The black myth of "Russian drunkenness" and "Russian dishonesty"

The black myth of "Russian drunkenness" and "Russian dishonesty"

One of the most common "black myths" about historical Russia is the assertion that the Russians - the most intemperate people in the use of alcohol-containing drinks. And so, supposedly, it happened from the very beginning of Russian history, in confirmation of which they often cite the words of Prince Vladimir: “There is drinking joy in Russia!” The prince gave such an answer to the representatives of Islam, arguing his refusal to introduce Islam in Russia. Therefore, they say, Russian pagans already by that time supposedly could not live without regular libations and preferred Christianity, because it was much more loyal to the tradition of feasts. The West is happy to support this statement, which fits perfectly into the idea of ​​"Russian barbarians." Often we in modern Russia ourselves repeat these false claims about the "historical predisposition" of Russian drunkenness. But the very history of Russia-Russia refutes this black myth.

Historians know that in pre-Christian Russia there was no drunkenness at all. We did not grow grapes. Wine for a few Christians, for the sacrament sacrament, brought from the East Roman Empire (Byzantium). The only intoxicating drinks of the Slavorus were fermented honey, beer, sorica, kvass and braga (sorica - it was an infusion of healing herbs on water with honey added). These were low alcohol drinks with a strength of 2-3 degrees. Yes, and took them only on the days of the great festivals - the spring and autumn equinoxes, the summer and winter solstices, and also on the three signs, in honor of the main gods. Moreover, it was the privilege of men, women did not bring a cup (not to mention children). Kvass is still the favorite drink of the Russian people, it was used not only as a drink, but they gave in to steam baths and poured it for health.

After the baptism of Russia, the wine was still a very rare drink, served for religious purposes, was used as medicine and in the homes of the nobility was served in small cups to guests of honor (one or two not more, the drink was rare). Greek wines were known, as they were rarely captured during Oleg's campaign - 907 of the year, along with gold and luxurious fabrics. At the beginning of the 16 century, Burgundy wine appears in Russia, and then Canarian wine. Thus, in the Middle Ages, wine in Russia was a great rarity, practically inaccessible to the majority of the common population, and for the nobility it was not a widespread drink, but a medicine, a symbol of honor (treated to important, honored guests). Moreover, rare examples of drunkenness in Russia have always been considered a vice, drunkards have been condemned and ridiculed. This can be, for example, read in the book of the researcher I. R. Pryzhov “History of taverns in Russia”.

In the West, the situation was quite the opposite: drunkenness and gluttony (as well as debauchery) were very common vices since ancient Greece and Rome. Back in the eighth century, Charlemagne was forced to impose a ban on the appearance in court of drunken witnesses and participants in litigation. He also reminded that during the session judges should be sober, and priests should not solder repentants in the process of the sacrament of repentance. Arthur Shoedwell, in his work The History of Drinking in England, reports that the vice of drunkenness was very common among the English clergy, so even in 570, the ruler Goldas the Wise issued a decree that “every monk who drank so much sing during the service, will remain without dinner. "

Many people mistakenly believe that vodka is a Russian invention, even the phrase “Russian vodka” appeared. For the first time, Russia became acquainted with vodka during the reign of the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir, Vasily I (1389 - 1425 years of government), according to other information - a little earlier, in 1386, under Dmitry Donskoy. Genoese merchants brought vodka as a gift to a Russian prince, by which time “enlightened” Western Europe had been drinking this drink for more than a hundred years. It was "aquavit" - pure grape spirit, invented in southern France. Having familiarized myself with the drink, the Russian court decided that it was impossible to drink it, you can only use it as an external medicine - “let it into the wound,” and even then dilute it with water. In addition, the church was against the use of vodka. Only when Ottoman Turks seized Cafu (present-day Theodosius), the Genoese colony in Crimea, in 1475, was the way the supply of Italian and Spanish dry wines was closed, did the production of vodka begin in Russia. The drink did not take root among the people, they still preferred kvass and beer.

Interestingly, the industrial production of vodka in Russia began with the clergy (as already noted, it was the representatives of the clergy who were the leaders in drinking and drinking in the West). She began to do in the Miracle Monastery - a male monastery in the eastern part of the Kremlin in Moscow. In addition, the church had the privilege of distillation (wine production). From the middle of the 15 century, the distillation of bread spirit was put on an industrial basis, and the government tried to extend the monopoly not only to the production and sale of bread wine (as vodka was often called at that time), but also to other alcoholic beverages — honey and beer, previously they are not subject to taxation. Vodka production was managed by the “cup way”, later the Hearty Yard, the Hearty Order. In 1474, Ivan III Vasilyevich introduced the first state monopoly on the production and sale of vodka in Russia, banned the import of vodka (“boiled wine”) through Pskov. Interestingly, he later tried to ban the production of vodka in Russia altogether (since the year 1476, apparently, there is no urgent need for finance).

