Trump is a world war

Trump is a world war

Somewhat surprised by the joy of most of the Russian media and political community about the victory of Donald Trump. Indeed, in reality, Trump, at the head of the United States, is a big war.

Surprisingly, this stubbornness of our Russian leaders, who by all means of propaganda keep the liberal-democratic (pro-Western) choice of Russia. And they dream that Russia in a coalition with the “world community” will beat “world terrorism”. They do not understand or do not want to understand that they want to use Russia again as “cannon fodder” (like Alexander’s Russia in the wars with Napoleon) in the fight against the “Caliphate”. And then Russia will once again become the "main dish" in the meal of world predators and aliens.

First, it does not matter who is at the head of the United States. The current Washington is the main “command post” of the Western world. And Western civilization is historical, the millennial enemy of Russia (Russian civilization and superethnos of the Rus). The hosts of the West, century after century, are trying to crush and destroy the Russian superethnos, dismember, rob and "digest" Russia-Russia.

The basis of the confrontation is the struggle for the place of the “king of the hill”, the leader of humanity. Western masters are building so-called. New world order (“global Babylon-Rome”), global non-slave-owning civilization. The basis of the Western world is an unfair, parasitic concept, when a small group of “chosen ones” parasitize all of humanity. Materialism prevails in this world - the ideology of the “golden calf”, everything is sold and bought, including "love" and "conscience". The main part of humanity is constantly stupefied with streams of stupid information, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, artificial and harmful food, moronic music and cinematographic production, perverted by “art”, debauchery, etc. The same “master-elect” dream of becoming “gods” investing huge amounts of money in biotechnology, elite medicine.

The world of the future, which is built by the owners of the West, is well shown in Hollywood science fiction films. For example, "Elysium is a paradise not on Earth" or "Ascent of Jupiter". This division of people into castes of "gods" - long-lived or almost immortal beings, who are subject to all advanced technologies and who live in luxury and pleasure. And the world of “short-lived”, “untermensch-subhumans”, deprived of access to advanced knowledge and technologies, constantly intoxicated with negative information and various intoxicants. The “gods” with security and attendants live in the “security islands” - megalopolises, special quarters, districts, villages, islands, huge ships (they are already being built), and in the long term - on space stations. The rest of humanity is significantly reduced in size and drags out a miserable existence on the wreckage of the industrial and post-industrial world. The brilliant Russian writer Ivan Antonovich Efremov showed a similar world in the novel “The Bull Hour”. This is a book about the journey of the people of the future, natives of the communist Earth, to the planet Tormans, where the world of inferno was created.

Russian civilization (“Russian matrix, code”) bears in itself the germ of another world, which is fair in its essence. The world, where the basis of everything is social justice, is true, life according to conscience, that is, on the basis of the "good news." Man is not a rational animal, which can only be consumed, destroying the world around him like a certain “virus”; he has a soul, created “in the image and likeness”. God created man in His image and likeness. Thus, man, by his nature, is the “vicar of God” on Earth. He has free will and choice, is able to build and create, build on the planet "the kingdom of God." In such a world, truth is higher than the law, the general is higher than the private, the spiritual is higher than the material.

The origins of the "Russian code" lie in the ancient pagan past, when our ancestors praised Rule - the world of light and justice. Then, these foundations in conjunction with Christianity gave rise to Orthodoxy - “the glory of the Rules (Pravda)”. When Rod-Svarog became the Almighty, the Mother-Lada became the Mother of God, and the patron of the warriors Perun became George the Victorious, who beat the serpent (also the ancient Russian symbol Volos-Velez in the form of a dragon serpent or a bear). The project “Grad of Kitezh” appeared in Russia. However, under the Romanovs, Orthodoxy was formalized, emasculated, rituals and statehood destroyed the fiery essence of Russian Orthodoxy at the time of Alexander Nevsky and Sergius of Radonezh, when good was ready to resist evil. It became the spiritual foundation of the 1917 disaster of the year.

The Russian Communists, led by Stalin, gave the Russian project a new life. The “red project” was born - the Soviet civilization, in which they built a society of creation and service, as opposed to the consumer society of destruction in the West. The USSR-Russia built a “bright future” not only for itself, but for all of humanity. The image of this future was Alice Selezneva, the heroine of the books of Kir Bulychev (“Girl from the Earth”), an amazing film “Guest from the Future”.

The destruction of the USSR led to the death of Soviet civilization, but the potential for the revival of the new Russian global project, an alternative to the Western one, was preserved. The thirst for justice and truth is the basis of the “Russian matrix” (hence the popularity of the films Brother, 1 and 2). Therefore, the Russians pose a threat to the Western global project in any state: they are pagans or Christians, ardent communists or monarchists, democrats or right-wing Black Hundreds.

Thus, the masters of the West, in any case, will continue the course of destroying Russian civilization and the super-ethnos Rus. No matter who will be in the White House, Trump or Clinton, Obama or Bush, the course will be the same - the destruction and destruction of Great Russia (Russian civilization - the Russian Federation, White Russia and Little Russia - Ukraine, as well as adjacent areas). Any president of the United States, as well as the leaders of England, Germany and France, all representatives of the western political and military "elite" will fulfill the will of the real owners of the West, who control gold, printing presses, means of production and the overwhelming majority of the media.

Significant are the main appointments in the new US administration. The whole environment trump talks about the "Russian threat". The new head of the Pentagon, a retired General of the Marine Corps, James Mattis, in the course of the approval of his new position called Russia the main threat to the United States. “I think that fundamental threats to US interests begin with Russia,” said Mattis. The US Senate Committee approved Rex Tillerson’s candidacy for the post of head of the US Department of State. Speaking in the Senate, the candidate himself made it clear that he considers our country to be an “unfriendly rival”. Also, the US Senate approved Michael Pompeo, Director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Earlier, Michael Pompeo during a hearing in a special intelligence committee called for a "strong response" to "cyber attacks from Russia." Earlier, Pompeo stated that Russia "is aggressively restoring its position in the world," he accused the Russian Federation of "invasion and occupation" in Ukraine, "threatens Europe and does almost nothing to help defeat ISIL."

All these are certain signals of Russia. As well as large-scale transfer of American armored vehicles to Europe. As a result, it should be enough for the 10-12 armored divisions, about as much as Hitler, who 22 June 1941 year attacked the USSR. It is clear that there will be no open war. But the West will put pressure on Russia, seeking concessions, for example, on the nuclear issue (disarmament) and the Crimea. A scenario of the new “Crimean War” is also possible, when Ukraine (Turkey, Georgia, Poland, Japan) will act as a formal opponent of Russia. And the US will exert military-political pressure, acting as the Austrian empire of the 1854-1856 sample, when Russia was forced to hold the main and best forces in the western strategic direction, and they could not take part in the hostilities in the Crimea, which led to final defeat. Russia will not be able to use nuclear weapon, because it will immediately become an "evil empire", "Mordor" for all mankind.

It is obvious that the Kremlin sees a military threat in the western strategic direction. Strengthen the military grouping in the Crimea, the troops in Kaliningrad, in general in the Baltic and the Black Sea and in the west of the country. Forced pace restore the defense power of the country, previously destroyed. But the problem is that Russia, while not having its own conceptuality and strategy, is still in the Big Game in the role of the slave. Also, the issue of social justice is not resolved, which leads to the emergence of a new turmoil on the territory of Russian civilization. Suffice it to recall the example of the USSR. The Red Empire had the most powerful armed forces on the planet, but this did not save it from disaster. The only way to a "bright future" is the revival of the Russian red project based on social justice, ethics of conscience, with the creation of a society of service and creation.

The world of the "golden calf" by all means and forces will try to crush the states and peoples, which retain the possibility of creating a different reality, of a more just order. Hence the hatred of the Russians, the creation of the image of the “Russian threat”, the intensification of military hysteria, militarization, the sharp increase in military activity on the borders of Russia. In general, this is a threat of military pressure to force Moscow to make further concessions that lead to the further extinction of the Russian world. In particular, it is obvious that the “pain points” that the masters of the West will put pressure on are the Crimea, Kaliningrad, the Kuriles and the problem of “nuclear disarmament”.

Also worth noting is the war that the masters of the West have unleashed along the North-South line, the Western (biblical) world against Islamic civilization. In biblical tradition, this clash is called the “Battle of the End” between the "king of the north" and the "king of the south." In fact, the masters of the West, with the support of the rulers of the Arab monarchies and Turkey, themselves created the “Caliphate” and destroyed a number of states - Iraq, Libya, Syria. As a result, the Middle Eastern Front of World War (war in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, on the Sinai Peninsula, in Libya) arose. Inferno crater appeared, which sucks in new states: Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia. The war involves not only local forces (official troops, whole gangster armies, contingents created by religious, national, territorial and tribal principle, for example, Kurdish troops, Shiite and Sunni formations, etc.), but regional - Iran , Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, etc. There are also players of a global level: a coalition of Western countries led by the United States, Russia.

The main reason for this war is the desire of the masters of the West to dismember and destroy the world of the Koran. The Quranic world, like the Russian, is also the carrier of the idea of ​​justice, the priority of the spiritual principle over the material one.

The “caliphate” created by the masters of the West and its Middle Eastern allies (they didn’t even realize at the beginning that they were already sentenced) plays the role of Hitler. The “caliphate” was allowed to get stronger, to seize a number of territories, to gain a foothold, and then began a war with it, declaring hellishness. Although in reality, bearded militants who cut heads to their opponents are a trifle compared to the masters of the West, who previously destroyed and now destroy entire countries, regions and peoples, plunging them into chaos of wars and conflicts, sucking their resources, forcing hundreds of thousands and millions of people die from bullet, knife, hunger, disease, etc.

The “caliphate” was needed by the masters of the West to cause a big war in the region, to dismember and destroy the Islamic world, the Islamic countries. The future of the entire Islamic world, in this scenario, is shown by the ruins of the previously more or less prosperous Iraq, Libya and Syria. Next in line are Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. These countries are subject to demolition. Millions of people will die or become refugees, since the territories of the destroyed states simply cannot feed them. Hundreds of thousands of young people will join the "army of chaos." The war will affect Europe, where Muslim communities already make up a large part of the population in many countries. All according to plan - the old Europe will be destroyed. No wonder London hurried out of the European Union. The island will be easier to "clean up".

Given the demographic crisis, in fact, a catastrophe (the extinction of the white race), the chances to survive are few in Europe. A relaxed, politically correct and multicultural Europe will not withstand the confrontation with the passionate, energetic South. Even the creation of fascist, Nazi regimes, which will follow the path of severe restrictions on migration, repression and terror against already existing ethno-cultural and religious communities, will not save Europe. Most likely, “islands of security”, “green zones” with the most powerful security systems and means of defense and offensive will be created in the form of new small states, large cities, neighborhoods, towns, districts, where a “chosen” will retain a high standard of living and security. The rest of the territory of Europe will gradually sink into chaos, degrade. There will be new state formations like Catalonia, Veneto, which will try to save themselves in the sea of ​​general collapse.

