Borborita: another way to salvation

“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and your whole house will be saved”
(Acts of the Apostles 16: 31)
“The works of the flesh are known; they are the essence: adultery, fornication, uncleanness ... heresy ... those who do this do not inherit the kingdom of God "
(Galileans 5: 20).

On the pages of VO we now and then encounter something stories about the Old Believers, who were almost a stronghold of statehood and justice in Russia, then with fabrications about the millions of Slavic pagans killed at baptism (I wonder if who counted them and how the census of those killed were carried out?), that is, questions of religion and visitors, and authors The articles on the site are very interesting. Why is it so clear. On planet Earth (as it happened!) People have no other purpose than to multiply and die. And the first brings us pleasure, but the second is suffering. Naturally, I would like to see the first one more, but the second one so that it is not at all. And it is here that religion offers us the way of salvation, that is, faith in the immortality of the soul and its salvation if a person believes in all this and becomes a follower of one of the religions. However, there were always people who were looking for special, “more faithful” ways to salvation, different from those officially accepted and approved by the church. They were considered heretics and persecuted, but they also sought salvation, albeit in their own way. And there were a lot of such heresies, but perhaps the most unusual among them was the Borborite heresy.

Borborita: another way to salvation

Hagia Sophia in Kiev, where among other saints is Epiphanius of Cyprus (310 - 403)

However, they were called differently in different places: stratiotics, zakheyami, fivionita, barbelite, and also coddians and borborites. And the last two names are truly “speaking”. The first were the people with whom no one would want to sit at the table while eating, and the second is translated simply as “dung beetles”). But the name - the name. But what was the essence of this teaching? Well, first of all, it was also ... Christianity, since the Borborites believed in Christ. And yet they were cursed by the church as heretics. Why and why the official church did not please them?

Reporter Epiphanius

Unfortunately, the only source that reports in more or less detail about these ancient mystics who had long since sunk into oblivion from the distant past is the work of a certain Epiphanius of Cyprus, known in the 4th century for his accusations of heretics. So the borborites (although it would be more accurate to call them barbelites) also got from him “nuts”. Moreover, it is interesting that Epiphanius himself was a Phoenician by birth, and initially converted to Judaism, and only then converted to the Christian faith. As befits any neophyte who believes, he tried to get rid of his inheritance as soon as possible and went in search of the truth - that is, he began to wander in Egypt and Palestine and communicate with people who, in turn, were engaged in exactly the same search, considering his work as godly by deed.

In his travels around the world, he met the Barnoite Gnostics. And not just met, but entered into a theological dispute with them. However, with their statements, and most importantly, their deeds, they put his soul into such embarrassment that later becoming the Bishop of Salamis, that is, 30 years later, he still could not forget about meeting with them. By this time, Epiphanius in his writings had already condemned more than one sect of heretics, he was almost killed by the Pagan Parsis, preaching to the Arabian Bedouins, he also almost died, but only these harmless and slightly mocking Gnostics who gave him bed and food, for some reason then I did not forgive later.

And for their exposure, he picked up the most cruel and poisonous words, which of the mouth of the bishop, it seems, do not expect to hear. He wrote an essay "Panarion" (translated from the Greek as "a casket with medicines") and denounced several dozens of various heretical teachings, both Christian and even pre-Christian. And in the same place got the barbelites. Obviously, in his youth he wanted faith, which would be based not only on faith itself, but also on knowledge, and when offered this knowledge to him, he did not understand anything about him. And he, obviously, was very much frightened by their rites, and not only was he frightened. He considered that he had fallen into temptation and committed sin. And this horror in the soul before the deed (or not the one that was committed, but it had a strong effect on him!) Remained in his soul until old age, although all this had a rather small relation to the teachings of barbelites ...

Epiphanius of Cyprus in St. Sophia.

Rituals dangerous for the salvation of the soul

Judging by the description of Epiphania, it’s impossible to invent anything more repulsive than these people. Their wives were common, but they were hospitable. And as soon as their guest stepped over the threshold, the master-barberite shook his hand, “with tickling,” that is, he gave a secret sign. If he also answered him with “tickling”, then this meant that he was his, and if not, then the owners immediately understood that there was someone else in front of them. The guests were seated at the table and treated to excellent food, including wine and meat dishes, “although they themselves were poor.” Apparently, Epiphanius himself once fell for delicious food. In any case, he stayed with the Barberites and later was able to describe their customs and customs, as well as the religious beliefs that they, to a stranger, for some reason revealed to them!

