Builders vs. Special Forces, or Grenada Disgrace

I did not plan to tell about the American invasion of the island of Grenada. But the readers of our publication expressed such a desire in the comments to another article ("A country with a tragic fate. The war in Angola"). I didn’t plan it because this operation, except for shame for the American special forces, did not bring anything substantial. Yes, and the power of the American army against the state with a population of 90 thousands of people to compare is somehow silly. The army of Grenada, with 1000 numbers, is manned against invading forces, 5 times larger. This is the official data. According to other data, also American, but already from the court, 30 is more times.

Most of the readers without a search engine and will not find this island in the Caribbean. A huge ... 344 square kilometer area. To understand what it is, you can compare the area of ​​any of our city with a population of 500-800 thousands of people. Rostov, for example, 10 square kilometers more. So Americans chose the enemy themselves worthy.

Builders vs. Special Forces, or Grenada Disgrace

On the other hand, what was the Americans doing? The country is deep in thought after Vietnam. Hollywood stamps heroic films about the exploits of US special forces. The advertised landing of American marines in Lebanon ended with the death of an American 241 at the same time (with the total number of marines in 1000 people) after a Hezbollah suicide bomber attack on a mined car in October 1983.

President Reagan, an actor himself, is well aware that a real victory is needed. Any, but a victory. Where? Cuba? Quite possible. Only such a victory for the United States will cost more than one thousand coffins. Americans know too well the power and strength of mind of Cubans. And it was precisely the "cine" victory that was needed. With a minimum of dead American soldiers. With a demonstration to the world of American military power. Using the best-trained and highly publicized units.

In general, the end of 70-x - the beginning of 80-x for Central America - a time of revolutionary turmoil. Sandinistas in Nicaragua, leftist partisans in El Salvador, the overthrow of the government of Eric Gayry and the coming to power of Maurice Bishop in Grenada.

And everywhere Cubans, and therefore the USSR. Since March 1979, Bishop began to actively cooperate with Cuba and the USSR. Rearming the army. So much so that the new army of Grenada became the most efficient in the eastern part of the Caribbean ... Only with the Soviet Union Bishop concluded three military agreements totaling $ 58 million. Even the DPRK was supposed to supply Grenada military equipment with 12 million dollars.

The first “swallows” of a possible US invasion are marked in March 1983. The United States has declared a boycott of Grenada. They forbade their tourists to visit the island and conducted exercises near the Grenadian territorial waters. Understanding the proximity of the war was all. 26 March The government of Grenada brought the army on alert and mobilized some police officers (from 1,5 to 3 thousand).

Numerous anti-government organizations began to operate in the country. The Americans began to plot. But Reagan was most worried about the construction of a new civil airport in Point Salinas. The fact is that such an airport should have had a three-kilometer strip for receiving all types of aircraft. So, it could well be used for military landings. Including strategic bombers. The US President has repeatedly stated that under the guise of a civilian airport, Cuba and the USSR are building a new military base.

Officially, the airport was built by an English company. But the builders were hired in Cuba. This explains the presence of Cubans on the island. According to some reports, Cubans in Grenada were 784 people. Of these, 636 builders, 44 physician and teacher, 43 military personnel (construction guards). The weapons of the Cuban guard were only small arms. But in the army guard of the airport there were large-caliber machine guns and Soviet 23-mm automatic cannons.

What did the operation look like on paper?

Operation Outbreak of Rage provided for the simultaneous landing of a naval and airborne assault force in order to capture administrative and military facilities. The north of the island was convenient for amphibious assault. South - for air.

The main forces of both landings were rangers and US Marines. And the paratroopers from the 82 airborne division were to develop the success of the landing.

Exploration of the terrain and objects of the upcoming attacks was carried out by local supporters of the USA and aviation. At the final stage, reconnaissance and sabotage groups (up to 50 people), which were planned to be transferred by helicopters, were connected to this business.

The forces that the United States sent to Grenada are very interesting. Just to list a few. From the 2nd fleet The United States Navy, Ground Forces and Air Force formed two groups. Carrier and amphibious, consisting of 12 warships of the US Navy.

The carrier group included the carrier Independence and 6 escort ships. From the Air Force, 8 F-15 fighters, EC-130 electronic warfare aircraft, 3 long-range radar detection aircraft, almost 60 military transport aircraft were attached. The number of troops was a 5000 man from two battalions of the 75 th regiment of raiders and two brigades of the 82 th WDD.

In the amphibious group there were 5 US Navy ships. More than three dozen helicopters were used for disembarkation. More 20 boats. The composition of the landing was more uniform. These are the most prepared 22 assault detachments of the US Marine Corps. With heavy equipment and weapons.

The start of the operation is scheduled for 5: 00 25 October 1983. The reason for the start of the landing operation should be the statement of American students about the attack and the threat to their lives.

It makes no sense to describe the operation itself. What Americans always succeed in is in describing their exploits. These descriptions are quite in the spirit of the foregoing plan. I, as well as readers, are more interested in shoals, which Washington strategists prefer to remain silent. And these shoals revealed a lot. And if it were not for the enormous superiority of forces, victory would be a big question.

So, journalists were allowed only numbers 28 to Grenada, when the military "cleaned up" behind them. However, if you do not hide mistakes, experts see them immediately. Here are the mistakes and talk.

The most important goal of the first wave of the invasion was the airfield. It was there and was thrown the famous "Delta". 35 fighters "Delta" made a long jump and managed to secretly landed on the airfield. However, the experts miscalculated. Cubans fighters experienced, were able to see part of the paratroopers. And so it began ...

6 special forces were killed even in the air. 22 injured. The rest were pressed to the airstrip with fire and they did not even let them lift their heads. The Soviet AK was head and shoulders above spetsnaz pistols and silent machine guns. Deltowers were saved only because they called aviation. It was the strike of attack aircraft and helicopters that allowed the remaining fighters to leave the runway.

The vaunted American rangers zhudili in the same way. The Russian military has an old one, since tsarist times, a saying. In a crap soldier, there is always diarrhea before the attack. In modern interpretation, the technique breaks down. weapon and equipment.

On the lead assault aircraft just such a "diarrhea" happened. Broken navigation system. And the whole group flew in circles over the island, looking for a landing place. Well, it reached the Soviet DShK. Weapons tested and amphibiously fitted for amphibious vehicles. The panic began on the air. "We have come under heavy anti-aircraft fire and are changing course ..."

