Veterans seek justice and protect the interests of the Armed Forces. An open letter to the President of Russia

To the President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
Russian Federation
PUTIN Vladimir Vladimirovich

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation!
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

We, pensioners of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and persons equivalent to them, appeal to you in connection with the systematic violation by the legislators, the Government of the Russian Federation of item XXUMX, item XXUMX of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and discrimination of military personnel, pensioners on the basis of our social service.

Legal justification.

1. Federal Law 19.12.2016-FZ of 430 "On the suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation" On the pension provision of persons serving in the military, serving in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, the control bodies for the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the Federal Service of Forces of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families "in connection with the Federal Law" On the Federal Budget for 2017 year and for the planned period The 2018 and 2019 years were suspended until January 1 of 2018. The following rules for the provision of pensions to individuals who served in the military service, police department, drug control agencies, Rosguards, and their families were suspended:
- the money allowance is taken into account when calculating pensions from 1 in January 2012 in the amount of 54% and from 1 in January 2013 increases annually by 2% until reaching 100% of its size (indexation);
- taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices), the Law on the Federal Budget indicated the annual increase may be established for the next fiscal year in an amount exceeding 2%.

As a result of the suspension of the above-mentioned actions in 2017, the state’s guarantee for protecting the soldiers ’money allowance from depreciation has not been fulfilled for the past five years (2013-2017gg), that is, for the entire duration of the Federal Law 07.11.2011 No. 306-ФЗ" On the monetary allowance of servicemen and the provision of separate payments to them. "

However, the “freezing” of pension indexation and the introduction of a reduction factor taken into account when calculating pensions did not apply to the following categories of military retirees, including their family members (paragraph 6, article 12 FZ from 08.11.2011 No. 309-FZ):
- Judges of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and military courts;
- prosecutors (including military personnel of the military prosecutor's office);
- employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including the military investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation);
- federal state civil servants.

Such selectivity of legislators, the Government of the Russian Federation with regard to military pensioners and persons equal to them, to limit our rights, violates the principle of equality established by Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 16.06.2007-P 12, where it is said - "In the field of pension Ensuring compliance with the principle of equality means, among other things, the prohibition to introduce non-objective and reasonable justification for differences in the pension rights of persons belonging to the same category (prohibition of different treatment of persons with in similar or similar situations). "

In addition, such “innovations” do not fully comply with the provisions of paragraph 2, article 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (“The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws have supremacy over the entire territory of the Russian Federation”) and article XXUMX of the Federal Constitutional Law No. 6-FKZ of 21.07.1994 (as amended by 1) "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" ("Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are binding throughout the Russian Federation for all representative, executive and judicial bodies of state power, local governments, enterprises, institutions organizations, officials, citizens and their associations ").

In accordance with Article 2 and 6 of the Federal Law 27.05.2003-FZ No. 58-FZ (as amended by 23.07.2016) “On the system of state service of the Russian Federation”, military service is included in the system of federal state service and is a type of state service. The system of federal state service includes: state civil service, military service, and other types of state service.

If this system of public service, then why is it not complying with the principle of equality in pensions established by Art. 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 16.06.2007-P No. 12?

Why are legislators, the government of the Russian Federation various restrictions in the form of a reduction factor; lowering the percentage of years of service and tariff categories; the establishment of only one additive that is taken into account when calculating the pension; suspension of pension indexation applies with 2012-2013. only to military men and persons equal to them?

It follows from the meaning of the aforementioned legislative acts that such restrictions should be fully applied to federal civil servants of the Presidential Administration and the Government of the Russian Federation, people's deputies of the federal level, officials of various state corporations.

However, when the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on 02.08.2012 No. 1100 “On Improving the Remuneration of Federal Civil Servants of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation” increased the federal government civil servants and equated them to the military, the lawmakers “forgot” to apply a reduction factor to them to calculate pensions, as well as for military investigators, prosecutors, judges, and this despite the fact that we all belong to the same type of federal public service .

If, in accordance with paragraph 1, article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, we live in a social state, then where is the justice? Why such stratification and selectivity in the application of the pension formula in the same group of federal civil servants?

In this case, we believe that the legislators, the Government of the Russian Federation, have grossly violated Section 2, Article 19, of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where it says “The state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official position , place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations, as well as other circumstances.Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious grounds is prohibited. nadlezhnosti ".

2. In accordance with Art. 43 of the RF Law No. 12.02.1993-4468 of 1 (as amended by 03.07.2016, as amended by 19.12.2016) "On the pension coverage of persons serving in the military, in the internal affairs bodies, in the State Fire Service, in the control bodies for trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families "(as amended and added, entered into force with 01.01.2017), when calculating the pension for military personnel and equivalent to them persons for long service, are counted about way of military post, the salary for military rank (excluding salary increases for service in remote, mountainous areas and in other special circumstances) and only one monthly premium (for longevity - length of service). Other allowances received by military personnel for maintenance during military service are not taken into account (they are not taken into account).

However, since January 1 2017 of the year, in accordance with paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 17.10.2009 from 818 (as amended by 09.08.2016) "On Approval of the Rules for Determining Average Monthly Earnings, from which the amount of pension for long years of federal public civil servants "the size of their pension for long service, calculated from their average monthly earnings.

To determine the average monthly wage, the cash allowance of civil servants is taken into account, consisting of the following payments:
- Monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the class rank of the federal state civil service assigned to him;
- Monthly supplement to the salary for long service on the federal state civil service;
- The monthly allowance to the official salary for the special conditions of the federal state civil service;
- The monthly percentage allowance to the official salary for working with information constituting a state secret;
- monthly cash incentives;
- awards for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks;
- a lump sum payment in the provision of annual paid leave and material assistance paid at the expense of the wage fund of civil servants.

In addition, other payments provided for by the relevant federal laws and other regulatory legal acts are also taken into account.

In other words - the retirement pension for civil servants is calculated from the total of their income, from all payments received by them during the passage of public service.

If military service is part of a unified system of federal public service, then why for military personnel and persons equivalent to them, when calculating pensions, only one monthly allowance is taken into account, and for federal state civil servants all multiple allowances to earnings are taken into account?

In this case, the legislators, the Government of the Russian Federation, have violated the principle of equality in the field of pensions, prohibiting the introduction of differences in the pension rights of persons belonging to the same category without an objective and reasonable justification (prohibition of different treatment of persons in similar or similar situations) "established by the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 16.06.2007-P of 12. And the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are binding throughout the Russian Federation, for all representative, executive and judicial authorities, local authorities.

It seems that the security of our country is somewhere in the background.