Secondly, on the planet a crisis of the global model of capitalism, of the entire Western world. Trump's populism and isolationism cannot save the United States. Total isolation of the United States will only accelerate the catastrophe, which will lead to American unrest and the collapse of several North American states. It is also possible the creation of a fascist American empire, with the inclusion of Canada and Mexico, which will give America the opportunity to survive in the new world. It is clear that such radical events will cause a tsunami wave around the world. In particular, China will have big problems - a “global factory”, since Chinese goods will no longer be needed in such quantities. And the economic collapse will lead to the social and political crisis of the PRC. Russia will also be bad in this case. The economy based on the “pipe” (raw type) will collapse. It was necessary yesterday to carry out new industrialization at an accelerated pace, to restore science and education.

As a result, only two scenarios remain with the masters of the West. The third - the general construction of a "better world", based on just principles, is not considered there. Both scenarios are world war, but they are slightly different. The first scenario is the complete collapse of all of Eurasia and part of Africa. "Battle of the End." It was launched by the Caliphate and it must end in complete destruction with the colossal material and human losses of Islamic civilization. Europe will suffer greatly. Under the scenario of participation in the war of Pakistan, India will suffer. Russia will also collapse, and its territory will be the main prize for the masters of the West and possibly China. The masters of the West, in alliance with China, will build a new world order on the ruins of the previous civilization. True, there is a scenario of the collapse of China, which, due to the cyclical nature of its history, approaches the period of collapse and civil war.

The second scenario is the creation of a “multipolar world” (with several centers of power). The main poles are the American empire and the Celestial Empire, it is also possible to preserve the EU, the union around the Russian Federation, etc. The zones between them are degrading, that is, a mixture of archaic and modern world, neo-slave and neo-feudal order will arise. That is, the president, the state education sheikh, can have security with the most advanced weaponry, the “elite” will have access to first-class medicine, and slave-owning markets will flourish right now, where you can buy a dozen or so other concubines or boys. Such zones of inferno already appear all over the planet: Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, etc.

Trump also realizes the will of the so-called. patriots, the imperial part of the American elite. Thus, the rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a declaration of war. And the global war, a different way out (with this type of psyche), the owners of the West do not. The masters of the West have vast experience in this kind of affairs. London and Washington launched the First, Second and Third (cold) world wars. Taking into account the creation of the Middle Eastern Front, the West began the Fourth World War. Now the next appearance of the European and Pacific fronts.
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  1. +35
    26 January 2017 06: 25
    The main reason for this war is the desire of the masters of the West to dismember and destroy the world of the Koran. The Koranic world, like the Russian one, is also the bearer of the idea of ​​justice, the priority of the spiritual principle over the material one.

    You rarely see such an adequate statement. Since, as a result of the established company to discredit Islam, for most people the words terror and Islam become identical. At the same time, forgetting about who brought terror as a phenomenon to the Middle East and that there are many different trends in Islam, including radical ones, as well as in Christianity.
    1. +57
      26 January 2017 07: 14
      Article is complete nonsense.
      The author is not Prokhanov by chance?
      now by comment

      Quote: Razvedka_Boem
      Since, as a result of the established company to discredit Islam, for most people the words terror and Islam become identical.

      I understand that these are disguised Europeans - they cut their heads, blow up buses and swear to destroy all the infidels?
      Your post is the same nonsense divorced from reality - as the whole article
      Quote: Razvedka_Boem
      At the same time, forgetting about who brought terror as a phenomenon to the Middle East

      Did students outperform teachers?
      Quote: Razvedka_Boem
      that in Islam there are many different movements, including radical ones, as well as in Christianity.

      So do not write nonsense.
      % As he said (who forgot) - but today is the reality - these are.
      Not all Muslims are terrorists - but all terrorists are Muslims.
      And it is very close to the truth.
      1. +8
        26 January 2017 07: 57
        Quote: teder
        The author is not Prokhanov by chance?

        yes, it looks more like the "expert" Nikitka Isaev ... for Prokhanov, the flowery of the narrative is not enough.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +3
                  26 January 2017 17: 20
                  In the comment above, I meant this teder.

                  Thanks to the author. The article carries the right idea.
      2. +4
        26 January 2017 08: 04
        I completely agree with you .... but I think that Prokhanov was not standing nearby
        1. The comment was deleted.
      3. +22
        26 January 2017 10: 35
        Quote: Razvedka_Boem
        , including radical, as well as in Christianity.

        Show me the video where Christians cut their heads.
        And the article is definitely nonsense.
        Clinton screamed that becoming president, Russia would almost turn to ashes.
        -The author was silent
        Trump said, we will look for common ground - the author shouted about a warrior.
        Dear, where is your logic?
        And lastly, if the US president in the USA is nobody, why does Putin solve issues with them, and not ..... who do you think rules the United States.
        1. +19
          26 January 2017 12: 06
          Dear Alexander!
          About how Christians cut their heads, you can see how the Anglo-Saxons during the period of the conquest of America took off scalps. They didn’t cut off their heads because, in my opinion, they paid $ 5 for every Indian head, and after killing several dozens of people it’s hard to drag so many cut off heads to a collection point, it’s easier to present a scalp.
          Neither Putin nor Trump decide anything on their own, they naturally express the interests of the ruling elite, or part of the elite, in their countries. Putin, among other things, if you recall the year 2000, the appointed Gauleiter by the Yeltsin circle. Another thing is that Putin, the rebellious Gauleiter. He did not want to end as Gaddafi or Saddam. But he is not free, take a look at the situation inside the country. Under his rule, the rich have become even richer, the middle class is shrinking, the working simple people are living poorer and poorer.
          In general, the article is not bad, but there are certainly flaws, due to the small format.
          1. +9
            26 January 2017 14: 24
            Quote: todhunter
            About how Christians cut their heads, you can see how the Anglo-Saxons during the period of the conquest of America took scalps

            They killed, but without mentioning the faith. If we take the story, then the Catholics killed with the name of the faith much earlier. Now there is no such thing.
            Quote: todhunter
            Neither Putin nor Trump decide anything on their own nothing,

            If Putin reads your koment, he will smile
            Quote: todhunter
            Under his rule, the rich became richer, the middle class is declining, the working simple people live poorer and poorer.

            Quote: todhunter
            Under his rule, the rich became richer, the middle class is declining, the working simple people live poorer and poorer.

            Yes, I remember how idle people lived in 2000. You probably went to kindergarten then. Or they lost their memory, forgetting in what poverty people lived then
          2. 0
            27 November 2017 22: 56
            Sasha, if you are comparing Putin with Trump, you should mention the result of their very first meeting this spring. If you remember, they agreed on some kind of agreement on Syria, on cyber security, and something else ....
            And upon arrival in Moscow, Putin ordered that they study ALL of these agreements .... and everyone spun around to solve the task set by the president. At the same time, Donald had not yet set foot on American soil as Congress forbade him to do at least something according to the signed agreements, and the Americans also said that they would not do anything with “aggressive Russia”.
            So - who is really the president and who is just a doll called the president - EVERYTHING IS CLEAR.
        2. +5
          26 January 2017 12: 51
          Show me the video where Christians cut their heads.

          What is the difference between an IRA fighter detonating a bomb and a fighter in the Middle East? If only by the fact that they do not cut off your head, then your vision of the world is somewhat distorted.
          1. +15
            26 January 2017 14: 59
            Quote: Razvedka_Boem
            Show me the video where Christians cut their heads.

            What is the difference between an IRA fighter detonating a bomb and a fighter in the Middle East? If only by the fact that they do not cut off your head, then your vision of the world is somewhat distorted.

            The "terrorists" of the IRA differ from the Islamic ones in that when they made their bombings, the main thing for them was to prevent civilians from suffering (if possible), all the bombings (mainly cars) were carried out at night on empty night streets!
            Now I don’t remember exactly (if you are interested, you can search for information, there is a lot of it and it is open) that only a couple of people died during the bombings by the IRA militants, and this was accidental, since the goal of the IRA was not to kill civilians, but to draw the attention of the government -brities ....

            P / S. The main handwriting of the IRA is a telephone warning 90 minutes before the bombing of a car filled with explosives, which reduced the possibility of human casualties, but served as a demonstration of strength. One of the main suppliers of weapons for the IRA was Libya. The main target of the IRA was British soldiers, police and judges.

            P / S. I do not justify them, but it is simply not correct to compare the IRA with thugs by the "Islamists". stop
            1. +3
              26 January 2017 16: 05
              I do not justify them, but it’s simply not correct to compare the IRA with the thugs by the “Islamists”

              The terrorist remains so, despite differences in faith or ideology.
              that during the execution of explosions by the IRA militants, only a couple of people died

              You are either greatly mistaken, or deliberately mislead others.
              1. +8
                26 January 2017 18: 08
                The terrorist remains so, despite differences in faith or ideology.
                So I do not justify them.
                [quote] that during the bombing by militants of the IRA killed only a couple of people
                [/ Quote]
                I, as you can see, wrote about CIVIL people.

                You are either very mistaken, or deliberately mislead others. [/ Quote]
                If you provide information on the number of civilians killed, you can share it, I’m only for it.

                P / S Here it is possible to argue to the point of foam at the mouth which of the terrorists is more bloodthirsty, BUT, the fact remains that 99.99% of these scumbags are Muslims and commit them with the last word “Allahu akbar” on their lips ...
                1. +2
                  26 January 2017 18: 59
                  If you provide information on the number of civilians killed, you can share it, I’m only for it.

                  I suppose you know that Catholics fought with the Protestants there, and if you take a section from the 70s, then during the conflict officially died 3531 people, of which half were civilians. This is not counting tens of thousands of wounded.
                  "U2" then recorded her album "War".
                  Here you can argue until the foam at the mouth which of the terrorists is more bloodthirsty

                  I will not argue, as this does not make sense. Those who commit terrorist acts under the name of Allah are not Muslims.
                  I read the Bible for horizons, and you read the Qur'an?
                  “If a person is given only two choices: to hold on to Church Orthodoxy or Mohammedanism, then for every rational man there can be no doubt in the choice and anyone will prefer Mohammedanism”
                  Who do you think this quote is? L.N. Tolstoy.
                  "Take courage, despise the deception,
                  Follow the path of truth cheerfully,
                  Love the orphans and my Quran
                  Preach the trembling creature. "
                  Imitations of the Quran. A.S. Pushkin.
                  The perception of Islam among people is now distorted and this has been done and is being done intentionally by forces that want to completely discredit this religion.
            2. +2
              26 January 2017 17: 30
              Inquisition? She certainly didn’t kill for faith ...
              Recall Anders Breivik. Something he does not look like a Muslim ... And shootings in US schools from father’s rifles? And the "dashing" 90s? Then it was not called that, but explosions and executions of people were normal. Like those who accidentally hooked.
              1. +5
                26 January 2017 17: 32
                By the way, non-Muslims came up with concentration camps, ghettos and reservations.
                Even the names of these places are not from their language.
                And it was not they who drove Jews, Indians, Africans, Poles, ours ...
                1. +5
                  26 January 2017 19: 34
                  Quote: Sandro68
                  By the way, non-Muslims came up with concentration camps, ghettos and reservations.
                  Even the names of these places are not from their language.
                  And it was not they who drove Jews, Indians, Africans, Poles, ours ...

