NATO week in Kiev

NATO week in Kiev

6 February The Twelfth International Week of NATO opened at the National University of Defense of Ukraine.

As the acting head of the Ukrainian National University of Defense, Lieutenant-General V. Telim, told reporters, twelve lectures will be held during the week to analyze security challenges, the evolution of NATO, the organization and structure of the alliance, the concentration of response forces, military operations, etc.

Vasily Telim stressed that this is a learning process, not a political or economic forum. According to Telelim, it is important for Ukraine to study the experience of the NATO countries, as well as to show its capabilities.

The general said that in the Twelfth week not only the military, but also representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Diplomatic Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country participate. And the circle of participants is constantly expanding: representatives of the NATO School from Oberammergau have already joined the lecturers of the National University of Defense and the NATO Defense College from Rome.

“A positive result from the weeks of NATO gives every reason to hope that the discussion of prospects and directions, the deepening of cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance, a comparison of views, positions and assessments regarding international issues will be useful for both parties,” Telim summed up.

The head of the NATO Defense College in Rome, Lieutenant General A. B. Dalgau, in turn, noted that NATO weeks in Ukraine are very important. After all, Ukraine is a significant partner for the Alliance. The lieutenant-general said that lecturers at NATO week would be both people who held leading posts at NATO and combat officers.

In May, President Yanukovych intends to visit the United States to attend the NATO summit.
91 comment
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  1. +7
    7 February 2012 13: 11
    No words ... I don’t even know who Ukraine is.
    1. +7
      7 February 2012 13: 16
      Vasily Telim stressed that this is a learning process, not a political or economic forum. According to Telelim, it is important for Ukraine to study the experience of the NATO countries, as well as to show its capabilities.

      and it

      Russia is ready to sign an agreement on the creation in Ulyanovsk of a transshipment point for the transit of NATO goods from Afghanistan to Europe

      and if you look not biased? without emotions and conjectures?
      1. Auschwitz
        7 February 2012 13: 19
        Quote: Gleb
        and if you look not biased? without emotions and conjectures?

        And this and that is just a fight against terrorism and not joint aggressive plans wink
        Chukotka resident
        Tatanka Yotanka
        tupoy medved
        1. +5
          7 February 2012 13: 24
          )) there is such
          1. Physician
            7 February 2012 13: 45
            Quote: Gleb

            )) there is such

            It is not BANDERLOG who speaks with us here, but his illness of his SCHIZOPHRENIA.
            У doktoraikasap (in this case) the personality is fragmented into pieces, into separate fragments, here on the site they are presented in the form of its bots, here they are

            Chukotka resident
            Tatanka Yotanka
            tupoy medved

            But the worst thing is that each of these fragments became acquired the primary signs of personality and began his own life. Bandera is not just sick; he is Clinical Schizophrenic. In a conversation with me, at some point, his subconscious appeared and he admitted that he was fulfilling the Mission for the collapse of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation on the Network and added that he could create plans on the Internet that would bring billions in profit. This is an obvious schizophrenic br * unit. I was bound by an oath and did not continue the conversation and develop this topic, that is, I felt sorry for the sick person.
            He is completely sick if there are still specialists in the field of psychiatry on the site, then I advise you to observe the dynamics of the "Bandera's" disease 'it's a whole doctoral one.
            Well, one can say one thing about the perception of his aggression, I work in this area and the manifestation of various essences in a patient does not cause me emotions, because for example a laboratory rat cannot cause hatred.
            1. Auschwitz
              7 February 2012 13: 47
              Quote: Doctor
              It is not BANDERLOG who speaks with us here, but his illness of his SCHIZOPHRENIA.

              Thank you for evaluating the behavior of a local schizophrenic by a specialist good
              1. Physician
                7 February 2012 13: 53
                Pay attention to how painful aggression began and the patient’s hysteria no longer requires any evidence. Yes
              2. doktoraikasap
                7 February 2012 14: 01
                Quote: Auschwitz
                Thank you for evaluating the behavior of a local schizophrenic by a specialist

                It has long been noticeable that Auschwitzand Physician, - work in pairs. - Surely sick. Yes
                1. Kremlin
                  7 February 2012 14: 15
                  Quote: doktoraikasap
                  It has long been noticeable that Auschwitz, and the Healer, - work in pairs.

                  And you are not only Schizophrenic but also Paranoid Psychopath fool
                2. 0
                  7 February 2012 15: 08
                  Quote: doktoraikasap
                  It has long been noticeable that Auschwitz, and the Healer, - work in pairs. - Surely sick.

                  Slightly frankly parried
            2. +1
              7 February 2012 13: 52
              Gee ... I have an association

              1. Physician
                7 February 2012 13: 55
                Quote: Gleb
                Gee ... I have an association


                This is a similar case, but we also have a curious psychotype here.
            3. doktoraikasap
              7 February 2012 14: 00
              Will you squander me again? laughing
              Quote: Doctor
              Chukotka resident

              This is collective-unconscious, it will be necessary to read them more carefully.
              Quote: Doctor
              I'm bound by an oath

              You are tied with a measuring shirt, apparently - badly. Humane laws in Latvia for psychos.
              Quote: Doctor
              the patient does not cause me emotions, because he cannot cause hatred, for example, a laboratory rat.

              laughing laughing laughing
              It was especially fun when you wrote half of the forum to everyone "for * bali, fuck * d from here" ...
              You burn a buffoon! lol
              1. Князь
                7 February 2012 14: 06
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                It was especially fun when you wrote half of the forum to everyone "for * bali, fuck * d from here" ...
                You burn a buffoon!

                You doktoraikasap really schizophrenic am
                1. doktoraikasap
                  7 February 2012 14: 24
                  Quote: Prince

                  - The main thing is that there is no nickname with megalomania ... lol
            4. Reader
              7 February 2012 14: 20
              Quote: Doctor
              Well, one can say one thing about the perception of his aggression, I work in this area and the manifestation of various essences in a patient does not cause me emotions, because for example a laboratory rat cannot cause hatred.