3. Federal Law No. 15.12.2001-ФЗ from 166 (as amended by 03.07.2016) "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" (as amended and added, entered into force with 01.01.2017), in accordance with the Annex "State Civil Service, experience of municipal service for assignment of pensions for long service "(Table No. 1), lawmakers, for federal civil servants, established a ten-year process of transition to a single length of civil service (20 years) in the system of federal civil service, allowing them to receive (assign) pensions behind long service.

This means that the amount of the established minimum length of service required to receive a seniority pension for federal state civil servants (20 years) is equal only after 10 years with the minimum length of service required for receiving a seniority pension set by law for military personnel and persons equal to it (20 years).

This innovation allows federal civil servants, despite the economic and financial difficulties of the state, to retain the right to receive their high pensions and earlier retirement for years that 10 and military servicemen and persons equivalent to them cannot afford.

The question is, why should federal state civil servants receive a pension earlier (by 5 years!) Than military retirees? Is the risk of life, the deprivation of service, the complexity of work and the responsibility in the quietness of the offices they have higher than that of the military?

Veterans seek justice and protect the interests of the Armed Forces. An open letter to the President of Russia

The same law (FZ from 15.12.2001 No. 166-FZ) also establishes the federal state civil servant a percentage of the pension received depending on the length of service of the civil service (Table No. 2).

Experience of the state civil (municipal) service for assignment of pensions for years of service

It follows from the table that federal civil servants both received and will continue to receive higher pensions (from 60 to 51%) for five years with public service in 20 years than is established by law for military personnel and their peers persons (for 20 years of service - 50%).

And finances for this are always in the federal budget. But how then can we understand the numerous appeals to the people of state authorities and their representatives about the observance of economy, the need to reduce social guarantees, the tightening of belts, the abolition of pensions for working pensioners, etc.? Why does all this not apply to federal civil servants?

It turns out that the most difficult and intense public service of federal civil servants and, therefore, they are more protected in social terms than military personnel and persons equivalent to them.

But the legislators, the Government of the Russian Federation, are well aware that persons performing military service perform constitutionally significant functions, which determine their special legal status, as well as the content and nature of state responsibilities in relation to them.

The need for military personnel to perform assigned tasks in any conditions, including those with significant risks to life and health, entails the obligation of the state to guarantee these individuals special social protection that complies with their special status established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But in fact it turned out the opposite.

4. Federal law on 07.11.2011 N 306-FZ (as amended by 19.12.2016) "On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them" section 13, Art.2, sets monthly allowances for the salaries of military personnel, which begin to operate only after 2 years of service.

At the same time, in accordance with Federal Law No. 27.07.2004-FZ No. 79-FZ (as amended by 03.07.2016, as amended by 19.12.2016) “On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (as amended and added, came into force with 01.01.2017 a) the monthly allowance to the official salary for long service in the civil service begins to operate already from the 1 service year (clause 1, item 5, item 50).

Why should military personnel receive this surcharge only after 2 years of service? Do they not perform military service before this time, do not carry combat duty, do not take part in military conflicts, and cannot die there? Does this mean that the servicemen for the first two years of their service are exempt from the words of the oath - "... I swear to fulfill the military duty with dignity, bravely defend freedom, independence and the constitutional order of Russia, the people and the Fatherland"?

5. The RF Government Decree 21.12.2011 No. 1073 “On the Procedure for Paying a Monthly Premium for Special Conditions of Military Service to Soldiers Undergoing Military Service under the Contract”, paragraph 3 p. A) sets the maximum amount of payment of the monthly allowance for special conditions of military service to 100% of the monthly salary according to the military position held.

And by the Federal Law on 27.07.2004 No. 79-ФЗ (as amended by 03.07.2016, as amended by 19.12.2016) "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (as amended and added. Entered into force with 01.01.2017), paragraph 2, p. 5 St. 50, Chapter 10 The monthly allowance to the official salary for special conditions of civil service is set at up to 200%.

If service in the Armed Forces is indeed a special type of federal public service, which stipulates not only the presentation of increased requirements for persons admitted to it and the establishment of legal restrictions on their rights and freedoms, but also predetermines the duty of the state by virtue of Article XXUMX ( .1), 1, 2, 7 (p.15), 1 (p.17), 3 (p.19), 2 (p.37 and 1), 3 (p.39 and 1), 2 (n .45), 1 and 59 (paragraphs "c", "m", "t") of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - to guarantee them increased social protection (Resolution of the Constitutional Court RF from 71 No. 18.03.2004-P), then why is the legislator, the Government of the Russian Federation allowed the infringement of the rights of military personnel and persons equivalent to them by setting such different sizes of the monthly allowance?

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation!
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

After analyzing only a few regulatory legal acts regulating the official activities of federal public civil servants for compliance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation in comparison with military service, we came to the following conclusions:

a) legislators and the Government of the Russian Federation, using their rights and capabilities, in the course of developing regulatory legal acts on the regulation of official and financial activities of federal public civil servants, committed direct violations of Section I2, Section XXUMX of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Resolutions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and other legislative acts Of the Russian Federation and put them in a much more privileged position in relation to representatives of military service.

In addition, we believe that the scope and content of the established very high social protection measures for civilian officials do not fully correspond to their status, nature of service, and moral and ethical standards. This is especially noticeable on the background of the size of old-age insurance pensions established by the state for ordinary citizens of Russia;

b) by their illegal actions, lawmakers, the Government of the Russian Federation, have downplayed the role and special status of military service established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (article 1 (p. 1), 2, 7, 15 (p. 1), 17 (p. 3), 19 (p. .2), 37 (1 and 3), 39 (1 and 2), 45 (1), 59 and 71 (points "c", "m", "t"), by a Resolution of the Constitutional Court RF 18.03.2004 number 6-P and thus, allowed discrimination against military retirees and persons equivalent to them on the basis of their social identity;

c) the establishment by legislators, the Government of the Russian Federation for representatives of the federal civil service and other types of service of significantly higher social benefits and, in our opinion, exceeding reasonable limits than for representatives of military service, undermines the system of interconnection of all types of civil service, the principles of its construction and functioning established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on 27.05.2003 No. 58-FZ (Art. 3) and constitutes discrimination in relation to military service;

d) further tightening the adoption of appropriate measures to resolve the legal conflict that has arisen daily undermines the faith of the defenders of the Motherland, veterans and their family members towards state authorities, high command and in the justice of Russian laws, increases the extremely negative emotions that exist towards officials, and ordinary citizens - causes reluctance to send their sons to serve in the army. Since they see that being an “effective manager” is more profitable and prestigious than defending their homeland;

e) in no way diminishing the significance of the tasks performed by federal state civil servants, we at the same time believe that the social guarantees established by the state for them and representatives of the military service do not fully correspond to the complex financial and economic situation in the country, capabilities of the state and their content do not meet the requirements for a unified system of the federal public service and, therefore, require adjustment.