                  Times change like methods.
                  ISIS just chopping heads, forcibly converts to faith.
                  Women into slavery - selling like cattle.
                  Men, old people and children are shot by thousands shaking the Quran and singing suras.
                  - and of course, the most peace-loving religion that we (it’s not clear why wink - in your opinion) - we do not correctly interpret and react

                  probably stupid.
                  Do not understand anything in Islam laughing
                  1. +3
                    26 January 2017 22: 35
                    Regarding your video - people are fleeing from an abandoned bag - because EVERYONE already knows WHAT can follow after that. If I saw this, I wouldn’t let Eela raise my bag again, but I would call the police. And he would be imprisoned for provoking a terrorist act. And for this, they also give a term.
                  2. +5
                    27 January 2017 10: 48
                    The Germans drowned stoves with people hiding behind not religion, but ideology. Which replaced religion. And they also killed all “non-less”, starting from their own (incapacitated people within T4) and left their lives to those who could work in concentration camps and on farms (ostarbeiters). And among them there were also stubborn people who made bags, covers for diaries and paintings from human skin. This is not religion, it is the tenacity of people. They also killed children from orphanages in the USSR, burned entire villages with old people, women and children, and executed without trial. Look what the Japanese did with the Chinese - practicing captive bayonet fighting, virus infection and Mengele-style experiments (how do you think people know that people are 80 percent out of the water? Yes, yes, the Chinese were dried in bathhouses. How does the ceiling for They pumped air out of the pressure chamber until the person drops back or the skull bursts. How do they know that a person can spend 2 hours in cold water? Hundreds of people were frozen in blocks of ice. Sewing organs from other people, practicing treatment of various wounds on prisoners - first neg they killed a leg and doused with kerosene, and then they try to sew it), competed how many heads per hour they can chop off peacefully and so on.

                    And who invented the famous "serbrez"? Croats (yes, they are Muslims, but not in that context). But what about "Allah is above us, Hitler is with us!" from Iran? It is simply a fusion of ideology and religion. There are many aspects, and all of them have not yet been captured. Let the horse think about it, she has a big head. And so - you are wrong. All these cover-ups by religion are nothing more than cover-ups, and they have nothing to do with real religion. Watch the South Park series when Cartman froze himself and got into the future without religions. It's the same here.

                    Substitution of concepts is a very bad state. It’s just that everyone forgot it on purpose, so as not to interfere with economic ties, and so that no one would take revenge on anyone. But the Chinese remember this. And we remember.
          2. +5
            26 January 2017 22: 29
            "IRA fighter bomb detonating" - are you talking about 60 - 80 years of the last century ...?
            And ISIS fighters are modern. And they not only laugh their heads, but they destroy historical monuments that have stood for centuries ....
            Moreover, in Ireland, NOBODY tried to impose their religious intolerance and so that others would recognize some specific laws.
            Namely, ISLAMIST terrorists (I emphasize - not Islamic but Islamic, who use religion for their own selfish purposes) throughout Europe impose Sharia laws on Europeans.
            So do not bind what is the opposite
            1. +5
              26 January 2017 23: 35
              Tear down the monuments of the Barmalei nauskali America, they themselves would bearded up to such a thought. This infa directly from barmaley, you can find a search engine. Plus an order for antiques from small-britain, geyropa and omerzikosia ... Do you catch the idea?
        3. +8
          26 January 2017 15: 01
          I do not believe in Trump. Each American president comes for two terms and the first term behaves like a white-fluffy one, establishes friendly relations with everyone. However, in the second term, when there is no need to be re-elected, another war and lawlessness begin. Of those who have been in my lifetime: Clinton De Bill - Yugoslavia, Bush - Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama - Libya, Syria, etc. feel
          1. +1
            30 January 2017 12: 24
            and which of the sane ones believes? mostly liberoids have inflated that the whole of Russia is praying for him. They have already been burned so many times in these good relations
      4. +6
        26 January 2017 10: 54
        I understand that these are disguised Europeans - they cut their heads, blow up buses and swear to destroy all the infidels?
        Your post is the same nonsense divorced from reality - as the whole article

        Read the post carefully! It is clearly said who praised terrorism in the Middle East! And what they cut and blow up is already a consequence of the US terrorist policy!
        Not all Muslims are terrorists - but all terrorists are Muslims.

        Again, not all terrorists are Muslims, enough Christians and Orthodox and other religions! Do not all in one pile!
        So don’t bring nonsense dear!
        1. +11
          26 January 2017 11: 28
          Quote: Fonmeg
          Again, not all terrorists are Muslims, enough Christians and Orthodox and other religions

          Where do Christians or Orthodox cut their heads or blow up ??? Where do Buddhists shout Hari Krishna kill people? That you dear all dumped in a heap.
          1. +6
            26 January 2017 12: 00
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Where do Christians or Orthodox cut their heads or blow up ??? Where do Buddhists shout Hari Krishna kill people? That you dear all dumped in a heap.

            You shouldn’t throw yourself so recklessly - remember the Decembrists, the famous Dutchman, they might not cut their heads at the camera - this is some terrifying performance for their savages of the same kind, but throw bombs and shoot people please. The richer hypocrites in the government and the Duma will harness ordinary people a little more and may well begin unrest and terrorist attacks in Russia.
            1. +6
              26 January 2017 14: 21
              Quote: Corsair
              - the Decembrists remember

              It was also necessary in Ukraine with the maidanutye
              Quote: Corsair
              famous Dutchman

              There is such a word criminal and he has no relation to faith.
              Quote: Corsair
              . The richer hypocrites in the government and the Duma will harness ordinary people a little more and may well begin unrest and terrorist attacks in Russia.

              These will be wet in the outhouse
            2. +3
              26 January 2017 17: 23
              Quote: Corsair
              the Decembrists remember
              (...) throw bombs and people shoot it please.

            3. +4
              26 January 2017 17: 34
              And also the suppression of Antonovism and the first-ever use of chemical weapons in unarmed civilians. Also not Muslims, but ours, near Tambov. Of course, now horseradish you will find these testimonies, but my friends went to those places, and they dug up colored sleeves from mustard gas and chlorine in the forest ..
              1. +8
                26 January 2017 17: 48
                Quote: Sandro68
                ... but my friends went to those places, and they dug up colored sleeves from mustard gas and chlorine in the forest ...

                - The "sleeve" is already almost a hundred years old ... and are they still "colored"? Amazing ...
                - shells are usually marked, not shells ... even more surprising, right?
                - as far as I know, when suppressing the Tambov uprising, it was either used or not applied (the devil’s paw will break there, if you start to understand) only chlorine. Cl, such a gas. In cylindersKarl !! And no there mustard gas request

                So what was your friend digging out for the "shells"? Only in more detail if possible wink
                1. 0
                  27 January 2017 12: 10

                  The odious order of Tukhachevsky No. 0016 of June 12, 1921 on the use of asphyxiating gases against insurgents demanded: in order to "immediately clean the forests" of the forests where the insurgents hid, purify with poisonous asphyxiating gases, it must be accurately calculated so that the cloud of asphyxiating gases spread completely throughout forest, destroying everything that was hidden in it. Instructions were given to the artillery inspector on the immediate dispatch of toxic gas cylinders and specialists to the field, and on the heads of the combat areas for persistent and energetic execution of the order. Initially, the appearance of this order was perceived as an act of intimidation. But to date, historians have revealed the real facts of the use of chemical weapons. So, on August 2, 1921 during shelling of the island northwest of the village of Kipets (Karay-Saltykovskaya volost), according to the military command, “65 shrapnel, 49 grenades and 59 chemical” were released.
                  read, look)

                  Yes, I was mistaken with the casings, there could be cylinders.
                  1. +1
                    27 January 2017 12: 27
                    Quote: Sandro68
                    Yes, I was mistaken with the casings, there could be cylinders.

                    Although ... Here:

                    4. On the issue of smoking bandits from the forests with gas, the following was done: a telegram was sent on your behalf to the Commander-in-Chief with a request for the expulsion of 2000 chem. shells and 5 chemical teams with the corresponding number of gas cylinders. For my part, I asked Inspartresp to send two experienced gas engineers to my disposal.
                    At present, I am compiling instructions for the use of the Tambov gas environment, respectively, which will be sent out in a timely manner to the start of the battle areas.
                    5. To speed up the receipt of the necessary allowances, send chemical shells and chemical teams and clarify the issue of the artillery staffs that exist in the Tambov command, I ask for your permission to go on a visit to Moscow for a few days on June 16th ... ”[11]
                    RGVA. F.235. Op. 3. D.34. L.7.

                    and so long ago it was. And there were no photos from those campaigns (then there were no phones yet), nor do search engines go there anymore. it’s not interesting to them.
          2. +10
            26 January 2017 12: 14
            By the way, Alexander, you as always got excited about the Buddhists, confusing them with the Hare Krishnas, and the most high-class Buddhists cut their heads and Orthodox, including the proud Samurai - the most Buddhists.
            1. +4
              26 January 2017 17: 25
              Quote: todhunter
              samurai are the most Buddhists.

              Only a branch. "Ordinary" Buddhism, after all, is a peaceful religion.
            2. +4
              26 January 2017 17: 35
              Not really. Then there was Shintoism in Japan.
      5. The comment was deleted.
      6. +5
        26 January 2017 11: 50
        Quote: teder
        Not all Muslims are terrorists - but all terrorists are Muslims.
        And it is very close to the truth.

        This is all rubbish, the terror of the weapons of the poor - it was invented long before the October Revolution, when white people were worshiped in Arab countries as rulers. Wherever there are serious problems with education, work and a low standard of living - there is banditry and terrorism. A certain circle of people skillfully controls this. Take Ukraine - there terrorism is elevated to the state level, countries with a strong government and army can afford to control financial flows and the resulting terrorist cells, suppress the intervention of controllers from the outside, where the mess is naturally not, they are not in time.
      7. +4
        26 January 2017 12: 53
        So do not write nonsense.

        Not even going to. And your comment is just evidence that the brainwashing of ordinary people about Islam is quite successful.
      8. +7
        26 January 2017 13: 39
        I understand that these are disguised Europeans - they cut their heads, blow up buses and swear to destroy all the infidels?

        Did students outperform teachers?

        So do not write nonsense.
        % As he said (who forgot) - but today is the reality - these are.
        Not all Muslims are terrorists - but all terrorists are Muslims.

        I did not want to comment on this article, I thought a normal, calm discussion would go on - as I see, I was mistaken ... *)

        And so, all over the world, now, as I see, TWO directions have been established "political thought" - schizophrenia and paranoia (your comment, superfluous confirmation of this).

        Schizophrenia Affects the Whole Western World. What does not have to be seven spans in the forehead to make this sad diagnosis for the whole world. The nonsense that Western leaders carry is nothing but a mumble of patients with a split personality ... *) Moreover, all their statements - delirium crazy. Today one person can be seen in them, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow a third, etc. etc. Moreover, their illness is completely independent of the "free, democratic" elections - some schizophrenics are replacing others.

        But in contrast to them, stands Russia with China, seriously ill, alas and ah, paranoia. Mania of persecution, suspicion, completely wild and sophisticated conspiracy theories stemming from paranoid disorders ... *)

        Between you - The "Great" West and the "Great" Eastlike monkeys dancing crowds of "simple" neurotics and other ub-lu-dk-s. They may call themselves "Muslims", but these are all the tales of the Vienna forest. Tomorrow, these crowds will smoothly turn, for example, into Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, or there, Baptist or “Pyatidyatyanikovskih” fighters = and they are already being trained, in Kharkov 6 years ago I saw how the Evangelical b-d-d -o, who will look into the mouth of their masters and do whatever they are ordered = ... *)

        So there’s nothing to say. Ideology ended with the death of the USSR. After, completely according to Fukuyama, the story ended, and the world turned into a big psychiatric hospital ... *)))
        1. +2
          26 January 2017 13: 53
          and the world turned into a big boothhouse ... *)))

          I wanted to say - the normal story is over, the medical history has begun ... *))
        2. +3
          26 January 2017 17: 39
          we have paranoia from the fact that we have already changed power twice. And the current government knows all these technologies much better than you and me - you yourself have come. And these technologies have not changed in 70 years - Kerensky handed over everything to Lysy from a German carriage, and Misha-envelope and Alkash changed.
          1. 0
            26 January 2017 21: 24
            we have paranoia from the fact that we have already changed power twice.

