"Mr. No" of the Red Empire

30 years ago, 8 November 1986 of the year, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov passed away. Vyacheslav Molotov was one of the main figures in Soviet politics since the 1920-s, when he rose with the support of Stalin. In fact, Molotov became the second person in the Soviet state and was very popular among the people.

From 1930 to 1941, Molotov served as Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars (head of government), from 1939 to 1949 and from 1953 to 1956 - Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1957, he was one of the main leaders of the "anti-party group" and tried to remove N. Khrushchev from power. The opposition to Khrushchev was defeated, and Molotov was expelled from the Presidium of the Central Committee. In 1961, he retired and was “artificially forgotten.”

In place of the chief diplomat of the USSR, Molotov proved himself a real defender of the interests of the great Russia. Molotov signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 1939), which thwarted the plans of England and France to start a war between Germany and the USSR already in 1939, which allowed Russia to push back the strategic borders in the west, returning Western Russian lands and win time to prepare for a big war. The Neutrality Pact between the USSR and Japan (1941), which allowed Moscow to partially remove the threat of war in the East, played a huge role. After the end of the war, Molotov participated in negotiations with Western allies, displaying a rare intransigence, putting Western politicians in place.

After the departure of I. Stalin, Molotov opposed Khrushchev’s pre-Stalinization policy. Molotov defended Stalin’s policies and cause until his death, sharply speaking of the new Soviet leaders, especially Khrushchev. To the end, he remained Stalin's "iron commissar", one of those "titans" who turned Russia from a backward agrarian power into an industrial giant, a superpower that controlled a large part of the planet.

The beginning of the life path

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (real name Scriabin) was born in the village of Kukarka, Vyatka province. Father - Mikhail Prokhorovich Scriabin, from the townspeople of the city of Nolinsk, was a clerk in Kukarka. Mother - Anna Yakovlevna Nebogatikova from a merchant family. His father was a wealthy man and gave his sons a good education. Contrary to popular belief, his family was not related to the composer Alexander Scriabin. Vyacheslav was a quiet and shy teenager. He played the violin and wrote poetry. From 1902 year, together with older brothers to 1908, he studied at the Kazan first real school.

In the years of Vyacheslav's study, the first Russian revolution occurred. During these years, most of the educated youth were very radical. Vyacheslav joined one of the circles of self-education in the study of Marxist literature. There he became friends with the son of a wealthy merchant, Viktor Tykhomirnov, who joined the Bolshevik group in Kazan in 1905. Under the influence of Tihomirnova, Vyacheslav joined the Bolshevik Party in 1906.

In 1909, Vyacheslav was arrested and spent two years in exile in Vologda. After serving it, he came to St. Petersburg in 1911 and entered the Polytechnic Institute there (he completed his fourth year at the Faculty of Economics). Molotov's old friend Tikhomirnov was one of the organizers of the Pravda newspaper and donated a large sum for the needs of the publication. To work in Pravda, Tihomirnov attracted Molotov, who began to publish his articles here. The first meetings of Molotov with Stalin took place precisely in the affairs of Pravda, but this first acquaintance of them was brief.

From that time on, Molotov led the life of a “professional revolutionary”, wrote for the party press, and participated in the creation of an underground organization. Before the outbreak of the First World War, he moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. In 1915, Molotov was arrested in Moscow for revolutionary activities and exiled to distant Irkutsk for three years. In 1916, he escaped from this link and returned to the capital. In the same year, he became a member of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP and entered into its top three. Throughout the war, Molotov lived with other people's documents.

He took the pseudonym "Molotov", which symbolized his close relationship with "industrial" occupations and districts. Molotov's grandson, historian V. A. Nikonov, noted that the taking of such a pseudonym was due to the fact that: “... Molotov - it sounded quite proletarian, industrial, which should have appealed to workers who did not like the party members from the intelligentsia. The second reason is quite prosaic. It was easier for grandfather to pronounce it. In Scriabin's word, the first three consonants made him stutter, especially when he was worried. ” Molotov tried to speak less, as he stuttered.

"Mr. No" of the Red Empire

Revolution. Ally Stalin

When the February Revolution took place at 1917, Pravda newspaper, where Vyacheslav Mikhailovich began working again, first took the far left position and began to advocate for the overthrow of the Provisional Government. By the beginning of March, influential Bolsheviks, including Kamenev and Stalin, had returned to the capital from exile in Siberia. Kamenev began to translate Pravda into more moderate positions. However, a few weeks later Lenin arrived in Russia. He proclaimed his “April Theses” and returned “The Truth” to a radical position. During these months, Molotov entered the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet and became close friends with Stalin. This friendship and predetermined his future fate. Molotov supported the idea of ​​an armed uprising and in October 1917 was a member of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee.

