jewish conversation and books," then the Samaritan language, then the language Russian: "You will gain that Gospel and the Psalter by the Russians written."
          The man on the spot in Korsuni studied three!!! language, read books in these languages, talked with locals including about their books read so that the locals "think he wonders." Samsonov called it "passing" through Korsun. It's funny

          Sometimes you still need to read the sources. This helps to understand the cause-effect relationship for any historical period.

          There would be a Chernoranets Brave, Zlatoust ... The theme of early Russian writing is quite rich.
        2. +2
          21 February 2017 12: 55
          Why turn to someone? You have to be yourself, and what is beneficial is to borrow. And develop on their own soil, and not follow in the wake.
    2. +5
      21 February 2017 10: 27
      having taken the image of Vladimir as the unifier and baptizer of Russia (in the church history of the Holy), we made a conceptual mistake, since it began the fall of the Old Russian Empire, created by the efforts of Rurik, Oleg, Igor and Svyatoslav.
      Yes you? It began with Svyatoslav, who divided Russia between his sons. That's when brother went to brother. And that after the rulers you indicated, no one else was involved in the annexation of lands in Russia? Learn materiel amiable. And do not disgrace with strange conclusions.
      1. +5
        22 February 2017 06: 24
        Yes, already figs to you. Vladimir caved in under Christianity. Svyatoslav did a lot for Russia. But there was a misfire with the education of his heirs. Everything went from Yaropolk. Until he was finished, he managed to do a lot of harm. The last of the Rurikovich family, Ivan the Terrible, resisted the western infection until the last breath! And only when the Poles promoted the Romanov family, did a protracted fall occur. Under Peter, serfdom also appeared. History corresponded, as it is now in the Outskirts, "Ardent historians" are also present in VO (I won’t give names) while fulfilling the order, even thoughts don’t allow, that in pre-Christian Russian civilization there was a high level of development, and we had nothing like paganism . This Christianity has been perverted to please certain clans! What we have now is all the consequences of those events. The course of history is like a spiral with a transition to a singularity
    3. +9
      21 February 2017 10: 52
      Quote: Cartalon
      It has become very difficult, Mr. Samsonov, you are good at retelling the course of hostilities, the rest is not yours, I present trash in the discussion.

      Yeah, again, a "bunch of" Februaryists "," the Bolsheviks who raised power (according to the UK thieves) "," Russians " lol communists, "most" lol people who supported them (at what elections is this?) and other nonsense.

      But a new and heavy one appeared:
      the emergence of "fiery" Orthodoxy of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Rod (Svarog) became the Almighty (God the Father) Mother Lada - Mother of God, Sun (Horse) —God the Son, patron saint of warriors Perun - George the VictoriousVolos-Veles (in the form of a snake or bear), the lord of Navi - the devil. All the main mythological images of the superethnos of the Rus, dating back to the time of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans, were preserved, Christianity became Russian (until Nikonianism, when its fiery essence was deprived of living content

      Yeah yeah Batu-Dad,
      Mom, mom.
      1. +9
        21 February 2017 11: 37
        Quote: Olgovich
        Sun (Horse)

        Rather, the Sun-Yarilo, Khors is our mercury.
        In general, there is little information left about pre-Christian gods, Khristianstro and the Romanovs did their best.
        1. +4
          21 February 2017 16: 09
          One of the books of Alexander Asov speaks of FOUR Solar Gods --- Ra (spring, morning), Horse (summer, day), Yarilo (autumn, evening) and Kolyada (winter, night) .Although someone considers Asov’s arguments not appropriate.
          1. +2
            21 February 2017 18: 58
            Quote: Reptiloid
            In one of the books of Alexander Asov

            But Asov does not say where such information comes from? I only read a little from him. In the old texts about the god Yarilo there is not a word. Although our sun - has the name Yarilo, like the moon - Month.
            1. +4
              21 February 2017 20: 02
              RIVARES !!!!! I didn’t read from Asov where this information came from, but Russian folk mythology, remember, Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera "The Snow Maiden" according to Ostrovsky? Ostrovsky had lived before Asov !!! In general, these were Deities from different Slavic peoples. Chronicler Fedorov in the XVIII century he wrote about God YARUN, which in meaning is the same. In Belarus --- Yaryl. The names remained: Yarilovo field, Yarilov valley ... In the same "Snow Maiden", Yarila dies and rises.
              About the Month. This is the name of both the celestial body and the Godhead, who is also dying and resurrecting. And the MOON is actually the Goddess of one of the ancient Italian peoples, and her name came to us with Latin!
              In general, the theme of the dying and resurrection of pagan Deities is a connection with Nature, eternal life through resurrection after death.
              1. 0
                21 February 2017 20: 47
                Yar from Sanskrit yār - spring, beginning of the year. Derivatives of it: yārə - Sanskrit "year", year - German "year".

                Yarilo is not the sun god, but the spirit of the masculine spring, Kostroma - the spirit of the feminine spring. The effigies of Yarila and Kostroma were burned for an oil pan.
              2. +1
                21 February 2017 21: 07
                The Yarilova Valley could equally well be interpreted as a sunny valley, apart from the little things that the letter I was not in Old Russian ...
                I do not claim that there was no god Yarun or Yarilo. For example, Chudinov leads the inscription God Yar.
              3. +1
                22 February 2017 11: 39
                Quote: Reptiloid
                . Such names remained: Yarilovo Field, Yarilova Valley.

                Dug a little.
                Yara God God controlling spring flowering.
                Yarilo-Sun-God is the patron saint of bright thoughts, a pure heart and our luminary.
                Thank you for the tip)
              4. 0
                22 February 2017 19: 11
                Stuffed Yaril in human growth was made from straw with hypertrophic male dignity. Chulelo Kostroma in human growth was made in the form of a doll made of matting.

                At the Shrovetide, Yarilo and Kostroma were first "married", and then burned to ensure the fertility of the land and livestock.

                The sun at Shrovetide depicted not Yarilo, but pancakes.
      2. +4
        21 February 2017 15: 35
        You, too, as the hero of Japanese cartoons hung a portrait of the king in all your rooms? And your morning probably starts with "God save the king"?
        1. jjj
          21 February 2017 16: 36
          Again paganism is sung in contrast to Orthodoxy. I would like to recall only that the Nazis were pagans ...
          1. +2
            21 February 2017 22: 10
            Quote: jjj
            Again paganism is sung in contrast to Orthodoxy. I would like to recall only that the Nazis were pagans ...

            Just the opposite, Orthodoxy is chanted as opposed to Christianity. The Nazis didn’t build the Aryan nation from scratch, they just perverted everything, or maybe they specially thought of it so that the memories of the Aryans would be disgusted for many years, as well as ancient symbols like a swastika, and this is all ours we can say native , but now we shy away from it like a devil from incense. And in the Vedas it is said that a four generation of the great white race arrived on the midgard. the great battle that at that time was between the dark and light forces. At that time they were allies, but now it is not clear that the Vedas say that the Aryans clashed with dark forces and knew that it was, and the Slavs did not, so maybe this dark part got the better of some times we came to this. request
            1. +9
              29 November 2020 21: 30
              Quote: activator
              the Vedas say

              What is the connection between the scriptures of Hinduism and the Slavs? There is no connection !!!
          2. +3
            21 February 2017 22: 14
            Quote: jjj
            Again paganism is sung in contrast to Orthodoxy. I would like to recall only that the Nazis were pagans ...

            Write nonsense. Paganism (Slavic) cannot be a counterweight to Orthodoxy by definition, because Orthodoxy is the essence of Slavic (Russian) paganism.
            And what gods did the Nazis worship?
            1. +12
              29 November 2020 21: 34
              Quote: aviator65
              Orthodoxy is the essence of Slavic (Russian) paganism

              Oh ... The ancient faith of the Slavs has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Understand, ingilism is sectarianism. Ingilism harms the revival of the ancient faith of the Slavs.
          3. +1
            22 February 2017 06: 34
            Yes, there was no paganism among the Russians! What fright did you get this from?
            Orthodoxy from Sergius of Radonezh is a defense against the Catholic trend with the preservation of the historical faith, in fact, lasted in this form until the Nikon and Romanovs.
          4. 0
            22 October 2017 09: 59
            Why were the Nazis pagans?
            And on belt buckles (God is with us), and sacred ministers at military units.
            How to deal with this?
          5. +8
            29 November 2020 21: 23
            Especially if you remember the cooperation between the Vatican and the Nazis ...
        2. +3
          21 February 2017 19: 32
          Quote: Vitalson
          You, too, as the hero of Japanese cartoons hung a portrait of the king in all your rooms? And your morning probably starts with "God save the king"?

          Every morning I enjoy watching the rise of the Russian Banner with a double-headed eagle over the Kremlin at 6.00 s "Russia, our sacred Power". Yes

          And do you include every morning video 30 years ago on the VM-12? lol
      3. +3
        22 February 2017 00: 21
        In some Cossack regions of the North Caucasus, babai is still his father's uncle. mom - maternal uncle
        1. +3
          22 February 2017 05: 48
          What amusing crystal bakers have become, not just some fantastic nonsense! laughing
          1. 0
            22 October 2017 10: 02
            Well, not only funny and with historical memory they somehow do not really.
            As it is not mentioned how gentlemen ahvitser the oath to the Emperor who gave, betrayed him!
          2. +5
            29 November 2020 21: 38
            That is why they are crushers. Consider themselves "white bone" and "blue blood". Gospads do not tend to bother themselves with such a trifle as to confirm their words with facts. laughing
  2. +12
    21 February 2017 06: 17
    I always liked the topic of the values ​​of Ancient Russia before the adoption of Orthodoxy. I read books by various authors on this topic. However, I am always disappointed with the insufficiency of concrete historical examples. I hope that some new research will appear.
    1. +8
      21 February 2017 09: 31
      Vlesova's book (made on the tablets - “in the forest”) is reported:
      "Summer 3099 (2591 BC) Sloven and Rus from their births excommunicated
      Eksinoponta (Black Sea) and from his family and from the brethren and walk along
      to the countries of the universe, like the winged eagles to the desert
      places for themselves in the village; and in many places reverently dreaming of them, and nowhere
      but without gaining a village. 14 years of desert places and country bypassed,
      Dondezha who has come down to Jezer some great, Moisk zovomago, follow Irmer
      was named in the name of their sister Irmera. Then the magic told them
      heir to the place of being. And the oldest Sloven with his kind and with
      to everyone, even under his hand, a gray hair on the river, then calling Mutnaya, then follow
      Volkhov is named in the name of the oldest son of Slovenov, Volkhov is calling.
      In the summer of 3113 (2578 BC), Grand Duke Sloven posed a castle and
      his name-named is Slovensk, now Veliky Novgorod is also called.
      1. +15
        21 February 2017 09: 44
        Well, actually there is not a single scientific confirmation, the authenticity of the Veles Book. Well, even if you refer to any written documents of that time, then it’s more likely to birch bark letters, which are found quite a lot, especially in Veliky Novgorod.
        In general, the German "historians" did not work on our history. Lomonosov alone, even his nose broke at a meeting. So getting to the truth is very difficult given the fact that most of the materials are destroyed or hidden by the same Germans. The work of the same Lomonosov in the history of ancient Russia is either destroyed or stored somewhere in the archives of the Vatican.
        No offense, but in my opinion something like that. hi
        1. +8
          21 February 2017 11: 39
          Quote: Alex_1973
          Well, actually there is not a single scientific confirmation, the authenticity of the Veles Book.