              I already understood this for a long time and do not respond to Schizophrenic and his bots wink
        2. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 13: 38
          On the face, paranoia, manic-depressive syndrome, lability of the psyche, overvalued pursuit ideas (at least) - which suggests at least latent schizophrenia. And during the period of magnetic storms, everyone had the opportunity to see the Doctor-Aibolit-Doctor - a bright exacerbation with coprolalia (foul language), which had made a dirt of a half-forum.
          Sh-jizz in general.
          And now this one, again with a magnetic storm, will litter all the branches with one post:
          Quote: Auschwitz
          lightforcerChukotka residentabdmitri077Tatanka Yotankatupoy medvedjdoktoraikasap

      2. +2
        7 February 2012 17: 46
        About securing the promotion of constructive partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Pact

        By way of securing the promotion of constructive partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of a Private Atlantic Agreement, we shall establish a new interest, close the partnership within the framework of the first national programs, the implementation of the third paragraph 3
        1. Establish, by agreeing to the condemned visagan by the central authorities of the vested authority, by the sovereign bodies, to enter into a renewal of the constructive partnership of Ukraine with the Organizational Agreement in power, in order to establish the following:
        National Coordinator for the Partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Pact in the sphere of international politics and economics;
        The National Coordinator for the Partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Agreement for the Defense and Military Spheres;
        The National Coordinator for the Partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Pact in the field of resource (financial) care;
        National Coordinator for the Partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Pact in the field of security;
        National Coordinator for the Partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Atlantic Treaty in the legal sphere.
        2. To approve the Provision on national coordinators in Ukraine’s partnership partnership with the Organizational and Atlantic Agreement (to be completed).
        3. Approve by the President of Ukraine the Commission for the Partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Atlantic Treaty.
        4. To approve the Provision on the Commission for the partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Agreement (to be completed).
        5. Give GRISCHENKA Kostyantin Ivanovich - the Minister of Foreign Relations of Ukraine - the head of the Commission for the Partnership of Ukraine with the Organizing Agreement of the Atlantic.
        Head of the Commission to make at the two-row lines of the proposal the designation of the national coordinators in the partnership of Ukraine with the Organization of the Atlantic Agreement and the personal warehouse of the Commission.
        6. Mіnіsterstvu zakordonnih ref Ukraine zabezpechuvati nalezhnu koordinatsіyu zdіysnyuvanih central bodies vikonavchoї Vladi zahodіv іz realіzatsії zovnіshnoї polіtiki schodo prodovzhennya constructive partnership of Ukraine Organіzatsієyu Pіvnіchnoatlantichnogo usіh contract of supply, SSMSC stanovlyat vzaєmny іnteres, zokrema partnership in the framework rіchnih natsіonalnih programs.

        Specially did not translate so that the Slav brothers would not deny that they do not have an agreement with NATO
        1. +1
          7 February 2012 18: 04
          Quote: Ascetic
          Promoting constructive partnership of Ukraine with an Organizational Pivnically Atlantic agreement with us, to establish mutual interest, partnership partnerships with national national programs,