            For your information, we all, during these very changes of power, were in the same boat - Russia and Uzbekistan, that is ... *)) well, except for EBN, yes, but his freaks got a hit on us ... *)
        3. +3
          26 January 2017 18: 30
          Quote: de_monSher
          Schizophrenia Affects the Whole Western World

          having schizophrenics as “partners”, as you put it, it’s quite natural to become paranoid - because today there is one person, tomorrow another, and they are all unpredictable, And unpredictability gives rise to a protective reaction in the form of paranoia. I have such an opinion ..
          1. 0
            26 January 2017 18: 48
            having schizophrenics as “partners” as you put it, it’s quite natural to become paranoid

            The whole question is, when we finally, all together, “deserve” normal power, without mania, hallucinations and delirium? *)))
      9. +3
        26 January 2017 23: 26
        Quote: teder
        So do not write nonsense.

        No nonsense - everything is clear, concise, capacious, reasoned, as it is. Each phrase is in the top ten! But the citizens of Russia are more and more tormented by the question - are we mentally inferior in power, or are these geeks working directly west, waiting for fresh buns?
        Nobody can answer yet, but I think it will be obvious soon.
      10. +1
        27 January 2017 12: 57
        the article is normal, which went into cycles in Islam, completely different topics are raised in the article, one can say global ones. So you don’t need to write nonsense.
      11. 0
        29 January 2017 08: 28
        Quote: teder
        I understand that these are disguised Europeans - they cut their heads, blow up buses and swear to destroy all the infidels?

        The Christian himself, but I will answer this: Christians have much more "civilized" "humanistic" and "humane" ways to destroy their own kind - bombs, planes, tanks and shells.
      12. 0
        29 January 2017 11: 21
        Horses mixed up in a bunch, people ... and how is it that Hyperborea is not mentioned? "Traitors, Russia is dead! - there must be a writer, Vitia!"
    2. +2
      26 January 2017 15: 32
      It happens so !!!
  2. +12
    26 January 2017 06: 31
    Too gloomy. I don't think Trump will be America's ends. Trump will be the end of the comprehensive dominance of states in the world. We are approaching a multipolar world and the era of financial clusters. Yes, we will be under the pressure of a neighbor, but I hope that the expanded muscles will hold out.
    1. +18
      26 January 2017 07: 58
      and to stand - time will tell. It takes 10-15 years to prove "Russia is alive".
      Now, only at the expense of the Army, we maintain the ruble (its financial system) and the economy.
      This spring, it is necessary to launch the campaign "1000 wells" - the revival of villages in the Center and North of Russia (conventionally, where there is water, where you can build and live). And so on for 10 years. This will provide an economic basis for the life of the people independent of imports ("isolationism within a radius of 200 km")
      Start with the revival of the village and after 5 years you can get the result - food (refusal to import) in the cities and a vast territory equipped.
      Not 10 megacities per 70 million people, but on the contrary 10 villages per 000 million people.
      But this is other Fin politics, the road building is not in Moscow,
      and "inter-collective farm" roads, small-local meat and milk combines, other logistics of industrial goods
      1. +3
        26 January 2017 14: 27
        Quote: antivirus
        But this is other Fin politics, the road building is not in Moscow,
        and "inter-collective farm" roads, small-local meat and milk combines, other logistics of industrial goods

        Which of the rich need such a financial policy? The government really only covers and helps the super-rich, road construction is a well-structured mafia with a constant flow of finances from the budgets, otherwise it would have been criminalized for the construction and repair of roads in violation of requirements a long time ago, Russian science would have been given the task of developing new materials for protection against frost and early abrasion, would separate cargo routes from cars. And in each direction, it was decided with the agriculture that the farmers would extend, but they did not give normal loans and market support, and those that were issued to intermediate investors and regional regional administrations did not control.
      2. +1
        26 January 2017 16: 52
        Quote: antivirus
        This spring, we’ll have to launch the campaign "10000 wells "- the revival of villages in the Center and North of Russia (conditionally, where there is water. You can build and live there). And so for 10 years. This will provide an independent economic base for people's life from imports (" isolationism within a radius of 200 km "ditch

        Interesting and archie important offer. And timely.
    2. +4
      26 January 2017 13: 23
      There is a suspicion that the old American lads gathered .. we are billionaires and told each other - “look what president Putin is in Russia: young, charismatic, strong and courageous. Just envy. We also urgently need this, or the last US presidents - one thing "It’s a laughing stock. It’s not worth the USA to be weaker than Russia, including in the person of the presidents. Who should I choose? Here he is Trump. Energetic, impudent, successful, his language is well suspended." And they chose him to oppose Putin as a Rivalry in the geopolitical and information field ..
      1. +1
        26 January 2017 21: 33
        And they chose him to oppose Putin as a Rivalry in the geopolitical and information field ..
        The United States is changing the vector of robbery of the world. China overtook them in development.
        new approaches and approaches are needed to control the world. The easiest way is to increase the price of entry into your (usa) consumer market
    3. +3
      26 January 2017 16: 47
      Quote: ImPerts
      Too gloomy. I don't think Trump will be America's ends. Trump will be the end of the comprehensive dominance of states in the world. We are approaching a multipolar world and the era of financial clusters. Yes, we will be under the pressure of a neighbor, but I hope that the expanded muscles will hold out.

      I agree, the author painted with tar and not a single ray through it. I agree, we will stand, God did not leave and will not leave Russia-Russia. It is multipolarity that makes the game possible. And the fact that everyone wants to sit on the mountain and watch the battle in the valley is someone who is lucky. Neighbor pressure .... is it China or something. Do we have one? NATO, Turkey, Central Asia (tomorrow ISIS will trample), China, Japan, USA ... Who does not crush that? No, only the Army and Navy will save us.
      The author seems to skid. No wonder London hastened to leave the European Union. The island will be easier to "clean up." If you clean Europe, then where does the pympochka come from? England separated, so as not to fall into the batch, during a showdown with migrants, it is there that "death of a cliff". Well, and so on ...
    4. +1
      26 January 2017 23: 42
      Quote: ImPerts
      Yes, we will be under the pressure of a neighbor, but I hope that the expanded muscles will hold out.

      With that vomit-liquid ... we cannot survive in power! It is obvious!
  3. +12
    26 January 2017 06: 47
    Good article, and read well. But opinions will and will be different. This is the law of mankind. ALL can not equally apply to the same thing, circumstances, etc., including this article. Everyone expresses their opinion, their point of view. And they will naturally differ.
    1. +5
      26 January 2017 07: 52
      "Everyone expresses his opinion, his point of view. And they, naturally, will differ."
      Of course, "everyone" ... Even a client of a psychiatric hospital released, for example, on "leave", will be defended. exactly your point of view, such as the end of the world will come tomorrow, stock up on salt and matches with pasta, otherwise you will not have time. Straight "splashing saliva" will and "tear the vest" to the navel. And, of course, this is his "OWN" "point of view" even as "will differ" from "OWN" point of view of a mentally healthy person. So - to me personally, this "author" is very similar to this "client". Well, "pearl" straight out: "It's amazing this stubbornness of our Russian leaders, who by all propaganda methods are holding back the liberal-democratic (pro-Western) choice of Russia." Call for the overthrow of the government led by the president? Cool...! And what did you not list by surname "politicians" ...? Maybe we'll start with the president ...? And then he is "poor" well, he cannot understand in any way what is absolutely clear to the "author". I suppose our special services should get to know this "author", what kind of "figure" he is. A provocative little article in general, and the "author", therefore, is a provocateur.
      1. +5
        26 January 2017 07: 59
        Quote: sub307
        Of course, "everyone" ... Even the client of the psychiatric hospital released, for example, on "leave", will be defended. exactly your point of view,

        because there are only two opinions: mine, and wrong! Yes
      2. 0
        26 January 2017 23: 48
        Quote: sub307
        A provocative article in general, and the "author", therefore - a provocateur.

        Not provocative, but truthful and soberly calculating.
        And if this dirty trick, which seized power in Russia in 1991-93, is not repackaged, then there will be trouble.
    2. 0
      26 January 2017 17: 31

      Consent to the possibility of having a different opinion, there is a system error.
      The balance in the system should be restored with a minimum of conflict. So it should strive to exclude different opinions.
  4. +5
    26 January 2017 06: 49
    Yes, there’s nothing to be surprised at, EVERYTHING can be. From all these forecasts (often diametrically opposed), my head is spinning ...
  5. +12
    26 January 2017 06: 56
    I think the continuation of Obama 2 if not worse .. Sorry for the replay .....
  6. +6
    26 January 2017 07: 03
    When I read the article, at times Prokhanov’s voice was heard. The article seems to be correct, but the author showed too gloomy the possible near future.
    Trump is a world war

    Well, here he was clearly in a hurry.
    1. +4
      26 January 2017 08: 01
      until 04h 22.06.41 g it seemed to everyone and saw, only good
      Hope for the best, and get ready for the worst.
      (On the concrete wall in the recreation room of the Central Command of the Strategic Missile Forces, when the builder wrote it with his finger until the concrete froze)
      1. +4
        26 January 2017 08: 29
        Quote: antivirus
        until 04h 22.06.41 g it seemed to everyone and saw, only good

        As well as the large-scale transfer of American armored vehicles to Europe. As a result, it should be enough for 10-12 armored divisions, about as much as Hitler, who attacked the USSR on June 22, 1941.

        Come on...
        To attack the USSR, by June 22, 1941, four army groups had been created, with a total of 157 divisions and 12 brigades, and given the availability of reserves, the group for operations against the USSR consisted of 183 divisions and 13 brigades, and this:
        7 million 234 thousand people + 0,85 million allies of Germany, 4215 tanks + 402 allied tanks, 4,36 thousand planes + 964 allied aircraft, 43 guns and mortars + 812 allied guns and mortars ...
        1. +1
          26 January 2017 16: 57
          PSih2097 Today, 08: 2
          Come on...

          Bast shoes. Our army is also not milenced, but hundreds of thousands of soldiers are counting. He knows the numbers.
  7. +7
    26 January 2017 07: 16
    Something may be true. But I would rather refer it to the heading of "opinions" and not to analytics ... There is not much real analysis here.
  8. +11
    26 January 2017 07: 23
    "Russia is a just world" laughing , author, and where do you live ?! I went to a clinic or department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time ?! Let's get off the wheels.
  9. +14
    26 January 2017 07: 30
    Guys! The article is not gloomy, but realistic! See what is happening over the past three years! This is the beginning of a terrible catastrophe of all earthly civilization! Some unions are urgently created, and some instantly fall apart! This is a very bad symptom. The stability and balance of the earthly world are violated. There has never been such a terrible situation on Earth. Therefore, the article is very good and deeply thought out at a high level !!! Thank!
    1. +2
      26 January 2017 08: 02
      Quote: Platonitch
      This is the beginning of a terrible catastrophe of all terrestrial civilization
      belay AAAAA !!!!!! We all will die!!!! belay
      1. 0
        26 January 2017 08: 10
        Can't you give a rope?
    2. 0
      29 January 2017 11: 34
      I can tell you the address of the company that builds underground bunkers for every taste and price ... build and calm down! It is possible on credit!
  10. +8
    26 January 2017 07: 39
    Red the empire had the most powerful armed forces on the planet, but it didn't save her from disaster. The only way to a “brighter future” is rebirth Russian red project, based on social justice, ethics of conscience, with the creation of a society of service and creation.