Taking into account the above, guided by the provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 33) - where it is stated that "citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to apply in person, as well as to send individual and collective appeals to state bodies and local governments", in order to prevent further violation of the provisions of the Constitution Of the Russian Federation and elimination of legal collisions - we ASK:

1. Organize legal due diligence of previously adopted normative legal acts regulating the official activities of federal state civil servants, military personnel and persons equivalent to them for their compliance with the provisions and norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, other legislative acts and special legislation established for them by the legislation of the Russian Federation status and nature of service.

2. To obligate, if necessary, the relevant state authorities to prepare and make the necessary changes (additions) to the regulatory legal acts.

3. Take measures to further prevent discrimination of military service, pensioners on the basis of social belonging to military service.

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation!

To contact you through this media has led us to the fact that at the moment we do not see any other way and opportunity to influence the situation.

In addition, by pointing to specific law-making conflicts, we did not in any way want to incite hatred and enmity, as well as to allow the diminution of dignity in relation to federal public civil servants.

Best regards,
retired law enforcement agencies:
G. Zavyalov, L. Grishin, V. R. Usakov,, E. Vinnitsky, V. Karabanov, A. Bunkovsky, I. Shvets.
91 comment
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  1. +21
    7 February 2017 06: 05
    I consider the appeal to GDP correct, I fully support it. I think it is pointless to analyze the article, because it lists EVERYTHING quite intelligibly, and most importantly - JUST. We are waiting for a response (if of course it follows).
    1. +16
      7 February 2017 07: 03
      Quote: aszzz888
      We are waiting for a response (if of course it follows).

      But this is the most interesting!

      No money, but you hang on there!
      1. +11
        7 February 2017 12: 30
        Quote: Titsen
        Quote: aszzz888
        We are waiting for a response (if of course it follows).

        But this is the most interesting!
        No money, but you hang on there!

        The problem is that those who adopt these laws did not serve in the army for a day, but immediately jumped from an institute or university to public service. Obviously assuming that the phrase from the oath: - "Endure the hardships and deprivations of military service" extends its effect to military personnel and the retirement period of their lives, until their death.
        1. +2
          8 February 2017 09: 54
          Such dirty tricks - this is the face of the kagala EP. However, this situation is only an insignificant episode in comparison with other dirty tricks of these garbage that are in the Kremlin.
      2. +5
        7 February 2017 17: 58
        Thank God that the minuses were canceled - right now they would have started to trample me !!!
        I’ll go straight to the points:
        1) Civil servants - just like military pensioners, DO NOT receive indexation for inflation. It has been frozen twice for 3 years and has never been indexed.
        2) Forced to quote - “To determine the average monthly income, the monetary content of civil servants is taken into account, consisting of the following payments:
        - the monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the class rank of the federal state civil service assigned to him; ......... ". This is great and just wonderful-BUT! the monthly salary of a civil servant is crying with tears. For example, customs officers:
        "Salaries and monthly cash incentives for federal state civil servants filling individual positions in regional customs departments, at customs, at customs posts at the interregional level of the Federal Customs Service
        Head of Regional Customs Administration - 5787
        Deputy Head of Customs -3700
        Head of customs post -5562
        Chief State Customs Inspector of Customs (Customs Post) - 3000 "
        now chin
        "Valid State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Class 1, 1850 (this Shevtsova T.V. from MO)
        Acting State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Class 2, 1750
        Acting State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Class 3, 1650
        State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Class 1, 1500
        State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Class 2, 1400
        State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Class 3, 1300
        Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, Class 1, 1150
        Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, Class 2, 1050
        Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, Class 3, 950
        Assistant of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, Class 1, Class 900(ordinary average civil servant, the most mass rank) "
        everything else is a percentage of the salary, the maximum amount from the EDP - may be up to 2 salaries.
        On average, the chief state customs inspector leaves 28-30 thousand a month and about 400 000 a year
        all figures are painted here "Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 25.07.2006 N 763 (as amended on 26.01.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX)" On the monetary maintenance of federal state civil servants ".
        3) an earlier retirement - in general, someone wrote nonsense to them, well or not everyone understood it. For civil servants - the age of retirement was 60 years. 20 years had to be worked out - in order to start receiving it. Since May, by decree, the age has been raised to 65 men and 63 women (already working since 01.01.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX). ANY public servant cannot retire (except of course disability) BEFORE the retirement age. This is a fundamental difference from the military, we or / and in the army do not. I have 26 years of service civil services (military experience included) and 19 years (was 14) until retirement ...
        4) 79-FZ (in general, this is the main law governing the civil service)
        "Additional payments include:
        1) a monthly bonus to the official salary for long service in the civil service in the amount of:
         with civil service experience as a percentage of 1 to 5 years-10
         from 5 to 10 years-15
         from 10 to 15 years - 20
         over 15 years - 30; "(from a salary of 3000 rubles - a whole thousand dripping for length of service)
        5) again from the salary - "up to 200%" will be no more than 6
        6) the conclusion "of federal state civil servants, military personnel and persons equated with them, with a view to their compliance with the provisions and norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, other legislative acts and the special status and nature of service established for them by the legislation of the Russian Federation." - if civil servants are equated with the military, it will be great for everyone (our salaries will rise to at least 30 thousand feel ), but if military pensioners are equated with pensioners, civil servants - receiving a pension of 12-14 thousand ....

        Z.Y. I do not detract from the merits / hardships / deprivations of the military - but in vain they decided to equal the civil service ...
        Z.Z.Z. if anyone has doubts about my numbers, go to the regional website of ANY government agency, the section "personnel work" and / or "income information" - there will be information for several years for any civil servant of this body. Prizes, whatever were mad, included in this money (certificate 2-personal income tax).
        If a person inadvertently has a Lexus / Merin + land of 3 hectares in the suburbs of Moscow, then this is most likely an option for the warehouse manager in the army. Alas, it often happens, however, as in the army.