          And can you clarify that you do not like constructive partnership?
          Russia-NATO Council
          In 1997, NATO and Russia signed the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, which laid the formal foundation for relations between NATO and Russia. The signing of the Founding Act led to the development of a bilateral program of consultation and cooperation within the framework of the Joint Permanent Council (PCA).
          In 2002, these relations received a new impetus and were filled with new content after the signing of the Rome Declaration “Relations between NATO and Russia: A New Quality”, as a result of which the Russia-NATO Council was created. At the meeting in Rome, the heads of state and government reached an agreement on expanding opportunities for cooperation in areas of common interest, as well as on joint counteraction to common threats and risks to the security of their countries.
          The 2008 NRC Summit in Bucharest is the first such event since the signing of the Rome Declaration. The meeting will examine the activities of the NRC for the past six years, aimed at implementing the principles and tasks provided for in the Rome Declaration, as well as possible measures to increase their effectiveness in the future.
          Over the past six years, the NATO-Russia Council has developed a number of projects for practical cooperation in the following areas of common interest.
          Practical NRC collaboration
          The fight against terrorism
          Cooperation between NATO and Russia in the fight against terrorism is carried out in the form of a regular exchange of information, in-depth consultations, joint threat assessments, planning the use of civil services in the event of terrorist attacks, high-level dialogue on the role of the armed forces in the fight against terrorism, as well as studying the findings and experience of recent terrorist acts and scientific and technological interaction. NATO member states and Russia also cooperate in other areas related to the fight against terrorism, such as border control, WMD nonproliferation, airspace management and nuclear safety.
          In December 2004, at the NRC meeting at the level of foreign ministers, a comprehensive NRC Action Plan on Terrorism was approved, aimed at increasing the level of overall coordination and strategic cooperation within the framework of the NRC. Since December 2004, joint pre-training of Russian ships has been carried out for participation in NATO's Active Endeavor Naval Counter-Terrorism Operation, which takes place in the Mediterranean Sea. The first ship to take part in this operation in September 2006 was the inquisitive patrol ship of the Russian Navy. A year later, in September 2007, the second patrol ship of the Russian Navy, the Ladny, began to participate in the operation. In 2008, the alternate participation of additional Russian ships is expected.
          Afghanistan Cooperation
          Education and training for drug control personnel from Afghanistan and Central Asia.
          The implementation of the NRC pilot project to train and train personnel from Afghanistan and Central Asian countries on the fight against drugs began on the initiative of the foreign ministers of the NRC member countries in December 2005. The project is designed to assist in countering the threat of drug trafficking from Afghanistan. This initiative aims to build local capacity and strengthen regional ties and cooperation through the exchange of joint experience of the Alliance and Russia with mid-level officers from Afghanistan and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). The project is being implemented in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Training courses were provided in Russia and Turkey in specialized training centers. In addition, mobile training courses are provided in all six participating States. In the summer of 2007, NRC members welcomed Finland's readiness to contribute to this initiative. Within the framework of the NRC project, about 450 officers from six countries for whom this program is intended have already been trained.
          Ground transit operations to support ISAF operations
          In March 2008, the foundation was laid for an agreement designed to facilitate the transit through Russia of non-military cargo of NATO, NATO member states and other countries participating in the activities of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, in order to ensure the activities of ISAF in accordance with the Resolution UN Security Council 1386.
          1. +1
            7 February 2012 18: 06
            Even without reprimands in one comment did not fit
            Military cooperation
            One of the key areas of work of the NRC is also preparation for possible future joint military operations. In order to increase the interoperability of the armed forces of NATO and Russia, a program was created, an important component of which is the preparation and conduct of exercises. The approval of the Political-Military Instructions to increase the level of interoperability of troops (forces) of Russia and NATO countries at the NRC meeting at the level of defense ministers held in June 2005 gave an additional impetus to the development of efforts in this direction. Arrangements for military relations and interaction are being strengthened both at the level of the NATO Operational Command and in Moscow. In addition, the ratification of the PRM status agreement in May 2007 will contribute to the further development of cooperation between the armed forces in other practical areas.
            Search and rescue operations at sea
            The work on the search and rescue operations at sea intensified after the signing of a framework agreement on cooperation in this field in February 2003. In June 2005, Russia took part in the largest-scale search and rescue exercises in the history of NATO “Sorbet Royal”. The experience gained and the connections established during this exercise contributed to the successful rescue operation in real conditions in August 2005 off the coast of the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka. In 2008, Russia plans to take part in the even larger-scale exercise Bold Monarch.
            Defense Reform and Cooperation
            Initiatives undertaken in the area of ​​defense reform are aimed at developing the armed forces, managing human and financial resources, reforming the defense industry, managing the consequences of defense reform, and also addressing the defense aspects of the fight against terrorism. These initiatives include the development of Politico-military guidelines to increase the level of interoperability of troops (forces) of Russia and NATO countries, which was adopted at a meeting of the NRC at the level of defense ministers in June 2007. The Directive is designed to help prepare the armed forces of Russia and NATO for participation in possible joint operations.
            Russia-NATO Center for Social Adaptation
            The NATO-Russia Social Adaptation Center for retired military personnel was created in Moscow in July 2002. To expand the center's activities, six regional branches were opened in March 2003. Over 2000 former servicemen from the Russian Armed Forces underwent retraining. About 85% of them found jobs in the civilian sector as a result of training or assistance received in the department of the Employment Center.
            Defense industry cooperation
            The comprehensive “Study of cooperation between Russia and NATO in the field of defense industry, research and technology”, the request for which was received in January 2005, is expected to have a positive effect on future cooperation in these areas. Reports on the results of the two phases of the study were published in June 2007, and recommendations and ideas for further work are discussed in the framework of the NRC.
            Crisis management
            Russia and NATO have a long history of cooperation in crisis management. From 1996 to 2003 from all countries that are not members of the Alliance, Russia made the largest contribution to peacekeeping operations under the auspices of NATO. Since 2002, the NRC took a number of steps aimed at further strengthening cooperation in this area, in particular, approving in September 2002 the “Political Aspects of the General Concept of Joint Peacekeeping Operations of Russia and NATO”. These steps were reflected during the procedural exercise, which took place in three stages from May 2003 to September 2004.
            Missile defense
            In 2003, a study was conducted on missile defense of the theater of operations, designed to ensure the protection of troops in joint areas of operations, in which the possible levels of operational compatibility of theater missile defense systems of Russia and NATO countries were evaluated. Three command post exercises were also conducted in this area, the first of which took place in the United States in March 2004, the second in the Netherlands in March 2005 and the third in Russia in October 2006. In Germany in January 2008. also conducted exercises based on computer simulation. Research in the field of interoperability, computer exercises and KSH are designed to lay the foundation for further efforts to increase interoperability and develop mechanisms and procedures for conducting joint operations in the field of theater missile defense.
            Airspace Collaboration Initiative
            Significant progress has been made through the Airspace Cooperation Initiative (TISI), aimed at strengthening cooperation between the NRC states in the field of airspace surveillance and air traffic management in order to increase the transparency, predictability and improvement of the collective forces and means necessary to counter terrorist threat in the air. Technical commissioning is carried out from the end of 2007, and the commissioning of the system in full operation is designed for the end of 2008. In parallel, positive results were achieved in terms of developing the concept of operations, the concept of exercises and training and the coordination procedure, as well as agreement on legal issues. At the initial stage, the systems developed as part of the initiative are put in place between Norway, Poland, Turkey and Russia.
            Arms control
            The NRC is also a forum for open discussion on issues related to conventional arms control, including the CFE Treaty, the Open Skies Treaty, and confidence- and security-building measures.
            Nuclear weapons issues
            In the nuclear field, experts developed a glossary of terms, organized exchanges of views on nuclear doctrines and strategies. Observers also participated in field exercises for responding to incidents involving nuclear weapons in Russia (2004), the UK (2005), the United States (2006) and France (2007).
            Emergency Planning for Civilian Services
            Significant progress has been made through the development of cooperation in the planning of the use of civil services in emergency situations and emergency response. The elimination of the consequences of terrorist acts has become one of the main lines of activity. Two exercises held in Russia - in Bogorodsk (2002 g.) And Kaliningrad (2004 g.), As well as the exercises held in Montelibretti in Italy (2006 g.) Contributed to the development of specific recommendations for the elimination of consequences. The next command-and-staff exercise is planned in Norway in 2009. In 2003, a Russian-Hungarian initiative was launched to create Rapid Deployment Forces and means to increase the ability of NRC countries to protect civilians from natural disasters and technological disasters, as well as terrorist acts using WMD.
            New threats and challenges
            Within the framework of the Science for Peace and Security Committee, in the NRC format, promising work is being carried out to counter new threats and challenges in the framework of technical cooperation. Key areas covered include environmental safety, environmental terrorism, the psychological consequences of terrorism, cyber security, protection against chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear substances, and the detection of explosives.

            So we don’t need to deny anything, normal cooperation ---- we don’t live in a vacuum
        2. +2
          7 February 2012 18: 11
          Ukraine-NATO cooperation was not only not suspended under the new leadership, but was also steadily developing. In this context, the recent statement by D. Rogozin that, thanks to his active efforts, Ukraine did not become a NATO member, does not seem to accurately reflect the real level of relations between Kiev and Brussels. While the official part of the cooperation is really frozen (talk of joining NATO has ceased to the general satisfaction of the parties), the practical part (which makes up 90% of the entire accession process) is not only not being curtailed, but even expanded.
          The Ukrainian leadership, despite all its pre-election assurances that the story of "Euro-Atlantic integration" is over, continues to not only maintain cooperation with NATO at the same level, but also to actively build up it.
          Trying to maintain a shaky foreign policy image, official Kiev continues to drive Ukraine into NATO at full speed. Whether this is part of a well-thought-out long-term strategy with the goal of positioning V. Yanukovych as a convinced Euro-Atlanticist for election for a second term (and such an assumption has already been made) or is it just convulsive throwing in an attempt to save the situation, it’s hard to say for now. Most likely, much will clarify the Chicago NATO summit and what statements there will be made by the Ukrainian side.