    An interesting suggestion is to revive what, according to the same author, has already crashed once, and in much better conditions.
    The red project, having the absolute sole authority, as well as carte blanche for absolutely any action, led the country to the disaster of the 91st year. One time, it turns out, is not enough.
    London and Washington unleashed the First, Second and Third (cold) world wars.

    Also an original thought: the author rejects the materials of Nuremberg, which officially recognized Germany as the country that unleashed the war, as well as the Versailles Accords.
    London and Washington unleashed the First, Second and Third (cold) world wars. Given the creation of the Middle East Front, the West began the Fourth World War. Now the turn is coming European and Pacific Fronts.

    And also the 5th Galactic ...
    1. +10
      26 January 2017 09: 59
      not a red project (not an idea in itself) led the country to collapse, but traitors in power.
      1. +1
        26 January 2017 19: 32

        No idea led the country to collapse. The project was not completed.

        Formally, you can blame the CPSU for the degeneration of ideology. If you look superficially.

        And the project was viable and cost-effective.
        By the way, capitalism is an ancient junk, leading to crises, with a period depending on the degree of industrialization and progress.
        1. +2
          26 January 2017 20: 34
          The end of the project should be with the elimination of the Soviet banking system, the ruble. The ruble was supposed to disappear, in general.

          In order to make sure that this is possible, it is enough to imagine a non-monetary relationship with the form, only accounting for large enterprises and corporations.
          If the turner goes to take a drill, he gets it for free. The turner always has a personal tool and his own machine.

          Thus, you will receive in your youth, the first housing for free, the first car for free, well, a full package of social guarantees. The only thing that in my opinion, such a society will not shine with a wide variety of consumer products. Although over time, who knows.

          Those. the key to the stability of the system was to be the lack of money, as a means of accumulation, of obtaining surplus value.

          It is the surplus value inherent in the value of the goods that is the trouble that leads capitalism to crises. If you remove this value, leaving the money, there will be socialism. But capitalism will die.

          In the USSR, the one who sold goods with surplus value was called a speculator. Such people were criminally liable.
          1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      26 January 2017 11: 41
      Quote: Olgovich

      Also an original thought: the author rejects the materials of Nuremberg, which officially recognized Germany as the country that unleashed the war, as well as the Versailles Accords.

      The fact that Germany wasn’t given a nose for violating Versailles agreements (sending troops into the demilitarized zone) was the first step to WWII. Then there was Silesia "sit-in war." And again, “London has nothing to do with it.” :) Washington, however, too. :)
      1. +2
        26 January 2017 17: 14
        Quote: Avis
        Quote: Olgovich

        Also an original thought: the author rejects the materials of Nuremberg, which officially recognized Germany as the country that unleashed the war, as well as the Versailles Accords.

        The fact that Germany wasn’t given a nose for violating Versailles agreements (sending troops into the demilitarized zone) was the first step to WWII. Then there was Silesia "sit-in war." And again, “London has nothing to do with it.” :) Washington, however, too. :)

        You would have sat down with Olgovich and thought about where Reich No. 3 came from and when. And since we are taught to teach detectives "every crime has a financial footprint" so think about who gave and swelled lard to Germany? After the WWII, such an indemnity was imposed on her and all enterprises and the entire military-industrial complex were taken out (the French were especially frolic). By 1930, Germany is a cemetery.
        And you are a "violation of versailles agreements." By the way, it was a peace, not an agreement.
        And when you answer the question “Where is the money Zin?”, Then “two boots” will appear England and the USA. And the author read something and knows something. He wrote correctly, but a little nerd. But he himself wrote.
        1. +2
          26 January 2017 17: 29
          Quote: Mavrikiy

          You would have sat down with Olgovich and thought about where Reich No. 3 came from and when. And since we are taught to teach detectives "every crime has a financial footprint" so think about who gave and swelled lard to Germany? After the WWII, such an indemnity was imposed on her and all enterprises and the entire military-industrial complex were taken out (the French were especially frolic). By 1930, Germany is a cemetery.
          And you are a "violation of versailles agreements." By the way, it was a peace, not an agreement.
          And when you answer the question “Where is the money Zin?”, Then “two boots” will appear England and the USA. And the author read something and knows something. He wrote correctly, but a little nerd. But he himself wrote.

          Why did you write all this?
          1. +1
            27 January 2017 06: 03
            Avis Yesterday, 17: 29 ↑
            Why did you write all this?

            And I wrote this about your pearl: The fact that Germany wasn’t given a nose over violation of Versailles agreements (troop entry into the demilitarized zone) was the first step to WWII. The first step to WWII was the creation of the Reich. So who created it Hitler (whose gut is thin), or England from the USA (financial footprint)?
            By the way, why did they create it, for what? And, I understand, I understand, I understand .... The Great Depression, there is nowhere to put money to invest therefore in Germany and the USSR. They will fight there sweetly among themselves, money into the pipe, but they will remain due. And the crisis resolved and the money was saved. But the result of the war turned out to be more complicated.
    3. 0
      29 January 2017 11: 36
      Quote: Olgovich
      And also the 5th Galactic ..
      Well, a person’s schiz and the goal is to write for the same ...
    4. SIT
      29 January 2017 23: 23
      Quote: Olgovich
      Also an original thought: the author rejects the materials of Nuremberg, which officially recognized Germany as the country that unleashed the war, as well as the Versailles Accords.

      Hitler’s campaign was financed by Farben Industries GmbH, of which Rockefeller’s Standart Oil owned 80% of the shares.
  11. +7
    26 January 2017 07: 41
    "So the rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a declaration of war."

    Author! You dumped everything in a heap, and flies from cutlets should be separate!
    The fact that the West is constantly trying to grab the riches of Russia has been known since time immemorial! Then you did not discover America ...
    But the fact that you announced the initiator of this trump? Interesting ... Trump compared to the witch Clinton - just all white and fluffy ... But if she was in power now ... No.
    1. +5
      26 January 2017 10: 06
      All the riches of Russia have long been hogged by the ruling gang in the Kremlin!
      But fools can prove nothing!
      1. +3
        26 January 2017 11: 29
        Quote: Mark Berger
        All the riches of Russia have long been hogged by the ruling gang in the Kremlin!
        But fools can prove nothing!

        You have not yet accepted Islam in Germany?
        1. +4
          26 January 2017 12: 23
          What do you disagree with? Under the Soviets, the land and the bowels belonged to the people, there were not many people from this, but they had: Free education, medicine, housing, rest in a sanatorium, I remember it well at 54. Gas at 4 kopecks per liter.
          And now? Even the party bosses did not have such luxurious houses, incomes, Brezhnev lived in an "elite" house in a mediocre apartment by today's standards. Wake up Alexander.
        2. 0
          26 January 2017 17: 19
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Quote: Mark Berger
          All the riches of Russia have long been hogged by the ruling gang in the Kremlin!
          But fools can prove nothing!

          You have not yet accepted Islam in Germany?

          Don’t bother, it seems that circumcision did, you see howl, alone !!!!, well it hurts.
    2. +4
      26 January 2017 10: 18
      Quote: Brigadier
      But the fact that you announced the initiator of this trump? Interesting ... Trump compared to the witch Clinton - just all white and fluffy ... But if she was in power now ...

      I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this "trampology". In the press: "Trump said, Trump did, Trump signed ...", on TV the same thing. As if there are no other events, themes and problems in the world.
      Just like in a cat story, when a kitty asks a friend: "Well, how do you like your new cat?", And in response: "For a week he took me to attics and basements - he told in paints how he was castrated." No.
  12. +8
    26 January 2017 07: 51
    Quote: Brigadier
    Or it just doesn’t reach you that Trump, compared to the witch Clinton, is just all white and fluffy ... Or you were well paid for juggling the facts ...

    The author does not take into account the fact that Trump, already as president, receives traps from Congress, the Senate and his own party in the person of McCain and others. In addition, Trump challenged all this globalist-liberal neoconist and leftist svor, which bites him fiercely. Trump now does not want any war. Refusal from TTIP and other partnerships, he explains the loss of wages of American workers. I read the first paragraph and then ran through my eyes. Article pseudo-patriotic frenzy and actually plays into the hands of globalists. The accents are wrong, there are a lot of hysterical and pathos phrases. A person has just started working, let's see how it will be. By the way, he left the director of the FBI Komi in place. Let me remind you that it was he who initiated the investigation into Clinton's emails.
  13. +2
    26 January 2017 08: 01
    Quote: Platonitch
    Guys! The article is not gloomy, but realistic! See what is happening over the past three years! This is the beginning of a terrible catastrophe of all earthly civilization! Some unions are urgently created, and some instantly fall apart! This is a very bad symptom.

    #We all will die! crying
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +6
    26 January 2017 08: 37
    Complete nonsense. Clintonsha would have unleashed a war with Russia for sure.
    Trump has a head on his shoulders. He has a fix idea - to make America a superpower, not a radioactive ruin.
  16. +3
    26 January 2017 09: 14
    Russia will not be able to use nuclear weapons, as it will immediately become an “empire of evil”, a “Mordor” for all of humanity.
    In the course of events painted by the author, it will not give a damn what the "FSHA" humanity, or rather its remnants, will think.
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +3
    26 January 2017 09: 53
    Someone is clearly rubbing liberoid notes in our ears
  19. +1
    26 January 2017 09: 56
    the war is not trump, the liquid mafia - this is war
  20. +4
    26 January 2017 09: 58
    I could not read it, from the very beginning it shows through conspiratorialism: RLO, around liquid reptilians, Trump is a Freemason, in Russia they are generally Illuminati, they only know that Trump is supported, so the whole Russ superethnos needs to prepare for war, sharpen the super-bayonet and lubricate its AK.
  21. +11
    26 January 2017 10: 00
    In the states there is a public organization of defenders of the constitution. The organization consists of former police officers, the FBI, prosecutors, judicial, military, special agents, intelligence agents, CIA analysts, from rank and file to generals, who have weight and authority in their former services. All of them voted for Trump, during the election they said they were ready to take up arms if they notice election fraud.
    I suppose that he will fulfill most of the promise, he always took on matters that have a high chance of success, I think he will get a lot of dirt on his opponents from Congress, the Republican Party, Soros, the entire financial elite of the United States from former security officials. It will tame the whole press, make its enemies work for themselves, eat it with crap on failure. Only one exit from the Trans Pacific Alliance created Trump's loyal army of farmers and workers.
    He will have to repeat Putin’s path to remove the financial elite from ruling the country. He intends to start an economic warrior with China, maybe there will be several local skirmishes, but no more.
    Alpha-male Trump offers alpha-male Putin to divide the herd into 2 parts and not interfere with each other's control of their monkeys. Monkeys are already worried and worried, getting ready for flogging. )))))))).
    ga-putin-tramp /
    Ex-president of Latvia calls Putin and Trump gorillas alpha males
    1. 0
      26 January 2017 15: 11
      I guess most of the promise he (Trump) will fulfill,

      Trump got into the hands of a country ruled by globalists for 100 years! And with whom she became the "hegemon", and - real!
      ... But it is "pushing" to carry out the anti-globalist plan for US reform !?
      Monkeys are already worried and worried, getting ready for flogging.