        For a long time I want to write an article about the civil service - there is no time to write clearly. And then the "school directors are civil servants", "resigned", and so on, like pearls
        1. 0
          7 February 2017 22: 43
          Quote: your1970
          For a long time I want to write an article about the civil service - there is no time to write clearly. And then the "school directors are civil servants", "resigned", and so on, like pearls

          I didn’t quote your entire comment, but only its end hooked. It’s immediately obvious that “mine1970” is completely different for the military))) In fairness, you did not have to paint such an extensive commentary on the “inconsistency” of the submitted material with the “harsh”! reality, but it was only necessary to recognize the fact of the injustice of circumcision of the pension of military pensioners in the amount of 54% of the earned. Let the state first equalize the retirement value of 100% of the 100% earned, and then it is cast out over all sorts of factors for government and civil servants. Why do not you notice such a clearly discriminatory step by the government, specifically with respect to military pensioners? In fairness, it is necessary for all to establish a lowering 54% and dance every year for 2% with increasing. And maybe then nothing will enrage you?
          1. +2
            7 February 2017 23: 41
            you don’t understand what exactly they wrote about in the petition. They wrote - that military pensioners should have all the charms of financing civil servants and pensioners of civil servants. The authors write about the fact that principles are violated in comparison with the civil service.
            I explained that there are no more than 30 thousand salaries (and there will never be, apparently, for nothing, judging by your opinion), almost 000% of civil servants (and there are 90 and quite a lot of such posts, level of knowledge / skills / desire to work for the money crying ), there are practically no pensions of more than 10 thousand (and there are also minimal ones) ... Our salaries are cheap, at least hang them up with interest, at least ...
            Your humble servant has a income of 240 thousand last year (the chief specialist is an expert) - after 19 years I will receive a pension of about 9 thousand (according to current calculation standards). This is practically your 54% level crying cryingAlmost nowhere to run - 47 years old ...

            Z.Y. 9 years (2 terms) of military service hi
            1. 0
              8 February 2017 00: 10
              Quote: your1970
              you don’t understand what exactly they wrote about in the petition. They wrote - that military pensioners should have all the charms of financing civil servants and pensioners of civil servants. The authors write about the fact that principles are violated in comparison with the civil service.

              Let's not pull the blanket! The most important thing they pointed out was the lack of a unified state approach to the formation of pensions for people in the public service. It is clear that there is a funding framework for pensions, beyond which some of the "servants of the people" have no way out, but there is a desire to improve their position in old age. How to achieve this? Everything is correct. Without going beyond the scope of financing, you just need a certain category, divided into subcategories, then get into the pocket of one of the categories and transfer the funds into the pocket of the chosen one. They didn’t leave the framework of financing, they raised the welfare of a certain category))). Zalyulin arrives, which means they will start and 1% of themselves will be torn off to the applicants for justice, after all three readings in the Duma, with New Year holidays))). A trifle, but for applicants for justice - it’s kind of like a concession from the government and their victory))). And so every five years. And the development of a fair approach to the definition of clear criteria for retirement benefits, depending on the personal contribution of g / s or w / s to the protection or prosperity of the sovereign, will remain without a decision ...
              1. +1
                8 February 2017 09: 09
                Do you understand that this is impossible? Just because initially the conditions are not equal !! What works now takes into account the difference in DD and salary, retirement age, length of service and a whole bunch of things. If all this is equal to one, it is taken away from the military pension or doubled from the Nosov. here leveling ... And yet, they raised our age because young people don’t go to the civil service to work for these pennies. Most likely in five they will raise to 70 .. and I will have 50 years of service ..
    2. +8
      7 February 2017 09: 18
      I don’t want to be known as a skeptic, but as one character from the movie said: “... I doubt however ...”, because the leader of “Fair Russia” Mironov spoke about this more than once, when meeting with the President and what ...?! GDP he knows everything and will not offend his own, but the military will tolerate, because they are obliged to "... endure all the hardships of military service ...", something like that!
    3. +10
      7 February 2017 12: 34
      The king’s reaction is already known, it was voiced by DAM - there is no money, but you hold on.
      Nobody needs anyone in retirement, so officials steal tirelessly while in office.
      As long as this king on the throne has one answer, they will pay little but regularly.
      You are needed while in the ranks, but they do not offend themselves.
      Greed does not decorate the king.
      1. +4
        7 February 2017 17: 14
        Quote: stas
        As long as this king on the throne has one answer, they will pay little but regularly.

        "Fell! Appalitic, you see, reason!" (from)
        Colleague, did you want that, as at EBNe, you didn’t pay at all for 3-4 of the month !? And we were once again offered to "gather wild plants" in our free time, as a family,?
        Quote: stas
        You are needed while in the ranks, but they do not offend themselves.

        This is fair. Everything within the framework of folk wisdom about his shirt by his body ... But why is there no CCP to punish these snickering bureaucrats?
        Quote: stas
        Greed does not decorate the king.

        And here is greed, when Trishka’s caftan is not enough for everyone!
        And then cunning Yankees slipped Syria and Ukraine to us ... And what’s there on the “Anaconda ring” will fall out, Allah alone knows ...
        So, rightly everything is written.
        But there is only one way - at best, bureaucrats and people's deputies will be shortened. But the fact that we will be "promoted" - I doubt doubly: "There is no money. But you hold on!"
        PS I understand that it is not popular, but honest and realistic, as it seems to me.
        Best regards, soldier
      2. AUL
        7 February 2017 17: 40
        I have big doubts that the GDP in general will read this appeal. It will be read by the “senior assistant of the younger floor polisher,” and then, if you're lucky, the guarantor will be given a short note containing THEIR interpretation of the message. Well, the answer will be in the style of "no money, but you hold on." And the officials will not talk about awkward benefits - what are they, fools, to reduce their income when they can be increased?
        1. 0
          7 February 2017 19: 18
          Quote from AUL
          ... big doubts that the GDP in general will read this appeal.

          Someone would doubt ... He who sees will hear, he who hears and hears, wise he will understand. Where are they?
      3. +1
        7 February 2017 18: 45
        Quote: stas
        As long as this king on the throne has one answer, they will pay little but regularly.

        Hmm ... I will not remember how it was under "Tsar Boris" ... Ugh, not by night, Satan, remember ...
        Have you tried to imagine what pensions will be in terms of volume and regularity of payments if such types as Khodorkovsky, Kasyanov, Yavlinsky, Prokhorov break through to power?

        So with THIS king - still (or for now) is tolerant ... But what will happen next?
    4. +4
      7 February 2017 17: 04
      This article is like a letter from Vanka Zhukov to grandfather-Kostantin Makarych.
    5. 0
      10 February 2017 12: 36
      What reaction can be expected? So he organized all this. The answer will be something like this: "All I can. There is no money and you are in a good mood." If it will be. Everything was decided back in 2000. The Soviet Army is a heavy legacy of the past.
      1. 0
        10 February 2017 14: 10
        The reaction has already been voiced by D.A. Medvedev: "There is no money, but you hold on" ..... soldier
  2. cap
    7 February 2017 06: 22
    I agree and support completely.
  3. +5
    7 February 2017 06: 25
    Defend and defend, the first - "You military men," receive and use the well-deserved, the last - "You military men!"
    The famous palindrome - “Argentina beckons Negro”, has no reverse reading in relations between the state and military personnel !.
  4. +10
    7 February 2017 06: 54
    I want to believe in the best, but I can’t believe it. All this will fly by your ears. How much was the movement on the site of military pennies ... But what's the point ...?
    1. +14
      7 February 2017 08: 44
      Quote: BecmepH
      I want to believe in the best, but I can’t believe it.