          But the trend is quite clear: the Ukrainian leadership is actively moving towards a violation of Article Six of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine...
          1. +1
            7 February 2012 19: 27
            Quote: Ascetic
            Ukraine-NATO cooperation was not only not suspended under the new leadership

            Is there a reason why cooperation should be stopped?
            Quote: Ascetic
            Trying to maintain a shaky foreign policy image, official Kiev continues to drive Ukraine into NATO at full speed

            It is strange as if there was no comment on Russia-NATO cooperation
            Quote: Ascetic
            continues to not only maintain cooperation with NATO at the same level, but also to actively increase it

            Is it somehow not beneficial to Ukraine?
        3. Don
          7 February 2012 18: 26
          Quote: Ascetic
          Specially did not translate so that the Slav brothers would not deny that they do not have an agreement with NATO

          There is a treaty, but we are not going to join NATO. The accession commission created under Yushchenko, Yanukovych disbanded.
    2. Physician
      7 February 2012 13: 16
      Quote: Redmont
      No words ... I don’t even know who Ukraine is.

      With Russia !!!
      it's simple
      GAS smelled however !!! laughing
      1. Auschwitz
        7 February 2012 13: 18
        Quote: Doctor
        With Russia !!!
        it's simple
        GAS smelled however !!!

        BLACKMAIL!!! bully
        1. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 13: 38
          Quote: Auschwitz

          Your aggravation ...
          1. -1
            7 February 2012 14: 57
            At such as you fools aggravation. It is said, repeatedly, that you would close your mouths, break your arms and tear your head out! So it will be better for all normal people to live without you proamers and pronounced scum.
            You can minus! but you really got your rotten statements.
      2. doktoraikasap
        7 February 2012 13: 20
        Quote: Doctor
        With Russia !!! it just smelled of GAS however !!!

        What again went through with peas? Snack peas Creon.
        1. Auschwitz
          7 February 2012 13: 50
          Quote: doktoraikasap
          What again went through with peas? Snack peas Creon.

          They tell you the TRUTH !!!
          YOU ARE SICK!! am
          1. doktoraikasap
            7 February 2012 14: 03
            Quote: Auschwitz
            They tell you the TRUTH, TREAT !!! YOU ARE SICK !!

            Again squinted that drank an antipsychotic? This need to inhibit MAO inhibitors for noticeable inhibition. Yes
            1. Князь
              7 February 2012 14: 08
              Quote: doktoraikasap
              Again squinted that drank an antipsychotic? This need to inhibit MAO inhibitors for noticeable inhibition.

              Why are you reacting so painfully?
              1. doktoraikasap
                7 February 2012 14: 25
                Quote: Prince
                Why are you reacting so painfully?

                I don’t react anymore - I mocked and stop ... wink
                1. Князь
                  7 February 2012 14: 31
                  Quote: doktoraikasap
                  I don’t react anymore - I mocked and stop ...

                  Merged laughing laughing laughing
    3. doktoraikasap
      7 February 2012 13: 19
      With Europe, of course, who else should Ukraine be with?
      1. Auschwitz
        7 February 2012 13: 23
        Quote: doktoraikasap
        What again went through with peas? Snack peas Creon.

        Quote: doktoraikasap
        With Europe, of course, who else should Ukraine be with?

        Nicky forgot to change the pea jester laughing
        1. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 13: 32
          The Nazis are against NATO, though they are standing on Bolotnaya, and these are something on Poklonnaya !? A continuous dialectic ... wassat
      2. +4
        7 February 2012 13: 44
        [quote = doktoraikasap] With Europe, of course, who else should Ukraine be with?

        Looks like Ukraine has legalized prostitution, at the highest level wink
        1. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 13: 48
          fool What the ? I didn’t write that.
          1. Князь
            7 February 2012 14: 09
            Quote: doktoraikasap
            What the ? I didn’t write that.

            Wrote don't lie you're crazy fool
            it is clear to everyone here laughing
        2. Auschwitz
          7 February 2012 13: 48
          Quote: Denis
          Looks like Ukraine has legalized prostitution, at the highest level

          This is a sick person. See how he panics. The disease takes over. bully
          1. doktoraikasap
            7 February 2012 14: 04
            fool Yes
      3. Kremlin
        7 February 2012 14: 14
        Quote: doktoraikasap
        to be yet?

        By you doktoraikasap Typical behavior of schizophrenic fool
    4. ytqnhfk
      7 February 2012 13: 31
      With whom with whom? - With myself! Let them go to hell like the Baltics, let them beg for a handout, they're tired of it! The queue is lining up - beautiful Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and a bunch of these! THERE ARE NEVER TOO MANY SLAVES, AND EVEN MORE SO, SEXUAL SLAVES!
      1. Hans grohman
        7 February 2012 13: 36
        PPC how embarrassing!
        1. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 13: 49
          Quote: Hans Grohman
          PPC how embarrassing!

          Shame on the Russian military-industrial complex ...
          1. Physician
            7 February 2012 13: 56
            Quote: doktoraikasap
            Shame on the Russian military-industrial complex ...

            By your confession, you ruined it laughing
            1. doktoraikasap
              7 February 2012 14: 11
              Quote: Doctor
              By your confession, you ruined it

              No one will win the Russians - the Russians will destroy themselves !!! It is only necessary to give them such an opportunity, removing Ukrainians, Jews and Georgians from power and science. Yes
              1. Physician
                7 February 2012 14: 17
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                removing from power and science - Ukrainians, Jews and Georgians.