In general, during this period Russia was still sober. Drunkenness was noted among the nobility, foreign mercenaries. Simple people had no time to drink, they worked. The famous traveler Baron Sigismund Herberstein (he visited Russia in 1517 and 1526) noted that Russians are distinguished by their rare industriousness, and they are very moderate in drinking. On weekdays, it was generally forbidden to drink, only foreigners had the right to drink, they lived in a settlement outside the Moskva River, which was called Nalyka, from the word “pour”. Only on major holidays were allowed to visit the "Tsar's taverns", established under Ivan the Terrible - on Holy Week, on Christmas Day and on St. Dmitriyev's Saturday (only noble people initially received permission to visit them). For the use of vodka on other days it was possible to thunder in prison or to be subjected to corporal punishment. Under Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, politics was tightened even more, the “royal taverns” were initially closed, but this led to an increase in private production. Then the public pubs again opened, because there the quality of products could be controlled by the state, and private ones were banned (decree 1590 of the year). In the future, the government’s policy was also not constant - easing followed the tightening of “drinking” laws.

At this time, Western Europe was completely overwhelmed by drunkenness. French writer, one of the greatest European satirists-humanists of the Renaissance, Francois Rabelais (1494 - 1553) in his satirical novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel" shows modern evils of European society. The main characters of the work constantly get drunk, indulge in gluttony and fulfill natural needs. Got to the churchmen, who were distinguished by hypocrisy, the desire for profit, licentiousness (Rabelais knew the question well, because he was a monk in his youth). In the 16th century in Germany, vodka was sold literally on every corner; this century was even nicknamed "drunk." One of the founders of Protestantism, Martin Luther (himself a great beer lover), wrote in the 1541 year: “Unfortunately, the whole of Germany is plagued by drunkenness; we preach and shout, but that doesn't help. ” Luther is supported by his associate, the German humanist, theologian and educator Philip Melanchthon (1497 - 1560): "We Germans drink to complete exhaustion, to the loss of memory and health." The situation was similar in England.

Not everyone knows, but in Russia the sobriety took significant proportions in the 19 century - they were tied up with entire provinces, so, at the end of 1850, the Kovno (present-day Belorussia) gubernia refused alcohol, and then the Vilnius and Grodno gubernias joined it. The Union of tea-drinkers was created. There were even “anti-alcohol riots” - the people not only refused alcohol, but also arranged pogroms for taverns, and taunks. In 1880, a wave of creation of sobriety societies took place, Leo Tolstoy played a large role in this movement (he published such works as “It's time to come to his senses,” “Why do people stupefy?”, “God or Mammon?”, “To young people "). In 1885, the government, under the pressure of public opinion, introduced the law “On granting rural communities the right to close taverns within their territories”. Tens of thousands of rural communities used this right.

As a result, by the beginning of the 20 century, “drunk from the beginning of the century Rus,” as Western and Russian russophobes like to represent, modestly stood at the very tail of the leading powers of Europe and the USA, ranking tenth in alcohol consumption (3,1 per liter of population): first there was France, followed by Belgium, England, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, the United States, Sweden ... At the beginning of the Second World War (as World War I was called), Russia generally imposed a dry law and considered the issue of establishing sobriety in the Russian Empire forever and ever s. " At that time, the level of consumption of alcoholic beverages fell to almost zero.

Then the country gradually got drunk. So, in the 1924 year, on the initiative of Bukharin, the Rykov government allowed vodka (it was therefore called “rykovka”), introducing a wine monopoly. Moreover, they allowed to drink vodka on workers, during working hours, they even introduced an additional staff of workers for the substitution of completely drunk. Three days a month were allowed to stroll during the binge. True, after a few years, laws tightened when the flow of information about an increase in marriage, non-fulfillment of plans, decomposition of production, trade union and state cadres, a sharp increase in the number of drunken fights, etc., started. By the beginning of World War II, consumption levels only approached the beginning of the 20 century before the introduction of Prohibition - about 4 liters of absolute alcohol per capita per year.

