Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad

Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad

February 2 celebrates one of the days of military glory in Russia - the Day of the defeat of the German troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. On that day, the remaining German troops capitulated near Stalingrad. The battle of Stalingrad ended in complete victory for the Red Army. The crushing defeat of the German army in the southern strategic direction was a major turning point in the Great Patriotic War and in the entire Second World War. The strategic initiative began to move to the Soviet armed forces.

Strategic situation on the eve of battle

The international situation in 1942 was difficult. Germany and its allies, retained a strategic initiative and, possessing tremendous combat power, continued aggression. On the other hand, the process of uniting the forces of the anti-Hitler coalition continued. January 1 The Washington 1942 Declaration was adopted by 26 countries, including the world's leading powers (USSR, USA, UK and China). The states that signed the declaration pledged to use all their resources in the fight against the powers of the German bloc and not enter into a separate peace with them.

However, the problem was that the owners of London and Washington were not in a hurry to get involved decisively in a battle in Europe. The USA and Great Britain, who were the real instigators of the war in order to crush Russia, Germany, Japan and establish the Anglo-Saxon world order, waited for the USSR and Germany to be exhausted in the titanic battle that they fought with each other, and they would receive all the fruits of victory (As the masters of the West unleashed World War II; World War II - a terrible blow to the USA and England in Russia, Germany and Japan).

At the end of December 1941, Anglo-American negotiations on the strategy of war began in Washington. Roosevelt, Churchill, and the chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the two great powers participated in the conference. The initiative in the negotiations belonged to the British, who are well prepared for them. The British believed that the key challenge for the 1942 year was the conquest of North West Africa. This plan was the practical embodiment of the English military doctrine of the "strategy of indirect action." The British believed that the decisive battles against Germany should begin only after the exhaustion of the enemy’s forces as a result of the blockade, air strikes and operations in secondary directions. The proposed British strategy was approved in Washington.

Thus, instead of focusing on the main strategic direction by opening a second front in Western Europe with the goal of quickly ending the war, Britain and the United States dispersed forces in secondary theaters of war: in North Africa, in the Middle East, etc. Even serious successes in these areas could not lead to victory over Germany, as they were far from its vital centers. Therefore, these operations could not provide serious assistance to the USSR, bearing the main burden of war. Germany could still concentrate its main efforts to fight the Soviet Union.

In Washington, it was understood that Germany could be defeated only by invading Europe. The invasion was scheduled for 1943. Moreover, in the event of a sharp deterioration in the situation on the Soviet-German front in 1942, or, conversely, a critical weakening of Germany, it was proposed in the autumn of 1942 to carry out an “early” invasion of the Allied forces in France. In London, they supported this plan, but Churchill and other British leaders did not abandon their previous installations for waging war. With sufficient forces to deploy operations in Europe and a huge fleet, Americans and British delayed the moment of opening of the second front to the last moment. Thus, the production of aircraft in the United States by August 1942 exceeded the production of aircraft in Germany, Italy and Japan combined. England by the end of this year in aircraft production overtook Germany, and in production tanks almost caught up with her. The masters of the United States and England were interested in the battle of annihilation waged by the Russians and Germans. Bloodless Germany and Russia-the USSR, according to the plans of the masters of the West, could no longer prevent the construction of a new world order led by the United States. All this determined the strategy of delaying the war, consistently pursued by the United States and Britain during the Second World War. Germany got the opportunity during the 1942 campaign of the year to organize a new decisive offensive against the USSR.

German Junkers U-87 dive bombers from the 2 th dive bomber squadron in the Stalingrad area

Germany. The intentions of the German leadership

The defeat of the Wehrmacht near Moscow and the successful counter-offensive of the Red Army in the winter of 1941-1942. dealt a serious blow to the plans of the German military and political leadership. Doubts covered the German people and the army. The report of the security service of the Third Reich in January 1942 noted: “The German people are very concerned about the situation on the Eastern Front. A huge number of frostbite, which arrived in echelons to their homeland, excites strong indignation among the population. Supreme Command bid summaries are subject to criticism because they do not paint a clear picture of the situation. The fact that our soldiers are writing from front to home cannot be imagined at all. ” In the top of the Wehrmacht, opposition, conspiratorial sentiments again resumed. Senior officers discussed the plan to overthrow Hitler. But later, when the German troops resumed the offensive, this opposition stalled for a while.