          Actually, there is not a single scientific refutation, the authenticity of the Veles Book. Do you feel the difference?
          1. +3
            21 February 2017 20: 09
            Quote: Rivares
            Quote: Alex_1973
            Well, actually there is not a single scientific confirmation, the authenticity of the Veles Book.

            Actually, there is not a single scientific refutation, the authenticity of the Veles Book. Do you feel the difference?

            Well, how do they scientifically prove that the cases in the Veles book do not correspond to the norms of the modern Russian language! One more proof that such books from tablets does not exist, although I saw on TV libraries of Tibetan monasteries lined with shelves with such books. Moreover, the monks do not read them, but only guard and do not know what is written in them. That would be there to climb!
          2. +5
            29 November 2020 21: 42
            Such stars of science as academicians D.S. Likhachev and B.A. Rybakov. There is not a single serious specialist who would consider that "Velesova Kniga" is the original.
            1. +2
              19 December 2020 14: 18
              There is not a single strong evidence to refute the authenticity of the book. Back in the 70s of the last century in the USSR, a number of scientific workers confirmed its authenticity.
        2. 0
          22 February 2017 16: 14
          And thank God for the work.

          Gerard Miller was a true high-class scholar, scrupulous in German, led the largest Russian expedition (while Lomonosov was sitting in his cabinets) and collected a valuable collection of archival documents.
          "Of particular importance was the huge collection of archival documents exported by Miller, and if he himself used only an insignificant part of them, then for one and a half years they have served and continue to serve until now as an important help for individual scientists and entire institutions. Prince M. M. Shcherbatov, Golikov, Slovtsov, Novikov for the "Ancient Russian Vivliofika", Count Rumyantsev for the "Collection of State Letters and Treaties", the archaeographic commission and others owe much to Miller. " (c)

          Or Schletser:
          "He spent a lot of work on the publication of Russian chronicles. In 1767, the first volume of the Nikon chronicles, prepared by S. Bashilov under the leadership of Schletser, was published. In the same year, he published the first edition of Russian Truth.
          Along with this work, he also considered important the promotion of Russian history in Europe. Schletser used all his trips to Germany and other countries for this, considering and calling himself a Russian patriot. "(C)
          For some reason, not the Russian “patriot” Lomonosov (who married a German, which is especially patriotic) did it, but the German Schlozer.

          Quote: Alex_1973
          Lomonosov alone, even his nose broke at a meeting.

          There was no fight with Miller - this is such a myth. And even if it did, Miller, hardened on expeditions, would have drunk the drunk Lomonosov in a couple of seconds.
          1. +2
            23 February 2017 14: 30
            Quote: ivankursk46
            There was no fight with Miller - this is such a myth. And even if it did, Miller, hardened on expeditions, would have drunk the drunk Lomonosov in a couple of seconds.

            I won’t say anything about the glorification of Miller, because it’s useless, it’s not cured, but what you, hmm, you said about Lomonosov is nonsense and mud pouring. Firstly, he was not an alcoholic. Secondly, how would a “seasoned hardened” German dug up the pomors that grew up in the north? That is, a lot of well-built and hard-working? I would have looked.
            1. +1
              23 February 2017 14: 31
              What nafig Swede? I’m writing from Moscow! What the hell?
      2. 0
        22 February 2017 16: 17
    2. +3
      21 February 2017 12: 02
      Reptiloid. "This is from the category of an alternative story, nowadays a fashionable hobby, but alternativeists tend to have wild imagination and few real facts.
      1. +8
        29 November 2020 21: 44
        It is what it is. The alternative is growing by leaps and bounds. But the worst part is that people believe in the delusion of alternative history.
    3. +3
      21 February 2017 12: 41
      Quote: Reptiloid
      I read books by various authors on this topic. However, I am always disappointed with the insufficiency of concrete historical examples.

      Did you read “Russia in Crooked Mirrors”?
      1. +6
        21 February 2017 15: 53
        One of my favorite authors on the topic of Pagan Russia is Doctor of Philosophy Valery Nikitich Dyomin. In his book "Pilot Rus" he mentions the princes DO RURIK. This is not only Sloven and Rus, but also Gostomysl, Burivoy, Vandal and many, many others, and refers to the Lavrentiev, Ipatiev and Radziwill annals. According to him, the beginning of Russia is lost in the darkness of the millennia, in the Wurm ice age. And then our country was called ARATTA, which means Fatherland.
        And which of these chronicles and how can an ordinary person read it? It is known that the old church books were destroyed under Peter I and the other Romanovs, although they were taken under the pretext of the census.
        At home I have 4 books of Demin, 5 books of Alexander Asov, 4 books of Sergey Lesnoy, 2 books of Hudz-Markov, + Holy Russian Vedas --- Book of Kolyada. I have not read Levashov’s books, I have serious doubts about the author --- in everything that concerns him. I read about different pagan groups on the Web, but I don’t see a serious theoretical base among modern pagans --- ““ who’s what the hell. ”” I just hope to open some sources, or suddenly they will find the library of Ivan the Terrible, or they will discover "" Pigeon Book "" on stone slabs, or SOMETHING will happen, and the Vatican Library will go to Russia! Dreaming is not bad ...
        For us, Paganism has been preserved in ancient embroideries with a "cross", red and white, in wood paintings. There are also images of ancient beast-like ornaments on old cannons and mortars. They were made by CASTING, and not in other easier ways!
        1. +3
          21 February 2017 18: 18
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Holy Russian Vedas --- Book of Kolyada

          This is generally like Asov’s invention.
          There are also Santi Vedas of Perun
          The Russian Vedas are also an old text - not to be confused with the text of the same name by Asov (Barashkov)
      2. +2
        21 February 2017 16: 39
        Quote: Rivares
        Did you read “Russia in Crooked Mirrors”?
        Well, I read it I mastered somewhere a third, I am a supporter of the Slavic Aryan theory, but what Levashev writes in my opinion completely descends the idea. I tried to watch his seminars, I couldn’t stand anything sensible, in general the guy did not suffer from modesty, alone confronting the dark forces. To read in this way the cult of the name of himself and the academician Emiki is the defender of the Russian land and the healer, even science named after him. I know from experience that scammers behave this way.
        1. +3
          21 February 2017 18: 19
          He has very good references to Old Russian literature.
          1. +1
            21 February 2017 18: 30
            Quote: Rivares
            He has very good references to Old Russian literature.

            Well, it’s understandable that he needs to build on something, but he made such a gag that he’d be fucked, and his manner of shitting everyone, I remember Zeland didn’t like it at all. Well, I don’t remember that in 2009 or 8 a pyramid of dark forces, I think it’s not worth commenting.
            1. +3
              21 February 2017 18: 47
              Yes and do not comment. Well, I gave the person a source where most of the old texts are mentioned + an interesting look at history. From there, by the way, I learned about the destruction by Peter1 of old Russian books and the rewriting of history — moreover, with links to documents. By the way, the indicated book does not say anything about 2009 or 8.
              1. +1
                21 February 2017 20: 07
                Quote: Rivares
                By the way, in the indicated book about 2009 or 8 it is not said like

                This was not in the book, but at the seminar he said, I once watched a video on YouTube and there he said that he destroyed the pyramid of these same dark forces. Well, and much more, that does not inspire confidence in him
              2. +2
                21 February 2017 20: 13
                Thinking about Levashev. HOW to find out so soon about old texts and links without reading it. If you don’t think of it, you will have to read it. You see, now I haven’t read about Slavic paganism for a long time, it seemed that the knowledge about this does not change, they stand in the same place. Although the authors are different, I did not like the community of Asov and Sundakov.
                1. 0
                  21 February 2017 20: 57
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  Thinking about Levashev. HOW to find out so soon about old texts and links without reading it. If you don’t think of it, you will have to read it.

                  I don’t like giving advice, but everyone starts from the Vedas, for example, I started with this
                  dy / Slav_Aryan_Vedas. The rest is gag and too dubious in nature. You can still see here
         Но надо фильтровать каждому хочется чего своего приплести. Ну а потом собирать по крупицам ,старых текстов очень мало .
                2. +1
                  22 February 2017 00: 19
                  for example description.
                  And Levashev’s history books were banned)) allegedly for extremism.
              3. +3
                21 February 2017 22: 40
                Quote: Rivares
                Yes and do not comment. Well, I gave the person a source where most of the old texts are mentioned + an interesting look at history. From there, by the way, I learned about the destruction by Peter1 of old Russian books and the rewriting of history — moreover, with links to documents. By the way, the indicated book does not say anything about 2009 or 8.

                Peter in this case was not the first. smile Alexey Mikhailovich founded the Note Order, the duties of which included the search and collection of all old documents. Where they then disappeared, this is still no one knows.
        2. 0
          22 February 2017 16: 25
          What theory ??

          Here, the Slavs are called Arias according to the fashionable today among the adherents of the so-called “folk-history” - amateurish and absolutely anti-scientific works on history, especially on ethnogenesis. Works of this kind, free of any methodology and appealing to the lowest chauvinistic instincts of the masses, have flooded the sector of cheap supposedly popular science literature in bookstores and Internet forums.

    4. 0
      23 February 2017 15: 43
      Quote: Reptiloid
      I always liked the topic of the values ​​of Ancient Russia before the adoption of Orthodoxy. I read books by various authors on this topic. However, I am always disappointed with the insufficiency of concrete historical examples. I hope that some new research will appear.

      You are right, the pre-Christian period of the history of Russia is very interesting.
      Especially in the sense of resettlement and mixing of peoples.
      But this secret is revealed to science very slowly.
      Archaeologists have done a lot, but they do not give an accurate, consistent picture.
      Written sources about this only from Byzantium and from the Arabs are not the most honest and voluminous.
      now we hope for genetic portraits of peoples ...
  3. +7
    21 February 2017 06: 39
    (C) At the same time, the long process of merging the ancient Russian faith and Christianity was completed, which led to the emergence of "fiery" Orthodoxy of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

    Something does not convincingly sound the thesis of the merger of the ancient Russian faith and Christianity in the person of Sergius of Radonezh! It was the Russian Orthodox Church that humble the rulers and provided a link between the "upper and lower classes." Outstanding church leaders of Muscovite Russia directed its development and improvement.
    1. +8
      21 February 2017 07: 16
      Quote: V.ic
      ... the thesis about the merger of the ancient Russian faith and Christianity in the person of Sergius of Radonezh does not sound convincing! Exactly Russian Orthodox Church humbled the rulers ...

      "Russian Orthodox Church" - in those days simply did not exist. For the first time, the terminology of combining "Abrahamic Christianity" with "Vedic Orthodoxy" was tried by Patriarch Nikon, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, which ended in fierce, bloody religious wars in the country. Nikon paid for it both with patriarchy and freedom. The term ROC itself appeared only in 1943, in the Republic of Ingushetia such a term was never used, although the term "Orthodoxy" was in use. Abrahamic Christianity itself from the very beginning was intended to introduce a further softened form of slavery - feudal dependence.
      1. +2
        22 February 2017 06: 59
        Do not forget that between Sergius and Nikon there are almost 300 years of difference! Under Sergius there was no concept like the Russian Orthodox Church, by definition.
    2. +4
      21 February 2017 07: 17
      Quote: V.ic
      ... the thesis about the merger of the ancient Russian faith and Christianity in the person of Sergius of Radonezh does not sound convincing! Exactly Russian Orthodox Church humbled the rulers ...