In 1960-1980, the country became even more drunk - production facilities were dramatically increased. In the 1980 year, more alcohol products were sold 7,8 times than in the 1940 year. In the 1990-ies drunkenness was one of the main reasons for the emergence of so-called. problems of the "Russian cross" - mortality exceeded the birth rate. But even with such a general deterioration of the situation, Russia did not become the world leader in drunkenness. The leaders among countries in terms of alcohol consumption are Luxembourg, Ireland, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic and Romania. According to the end of 20 century, World Drink Trends, Russia ranked only 19 in the ranking of drinking. It is clear that these data are not a reason for complacency, Russia needs a holistic program to sober up the nation, especially the problem of drunkenness among young people is of particular concern.

Summing up, it should be noted that the black myth about Russian drunkenness not only programs Russian people (youth) to a certain pattern of behavior, serving as an excuse for any kind of vices, but also harms the international reputation of our country, creating an image of eternally drunk "Russian bears." Personally, each of us must contribute to the sobering of the nation. Sobriety should be a sign of every Russian person who respects his people and his thousand-year history.

Dirt myth

A component of a huge black myth about Russians and Russia, is the myth about the unscrupulousness of Russians. But if you take a closer look at the history of Western Europe, then there are several interesting facts that indicate that the situation was just the opposite. Even in the legend of the visit of Russia by the Apostle Paul, it is said that when he visited the lands of Ilmen Sloven (Novgorod region) he was surprised that the locals like to bathe in the baths, beat themselves with “young rods” and pour water on them with kvass. That is, we are witnessing signs of a high level of development of hygiene standards in Ancient Russia - we washed, and also strengthened our immunity with cold water, folk remedies (kvass).

In Western Europe, when it came to personal hygiene, the matter was very bad. Thus, according to the ideas of that time, caring for the body was considered sinful, and an excessively frequent number of washing procedures and the associated contemplation of one’s own naked body were seductive (inclined to sin). St. Benedict wrote the following: “One should wash as little as possible with a healthy body, and especially a young one.” Saint Agnes took this very "smart" advice so close to her heart that during her conscious life she did not wash even once. Naturally, the common people followed such "saints."

Moreover, not only the representatives of the clergy and commoners did not bathe, but also to know. Some methods of hygiene appeared only after the crusades in the Middle East - the knights became acquainted with the Middle Eastern culture. The French king Louis XIV reduced all his hygiene procedures to washing his hands and periodically rubbing his body with perfumes. Instead of washing, Napoleon Bonaparte preferred daily to wipe the body with cologne, for the French commander drove a small wagon of his beloved “Eau de Cologne” (“Cologne water”). In addition, it must be said that the spread of perfume fashion in Europe was associated with the desire to mask the smell of a dirty body. In later times, with the exception of the dandies, who invariably cared for the whiteness of their teeth and cleaned them with chalk, the rest of the European nobles in the evenings, at best, rinsed their mouths and washed their hands. Before the ball or other solemn event, they resorted to more complex procedures: they washed not only hands, but ears and neck. Bathrooms were rare, moreover, they were often used for special procedures - “beauty baths” from milk, herbal infusion, etc. Even in the first half of the XIX century, the head was washed no more than four times a year.

An interesting fact of history - one of the reasons why the False Dmitry was caught that he was not Russian, was the fact that he did not go to the bathhouse. For the Russian person, it was the first sign of a foreigner - “German”, “Vlach”, “Latin”, etc. Although Western Europe inherited a bathhouse from Ancient Rome and Byzantium, it almost lost it during the “Dark Ages” period. The Crusaders, who came to the Middle East, struck the local population with their wildness and mud: “Franks are wild. Glorifying their god Jesus, they drink without measure, fall where they drink and eat, allowing the dogs to lick their mouths, belching abuse and food eaten. ” The Crusaders in the hot climate of the Middle East appreciated the usefulness of the bath, and she began to return to Europe, but then by the efforts of church and secular authorities by the time of the Reformation was again almost eradicated, because was considered a nest of debauchery and infection. For the third time, the baths returned to Western Europe only in the 19th century. It is believed that Russian camps, with which the Russian army reached Paris in 1814, gave impetus to their revival here.

The sanitary condition of Western European medieval cities was terrifying. The narrow streets were clogged with various debris, there was no sewage system, so human waste products were thrown from the windows directly onto the streets, as was the waste from the kitchens, slaughterhouses. If the situation worsened to the extent that the garbage interfered with the passage, then the local feudal lord or the king ordered the organization of a “subbotnik”. But it helped for a while. The degree of debris and dirt that prevailed in European cities can be judged by the fact that in the capital Paris there were streets Shitty, Shitty and Shitty, Smilling Shit, simply unadorned street Shit.