According to his description, instead of killing the flesh, the barbelites opposite, anointed their bodies with oils, kept clean, followed their nails and hair, and also dressed up in beautiful clothes. They did not recognize any posts, but they liked to eat well at all times. On the days of church holidays, they ate meals together, that is, they recognized holidays.

But after the meal was completed, all those present were indulged in carnal sin, which was an act of sacral significance for Barberites, as the men pulled their seed to the back of the hand, raised their hands to heaven and said: “We bring You this offering — the body of Christ ". Then, "this" under a common prayer, everyone ate together. Well, instead of the “blood of Christ,” well, yes, of course, they took menstrual blood. According to Epiphanius, the Barberites attributed this strange ritual to the fact that, they say, the tree of life gives twelve fruits every year, which means there is a connection between this ritual and ancient pagan rituals for the victims of the seed gods of fertility and ... the well-known female monthly cycle.

The children that appeared as a result of these copulations were aborted and intended for ... a sacrificial meal for the Easter holiday - they were prepared together with various other meat products along with greens and spices and ate for the glory of Christ ... The ritual is, of course, completely wild, not true whether, however, he is no wilder than depriving a virginity with a stone idol or sacrificing his firstborn to the god Baal. However, the Bible explicitly states that Onan poured the seed on the ground and God killed him for it, and here people are doing even worse than this ... Truly they are the greatest sinners!

Epiphany, most likely, also had the opportunity to participate in one of these orgies ... Otherwise, he would not try to justify himself by referring to youth, inexperience, and hiding behind the corruption of manners ... And besides, he strongly criticized those women who tried to seduce him then. At the same time, he proudly declared that, although these barbelitki were very seductive and beautiful, he withstood them! Resisted, yes, but then, apparently, secretly still regretted that I did not try this. He also reproached the Barbelites for the fact that they opposed procreation by all means (not for ritual purposes), and that the shepherds sinned them with sodomy and onanism.

Epiphanius of Cyprus on a fresco in the monastery of Grazannik in Kosovo.

Teaching on the number eight

According to Epiphanius, the Barbelites attributed both Testaments to the fundamental texts of their teachings, and also The Questions of Mary, The Apocalypse of Adam, The Book of Set, The Book of Noria, and the Gospel of Eve. But Epiphany’s special indignation was caused by the Questions of Mary, where the apocryphal text of the Sermon on the Mount was used, in which there was a narration about the intercourse of Christ with a woman.

The world, as Barberites believed, consisted of eight (not three, not seven, but for some reason eight!) Spheres or heavens. The first heaven belonged to Prince Iao, on the second was Sakpas, the third was set by Seth, on the fourth heaven - David, on the fifth - Eloi, the sixth was given to Yaldabota, the seventh - Savaof, and also the Father of All, the God of the Father, and ... another Christ, whom Mary did not bear. He was only "shown by her." Here is how!

In addition, the barbelites claimed that Jesus never died on the cross and was not a creature in the flesh, but appeared in the world in the form of a ghost. The soul of the deceased can pass all this series of different heavens, but only if it will have a certain knowledge. Well, if not, then one of the rulers of the material world will captivate her and bring her back to life on earth, but no longer in the form of a man, but an animal. Only initiates can avoid this pitiful fate, for which all the above-described rites are needed and, moreover, they should be performed at least 760 times. In this case, the soul will reach the eighth sky and will be in the possession of mother Barbelo.

It is interesting that Barbelo had another name - Tetragrammaton: which meant water, air, fire and earth (matter). Well, and Barbelo herself was considered by the Gnostics-Barberites as the universal mother and vital force, which they identified with the first-fire logos, the cosmic “breath” and the holy spirit. That is, they connected the Greek philosophers with the cult of nature, added ancient Egyptian mysticism, Christian myths and got ... what they got!