      Do not get used to become - the usual, habitual redistribution of money, property, resources: to take from these, to give to those ... "Take and share" - is familiar, right?
  22. +4
    26 January 2017 10: 03
    "Russia cannot use nuclear weapons" sounds like a defeat and is very stupid. The whole world should know and get used to the idea that Russia will instantly respond with a nuclear strike to the slightest provocation from NATO. And to include the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in defense doctrine.
    1. +1
      26 January 2017 11: 12
      Quote: bratchanin3
      ... include the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons in the defense doctrine ...

      - "defense doctrine" is not in nature, there is a military doctrine
      - there everything you need is already "on" Yes

      22. ... The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and (or) its allies, as well as in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when it is itself at risk the existence of the state.

  23. The comment was deleted.
    1. +6
      26 January 2017 10: 14
      In a lesson in Germany, a teacher asks: Hans, what is the largest city in the world?
      Hans: The largest city in the world is Stalingrad. My grandfather said that they walked along the same street for 200 days, and could not reach the end.
      Cancer put you, that is the point of Russian civilization.
    2. +5
      26 January 2017 10: 33
      Quote: Mark Berger
      So what is Russian civilization, besogon?

      what do you think?

      Konstantin Frolov-Crimean

      One weirdo with a fake-sad face
      “Huddling” in the cabin of his “Porsche”,
      Said, "I am ashamed to be called Russian.
      We are a nation of mediocre drunks. "

      A solid look, behavior -
      All devil thought out cunningly.
      But the merciless degeneration virus
      Dismissed ingloriously all his gut.

      His soul is not worth a half
      Like a yellow leaf from broken branches.
      But the descendant of the Ethiopians Pushkin
      He was not burdened by his Russianness.

      They considered themselves Russian rightfully
      And they lifted the Motherland from their knees
      The creators of Russian seafaring glory
      Both Bellingshausen and Kruzenshtern.

      And not reconciling with a narrow worldview,
      Trying to look beyond the horizon
      It was considered an honor to be called Russian
      Scots - Greig, de Tolly and Lermont.

      Any of them are admirable,
      After all, to sing homeland is the law for them!
      So he gave his life without regret
      For Russia, Georgian Prince Bagration.

      Our language is multifaceted, accurate, faithful -
      He heals the soul, then smothers like steel.
      Are we able to value him immensely
      And to know him, as the Dane Dahl knew?

      What the hell is it! And in our time a lot of
      Speaking Great Language
      No worse than crest Mykola Gogol,
      What was once familiar with Pushkin?

      Do not bang your head on the wall
      And in a rage saliva sprinkle in vain!
      "We are Russians!" - so said Shevchenko.
      Read the kobzar carefully.

      In the soul love is filial cherished,
      All my life I worked up to seven sweats
      Suvorov, Ushakov and Mendeleev,
      Kulibin, Lomonosov and Popov.

      Their names remained on the tablets
      Like a true story of the basics.
      And among them, like a pillar, an old Derzhavin,
      In whose veins the blood of the Tatar Murza.

      They go — servants or messiahs —
      Carrying his cross stooped over his shoulders
      How he carried it in the name of all of Russia
      Descendant of the Turk Admiral Kolchak.

      They instilled and nurtured love
      From centuries-old origins and roots.
      He is a Russian whose soul lives in Russia,
      Whose thoughts are about mother, about her.

      Patriotism does not sell to the load
      To berets, boots or coats.
      And since you are ashamed to be called Russian,
      You, my friend, are not Russian. You are nobody.
    3. +6
      26 January 2017 10: 50
      Quote: Mark Berger
      The Kremlin was built by Italian masters ...

      Do Americans now have to strangle themselves because of the nationality of the founders of Sikorsky Aircraft and Radio Corporation of America?
    4. +2
      26 January 2017 11: 31
      Quote: Mark Berger
      So what is Russian civilization, besogon?

      Ask your grandfather if he survived. He came to us in 1941, he will clearly explain to you.
    5. +1
      26 January 2017 15: 07
      Quote: Mark Berger
      So what is Russian civilization, besogon?

      “You live beautifully,
      Dear sister! -
      She said with envy visiting Rat Mouse.
      What do you eat and drink
      What are you sitting on
      Wherever you look, everything is from abroad! ”
      “Ah, if, dear, you knew -
      With a sigh, the Rat answered, -
      I'm always looking for something!
      I'm day-and-night on the run for overseas -
      All ours seem to me gray and ordinary
      I only drag overseas to my hole:
      Here is the hair from the Turkish sofa!
      Here is a shred of Persian carpet!
      And this gentle fluff got me yesterday -
      He is African. He is from the Pelican! ”
      “What are you eating?” The Mouse asked the Rat. -
      There is what we eat, you didn’t bother! ”
      “Ah, darling! - the Rat answered her. -
      There is nothing to please me!
      That’s only the bread I eat and fat! ... "
      We know there are still little families
      Where our screaming and scolding,
      Where they look with emotion
      On foreign stickers ...
      But fat ... eat Russian!
      (S. Mikhalkov)
  24. +8
    26 January 2017 10: 08
    the author of this gang ... ruined my breakfast (
  25. +3
    26 January 2017 10: 14
    +++ The only way to a “brighter future” is the revival of the Russian red project on the basis of social justice, ethics of conscience, with the creation of a society of service and creation. +++
    Each conflict has at least two opposing sides. For only the essence devoid of reason is at war with itself. Putin, in his desire to "be friends" with Western "partners", is actually helping the enemies of Russia to ruin our country. And if he undertook to carry out the CORRECT internal policy, then we would have lived under fairism for a long time.
    What is the correct policy in the current circumstances? Indeed, only the "revival of the red project". Any other vector will lead to self-destruction (the absence of reason destroys the system itself). And who is against the "red project" (against Russia)? All of today's top power. The reason is clear: her fear of losing her "factories, newspapers, ships" and ending up with a noose around her neck in concentration camps.
    Are their fears real? They are real, because no one has yet offered them a bloodless "redistribution" of property. And if we really want to build a just state, then we simply must exclude the violent redistribution of property. Is such a development possible? Only if we refuse to build socialism (the principle of property under socialism is based on violence: what is given is yours), and we undertake to build communism (fairism). Here is his principle of ownership meets all the requirements of fairism: what he did, so is yours (this is a tax-free system, since a tax is a legalized robbery).
    Thus, each oligarch will be forced to earn his own bread and butter, and interested in his "factories, newspapers, ships" to work, and bring not only benefits to the country, but also profit for him and the workers.
    How to do it? This has long been known. The problem is not a solution, but the desire of the Russians to take charge of restoring order in their homeland.
  26. +3
    26 January 2017 10: 15
    Guys! All soldiers dream of tanks. The title of the article is too futuristic. Now the war from the category of former large-scale massacres has passed into a phase of constant confrontation with periodic exacerbations. From what follows. that she goes all the time. The reason is simple - an attempt to continue exploitation by some states of others. The author essentially says everything correctly. But truth is always in the details. Now it really seems that we are trying, to put it mildly, to quarrel with the Islamists and look at the brawl from the side. Islam and terrorism are not equivalent concepts. This is the correct thought in the article. Trump is energetic, but energetic actions alone cannot be defeated now. Need some preliminary thought. Whoever changes his mind will win. But it should be noted that even a fool has the strongest weapons - the truth! And if you are not yet, then simply invincible! And if you also have weapons and valiant people, you can sleep peacefully for now. The only thing that bothers us right now is theft and simplicity, which, as the people say ,. worse than theft. But this is a purely internal problem. This is really a danger. How to deal with theft, in principle, is clear. The struggle with simplicity is a task of increased complexity due to the characteristics of our motley population and geographical location.
    1. 0
      26 January 2017 10: 36
      The struggle with simplicity is a task of increased complexity due to the characteristics of our motley population and geographical location.
      read the primer and further to astronomy at 4 and 5, but everything had its time.
  27. 0
    26 January 2017 10: 17
    A true article, or nonsense, will only be shown to us by the future ... But long ago I understood one thing: it is a pity that in the 45th, the Red Army stopped in Berlin, and not a bit later in London and Washington :(
  28. +1
    26 January 2017 10: 19
    As they say . I have not read but condemn !!!!!!!! laughing
  29. 0
    26 January 2017 10: 20
    The first part of the article is the pure truth that we see with our own eyes. The second part is fortune-telling on coffee grounds, here options are also possible in the case of a real mess near the borders of the Russian Federation, of which the most correct would be to hammer on phishington to chop off the head of the viper, then there will be nothing to divide!
  30. +2
    26 January 2017 10: 22
    The article is some kind of slag. Loosely coupled to each other. With regard to cooperation with the United States in the fight against terrorism, there are already the first results: the Americans transmitted intelligence.
  31. +1
    26 January 2017 10: 24
    Fantastic story on the topic: "What if ...". Everything is confused, and without taking into account the capabilities of the armed forces, economies and nuclear weapons. And no one knows what will happen in real life!
    We’ll wait and see everything. But I do not exclude the option when the living will envy the dead.
  32. 0
    26 January 2017 10: 24
    Even halfway through reading stopped
    .Thinking is not even necessary. In the light. Turn on psychology (intuition). Who is Trump just from understanding his character from childhood --- you can understand what he will do. our top is smart. lost there. I think and dream (dreaming is not harmful) of positive results.
  33. +4
    26 January 2017 10: 28
    Again about Russian civilization. Maybe you should not consider yourself exceptional. To begin with, the standard of living would be raised.
  34. +3
    26 January 2017 10: 29
    I read until the mention of the "super ethnos of the Russians" and did not read this nonsense further ...
    1. 0
      29 January 2017 11: 43
      This is a fake of this author. I usually get to that too and ... that's it! It's like "Carthage must be destroyed."
  35. +2
    26 January 2017 10: 34
    The essence of Washington's American policy throughout most of US history has always been world domination! And the role of the world gendarme, the role of a judge over the destinies of the states of the planet, has become especially vivid in recent decades! And this does not depend on which president is sitting in the "White House". After all, the United States is ruled not by the president, but by a handful of "chosen ones" sitting on the world's billions and managing the world economy! So it is naive to hope that with the arrival of Trump, something will radically change in the foreign policy of the world "regional committee"!
    1. +1
      26 January 2017 17: 38
      Quote: Fonmeg
      The essence of Washington’s American policy throughout almost the entire history of the United States has always been in the dominance of the world!