                See, he is completely sick. fool
              2. Don
                7 February 2012 14: 21
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                No one will win the Russians - the Russians will destroy themselves !!! It is only necessary to give them such an opportunity, removing Ukrainians, Jews and Georgians from power and science.

                fool Your tank seems to be the last stage of the I.D.O.T.T.P.M.a. It turns out in science alone Ukrainians, Jews and Georgians. So can you name one by last name? Your idle talk. Except for a bazaar full of, in which more than one smart person, even in the Russian Federation, even in Ukraine, even in the World, will not believe, you are not capable of anything. And as usual there is NO evidence.
                1. doktoraikasap
                  7 February 2012 14: 38
                  Dzhugashvili, Bagrationi, Khrushchev, Ulyanov (Blank-Lenin), Trotsky, Nudelman, Korolev, Lyulka, Tsiolkovsky, Chaikavsky, Yavinitsky, Vernadsky, Miklouho-Maclay...
                  And what’s the answer - Ethiop Pushkin ... :))
                  1. Don
                    7 February 2012 15: 45
                    Quote: doktoraikasap
                    Dzhugashvili, Bagrationi, Khrushchev, Ulyanov (Blank-Lenin), Trotsky, Nudelman, Korolev, Cradle, Tsiolkovsky, Chaikavsky, Yavinitsky, Vernadsky, Mikluha-Maclay ...

                    wink Well, I’ve killed you. Let's start with the rulers. Khrushchev and Stalin, although not Russian by nationality, but Russian in their hearts. Trotsky was simply a politician, he did not rule the country. Now for science. If you think that Korolev was born in Zhytomyr and therefore Ukrainian you are mistaken. Korolev himself would have laughed at that. What Korolev, what Nudelman, what Lyulyaka were Soviet people, brought up on Russian culture and lived most of their lives in Russia. Tsiolkovsky was born at all in Izhevsk, Ryazan province, a representative of Russian cosmism, a member of the Russian Society of lovers of world studies. It came from the Polish noble family of Tsiolkovsky, but you can’t tell about these tales about Nalyvaiko. I doubt very much that Vernadsky himself could consider himself a Ukrainian when he was born in St. Petersburg.
                    In response: Kuznetsov, Klimov, Kolesov, Solovyov, Shvetsov, Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Bogolyubov, Andropov,. The same Amosov (he was recognized as a man of the century in Ukraine) is Russian, but he defended his doctorate in Kiev and remained an assistant professor at the department, then he was a deputy in the Supreme Council of the USSR. And after the collapse of the USSR, it simply remained to live in Ukraine. From this he does not become Ukrainian.
                    In fact, they were all Soviet people (of course, except for Lomonosov and Mendeleev). What Korolev, what Bogolyubov, what Klimov, ALL brought up the Soviet Union and Soviet education and it does not matter who they are by nationality. All of them worked for the benefit of the Soviet Union, which you will not see so much.
                2. ab
                  7 February 2012 14: 48
                  Quote: Don
                  It turns out in science alone Ukrainians, Jews and Georgians. So can you name one by last name?

                  Jews - Nobel Laureates

                  Almost a hundred years ago, under the will of the prominent Swedish inventor and industrialist Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a foundation was formed and the Nobel Prize (NP) was established.

                  The charter of the Nobel Foundation was officially enacted in Sweden by law of June 29, 1900. In accordance with this charter, interest from the fund should have been "issued in the form of bonuses to those who during the previous year have brought the greatest benefit to mankind."

                  The Nobel Prize was destined to become the most prestigious prize of the 20th century. Among the laureates of this award, approximately XNUMX% are Jews, citizens of various countries. The following are the Jewish laureate NPs, grouped by six prize nominations and sorted by the years for which the prizes were awarded.

                  So, the Nobel Peace Prize laureates: A. Fried (1911), T. M. K. Asser (1911), R. S. Kassen (1968), G. A. Kissinger (1973), M. Begin (1978), E. Wiesel (1986), S. Perez (1994), I. Rabin (1994), J. Rothblat (1995);

                  Nobel Prize for Literature: P. Y. L. Heise (1910), A.-L. Bergson (1927), B. Pasternak (1958), S. I. Agnon (1966), Nelly Sachs (1966), S. Bellow (1976), I. Bashevis-Singer (1978), E. Canetti (1981), I. Brodsky (1987), Nadine Gordimer (1991), I. Curtes (2002), H. Pinter (2005);

                  Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology: I. Mechnikov (1908), P. Erlich (1908), R. Barani (1914), O. Meyerhof (1922), K. Landsteiner (1930), O. G. Warburg (1931) , O. Lewy (1936), J. Erlanger (1944), H. S. Gasser (1944), E. B. Cheyne (1945), G. J. Meller (1946), T. Reichstein (1950), W A. Waxman (1952), H. A. Krebs (1953), F. A. Lipman (1953), J. Lederberg (1958), A. Kornberg (1959), K. E. Bloch (1964), F. Jacob (1965), A. M. Lvov (1965), J. Wald (1967), M. W. Nirenberg (1968), S. E. Luria (1969), J. Axelrod (1970), B. Katz (1970), J. M. Edelman (1972), D. Baltimore (1975), H. M. Tyomin (1975), B. S. Blamberg (1976), E. V. Shally (1977), Rosalyn Sasman Yalow (1977), D. Natans (1978), B. Benaserraf (1980), S. Milstein (1984), M.S. Brown (1985), J. L. Goldstein (1985), S. Cohen (1986), Rita Levy-Montalcini (1986), Gertrude Bell Elyon (1988), H.E. Varmus (1989), A.G. Gilman (1994), S. Brenner (2002);

                  Nobel Prize in Physics: A. A. Michelson (1907), G. Lippman (1908), A. Einstein (1921), J. Frank (1925), G. Herz (see G. R. Herz; 1925), O. Stern (1943), I.A. Rabi (1944), F. Bloch (1952), M. Born (1954), I. Frank (1958), E.J. Segre (1959), D.A. Glaser (1960), R. Hofstedter (1961), L. Landau (1962), R. F. Feynman (1965), J. S. Schwinger (1965), H. A. Bethe (1967), M. Gell- Mans (1969), D. Gabor (1971), B.D. Josephson (1973), B.R. Mottelson (1975), B. Richter (1976), A. Penzias (1978), Sh. L. Glashow ( 1979), S. Weinberg (1979), L. M. Lederman (1988), M. Schwartz (1988), J. Steinberger (1988), J. A. Friedman (1990), J. Sharpak (1992), M L. Pearl (1995), F. Raines (1995), K. Kochen-Tanuji (1997), J. Alferov (2000), V. Ginzburg (2003), D.I. Gross (2004);