According to their text “Pistis Sophia,” when the spirit enters the substance of Barbelo, the archons (chiefs) of the seven aeons (or special divine emanations) “reconcile themselves with the secret of light” and thus Christ is born. At the same time, the truth and the world are kissing each other. Depicted Barbelo in the form of a cross. But it was a cross that had nothing to do with the cross of Golgotha. Here the cross was a symbol of birth, and not an instrument of execution. And not just a birth, but a birth in the spirit. That is, one should continue oneself not in the flesh, but in the spirit. Otherwise you will not be saved!

Of course, a lot of what Epiphanius wrote can be considered both as slander and as an insult to the Barbelites who seduced him. He apparently simply did not understand much in their teachings. However, he was not the only one who treated them negatively. The Gnostic Ophites, too, for example, called the Barbelite doctrine disgusting (and it is clear why, in fact, they were engaged in the most real mass murder) and unworthy, and argued that the Higher Forces would not in any way reveal their secrets to anyone who does not swallow every month blood and semen. That is, both the Ophites and the Barbelites, although they read the same books, were equally eager for knowledge, and were mystics, but the first was the disgusting method chosen by the second for perpetual rebirth, that is, eating bodily eruptions to become like a ghostly Christ! At the same time, they urged people to avoid ignorance and fornication, because otherwise they would not see any secrets of light and not hear divine revelations.

However, it is rather difficult to explain a doctrine, of which so little is left, practically nothing, except perhaps for very brief comments of the Ophites, and the angry denunciations of Epiphanius. Moreover, two very beautiful and completely sexual-minded texts are attributed to the barbelites - “Trimorph Protenonia” - a mystical cosmogonic text, and “Apocrypha from John”.

In the “Apocrypha of John,” the mysteries are revealed that were revealed to the apostle John Jesus, to whom he appeared after his Resurrection. If these texts belong to the Barbelites, then it turns out that they are completely unrelated to their sacred sexual rites, or these rites should be considered in some other way, but as ... incomprehensible. But as all this was in reality, so far, there is no way to say anything because of the scarcity of facts. Well, the Barberite heresy itself has remained in the history of religion, as one of many "ways of salvation."
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  1. +3
    15 November 2016 06: 46
    Everyone goes crazy in their own way! By the way, the text of the fourth paragraph shows "he was almost killed pagan parses". Paganи = nominative case, parss = most likely accusative. Nestykovochka, however, Vyacheslav.
    1. +3
      15 November 2016 16: 30
      but is it true? I can imagine how these heretics are spreading this teaching among people of other cults - "...your wives will belong to everyone, and you will lick sperm" Nnd, and what normal person would be tempted by such a "teaching"?
      In its struggle with all sorts of heresies, the Russian Orthodox Church does not shun any lie to discredit other teachings. The fact that these strugglers were so unscrupulous I personally doubt it.
      1. 0
        16 November 2016 08: 21
        Epiphanius wrote about this ... They have not survived to this day.
  2. +2
    15 November 2016 07: 50
    The Borborites are probably not a sect, but mostly a secret society, secretly existing within other Christian groups, among laymen or monks. The official church offered asceticism in food, in sex... These offered something opposite... "And the class, he also does not drink"... By the way, something similar can be observed later...
  3. +5
    15 November 2016 09: 42
    I wonder what the purpose of this article is. VO, it seems, is not a theological platform ... Faith and religious views are directly related to the historical path of mankind and largely determine today's events in the world, but there is not a word about these connections. Just a description of one of the ancient heresies in all disgusting details (and sometimes even with some embellishment) with the weaving of St. Epiphanius of Cyprus, who allegedly almost participated in this. Where did the author get this from? Strange article ...
    1. +2
      15 November 2016 11: 57
      This is all the author came up with. He sat down and came up with it, specially so that you, gorgo, would break your head. Tired of writing about rifles and tanks ...
      1. +3
        15 November 2016 12: 22
        However, the Author, you have notably "invented" .. Yeah .. Once again you understand that it is better to stay away from heresy. It turns out that there are beliefs that are even more "interesting" than eunuchs. fellow Modern analogies - "hobby club" in social networks, such as a swinger or something else.
        I was drawn directly to philosophy - the feeling that every founding father of such a doctrine turns out to be a banal pervert, also with ambitions good
        as I understand it, the sect was not too widespread, and ended in the Early Middle Ages.
  4. +4
    15 November 2016 11: 24
    If we were to analyze all the perversions generated by the march of Christianity across countries and continents, then life would not be enough. And the correct (at that time) Christians fought mercilessly with all of them, overcoming heresy after heresy, heresy after heresy. And some periodically freaked out like Emperor Julian the Apostate, and generally sent Christianity "to the garden". As long as Christianity is tied to the Jewish Old Testament, until then the "brothers in Israel" will fool all nations. Jesus, being an apostate for the Jews, would be very surprised to learn that Old Testament traditions are shoved into his teaching when necessary and not. But, to find a "flock" all means are good. Unsuitable apocrypha - under lock and key, the Gospel from the 4 remaining witnesses - under the press of the "Old Testament". The flock does not need knowledge. The main thing is to believe!! Forward and with song, to the reign of Moshiach.
    1. +3
      15 November 2016 12: 50
      "Jesus, being an apostate to the Jews," ///