In short, part of the assault force was thrown out in some remote corner of the island. Where exactly, there is no information. But the fact that they “fought” there until the end of the operation is a fact. With whom - it is not clear. Yes, and this case became known only because after the operation, the command of the landing force sued (!) The Air Force. True, the case was hushed up.

There were also "freaks" from the elite division of US combat swimmers. "Navy Seals" really quite prepared fighters. Just like RDG sea-based. And the command decided to use them as an assault force landing.

From the transport aircraft "Hercules" two boats with teams of swimmers were to be dropped. As it happens, the majority still represent the film "The Case in the Square ..." in the Soviet film. The first discharge ended tragically. The boat together with the crew, instead of sailing, "dove". There is no exact information about the fate of the crew. But it is clear that to survive in such a situation is quite problematic.

The second reset was successful. The boat has surfaced. Even the engine started and moved to the shore. And ... Having seen some ship, the "seals" (the American name of combat swimmers) decide to hide (an interesting solution for the day and excellent visibility) to stop the engine and wait. Perezhdali. But so sought to comply with the disguise that the engine was muffled forever. So the boat with the elite naval special forces dangled for two days on the high seas. The blessing was near the ship of the US Navy.

But there were real fights of "seals". So in the north of the island, the special forces nevertheless got ashore and ran into the watchful gendarmes. For more than a day, the gendarmes gave the combat swimmers to "light up" without letting them leave the beach.

Approximately the same "seals" won and with the release of the English representative P. Skun. 20 combat swimmers with light weapons came under fire BTR-60 Cubans. Chased them notably. Saved attack aircraft.

But the most interesting battle was for the Richmond Hill prison. The Delta on 6 helicopters was supposed to parachute through the ropes and capture the prison. For helicopters there was only one way. Between the prison and the garrison barracks. The army of Grenada in this battle "played in the war." A helicopter appears in the shot hole. From it, the Special Forces come down the cables. They are shot in the dash. And machine gunners shot down another helicopter.

Generally speaking, the Americans really showed all the power and debilism of their army. Encountering any resistance, even if it was a single person, entire units successfully hid and summoned aircraft. These are not isolated cases, but the widespread practice of the American army. And trying to bomb the headquarters of the Grenadian army, the US soldiers successfully "navigated" a mental hospital nearby. By the way, it is beautiful "otmazatsya" then from this crime. Ostensibly, the Grenadians moved the flag from the headquarters building to a mental hospital.

There was another combat episode. When a few hours, the Rangers and Marines fired at each other. And at the same time, both units in the American tradition requested aviation. Well, they begged. Friendly fire ... And strikes on their own for US aircraft is not an isolated case, but rather a typical one.

Naturally, there are doubts about the losses of the US Army in this operation. Officially, the Americans lost all 18 people. In addition, 116 people are injured. In the same way, the losses of the opposite side cause doubts. Cubans lost 25 people and 600 were captured. The Grenadians are the 45 dead and the 24 civilians.

The only true figure came from ... the Soviet Union. During the operation, the Americans fired at the USSR Embassy twice. Allegedly wrong. One of the employees was seriously injured.

For the attentive reader, even if he cannot find truthful information about an operation, there are always "loopholes." It is there that lie more or less true information. You just have to dig and understand them correctly. So, the scale of the operation "outbreak of rage," one figure would say fine. Over 8 000 US military were awarded for this landing. Small island. The toy army and the Cuban builders have lavished withers on the vaunted American special forces and paratroopers. They made it so that in the memoirs of one fighter of the Delta who participated in disembarking on the airdrome the following words were written in direct text: “They almost“ raped us ”.

And it seems to me that "almost" is clearly superfluous words ... Just raped, that's all.
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  1. +30
    28 December 2016 05: 55
    And it seems to me that "almost that" is clearly superfluous words ... They just got fucked, that's all.
    But nevertheless, they completed the task ... Although, of course, they were "weird"
    ... the first group of LTV-7E Corsair IIs aircraft from the USS Independent aircraft carrier began bombing targets on the island. Once again, the US military demonstrated its professionalism by sadanu instead of the headquarters in Fort Rupert in a psychiatric hospital. Killed at least 12 people.
    Actually, for this operation at the Pentagon, it got its second name - bombing of psychos.

    At this time, a platoon of navy seals, justifying their failure to land, heroically seized the radio station "Free Grenada", which was guarded by 4 employees. Yes, an employee, not a soldier. But when Lieutenant Prime of the Grenadians put together a combat group of BRDM, mortar and 20 soldiers and launched a counterattack, the "seals" were embarrassed, fought back, and then blew up the transmitter and broke through to the water, evacuating aboard the ship waiting in the sea, getting off with four wounded. One can only marvel at the selfless courage of the American special forces.

    Yes, the Americans were not alone, but with "numerous" lol allies

    And MUCH was captured fellow trophies ...

    Cubans lost 25 people and 600 were captured
    Then they were all met as heroes in Cuba. Which is right, so they were so ... And most importantly, he personally met Fidel ...
    1. +19
      28 December 2016 06: 17
      Quote: svp67
      Nevertheless, they completed the task ...

      Of course we did. Aviation statistics are not provided. Probably the Americans had a 1000-fold superiority, so they did it. Just not special forces and marines, but aviation. And an article about the "exploits" of the special forces. So he screwed up.
      1. +8
        28 December 2016 06: 19
        Quote: Homo
        Aviation statistics not provided. Probably the Americans had a 1000-fold superiority, and that's it.

        Briefly, they had an absolute superiority in the air ...
      2. +9
        28 December 2016 11: 06
        Quote: Homo
        Of course we did. Aviation statistics are not provided. Probably the Americans had a 1000-fold superiority, so they did it. Just not special forces and marines, but aviation. And an article about the "exploits" of the special forces. So he screwed up.

        And why are they not screaming that the Grenadians were "showered with corpses."
    2. +16
      28 December 2016 06: 20
      Quote: svp67
      Then they were all met as heroes in Cuba. Which is right, so they were so ... And most importantly, he personally met Fidel ..

