Cell phones can be not only phones, but also tires


US military researchers are experiencing a prototype of "airless" tire covers that are not afraid of punctures and deflation, which are designed for the non-stop passage of army SUVs through the hot zones of hostilities. In case of successful implementation, a new technology can be extended to civilian models, replacing traditional car tires.

The advantages of cellular tires are obvious, but scientists will spend a lot of effort in search of appropriate material that can withstand the pressure of a multi-ton military machine.

Cell phones can be not only phones, but also tires

Resilient Technologies' Non-pneumatic tire (NPT) will allow army off-road vehicles to continue driving even after they have destroyed up to 30% of the honeycomb tire structure. In April, Resilient installed 2009-centimeter NPT tires on the army all-terrain vehicle of the National Guard in Wozot, Wisconsin, in April, which is currently undergoing road tests.

Two years have already been spent on tire development, reports Infuture.RU. The company tested static loads on one of the NPT prototypes. He withstood a maximum load of 1,746 kg, which meets the requirements of the military. Plastic tension provides strength, allowing airless tires to be operated in exactly the same way as tires filled with air.

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  1. Gur
    18 May 2011 15: 36
    We screwed up again... these tires or an analogue were developed in the Union back in the era of the lunar program for the lunar walker...
  2. 0
    6 July 2012 17: 46
    All ingenious is simple.