And despite the fact that at that time, when Europe was buried in mud, in Novgorod, in the middle of the 10th century, the first wooden pavements appeared in Russia and in medieval Europe. For example, in Paris, the bridge appeared only in the XII century, and in London only in the XV century. In the XI century, all the streets of Novgorod, as well as the courtyards inside the city estates, bridges the tree. The surprising uniformity of the pavements allows scientists to assert that they were made at public expense according to uniform standards. Bridges were updated every two decades by laying a new layer on top of the old one. In addition, special fences were made on both sides of the pavement — parapets of three rows of centimeters high 40 logs and even drainage facilities. I must say that the pavements were in other Russian cities, for example, in Pskov and Smolensk. At the end of the XI - the beginning of the XII centuries in Novgorod, the first aqueduct was made in Russia and in medieval Europe. It was located on the territory of the princely manor on the Yaroslav's Court. Pure water "for drinking and washing" went to the estate through pipes from a strong key, which was east of the courtyard. Plumbing was gravity. And in the capital of France, the first gravity water supply system was built at the end of the XII century, in London - in the XIII century.

Such information is quite enough to conclude that the situation with hygiene, cleanliness in Russia was much better than in Western Europe.
51 comment
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  1. - = 999 = -
    6 February 2012 10: 25
    1. 755962
      6 February 2012 11: 16
      And the Russian language without a mat turns into a report.
    2. snek
      6 February 2012 19: 23
      If the company is normal, then no chemical catalysts are needed for normal communication.
  2. Patos89
    6 February 2012 10: 45
    Remember the current plague that struck Europe
  3. zavesa01
    6 February 2012 10: 57
    Remember the Spanish queen who washed 3 times for ALL LIFE. And now their bathhouse is not held in high esteem.
  4. Eugene
    6 February 2012 11: 13
    It depends on who: in Finland 5 million people and 2 (!!!!) million saunas. I’m not sure that we have the same number of baths. Norwegians wash themselves in a barrel there.
    And yes, the bathhouse is good, steamed in the lake or in the snow))
    Although I respect the sauna too.
    1. predator
      6 February 2012 12: 23
      Well, I compared where Europe, and where the Finns, especially in the Middle Ages. Yes, I can imagine what kind of "aromas" came from European women in the Middle Ages, wash 3 times ... in a lifetime ...
      1. Eugene
        6 February 2012 13: 26
        The Finns have this century from 12-13, though it was "in black", like we then have baths. I was once in such a Russian bathhouse, I remember this life))
    2. ytqnhfk
      7 February 2012 03: 15
      You are not right, but in the village, each family has its own bathhouse, you’re in flight besides the city where the bathroom is in each apartment !!!!!!!!
  5. +10
    6 February 2012 11: 15
    These pigs teach us how to live! This is what the European way of life means: eat, plump and fuck everything that moves!
    I have not seen such a thing in Russia.
    1. Eugene
      6 February 2012 13: 42
      You obviously were not on the salute in honor of Victory Day or the Day of the city of Moscow)
      This is everywhere, and we have bukhariks on the road already in the morning lying on the roads.
      In St. Petersburg, for example, if you walk along the embankments (where the descent to the water) carries urine from the corners. And you still forgot your favorite pastime people cattle in Moscow for the holidays - to shit / piss behind the garage. And it is a reality.

      I have never seen such a thing in Helsinki, in Frankfurt, too, a simple example, I’ve been traveling to the same lovely city for many years in the Tver region on a lake that partially does not freeze in the winter, a family of swans has been living for 12 years, the locals feed the birds, Last year, some two guns from a double-barrel shotgun killed two birds in the city (yes, in the center !!!). They got off with a miserable fine. In Frankfurt, rabbits run around the city streets, ordinary wild rabbits, they go out at night mainly, you can easily see him on a small boulevard, or even in a large flower bed, and no one kills them. if such a headquarters happens, then imprisonment. Roe deer are found in the suburbs, despite the fact that the population density there is no lower than in central Russia. There are no garbage dumps, like the one at the turnaround from the Moscow Ring Road to Dolgoprudny.

      And 3 years ago in a provincial town where the grave of my grandfather, 2 minors up to **** ba 14 and 16 years old got drunk and destroyed a gravestone, the surname on the stone is Russian. Geeks were sentenced to probation.

      Yes, once in the Middle Ages we were better, before the Tatar-Mongol, birch bark letters of that era testify to the general literacy of the population. Among those found, there are protocols of litigation, inheritance, several letters were found, whether somewhere between wives and husband, toli, on the contrary, writes what to buy at the bazaar. But now it's sadder ...