      Thank you and the author! Honestly, I first read such a detailed analysis of the Grenada war.
      1. +25
        28 December 2016 08: 07
        I remember about the aggression in Grenada from the media. Particularly memorable was the defense of the airfield by the Cuban builders who beat the muzzle with the vaunted commandos! hi
      2. +7
        28 December 2016 09: 45
        Same. I was 83 years old at the age of 9, but I remember the capture of Grenada thanks to the only TV channel.
        1. +5
          28 December 2016 13: 20
          I was a couple of years older. And we had two channels. But, the USSR did not blather too much. The case was "successfully" moving towards "Perestroika".
      3. +41
        28 December 2016 10: 10
        I agree, thanks to the author for analyzing the operation! It would be interesting to get into the real archive of the Pentagon and read about the real losses of "the most powerful army in the history of mankind" ...
        But you can not go through the archives, you can just turn on your brains and compare another "brilliant" operation of the Americans to land on the island of Kiska in 1943, codenamed "Cottage"! "Brilliant", "amazing" operation !!! According to experts, if there were at least one Japanese on the island, the losses on the American side would be many times greater!
        The most terrible weapon of the United States, this is really Hollywood, it was not for nothing that Lenin said that cinema is the most important of the arts for us. I do not want to be once again caught in jingoistic patriotism, but my brother had the "good fortune" to contemplate their special forces in action, there were once some joint exercises. Omitting all the obscene expressions, of which there are a great many in his vocabulary, there was only one conclusion, the only good thing they have is equipment, everything else, including personnel, cannot be translated from military language into normal ...!
        1. +4
          28 December 2016 10: 15
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          Omitting all obscene expressions, of which there are a great many in his vocabulary, there was only one conclusion, the only thing that they have good is equipment, everything else, including personnel, can not be translated from a normal language into war.

          Diana! Thank you for the very accurate assessment. It seems to me that the dictionary of T. Akhmetova is not enough for characterization.
          1. +17
            28 December 2016 10: 31
            Amur Today, 10:15 ↑
            Diana! Thank you for the very accurate assessment. It seems to me that the dictionary of T. Akhmetova is not enough for characterization.
            Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Akhmetova's dictionary, but guys, you should have heard my brother ... This is something with something, especially we were dying with laughter when he told how brave American soldiers stormed the "blue oyster" for a week (I don't know plainly why, but for my brother it meant a public toilet), from the fact that the tender American stomachs could not stand our soldier's food, or rather not even soldier's, but officer's, tk. Americans on privileged rights were fed in the officers' mess. Dysentery was rampant. And what is characteristic is that after it had passed in five or seven days, it again became massively aggravated in them, exactly before the 50 km march across rough terrain in the conditions of our muddy roads. In general, the whole family tore our bellies with laughter when he came from these joint special forces training camp, and it was in 93 or 94, somewhere like that. So I can tell about them from the words of a direct eyewitness, the massive "heroism" of the brave American warriors.
        2. +6
          28 December 2016 10: 56
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          But you can not go through the archives, you can just turn on your brains and compare another "brilliant" operation of the Americans to land on the island of Kiska in 1943, codenamed "Cottage"! "Brilliant", "amazing" operation !!! According to experts, if there were at least one Japanese on the island, the losses on the American side would be many times greater!

          Not everything is so simple with the "Cottage". Met information. that the Yankees, who split the Japanese code, knew about the evacuation of the Japanese from the island. But canceling the operation could force the Japanese to start looking for sources of the leak. And then they decided not to cancel the operation, but at the same time to check the organization of the landing and its support in conditions as close as possible to combat. As a result, the landed Americans and Canadians, in conditions of disgusting visibility (fog), mistook each other for the enemy and began a battle (32 killed).
          1. +24
            28 December 2016 11: 07
            As a result, units of 7 divisions (USA) and 13 brigades (Canada), in conditions of disgusting visibility (fog) mistook each other for the enemy and started the battle (32 killed).
            Alexei, well, if the Americans knew about the absence of the Japanese on the island, then it is still more interesting and more fun, especially considering the amount of losses!
            Actually, other operations of the Americans do not shine with either strategy or tactics. To take the same landing in Normandy ... About the Ardennes operation, I generally will modestly keep silent, just like about the hostage rescue operation in Iran! American special forces, this is already a byword, this is something like "British scientists" only in a military fashion!
            1. +5
              28 December 2016 17: 23
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              Actually, other operations of the Americans do not shine with either strategy or tactics. Take the same landing in Normandy ...

              Except for the Omaha site - a normal operation. One of the few strategic amphibious operations in the history of war. And as for the logistics of this landing, you can only lick your lips. smile
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              About the Arden operation, I generally remain modestly silent

              Why keep silent? The Germans began vigorously - and by Christmas they were blown away, not having achieved any of the set goals. And after Christmas, Rundstedt began to openly bombard the Fuhrer with demands to retreat as soon as possible - because the Allies began to cut its flanks. Pampered cowardly Yankees were too tough for blond knights. laughing
              Moreover, the Germans managed in the course of planning to make almost all the mistakes that their opponents usually made. The story of Bastogne alone is what it is worth: the Germans allocated absolutely insufficient forces to capture, and when they got a rebuff, they decided to simply block the city, hoping that the Yankees would surrender themselves. Engineers, landing troops and tankers, supported by artillery in the city up to 155 mm, for some reason did not want to give up. smile
              As a result, the Yankees left behind them a southern "corner post" - warehouses and a communications center hanging over the supply routes of the strike group. Moreover, next to this node was Patton's tank army.
              1. Alf
                28 December 2016 19: 44
                Quote: Alexey RA
                The Germans began vigorously - and by Christmas they were blown away, not having achieved any of the set goals.

                And what goals can be achieved if gas tanks splashed in the gas tank? If the Germans were planning on taking the Amer's gasoline reserves when planning the strike?
                1. +3
                  29 December 2016 10: 25
                  Quote: Alf
                  And what goals can be achieved if gas tanks splashed in the gas tank? If the Germans were planning on taking the Amer's gasoline reserves when planning the strike?