After October, Molotov temporarily retired to the second roles in the party. He did not have any oratorical talent, no revolutionary energy, no big ambitions, but he was distinguished by executive performance, perseverance and tremendous efficiency. In addition, he had such important qualities for a Russian communist as honesty, intelligence, lack of visible vices. In 1918, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was appointed head of the Council of National Economy of the Northern Region. In 1919, he worked in senior positions in the Volga region, and then in Ukraine.

In March, 1919 died J. Sverdlov, one of the most sinister figures among revolutionaries. Perhaps from the beatings inflicted on him by a crowd of people during one provincial trip. Sverdlov virtually single-handedly led the arrangement of party cadres. Now these responsibilities were assigned to the collegial Secretariat of the Central Committee. Trotsky's supporters, N. Krestinsky, E. Preobrazhensky and L. Serebryakov, became the three secretaries. However, after a collision with Trotsky during the “discussion about trade unions”, Lenin at the 10th Congress of the RCP (B) (1921 year) achieved an update of the Secretariat. The "Responsible" (first) secretary was appointed not associated with Trotsky, the inconspicuous Molotov. Thanks to the new position he became a candidate member of the Politburo.

In the same 1921, he married the revolutionary Polina Pearl. According to their grandson V. Nikonov: “They loved, even adored each other, although they were different people ...”. The Molotovs had the only daughter Svetlana (in the future, a researcher at the Institute of stories).

Molotov, therefore, occupied almost the same post, from which a year later began the rapid rise of Stalin. Molotov’s work as head of the Secretariat was soon criticized by Lenin and Trotsky. Lenin scolded him for "shameful red tape." Among the Bolsheviks, Molotov stood out because he always wore a “bourgeois” suit and tie, and not a gymnast or a French jacket. Trotsky called it "embodied mediocrity." In April, 1922 of the year, on this post, called the “general secretary”, at the suggestion of G. Zinoviev and L. Kamenev, I. Stalin was appointed. Molotov took the place of the second secretary.

After the death of Lenin, Vyacheslav Molotov began to actively support Stalin in the fight against the "fifth column", figures who wanted to burn Russia in the firebox of the "world revolution" or even were agents of Western influence - Lev Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, and "right-wing deviationists." Molotov became the leading figure in the "Stalinist" center of the party, which also included Kliment Voroshilov and Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Thus, Trotsky and his supporters underestimated not only Stalin, but also Molotov, who turned out to be a talented "bureaucrat" and outplayed the enemy in a "battle" for party cadres.

In 1924-1927 Molotov's candidate member, in 1929-1931. - Member of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR. From 1927, he was a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. From 1928 to 1929, he worked as First Secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee. Molotov carried out a decisive purge of the Moscow party organization from the "Right-wing Supporters", replacing them with Stalin's supporters.

As historian R. Medvedev noted: “For one hundred and thirty days of being the first secretary of the CIM, Molotov really“ rallied ”the Communists of the capital around the“ leader ”, shaking up almost the entire leadership of the Moscow Party organization. Of the six heads of departments of the CIM, four were released; of the six secretaries of the district committees of the capital, only two continued to carry out party duties. Compared to previous elections, the composition of the CIM Bureau has been updated by almost 60 percent. Of the 157 elected members of the Moscow Committee, 58 was its former member. Bukharin and Ryutin dropped out of the members of the CIM, and they elected Kaganovich and other obvious Stalinists. Molotov brilliantly carried out Stalin's instructions, cutting the "tight knot" in the capital party organization (R. Medvedev. "Stalin's entourage").

Head of the government

19 December 1930 of the Year Molotov was appointed Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (Soviet Government) and the Council of Labor and Defense instead of the oppositionist Alexei Rykov. At the beginning of the 1930 of the USSR Council of People's Commissars, a standing Defense Commission was established (from the 1937 of the year - the Committee of Defense), which was headed by Molotov to the 1940 of the year. In 1937-1939 He served as Chairman of the Economic Council (EcoSo) SNK USSR. Thus, Vyacheslav Molotov became the second person on the Soviet Olympus at that time and was one of the main creators of the Soviet national economy and defense potential, which allowed Russia to make a qualitative leap in development and eventually win the world war and become a superpower.

Stalin, Molotov and Voroshilov

Министр иностранных дел

After the Munich Agreement 1938 of the year and the subsequent invasion of Hitler into Czechoslovakia, it became obvious that M. Litvinov’s course on “collective security” in Europe (unification of the USSR and Western democracies to contain aggressive plans of Nazi Germany) and active cooperation with Western “partners” failed .