      1. +1
        7 February 2012 12: 36
        Well, firstly, Moscow and St. Petersburg are not all of Russia yet, and there are hardly half of the population of Russians, so it is somehow incorrect to speak for all Russians using the example of Moscow and St. Petersburg. I live in Rostov-on-Don, by the nature of my work I often visit Voronezh, Saratov, Volgograd, again, by the nature of my work, I often visit taverns, but nowhere have I seen young people vomiting and lying on the asphalt in front of taverns. Of course, I saw "shit / piss" at various social events (football, concerts) and myself, to be honest, I used to walk under a tree, but when there is 1000 toilet for 1 people, "let my conscience burst better than my bladder." And the Finns don't drink at all: - so, smile.
        1. +2
          7 February 2012 13: 00
          oh well)) I understand I don’t want to be a drunken nation, but the truth is the same and do not argue, but today we have big problems with it. I don’t know how in the capitals, but in the Urals, in Siberia, you do not need to bother to see the blue youth. For example, in the evening it’s worth going out to the porch .. not to mention the streets and taverns .. I need to talk about this ..
  6. +6
    6 February 2012 11: 18
    Conversation of Russian and German:
    “You are barbarians, Asians, how you can do this with a civilized person.”
    - Are you civilized? It is we Slavs who taught you goats hygiene and wash before eating. We already had our own Slavic state when you stumbled through the forests and stole glass beads and foul meat from each other.
  7. +5
    6 February 2012 11: 23
    All right. The Russians were never a nation of drunks - this myth began to be planted during perestroika, and subsequently cultivated by various liberal figures who thereby wanted to blame the betrayal of the party elite on the people.
    Alcohol consumption began to grow in the late 70s and then in the 90s.
    1. Eugene
      6 February 2012 13: 59
      It was not in the Middle Ages. And since the 17th century it has gone.

      wiki slicing:

      In his notes, the Englishman Fletcher writes:

      Unhappy workers and artisans often spend in taverns all that they would have to bring to their wives and children; often you can see how they drink even clothes and remain completely naked

      Saxon scientist Adam Olearius, who visited Russia in the first half of the 20th century. noted [XNUMX]

      Russians are devoted to drunkenness more than any other people in the world. When they get drunk too much, then, like unbridled animals, they passionately surrender to everything that their passionate desires prompt. The vice of drunkenness, Olearius wrote, is equally common among the Russian people in all classes, between men and women, old and small, spiritual and secular, higher and lower, to such an extent that the sight of a drunk person lying around in a puddle is a phenomenon ordinary

      Serbian priest Y. Krizhanich, after visiting Russia in the second half of the XNUMXth century, wrote:
      Nowhere in the world, except for one Russian power, is it possible to see such vile drunkenness: men and women are lying in the mud in the streets. The laity and the spiritual, and many die from drunkenness.

      In the XNUMXth century, Peter Petreus de Erlesund, the envoy of the Swedish king, wrote
      ... those who do not drink without stopping have no place among Russians. That is why they talk about those who do not eat or drink at the celebration: you do not drink, do not eat, it means that you do not want to do me credit, "and the Russians are very dissatisfied with those who drink less than they would like. if a person drinks as much as they pour him, they make him feel welcome and treat him like a best friend.

      ... therefore, below the strata of the population of this country, the life-giving and motivating driving force, which is self-esteem, is alien, they do not want to rise and get rich in order to increase their pleasures, their life is monotonous anywhere, ... their needs are meager, their habits have become rigid.

      In 1839, Astolf de Custine celebrated
      The greatest pleasure to these people is drunkenness, in other words - oblivion. Poor people! They need to dream in order to know happiness.