                  To begin with - at least get to Liège and Namur. Because according to the plan of the operation, the seizure of fuel reserves was planned there.
                  But the Panzerwaffe could not even do this. They did not even fulfill the immediate task - the capture of bridges across the Meuse.
                  In general, the Ardennes resemble our offensives of the first two years of the war: they broke through the defense (involving mecha-mechanic connections), rushed into the gap, forgot about the flanks, stretched in the process of attack already pokotseny at the breakthrough of the mechanical connection - and bogged down in the reserves that approached. And then they received blows from the flanks under the base of the breakthrough - and they began to frantically dismantle the advancing group, throwing forces on the defense of the throat of the breakthrough - right from the march and in parts, almost by battalion.
                  In the best case, such an offensive ends with the withdrawal of personnel and the loss of most of the heavy and group weapons.
              2. +4
                31 December 2016 18: 58
                Well, yes, everything was normal in Normandy, yeah.
                Just do not forget that the Atlantic Wall was EMPTY. There were sonderkommands, old men, soldiers after hospitals, instead of sanatoriums, three rounds per rifle. Of which there were more types than battalions.
                But the real terrible Wehrmacht - he was on the Eastern Front. And in Normandy there is a tank division, only pandocs rarely admit that it was a Hitler Youth. And that these ten-year-olds kept their entire air army for a whole month.
                And so - yes, such a normal operation, successful.
                1. 0
                  17 November 2021 22: 51
                  Yeah, especially on Omaha Beach, it was empty, of course. It was defended by ordinary units, no worse than in Belarus, where in the summer of 19444 there were a lot of pensioners, a large percentage of whom among the prisoners caught the eye of the Muscovites. So the Wehrmacht was there and there. And Villers-Bocage did not arrange for the Germans by any means the Hitler Youth. The SS Panzer Corps spent almost the whole of 1944 in France; in the summer the Germans really missed it on the Eastern Front. And yes, the Citadel was terminated due to the Allied landings in Sicily.
              3. 0
                17 November 2021 22: 48
                Plyusanu. Moreover, the USSR did not postpone the start of the Vistula-Oder operation. on the contrary, in some parts the offensive was postponed from January 3 to January 12.
            2. +4
              28 December 2016 22: 44
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              Actually, other operations of the Americans do not shine with either strategy or tactics. Take the same landing in Normandy ... About the Arden operation, I will generally remain modestly silent, just like about the operation to rescue the hostages in Iran!

              Tolley deal with the Soviet command Kiev boiler or
              The environment near Vyazma, an example of tactics and strategy, and already near Kharkov, I generally will not say anything like the operation to rescue the hostages, for example, on Dubrovka.
              Regarding indigestion and diarrhea, of course you will excuse me, but what will happen to your stomach if you suddenly switch to another food. Yes, most likely the same thing, because in the intestine there is a certain type of bacteria that are adapted to their usual food and if I change the food, I’ll badly digest its bacteria and the result is diarrhea (I’m not a doctor myself, so I explained clumsily what my doctor friend explained I correctly and beautifully using words that I can not say).
              1. +6
                29 December 2016 10: 33
                Quote: Kostya Andreev
                oli deal with the Soviet command Kiev boiler or
                The environment near Vyazma, an example of tactics and strategy, and even near Kharkov I generally will not say anything

                Ahem ... Are you seriously comparing the operations of the Red Army of the beginning of the Second World War (an army that has not seriously fought since the Civil) - and the operation of the German army at the end of the war (an army that has 5 years of combat experience with front-level operations)?
                It would be naive to wait for Bagrationov and even Saturn from an under-reformed and half-formed Red Army in 1941 with its under-trained personnel. But the most experienced Germans in 1944 could show at least something other than cosplay of the typical 1941 Red Army offensive of the XNUMX model. laughing
                1. +1
                  29 December 2016 10: 57
                  And you seriously believe that the operations of the Americans do not shine with either strategy or tactics. tired of this hatred, Americans are normal soldiers and people are not bad.
                  Do you seriously think that the German army at the end of the war could do something?
                  I will not comment on half-formed and under-educated words. the most experienced Germans in 44 were deeper ... than the Red Army in 41.
                  1. +3
                    29 December 2016 11: 54
                    Quote: Kostya Andreev
                    And you seriously believe that the operations of the Americans do not shine with either strategy or tactics.

                    And where did I write this? Just with the strategy, the Yankees then were all right - even tactically losing (the same battle in the Coral Sea or the battle on the island of Savo), they managed to win strategically.
                    Quote: Kostya Andreev
                    Do you seriously think that the German army at the end of the war could do something?

                    Gathering your best parts? Yes, I could.
                    Quote: Kostya Andreev
                    I will not comment on half-formed and under-educated words. the most experienced Germans in 44 were deeper ... than the Red Army in 41.

                    They also in the tank troops 60% l / s had education from 3 to 7 classes, and 10-15% were illiterate? And in 3 months, soldiers in the infantry brought 30% of rifles and 15% of machine guns to rust in the barrel? AND the operational training of senior officers has grown significantly and is assessed mediocre?
                    Or to the great shame and chagrin, the cadets of the regimental schools have little knowledge of small arms below the knowledge of the Red Army, and yet despite this they are graduated by junior commanders? wink
                    This is all - the realities of the pre-war Red Army of 1941, given to us in the documents of this army.
                    1. +1
                      29 December 2016 15: 39
                      I didn’t write this to you, but simply reminded the person that before laughing at the Americans, it would not hurt to recall from my story. Such an attitude towards a potential enemy is surprising. Communicated with NATO and colleagues who were in the MC and agreed that these were serious guys and not at all such cowards and dumbasses suffering from diarrhea as some write here. Yes, and from the battles that you brought up, it is clear that the Americans suffered serious losses, but did not get into trouble to the corner. And the ability to take risks and courage says that for a downed pilot this is often a one-way ticket.
                      About collecting all the best parts. In 41 year 11 Morozov’s army launched a counterattack ?, I remembered about her when you wrote about
                      Quote: Alexey RA
                      except cosplay of the typical offensive of the Red Army of 1941.
                      (maybe I misunderstood you). And there were other attempts to attack.
                      Nothing in the 44th German army could not, there were no soldiers, no fuel, no resources. and completely surrounded by allies, in contrast to the USSR 41 years. it’s like faith in the Wreath’s corps, which is about to come and everything will change.
                      Regarding education, I will not argue about the superiority of the Germans in this area, as there are explanations Germany had a developed industry and, accordingly, there were more literate people, and the educational level of the German was different from his Romanian ally, otherwise we take the level of the Union, and there we take only the Germans, excluding its allies and voila, ...... All this needs to be verified (just as scrupulously for the other side, how many literate were in the tank military of Germany, the USSR and the Allies ..
                      However, despite the presence of an illiterate population in the USSR, this did not prevent the war from ending in Berlin. Either the Germans became literate little- (all illiterate Russians were killed) and the illiterate Germans were called up, or the Russians sharply raised their educational level during the war (even in its first half).
                      In my opinion, this cannot be compared, because the education of all countries is different).
                      As far as I know. The training of officers in our country and in Germany went differently (I don’t remember right now, but I won’t compose).
                2. Alf
                  29 December 2016 21: 29
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  hmm ... Are you really comparing the operations of the Red Army of the beginning of the Second World War (the army that had not seriously fought since the Civil) - and the operation of the German army at the end of the war (the army with 5 years of combat experience with front-level operations)?