      Yeah, right now, they will leave everything and take care of the situation of military pensioners ... This petition will be considered by those same civil servants who worked out the norms of legislation that military pensioners complain about.
      And then, you have already been promised so much, and you are all unhappy .....
      1. +3
        7 February 2017 11: 14
        Quote: ranger
        After all, the same civil servants will be considered by those same civil servants who worked out the norms of legislation that military pensioners complain about.

        One caveat - all laws are signed by President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, including the one referred to in the article, so the current situation, for example, judges, the UK and military pensioners, is determined from the very top, so the request for the highest name looks a little strange, although from hopelessness what just can’t do
  5. +3
    7 February 2017 07: 09
    The letter is long and incomprehensible, it is impossible to read. Military pensioners receive a large pension.
    1. +1
      7 February 2017 07: 33
      “Who studied what” - everyone chooses himself, to whom and for what purpose to devote his zeal, health, and sometimes life!
      1. +4
        7 February 2017 07: 39
        Lieutenants have always been taught (senior experienced comrades) - while you are in the service, the Motherland needs you, you finished the service, they forgot about you. I agree, everyone chose it himself.
    2. +6
      7 February 2017 10: 12
      The “large” pension of a military pensioner may well be less than the pension of a living civilian next to him.
      1. +2
        7 February 2017 17: 30
        Quote: tolancop
        "Big" pension of a military pensioner
        Military pensioners receive a large pension.

        Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long.
        As they said in our fleet: "The tunic unbuttoned - and crumbled ... It completely burned out in the service."
        Extreme, because it does not pass for health ... And how many men die in hot spots, on boats, in aviation, in the field ...
        I personally do not know of a single case when the state paid “big pensions” to anyone, just like that.
  6. +5
    7 February 2017 07: 21
    Supported military pensioners plus + soldier
    1. +3
      7 February 2017 07: 44
      Today, just get it. It is a pity, your "plus" apparently will not have time to get to the PF (a joke).
  7. +3
    7 February 2017 08: 19
    Just no money now. Find the money - do the indexing. You stay here, you all the best, good mood and health
    1. +1
      7 February 2017 12: 38
      You are like DAM in the chair of the president.
  8. +8
    7 February 2017 08: 36
    Everything is correctly stated in the article, but this is just another air shock. An official who has seized power (to the feeding trough) is deployed to all the "loin" parts of the body remaining behind him.
    And if he power,
    Then him at all put on!
  9. +4
    7 February 2017 08: 55
    Yes, they wanted to spit (to put it mildly).
  10. +2
    7 February 2017 08: 59
    A voice crying in the wilderness ... Unfortunately ...
    Yes, and I doubt that SUCH a letter will reach Putin ... The surrounding "puppeteers" simply block him ...
  11. +15
    7 February 2017 09: 09
    Quote: bober1982
    The letter is long and incomprehensible, it is impossible to read. Military pensioners receive a large pension.

    Do you think so ?! The lieutenant’s monetary allowance is 30 thousand and the risk of not surviving to retirement, the district judge is 120 thousand plus bribes ..... I went through three wars, three wounds, one heavy one and retirement several times less than these gentlemen. Why? !
    1. +1
      7 February 2017 09: 31
      Yes, I think so, this is my opinion.
    2. +4
      7 February 2017 19: 25
      Quote: Predator
      The lieutenant’s monetary allowance is 30 thousand and the risk of not surviving to retirement, the district judge is 120 thousand plus bribes ..... I went through three wars, three wounds, one serious and pension several times less than these gentlemen. Why ?!
      - 1) about 120 from district judges you turned down too much - 75 maximum 2) not everyone takes bribes. It so happened that I personally know a few - they do not take bribes, 3) you forgot about the level of responsibility. The lieutenant is responsible for 100 people maximum and the worst thing that can happen is that they will all die - wars of such a level that the battle lost by the lieutenant are the death of Russia, thank God there is no. Now judges - how many people have their fate broken each month in the courts and the judge - is not God and cannot be guaranteed to know whether a person is guilty or not, and if the judge is unskilled / soulless / corrupt - it could be several tens of thousands of people with a broken fate.
      It is for this responsibility that they are paid. “Do not judge, but let us not be judged” - and they have to judge.
      Z.Y. pension of a district judge with 20 years of experience - 34 thousand ....
    3. +1
      7 February 2017 22: 54
      the lieutenant forgot to add about the risk of liver cirrhosis !!!

      I served, I know, so much has been drunk. that in civilian life there’s nothing to compare !!!
  12. 0
    7 February 2017 09: 21
    That’s why I’m sure that he won’t hear a year.
  13. +12
    7 February 2017 09: 30
    The correct letter to the commander in chief!
    True, the authors have forgotten about the injustice of the Russian legislation against the Russians - military retirees living over the hill. I quit in 1994, I still do not have housing in Russia, although I have served 24 of the year, the major in reserve. I am in the hands of the official refusal of state bodies to refuse me to provide housing in Russia. All because of the Government Decree, where it says that they can give me housing in Russia when I give me a pile of certificates, one of which is an extract from the house book. So where can I get this statement, and other information on the list of the Government, if I am not registered in any village of our Russia (I left the barracks)? Some figures have come up with such a list of references. There is an order of my dismissal, there are documents on discharge me from the barracks. What else do they need? They are parasites on the neck of the state and drinking the blood of military retirees.
  14. +9
    7 February 2017 09: 45
    Hmm, you might think that the rights of other segments of the population in the Russian Federation are not violated ...
    1. +6
      7 February 2017 17: 41
      Quote: Free Shooter
      you might think that the rights of other segments of the population in the Russian Federation are not violated ...