      In theory, one can believe a Serb, and I don’t think that the rest are lying very much.
      Remember Dostoevsky with his "Crime and Punishment", and Blok (Stranger) "and the drunks with the eyes of rabbits in vina veritas scream", "and every evening the only friend in my glass is reflected by the moisture tart and mysterious how I am humbled and stunned", " you are a really drunken monster, I know the truth in wine. "
      %D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B0_1917.jpg картинка,что-то не прикрепляется.
      1. aver
        11 January 2014 16: 53
        Chew the VIKI salad yourself. Drunkenness was introduced by "Jewish" commissars from 1917 ...
    2. oper66
      7 February 2012 13: 45
      wide-brimmed hats were invented in Europe in order to protect the head and face from shit that poured from night pots onto the street directly onto the heads of passers-by, and this is how fact speaks of the cleanliness of Europeans
  8. 755962
    6 February 2012 11: 28
    Somewhere, I listened and watched a lecture by a KGB professor on drunkenness and alcoholism, naturally on the internet. So there (professor) clearly connected the laws of state and economy politics with this disaster. And this is all a myth and fairy tales that Russians drank a lot . Gorbachev's introduction of the Prohibition Act did more harm than the law itself.
    1. Tyumen
      6 February 2012 13: 38
      An anecdote of those times.
      Gorbachev on the farm:
      Well, women, do your men spend a lot on vodka?
      Oh, a lot, Mikhalsergeich, a lot ...
      Drive it!
      So no sugar! smile
    2. Stanter
      14 February 2012 08: 36
      This is a lecture by Efimov, I advise everyone to see his work, you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things. I recommend it again. efimov-alkogol-eto-gennoe-oruzhie
  9. +1
    6 February 2012 11: 29
  10. Gur
    6 February 2012 11: 45
    At the expense of drunkenness .. the author is not entirely correct ... or rather not accurate.
    So in the book .. Ivan Vasilievich (John 3) describes the treating of Latin wine to guests in large quantities (in general, the content of guests at the court is amazing, cattle, vegetables, fruits and all such food stood out, also in large quantities, and the guests at the court had a meal separately, since such gluttony as the ambassadors had was not accepted at court) and the son of John3, Andrew suffers from gout, and about whom the tsar says, "He drinks a lot of Latin wine."
    And the times of Peter? when libations entered the cult ?? and then stretched .... hussars, junkers, champagne and a crunch of French rolls .. No, again they all reduced to the Bolsheviks)))))))
    As for cleanliness, history can be left alone .. let's look at the world today. I can't say that, in the west of the city, there are styryl, littered with dog excrement, Paris, New York suffers from constant gluttony, where a bunch of rats have spread out because of the scraps. Well, as for Russia, we don't have to go far either ... we have less and less clean and not dirty places. Moreover, the mentality of people has changed, (or rather, they lost their fear) the remark made about an abandoned piece of paper, cigarette or garbage near the entrance (in nature, metro, street - underline the necessary) no longer have the proper effect. Some live for one day, others are "guests", and still others believe that it is beneath their dignity to bring garbage to the tank.
    1. Hans grohman
      6 February 2012 17: 12
      Greetings, GUR!

      Quote: GUR
      At the expense of drunkenness .. the author is not entirely correct ... or rather not accurate.

      I agree, but summing up on this issue, he is not mistaken. I would like to add that you always have to start with yourself! By the way, I’ve been drinking alcohol for half a year at all, out of principle, and don’t feel any discomfort about it. I wish the same to all forum users.
  11. +4
    6 February 2012 12: 03
    The West uses a simple method - by humiliating others, it tries to rise itself. They love to admire their "civilization and advanced". All of their so-called advancement is nothing but a demonstration of their own licentiousness, moral and spiritual fall.
  12. marline
    6 February 2012 12: 04
    + 100 all right
  13. marline
    6 February 2012 12: 49
    Scientific data obtained by American scientists
    1. marline
      6 February 2012 21: 24

      Genetic code - a method of encoding the amino acid sequence of proteins using a nucleotide sequence is passed from generation to generation without changes for millennia.
  14. Vrangel
    6 February 2012 12: 56
    The whole difference in drunkenness between the West and Russia is as follows! A Russian person drinks in a company, but is treated alone, and a Western one is drunk alone, and is treated in a company :)
  15. Old prdun
    6 February 2012 12: 59
    The first baseboards and water pipes were still in the Roman Empire.
    1. 0
      6 February 2012 13: 56
      After the fall of Rome ... European civilization for centuries plunged into the darkness of the Middle Ages, the Roman Empire, and this is almost the whole of Europe, from a prosperous state turned into nothing ... cities were ruined by barbarians, destroyed. the people are poor ...
      North Africa and the Middle East came under the influence of Arabs, Sedjuk Turks, and this is a completely different culture from Europeans ......
  16. PIRATE
    6 February 2012 13: 16
    We had this problem back in the 90s due to the zombie of TVs or a popular opinion like "Russian, but without a glass !?" And even then, many films were released where ours cannot do without vodka, I think that it significantly influenced the worldview of the population. Although I myself do not drink, I can say that some of my acquaintances are not averse to taking a sip.
  17. +4
    6 February 2012 13: 31
    As medical research has shown, Russians have no genetic predisposition to alcoholism. The causes of alcoholism in Russia are social.
  18. +1
    6 February 2012 13: 38
    We asked ... if the country. And then we are looking for who is making a fool of us. Nobody is standing with a pistol at the temple. They themselves should understand what’s what. We need to be kind to each other.
  19. Alexey Prikazchikov
    6 February 2012 13: 42
    1 Uganda 17.6
    2 Luxembourg 15.6
    3 Ireland 13.7
    4 Hungary 13.6
    5 Republic of Moldova 13.2
    6 Czech Republic 13.0
    7 Croatia 12.3
    8 Germany 12.0
    9 UK 11.8
    10 Denmark 11.7
    11 Spain 11.7
    12 Cyprus 11.5
    13 Portugal 11.5
    14 Saint Lucia 11.5
    15 France 11.4
    16 Austria 11.1
    17 Switzerland 10.8
    18 Belgium 10.6
    19 Nigeria 10.6
    20 Bahamas 10.4
    21 Slovakia 10.4
    22 Russian Federation 10.4