                  Where does FIVE years come from? 1942-5 = 1937 ??? This is where the German army fought for 5 years?
                  1. +1
                    29 December 2016 21: 43
                    . You are seriously comparing the operations of the Red Army of the beginning of the Second World War (an army that has not seriously fought since the Civil) - and the operation armies of the end of the war (an army with 5 years of combat experience with front-level operations)?

                    It was about the Ardenne operation of the German army in 44 against the Allies. Therefore, 44-5 = 39. It all fits together.
                    1. Alf
                      29 December 2016 22: 36
                      Quote: Kostya Andrei
                      . You are seriously comparing the operations of the Red Army of the beginning of the Second World War (an army that has not seriously fought since the Civil) - and the operation armies of the end of the war (an army with 5 years of combat experience with front-level operations)?

                      It was about the Ardenne operation of the German army in 44 against the Allies. Therefore, 44-5 = 39. It all fits together.

                      If so, then compare the Berlin operation SA.
                      1. 0
                        29 December 2016 22: 42
                        Alf, I didn’t compare it, I just brought you an excerpt (from the commentary by Alexey RA) indicating the time frame !!!!!
              2. MrK
                29 December 2016 16: 07
                Quote: Kostya Andreev
                Toli is the matter of the Soviet command, the Kiev Cauldron or the Surroundings near Vyazma, an example of tactics and strategy, and already near Kharkov I generally will not say anything like the operation to rescue the hostages, for example, on Dubrovka.

                Kostya. Where did you come from. It is your pleasure to poke your nose into our defeats. So they learned to fight by the 1943 year and smashed the Hitler bastard.
                Nobody pulled the language of the German tankman Otto Carius, who fought in the East and in the West, to draw the following conclusion: “Five Russians in the 1944 year were more dangerous than thirty Americans in the 1945”. One to six. Is not that enough for you?
              3. +1
                10 January 2017 07: 20
                You do not compare the gift of God with scrambled eggs. Kiev and other WWII boilers are the result of many reasons, but first of all we are talking about the army, just the army. Secondly, the Nazi army had absolute superiority in the air. The same thing. which the U.S. invasion army had during the invasion of Grenada. Those. it was the other way around. And then, you equate something 1941-42 and 1983. And most importantly - the basis of the invasion forces were SPEC units. Specially trained for such operations. And they did not carry out the task of taking hostages on Dubrovka, but of capturing specific objects of mainly military significance, intelligence about which they could and probably had a wagon and a small cart. The main part of the described jambs is lining during landing, etc. - pure gaps in preparation. Rather, the inability to operate in a changing environment, which determines the class of special forces. This is what the American specialists were not at the height of the requirements, although the support was powerful and the conditions, from the point of view of our special forces, were almost sanatorium.
              4. +2
                24 January 2017 00: 34
                Quote: Kostya Andreev
                as well as the operation to rescue the hostages, for example, on Dubrovka.

                Actually, this operation is a handbook for the entire special forces of the world. If still live TV broadcasts disconnected losses there would be even less. These cattle lit up several entrances to the building about which the militants did not know.
      4. 0
        2 January 2017 12: 40
        And I was 13 years old then ... And, childishly, it was very disappointing that the CPSU Central Committee did not help friendly Grenada. Although, now, I understand that it wasn’t before ... And Leonid Ilyich did not dare to open conflict with the Jankers.
        1. 0
          11 January 2017 13: 45
          In 1983, the Secretary General was Yu.V. Andropov. And ours didn’t really help the Grenadians because of the fact that in the midst of the left leadership of Grenada there was discord, confusion and vacillations.
          1. +1
            11 January 2017 14: 36
            Quote: Sergej1972
            In 1983, the Secretary General was Yu.V. Andropov. And ours didn’t really help the Grenadians because of the fact that in the midst of the left leadership of Grenada there was discord, confusion and vacillations.

            Not just a tear, but a real coup on October 13-14, followed by the assassination of Prime Minister M. Bishop. The most interesting thing is that Grenada at that time was still a kingdom within the framework of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the head of state was the Queen of England, represented on the island by the Governor General.
            But even Great Britain opposed the invasion, US actions condemned all countries in the Security Council, except, of course, the US itself, there is a General Assembly resolution on this matter.
            And ours could not help if there was such a US grouping near the island. And there was no request for help.
    3. 0
      17 November 2021 22: 44
      That is, the American special forces raped the Grenadians and the Cubans. Everything is correct
  2. +6
    28 December 2016 06: 40
    The reason for the start of the landing operation should be a statement by American students about the attack and the threat to their lives.
    the question always came from where in this impoverished country, which, most likely, had no normal schools, American !!! students? Were they there in the construction team? What did they learn from semi-literate Indians?
    1. +14
      28 December 2016 08: 35
      At that moment, there were a lot of American tourists on the island, and in addition, there was a Medical College (St. Georges Medical Schooll) in Grenada. Most Americans studied in it, and the teaching staff was American. Thanks to this, the college was a solid income item for the island. Studying in a resort paradise (by the way, at very moderate prices!), Where after lectures you can wallow on the beach or hang around in a bar has always been a dream of any American (and not only) teenager. The educational buildings and dormitories (more precisely, as they are called in the West, “campuses”) of the college were located in the vicinity of the Grenadian capital of St. Georges (St. Georges), and (ironically!) In the south of the island, next to the Salines building under construction. None of the American citizens was injured during the coup, but they were very willing to give the media interviews of a tailor-made nature, describing the situation on the island as "brazenly violating democracy," talking about the intrigues of local and Cuban special services, everywhere they allegedly imagined the KGB and a possible invasion of Cuban island and Soviet troops. As a result, from the reports of the American media it was possible to understand that in Grenada a full-blown civil war was already going on, between supporters of the PBC and the ousted Bishop. In this regard, it was proposed to "urgently rescue American citizens from the island." The American puppets from the Organization of Eastern Carribean States were the first to react to this hysteria. At meetings held on October 21 and 22 in Bridgetown (Barbados) and Port of Spain (Trinidad), representatives of this organization “vehemently” condemned the coup committed by the PBC and turned to the United States with a proposal to resolve the situation by any means (up to the military) , with full approval. In addition, they announced the establishment of the Carribean Peace Keeping Force in support of US actions against Grenada. As you can see, in the dirty deed of creating all kinds of "false peacekeeping forces" the pioneers were not NATO countries at all, and this did not begin in the 90s ... And another (if not the main) reason for the American attack on Grenada was the events that have nothing to do with this island at all. The day before, in Lebanon, Islamic suicide bombers blew up American barracks in the vicinity of Beirut. Killed more than 200 troops. The USA could not correct the incident or somehow adequately respond to the Lebanese Islamic groups, and a terrible scandal and a government crisis were brewing - the media, the public and congressmen began to “call to account” the military leadership and the presidential administration. And so, in order to gloss over all the negative consequences of the Lebanese affront, the US leadership made sense to play the “Grenada card” as the very “small victorious war” that would eclipse the entire previous “negative” and cool public opinion. Prone to posturing and cheap effects (after all, an actor in the past), President Ronald Reagan in this regard considered a military action against Grenada appropriate.
      1. +5
        28 December 2016 09: 02
        Quote: hohol95
        Most Americans studied in it, and the teaching staff was American.