      Probably broken ...
      But not one of this "population" will be thrown under the order by bullet.
      None of this “population” will be sent with small children to the ends of the earth to protect the Arctic interests of Russia ...
      None of this “population” will be sent for 90 days to breathe with the miasms of their own crew, and even with the risk of falling down three tram stops ...
      So, dear, "it is good where we are not," one Jew said to another ...
      1. +4
        7 February 2017 23: 09
        about bullets, he started to cry, the worker who died at work has no compensation for his loss to his family, unlike the soldier under the bullets !!! and really all straight and under the bullets?
        They send with small children not in the field, but to a new place of service, where there is respectively housing and cash allowance, and civilians live in the same place without any state payments and other nishtyaks and with exactly the same children. If you don’t like it, you can write a report, and not try to soften people.
        about breathing miasms of the native crew, you can breathe all your life with fumes of molten metal and by the age of 50 get retinal detachment, asthma, and other things, and even get a risk of lung cancer.
        so agakayte in another place where the girls are schoolgirls and boys are patriots, and here people who served and had the opportunity to compare both the service and the citizen and determine where, what, how much !!!
        infuriates me as a taxpayer. that I have to keep a healthy forehead for 40 years. who became a pensioner without getting out of headquarters, or sitting in one place. Those military pensioners, who are few and few, are sick of it. They poor little money for them, and for the rest, for example, my father and mother, it would not be bad to add !!!
        1. 0
          10 February 2017 14: 33
          Wow, how did Kostya offend the military, especially the healthy 40-year-old foreheads! Walk the streets now! And do you know how many duty stations the military changed, and you have been breathing (in doubt) molten metal all your life getting lung cancer from smoking a lot in smoke breaks. By the age of 40 you have acquired, bought a car, built a summer cottage along with your father-in-law, and the military is wound up in garrisons, and when he retires at the age of 45-50, you already have everything for a normal life, and he should start from scratch, if an apartment will already be provided. His children are transferred to different schools traveling with him, and you taught your children in sports schools and music schools, and your wife has been working in one place all my life, and his wife by the age of 55 and half of her length of service will not confirm, because the parts where she worked for a long time disbanded thanks to bastards like Gorbachev. You will help your parents or they will help you, and the military man is thousands of km away from them and God forbid you have time for the funeral. So do not envy the military taxpayer you are our unfinished.
          1. +2
            10 February 2017 17: 07
            redone, judging by the stupidity you wrote your title is not lower than major. You wrote what you can tell others, if something does not suit the military may quit, and not cry here !!! And in order to earn money, you need to travel around the cities, only living in rented apartments, and sometimes together with children, and when many people hold their salaries, there is nowhere to take rations to feed the family stupidly. and you have to take on all the work !!!!!! And so on and so forth. So wipe the drool.
            I earned an apartment in my summer house with my own hands and head. And you don’t have to be stingy with the military, they’re so poor poor .. As for the change of duty stations, I know that I have many friends who haven’t changed! Suppose that I built a summer house together with my father-in-law, and the military received his titles while sitting at headquarters thanks to the ties of his mother or wife !!! But the military’s wife, arranged for the job of a signalman or a clerk at the headquarters, does nothing and the service is dripping.
            Especially for you redone, do not write nonsense.
            1. 0
              15 February 2017 13: 07
              You write nonsense, but if you do not understand this, I am sorry for you. It’s just that after serving in the army the prescribed term (25 years) I also worked for a civilian and have been working for more than 20 years. So don't teach me how to live. And I do not cry, but work. It’s just not said by me: if you don’t want to feed your army, you will feed someone else’s. And your acquaintances who have everything according to the blat are not military, but opportunists, remember more about Vasiliev. The army does not rest on them. If you want to know, go and serve in the army, then you will talk about the saliva that you directly spray in your post.
              1. 0
                15 February 2017 14: 47
                Before giving advice, read carefully!, I served, so I need to compare it with others so I don’t have to bend my fingers !!!
                there are military men who run on hills in any weather, or risk their health and life. there are no complaints against them, but there are others, and they have the same length of service,
                I will also answer you, because in peacetime in the Armed Forces often come opportunists and loafers who want to re-contact before retirement and get a freebie.
                1. 0
                  15 February 2017 18: 19
                  Quote: Kostya Andreev
                  I will also answer you, because in peacetime in the Armed Forces often come opportunists and loafers who want to re-contact before retirement and get a freebie.

                  I agree with this, but not many. And in modern conditions, few people manage to hang out (at least 20 years!) For free until retirement. Where did you yourself serve, if you have such an idea of ​​military service, that there is a complete freebie ?!
              2. 0
                19 February 2017 23: 54
                Well, he’ll go to serve ... He’s just masak from the couch to shout down at the military and say that the life of a soldier is Raspberry ... that military loafers, etc., etc. Just how much I heard such conversations, especially in the dashing 90s, probably hundreds, if not thousands ... And when you say such a hard worker: Do you really want to work hard, since you don’t go to serve and be an idler ...? In fact, it turns out he doesn’t want to go to serve, life turns out to be far from honey there ... He’s better at sleeping with his wife every day than he will be in military service day and night, and so on ... So speech should not be taken into account such "hard workers" who at one time came to repair the ship standing in the factory, conscientiously went to bed on the sailor’s bed, woke up at the end of the shift, and with a feeling of well-done work went home ... And then this ship was extended the repair period, you see workers from for the "large amount of work" did not have time to finish the repair on time. And so it went on several times. As a result, the ship was again becoming a ship, and he had 0 rubles in his account ... Everything was spent on the repair of the previous ship ... That was in recent years of Soviet power. I had a chance to stay in repairs in several shipyards, both in military service and as a civilian ... And everywhere it was the same ... Hardworking they are passionate ... only to get in the way ...
      2. +1
        11 February 2017 17: 56
        What are you saying ?! Cancel the general military duty in the Russian Federation before making such statements. In addition, those who work as a civilian at age 40 will not retire, and not everyone who is in the army has fought, so do not bend your fingers. Here in France, everyone who does not participate in hostilities is paid the military average salary in the country, and rightly so. Moreover, the real average salary, and not the bullshit that they push on TV.
  15. BAI
    7 February 2017 10: 33
    Addressing the President is pointless; he himself signed all this. The chain is - a district court - a denial - a regional court - a denial - the Supreme Court - a denial - the Constitutional Court - is unpredictable, in the event of a denial - the ECHR - Russia is guilty.
    1. +7
      7 February 2017 11: 04
      The authors are great, if only because they do not whine while lying on the couch, but try to fight for their rights!
      It is a pity that the President will not see their letter ...
      Unfortunately, a single and indivisible Russia is not so united. Geographically, these are Moscow and Nemoskva. In the social, power and people. In my opinion, there is a gap between these parts.
      Your proposed BAI is the most optimal way. Only who has the money and health to go this long distance?
      By the way, during the time of Serdyukov, those who contested 54% of the pension in court received their legitimate interest.
      1. +3
        7 February 2017 13: 39
        Quote: Army 2
        Geographically, these are Moscow and Nemoskva.