                  Nobel Prize in Chemistry: A. Bayer (1905), A. Moissan (1906), O. Wallach (1910), R. Willstatter (1915), F. Gaber (1918), G.K. Hevesi (1943), M Calvin (1961), M.F. Peruts (1962), G. Herzberg (1971), W. H. Stein (1972), I. Prigogine (1977), H. C. Brown (1979), P. Berg (1980), W. Gilbert (1980), R. Hoffman (1981), A. Klug (1982), H. A. Hauptman (1985), J. C. Polany (1986), S. Altman (1989), R. A. Markus (1992), A. Hershko (2004), A. Chehanover (2004); R. Kornberg (2006); Ada Ionat (2009);

                  Nobel Prize in Economics: R. Frisch (1969), P. E. Samuelson (1970), S. Kuznets (1971), C. J. Arrow (1972), V. Leontiev (1973), L. Kantorovich (1975) , M. Friedman (1976), H. A. Simon (1978), L. Klein (1980), F. Modigliani (1985), R. M. Solow (1987), H. Markowitz (1990), G. S Becker (1992), D. Kahneman (2002), I.R. Oman (2005), L. Hurwich (2007), E. Maskin (2007), R. Myerson (2007), P. Krugman (2008).

                  Among the Nobel Prize winners, approximately 20% are Jews - citizens of different countries.

                  But here are a few words about the situation in Russia. In this country, nineteen people became Nobel Prize winners - not counting those who left her at a young age. Of these, eight are Jews, accounting for 42% — a figure twice the global average. We list these laureates. In literature - B. Pasternak and I. Brodsky, in physiology and medicine - I. Mechnikov, in physics - I. Tamm [1], I. Frank, L. Landau and J. Alferov, in economic science - L. Kantorovich ( the only economist laureate in Russia).
                  1. doktoraikasap
                    7 February 2012 15: 01
                    Quote: ab
                    Among the Nobel Prize winners, approximately 20% are Jews - citizens of different countries.

                    Can laureates - citizens of Israel?
                  2. Don
                    7 February 2012 19: 05
                    Quote: ab
                    Jews - Nobel Laureates

                    It's good. I don’t understand what the argument is. You probably read my comments badly? This Natsik was a jerk that in Russian science there is no one besides Ukrainians, Jews and Georgians. I proved that there is. And the Jews certainly contributed to the development of science.
                3. ab
                  7 February 2012 15: 16
                  Quote: Don
                  It turns out in science alone Ukrainians, Jews and Georgians

                  Nobel Prize Laureates from Israel

                  Shmuel Agnon, literature, 1966
                  Menachem Begin, Peace Prize, 1978
                  Yitzhak Rabin, Peace Prize, 1994
                  Shimon Peres, Peace Prize, 1994
                  Daniel Caenman, Economics, 2002
                  Avraam Gershko, chemistry, 2004
                  Aaron Chehanover, chemistry, 2004
                  Robert Aumann, Economics, 2005
                  Ada Yonat, chemistry, 2009
                  Daniel Schechtman, chemistry, 2011
                  1. karnics
                    7 February 2012 16: 14
                    At least Menachem Begin is a terrorist and a murderer for which he received a peace prize, it’s the same as Obama’s peace prize for the murder of Libyan children and women, you have good laureates, like your Shnobel prize
          2. Don
            7 February 2012 14: 18
            Quote: doktoraikasap
            Shame on the Russian military-industrial complex ...

            Why ashamed of the military-industrial complex, which sells weapons around the world and takes second place in the world after the United States. So here it is necessary to be proud, and not ashamed.
            1. doktoraikasap
              7 February 2012 14: 41
              Quote: Don
              Why ashamed of the military-industrial complex, which sells weapons around the world and takes second place in the world after the United States. So here it is necessary to be proud, and not ashamed.

              It will fall soon, with falling demand for the Su-30, Syria, Libya and Co. ... The period 2010-2010 will be completely different.
              1. Don
                7 February 2012 16: 34
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                It will fall soon, with falling demand for the Su-30, Syria, Libya and Co. ... The period 2010-2010 will be completely different.

                Something you are balabolit and balabolit, but he still does not fall and does not fall. New contracts with Indonesia, and with Malaysia, and with Vietnam.
          3. Hans grohman
            7 February 2012 14: 20
            Quote: doktoraikasap
            Shame on the Russian military-industrial complex ...

            Do not tell me what to do, and I won’t tell you where to go!
            1. Князь
              7 February 2012 14: 30
              Quote: Hans Grohman
              Do not tell me what to do, and I won’t tell you where to go!

              He has one road to the Crazy House, he is Schizophrenic. fool
            2. doktoraikasap
              7 February 2012 14: 42
              Quote: Hans Grohman
              Do not tell me what to do, and I won’t tell you where to go!

              Where and where - beyond Mistral, Iveco ...
              1. Hans grohman
                7 February 2012 15: 03
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                Where and where - beyond Mistral, Iveco ...

                I meant a slightly different direction
                1. doktoraikasap
                  7 February 2012 15: 20
                  Hans Grohman,
                  And Mistral meant ... lol
    5. -2
      7 February 2012 20: 03
      Can you answer in the spirit of Vitaly Churkin? Something like "during the international NATO week in Kiev, our missiles were aimed at every respected participant, but the biggest of them was the one who invited them." and emphasize that this is a "learning process". wink
    6. -2
      7 February 2012 23: 39
      These are the ones who want to join NATO.
  2. +2
    7 February 2012 13: 11
    I have already said, I repeat - Yanukovych dunce.
    1. doktoraikasap
      7 February 2012 13: 21
      Quote: Denis
      I have already said, I repeat - Yanukovych dunce.

      He is well done! good
      1. Auschwitz
        7 February 2012 13: 25
        Quote: doktoraikasap
        He is well done!

        When to extend the lease term of the Russian Black Sea Fleets drinks
        1. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 13: 40
          Quote: Auschwitz
          When to extend the lease term of the Russian Black Sea Fleets

          This will never happen. And the fleet will not be allowed to renew in Sevastopol, as well as aviation. Yes
          1. Don
            7 February 2012 14: 09
            Quote: doktoraikasap
            This will never happen. And the fleet will not be allowed to renew in Sevastopol, as well as aviation.

            Do not revel in your hopes. Kharkov agreements are signed and ratified. So the fleet is there for a long time. And no one can forbid the Russian Federation to modernize and purchase new equipment for one of its fleets. Do not talk nonsense.
            1. doktoraikasap
              7 February 2012 14: 28
              Quote: Don
              Do not revel in your hopes. Kharkov agreements are signed and ratified.