        thanks, now much is clear. In fact, the American college was, just land and buildings, as if on lease. Another thing is interesting, usually countries whose lives are in danger in the territory of other states, they try to evacuate them and do not let others into the territory of this state, but here students, tourists, teachers ....
        1. +5
          28 December 2016 09: 06
          Read the article "Grenada volost three days in October ..." And you will understand everything!
      2. +2
        10 January 2017 07: 30
        Interestingly, you argue that "in the formation of" false peacemakers "the pioneers were not the NATO countries." It is no secret that NATO has been largely controlled and directed by the United States since its inception and to this day. they also control the puppet governments of the countries you mentioned, whose governments are crammed with various advisers from the States, who actually commanded, like the US Ambassador to Ukraine is now. So, in fact, these forces were formed on the direct instructions of the States with an eye to the future, when the time comes for the dirty work (suppression of dissent, etc.) that others must do. very American - to make porridge and then leave the locals to disentangle it.
    2. Alf
      28 December 2016 19: 41
      Quote: veteran66
      Were they there in the construction team? What did they learn from semi-literate Indians?

      To grow coca.
      1. 0
        29 December 2016 08: 24
        Quote: Alf
        To grow coca.

        1. Alf
          29 December 2016 21: 26
          Quote: veteran66
          Quote: Alf
          To grow coca.


  3. +26
    28 December 2016 07: 36
    I'm not talking about military action, that's what M. Bishop did during his 4 years in power. In Grenada, zonal and district councils of workers were created, councils of workers' enterprises, which turned into organs of people's power. The main principle in this was reporting to the people of all officials, including ministers. Any day, Bishop explained in an interview with the Jamaican newspaper Straggle in May 1982, a senior official in any agency, say the central water commission, can be summoned to a district or zonal council to report on what is happening in his area of ​​responsibility. In 1982, a nationwide discussion of the first in the history of Grenada a plan of financial and economic development, decrees on housing and the development of public transport took place throughout the country, in February 1983 - the results of the socio-economic activities of the government for the past and the budget plan for the current year. In 1984, it was supposed to hold a nationwide discussion of the draft of the new constitution. The Bishop government pursued a flexible policy, which was based on the principle of a mixed economy - a combination of activities of three sectors: state, cooperative and private. Particular attention was paid to building a strong public sector. At the same time, the government made it possible for private capital to act, given that one public sector is currently unable to pull the economy out: the technology at enterprises is outdated, human resources are limited, and there is not enough capital and experience. At the same time, it was necessary to keep the private sector under state control. “We do not interfere in the affairs of private entrepreneurs,” Bishop said in an interview with the West Indian Digest, “except with regard to workers 'rights, payment of fair wages, and workers' right to join a union of their choice. protection of workers and in the event of arbitrary dismissals or mistreatment - we will never compromise on these issues, and I think that businessmen understand this. ”The government also attracted foreign capital, which, convinced of the strength of the revolutionary government, went to business partnerships with her. For example, Canada in 1981 provided a loan of $ 8,8 million for the implementation of economic development plans, Mexico provided assistance in finding oil on the Grenadian shelf and providing oil products. France, after Bishop's talks with President Mitterrand, signed an agreement in the spring of 1983 on the supply of equipment to Grenada and the sending of its specialists ... This country with popular rule in the literal sense of these words was trampled by the "democratic" boots of the American army ... Eh, Grenada, Grenada, my ...
    1. 0
      2 January 2017 12: 47
      Thanks for the political information. Very capacious and intelligible.
    2. Maz
      3 January 2017 12: 40
      That is precisely what they were dangerous - their success and the absolute opposite of the American economy, lifestyle and "values" - Syria, Gaddafi, Iraq ...
    3. 0
      12 January 2017 18: 17
      When the Americans invaded, Bishop was already killed in a coup d'état arranged by a number of his associates.
  4. +10
    28 December 2016 08: 33
    One minor character in the second series of the Hollywood action movie about Die Hard's adventures described the landing in Grenada as “40 minutes of battle, and then 40 days of surfing.” The brave African-American “green beret” has trembled - in reality, they fought in Grenada for three days, that is, 72 hours.
  5. +3
    28 December 2016 09: 32
    why did it all go with the americans? Maybe because the Cuban builders are like Soviet amateur hockey players who are professionals in the tail and mane.
    Probably did not know that in addition to the main specialty, builders may have additional education and some sort of hobby. Which they can apply in difficult times.
    1. 0
      28 December 2016 18: 58
      Did you know that 4 guys from the construction battalion are AWOL across the ocean. All Americans were put on their ears. These are the military builders of the Union ...
    2. +2
      28 December 2016 20: 14
      So there were additional specialties :). Strictly speaking, Castro drove an entire generation through the army and tempered it in flames. Cuba’s participation in the Angolan war is the forge of the army, and the skill fixed by the war is not soon forgotten.
  6. BAI
    28 December 2016 10: 16
    But nevertheless, the Americans have gone through the "Vietnam Syndrome" and they crawled into all the holes. And they still climb.
  7. +1
    28 December 2016 14: 16
    sorry the author did not tell about the adventures of the parachute battalion of 82 VDD. in the airport area
    1. +3
      28 December 2016 14: 50
      bully Yeah ... Give you the will, you make the book write about one operation laughing There are some wonderful and detailed comments. Almost through one expand the topic. As required, in principle.
  8. 0
    28 December 2016 14: 46
    Well, what's the disgrace? The task is completed, the losses are minimal.
    1. 0
      28 December 2016 14: 58
    2. 0
      28 December 2016 15: 06
      Read the article "Grenada volost three days in October ..." And you will understand everything!
    3. 0
      10 January 2017 07: 33
      Minimal on paper. In reality, with such superiority of forces and means, they should have been minimal, but it didn’t turn out quite like that. About this and the article.
  9. +1
    28 December 2016 16: 04
    Here is the site of US military casualties.
    Detailed lists of names. All 20 names.
    1. +1
      28 December 2016 16: 42
      I advise you to pay attention to the places of death .. And immediately see the discrepancies ...
    2. +5
      28 December 2016 17: 43