      "Russian Orthodox Church" - in those days simply did not exist. For the first time, the terminology of combining "Abrahamic Christianity" with "Vedic Orthodoxy" was tried by Patriarch Nikon, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, which ended in fierce, bloody religious wars in the country. Nikon paid for it both with patriarchy and freedom. The term ROC itself appeared only in 1943, in the Republic of Ingushetia such a term was never used, although the term "Orthodoxy" was in use. Abrahamic Christianity itself from the very beginning was intended to introduce a further softened form of slavery - feudal dependence.
    3. +3
      21 February 2017 07: 19
      Quote: V.ic
      ... the thesis about the merger of the ancient Russian faith and Christianity in the person of Sergius of Radonezh does not sound convincing! Exactly Russian Orthodox Church humbled the rulers ...

      "Russian Orthodox Church" - in those days simply did not exist. For the first time, the terminology of combining "Abrahamic Christianity" with "Vedic Orthodoxy" was tried by Patriarch Nikon, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, which ended in fierce, bloody religious wars in the country. Nikon paid for it both with patriarchy and freedom. The term ROC itself appeared only in 1943, in the Republic of Ingushetia such a term was never used, although the term "Orthodoxy" was in use. Abrahamic Christianity itself from the very beginning was intended to introduce a further softened form of slavery - feudal dependence.
      1. +4
        21 February 2017 11: 17
        Quote: venaya
        The term ROC itself appeared only in 1943

        ... and a threefold comment: is it to collect more pluses or hidden worship of the Holy Trinity?
      2. +6
        21 February 2017 11: 44
        Quote: venaya
        For the first time, Patriarch Nikon tried to merge Abrahamic Christianity with Vedic Orthodoxy terminologically

        Nikon called Orthodox Christianity Orthodox Christianity in order to increase the influx of parishioners and dough. Until now, Christianity could not defeat the old faith, by the way, because Nikon acted as a lie, which was appreciated by both))
        1. +1
          22 February 2017 02: 59
          Is it true that Orthodoxy has no relation to Christianity, but is the pre-Christian faith of the Slavs? Did Nikon replace faith in Orthodoxy? What did the Byzantine monk Belisarius write about the Slavs in 532? Is the word "Orthodoxy" deciphered as a glorification of the Law?
    4. +6
      21 February 2017 08: 45
      Quote: V.ic
      Outstanding church leaders of Muscovite Russia directed its development and improvement.

      Are these the ones who didn’t understand Russian in Russian?
      1. +1
        21 February 2017 11: 10
        Quote: Boris55
        Are these the ones who didn’t understand Russian in Russian?

        Sergius of Radonezh? Neil Sorsky? Vassian Patrickeev? Maxim the Greek? Patriarch Germogen?
        1. +8
          21 February 2017 14: 21
          Quote: V.ic
          Sergius of Radonezh? Neil Sorsky? Vassian Patrickeev? Maxim the Greek? Patriarch Germogen?

          I am about those who have scattered the faith of our ancestors by bringing to us the teachings of the prophet Judea Jesus given to him from above to instruct the Jews. Faith is a stranger, not ours. Andrew the First-Called came to the shores of the Black Sea in the first century and reached the White Sea. The Rus did not accept his filthy faith for which he was crucified on the "blue" cross.

          All our troubles come from the fact that we worship other gods, but we forgot our gods .....
          1. +2
            21 February 2017 14: 43
            Prophet Judea Jesus.
            Ah, I thought what it looked like. Well, remember. Ananerbe, Shambhala, runes, death camps for the racially inferior. Aloizych, because Nietzsche revered, but did not believe in God. Just remember how the Nazis finished? Unfortunately, not all.
            1. +9
              21 February 2017 15: 03
              Jesus Christ was a principled opponent of the Jewish religion, the main dogma of Christianity says "there is neither Greek nor Jewish" - i.e. the new religion was intended to spread among all nations, and not just among the one "God-chosen."

              Shambhala (Sambhala) in the Aryan Vedas is a real settlement in Semirechye (modern Afghanistan). Buddhists made him a mythical country in the Himalayas (modern Tibet). The Nazis figured out that there is the homeland of the "Aryans" who came from there to Europe (in reality it was exactly the opposite - the Aryans came to Afghanistan and India from Europe).
              1. +6
                21 February 2017 16: 24
                I am not against Shambhala as a Buddhist symbol. I don’t like at all that that porridge in the minds of the new pagans resembles very much the porridge in the heads of the supermen. The unifying idea is an animal hatred of Christianity. And in spite of the seemingly anecdotal nature of all these rotteries, NATURE, thank you, "let's go back to the basics," Ukraine is not that funny. Nationalism in Russia is the death of a country. I won’t be surprised that the true homeland of Perun is the State Department, although, of course, ordinary lovers of the "old days" do not even know where their ears stick from.
                1. +3
                  21 February 2017 16: 48
                  I won’t be surprised that the true homeland of Perun is the State Department ....
                  The true homeland is the CIA, it is well known why this is surprising. About Ukraine, you correctly noted that the process has begun, as one major state and party activist said.
                  Their "god" does not stick out ears, but horns and hooves.
                  1. +2
                    21 February 2017 18: 24
                    It seems to them that they are strong, luminiferous with them, but the corroded soul is, in fact, weak. We have to win. I hope. hi
                    1. +2
                      21 February 2017 18: 31
                      God does not scold
                      I took the liberty of quoting the words of the Apostle, which means that nothing will come of them - let them scoff, let the nasty pictures lay out and be angry, they won’t succeed.
                2. +10
                  21 February 2017 18: 27
                  Quote: avva2012
                  Nationalism in Russia is the death of a country.

                  The only question is whose nationalism? Chechen, Dagestan, Armenian? It’s wonderful for them to live in teips and clans - this is not nationalism. But when the Russians begin to unite, cosmopolitans attack only them.
                  1. +3
                    21 February 2017 18: 39
                    Russian nationalism! Our homeland consists of so many nationalities. Russia was created by many nationalities. The Russians, if they are real, unlike the stinking Nazis, did not divide their neighbors and themselves into subhuman and superhuman. We are all people of the same country! And this country is called Russia. Pathos, I understand, but fascist, this is not even a person. Two-legged without feathers. Who you are is up to you.
                    1. +8
                      21 February 2017 19: 28
                      The country is one, but where is the Russian land? For whom did her ancestors protect her? For cosmopolitans who do not have a homeland or for their descendants?
                      Any tolerance in this matter is a crime.
                      Both in front of the memory of the Ancestors, and in front of the native Earth.
                      It’s wrong to talk about any “bad” or “good” nation. It is necessary to talk about the inadmissibility of the constant stay of its many representatives in an alien territory.
                      1. +1
                        22 February 2017 03: 43
                        The country is one, but where is the Russian land?

                        belay Look around you everywhere! Take the political map of the world. Look, there is such a state, Russia. Well, that’s it. laughing
                        It is necessary to talk about the inadmissibility of the constant stay of its many representatives in a territory alien to them.

                        What? Again, what is it? wassat
                        That's what I’m talking about. It all starts with a search for "roots." They find the roots, and under them, as it always turns out, all the familiar little animals live under the name: scumbag, formaus, cutaway, anti-Semitism, liquid Tatar Bolshevism, gas chambers, crematoria and like a crown, the Nuremberg trials. Yes Yes, yes, and He, like the finale, is also nearby. As a reminder to the little animals that while they dig under the root there, in the mud, nobody pays any special attention to them.
                    2. +3
                      22 February 2017 07: 14
                      The Russians lived in peace with different nations, but they took care of the purity of their nation first of all !!! Why did the CIA technologists rely on the moral decay of the Russians. Here and education, and culture, and as a common phenomenon, "Priestesses of Love" of Russian origin. Amorales is booming!
                      1. 0
                        22 February 2017 07: 57
                        The Russians lived in peace with different nations, but they took care of the purity of their nation first of all !!! Why did the CIA technologists rely on the moral decay of the Russians.

                        So, by the way. In order to pay debts to the landlords after the peasant was “freed," not only men appeared in the cities who worked as coachmen (of course they earned money not only by them), but also women with a yellow ticket. At the beginning of the 20 century, there was an epidemic in RI! syphilis. Do not tell me where in the "moral purity", the disease came on an alarming scale? What did the CIA spread? And, according to the recollection of the fascist doctors who examined Ostarbeiter, the number of virgins was most striking to them. Let's go back to 90. The collapse of the country, total poverty, crime and here again a surge in sexually transmitted diseases, plus HIV. The problem is not in the mythical "purity of the nation", but in How Power refers to its people, what behavioral stereotypes it instills.
                        No need to proceed from an idealized image of something, in my opinion. We are all ordinary people.
  4. +11
    21 February 2017 06: 56
    The author is very careful in retelling historical events and in what role the church played in all this. It seems like today church representatives are stealing and participating in the robbery of the people, and at the same time they are engaged in moralizing. The betrayal * of the elites * and the rigid assertion of personal interests, right down to outright terror, took place very recently in our country, before our very eyes. Today we can track processes, and not use rumors and frank lies that are launched into the * masses *. The irresponsibility for the deeds that the church gives, still * fogs * immature consciousness and allows you to reproduce * the elite * again, which will betray and destroy everything again ..
  5. +6
    21 February 2017 07: 05
    Quote: Cartalon
    It has become very difficult, Mr. Samsonov, you are good at retelling the course of hostilities, the rest is not yours, I present trash in the discussion.

    They are destroying, destroying, but they cannot destroy. And all we live. Here is the best confirmation that no one has killed us, either in antiquity or now.
    1. +4
      21 February 2017 09: 48
      So the West, in antiquity, that now wages an open war against our history. Nothing changes in this volatile world. As we were fierce enemies to them, they remained. In general, I get the impression that Russia and the West are like a struggle between Light and Darkness, Hell with Paradise, God with the Devil. And so for the past tens of hundreds of years.
  6. +9
    21 February 2017 07: 25
    The adoption of Christianity caused the collapse of Old Russian civilization and was a condition of uninterrupted feuds that ended with the establishment of Horde power in the Eastern lands and Catholicism in the Western ones.
    1. +7
      21 February 2017 09: 38
      Right! After “baptism” the property limit began within the boundaries of Christian morality, as evidenced by the “Word about Igor’s Regiment”:

      “Already, brothers, the gloomy time has come, already the steppe has overcome the Russian power. Resentment arose in the strength of the Dazhdzhd’s grandson, entered the land of Troyanova as a maiden, fluttered swan wings on the blue sea near Don: drove away happy times. The war of the princes against the filthy came to an end, for the brother said to his brother: "This is mine, and that is mine." And the princes began to speak about the small "this great", and forge sedition themselves. And the filthy from all sides come with victories to the Russian land. ”
      1. +5
        21 February 2017 12: 28
        Duc, so the baptists and the word about Igor’s regiment perverted))) The word was written by the button accordion, which the Christians didn’t have, and at the end of the Christians they were dragged and put Amen ... Yeah .. while the button accordion wrote about the grandchildren of Dazh-God and the Trayanova’s path - he got Christian .
    2. 0
      23 February 2017 16: 10
      Quote: Seraphimamur
      The adoption of Christianity caused the collapse of Old Russian civilization and was a condition of uninterrupted feuds that ended with the establishment of Horde power in the Eastern lands and Catholicism in the Western ones.