        ... geographically, not even Moscow. "Beyond MKAD for them no land "
    2. +6
      7 February 2017 13: 46
      Quote: BAI
      The Constitutional Court is unpredictable,

      Well, why, recently, decisions of the Constitutional Court are very predictable. As in antiquity, the wise President of the Constitutional Court Zorkin has acted for centuries on a proven legal norm: "The Tsar has commanded, but the boyars have been sentenced" and, accordingly, have not been noticed in free-thinking and excessive independence ....
      This is not an American judge who challenged President Trump’s order. Although what to take with the Americans, wild people .....
    3. +1
      7 February 2017 17: 01
      The ECHR-Russia is guilty-the Constitutional Court-refuse to comply. (Such a law was recently passed, you probably were absent). There was a goby, a white barrel, tail like a bast, start over.
    4. 0
      19 February 2017 23: 58
      I fully support. It is right. The Supreme, before signing, naturally consulted on the subject of the consistency of these laws of Consitution, and knows very well that they are not constitutional ... But he acts on the principle: "If you can’t, but really want something, you can ..." That's all. Isn't that clear ...? There is no money, but you hold on there ...
  16. +4
    7 February 2017 11: 08
    Russia is a legal state for cabinet civil servants and very rich people. The right to a decent life does not affect ordinary people and the warrior. And I think that the president will not see this appeal at all. Is it possible that the people would disturb with their endless complaints of the president over trifles? We also remembered the constitution with some rights. Your duty: to defend Russia, and if you have suffered because of this, then this is your fate. And do not even stutter about money. Remember the premiere with a kind word. He told you clearly that there is no money ... Hold on there ...
    1. +4
      7 February 2017 11: 29
      Quote: sds87
      He told you clearly that there is no money ... Hold on there ...

      “Did he say exactly that?”
      - You, excuse me, feed ... from the garbage dump ukrosMI, dear ...
      - as, however, and most of those present here
      - and draw a video - one where "there is no money, but you hold on" ... yes I can draw this at home, for a very finite time Yes

      I'm not a fan of Medvedev even once. I have here next to the house (there is no kilometer, huh) the "Glonass house" stands ... has long been standing, probably, sometime the thread will break. Here is such a house:

      So there are very good reasons not to love Medvedev.

      But the phrases that were attributed to him, he did not tell request
      1. +5
        7 February 2017 13: 09
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        But the phrases that were attributed to him, he did not speak

        Of all my commentary, did you find fault with only Medvedev’s words? About "stay here" - it’s definitely invented. "Health to you" is there.
      2. +6
        7 February 2017 13: 16
        Kotyara, you again do not meow, DAMA says only what the king permits, and no more. Growth did not come out.
      3. AUL
        7 February 2017 17: 54
        - You, excuse me, feed ... from the garbage dump ukrosMI, dear ...
        - as, however, and most of those present here

        Cat, and who is feeding you?
  17. +15
    7 February 2017 11: 14
    Come on military. My wife recently issued a pension and for her 27 years of work experience, “effective” managers, who were set to save the pension fund in every way, counted the pension at 5700 rubles. She roared at home in a voice. Most of all, she was "killed" by the fact that she and the same ones with scanty pensions in the pension fund were reassured by the fact that since your pension does not "reach" the subsistence level, you will be paid extra, don’t worry. And yesterday I heard on television that the amount spent by Russia on the World Cup has already exceeded 668 billion rubles! I just have "evil is not enough" ....
  18. +3
    7 February 2017 12: 10
    where can I join this petition ??
  19. +6
    7 February 2017 12: 23
    Pie, he is alone. You can of course subscribe to the "petition." You can go outside and kick the stomp. And probably something will be added, as the elections are coming soon. But the money will not be taken from the oligarchs and major officials, but from the elderly and the weak and disabled. Rather, underpay, do not increase, do not index. So it’s not worth it. Not the last piece to eat. My opinion.
    1. +4
      7 February 2017 12: 42
      Your opinion is fly agaric and harmful.
  20. +7
    7 February 2017 12: 52
    Welcome all!