As a result, in order to restore the shaken prestige of the “invincible” Wehrmacht, the National Socialist Party and the state aimed all means of propaganda. The Germans were inspired that the defeat near Moscow was random and was caused mainly by the weather conditions of the harsh Russian winter. Thus was born the myth of the "Russian winter" as the main factor in the defeat of the Wehrmacht. The idea of ​​the racial superiority of the German nation and the invincibility of the Wehrmacht were promoted with new force. In general, German propaganda managed to convince the majority of the population that the defeat in the East is a temporary phenomenon caused by the harsh Russian nature and the mistakes of individual generals. At the same time, terror against any manifestations of anti-war and anti-Nazi sentiments intensified. Only in the territory of the Third Reich at that time there were 15 large concentration camps, in which there were simultaneously 130 thousand people. There is a maximum concentration of power Fuhrer. In April, the Reichstag 1942 recognized the unrestricted rights of the Fuhrer, adopting the relevant law. All legislative and executive powers were handed over to Hitler, who acted as the leader of the people, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the head of state and party. The Reichstag ceased to function even nominally.

The failure of the “blitzkrieg” plans forced Berlin to switch to the concept of a protracted war. This required additional mobilization of human resources for the front and expansion of military production. The addition of the Wehrmacht personnel was accompanied by a reduction in the number of workers in the economy of the country. This led to an increase in the use of bonded labor by foreign workers, Ostarbeiters and prisoners of war. The General Commissioner for the Use of Labor F. Zaukel organized on an enormous scale forced displacement of the population, mostly young, from the occupied countries to Germany. Especially rampant by the Nazis in the captured Soviet lands. As a result, the number of German workers in the Reich economy during the period from 1941 to 1942 decreased from 33,4 million to 31,5 million, and the number of foreign workers and prisoners of war in it increased from 3 million to 7 million.

In February, 1942, Albert Speer (after Todt’s death) was appointed Minister of Weapons and Ammunition. The direct participation of representatives of large monopolies in the management of the economy increased even more. Decisive measures were taken to increase the output of military products: the working hours of military enterprises increased, the production of consumer goods sharply decreased. They began to make more active use of the production and human resources of the occupied countries of Europe, neutral countries (Turkey, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, etc.) also contributed to the growth of the Reich military power. As a result, the Nazis achieved a serious increase in military production, which allowed the Wehrmacht to be supplied with the necessary weapons and military materials. By July 1942, compared with February of the same year, the level of military production increased by 55%. In the first place was still the production of offensive weapons and ammunition. If 1941 produced 12,4 thous. Aircraft, then 1942 made 15,4 thous. (Growth in 24%); in 1941, 5,2, thousand tanks, in 1942, 9,3, thousand (growth 79%); in 1941 - 7 thousand guns of caliber over 75 mm, in 1942 - 12 thousand (growth in 70%). At the same time they began to produce mainly medium tanks (T-3, T-4).

By the spring of 1939, the German Empire had in its armed forces 239 divisions and 5 brigades, which recited 8,6 million people. The overwhelming majority of these troops were on the Russian front: 182 divisions and 4 brigades. In addition, the Allies of Germany were to send troops to the Eastern Front: Romania - two armies as part of the 20 divisions, Hungary - one army as part of the 12 divisions, Italy - one army as part of the 7-8 divisions. Finland fought against the USSR. The Red Army in May 1942 was opposed by German troops and its allies, numbering 6,2 million, up to 43 thousand guns and mortars, about 3230 tanks and SAU, 3400 aircraft. True, the Wehrmacht’s combat effectiveness was fully restored after the 1941-1942 winter campaign. failed. Incomplete ground forces amounted to 625 thousand people.