      For the Jews of THAT TIME, Jesus was not an apostate from faith,
      he was a reformer (which was not encouraged, but allowed).
      Therefore, the Jewish clergy "slapped" him a political article (against Rome).
      His religious "sins" did not drag him to a death sentence.
      1. +2
        15 November 2016 14: 18
        Quote: voyaka uh
        His religious "sins" did not drag him to a death sentence.

        How not to pull? The Jews condemned him to death.
        Pilate, seeing that nothing helps, but the confusion increases, took water and washed his hands in front of the people, and said: I am innocent of the blood of this Righteous One; you look.
        And, answering, all the people said: His blood be on us and on our children.
        1. +1
          15 November 2016 15: 58
          "The Jews also condemned him to death" ///

          A Jewish court could sentence a Jew to death only for mass or serial murder.
          (for example, stabbed the whole family). Jesus, fearing that
          the people mistakenly interpret his sermons as a call for rebellion,
          The clergy (falsely) charged them with a political offence - calling for disobedience
          Roman occupation power (Judea was a colony of the Roman Empire).
          And handed over to the Romans. On the crosses, the Romans executed rebels and robbers.
          1. +3
            15 November 2016 20: 43
            Quote: voyaka uh
            Jesus, fearing that
            the people mistakenly interpret his sermons as a call for rebellion,
            churchmen (falsely) attracted under a political article - a call for disobedience

            Yes, okay, from the point of view of the Sadducees and Pharisees, his sin was that he expelled the merchants from the temple and changed them! For most worshipers of the golden calf, this sin is washed away only by the blood of an encroachment on this.
            1. +1
              16 November 2016 00: 06
              No. It was drawn to "petty hooliganism". Moreover, the merchants were not sitting in the Temple,
              Of course, but outside the perimeter. Like shops in front of a church.
              It was the Sadducees ("the ruling party") who condemned Jesus, and the Pharisees were ... "non-systemic opposition." And their arguments with Jesus were on a philosophical level.
              In short, it was not they who "surrendered" Jesus. I had to use Judas - a traitor from within.
          2. 0
            16 November 2016 08: 19
            For most, this is too subtle ... The main thing is the Jews.
  5. +1
    15 November 2016 12: 40
    God is alone, teachings are dark. Equating the prophets (Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, etc.) to God, the dark forces managed to separate the peoples and periodically pit us against each other. The most powerful animal instinct is fear. Nothing makes rams unite around the shepherd as a common threat to be killed by wolves.

  6. +4
    15 November 2016 12: 44
    An interesting heresy (heresy, as a term, not a curse word) - I have not heard.