      What was on the territory of Russia before the adoption of Christianity can hardly be called civilization.
      There were cities, a diverse population, by the way, mostly not Slavic.
      But there was no writing and attributes of a nation state.

      Even the adoption of Orthodoxy did not completely "civilize" Russia.
      Princely civil strife is a legacy of a primitive understanding of the world order.

      Strange as it may seem, the arrival of the Mongols significantly expanded the horizons of worldview among the princes and clergy of Russia.
      God forbid from ascribing to me pro-Mongol sentiments ...

      The activities of Alexander Nevsky are an example of this.
      As far as I remember, he even reached the Karakoram ...

      Having absorbed the experience of ancient civilizations, Russia began to rise into the empire.

      Roughly the same thing happened in Western Europe.
      In a similar way, but much harder, Spain was emerging.
      And France and England gained experience in state building using the Crusades for this.
  7. +10
    21 February 2017 07: 27
    Regarding the sidewalks, the author would not refer to the letters of Anna Yaroslavna ... but to archaeological excavations .. The sidewalks were discovered during the excavations of Novgorod, Moscow ... About February 1917 and the allies ... Thanks to the intelligence and ambassador to Petrograd, Lord Buchanan, the British government had a complete information about the plot being prepared in the capital of its main ally in the war with Germany. On the issue of power in the Russian Empire, the British crown decided to bet on the liberal opposition and even financed them through its ambassador. By promoting the revolution in Russia, the British leadership got rid of a competitor in the post-war issue of the territorial acquisitions of the victorious countries. When, on February 27, the deputies of the 4th State Duma formed an Interim Committee headed by Rodzianko, who took over for a short time the entire power in the country, it was the allied France and Great Britain who were the first to recognize the de facto new power - March 1, the day before the abdication still the rightful king.
  8. +10
    21 February 2017 09: 01
    A heavy feeling from the article. Tolley is nonsense, is it mockery
    1. +11
      21 February 2017 09: 53
      Who would say or whose cow would moo? Take a look at yourself, "Doctor of Semi-Slavic Sciences" ... laughing
    2. +3
      21 February 2017 09: 53
      Quote: Kenneth A heavy feeling from the article. Tolley is nonsense, is it mockery

      Right now, the ROC will start to nightmare. laughing
      We look forward to commenting on priests on Lexus, pedophiles, etc. belay
      1. +14
        21 February 2017 10: 06
        avva2012 Today, 09:53 ↑
        Right now, the ROC will start to nightmare. laughing
        We look forward to commenting on priests on Lexus, pedophiles, and others. Belay
        But what, isn't it? The Russian Orthodox Church today is an institute for extracting dough from people like you. You yourself will not be from the priests for an hour? What good has the ROC done lately? Depressed Isaac from the museum? Instead of a pool, she built a temple, where she opened a car wash to increase earnings. Well, at least not a casino with a brothel, although who knows what is being done there in the basements and altars.
        1. +7
          21 February 2017 10: 21
          The Russian Orthodox Church today is an institute for extracting dough from people like you.

          And how, the Russian Orthodox Church beat you out of the loot? laughing The church is separated from the state, so it doesn’t receive a dime from your taxes. If you do not want to go to church, do not go, we have a free country. And where, I am wasting my money, not yours, sorry, business.
          Depressed Isaac from the museum?

          Loot .., depressed ..., you accidentally tracksuit from the 90's, never takes off, or what? Shaw for slang, citizen? Learn to speak the human language. Speech is a derivative of thinking. If you say so, then you really think so.
          Well, at least not a casino with a brothel, although who knows what is being done there in the basements and altars.

          This is who, what hurts, that is what he is talking about. Do not smear the sacred with your violent sexual fantasies.
          1. +16
            21 February 2017 10: 37
            avva2012 Today, 10:21 ↑
            And how, the Russian Orthodox Church beat you out of the loot? laughing
            About ten years ago, our mayor gathered all the businessmen of the city and, in an orderly manner, raised money for the construction of the temple. Collected from everyone, including state employees under the guise of "charitable" contributions. The only plus from this action is that the church was built on the spot where the very few Muslims in our city wanted to build a mosque, which we don’t have on the Don. Although, as for me, that something else is one infection.
            Shaw for slang, citizen?
            What slang you deserve, I’m talking to you with this. You still don’t understand normal words.
            Do not smear the sacred with your violent sexual fantasies.
            My sexual fantasies are clearly not connected with the Russian Orthodox Church. I specialize exclusively in the female gender, this is firstly. Secondly, holiness in the Russian Orthodox Church, as much as pure water in a dirty pool. Saints damn it ...
            1. +2
              21 February 2017 11: 01
              What slang you deserve, I’m talking to you with this. You still don’t understand normal words.

              belay Do you know them?
            2. +13
              21 February 2017 12: 31
              Quote: Alex_1973
              About ten years ago, our mayor gathered all the businessmen of the city and, in an orderly manner, raised money for the construction of the temple.

              I confirm 15 years ago a similar case. A church was built on the territory of the hospital, and all health workers were automatically deducted from the salary for the construction.
        2. +6
          21 February 2017 10: 51
          St. Isaac's Cathedral. And let it be so. Nobody is forbidden to go there.
          Pool? Where was the pool? In place of the cathedral, which was built throughout the country in honor of the victory over the enemy, incl. to commemorate the murdered Orthodox soldiers. It may sound empty for you, but in our country, usually even unbelievers, after the death of loved ones, go into the church to put a candle.
          What good has the ROC done lately?

          and you look. You can find out a lot of interesting things. including assistance to prisoners, and rehabilitation centers and other other other things ...
          1. +10
            21 February 2017 11: 14
            Trapper7 Today, 10:51 ↑
            Pool? Where was the pool? In place of the cathedral, which was built throughout the country in honor of the victory over the enemy
            Just the same country? And the pool was not built by the whole country? To commemorate the slain ORTHODOX warriors speak? And that in Russia all the killed soldiers were Orthodox? Or to remember the dead Kazakhs, Caucasians, Buryats and many others who are not Orthodox, is not accepted here? For me, military memorials are much more suitable for this purpose. Visit at least once the Mamaev Kurgan in Stalingrad, there you can remember everyone by name.
            It may sound empty for you, but in our country, usually even unbelievers, after the death of loved ones, go into the church to put a candle.
            In order to light a candle, you do not need ten temples per thousand people, just one is enough.
            and you look. You can find out a lot of interesting things. including assistance to prisoners, and rehabilitation centers and other other other things ...
            Well, yes, a standard excuse, look and find ... We know have passed more than once. Only now I don’t see any benefit from our priests, but how they live, everyone sees, not everyone’s eyes are blinkered like yours.
            1. +5
              21 February 2017 11: 29
              at first I wanted to answer on all points ... but changed my mind. You know, it happens, here a man lives in Russia and hates it. This is not about you (I hope). And trying to tell him, no, not everything is so bad, here’s a new hospital, here’s a plant, here a farmer came literate, he’s mastering the land, but he won’t. For him, in Russia there are only thieves, bribe takers, drunkards and other indecent public. And nothing good.
              So, I'm sorry, and with you. Only in the part of Orthodoxy.
              Quote: Alex_1973
              Well, yes, a standard excuse, look and find ... We know have passed more than once. Only now I don’t see any benefit from our priests, but how they live, everyone sees, not everyone’s eyes are blinkered like yours.

              My eyes are not blocked, I don’t eat rumors. I live the life that I live among those people who surround me and see their deeds and actions. If for you all the priests are scum, then for me they are priests who organize meals for the homeless. go to colonies and really pull people out of there, helping them return to normal life, go to hospices for people that everyone has already forgotten about ... have you ever seen tears of joy on the faces of these old people when children from Sunday school come to them ? they bring diapers, look after, but just talk and sing carols ... but I saw. so apparently we live in different worlds.
              but I know pretty well about the "thumping" and the "fattening" without news, and I know that many people are forbidden to serve. What can we do, the saints are only in paradise, and here we are all ... with flaws.
              1. +3
                21 February 2017 16: 28
                Lieutenant Trapper, I agree with you: among the priests there are real devotees of the faith, and there are Paskudas, remember the priest to shatter Yakunin.
              2. +9
                21 February 2017 17: 03
                Quote: Trapper7
                So, I'm sorry, and with you. Only in the part of Orthodoxy.

                You confuse Orthodoxy and Christianity. Orthodoxy is the faith of pre-Christian Russia to glorify the rule, rule it where the gods live, reveal our world and the dead. All churches are located in the places of ancient temples because these are special energetic places, water in Khreshchensky days does not acquire its properties because the priests waved a censer, and it was always like that, let’s say, so cling to, So we had to invent Orthodox Christianity in Russia because the people really opposed the blood poured by the river, and they said that Russia was baptized.
                1. 0
                  22 February 2017 16: 04
                  Is it true that Orthodoxy has no relation to Christianity, but is the pre-Christian faith of the Slavs? Did Nikon replace faith in Orthodoxy? What did the Byzantine monk Belisarius write about the Slavs in 532? Is the word "Orthodoxy" deciphered as a glorification of the Law?
                  1. 0
                    30 September 2017 15: 22
                    If priests translate the Greek word orthodoxy as Orthodoxy, then Orthodox Jews and Muslims are also Orthodox! )))
                    The correct name of the Russian Orthodox Church MP in the outside world is “Orthodox Autocephalous Church of the Byzantine sense”
                    Orthodox (from the Greek. Ὀρθοδοξία - “direct opinion”, “direct teaching” - there is not even a hint of Orthodoxy. That’s also why Thieves and scammers!
      2. +11
        21 February 2017 10: 37
        Quote: avva2012
        Right now, the ROC will start to nightmare

        Why now - it has always been. Read the tale of A.S. Pushkin "On the Priest and his worker Balda". And the artists did not lag behind:

        Sorcerers, shamans take care of their people to this day, and who cares about the priests?
        1. +4
          21 February 2017 11: 03
          Sorcerers, shamans take care of their people to this day

          I meet with victims of this concern almost every day. A man would live if such evil spirits (censorship) were not met on his way.
          1. +5
            21 February 2017 11: 17
            Quote: avva2012
            I meet with victims of this concern almost every day. A man would live if such evil spirits (censorship) were not met on his way.

            Do not confuse God's gift with fried eggs. Sorcerers and shamans - people from their own tribe, and the well-being of the entire shaman or shaman depends on the well-being of the entire tribe.
            Orthodox Inquisition in Russia:
            Inquisition and Russia:
            The Inquisition was a punitive division of the church mafia:
            1. +6
              21 February 2017 11: 26
              Do not confuse God's gift with scrambled eggs.