The USSR Armed Forces, despite catastrophic defeats and huge losses, increased their combat capability and strengthened their material base. A powerful military and economic base, created in the pre-war years and a great spiritual ascent of the people, had an effect. By the second summer campaign in the army there were 5,5 million people, 43,6 thousand guns and mortars, 1220 rocket launchers, more than 4 thousand tanks, over 3100 aircraft. However, the position of the Red Army was complicated by the fact that Moscow could not concentrate all its forces and resources on the western strategic direction. A powerful grouping had to be held in the east of the country, since Japan maintained a strong strike force in Manchuria (the Kwantung Army). Turkey was also hostile towards the USSR. At the Soviet border was concentrated the Turkish army as part of the 28 divisions, which could invade Soviet territory in the event of a sharp deterioration in the situation on the Soviet-German front. This forced Moscow to strengthen the defense of the Transcaucasus.

The German military-political leadership still maintained confidence in the superiority of the Wehrmacht over the Red Army and in the final victory. However, in Berlin, certain lessons were learned from the failure of the “blinding” war in 1941. The German headquarters saw the impossibility to conduct a decisive offensive during the campaign simultaneously all along the Eastern Front. It was decided to attack in one strategic direction. However, the Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces Halder, like some other generals, doubted that the USSR could be broken by attacking in only one strategic direction. Some believed that in the East it was necessary to move on to strategic defense, while preserving vast territories already captured. But no one dared to tell Hitler about this. In addition, the German command did not want to give the initiative to the enemy. Therefore, they decided to make another attempt at a decisive offensive in the German bet, despite all doubts.

The German elite still overestimated its capabilities and underestimated the enemy. Adolf Hitler 15 March declared that during the summer of 1942, the Russian army would be completely destroyed. True, now not all German generals believed in the success of the offensive. But still, like Hitler, they considered it necessary to advance until Britain and the United States opened a second front in Western Europe. “In the spring of 1942,” wrote G. Guderian further, “the German high command faced the question of what form to continue the war: to advance or to defend? The transition to defense would be a recognition of our own defeat in the 1941 campaign and would deprive us of the chances for a successful continuation and end of the war in the East and in the West. 1942 year was the last year in which, without fear of the immediate intervention of the Western powers, the main forces of the German army could be used in the offensive on the Eastern Front. It remained to decide what should be undertaken at the front with a length of 3 thousand km in order to ensure success to the offensive conducted by relatively small forces. It was clear that on most of the front, the troops had to go on the defensive ... ". In this way, The German elite was confident that in 1942, the British and Americans would provide them with a calm rear and they could strike the USSR with all their strength, as in 1941.

Hitler ordered the main efforts of the Wehrmacht in the summer of 1942, to direct south to capture the Caucasus. The Germans planned in successive operations in parts to crush the Soviet forces opposing them. The seizure of the Caucasus was important from the point of view of strategy and economy, and also led the Wehrmacht to Turkey, which should have forced the Turkish leadership to start a war with the USSR. In addition, the Nazis received a strategic base for operations in the Middle East, and access to the Persian Gulf and India, as Hitler dreamed. The campaign plan for 1942 was set forth in Directive No. 41 of the German Supreme Command 5 on April 1942. It stated that the offensive’s goal was to “permanently destroy the remaining forces at the disposal of the Soviets and deprive them of the most important military forces -economic centers. At the same time, simultaneous strikes were planned at Stalingrad and the Caucasus. General Halder believed that a simultaneous offensive in two strategic directions - Stalingrad and Caucasus - is not supported by the available forces. He suggested that the main forces be thrown at a quick capture of Stalingrad by carrying out an offensive with mobile units, and Army Group A was to provide the southern flank of the attack force and expand the front breakthrough.