    In Israel, he was on excursions to the ancient monasteries in Judea.
    It turns out that there is still a war between archaeologists and churchmen over the artifacts of "heresies".
    Directly "Dan Brown" of some kind.
    Any scraps found, pieces of parchments, etc. Apocrypha exported to Greece
    or Rome "for restoration" and disappear there forever.
    Archaeologists secretly take pictures in monasteries with hidden cameras. Then decrypt on computers ...
    1. +3
      15 November 2016 14: 29
      Would write about it ... + Your photos ...
      1. +4
        15 November 2016 14: 54
        You must be able to write ... You do well.
        Here is my photo of the Mar Saba monastery behind Bethlehem in the desert.
        Huge, and now live only 11 skinny vegan monks. Ideological.
        One, from Romania, was our tour guide inside.
        But we went there on foot 10 km through our rocky deserts.
        1. 0
          15 November 2016 15: 36
          Oh thank you! Wonderful views and pilgrims shadows are just great. Nice shot! But ... 10 km "by foot" on stones and heat, this is oh-oh! This will be credited to you (They!) And were there any frescoes there?
          1. +1
            15 November 2016 15: 43
            Shadows are ours, tourists.
            You can actually get there with a Russian passport
            and "humanly" - there are bus excursions from Arab Bethlehem (Beit Lehem).
            But with the Israeli (and I have no other) it is better not to meddle there.
            The campaign has its own tourist charm: awesome landscapes, Bedouin parking ...
            1. 0
              15 November 2016 19: 33
              I envy. I will never get here. Wrong plans, wrong money!
  7. +1
    15 November 2016 16: 38
    since men plucked their seed on the back of their hands, raised their hands to heaven and said: "We bring to you this offering - the body of Christ." Then, “this”, under a common prayer, everyone ate together.
    So the place came to this and surfaced: Shpakovsky! Yes, Vyacheslav, the detail of the description, as if you yourself were present, you can’t drink the style ....
    And admins comment for distribution .... and you can’t pick up the article, in short remark!
    1. +2
      15 November 2016 19: 25
      So after all, this is taken from the book of Epiphanius ... and, by the way, it is on the Internet. I just retold it extremely close to the text. So it was not me who was present, but Epiphanius — all claims to him.
      Next time I’ll write about scribes, an ax and a birch log. As for whether there was a lot of bloodthirsty, now I’m looking for ...
  8. +3
    15 November 2016 18: 41
    Shpakovsky is a sectarian. Those who "believe" in religion - to health. For me, VERA is inside everyone. This is the most difficult thing - to understand yourself and stop deceiving yourself ...
    1. +1
      15 November 2016 19: 28
      It is you who repeat the words of the Baptists, also sectarians, among other things. Material is yet to come!
      Quote: ava09
      Shpakovsky is a sectarian.

      How lovely! So I have never been called! You can’t refuse fantasy!
      1. +3
        15 November 2016 20: 25
        If you like the "provocateur" more, please. Only the meaning is not in who and how will call you, the meaning is in what you are ... I think I did not make mistakes either in the first or in the second case.
        1. 0
          16 November 2016 08: 15
          Even better ... That is, the dissemination of information is a provocation? Then all Wikipedia is a complete provocation! Prohibit? And where do you get so wild from here only?
          1. 0
            16 November 2016 10: 18
            (c) That is, the dissemination of information is a provocation? Then all Wikipedia is a complete provocation! Prohibit? And where do you get so wild from here only? (C)
            Especially for "not wild" - you can disseminate information in different ways, even one for which you can get it ...) The meaning is in the content of information, sometimes it is hostile propaganda.
  9. +1
    16 November 2016 00: 14
    Actually, the barbelites look wild in the west.
    In India, their rituals would look quite normal and understandable. The tantra there - with all the bells and whistles, the goddess Kali ... Maybe they picked up from there?
  10. 0
    16 November 2016 16: 52
    Quote: ava09
    is hostile propaganda.

    ... the history of the Borborite sect? Your statement is so cool that I don’t know how. Do you happen to write fantasies about goblins and ghouls? Fantasy rolls over!
  11. 0
    16 November 2016 22: 51
    One of the biblical quotes, in the epigraph, is signed "Galileans 5:20". Actually, it would be right for the Galatians, not the Galileans.
    1. 0
      24 November 2016 00: 52
      And why is it here? bully
      The glorious Pan Shpakovsky does not like all of Christianity, or only Russian Christian Old Believers and Russian pagans? wink
      about terror instead of baptism in Vyatka they still remember well
      1. 0
        30 November 2016 16: 52
        Do they even remember? ... It's interesting. Such witnesses could be questioned and you can immediately go to the Nobel’s ...
  12. +2
    19 November 2016 11: 38
    The author advocates the devil of one of the most nasty sects, whose affairs were exposed by Saint Epiphanius. It is evident that the author himself is unclean, very unclean, since he is directly offended by accusations against the sect. And in fact, what can be more bad and shameful than the affairs that this sect did? Does the author really want to prove that this is good? Sinful passion leads the author, one must repent in the Orthodox Church and be cleansed of sin, since this is still possible, and not slander Saint Epiphanius!