      Too rollicking, you rounded it off to the nearest ... Until the middle of the XNUMXth century, even there was no question of economic dominance. More or less, something militarily the United States began to represent after the WWI experience. Well, the scientific center of gravity has shifted to the USA even after WWII.
  36. +2
    26 January 2017 10: 50
    Great article. Like all articles Samsonov Alexander. Nice to read under coffee. The pleasure of coffee and such goosebumps - as Andrei Yuryevich says - we will all die! Delivers.
    Current one moment - until, about Katilina - we will write this - ".. The economy based on the" pipe "(raw type) will collapse ...."
    Everything based on raw materials, in principle, cannot collapse, burst, cover itself with a copper basin, glue fins, etc. etc.
    Raw materials are the base.
    Gas is bullshit, really. Man himself produces such a gas.
    But oil is another matter. Oil can be burned (heat), oil can act as a laxative, oil can be sold to those who have self-contained wheelchairs. In the end, oil can be doused - and set on fire. Two benefits - heat and adversary no more.
    So we will not talk about raw materials. And what is growing on earth is also raw material. And in the "nuclear winter" for free I will not need iPhones with poppies. And oil will come in handy.
    And the "golden billion" is, well, a theory, it is a theory. Our millionaires with billionaires are very good at it - into the "golden billion". The only question is - will they let me go? Ryzhankogo may be allowed to do so as a junior assistant to the fourth adviser to the janitor of the latrine. And the rest - for no reason.
    Here it is much more important - if we ourselves, I mean Russia as a whole - not to blame.
    And by no means in Orthodoxy I see the salvation of Russia. And in the conglomeration of faiths. Friendly confessions.
    Need a super GOAL. Super task for Russia. Clear to most. For example - to master Mars. Start mastering Venus. Fly to sirius. Master the ocean, or at least the shelf. It’s simple - to live in good conscience.
    But there is no such goal.
    1. +1
      26 January 2017 14: 53
      Ryzhankogo may be allowed to do so as a junior assistant to the fourth adviser to the janitor of the latrine.

      Unless as a food supply in case of hunger ... not requiring storage in the refrigerator!
      Need a super GOAL. Super task for Russia. Clear to most. For example - to master Mars. Start mastering Venus. Fly to sirius. Master the ocean, or at least the shelf. It’s simple - to live in good conscience.
      But there is no such goal.

      ... You can sweep in the entrance ... and wash the stairs! Super task, huh? !!!
      (warning objections - let's start small, without waiting for someone to “higher” sacred ideology and global tasks!
      That’s why - Orthodoxy! To get started from myself. The same applies to other faiths - non-destructive!)
      1. 0
        27 January 2017 10: 53
        Good inserts, support.
        Cho to catch us on Mars ... entrances and adjoining territories to put in order. Heating mains. And then again in the morning, in Penza, cold came unexpectedly, the pipe broke. Such an ambush, bliiiin.
        "To start with myself ........... absolutely for sure!
  37. +3
    26 January 2017 10: 59
    Blood, sweat, sand, droppings and girlish tears ...

    the author read fiction, including alternative, and with grief wrote a horror movie for preschool children laughing

    Amused the "huge ships" (for the "elite", huh ... "they are already building"), Rog-Svarog, "the revival of the red project" (which, interesting way?), "A mixture of archaic and modern world, neo-slave and neo-feudal order ... "

    In short, "all-bad_im_All-die."

    To the author in school (primary), article greasy minus request
    1. +3
      26 January 2017 12: 14
      Quote: Cat Man Null

      Amused "huge ships" (for the "elite", yeah ... "they are already building")

      Afftir just stuck somewhere in time. Either in Jules Vernovsky (the novel "Floating Island"), or in the 1990s, when the Freedom project was seriously discussed in many popular science magazines:
      Bullshit, of course, but what happened was.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  38. +3
    26 January 2017 11: 16
    Not an article, but a hysteria, some kind. Only fools can narrate on the promises of the West. Everyone has long understood what he is. While Putin is in power, Russia cannot be fooled. Well, then we'll see who bends faster.
  39. +2
    26 January 2017 11: 21
    You look at how good the article is. Everyone who was sitting and reading stupidly getting info suddenly tear off their elbows from the armrests and started to write, well, including myself. The article is very diverse. On the one hand there is logic, but the facts and illusions are too confused in the author’s head. It seems that there is an indication of the road with the correct development of Russia, but obeying unknown laws from the author’s head, the finish is still the same. Yes, I think the right turn to the ancient roots of the Russians, but I can not agree with the predicted end of the world. In short, “everything hurts, nothing helps” or “we’re all gone awry.” And where is the light ray of hope ???
  40. +2
    26 January 2017 11: 32
    I have never met such a salad. Clever thoughts mixed with delusional.
    Who is Alexander Samsonov? Give a link to the source.
    The author has the same nonsense in his head as that of Strelkov.
    Started for health - finished for peace!
    1. +2
      26 January 2017 20: 48
      Quote: vladmetro
      Who is Alexander Samsonov? Give a link to the source.

      Estimate, and there is no link. And there is no source. More precisely, the source is here.
  41. +1
    26 January 2017 11: 43
    Quote: Grandfather68
    In short, "everything hurts, nothing helps"

    Even the hammer from this ad? :)))
  42. +2
    26 January 2017 11: 44
    BRAVO author !!!!!
    such articles are always interesting, with a touch of conspiracy theory. But if you analyze the latest events, and recent history. it’s not such a theory, everything fits into the framework and clear schemes.
    1. +1
      26 January 2017 14: 45
      Quote: 501Legion
      BRAVO author !!!!!
      such articles are always interesting, with a touch of conspiracy theory. But if you analyze the latest events, and recent history. it’s not such a theory, everything fits into the framework and clear schemes.

      Still would!
      ... how the trees swayed! Wait for a good wind, or even a hurricane ... (the wind is because the trees are swinging! 0
  43. +1
    26 January 2017 11: 45
    Colorful phrases and vivid colorful images, densely mixed facts and fiction, conclusions, slogans, all this gives spring exacerbation, psychopathic personality.
    1. 0
      26 January 2017 14: 43
      Quote: vladimirvn
      Colorful phrases and vivid colorful images, densely mixed facts and fiction, conclusions, slogans, all this gives spring exacerbation, psychopathic personality.

      So winter is in full swing! On the street -30 at night ...
      1. 0
        26 January 2017 14: 51
        hi Someone like. We have + 5- + 7 and the sun. Sorry, I didn’t think. laughing
  44. The comment was deleted.
  45. idr
    26 January 2017 11: 51
    What nonsense. Everything is exactly the opposite. Trump This is world peace.
  46. +2
    26 January 2017 12: 03
    In general, the message of the author is understandable. There are places to agree with. But here’s another passage on the subject of certain rights and glories, sincerely amused and made me doubt the seriousness of this analytics ...
    1. 0
      29 January 2017 11: 47
      It is necessary to return to flax sowing without spoilage in order to fertilize Mother Earth ... And we will be happy!
  47. +1
    26 January 2017 12: 05
    Unreadable, a large amount of fiction, specifics a little water. fellow
  48. The comment was deleted.
  49. +2
    26 January 2017 12: 40
    What carols did the author fall from? The right words, but the emphasis on paganism and all sorts of "carols", "Russ" (such a word is not even in the dictionary), you are still "tartaria" (which lives in the minds of the Fomenkonut) pull.
  50. +3
    26 January 2017 13: 14
    After the 6th paragraph, the article can not be read. The author should not have tackled this topic. Generally.
  51. The comment was deleted.
  52. +1
    26 January 2017 13: 41
    Good article. There are no contradictions with the recent decades of development of the situation in the world. But... I’m very pleased with the abundance of optimists in the comments, which means we won’t be lost no matter what.
  53. +1
    26 January 2017 14: 11
    "but all terrorists are Muslims" that's for sure
  54. +2
    26 January 2017 14: 36
    ...Let’s better talk about the eternal, the good and the bright! Well, about women, that is...
  55. +1
    26 January 2017 14: 45
    Russian fair world, where is it? For example, a special case, in the evening my wife and I are late for the train, I want to eat, I run up to the kiosk, buy food, serve 100 rubles, take the food, I tell the saleswomen where is the change. So she let’s yell that I didn’t pay, my wife has arrived, the train is coming, we’re already throwing food and running on the train! that’s what it’s all about, until we have strict order in everything from the stinker to the prince there will be no order in the state and that means there’s nothing to talk about Russian justice! How will we bring order to the state so that there are fewer such bitches and bitches stealing the budget then and we need to engage in global politics! in the empire, Zlotnikov describes well the establishment of order in the Russian empire! but global war can only be avoided - that’s a separate conversation! so let the author of a world conspiracy remain a world conspiracy! Until we restore order in the country, there is no need to raise a conversation about a just Russian world!
  56. +2
    26 January 2017 14: 57
    The author quite rightly highlighted very painful problems, but the future can go according to different scenarios.
  57. +1
    26 January 2017 17: 44
    You might think that the option with the epileptic Clinton was better.
  58. 0
    26 January 2017 18: 54
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    Quote: antivirus
    This spring, we’ll have to launch the campaign "10000 wells "- the revival of villages in the Center and North of Russia (conditionally, where there is water. You can build and live there). And so for 10 years. This will provide an independent economic base for people's life from imports (" isolationism within a radius of 200 km "ditch

    Interesting and archie important offer. And timely.

    This is utter nonsense. The village was the economic basis in pre-industrial eras, characterized by low crop yields and labor productivity. During the Chinese "cultural revolution" and, especially, in Kampuchea under the Khmer Rouge, there was an attempt to return the economic cultural center to the village and what did this lead to? A blast furnace in every village is the nonsense of half-educated people! Only a city with its concentration of resources can ensure the development of science and industry, including space exploration, energy and the defense complex. Leave the countryside to the village, but use city-created technologies, equipment and consumer goods for its development. I am not against it, I am for the restoration of villages, but not in opposition, but in parallel with the development of cities, because now this will lead to degradation. Back to the “bright” past?!...
    1. 0
      27 January 2017 06: 54
      Back to the “bright” past?!...

      Our little ship is going back to its bright past,
      And without having time to count the floorboards of the path,
      And the present time, with a distorted face,
      He won’t cry on the pier or lament.

      Our little ship is going back to its bright past,
      In the summer with checkered shirts, in the naivety of speeches,
      In forgotten songs, and in anticipation of good things,
      In the rustle of bologna raincoats and other things.

      Into the past, familiar
      Where February is clear and fresh.
      There at dusk my window
      It glows with joy and with hope.
      There at dusk my window
      It glows with joy and with hope.

      No snowstorms have frightened us for a long time,
      But multi-colored mucus does not warm the fires either...
      Well, we called each other, as usual, and sat down.
      Someone got drunk, and after midnight everyone left.

      Our little ship is going back to its bright past.
      But he leaves without worry and without difficulty.
      Not because we so want the impossible,
      I just don’t want to go anywhere else.

      Not from the window where the light went out,
      Neither to the monastery, nor to the country where they live better,
      On the way back - to where we are
      They still remember, regret and wait.