              I am with you at YOU.
              Although I read below, what you write is understood in vain. I entered into a discussion with you.
          2. +6
            21 February 2017 11: 25
            avva2012 Today, 11:03 ↑
            I meet with victims of this concern almost every day. A man would live if such evil spirits (censorship) were not met on his way.
            Well, yes, witches are evil, and you mean an example of honor and dignity, and also a person of high morality. Therefore, you have the right to judge those who do not agree with your point of view. And with what fright did you assign yourself such a right? Look, the Wahhabites of all those who do not profess radical Islam are also considered unfaithful, so what? On what basis have you appropriated the right to judge those who do not adhere to your "faith"? For me, so stubborn Orthodox, no better than stubborn Wahabbits, the same haters of those who do not share their beliefs.
            So again, whose cow would moo.
            All your trouble is that you are all those who disagree, are ready to burn with a hot iron, which the Orthodox Church has been doing throughout history. Yes, there were martyrs and saints, but in the mass they were lost, like a grain of sand in the desert.
            1. +2
              21 February 2017 12: 33
              So again, whose cow would moo.

              Where, did you notice that I urge you to "burn with a hot iron, eh?" You, as in your other commentary, "... although who knows what is in the basements and altars ..", you’re not saying what I said, but what you think. And then in your own thoughts, blame others. winked
        2. +6
          21 February 2017 11: 10
          the work of young Pushkin and late Pushkin is the work of two different people. The first is a rebel and revolutionary, the second is a sincerely believing Orthodox Christian and friend of Nicholas 1.
          Well, the paintings ... and today there are many artists who are ready in the mud to pluck out all the images of Orthodoxy.
          I don’t know who POPY cares about, and parish priests do a lot for people, therefore, parishioners love their priests.
          Although you probably do not understand this.
          1. +10
            21 February 2017 12: 36
            Quote: Trapper7
            I don’t know who POPY cares about, and parish priests do a lot for people, that's why parishioners love their priests

            Among parishioners only grandmothers and mature women saw. One on her knees in front of the coffin !!! got up and kissed him. The cult of the dead. Everywhere at the priests trade in the church. For all the money they take. And I have neighbors priests. 3 sons and everyone has a foreign car from 16 years old. And yes, I don’t understand you.
  9. +11
    21 February 2017 09: 23
    The Great October Socialist Revolution) is extremely negative, representing revolutionaries as a fiend of hell, and the Russian empire of the late 19th and early 20th centuries as an almost ideal state that was most in line with popular ideas about social justice

    At the same time, Russian (Slavic) paganism, which, according to churchmen, was idolatry ("worshiped the stumps"), was a bright, sunny faith, filled with universal harmony, kindness and justice. Our ancestors believed in “Right” a bright, righteous world of gods, which for our ancestors were not “masters”, but grandparents. Our ancestors considered themselves grandchildren of the gods. Father-Rod was the parent of people (PEOPLE), the creator of Nature.

    That’s anyone, call me, but I didn’t understand anything in the author’s logic. What is the relationship between the construction of a state of social justice in the 20 century and paganism of the 9 century from r.h. Hello from Zadorny?
    Logical construction can, of course, be carried out from anything to anything. It can be proved that the moon is made from green cheese. And, a certain number of people will believe in it. I do not mind if these individuals do not try with knives in their hands to prove to me this truth, let them believe. And, I am even against the fact that they need to be treated forcibly. But why, is it, in such quantities should gush from everywhere? Okay, I don’t watch Ren TV, 6 TV, either. I don’t visit specific sites where such comrades gather. I personally respect the freedom of others and let people carry any nonsense, but within certain limits, in my opinion. But on VO, the section, "history"! What does clinical nonsense have to do with history ?! This is not the site of the psychiatric society and this article is not an example of a clinical case for discussion of professionals?
    Dear editors, if you really want to increase the site’s rating at any cost, to attract the attention of the maximum number of network users, then, it’s a huge request, create a subsection where articles of this kind will be printed and where people who are interested will discuss such topics separately from others . Thanks.
    1. +4
      21 February 2017 10: 15
      Quote: avva2012
      Dear editors, if you really want to raise the site rating at any cost, to attract the attention of the maximum number of network users ...

      The fact that you recognize the people's interest in your past is good, BUT why are you sure that your interpretation of the past is the only right one?
      1. +5
        21 February 2017 10: 50
        Quote: Boris55 BUT why are you sure that your interpretation of the past is the only correct one?

        Yes, not my she, dear, this interpretation, but scientists. People who actually sat in the archives went to the excavations, thought, analyzed. So, how much time do you spend about “your past” per day, reflecting on this topic? And for someone, this is at least an 8 hour work day. laughing Well, there are professionals! You see why all this pseudoscientific nonsense in history annoys me personally, because it goes into medicine and tries to heal, and the result, another neglected case, is, at best, disability. When will the people understand that there are professionals. Whether they are good or bad, is another matter. If, at least, you understand something in the internal combustion engine, this does not mean that in leukopoiesis, you, damn it, are also spinosa! So it is in history. And then, neighing over the fact that the Ukrainians dug up the Black Sea, and themselves, the better? All knowledge about paganism, about how our ancestors lived in that distant era, for the most part or a late compilation, it is not clear where it came from from what works, and / or frank inventions.
        1. +9
          21 February 2017 12: 39
          Quote: avva2012
          Yes, not my she, dear, this interpretation, but scientists. People who actually sat in the archives went to the excavations, thought, analyzed.

          And the people who received money from the state, and said what is beneficial to the ruling "elite", and this is not at all what happened in our past.
        2. +6
          21 February 2017 14: 49
          Quote: avva2012
          Yes, not my she, dear, this interpretation, but scientists. People who actually sat in the archives,

          They sat in the archives and reread the tales of Schlösser and Miller, and on the basis of whom do they write textbooks? No, thanks.
          1. 0
            22 February 2017 16: 11
            Gerard Miller was a true high-class scholar, scrupulous in German, led the largest Russian expedition (while Lomonosov was sitting in his cabinets) and collected a valuable collection of archival documents.
            "Of particular importance was the huge collection of archival documents exported by Miller, and if he himself used only an insignificant part of them, then for one and a half years they have served and continue to serve until now as an important help for individual scientists and entire institutions. Prince M. M. Shcherbatov, Golikov, Slovtsov, Novikov for the "Ancient Russian Vivliofika", Count Rumyantsev for the "Collection of State Letters and Treaties", the archaeographic commission and others owe much to Miller. " (c)

            Or Schletser:
            "He spent a lot of work on the publication of Russian chronicles. In 1767, the first volume of the Nikon chronicles, prepared by S. Bashilov under the leadership of Schletser, was published. In the same year, he published the first edition of Russian Truth.
            Along with this work, he also considered important the promotion of Russian history in Europe. Schletser used all his trips to Germany and other countries for this, considering and calling himself a Russian patriot. "(C)
            For some reason, not the Russian “patriot” Lomonosov (who married a German, which is especially patriotic) did it, but the German Schlozer.

            Have you reviewed Zadornov?
    2. +2
      21 February 2017 12: 57
      I agree with avva2012, the article turned out like "In the elderberry garden, and the uncle in Kiev."
  10. +3
    21 February 2017 09: 30
    As for the first part of the article, I cannot disagree with the author - in fact, the intellectuals who were rotten from head to toe overthrew the tsar, but being spineless and unreasonably dreamy, could not do anything with the authorities. But since it was this very intelligentsia that came to power in the 1990's, then, not wanting to admit their mistakes, it threw all sins to the Bolsheviks, they say, they are to blame for everything.
    Well, let the second part remain entirely on the conscience of the author. I didn’t live in those days, there is very little reliable information about that time and it is very contradictory, up to outright forgeries, both this way and the other way.
    1. +2
      21 February 2017 10: 23
      Quote: Trapper7
      ... I didn’t live in those days, there is very little reliable information about that time and it is very contradictory, up to frank forgeries, both that way and the other way ...

      History is always a conversation about the future. The criterion for assessing the past is very simple - depending on how you want to see the future, that is the truth about the past.
      The past is diverse, the future is multivariate.
      1. +3
        21 February 2017 10: 45
        Boris, I'm sorry, but somehow I don’t really understand the given scheme. According to the scheme, it seems like it turns out that in order for you to have GOOD in the future, should the past consist of EVIL? Or do I not understand something? Do not take it for nit-picking, I’m just really wondering how to interpret this scheme?
        1. +2
          21 February 2017 10: 54
          Quote: Alex_1973
          According to the scheme, it seems like it turns out that in order for you to have GOOD in the future, should the past consist of EVIL?

          See the red dotted line, it runs along the good side. If we had heroes in the vulgar, then in the future they will be the same ... At the bottom, a curved green line indicates the attitude of the people. Most - takes a neutral position. The task is to incline the majority to good.

          "Therefore, if a" snail "creeps all right and right, what happens? What happens is that" excellent "people become even more" different ", good - excellent, normal - good, bad - normal, and" bad "after some time already will be those who were considered normal yesterday.
          Now imagine that the snail crawled all left and left, where it is getting worse and worse. What will happen in this case? There will be more and more fools, greedy, cowardly, evil, etc. in society.
          And now, after all the above, what do you think, dear readers, where is the "snail" of the whole of Russian society moving now? I think the answer is obvious. And what will happen in a few years, several decades, if it continues to creep all left and left?
          And in which direction does the “snail” of all mankind “creep”? I think the answer is obvious too.
          Hence the task arises: to make the "snail" change its direction of motion and begin to move to the right, in the direction of improvement. To do this, generally speaking, is not difficult. It is simply necessary to begin to provide the public with an appropriate information impact. This will be discussed later in the book.
          In the meantime, we note that knowledge and skillful application of the law of normal distribution will allow future thinking readers of the book to correctly assess trends in the life of our society, to reveal the causes of trends and, most importantly, to understand and know what needs to be done on the basis of the analysis made so that the “snail” moves towards the good.
          Now back to mutations. "Excerpt from the book of K.P. Petrov.
          1. +5
            21 February 2017 11: 01
            Thank you for the clarification. hi And then it would be more logical to draw a diagram in the form of a letter) I (so that the deviation of the vectors is clear. But it looks strange in my opinion.
        2. +2
          21 February 2017 15: 05
          Every black past was once a pink future. So slaves were manifesting along the streets of ancient Rome with slogans "Long live feudalism - the most humane system in the world!". lol laughing
  11. +3
    21 February 2017 11: 34
    The article is a salted hodgepodge from the February Revolution, paganism and Christianity.

    Here are just some of the author’s mistakes:
    - Russes never poured Zmievy shafts due to the emergence of the West Slavic tribe of Russes only in the XNUMXth century AD (by separation from the encouragement)
    - paganism of the Slavs was based not on three divine forms (as Eastern Christianity), but on four - the idols of Svyatovit / Svarog were depicted as a tetrahedral pillar;
    - the steppe relatives of the Slavs were not Turkic-speaking Pechenegs, but Sanskrit-speaking Arians and Cimmerians who left the steppes of the Black Sea long before the Pechenegs under the pressure of the Scythians and Sarmatians;
    - Scythians and Sarmatians, the indigenous inhabitants of Central Asia, were Northern Semites (carriers of haplogroup J2), culturally assimilated Aryans en route to India and Iran.

