The submarine "Moscow Region" transferred to the fleet after modernization

Ship repair center Zvezdochka handed over to Russian the fleet a special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 "Moscow Region" after completion of repairs and modernization under project 09787, the press service of the enterprise said.

В ходе работ подлодка была перестроена из подводного rocket крейсера К-64 проекта 667БДРМ в «носитель атомных глубоководных подводных станций и автономных необитаемых подводных аппаратов в интересах Главного управления глубоководных исследований (ГУГИ) Министерства обороны России».

Bmpd blog comment: “The K-64 ship was transferred to the Soviet Navy in 1986 year and was on the Zvezdochka on the refit of the 09787 project from the 1999 year. The ceremony of the withdrawal of the converted Moscow BS-64 "Moscow region" from the boathouse of shop No. 15 of the head enterprise Zvezdochki took place on August 11 2015 of the year, and the launch of 15 on November 2015 of the year. "
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  1. +6
    27 December 2016 13: 27
    The impression that she is a "Losharik" of a new generation, with a displacement of 1,5 times more, can deliver to the work area ...
    1. +8
      27 December 2016 13: 32
      And not only him ... But something like "Status" can ... wassat
      1. +3
        27 December 2016 13: 57
        But also something like "Status" can ...

        "Status" seems to be much smaller than "Losharik", logically he can carry it in armfuls.
        1. jjj
          27 December 2016 14: 07
          In fact, a new boat
          1. +4
            27 December 2016 14: 38
            Quote: 210ox
            And not only him ... But something like "Status" can ... wassat

            It looks like there are a lot of surprises, looking at its contours.
            1. +2
              27 December 2016 17: 22
              Quote: cniza
              It looks like there are a lot of surprises, looking at its contours.

              The proposed appearance of the nuclear submarine "Podmoskovye"
        2. +2
          27 December 2016 16: 18
          Judging by the size (relatively, of course) instead of 1 "Losharik" in terms of volume, about 8-10 "Statuses-6" will be included.
          And I said that there is an impression that the machine is 1,5 times more than "Losharik" can become a load.
          1. +1
            27 December 2016 16: 31
            So I did not contradict you, I answered the 210th. wink
            1. +2
              27 December 2016 17: 18
              Yes, I didn’t seem to argue with him or with you))) Although if you imagine an armful of "Statuses" instead of "Losharik", for some reason I remember the grandmothers in the bazaar selling horseradish root in bundles)))
              1. +3
                27 December 2016 19: 20
                An armful is of course a poetic retreat, although if the adversaries read our correspondence with you, then let them be written out of fear. ))))
                To be honest, when I wrote "an armful", there was a Tu-160 armament compartment with a revolving mechanism in front of my eyes. Comparing the lengths of "Status-6" and "Losharik" (24 and 60m), I realized that you can put 2 revolvers on about 5 "Statuses" each, and was a little stunned by the prospect. belay
                1. +3
                  28 December 2016 10: 52
                  I had the same picture in my head, because when comparing the dimensions, just 2 revolvers with 5 "statuses" instead of "Losharik" come in. Scary, damn it ...
        3. 0
          27 December 2016 20: 31
          Quote: Cheshire
          "Status" seems to be much smaller than "Losharik", logically he can carry it in armfuls.

          Does she have this armful?

          It would be better ...
  2. +4
    27 December 2016 13: 32
    17 years ... feel
    Operationally, however.
    1. +1
      27 December 2016 15: 14
      Do you think it’s easier to rebuild than building a new one?
  3. +2
    27 December 2016 13: 32
    If you knew how I like the "Podmoskovnaya" depth ...
  4. +3
    27 December 2016 13: 34
    carrier of nuclear deep-sea underwater stations and autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles
    What will they not invent so that "Status 6" in the title does not shine once again laughing
  5. +2
    27 December 2016 13: 41
    Most of all now, for example, I'm interested in when the "normal" cable will be delivered to Kuznetsov ?? To restore CAPACITY the only naval grouping of the fleet. And then they slammed the dozens for preparation, repair and maintenance .... they publicized access to the whole world and ..

    What? Where are those ships? How did the cockroaches hide? Moral blow to keep weak?

    In my opinion, this is a question now not only of prestige, but also of the honor of the entire fleet - it is simply necessary to restore military service, and after such punctures it will increase the time of stay up to a year, at least. They didn’t manage to get ready at home, let the disorderly attitude be eliminated in the area of ​​hostilities. Although it’s difficult to call them such, because they can’t threaten cannibals on the water yet .. unless, of course, OBAM-BABUIN doesn’t throw anything to them.
  6. +3
    27 December 2016 13: 49
    laughing Well, flooded the New Year’s surrender! Prizes, Champagne drinks bully
    1. jjj
      27 December 2016 14: 08
      A half-factory taxerit to somehow live ...
      1. 0
        27 December 2016 20: 52
        I was driving clients, they asked: - Do you just taxi? I honestly admitted that an oilman, I work for the Rosneft company, the passengers' verdict: - Well, you are greedy!
  7. 0
    27 December 2016 14: 09
    But I didn’t understand, in the photo, it’s just such an angle, or after the modernization the cabin was moved ?!
    1. 0
      27 December 2016 14: 21
      Well, if you take the same angle from the BDRM, then clearly postponed. You can navigate the scuppers. And moved the cabin quite a lot back.
    2. +10
      27 December 2016 14: 21
      It looks like the nose has lengthened
      1. 0
        27 December 2016 14: 41
        Something is not right ... What is the photo before and what is the photo after ?! Initially, the nuclear submarine had a "hump" for mines. And here it is not on the first or on the second. Only the length of the nose is different ...
        Moreman, tell me, please!
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      27 December 2016 17: 16
      Quote: Sashka
      But I didn’t understand, in the photo, it’s just such an angle, or after the modernization the cabin was moved ?!

      Quote: DenZ
      Well, if you take the same angle from the BDRM, then obviously

      Maybe that's the angle? Here is her "twin".
      1. jjj
        28 December 2016 10: 55
        Felling in place left. There are retractable ones, there is a hatch for launching into the boat. Yes, and no additional extension in the first compartments is not visible
  8. +6
    27 December 2016 14: 21
    come on you all know that this is squid to study and the bottoms of the oceans unknown
    1. +9
      27 December 2016 15: 25
      Yeah, you can too ...