June 1 Hitler flew to Poltava, he held a meeting with senior military leadership. The Fuhrer approved all plans and calculations. Unlike the Barbarossa plan, the main goal of the offensive of the Wehrmacht was no longer based on the strategy of the “blitzkrieg” war. Directive No. 41 did not fix the chronological framework of the campaign. The Germans planned, keeping their positions in the central direction, to smash and destroy the Soviet troops in the Voronezh region and west of the Don, to capture the southern regions of the USSR rich in strategic raw materials. First of all, Hitler decided to seize the Caucasus with its sources of oil, the agricultural regions of the Don, Kuban and the North Caucasus. Success in the Stalingrad sector was supposed to lead to a lasting conquest of the Caucasus. To solve this problem, it was planned to conduct a series of successive operations in the Crimea, south of Kharkov, and then in the Voronezh, Stalingrad and Caucasus directions. The operation to seize Leningrad and establish a land connection with Finland was made dependent on the solution of the main task in the south. Army Group "Center" at this time was supposed to improve its operational position by conducting private operations.

Position of the USSR

For the Soviet Union, the situation at the front by the spring of 1942 was difficult. The winter offensive of the Red Army already stalled in March. Soviet troops went on the defensive. The Headquarters and the General Staff, proceeding from the fact that the most powerful enemy grouping of more than 70 divisions remained in the central (Moscow) strategic direction, concluded that the main struggle in the summer again will unfold for Moscow. A new decisive blow of the enemy was expected here. The Soviet high command predicted that the enemy would launch a new decisive offensive in the summer of 1942. It was also taken into account that with a shortage of large prepared reserves and aviation large offensive operations are impractical. The General Staff drew up a plan: its basis was active strategic defense, the accumulation of reserves, and then the transition to a decisive offensive.

Thus, the plan was based on a temporary strategic defense, and planned to move to a decisive offensive only after exhausting the enemy’s forces. At the end of March, the General Headquarters agreed with the proposals of the General Staff and adopted this plan. However, it was envisaged to conduct private attacks in a number of areas: near Leningrad, in the area of ​​Demyansk, in Smolensk, in the Kharkov region, in the Crimea, etc. Private operations were supposed to consolidate previous successes, improve the operational position of our troops, thwart the enemy attack and create favorable conditions for a future decisive offensive on the entire front from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Expecting that the enemy would launch a decisive offensive on the Moscow direction, the headquarters concentrated strategic reserves in the areas of Tula, Voronezh, Stalingrad and Saratov.

In the spring of 1942, events at the front were unfavorable for the Red Army. An attempt by the Crimean front to launch an offensive on the Kerch Peninsula, for the liberation of the whole Crimea, despite the advantage in forces, failed. May 8 German troops struck a counterblow and May 14 broke through to Kerch. Soviet troops with heavy losses retreated to the Taman Peninsula. The loss of the Kerch Peninsula worsened the position of the Soviet troops in Sevastopol. 7 June began the third assault on Sevastopol. 30 June the Germans went directly to the city. By July 4, the Soviet fortress, after the 250-day defense, fell. The situation was difficult on other sectors of the front. In May, the troops of the North-Western Front attacked the forces of the Demyan grouping of the enemy, but did not succeed. The Volkhov group of the Leningrad Front unsuccessfully attempted to expand the bridgehead on the western bank of the Volkhov. German troops surrounded the 2 th shock army, most of it was killed or captured.

But the situation in the southern strategic direction has especially deteriorated. On May 12, the troops of the South-Western Front launched an offensive with the aim of defeating the German army 6 and Paul's liberation. With the successful development of the operation conditions should have arisen for the liberation of Donbass. Initially, the operation developed successfully, the Soviet troops broke through the enemy front, the German army 6 threw the last reserves into battle. However, 17 in May, the army group of General Kleist (1-I tank and 17-I armies) launched a counter-offensive from the area of ​​Slavyansk, Kramatorsk. The Germans broke through the defenses of the Soviet Army 9. At the same time, the 6 of the German army also launched a counter-offensive. As a result, part of the forces of the Southern Front and the strike force of the South-Western Front fell into a difficult situation. In addition, the command of the Southwestern Direction and the Front (Commander S. K. Tymoshenko, member of the Military Council N. S. Khrushchev, Chief of Staff I. H. Baghramyan) underestimated the enemy forces and did not take timely measures to prevent an approaching catastrophe. The withdrawal of troops who were threatened with encirclement was delayed. 19 May the Germans went to the rear of the Soviet troops. Marshal Tymoshenko finally gave the order to stop the attack on Kharkov and throw the main forces to restore the situation on the Barvenkovsky ledge. But it was too late. 6-I and 57-I Soviet armies, as well as an army task force were surrounded. A smaller part of the troops led by divisional commissar K. A. Gurov managed to break through. The troops of the South-Western Front suffered heavy losses. Among the dead were the deputy front commander F. Ya. Kostenko, the commanders of the 57 and 6 armies K. P. Podlas and A. M. Gorodnyansky, the commander of the army group L. V. Bobkin. Thousands of Soviet soldiers were killed or captured.