    Etc. etc.
    1. +2
      21 February 2017 14: 07
      Quote: Operator
      Scythians and Sarmatians, the indigenous inhabitants of Central Asia, were Northern Semites (carriers of haplogroup J2)

      I notice a certain, and unreasonable elevation of the carriers of the haplogroup J2, which originated in the southern regions of the Arabian Peninsula no more than 4 thousand years ago. They jumped out of Arabia about 2 thousand years ago, not earlier. As for the Scythians, for all reason, for some reason, mummies / skeletons were "found" decapitated, except for one mummy, in which the purest Russian (fair-haired, pale-faced) origin was clearly revealed. By the way, the publication of the genetic code of Scythians is strictly prohibited, obviously not casual.
      Quote: Operator
      Russes never poured Zmievy shafts due to the emergence of the West Slavic tribe of Rus only in the V century AD

      This is still where such nonsense? Settling the western part of the continent of Assia = God's Land (now called Europeans from Africa) about 10 years ago, Rusich built earthen fortifications throughout the continent and even on the British Isles. The most recently preserved such buildings, best preserved, were built on the territory of present-day China and have the Russian name “Wall of China”, in other places they are now called “Snake Shafts” - a clear newspeak. So all your comments are completely unfounded, and clearly sucked out of the finger. But the "Scythians" = "Scetes" = "cattle" - now still live in Scotland.
      1. 0
        21 February 2017 15: 44
        Do not drive desu - genetic identification of bone remains in burials dating back to the X millennium BC, located in the Black Sea steppes, present Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and northern India, has long been carried out (since 2009).

        The genetic identification of the Y chromosome unambiguously shows the resettlement of ethnic groups in this region:

        in the Black Sea steppes from the 1th millennium to the 2nd millennium BC arias (R2a), then according to the XNUMXst millennium AD mestizos Scythians and Sarmatians - Northern Semites (JXNUMX) mixed with Aryans, then Northern Semites mixed with Mongols (CXNUMX), eventually Aryans (Slavs from the XNUMXth century AD);

        in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, initially the Northern Semites (Sogdians and Bactrians), then Métis mixed with the Aryans, then Métis mixed with the Mongols, exceptions to the rule are Kyrgyzstan (Arians mixed with the Mongols) and Tajikistan (Arians mixed with the Northern Semites);

        in Turkey, initially northern Semites, then mestizos (Semites mixed with Aryans), then mestizos (Semites mixed with Aryans and Mongols);

        in Iran, initially northern Semites, then mestizos (Semites mixed with Aryans);

        in Afghanistan, initially Semites, then Mestizos (arias mixed with Semites);

        in India, initially the Dravids, then the Mestizos (Dravids mixed with Aryans).

        Do not suck out the Scots ethnicity - the vast majority of them are purebred Celts - carriers of the haplogroup R1b, crowding out the first postglacial inhabitants of the British Isles - carriers of the Caucasian haplogroup G. The Scandinavian raids in the 1st millennium BC also influenced the ethnic composition of the inhabitants of Scotland to a small extent. ., which added a bit of the northern Illyrian haplogroup I1 and the Aryan haplogroup RXNUMXa.

        And yes - it’s time to stop confusing the northern Semites (J2, most modern inhabitants of Turkey, Iran, northern Iraq, Ingushetia, Chechnya and Azerbaijan) with the southern Semites (J1, most modern inhabitants of Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf, southern Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the State of Palestine).
        1. +3
          21 February 2017 18: 31
          Quote: Operator
          in the Black Sea steppes from the 1th millennium to the 2nd millennium BC arias (R2a), then according to the XNUMXst millennium AD mestizos Scythians and Sarmatians - Northern Semites (JXNUMX) mixed with Aryans, then Northern Semites mixed with Mongols (CXNUMX), eventually Aryans (Slavs from the XNUMXth century AD);

          They didn’t share the link so that your fairy tale didn’t come to an end?
          1. 0
            21 February 2017 20: 53
            Read the reformat portal and you will be happy.
            1. +1
              22 February 2017 10: 01
              Quote: Operator
              Read the reformat portal and you will be happy.

              same to you. Brad HZ whom you have written.
    2. +1
      21 February 2017 14: 07
      Quote: Operator
      Scythians and Sarmatians, the indigenous inhabitants of Central Asia, were Northern Semites (carriers of haplogroup J2)

      I notice a certain, and unreasonable elevation of the carriers of the haplogroup J2, which originated in the southern regions of the Arabian Peninsula no more than 4 thousand years ago. They jumped out of Arabia about 2 thousand years ago, not earlier. As for the Scythians, for all reason, for some reason, mummies / skeletons were "found" decapitated, except for one mummy, in which the purest Russian (fair-haired, pale-faced) origin was clearly revealed. By the way, the publication of the genetic code of Scythians is strictly prohibited, obviously not casual.
      Quote: Operator
      Russes never poured Zmievy shafts due to the emergence of the West Slavic tribe of Rus only in the V century AD

      This is still where such nonsense? Settling the western part of the continent of Assia = God's Land (now called Europeans from Africa) about 10 years ago, Rusich built earthen fortifications throughout the continent and even on the British Isles. The most recently preserved such buildings, best preserved, were built on the territory of present-day China and have the Russian name “Wall of China”, in other places they are now called “Snake Shafts” - a clear newspeak. So all your comments are completely unfounded, and clearly sucked out of the finger. But the "Scythians" = "Scetes" = "cattle" - now still live in Scotland.
    3. +1
      21 February 2017 14: 10
      Quote: Operator
      Scythians and Sarmatians, the indigenous inhabitants of Central Asia, were Northern Semites (carriers of haplogroup J2)

      I notice a certain, and unreasonable elevation of the carriers of the haplogroup J2, which originated in the southern regions of the Arabian Peninsula no more than 4 thousand years ago. They jumped out of Arabia about 2 thousand years ago, not earlier. As for the Scythians, for all reason, for some reason, mummies / skeletons were "found" decapitated, except for one mummy, in which the purest Russian (fair-haired, pale-faced) origin was clearly revealed. By the way, the publication of the genetic code of Scythians is strictly prohibited, obviously not casual.
      Quote: Operator
      Russes never poured Zmievy shafts due to the emergence of the West Slavic tribe of Rus only in the V century AD

      This is still where such nonsense? Settling the western part of the continent of Assia = God's Land (now called Europeans from Africa) about 10 years ago, Rusich built earthen fortifications throughout the continent and even on the British Isles. The most recently preserved such buildings, best preserved, were built on the territory of present-day China and have the Russian name “Wall of China”, in other places they are now called “Snake Shafts” - a clear newspeak. So all your comments are completely unfounded, and clearly sucked out of the finger. But the "Scythians" = "Scetes" = "cattle" - now still live in Scotland.
      1. +1
        21 February 2017 16: 37
        The Zmievs (they are Troyanovs from the Slavic word triplets, not to be confused with the name of the Roman emperor Trajan) were built by Slavs - Wends in the 1500st millennium BC, 2000 years before the formation of the West Slavic tribe of the Rus and XNUMX years before the formation of the Russian tribal association Land on the lands of the Eastern Slavs (Rusich).
        1. +4
          21 February 2017 18: 36
          Quote: Operator
          Zmievs (they are Troyanovs from the Slavic word triplets, not to be confused with the name of the Roman emperor Trajan)

          Trajan is the ancient Slavic God guarding the path to Svarga (the world lying above Christian Paradise). Mentioned incl. in a word about Igor’s regiment.
          No triple smells.
          1. 0
            21 February 2017 21: 24
            The Trojan is mentioned four times in the Word about Igor’s regiment: “Eternally the Troy”, “the seventh century of the Troy”, “the land of the Troyan” and the “Troyan’s path”.

            As can be seen from these words, the Trojan is not a deity. The word trojan / triple / trinity means the union of three Slavic tribes in the Carpathian and Carpathian regions, which created protective walls against the Scythians and Sarmatians (Northern Semites), who came from Central Asia to replace the Cimmerians (nomadic Aryans), who migrated from the Black Sea to Central Europe and formed there Hallstatt culture.
            1. +1
              22 February 2017 11: 33
              Quote: Operator
              As can be seen from these words

              I can not see. And from what fright (or source) does the word Trinity mean the above judgments? And how did you enumerate the Scythians and Sarmatians in the Semites if genetics has already proved the haplotype R1a (Russian), and the Byzantine annals indicate how Prince Svetoslav tyrannized with his Scythians.
        2. +1
          21 February 2017 19: 57
          Quote: Operator
          The Zmievs (they are the Troyanovs ...) were built by Slavs - the Wends in the 1500st millennium BC, 2000 years before the formation of the West Slavic tribe of the Rus and XNUMX years before the formation of the tribal union Russian Land on the lands of the Eastern Slavs (Rusich).

          This is porridge! Where did you manage to find the documented term "Slavs" earlier than the XNUMXth century? Check closely the first appearance of this term in absolutely all languages, but it simply did not exist. We even look at the English term "Russian" - even here the self-name of the Etruscans "raseni" (also Slovenia) is clearly manifested, the "Slavs" were still not mentioned, but "Rus Varyagov" already existed. The terms "Russia" and even "Venus" are also used. By the way, nowadays, residents of the already French “Vendée” are also referred to as venets, together with the old Russian city of Brest (not to be confused with the more eastern city of Brest-Litovsk). And everywhere, everywhere for many millennia rusichi lived there-Slovenianot clаsluggish. That is, they all caught (now speaking) Russian, for there were simply no other languages ​​that also had a written language. Look at the written language of the Tripoli Culture, and the similar written language found in modern China, the same written language and the same language used is Old Russian, not Dreneslava in any way, check. And finally: the Rurikovichs came from the west, from the lands of "Rus Varyag" to the eastern Russian lands, "Europe" - after all, the term is foreign, brought from Africa, and not at all autochthonous.
          1. 0
            21 February 2017 21: 49
            Slavs - a generic name for tribes glorifying the same gods. Slovene (residents of Ladoga) - the self-name of one of these tribes. There are also Slovaks (residents of Prikapatye) and Slovenes (residents of the Balkans), i.e. this name is popular among those who collectively call the Slavs.

            Russes are part of the encouragement / Veneti, a small tribe that migrated in the XNUMXth century A.D. from west to east of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea to the Porus region (the right bank of the Rusa River, the mouth of the Neman). In the XNUMXth century A.D. the Russians migrated to the Ladoga region at the invitation of Gostomysl, an elder of the Slovene tribe, and part-time the grandfather of the Rus leader Rurik.

            Etruscans - residents of the region of Etruria (Apennine Peninsula), migrants from Asia Minor (Troy region), Northern Semites, assimilated by the Mittanian Arians, a Sanskrit language. Together with the Latins and Samnites they formed the Roman kingdom. Latin is a regular Etruscan language with borrowings from Italian.

            Slavs are descendants of the Aryans R1a, formed in Altai by separating from the base haplogroup R1 24 thousand years ago and coming to Europe 12 thousand years ago. Two other groups of Aryans left Altai east to China and south to India (the first foot migration of the Aryans, the second migration of Aryans from Europe on chariots - 3500 years ago).

            Altai Arians have direct descendants represented by European Aryans, as well as Mestizos represented by Indians and Chinese (in insignificant numbers).