    ok narot everything is not so bad we have drunkenness
    1. gor
      6 February 2012 14: 00
      in fact, statistics is a stubborn thing and these figures only concern what has been officially sold. How much did people count in Russia for samopal? And the figures of about 15 million people are official registered alcoholics and drug addicts, i.e. more than 10% of the population They say? And how many more are they unofficial? Do not be glad that someone has drunk you. You should try to drink but so that wisely
      1. marline
        6 February 2012 16: 29
        "we must try to drink" - a demoniac foe wink
      2. 750
        6 February 2012 22: 01
        A booze is the same drug, and even worse than grass, to use it wisely - is it applicable to HEROIN? Yes, I can easily not consume ... or moderately- NU-Well. Only unlike drugs, the trafficking of which (i.e., it is not fighting, but monitoring) is monitored by the state drug control, is it sold everywhere. For spice hunting, and Baltic 9 here. Medveput is awakening about sobriety - but around the stop with a beer with a cocktail, the chip at the plant is combined with the stop ...
      3. Alexey Prikazchikov
        6 February 2012 22: 59
        You fool is the WHO data for the 2010 year, in the Russian Federation thanks to measures to combat alcoholism, this figure is planned to be halved by the 2020 year. At the moment, the figure is 8.4
        1. gor
          7 February 2012 09: 31
          who drank it and will drink. ento how to cut so gathered?
    2. 0
      6 February 2012 14: 18
      By the way, the figure of 18l is everywhere mentioned. in Russia
      1. Alexey Prikazchikov
        6 February 2012 23: 01
        Everywhere this is a very old figure, do not forget that there is a lot of garbage on the Internet.
    3. 750
      6 February 2012 22: 02
      ... cut by glasses ...
  20. 0
    6 February 2012 15: 26

    By the way, the figure of 18l is everywhere mentioned. in Russia, this is 36 bottles of vodka per year. do you drink so much? drinks laughing
    1. 0
      6 February 2012 15: 38
      do you think it’s not enough? Well, this average figure is displayed. 3 bottles for a month for my neighbor is not an indicator at all .. he takes at least a half-liter a day ... I bite off at the weekend 0.5 if desired and it's kind of like not drinking ... drinks
      Do you really think that the British and French drink 11 liters a year?))
    2. Tyumen
      6 February 2012 16: 20
      Quote: datur
      in Russia- this is 36 bottles of vodka

      Buy any and check with an alcohol meter. 18l is 50 bottles.
    3. oleg-sochi68
      7 February 2012 02: 01
      18 liters of alcohol - 80-85 bottles of vodka. And it seems that the entire population is present in these statistics, along with the children.
  21. 0
    6 February 2012 18: 59
    Men. Of course, drinking alcohol is not good, but knowing the measure .... Much better than dope. And + company
    1. Tyumen
      7 February 2012 10: 42
      Quote: bandabas
      alcohol is not good, but knowing the measure.

      I know the measure, but will you drink it? But seriously, most know the measure to the first glass. If a person has a hereditary or acquired tendency, then only treatment will help. I killed half my life on a booze until I came under hypnosis and acupuncture. How cut off. Complete indifference the third year, I myself do not believe.
  22. -3
    6 February 2012 21: 50
    Vodka, the first mental medicine.
  23. 750
    6 February 2012 21: 54
    Just say it in a rumor to the universe — I WANT TO BE SOBBLE — and you will see how life begins to change. Until you want to, nothing will change. Himself, personally soberly annealed much better, brighter, remember everything, scary women immediately to the south, the next day YOURS. NOT A BODYWORK. And I just wanted to drink today, but I said to the universe: I WANT TO BE SOBBLE, and saw the video (Gleb, thank you so much for the video), and something, well, fucked him, I slept for two hours, and let go blue would only cover. I ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE, AND MEANING TO BE Sober.
    but knowing the measure .... Much better than dope
    -classical trap, As well as a tit in the hands. Both choices, especially the one that is "better" - a dead end, and with regards to alcohol, after the grass in the morning I could go, even with an overdose, and from blue 0,25L - rest (until complete sobriety) before lunch.
    About 50 bottles in the film was said at 11 liters. per year, and the amount of the USSR, what now is about 70-80?
  24. 0
    6 February 2012 22: 42
    Well, 18 liters is 50 half a liter .. Ok! or 25 liters of vodka ... Ok! We divide 25 by 365 .... 70 grams per day .. Chazov recommends approximately the same dose for the prevention of cardiac diseases ..... So why are we screaming brothers ...
  25. ICT
    7 February 2012 01: 32
    Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
    You fool is the WHO data for the 2010 year, in the Russian Federation thanks to measures to combat alcoholism, this figure is planned to be halved by the 2020 year. At the moment, the figure is 8.4