The Kharkov operation was a huge tragedy that dramatically changed the situation on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front in favor of the enemy.

To be continued ...
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  1. +12
    2 February 2017 07: 30
    The great victory of the Red Army over fascism.
    I recall the lines from the letter of one fascist officer to Germany about the transfer of the Metronome to the Nazis near Stalingrad. The Germans broadcast the progress of the metronome. Then the announcer explained that when the metronome freezes for a second, it means that we killed another fascist in the Paulus Army. The metronome froze at the 7th second. The officer wrote: "Now we know that every 7 seconds a German dies on this front. Why did we come here. The Russians are meaner than chain dogs, they will kill us all." I have the honor.
    1. +14
      2 February 2017 10: 55
      From the diary of a German officer. November 1942 "We hoped that before Christmas we would return to Germany, that Stalingrad was in our hands. What a great mistake! Stalingrad is hell! This city has turned us into a crowd of insensible dead. ... We attack every day. But even if in the morning we advance twenty meters, in the evening they throw us back. ... The Russians are not like people, they are made of iron, they don’t know fatigue, they don’t know fear. Sailors, in severe frost, go on the attack in vests. Physically and spiritually, one Russian soldier is stronger than the whole of our squad. "

      How many letters are there? How many lives have they destroyed and for what? In order to ingloriously die on the banks of an unfamiliar river, the name of which before the war, most of them did not even know. Bismarck warned them!

      Eternal memory and eternal glory to the heroes who broke the ridge of the fascist beast on the banks of the Volga! It was near Stalingrad that a fundamental turning point occurred in the war, and not only in the Great Patriotic War, but precisely in the Second World War. And no British or Americans can ever, no matter how hard they try, downplay the significance and role of the Soviet soldier in the defeat of Nazi Germany.
      1. +18
        2 February 2017 14: 42
        Lesson in Germany

        The teacher asks: "What is the biggest city in the world?»

        Hans says: "Stalingrad».

        Teacher: "Why do you think so?»

        Hans: "Grandfather said that they they walked along one street for two hundred days, so they didn’t reach the end».


        ... in France alone over 2000 titles "Stalingrad»

        Return the name STALINGRAD!

        The city of Glory sung in songs.

        Give people back STALINGRAD!

        Rightfully theirs.

        Return the name STALINGRAD!

        To the heroes who fell in the battle of the formidable.

        Return the name STALINGRAD.

        Living heroes of gold-star.

        Return the name STALINGRAD

        Heroes, grandchildren or son ....

        Do not kill STALINGRAD

        From behind the corner kick in the back.

        In battles many years ago

        His fascists did not kill.

        Is the city really to blame

        What you did not share

        Mined glory, power and throne?! ..

        And you are at the Stalin's tomb.

        Already prepared the law,

        So that both were illegal:

        And the one who led us to victory ...

        And the city of terrible Russian Glory.

        ... the working class will not forgive you ...

        The shame of your thoughts is narrow.

        From dead and living soldiers

        Standing to death here once ...

        Return the name STALINGRAD! ..

        As a reward to the Russian soldier!