      Short days smell like winter apples.
      It's strange that Corvalol smells almost the same.
      Oh, little steamer, just for a day, please take me,
      Well, take me at least for the evening - it won’t be considered hard work.
      (Oleg Mityaev)
  59. +1
    26 January 2017 19: 05
    "This world is dominated by materialism"

    All that remains is for them to implement Leninism - and there will be a USSR.
    The first 4 paragraphs are just water. Not a single fact, not a single thought supported by arguments. Guys, don't skimp on the authors.
    It’s very funny that people who, in principle, have nothing to do with American studies are trying to judge Trump. They do not understand and do not know what is happening in the West and in the USA. What kind of internal transformations are taking place there? The author simply applied the labels he invented and called it analytics. Kindergarten.
  60. +1
    26 January 2017 21: 18
    On our forum, when discussing the article, people, as always, got into specifics - who, when, where, how and who cut off their heads, although that’s not what the article is about. I have been waiting for a long time for someone to clearly assess the “Trumpeuphoria” unleashed by our media, which is turning into “Trumpophilia”. Numerous talk shows on central channels have been harping on the same topic for a month now; some kind of epidemic has directly struck the brains of some part of our society (hopefully a small one). And, what is most surprising, some respected and sensible political scientists became infected with this, and got involved in numerous discussions that ultimately boiled down to one question: Who is Mr. Trump? So the author, as best he could, maybe a little clumsily, but nevertheless correctly answered this question: it doesn’t matter who sits in the White House in a given historical period, what is important is that the US policy towards the territory, which at different times time was called differently - whether the Russian Empire, the USSR, or the Russian Federation will remain unchanged! That's all, this must be taken for granted, like the fact that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west! And, in turn, it is advisable to develop a new, adequate, sane, that is, a completely definite policy in relation to the United States, or, if you want, a line of behavior! Something like that.
  61. 0
    26 January 2017 21: 47
    Thus, the masters of the West, in any case, will continue the course of destroying Russian civilization and the super-ethnos Rus.
    So we were almost conquered several times, but every time some kind of misfortune happened... Trump is not a war yet, he needs time to get his act together. And time is our ally, because... Every day we become more and more focused. Clinton would have been a war right away... More precisely, we should have incinerated each other on March 15, 2015, but Babamka’s command to launch nuclear missiles did not go through: a certain Cole, a former state minister of defense, changed the blocking code and did not tell anyone said.
  62. 0
    26 January 2017 22: 10
    I will support you via text! Correct text. But I won’t support Trump. Whatever Trump is, he is in any case better for us than Clinton. Even if Trump is our enemy, it is better than Clinton. We have always been able to fight open enemies better than hidden ones, apparently it’s not ours! An honest opponent is better for us than a lying partner. With the strategy and tactics used before - creeping defeat - we simply did not know what to do.
    Regarding the war, the war is already underway. Will it go into the open stage? Quite possibly. The world has accumulated so many problems that there is no way to solve them except a BIG war.
    It is Trump who can be the way out of this crisis WITHOUT a big war. Or maybe it won't.
    But in any case, we are better off with Roosevelt than with Truman.
    It goes without saying that I do not consider Trump our president. The United States has accumulated many problems, especially over the past 40-50 years. He will solve US problems. And we need to decide ours.
    To solve the problems of the United States through internal mechanisms (Trump), or through external ones (Clinton) (plundering the rest of the world) - which is better for us, in my opinion, is obvious.
    Well, yes, we can say that the world can no longer feed the golden billion and Trump will cut off EVERYONE except the Americans from the golden billion. Those. will reduce the golden billion to 300 million people. A completely logical result - the Empire does not want to feed European and other limitrophes more. Overall, it’s not a bad option for us either. We have never been part of the golden billion, but we will be happy to free ourselves from colonial dependence (which we have been doing in varying degrees of consistency for the last 3-8 years). The more the Empire doesn’t care about the colonies, the easier it is for us to throw off the yoke of global financial capital.
  63. +16
    27 January 2017 08: 21
    Trump is indeed a very strong politician. A politician dreaming of a Great America. How Great America will combine with Great Russia is a big question. For Russia, of course, it is preferable for the Western powers to be led by weak and gray leaders. Okay, we'll wait and see
  64. +1
    27 January 2017 19: 11
    It's like that! And for us the main thing is the revival of the updated red project. There is no other way. Social justice, an independent financial system, powerful industry, agriculture, science, education, healthcare and the armed forces. But social justice is at the forefront!
  65. +2
    28 January 2017 12: 16
    Quote: todhunter
    Dear Alexander!
    About how Christians cut their heads, you can see how the Anglo-Saxons during the period of the conquest of America took off scalps. They didn’t cut off their heads because, in my opinion, they paid $ 5 for every Indian head, and after killing several dozens of people it’s hard to drag so many cut off heads to a collection point, it’s easier to present a scalp.
    Neither Putin nor Trump decide anything on their own, they naturally express the interests of the ruling elite, or part of the elite, in their countries. Putin, among other things, if you recall the year 2000, the appointed Gauleiter by the Yeltsin circle. Another thing is that Putin, the rebellious Gauleiter. He did not want to end as Gaddafi or Saddam. But he is not free, take a look at the situation inside the country. Under his rule, the rich have become even richer, the middle class is shrinking, the working simple people are living poorer and poorer.
    In general, the article is not bad, but there are certainly flaws, due to the small format.

    I have no objections to the first part of the post, but to the second... what the hell is Gauleiterism... Excuse me, what are you talking about? It should be clear to the dumbest of the dumbest that if Putin had not come to power in 2000, Russia would no longer exist as a country... In order to understand this, you don’t even need any special analytical abilities. To keep such a huge, multi-ethnic and exhausted country united is really hard... probably almost impossible. In addition, it is clear that the country at this turn (2000) was torn apart by various, by no means “childish” forces. Powerful, well-funded clans and groups tore the country to shreds... I think everyone still remembers what the law enforcement agencies and the army were like during this period... what the level of crime was. In such conditions, for Putin (and his clan, group or associates - call it what you want) it was a matter of personal survival... because, as soon as they moved... only splashes to the sides. Up to a certain point, it was vital to balance the interests of these groups. Many are not averse to condemning the economic policy.... they say, there were “fat years”, it was necessary to invest in production, modernization... They apparently forget with what external debt the Putin team took over the country... and how much crap in the form of various agreements like the “production sharing agreement” and the like, they raked up the kid Yeltsin after that.... yes, a lot can be said and argued here.... I am in no way saying that there were no mistakes... of course there were, there were no fatal ones for the country. And preventing them was a great art! In one very good song (enemy :-)) it is sung: you can't go the distance with too much resistance... But we can. They are strangling us from all sides (also not a weak factor), but we still won’t die. Russia is being reborn and, of course, will be reborn....without options!
    PS But the most annoying thing is this... I have a neighbor. Everyone calls him Uncle Slava. He hates Putin fiercely... fiercely. He constantly enters into controversy that this so-and-so Putin and his entourage... have driven the country to the brink... they have stolen everything.... He has two children. The eldest son is in prison for murder, the youngest daughter is an alcoholic, two years ago she died of a stroke, right during a drinking session with her own father, the granddaughter is registered with the drug addict... By profession he is an enthusiastic mechanic... nowhere more than at He didn’t stay for three months, because he’s screwing up. Somehow I lost my temper in an argument. I say: “You could use something to poop on someone, s..ka, raise your children, and go to work.” After that, he hates me, probably no less than Putin... Sorry for the many buffoonery. )
  66. 0
    28 January 2017 13: 33
    skokabukav... the main thing that Trump's coming to power will bring is a split in the United States itself. and the deeper and bloodier it is, the better
  67. 0
    28 January 2017 18: 21

    There is a game going on, good and bad cop. Well, you know.
  68. +2
    28 January 2017 19: 58
    The article has an idiotic title: Trump is Trump, and World War is World War. If it is meant that Trump will prepare the United States for the challenges of a world war, then Russia will do exactly the same.
  69. 0
    28 January 2017 20: 51
    The foundation of the Western world is an unjust, parasitic concept where a small group of “chosen ones” parasitize all of humanity. This world is dominated by materialism - the ideology of the “golden calf”
    It seems to me that this is also typical for modern Russia. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  70. 0
    28 January 2017 20: 54
    The world, where the basis of everything is social justice, is true, life according to conscience, that is, on the basis of the "good news."
    Show me a place in Russia where all this is available!
  71. +1
    28 January 2017 20: 58
    The article is complete obscurantism stop
  72. +1
    28 January 2017 21: 00
    another nonsense
  73. +1
    29 January 2017 10: 35
    Fierce nonsense! The author is apparently from the sect of “everything else”, or “PlanDullessaInAction”.
    Offers to revive the Black Hundred?
  74. 0
    29 January 2017 11: 51
    Quote: NordUral
    But social justice is at the forefront!

    And also cold fire, dry water, and always standing... trunks!
  75. 0
    29 January 2017 11: 54
    Quote: P0LYM
    By profession he is an enthusiastic mechanic... he never stayed anywhere for more than three months, because he screwed up in a black way. Somehow I lost my temper in an argument. I say: “You could use something to poop on someone, s..ka, raise your children, and go to work.” After that, he hates me, probably no less than Putin... Sorry for the many buffoonery. )

    And I know so many of them... Like a loser - so “back to the USSR!”
  76. 0
    29 January 2017 12: 22
    In my opinion, the author himself got confused in this article. Complete nonsense and in the end it turned out as always - “how nice it would be if suddenly an underground passage was built from the house or a stone bridge was built across the pond, on which there would be shops on both sides, and so that merchants would sit in them and sell various small goods needed by peasants." Unfortunately, wars have always existed and will continue to exist for a long time. And Russia and the USA and China will pursue that and only that policy that corresponds to the ideas of their rulers (appointed and shadow), if necessary, then by military means. But I hope that Trump was appointed for this purpose, so that he could come to an agreement and at least postpone the war. As for terrorism and Islamism, at the moment this is a successfully functioning system, which no one (of the sponsors) will refuse. And if today it is radical, predominantly Sunni Islam, then tomorrow it could be Christianity and Buddhism and some completely new or updated movement. The world needs real, reasonable and negotiable leaders, no matter who they are Anglo-Saxons or Russophiles. A complete apocalypse has threatened us more than once and still has not happened yet. God bless. And what awaits us is far from any forecast. Most likely, someday we will all integrate with each other, so maybe it would be better to start mutual understanding (at the level of reasonable people, and not left-green or liberal-tolerant) today?
  77. 0
    30 January 2017 11: 39
    Quote: todhunter
    By the way, Alexander, you as always got excited about the Buddhists, confusing them with the Hare Krishnas, and the most high-class Buddhists cut their heads and Orthodox, including the proud Samurai - the most Buddhists.

    The Japanese are not Buddhists, they have their own religion - Shintoism. And they cut off heads (and not only) not on religious grounds, but on ideology. These are completely different reasons!
  78. +1
    30 January 2017 23: 48
    It is high time for us to understand that the main thing is who rules our country (now it is not ours, we must honestly admit this), that social justice should prevail in the country and the government should clearly and precisely determine the path of development of the country for the people. And now there is growing decay due to the joyful cries of liberals and false patriots from the authorities about revival, unity and import substitution. Lies and lies in everything. It's time to put an end to this, and it's time for us to wake up and turn on those brains that have not yet completely decomposed. Otherwise, our children, not to mention our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, will have no future.
  79. 0
    1 February 2017 23: 32
    The article is a voice of stupidity, unprofessionalism and theft that is crying out in the current Russian desert... Who is the author addressing? To Putin? So he ONLY TRYING TO PLEASE this West FOR HIS ENTIRE RULE. And only after the people of Crimea FORCED HIM to protect them almost by force, did he do something. It is not in today's Russia and the Russian elite that there really are the LEADER OF THE SLAVIC CIVILIZATION. And the one who now sits in the Kremlin is just a petty thief trying to provide his family with a comfortable existence at the expense of a once great country (hence the great pipeline construction projects and the war in Syria and much more...). The author turns into emptiness... into emptiness...