            European Aryans have direct descendants in the face of Slavs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks and Pashtuns, as well as mestizos in the face of Scandinavians, Hungarians, Austrians, Tatars, Turks, Persians, Indians (in a significant number) and Chinese (in a small number).
            1. +1
              22 February 2017 01: 48
              And you can more about Rusov. Where does such information come from that they are part of the encouragement, which, by the way, have never been wounded. It is visible to you some secret sources. So share it with the public. After all, everyone is interested. And for information. The Slavs are not descendants of the Aryans, from a scientific point of view. The Aryans include Indo-Iranian tribes. So there was no Altai, European Aryans. Arias are only part of the Indo-European ethnic group that emerged from a once-existing community as well as the ancestors of the Slavs.
              1. 0
                22 February 2017 03: 42
                According to genetic studies of burials and the living population of Eurasia:
                - 100% of people who called themselves in the Avesta and Rig Veda arias were carriers of the haplogroup R1a;
                - the oldest burials of the carriers of this haplogroup are in Altai with a date of 24 thousand years ago, then with an approximation in time on the route from Altai through Central Asia, the Iranian Highlands and Asia Minor and through the isthmus at the site of the future Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits with arrival in Europe 12 thousand years ago and resettlement to Karelia and Scandinavia 9 thousand years ago;
                - For 5 thousand years, part of the Aryans from Europe migrated to Asia Minor, Central Asia, Iran and India, where it mixed with the local population;
                - the remaining Aryans in Europe have formed at present the Slavic peoples (50-60%), became part of the Scandinavians, Hungarians and Austrians (25% each), as well as Germans (15%);
                - The area of ​​permanent residence and numerical dominance of the Aryans from 12 thousand years ago to the present is Eastern Europe, where they always comprised from 100 to 50 percent among all other ethnic groups (Ugrofinns, Celts, Northern Semites and Caucasians);
                - in addition, the Arians dominate in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan (50-55% each);
                - in Turkey, the proportion of Aryans is 25%, in Iran 15%, in India 20% (up to 60% in the north), 8% in Israel, 5% in Syria and Saudi Arabia;
                - in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Volga republics, the shares of Aryans and ugrofinns are equal to each other (40 to 40 percent);
                - in Tatarstan, the share of Aryans is dominant (40%) among all haplogroups;

                - 3,5 thousand years ago, the Aryan tribes called Wends also settled along the southern coast of the Baltic (Western Europe) and the northern coast of the Andriatic right up to Venice (Southern Europe);
                - At the same time, the Aryan tribes called Cimmerians settled in Central Europe, which gave impetus to Hallstatt culture;
                - 1500 years ago, the Aryan tribes under the name Ants settled in the Balkans;
                - at the same time, part of the tribes of Aryan-Wenedian-encouraged migrated from the area of ​​the Jutland Peninsula to the mouth of the Rusa River, the so-called Porus, after which it was called Rus;
                - 1200 years ago, the Rus tribe migrated to the east of Europe to the area of ​​the main resettlement of the Aryans (Slovenian tribes, Krivichi, Vyatichi, Drevlyans, glades, etc.).

                Only Aryans, by definition, are Indo-Europeans, since they settled in Europe and India. The Celts - carriers of the haplogroup R1b, by definition, are not Indo-Europeans, since they settled only in Western Europe, Eastern Europe (Bashkirs) and Central Asia (Turkmen), i.e. the Celts did not migrate to India.

                But from the point of view of languages ​​(formed on the basis of Sanskrit), the "Indo-Europeans" (except for the Aryans) are also Celts, Iranians and Indians. However, for the Aryans (Slavs, Tajiks and Pashtuns) it is native, and for the Celts, Iranians and Indians - it is borrowed.

                Source - Reformat portal.
                1. +1
                  22 February 2017 10: 26
                  Quote: Operator
                  However, for the Aryans (Slavs, Tajiks and Pashtuns

                  Aryan Tatzhiks recognize Sanskrit as their native language))) -GAME !! Given that in Sanskrit no tribe in India speaks. But Sanskrit is identical to Russian by 70% or more, which is also the native language for Russians. Look among the Tatjiks and Pashtuns for those who speak Sanskrit before mindlessly copying. And by the way, worthy authors are printed on your portal, but unfortunately you do not understand what is written there.
                2. 0
                  23 February 2017 02: 04
                  Quote: Operator
                  Source - Reformat portal.

                  Another garbage can
    4. +1
      21 February 2017 20: 38
      I want to add, where else were the serpentine ramparts. Encyclopedia "" Disappeared civilizations "". "" Builders of funerary hills and inhabitants of caves "". M. "" TERRA "----" "TERRA" "1997 In this book about mounds --- giant bulk structures for various purposes: funeral, religious, residential. The US Indians built in the Mississippi River Valley. Where are the Indians and where are we? And the Indians and came there from Siberia. Our small peoples have an Indian appearance.
      1. 0
        22 February 2017 10: 28
        Quote: Reptiloid
        And the Indians came there from Siberia. Our small peoples have an Indian appearance.

        Maybe the Indians came to Siberia from America? And appearance is deceiving, genetically they are like a mixture of Indians and Chinese.
        1. 0
          22 February 2017 11: 06
          All Indians of America, Siberian chum salmon and Selkups, as well as Turkomkans of Karakalpakstan have the same dominant haplogroup Q. It is also found in the burials of the Hunnu people (China), dated to the XNUMXth century BC. More than any other people of Eurasia, Africa or Australia, haplogroup Q does not occur in the dominant.

          North and South America were settled 23 thousand years ago from Siberia.

          No reverse relocation has been observed so far, with the exception of the new Russian citizen Stephen Seagal, who has chum salmon in his ancestors laughing
  12. +2
    21 February 2017 11: 53
    Uv.Avtor, I partially agree with you: the Russian empire was destroyed by the guzzled "elite" and the Bolsheviks simply picked up power (Lenin later said "the tops cannot, but the lower classes do not want"), and the party elite collapsed the Soviet Union.
    Alexander, you yourself noticed that "the degradation of paganism, which means that the priesthood was supposed to keep the faith clean, .... having discovered the weakness of the priesthood in setting national tasks, you began to look for a more convenient" information "tool." At a certain historical stage, paganism gave way to Christianity.
    The so-called "Anne of Reima in the Gospels" was written in Cyrillic and not a "runic letter" (in my opinion, Likhachev was the best versed in Slavic writing) and all subsequent French queens swore on it.
    1. +2
      21 February 2017 12: 09
      The Russian empire was destroyed by the squandering "elite" and the Bolsheviks simply picked up power (Lenin later said "the tops cannot, but the lower classes do not want"), and the party elite collapsed the Soviet Union.

      history has its own laws. This is a cycle. Energetic business people begin the state, the snickering elite is falling apart. It has always been like this, after a snickering elite, a "troubled time" sets in, then energetic people come again, and the state enters a new cycle (if it has not collapsed before that), and so on until the elite gets numb again. In principle, Gumilyov’s theory fits completely. hi
  13. +4
    21 February 2017 12: 59
    Fomenko with Zadornov nervously smoking aside .. wassat
  14. +4
    21 February 2017 13: 50
    > Apparently, there was a degradation of the paganism of monotheism (when all the "gods" were only hypostases, manifestations of the One God the Father) into polytheism and idolatry, which was expressed in the pantheon of the main gods by Prince Vladimir. >

    It is quite clear what the author wanted to say. However, can not be expressed so tongue-tied when the statement turns into complete nonsense. .
    There can be no paganism of monotheism, also like there is no dry water. Exist monotheism, and exists paganism. If monotheism degrades into polytheism, then it will become paganism.

    Such sloppy speech, turning into complete obscurity - is unacceptable, if he undertook to consider such a complex topic. I should not guess - the author has a confusion in his head, or is he simply tongue-tied. Therefore, the assessment of this paragraph is kg / am

    > The degradation of paganism, and hence the priesthood, which was supposed to maintain the faith in purity, led to the fact that the then "elite" (princes and boyars), discovering the weakness of the priesthood in setting national tasks, began to look for a more convenient information "tool".

    Apparently, all or many peoples underwent degradation - judging by Greek mythology, Uranus-> Kronos-> Zeus describe the same line of degradation. And almost all peoples say that the golden age is in the past

    And yet, yes - do not confuse the warm with the soft, do not confuse the mythology with philosophy and religion. In modern Christianity, saints perform the same function as pseudo-gods in ancient monotheism, and the author clearly does not know the whole depth of Christianity with its theology. All Heavenly Jerusalem, Heavenly Byzantium and Heavenly Rus, and similar sophisticated constructions fully contain all those pseudo-depths of ancient monotheism, as the author spoke about

    And yes, Christianity in the Republic of Ingushetia was radically reformed and simplified precisely under Peter I, before the monasteries of the level of Athos were in the Republic of Ingushetia in large numbers, and were a model for everyday religious work and life.

    Before sorting out the great antiquity, about which there are orders of magnitude less materials than recent times, the author should have sorted out today and recent events. And then it turns out a terrible horror from a kind of synthetic monotheism, anti-Christianity and patriotism, something like a stew from a centaur and griffin, seasoned with virgin snot
  15. +2
    21 February 2017 18: 20
    I am terrified! The article is utter nonsense and the fact that a long one does not do her honor at all.
    Yes, both revolutions in Russia in 1917 were the result of the activities of the special services of Western states, revolutions require money and money came from the west.
    And in fact, Germany declared war on Russia and not vice versa, honor and praise to our soldiers, and traitors eternal contempt. Formally, we were in an alliance with France and England, in fact we did not care about both of them, the main task of Russia was to strengthen our influence in the Balkans and get the city of Constantinople with a strait from the Black Sea.
    And the victory of the Russian Army was very close, but ... the despicable political elite of that time staged a hunger riot (although there was an abundance of bread) and a revolution, many people betrayed the tsar including the priesthood and received retribution in the form of bloody Bolsheviks, the Bolsheviks should be called it’s bloody nothing less than that (by the way, those Bolsheviks have nothing to do with the heroes of the communists of World War II)
  16. +2
    21 February 2017 19: 50
    I like to read science fiction from Asov, Hinevich and others.))
  17. +2
    21 February 2017 19: 51
    The beginning of the article is a controversial spring, but it has the right to exist as one of the options for the collapse of the Russian Empire, but it is also ridiculous to consider the Communists as lambs not divine, because they took money from the Germans and the United States masons and the British. But the idea of ​​the civilization of the ancient Slavs is complete nonsense. Gardarika is not a country of cities, but a country of vegetable gardens. Fenced off from predators of settlements, diverse and scattered. Civilis is an urban community, civilization is a community of urban communities, first of all, which are united in a state. For the concept of civilization, the organization of the Celts in Gaul is more suitable, but the process of forming a single Gallic state was destroyed by Rome. Like the pre-states of the Thracians and Dacians. The Slavs did not have a state because they were divided, the maintenance of a competent state apparatus was expensive and there was no single center and faith. Vladimir gave all this by adopting Christianity, and at first he tried to make the pagan faith basic, but it did not work out, there were too many gods and each tribe had its own main one.
  18. +1
    21 February 2017 20: 30
    I recommend that the author of the article, Samsonov, engage in creativity, namely, write books in the style of fantasy, there will be no end to the fans, especially from the youth
  19. +4
    21 February 2017 20: 57
    Everything is fine here
  20. +1
    21 February 2017 21: 03
    The ancient Scandinavians called the Old Russian state Gardarika, i.e., the state of cities.