        TUROV Vladimir Semenovich, defender of Stalingrad,

        from an anti-tank rifle (17,5 kg) shot down a German plane!
        1. +7
          2 February 2017 16: 54
          Pay attention, another bad act of Khrushchev! When it was renamed the city of Russian glory! That’s what, don’t say, but these embroiderers love to tear down monuments, rename names! If only they wouldn’t raise them to the holy hand!
          1. +1
            19 June 2017 00: 41
            Retvisan 8.
            I completely agree with Alena and you. Hero cities Stalingrad and Leningrad need to return their glorious names. Otherwise, the paradox turns out: the battle of Stalingrad took place inside Volgograd, and the blockade of Leningrad inside St. Petersburg - the historians of the future will get confused.
          2. 0
            23 December 2017 16: 32
            With one small but. Khrushchov hails from the Oryol province. Then he pressed himself against us in the Donbass and worked in the mine, if I am not mistaken, as a lamp-holder (give-bring). Then the revolution - and away we go. In short, adyats, like normal people, are found everywhere.
      2. +3
        2 February 2017 14: 58
        Quote: Alex_1973
        Sailors, in severe frost, go on the attack in vests. Physically and spiritually, one Russian soldier is stronger than our whole unit "

        Now liberal "historians" will fall out and begin to scatter about the fan that everything is actually not so simple, and the German wrote this letter under torture in Lubyanka, and they won that war only with the help of detachments and billions of dollars of deserters.
        1. +2
          2 February 2017 15: 24
          Sovetskiy Today, 14:58 ↑
          Now liberal "historians" will fall out and begin to scatter thrills on the fan
          Michael has already fallen out, at the bottom of the branch Kenneth already defends the entire Anglo-Saxons, in that they landed late in Europe. However, he always and everywhere protects them.
          1. +2
            2 February 2017 17: 17
            Quote: Alex_1973
            Michael already fell out

            Can clairvoyants sign up? lol
        2. 0
          3 February 2017 20: 48
          and as no one dumped decided to start a skirmish-monologue
  2. +17
    2 February 2017 07: 40
    All a happy holiday. As far as I can remember, in our house this Victory was celebrated. My parents, the children of Stalingrad, who survived the bombing on August 23 and miraculously survived, celebrated this day as their second birthday.
    1. +7
      2 February 2017 12: 49
      Aron! Often here on the forum we have disagreements, but I take off my hat to your parents! hi

      I admire the Great Russian people, and these are Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Jews, Uzbeks, Germans ... and more than 130 nationalities that have entered into the history of human civilization The feat of unlimited courage, and not only near Stalingrad, but also as a whole for the Great Patriotic War!
      1. +10
        2 February 2017 13: 16
        Thank. Today's boys just do not understand what our parents survived. How to explain to my son that his grandfather at the age of 13 already worked on a drilling machine for 12 hours a day. An amazing generation of our parents.
        1. +5
          2 February 2017 13: 23
          Even more than surprising ... You correctly noticed that young people simply don’t believe, perceiving everything as a myth ... God forbid, they don’t have to prove, but we have to make sure that they are no worse ... Because all this already been! Remember at Lermontov: "Not like the current tribe! Heroes! Not you ...", and then almost every generation of young people had to become heroes! hi
  3. +1
    2 February 2017 08: 15
    Bloodless Germany and Russia-the USSR, according to the plans of the masters of the West, could no longer prevent the construction of a new world order led by the United States. All this determined the strategy of prolonging the war, consistently pursued by the United States and England during the Second World War.