      Are there too many dead officers (10) for a total of 20 dead?
      Of these, major, and 3 captains. It seems that only those whose losses were hardest to hide were listed.
      1. +4
        28 December 2016 18: 27
        Only during the landing of the Delta on the runway were 6 people of 200's and 22-300's. This is according to American data ...
      2. +1
        28 December 2016 19: 04
        30 years have passed ... Someone is hiding something. Nobody needs it.
        Even Russia uncovered the Soviet losses of the 60-80s.
        1. +4
          28 December 2016 21: 48
          Well, you really need to protect the Americans
          1. +2
            28 December 2016 22: 48
            This is because Voyaka does not live in the settlement. Or out of inertia, like the Russian Germans, against Russia out of principle, even angrier than the German Germans. Although, those who travel to Russia from time to time exhibit an interesting phenomenon of chauvinism: there is order and beauty, but the Germans are nerds in themselves. "It's good that WE came, otherwise Germany is crazy."
            Maybe with the Israeli public our Israeli warriors behave from a position of superiority: we are from the USSR / Russia. By the way, the irony of fate: kibbutzniks are real Cossacks. I am outraged by the UN resolution on Jewish settlements, as a descendant of the Astrakhan Cossacks who came there from Khortitsa in 1912. And respect to the ancestors, too: could have been born in 404 if it had not been for their voyage to the Volga from the Dnieper.
            1. 0
              29 December 2016 00: 52
              I tried to understand your post, but did not understand: what settlements are you talking about?
              1. +2
                29 December 2016 18: 08
                In the territories conquered by the Arabs
          2. +1
            29 December 2016 00: 54
            There were many mistakes in this operation. But in general, it turned out. And the losses were small, although they could be even smaller.
            1. +4
              29 December 2016 04: 49
              Well, yes ... Now explain to me the old man, how can the American army advance on tourist maps? there was no intelligence? The operation is a failure. But what the Americans learned to do was sculpt candy out of shit. In terms of information, of course ...
              1. +1
                29 December 2016 05: 34
                Quote: domokl
                how can the american army advance on tourist maps?

                In my childhood I had a map of Crimea on which everything was drawn, where dolphins swim near the beaches. Where restaurants and bus numbers. Maybe they had one. what
                Hello and with the upcoming drinks
              2. 0
                29 December 2016 10: 37
                Quote: domokl
                Well, yes ... Now explain to me the old man, how can the American army advance on tourist maps? there was no intelligence? The operation is a failure.

                Hehehehe ... one of the most successful operations of the German army was planned on the basis of information from tourist maps and guidebooks. laughing
                Later (especially after the failure of the Allied counter-operations in Norway), it was widely believed that the Germans made plans and began to collect sensitive information in advance (perhaps even before the declaration of war), but this is not true. The Kranke group began work with very modest baseline data. The German military had no experience in planning such operations, and the preliminary work of the OKW and the headquarters of the Navy made it possible to outline only general directions for planning the operation. Although the group had at its disposal useful (and, as it turned out later, accurate) intelligence data on the state of the Norwegian army and its locations, however, they were not critical. At first, the information for compiling maps and descriptions of the area was most often borrowed from locations, guides, tourist avenues, and other open sources.
              3. +1
                29 December 2016 15: 15
                "" Operation failed "////

                The purpose of the operation was to capture Grenada.
                Grenada was captured - yes.

                For example, an attempt at a landing in Cuba was - yes - a failure.
                Because Cuba was not captured.
            2. Maz
              3 January 2017 12: 38
              The main loss is that they no longer trust the Americans.
    3. Maz
      3 January 2017 12: 37
      Apparently the muzzle of the Americans was not beaten on the site of American military losses, and not in the transmission of TV. Yours also said that during the shelling from Gaza there were no losses of military equipment and there was no damage, on TV, in newspapers, on the radio and the Internet. But the Arabs did. Obviously not gagging.
      1. 0
        17 November 2021 22: 56
        It was the Americans who beat the Grenadians in the face. However, if the amers had higher losses, it only means that the resistance was serious, but the Americans broke it.
  10. 0
    29 December 2016 01: 21
    Good article, especially in light of the recently laid out Independent
  11. +4
    31 December 2016 16: 37
    Duke told ... how in about 81 he, while still a schoolboy, together with a friend on the beach in Repino (Americans love beaches), faced the American Marines. Americans WANTED TO RAPE GIRLS. The girls called for help. the two boys immediately intervened. But the forces were clearly unequal. and Duke shouted “They are beating ours!” Immediately from the local bar, two men rushed to help. They said "Guys. Move away" and dragged the Amrians to the bay. The Americans did not have time to call aviation. The peasants, as it turned out, passed Angola.
  12. +1
    1 January 2017 09: 02
    I pulled it on Facebook .....)))))))))))))))))
  13. +1
    2 January 2017 01: 22
    Great article! 5 re-read, laughed to exhaustion, many thanks to the author! Article-1000000 pluses!
  14. 0
    2 January 2017 05: 59
    For some reason I am not surprised at the description of the "exploits" of the American army. They praise her so much that you remember the saying: "An empty barrel thunders loudly." All their greatness lies in the "mastering" and "cutting" of the gigantic military budget from which, in particular, the "heroic" feats of their army are removed.
  15. +1
    2 January 2017 09: 06
    Quote: Alexey RA
    As a result, the landed Americans and Canadians in conditions of disgusting visibility (fog) mistook each other for the enemy and began the battle (32 killed).
    From August 15 to August 25, Americans and Canadians lost more than 100 people dead and more than 300 wounded.
  16. 0
    3 January 2017 18: 19
    Quote: Alexey RA
    In general, the Ardennes resemble our offensives of the first two years of the war: they broke through the defense (involving mecha-mechanic connections), rushed into the gap, forgot about the flanks, stretched in the process of attack already pokotseny at the breakthrough of the mechanical connection - and bogged down in the reserves that approached. And then they received blows from the flanks under the base of the breakthrough - and they began to frantically dismantle the advancing group, throwing forces on the defense of the throat of the breakthrough - right from the march and in parts, almost by battalion.