    Article about The appeal of military retirees is well spelled out from a legal point of view, and the country really needs.
    I myself am not a military man, and I do not know whether I will live to retirement.
    But as for the military people who follow orders (not always thought out and provided with people and weapons) and who risk life and health for their country, I think that military pensioners HAVE DESIGNED to receive all allowances for 15-20 or more years if someone has enough health .
    Military pensioners are no worse than judges and other federal employees, military men earned their military pension by the blood, wounds, hardships that their wives and children suffered with them !!!
    But here is how other forum users wrote above, little hope that the injustice against the military, Putin will eliminate. After all, this is not the first or last appeal of the servants to the authorities!
    And while justice prevails, much more water will flow. Money in the country is only for the close and "deserved" before the authorities. The military, as we see, are not included in this number.
    1. +3
      7 February 2017 13: 09
      The king lives by the principle - his everything, the rest according to the law.
      Justice is not even included in the constitutional norms of Russia.
      If, nevertheless, the military are more persistent, then the tsar will be able to throw alms.
  21. +4
    7 February 2017 14: 10
    everything is true in the article, from the first to the last word. You’ll earn this pension, and then you’ll get it. and they will beckon to her like a donkey with carrots for the rest of her life.
  22. +2
    7 February 2017 14: 47
    Judging by the text, it seems correct. But it would be interesting to listen to those who invented this mess. Direct dialogue live, for the whole country.
    1. +2
      7 February 2017 15: 55
      The king will not allow this!
      The Tsar never goes to direct dialogues.
      There is a staged show question and answer,
      The people are still doing it, and the rating is 146%.
  23. +4
    7 February 2017 15: 47
    Such calls are needed so that the current leaders of the leaders do not entertain themselves with the thought that they promised, and all calmed down.
    About Obeshalkin’s promises of “blood from the nose” to provide all those dismissed with the housing they put in for 10 years, so many jokes have been told and so many songs have been sung that they can’t be counted. The same applies to the "predatory coefficient of 54%," however, this topic will be fresher. But from her just a mile away stinks boorish attitude towards people. Believing that where conscience of our current leaders should be, something will appear to be erroneous. They believe that the military for their lives, lost health, lack of amenities and hardships experienced by our families, GET VERY MUCH. And no one forced us to go into this profession, they say. Only when there is a threat to their lives and their well-being, when it is necessary to defend the homeland with weapons in their hands, they remember the military. They themselves - for no millions (when they have already stolen trillions) they will not go to risk their lives ..... And when there is no open war, the threat to their welfare will be taken away by the judiciary and prosecutors. So that’s all by definition, comrades.
    1. +3
      7 February 2017 17: 59
      Quote: piston
      And when there is no open war, the threat to their well-being will be taken away by the judiciary and prosecutor.
      That's why they get paid that way ...
      After reading the article, one conclusion can be drawn: everyone is equal before the law ... BUT !!!
      The judicial, prosecutorial and bureaucratic tribes are much more equal (in the sense of equality to the law) of all the rest! Yes
  24. +2
    7 February 2017 16: 25
    Everything, of course, was correctly and legally weighted said. But as if the military didn’t get worse after such appeals, I won’t be surprised if the military personnel would soon be dipped in money allowances and pensions from the time of the unforgettable drunk traitor EBN. And then some have some euphoria, they really think that our state has security in the first place. Naive people.
  25. +6
    7 February 2017 16: 29
    Citizens would know how everyday issues in the army are being resolved. I am a military officer, I work in the management of an air defense division. My boss (lieutenant colonel) was ordered at his own expense to buy fluorescent lamps in a lamp in a common corridor opposite his office. Already bought, There is no funding for business trips, but for the unrest in the subordinate units is to blame for the post. So not only the pension problems in the corral, but also BG is kept on lies.
  26. +2
    7 February 2017 16: 56
    Is this a riot on a ship? But what about the HPP, PPC, and others, Look what you want. Yes, the ruling citizens themselves do not have money or what they have, but they are pretty, but you, here, panama, ask. Disorder. No, approving, and together how to whistle, so No, they are asking for something and asking. Where, you panicking, civic conscience. This is the new KPP.
    1. +1
      7 February 2017 17: 05
      You, Your Honor, today are for the face of the Lord?
      Duck, after all, former military men, laid to them fattening, by the greatest decree, are asking. What to do then, to drive your petitioners aloud, or to wait for the highest decree of the miserables?
      1. +2
        7 February 2017 17: 45
        As the Bible says: "- Seek and find, push and open to you ...." Although with the gentlemen of Nashin, only to cut back on what was raided. Rather, they will send in a circle and everyone will not be offended. Well, but out of the blue , they’ll come up with some other muck, like Birobidzhan for paying snow, rain and bad weather.
        1. +1
          7 February 2017 18: 13
          Hmm, let's go around the world with a bag, under the "merciful", we have good people, maybe we will not disappear.
  27. +2
    7 February 2017 19: 32
    Vain shaking of the air. Found someone to complain. All this is happening with the full knowledge of the emperor. To whom he deemed it necessary to preserve privileges and privileges, he retained that.
  28. +1
    7 February 2017 20: 53
    Dear forum users! of course, they will raise pensions, such letters are simply not born !! ELECTIONS!!! need glasses!
    an employee of the Russian Guard, too, when they retire !!!! And do not spit on me, I like the foreign policy of GDP, but where is the concern for the population (not the electorate)? Where will the defenders of Rosneft, Sberbank, VAZ be raised. Who do you need ... en?
  29. 0
    7 February 2017 21: 38
    The reaction of course will be ... to the election of 18 years. Not earlier.
  30. +2
    7 February 2017 21: 53
    Good guys, only with this you have to go to the constitutional court, and not appeal to the president.
  31. +2
    7 February 2017 22: 03
    Well done guys! They have been fighting hard for a long time. The problem is painful, civil servants or not people in uniform.
  32. +1
    7 February 2017 22: 19
    Quote: raid14
    Just no money now. Find the money - do the indexing. You stay here, you all the best, good mood and health

    Can tell where to find? wassat
    1. 0
      8 February 2017 11: 17
  33. 0
    8 February 2017 11: 19
    Thank you all for your support
  34. 0
    8 February 2017 15: 33
    A rolling stone gathers no moss. If you don’t remind yourself of yourself, then who else cares?
  35. +2
    8 February 2017 19: 02
    Quote: Radikal
    Quote: raid14
    Just no money now. Find the money - do the indexing. You stay here, you all the best, good mood and health

    Can tell where to find? wassat

    Che press, lay out.
    Let me for you.
    In Russia there are 99 dollar billionaires and 128 thousand dollar millionaires, while the tax scale for you, for us, and for them - the untouchables ... is flat, i.e. the tax on the rich and the super-rich is the same as on the poor and the super-poor.
    At the same time, in other countries, and especially in America, the tax is progressive. That is, the more profit you make, the more you give to the treasury, but since Russia is not America and the rate of profit is incommensurable due to the same climatic and geographical conditions, you can become rich and over-rich only by grabbing and grabbing a lot, and even very much, those. stealing and cheating.
    Naturally, our “thieves’ kublo more than once or twice thought carefully how to protect acquired by excessive larceny, i.e. whom to feed and with whom to share in the first place, and to whom and what to give in the second and third. Military retirees are clearly not the first to turn.
    And they are really lucky that they survived. Rejoice at life and birds, dear ...
    Seriously, there is a war of sanctions and not only ... It is vital to introduce, if not martial, then a state of emergency in the country. The head of state must be endowed with at least extraordinary POWER of authority, which he currently DOES NOT have in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Only in this case, supported by the Law of Art. 87 and 88 of the Constitution, the Army and the population, will he be able to implement the decisions that the people are waiting for him today, including pensioners. Otherwise, the situation of all but the untouchables ... will only worsen, the trap is working hard and unsuccessfully on this, preparing us for the elections ...
    See at the root, dear.
  36. +1
    16 February 2017 21: 13
    The question is posed seriously and competently. Let's hope to get the same answer.
  37. 0
    19 February 2017 23: 21
    The statement is very good, but I think it’s not quite addressed. Such a statement should be submitted to the Constitutional Court. And if the Constitutional Court does not support it, then we, military pensioners, have no hope of justice. Why immediately to the Constitutional Court? Yes, because the Laws on the suspension of the indexation of military pensions, and on the suspension of the annual increase in the percentage of the calculated pension by at least 2% were signed by the Supreme Commander himself, and I think he knows very well what laws he signed, and he knows that they are not consistent with the constitutional principle that the newly adopted laws shall not worsen the situation of citizens which was created by previous laws ... "
    Further, even the law on retirement benefits for military personnel is also inconsistent with the law "on retirement benefits" in so far as the amounts of which pension is calculated for military personnel: Article 100. Law of the Russian Federation "On state pensions in the Russian Federation" Are included in earnings for calculating pensions all types of payments (income) received in connection with the performance of work (official duties), provided for in Article 89 of the Law, on which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are charged.
    The types of payments for which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are not charged are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
    In addition to the payments provided for in the first part of this article, earnings for calculating a pension also include:
    a) monetary allowance of the military ...
    In practice, for example, for seafarers, a pension is calculated with deduction from cash allowance of surcharges for OSA and sea, deducted from cash allowance is also the cost of food ration, surcharge for secrecy, and the so-called 13 salary ... The question is why the military men are put in this part of the law in worse conditions than civilian pensioners ...?