    Everyone goes to their goals. I was always surprised (even in the 80s). how ashamed "Captured East Europe". Yes, they took and use the fruits of Victory. Pay the prices yourself (many. Not one) and "play" Europe. as you want.
  4. +7
    2 February 2017 08: 30
    Red flag over the Square of Fallen Fighters liberated Stalingrad. In the background is a department store building where the headquarters of the Wehrmacht's surrounded 6 Army, led by Field Marshal Paulus, was captured. On the square - German trucks captured by Soviet troops.
  5. +4
    2 February 2017 08: 32
    The heroic Pavlov’s House in the days of the Battle of Stalingrad.
    1. +1
      3 February 2017 20: 50
      It would be more correct to call this house the names of all those who at different times headed its defense-Pavlov there was one of many ... and unfortunately you cannot recall other names, you need to look
  6. +2
    2 February 2017 08: 34
    Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (left), commander of the 6th Wehrmacht Army encircled in Stalingrad, chief of staff Lt. Gen. Arthur Schmidt and his adjutant Wilhelm Adam after being captured. Stalingrad, Beketovka, headquarters of the Soviet 64th Army.
  7. +3
    2 February 2017 08: 38
    A string of German prisoners of war near Stalingrad
  8. +6
    2 February 2017 08: 43
    Commander of the 62nd Army V.I. Chuikov (left) and member of the military council K.A. Gurov during a conversation with the legendary sniper V.G. Zaitsev examine his rifle.
  9. +6
    2 February 2017 09: 30
    The wolf pack fell into the pit
    At the Stalingrad glorious walls.
    Sixth army over the Volga
    At the last hour surrenders.

    Von Drebber, Strecker, Schlemmer, Kromme
    Hand over weapons on the run.
    Their ninety thousand besides
    Those that remained in the snow.

    Recalling the past
    Dozens of General Sabers
    With one field marshal's baton.

    (S. Marshak.
    February 4, 1943)
    1. 0
      19 June 2017 00: 57
      B1943 I heard a song on the radio, I don’t remember all, but I’m writing what I remember:
      There is a cliff on the Volga, the one that is covered with moss
      From the top to the edge
      There is no one in the world who does not know him
      That cliff is called Stalingrad.
      On a cliff
      Fighters of Stalingrad
      An enemy horde howls, but she never
      One cannot climb a treasured cliff!
  10. +5
    2 February 2017 09: 34
    A good and full article, despite the modest headline.
  11. +5
    2 February 2017 09: 35
    “The iron wind beat them in the face, and they all went and went forward, and again a sense of superstitious fear swept over the enemy: did people go on the attack, are they mortal? ..” - these words on Mamaev Kurgan fully convey how our soldiers fought in Stalingrad. Eternal memory to them!
  12. The comment was deleted.
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          1. +3
            2 February 2017 14: 34
            Your question is quite alternative. Firstly, because they agreed with Stalin. Secondly, because there are sufficient conditions for a successful landing. Thirdly, because through Italy a further offensive was impossible. Fourth, because they wanted to take part of Europe under themselves. In the fifth variant, the Balkans fell away due to the position of Stalin. In the sixth, without their landing, ours would have lost several million more.
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                      1. +2
                        2 February 2017 18: 09
                        Quote: Alex_1973
                        Stalin needed a second front in 1941-1942, a bag of horseradish, and not in 1944, when the USSR would have reached the English Channel without any help.
                        I read historical research
                        I see what you read, Gozman rezuns, those are still “historians,” however you are.