    at one time, Shnderovich said on this topic that there is no accounting for moonshine (I drive myself, I insist), there is no accounting for those. alcohol which has never been used for equipment (at one time he wrote off 24kg every month, about half a liter a year was allocated for contacts) (in culture mines, several tones of alcohol are written off for rubbing keys of pianos and pianos), there is also swill like "Trojar" and " hawthorn ", so we are probably the first in this rating

    and in fancia it’s a glass of red wine at dinner, calvados, and finally cognac
  26. oleg-sochi68
    7 February 2012 02: 11
    I will not scream and prove that I am a teetotaler. I can get drunk in the trash. But I allow myself this very rarely (2-3 times a year). However, if I drink, then at home or with friends (I stay overnight or take a taxi. I don’t hang around drunk. I don’t drink vodka for 50-100 rubles. For 22 years of my family life there has not been a single scandal on the basis of alcohol. And I know no drinkers, So it all depends on the person and his upbringing. They wrote correctly - no one pours into anyone's mouth. And, as they say, "from a hard life" - crap, first of all you need to respect yourself.
    1. Gur
      7 February 2012 13: 41
      Likewise !! In his youth .. (after the army) when, after the collapse of the USSR, the country was filled up with all sorts of crap .. from the "piano" to the left "Amaretto", then, it happened to taste badly, but it was rare and on holidays, on weekdays work, it holy)). The older the less, and now it's generally like that .. three 50 and a mustache, on weekends, in the evening. But what about brothers, how can you refuse, with potatoes with herring, with a killet? and for dumplings? and under the salts ... what are you! As the grill general in "Peculiarities of the National Hunt" - "it all depends on the culture of drinking." And if, you work out for the whole day, so your arms and legs are buzzing, and even in the cold. That my dear people is the first cure for lamota. ))) But I don't like drunkards. When in the morning there are "buglers" and from the throat, and what is typical of young people, too, you look at someone running to work who has a "Baltika 9" who is warming up stronger ...
      1. 0
        8 February 2012 06: 32
        Well done GUR!
        It's a similar story. I’m only abusing beer, I already have extra weight. I would have to drop it to horseradish, but I really want to. I’m sure I can get into alcoholism. I quit smoking 7 years ago, just because my son was born, he said I don’t have any more tobacco in the house. Now only on New Year’s I buy myself a fragrant cigarilla and torment it for 2 days.
        By the way, smokers drinking alcohol and beer should be fought through sellers. Awesomely increase the fine, up to 5-10 thousand, deprive a license, conduct raids with control purchases, etc. But no one does this. When you make a remark to the seller, you usually hear that his age is not written on his forehead. But they have children themselves. Where are we going !?
        1. Gur
          8 February 2012 10: 54
          I respect beer too, but lately I don’t allow myself much, and I advise you too .. reduce ... gout .. shitty thing. Doctors said to drink only vodka, and in moderation .. but how to drink its stsuku in summer fishing? here and so the heat is up to 35 ty .. so I took a bottle of cool beer and stretch it for half a day .. By the way, as with beer, I cut the norm .. and the weight returned to normal (though it was 95-98) now it was 87 true by winter scored. To smoke .. now it’s gotten more .. nerves and crap all about work, 10 cigarettes a day. I want to quit .. until it works. )))
  27. 0
    7 February 2012 08: 16
    all the shit from Europe-alcohol, tobacco, now we started to supply fag
    1. gor
      7 February 2012 09: 35
      s local)))))))))))))) fashion is now in Russia ..... on s
    2. +5
      7 February 2012 13: 03
      all shit from europe

      it doesn’t justify us ..
  28. doktoraikasap
    7 February 2012 12: 42
    Fu, what is only worth the mash, or okroshka with a view - that this is someone already eating ...
  29. Stanter
    14 February 2012 08: 55
    Tolstoy did not advise bad.