              And what will the fleet update? belay
              Quote: Don
              So the fleet is there for a long time.

              Given the prospects for renewal, it will be disposed of at Sevastopol private enterprises, as Ochakov is now. So you can safely say - forever !!! lol
              Quote: Don
              The Russian Federation to upgrade and purchase new equipment at one of its fleets.

              Yes, only at the Novorossiysk base.
              Quote: Don
              Do not talk nonsense.

              Mine gas breathed again, calm invisible.
              1. Don
                7 February 2012 17: 10
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                And what will the fleet update?

                Of course. In agreements, this is negotiated.
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                Given the prospects for renewal, it will be disposed of at Sevastopol private enterprises, as Ochakov is now. So you can safely say - forever !!!

                There is no hope. All ships are in service. They will stand there until at least 2042. New ships arrive. In the 2009th landing ship and minesweeper, in the 2011th tug, and in 2020 will receive 15 new submarines and surface ships.
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                Yes, only at the Novorossiysk base.

                Agreements do not prohibit the purchase and modernization.
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                Mine gas breathed again, calm invisible.

                I already wrote a tank to you. I don’t have to climb into the mine, the position is different. So do not breathe gas, do not worry.
  3. Warrawar
    7 February 2012 13: 14
    In this country, all without a doubt boobies and they have long been our enemies. You need to distance yourself from Urkaina
    1. doktoraikasap
      7 February 2012 13: 21
      Quote: Warrawar
      In this country, all without a doubt boobies and they have long been our enemies. You need to distance yourself from Urkaina

      No, only 10% of the guests, as it will.
      1. Physician
        7 February 2012 13: 27
        Quote: Warrawar
        In this country, all without a doubt boobies and they have long been our enemies. You need to distance yourself from Urkaina

        Dear Polish Jew, Banderlog is not a reason to think so about the Brotherly Ukrainian people wink
        1. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 13: 40
          Quote: Doctor
          Dear Polish Jew, Banderlog is not a reason to think so about the Brotherly Ukrainian people

          And only pants fools - stubbornly pretended not to understand ....
    2. +3
      7 February 2012 13: 38
      Look how the US ship was met in Sevastopal and in Odessa, and don’t speak for everyone. for 20 years, this independence with praise of bender and Shukhevych has long been overwhelming. And I'm not the only one here.
      1. doktoraikasap
        7 February 2012 13: 52
        Quote: VikVik741
        Look how the US ship was met in Sevastopal and in Odessa, and don’t speak for everyone. for 20 years, this independence with praise of bender and Shukhevych has long been overwhelming. And I'm not the only one here.

        In Sevastopal - 30 pensioners and schizophrenics, in Odessa - less than a dozen ... good
        1. Князь
          7 February 2012 14: 26
          Quote: doktoraikasap
          In Sevastopal - 30 pensioners and schizophrenics

          Why don't you like Ukrainians so much?
        2. Don
          7 February 2012 14: 27
          Quote: doktoraikasap
          In Sevastopal - 30 pensioners and schizophrenics, in Odessa - less than a dozen ...

          No more than a dozen of Bendery fools, both in Odessa and Sevastopol, and in principle in other cities of the South-East. I'm a fool. I already gave you an example. In the last season of the Ukrainian Football Championship, the Sevastopol team held matches at the stadium in Simfiropol. At the matches then at the stadium there were a large number of fans of different ages, but mostly young people. They held the flags of the Russian Federation and the Black Sea Fleet. And when Sevastopol played with Karpaty from Lvov, Bendery's b.y.d.l.o. arrived and got a good beating from the Crimean ultras.
          1. doktoraikasap
            7 February 2012 14: 45
            Quote: Don
            received from the Crimean ultras good lyuley.

            Get-get-separatis pendell for a ferry to Kerch (he then went 30 km along the Russi side without money and a passport), consul for recall, internal troops for the ultras, reservations for the Black Sea Fleet ... Everything is as it is.
            1. Don
              7 February 2012 17: 15
              Quote: doktoraikasap
              Get-get-separatis pendell for a ferry to Kerch (he then went 30 km along the Russi side without money and a passport), consul for recall, internal troops for the ultras, reservations for the Black Sea Fleet ... Everything is as it is.

              All raving. Oh well. The bile did not flood the keyboard there. But the facts are stubborn things. Nobody enters the internal troops, they do not expel the consuls of the Russian Federation, they do not drive anyone into the reservation (well, this is generally ridiculous). Do you even learn to write clearly in Russian, otherwise it’s not clear. You don’t know how to Bendery’s B.D.L.O.T.A. respect the opinions of others. If many citizens of Ukraine want an alliance with the Russian Federation, this is normal, this is not separatism, it’s not normal, it is stubborn and not the perception of the opinions of other citizens of Ukraine.
    3. Hans grohman
      7 February 2012 15: 04
      Quote: Warrawar
      In this country, all without a doubt boobies and they have long been our enemies.

      I respect you too (in the sense of you personally).
    4. Don
      7 February 2012 19: 07
      Quote: Warrawar
      In this country, all without a doubt boobies and they have long been our enemies. You need to distance yourself from Urkaina

      You don’t say that about everyone. Let's respect each other. There are in Russia and Ukraine gave .. you, but you do not need all under one comb.
  4. OlegPatriot
    7 February 2012 13: 18
    Yanukovych is flirting, i.e. raising the price, but in the end all roads lead... to Russia.
    1. doktoraikasap
      7 February 2012 13: 33
      Quote: OlegPatriot
      Yanukovych is flirting, i.e. raising the price, but in the end all roads lead... to Russia.

      Who told you this and where?
      1. OlegPatriot
        7 February 2012 13: 56
        This, dear doktoraikasar, is what the history of our peoples, as well as our common culture and, in general, national compatibility, speak about... And let the Westerners rest!!!
        1. doktoraikasap
          7 February 2012 14: 15
          Quote: OlegPatriot

          I ask you not to use this word to me - it annoys me. The word "respected" in this forum is absolutely discredited by flooders, schizos and trolls. Contact you, or the extreme for you.
          Quote: OlegPatriot
          the history of our peoples speaks

          Different story.
          Quote: OlegPatriot
          as well as a single culture and generally national compatibility ..