                        But I don’t tell you what forces were supposed to land in Europe in 1942? What forces? How logistics should have been secured t / e unhindered supply of ammunition, equipment, replenishment of l / s and t / d. What aviation was supposed to block the landed. What should have been done with the Italo-German group in St. Africa?
                      2. The comment was deleted.
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                2. +2
                  3 February 2017 07: 15
                  But what is bad about Soviet textbooks? The fact that the description of the Battle of Stalingrad was there on several sheets, in contrast to the present - a couple of lines?
              2. 0
                3 February 2017 21: 11
                Here you are, Alex, I’m not ashamed, again, not the first time I notice, becoming personal and starting to insult the opponent just for what he expressed his opinion. I read and wonder how I can take and be rude to a stranger? - according to the experience of our troubled 90 years I know how one cool guy sent a guy to a disco (he sent a guy cool in the city with ideas)), where Makar did not drive calves, and in the morning they found him in the entrance with an ax in his head, who had already rested in a Bose. FOR THREE WORDS, GOT THE AX IN TYKKVU Buda neater with words and wishes. And in Mexico ice axes are needed
            2. 0
              3 February 2017 21: 07
              The mustache is so true, in Italy they simply got stuck, well, the descendants of the knights are fighting in Italy, but the way is through Italy to the center of Europe, the debt and the thorny-to Russians are already running out, you have to hurry and the heart of Europe is France, I don’t think I’m losing anyway, at least that the Russians would go to Paris-heels wouldn’t be enough but the piece of cake is fat and not all of us know about the losses of the same roulette with the church, which by the way were afraid of Stalin and especially Roosevelt respected
          2. 0
            3 February 2017 21: 02
            and it doesn’t matter why they landed? -the main help they all did was whether they wanted it or not-there (in France, I won’t fight a battalion?) then they would ask the soldier at 44 if there was any difference to him for what reason they were there sloops on the beach threw up .. I think he would answer, mainly so that we feel better. and what a bad habit to immediately hang a tag on people for their opinions? -Anglosaaaksa attorney-how proudly it sounds-among other things, between Roosevelt and Rerchil there were not frail disagreements on the timing of the landing-Roosevelt wanted to speed up the process, but Churchill made out like louse on the scallop. And at 42 they weren’t ready to land — the only question was if they could have done it in the 43rd year? -Did they make 43 leaps into Italy in the summer? -Yes, but not in 42m that year too many Englishmen drowned in the seas along with by transport.
  13. +4
    2 February 2017 14: 17
    All a happy holiday !!!!!!
    1. +6
      2 February 2017 15: 29
      It just so coincided that the fortieth day of the 25.12.2016 tragedy occurred on the Stalingrad date.

      They took off like birds
      The ship carried them to heaven.
      And never land ...
      And their December is endless ..

  14. +3
    2 February 2017 20: 18
    All the holiday!
    For the holiday, everyone should wear clothes like this:

    It would be nice to make this day a public holiday.
  15. 0
    7 February 2017 13: 00
    The author does not take into account that the US army, as of 1940, was equal to the armed forces of Czechoslovakia in combat efficiency. The latter surrendered to the Nazis without a fight. For the period from 1941 to 1942, Japan - "in the tail and mane" beat the allied forces in Of Asia. German submarines inflicted huge damage on the Allied ships in the Atlantic, as the example of the death of the PQ-17 caravan described in Pikul's book. At that time, there was no way to seriously build up the Allied forces in Britain for subsequent actions in France. At a meeting in Casablanca , it was then that Churchill and Roosevelt adopted a decisive statement - the end of hostilities against Germany will come only after its unconditional surrender.
  16. -1
    21 November 2017 12: 27
    The diary of a German soldier who fought near Stalingrad was captured, and in 1953, healthy and happy, returned home. Then in West Germany his diary was published. He's writing:

    “October 1, 1941. Our assault battalion reached the Volga. More precisely, another 500 meters to the Volga. Tomorrow we will be on the other side and the war is over. ”

    “October 3. Very strong fire resistance, we can’t overcome these 500 meters. We are standing on the border of a grain elevator. "

    “October 6th. Damn elevator. It is impossible to approach him. Our losses exceeded 30%. ”

    “October 10th. Where do these Russians come from? "The elevator is no longer there, but every time we get close to it, fire comes from under the ground."

    “October 15th. Hooray, we overcame the elevator. From our battalion there were 100 people. "

    So what is next:

    “It turned out that the elevator was defended by 18 Russians, we found 18 corpses.”

    And the battalion (350-700 men) stormed them for two weeks.

    From the memoirs of soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht:
    “My God, what did these Russians intend to do with us? We'll all die here! .. ”
  17. 0
    23 December 2017 16: 50
    Aron Zaavi,
    One British combined-arms army (that is, an insignificant part of the troops of the British Empire) fought with Rommel, there were no amers there until almost the end of the 42nd, and at that time they fought with the Japanese in 20% of their strength. And I ask you to take into account - after the defeat of the convoy PQ-17 (that is still a muddy story), and this is the spring of the 42nd, and until the fall of the 43rd, there were NO Lend-Lease deliveries to Russia. Just during Salingrad and Kursk. That's all your contribution to the overall victory.