    Yes, it’s just that the Germans were not the same as in 1941. Not Guderian was there in the commander’s tank. Well, the personnel are far from 41 years old ... And the Germans were inferior in numbers.
    Yes, and by the way: "Thus, the American command prepared in advance to repel the enemy offensive, deploying large mobile groupings of its troops to the north and south of the Ardennes, and in the Ardennes themselves deliberately weakened the defense, leaving there the 28th and 106th infantry Everything happened exactly as the American commanders expected - German troops went on the offensive in the Ardennes, where the Allies deliberately weakened their defenses, and when the Germans broke through almost 100 km to the west, American troops attacked them with their 1st and 3rd mobile groupings. th armies from the flanks - from the north and south, putting the Germans under the threat of encirclement "
    Guderian: “So, the offensive began on December 16, the 5th Panzer Army deeply penetrated the enemy’s defenses. The advanced tank formations of the ground forces — the 116th and 2nd tank divisions — went directly to the river. Maas. Separate units of the 2nd Panzer Division even reached r. Rhine. The 6th Panzer Army was not so successful. Accumulations of troops on narrow icy mountain roads, delays in putting a second echelon into the battle of the 5th tank army, insufficiently quick use of the initial success - all this led to the army losing its pace of offensive - the most necessary condition for each major operation. In addition, the 7th Army encountered difficulties, as a result of which it was necessary to turn the tank units of Manteuffel south to prevent a threat from the flank. After that, there was no question of a major breakthrough. Already on December 22, it was necessary to recognize the need to limit the purpose of the operation. On this day, a command that would think on a large scale should recall the anticipated offensive on the Eastern Front, the position of which depended on the timely completion of the largely failed offensive on the Western Front. However, not only Hitler, but also the high command of the armed forces, and especially the headquarters of the operational leadership of the armed forces, in these fateful days, they thought only of the Western Front. The tragedy of our military command became even more obvious after the failure of the offensive in the Ardennes, before the end of the war. On December 24th, it was clear to every sane soldier that the offensive had finally failed. It was necessary to immediately shift all our efforts to the east, if it was not already too late. I carefully watched from the headquarters, transferred to Maybahlager near Zossen, the progress of the offensive in the west. In the interests of my people, I wanted it to end in complete success. But when already on December 23 it became clear that major success could not be achieved, I decided to go to the Fuhrer’s main headquarters and demand the cessation of dangerous tension and the immediate transfer of all forces to the Eastern Front ... "
    Eisenhower: “No matter how sudden the time and power of this strike was for us, we were not mistaken either about the place of its delivery, nor about the inevitability of such a move on the part of the enemy. Moreover, as for the general reaction to these enemy actions, in this case Bradley and I had a long-agreed response plan. ”
    1. +1
      10 January 2017 07: 38
      There is another question: why immediately after the start of the German offensive in the Ardennes Churchill immediately sent a telegram to Stalin and asked to strike on the Eastern Front? And interrogated after all. The Berlin offensive began ahead of schedule.
      1. 0
        17 November 2021 22: 55
        What does Churchill have to do with America? And what does the Berlin operation have to do with the Ardennes? Churchill telegrams all
        published back in the scoop.
  17. +4
    3 January 2017 18: 25
    Quote: BAI
    But nevertheless, the Americans have gone through the "Vietnam Syndrome" and they crawled into all the holes. And they still climb.

    They climb to where there is no air defense. Where there is air defense, they are afraid to climb there
  18. 0
    19 July 2017 14: 15
    Great article! I love reading about the exploits of the Yankees, the charge of positive for the whole day!
  19. 0
    19 November 2021 00: 05
    Well, here's another oh ... awesome story about how the Americans won mediocrely, and their opponents heroically and talentedly blew it. You can get more details about the Delta fighter, with a reference, otherwise the Americans are hiding their losses, but in their books there is complete freedom of speech.
    In short: if the Americans really TRUMPED, it means that they put up a serious resistance, nevertheless, the Americans overcame it. And the fact that the paratroopers had to act without a plan hardly speaks badly about these paratroopers.
    1. "There is no point in describing the operation." And just to describe it would be worth it. And then half-truths and outright nonsense rolls precisely when talking about little-known events.
    2. Meeting any resistance, the Americans with light rifle range fought against armored personnel carriers. That's right, there was nowhere to hide. You can't hide on the coast or at the airfield.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))
    3.35 fighters "Delta" with pistols against the AK lost 6 people, but captured the airfield. Respect. I would not have captured, the planes would not have been able to land.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))
    4. 20 "seals" captured the governor's residence and fought back from either the Grenadians or the Cubans with the BTR-60 for more than a day, again having only a light gunner.
    5. But the most interesting was the fight for the Rind Hill prison. Delta actually landed under fire from the DShK, evacuated the crew of the downed helicopter, and then made its way to the same airport.
    IVCHSKh: with all this, the Americans lost SUDDENLY 19 people, of which only 14 were combat losses. (A more truthful figure from Soviet specialists was not given by Vi, after all). At the same time, everything was done by the really special forces, and no carpet bombing preceded their landing. Respect.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

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