          This is an absolute lie. I have already given this example today for another reason:

          - Much in common? No.
          1. OlegPatriot
            7 February 2012 14: 47
            Denying the obvious is a stupid and thankless job! I have many friends of Ukrainians and then let me say my experience is the same mentality. The history of Kievan Rus seems to be unfamiliar to you - I draw conclusions ....
            1. doktoraikasap
              7 February 2012 15: 02
              Quote: OlegPatriot
              Apparently, the history of Kievan Rus is unfamiliar to you - I draw conclusions ....

              Very familiar ... Russians to Kievan Rus-not related.
              1. OlegPatriot
                7 February 2012 15: 19
                Well, if you are very familiar .. answer the question, "What principalities did Kievan Rus fall into?"
              2. Don
                7 February 2012 17: 56
                Quote: doktoraikasap
                Russians to Kievan Rus-not related.

                Learn the history of the ignoramus.
              3. -2
                7 February 2012 22: 04
                Was it not Yuri Dolgoruky who reigned in Kiev in 1155, when the people of Kiev for the third time called him to reign, having expelled Izyaslav? Or Dolgoruky is not Russian? Read P. Zagrebelnoy - yours, by the way, a writer.
  5. Nechai
    7 February 2012 13: 29
    "...Vasiliy Telelim emphasized that we are talking about the educational process... not only the military, but also representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country."
    5th Column carefully pick up required. Look for, lure replenishment in its ranks.
    Quote: Gleb
    Russia is ready to sign an agreement on the creation in Ulyanovsk of a transshipment point for the transit of NATO goods from Afghanistan to Europe

    Not one Vykraina under the FIFTH of the MAN. Only the Old Man with SLABS hold on! Please note that the railway did not even think about railway transit through Belarus ...
    1. 0
      7 February 2012 13: 42
      and they probably don’t need transit through Belarus .. I'm not sure, but probably they will be directly exported to Pskov to Latvia .. there they will leave all the good ..
      but in general it’s extremely difficult to imagine Belarus in this
  6. 0
    7 February 2012 13: 40
    and they probably don’t need transit through Belarus .. I'm not sure, but probably they will directly export to Latvia through Pskov .. there they will leave all the good
  7. Jeen
    7 February 2012 14: 25
    A regular piece of current news. Systematically and inexorably. This is how all serious integration processes should proceed.
    And the fact that for Ukraine NATO is the only absolute guarantee against attempts at pressure and fraud on the part of nuclear Russia is clearly and unequivocally shown on the experience of fraternal Slavic peoples: Poles, Slovaks, Czechs, Bulgarians, and so on. And this is perfectly understood by all the leaders of Ukraine, whatever the political colors, with the exception of red.
    And thank God
    1. Князь
      7 February 2012 14: 28
      Quote: j
      And this is perfectly understood by all the leaders of Ukraine, whatever the political colors, with the exception of red.

      Why are you hiding behind other nicknames and write rambling endless comments you are a sick schizophrenic being treated! fool
    2. Don
      7 February 2012 14: 32
      Quote: j
      And the fact that for Ukraine, NATO is the only absolute guarantee

      blah blah blah. In the style of our patriots.
      To begin with, the vast majority of Ukraine’s population does not want to join NATO. In addition to the Reds, many other parties are against.
      In April 2010, V.F. Yanukovych signed decrees by which liquidated the interagency commission on Ukraine’s preparations for joining NATO and the National Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration, saying that Ukraine’s relations with NATO will be maintained at the partnership level.
    3. doktoraikasap
      7 February 2012 14: 46
      Quote: j
      And thank God

      Glory to Ukraine!!!
  8. 0
    7 February 2012 14: 45
    No words ... I don’t even know who Ukraine is.

    with whom?? with Europe!! not with Russia!! for a very long time it was pushed out by the Yeltsins, effective managers - for whom gas, money, etc. are higher and more expensive than anything else - and as a result Ukraine and Russia are on opposite sides of the barrier!!
  9. 0
    7 February 2012 15: 03
    Quote: doktoraikasap
    With Europe, of course, who else should Ukraine be with?

    I feel you need to cut off the pussy! For the word "member" is too much for you ...

    Quote: Doctor
    Chukotka resident
    Tatanka Yotanka
    tupoy medved

    These shnikoffs are just lickable! Well stupid people These guys! What can you do? Skvortsova is just crying for them.
  10. 0
    7 February 2012 15: 20
    PPC again srach.
    From an ordinary event for international cooperation.

    All European countries, NATO members are reducing their armies, they have more conflicts between themselves than external threats.
    How the USA will stop financial injections NATO will be reorganized into the European collective defense.

    But what’s the main thing here?
  11. 0
    7 February 2012 15: 23
    “The positive result from the weeks of NATO gives us every reason to hope that discussing prospects and directions, deepening cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance, comparing views, positions and assessments regarding international problems will be useful for both sides”
    @ ren to you, Mr. General! You still didn’t ask us in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea! And, if you ask, you will remain with the Right-Bank Ukraine, in Poland - according to the Andrusovsky Armistice of 1667!
  12. karnics
    7 February 2012 16: 25
    Nothing personal, only business, the gas price must be reduced and do not blame Yanukovych for bargaining, Putin did the same in his place, the price is such that if the economy of Ukraine does not fall, the whole economy will fall ... One yuh, most of the dough, you won’t get out of UESA banks so brotherly people, help ... For example, a vehicle, in exchange for an adequate gas price!
    1. Aleksey67
      7 February 2012 17: 25
      Quote: karnics
      Nothing personal, only business, the gas price must be reduced and do not blame Yanukovych for bargaining, Putin did the same in his place

      It seems to me that without touching upon the signed Gas Treaty, but continuing, apart from the "cheese" bans, the search for other Ukrainian products and goods and "withdrawing" them from the export component of Russia will lead the Ukrainian authorities to senses much faster. Good already tried to act only shit in return comes back. winked
  13. +1
    7 February 2012 16: 25
    They started for health, but ended for peace. And maybe vice versa. I think, and not only I - HOW MUCH WOLF ARE NO FEED - he looks into the forest. Cases of the Lord. This is about the gentlemen of the rulers. And the people, basically their own, do not want either NATO or American democracy. This is an indisputable fact. And there is nothing to break spears.