    The Old Norse word garðr has the following meanings: 1) a fence, a fence, a fortification; 2) courtyard, enclosed space; 3) courtyard, possession (princely court), small property, land, farm (in Iceland), house (in Norway) [Cleasby and Gudbrandr Vigfusson 1957, 191–192; Baetke 1964, 186; Holthausen 1948, 80; Alexander Jóhannesson 1956, 364; de Vries 1961, 156; Ásgeir Blöndal Magnússon 1989, 230].
    All the previous reasoning leads to the conclusion that these should be fortified settlements, but not cities in a later sense [8]. Archaeological materials say that even at the end of the X - beginning of the XI century. in Novgorod land there were only three cities (Pskov, Novgorod and Ladoga), with the total number of ancient Russian cities not more than twenty-one [Kuza 1983, 21-22]. At the same time, in Novgorod land there are (according to exploratory surveys) at least twenty fortified settlements belonging to the era of the formation of the Old Russian State [Bulkin, Dubov, Lebedev 1978, 77]

    Europe at that time was illiterate, dirty and unwashed for centuries. Drowned in mud and sewage, while in Russian cities there were wooden sidewalks. This fact is also mentioned in the letters of Princess Anne, daughter of the Russian Kiev prince Yaroslav the Wise.

    As a matter of fact, even a hedgehog understands that this is a "funny" text written by our contemporary (and therefore it is initially pointless to discuss its authenticity or historicity), but, strangely enough, for some "patriotic"-minded people, it serves as some evidence of the cultural superiority of Kievan Rus over the Western European states of that time. Understanding the implausibility of vocabulary, they sometimes call it "free translation into Russian." In fact, even if we discard vocabulary and grammar, the text is filled with errors and anachronisms.
    Here are some of them

    At the same time, Russian (Slavic) paganism, which, according to churchmen, was idolatry ("worshiped the stumps"), was a bright, sunny faith, filled with universal harmony, kindness and justice.

    This is when people were sacrificed to the gods?
    1. +2
      21 February 2017 22: 55
      Quote: ivankursk46
      This is when people were sacrificed to the gods?

      You started quite reasonably, but from this place you can in more detail?
      The gods of the ancient Slavs were considered precisely the ancestors, and the attitude towards them was like elders in the clan. The Slavs did not have the concept of "God's servant." Would you begin to sacrifice your relatives to your grandfathers - great-grandfathers?
      1. 0
        21 February 2017 23: 08
        Quote: aviator65
        Quote: ivankursk46
        This is when people were sacrificed to the gods?

        You started quite reasonably, but from this place you can in more detail?
        The gods of the ancient Slavs were considered precisely the ancestors, and the attitude towards them was like elders in the clan. The Slavs did not have the concept of "God's servant." Would you begin to sacrifice your relatives to your grandfathers - great-grandfathers?

        Why necessarily relatives?
        Both enemies and criminals. And sometimes they themselves voluntarily made a sacrifice - they went to the world of Navi
        for the help of their ancestors, so that they could more quickly bring their needs to their ancestors, and so help their relatives who remained in the world of Reveal. Other people, other approaches, other beliefs, different morality.
        1. +1
          22 February 2017 09: 20
          Quote: andj61
          Why necessarily relatives?
          Both enemies and criminals.

          That is, "sacrifice" as a form of the death penalty?
          Quote: andj61
          And sometimes they themselves voluntarily made a sacrifice - they went to the world of Navi
          for the help of their ancestors, so that they could more quickly bring their needs to their ancestors, and so help their relatives who remained in the world of Reveal.

          And this is already called self-sacrifice - an act committed from noble motives, revered at all times.
          In general, the "sacrifices of the ancient Slavs" is the church’s favorite "trump card" when arguments against paganism end. Moreover, as a rule, only one link is Nestor,
      2. +1
        22 February 2017 02: 48
        Quote: aviator65
        but from this place you can in more detail?

        And the elders and the boyars said: "Let us cast lots on the lad and the girl whom he will fall, and we shall slaughter him as a sacrifice to the gods." The Varangian was then alone, and his court stood where the church of the Holy Virgin, which Vladimir had built, is now. That Varangian came from Greek land and professed the Christian faith. And he had a son, beautiful face and soul, and the lot fell on him, according to the envy of the devil. For he did not tolerate his devil, who had power over everyone, but this one was like thorns in his heart, and tried to ruin him with a curse and poisoned people. And those sent to him, having come, said: "The lot fell on your son-de, the gods chose him for themselves, so let us sacrifice to the gods." And the Varangian said: “It’s not the gods, but the tree: now it is, but it will rot tomorrow; they don’t eat, they don’t drink, they don’t speak, but they are made of wood with hands. God alone, the Greeks serve him and worship him, he made heaven, and and the earth, and the stars, and the moon, and the sun, and man, and intended him to live on earth. And what did these gods do? They themselves are made. I will not give my son demons. " The messengers left and told about all the people. Those, taking weapons, went to him and smashed his yard. The Varangian stood in the hallway with his son. They said to him: "Give your son, let us bring him to the gods." He answered: “If they are gods, then let them send one of the gods and take my son. But why do you make them demands?” And they clicked, and cut the canopy under them, and so they were killed. And no one knows where they were put.
    2. +2
      21 February 2017 22: 56
      Are you impressed by the Viking?
  21. +2
    21 February 2017 22: 57
    The author is right, in modern official historiography there is very little information about pre-Christian Russia. Civilization in Russia supposedly begins with the calling of the Norman civilizers, and before that, almost cannibals lived in small groups in the forests and slowly ate each other. So, at the official level, legends are created that smoothly turn into history textbooks.
    1. +1
      22 February 2017 02: 53
      Name at least one historian who said so
      1. +2
        22 February 2017 14: 11
        Quote: ivankursk46
        Name at least one historian who said so

        Favorite first-timer Miller
        1. 0
          22 February 2017 15: 54
          almost cannibals lived in forests in small groups and slowly ate each other

          Did he just say so?)
          1. +1
            23 February 2017 01: 23
            Quote: ivankursk46
            Did he just say so?)

            Well, who is the author of Norman theory? He’s a darling, though he hardly knew Russian, because there was a German, but this did not prevent him from creatively processing the primary sources))
    2. +10
      29 November 2020 22: 09
      Quote: den-protector
      Civilization in Russia allegedly begins with the vocation of the Norman civilizers

      The history of Rus-Russia begins with the unification of Novgorod and Kiev, and until that moment there is no Rus. There is the Slavic state with the capital in Novgorod and the state of the Antes with the capital in Kiev.
      1. +1
        19 December 2020 14: 18
        The history of Russia dates back to several millennia ago. Our story is distorted. Many Russian scientists have spoken and are still talking about this.
  22. +1
    22 February 2017 01: 33
    I do not even want to make any sort of analysis of the nonsense written by the author, and even more so to polemicize with his opinion. In general, we set Mr. Samsonov a solid stake in history.
    1. +2
      22 February 2017 09: 26
      Quote: Theseus
      In general, we set Mr. Samsonov a solid stake in history.

      And you, as I understand it, at least an excellent student, at a maximum, a teacher of history, or maybe even a doctor of historical sciences?
      1. +1
        22 February 2017 12: 34
        Indeed, the history of the school and university has always been excellent. In addition, I am interested in history, this is one of the sciences that interests me. But that is not the point. I will try to explain to you why I wrote so harshly. I proceed from the postulate that history is a science. And as in any science, facts must have undeniable evidence. If there is such evidence, but in history it is written sources, the results of archaeological excavations, radiocarbon and other studies, then the fact is established, and if not, then we can only speculate about the event. In recent years, there have been a lot of publications on historical topics whose authors give out their speculation as historical facts, events, and at the same time either do not give scientific arguments at all, or they distort events in the right direction, and sometimes they just invent them. All this happens against the background of a political order or political addictions of such authors. And this is no longer science. You can interpret certain historical events as you like. But the interpretation of the story can not be changed. History cannot be rewritten, history cannot be changed, it has already taken place. Another thing is that every society, including our Russian, must know its own history, and draw the right conclusions for the present. And I don’t see any sense in inventing something in our history. The history of our country, our people, is the history of the world order, and no one will be able to challenge it, and therefore all kinds of disputes, and who Rurik was, but the Slavs had written language as if before Cyril, etc. all this husk has no historical significance. That's something like that I relate to authors and publications on historical topics. First, science, and then your interpretation. And not vice versa.
        1. +2
          22 February 2017 15: 09
          Quote: Theseus
          The history of our country, our people, is the history of the world order, and no one will be able to challenge it, and therefore all kinds of disputes, and who Rurik was, but the Slavs had written language as if before Cyril, etc. all this husk of no historical significance.

          In my opinion, you contradict yourself. What then should have historical significance? Let's imagine that they took and crossed out all the facts from your biography, well, say, until you come of age. At the same time, you were forced to believe that you were originally rootless, and your parents are not your parents at all. And what? Who cares what happened to you in childhood and early adolescence, and from whom did you come from? You don’t care now, you’re already an adult and completely independent. So you can safely forget about your "roots". Well how? Will it suit you?
          Quote: Theseus
          First, science, and then your interpretation. And not vice versa.

          In any science, experience is the criterion of truth. In any, but not in history. If two times two equals four, then this fact cannot be interpreted otherwise. But with a historical event, this does not roll. Archeology can detect this or that artifact and at the same time give a wide field for interpretations of a huge "army" of professional historians. Here there will be a scatter in dating, in the ownership of the find, and in what historical event it confirms (refutes). And, given that historians can adhere to one or another dogma, or to a certain “political line,” the question arises of history as a science in general.
  23. 0
    22 February 2017 10: 48
    Quote: Rivares
    Sanskrit is identical to Russian by 70% or more

    Stop raving.

    The Russian language, of course, is not only based on Sanskrit, but also free from hybridization with the languages ​​of peoples assimilated by the Aryans, as happened in Iran (hybridization with the native language of the Northern Semites) and India (hybridization with the native language of Dravids).

    But phonetics, grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the Russian language over 5000 years since the departure of some Aryans from Europe to the East have changed by 90 percent. For example, the vocabulary of the Russian language, as a rule, did not include Sanskrit words themselves, but their roots - var (water), yar (spring), etc.
    1. +2
      22 February 2017 14: 15
      Quote: Operator
      Stop raving.

      Where is it? Which statement?
      I repeat, name the tribe or people for which Sanskrit is the Native language. Oh no! Then this is Sanskrit - altered (frozen, dead) Russian.
  24. +2
    22 February 2017 13: 20
    Well, you grabbed the time periods! From the 19th to the 20th century, we raged like in a digester. The article discusses more of the period of much earlier centuries. Everything else is already in passing. Vedic Russia, before the reform of Nikon was much cleaner than ever. Moral stability exists even now, only it is not so noticeable among the general decline of morals. The fact that people aspire to megacities is not good. All defects there are manifested much more sharply and the area of ​​defeat from them is larger.
    1. 0
      25 February 2017 16: 56
      Dear Eugene, sorry that in Russian. The period that I took is documented, and therefore I have chosen as indicative. What happened to morality before Nikon, no one really knows. I love science fiction and even read fantasy, but you and I are talking about science called history, so I prefer to use reliable facts, rather than wild imagination. As for megacities, this is a natural process. Only the third world can stop it. Urban development is not connected with morality, but morality is more influenced by what is shown on the box on the Internet. In general, morality in society is an indicator of propaganda of the existing system.
  25. 0
    22 February 2017 16: 31
    In "Avatar" the tribe is well shown! At some genetic level you are drawn to such control)
  26. 0
    8 March 2017 17: 06
    Reminds Gulliver’s travels to the country of midgets. The war went on because they could not decide at what end to break the eggs.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"