At the end of April 1939, a government meeting took place in the Kremlin. Molotov openly accused Litvinov of “political foolishness”. 3 May, after a report to Stalin about the latest events related to the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations, Litvinov was removed from office. Molotov accused the former People's Commissar: "Litvinov did not ensure the holding of a party line in the People's Commissariat on the selection and training of cadres, the NKID was not completely Bolshevik, since Comrade Litvinov was holding onto a number of alien and hostile people and the Soviet state." Litvinov replaced Vyacheslav Molotov, chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. In May, 1941 gave the post of head of government to Stalin, and Molotov himself was appointed his deputy.

Entering the new position, Molotov made personnel changes in the Commissariat. 23 July 1939, the NCID meeting adopted a resolution that specifically stated: “During this short period of time, a lot of work has been done to clean the NCID from unfit, questionable and hostile elements.” Molotov put forward Andrei Gromyko and a number of other young specialists for responsible diplomatic work, who later became widely known in the field of foreign policy, defending the interests of the USSR on the world stage.

Moscow is moving from unsuccessful attempts aimed at ensuring collective security in Europe to attempts at resolving the country's security issue on its own. Having finally made sure that England and France would not go to a real anti-Hitler alliance, supported by a military pact, but on the contrary, they would push Hitler with all their forces to go to the East, Stalin and Molotov agreed to an agreement with Berlin. To gain time and improve the starting strategic conditions on the western borders, in the conditions of the beginning of a big war in Europe. 18 August 1939 signed a trade agreement between the USSR and Germany. 22 August Ribbentrop flew to Moscow to conclude a non-aggression pact. It is known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

Thus, Moscow solved a number of important tasks: it returned the Western Russian lands, which, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, were seized by Poland; pushed the western borders to the west, improving the position of the Red Army in the face of a major war; won time to prepare for war. It was also hoped that prudence in Berlin would take up and this time the Germans and Russians will not be vented.

During this period, Great Russia (USSR) solved the security problem at the strategic north-western boundary, in the Leningrad region. After attempts to peacefully negotiate with Finland (Moscow offered serious concessions), the Soviet-Finnish war began, which ended in victory for the USSR. Russia returned the Karelian Isthmus and Western Karelia, islands in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. Moscow has received for rent Gangut (Hanko). This strengthened the defense of Leningrad. The USSR also returned the Baltic states and Bessarabia (Moldavia) to the empire. As a result, Moscow significantly improved its position in the western strategic direction on the eve of the Great War.

14 April 1941 Stalin and Molotov signed a non-aggression pact with Japan. Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka arrived in Moscow for this. The treaty was extremely important for the USSR in the face of growing distrust with Germany. Thus, the Soviet government partially solved the problem of threat from the East. Tokyo abandoned the idea of ​​an immediate strike on the USSR (together with Germany) and turned south, deciding to go to war with the United States and England. As a result, the global position of the USSR under world war conditions strengthened considerably.

Molotov signs the Treaty of Friendship and the border between the USSR and Germany, followed by Ribbentrop

The signing of the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact

Great Patriotic War

On the first day of the Great Patriotic War, Molotov spoke on the radio about the beginning of the war, ending this speech with the famous words: “Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours".

12 July Molotov and Ambassador Kripps signed an agreement between the governments of the USSR and the UK on joint actions in the war against Germany. The result of this agreement was that cooperation was established with the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, and diplomatic relations were restored with the governments of European countries occupied by Nazi Germany, who were emigrating to London. 30 June 1941, with the formation of the State Defense Committee (GKO), Molotov was approved as deputy chairman of Stalin.

September 29 to October 1 1941 held a conference in Moscow, in which the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom took part; The conference agreed on military supplies to the Soviet Union. When in October 1941, the USSR Commissar for Foreign Affairs, together with the diplomatic corps, was evacuated to Kuibyshev, Molotov, like Stalin, remained in Moscow.

At the end of May - the beginning of June, Molotov visited the Allies with a diplomatic mission: England and the United States. 1942 May Molotov, together with Anthony Eden, signed the Anglo-Soviet Union Treaty in London - an agreement on the military and political union of the USSR and Great Britain. According to it, the USSR and Great Britain agreed to render each other military and other assistance, not to conclude a separate peace with Germany, and also not to conclude any alliances and not to participate in any coalitions directed against the other side. Next, Molotov visited the United States. He met with President Franklin Roosevelt, and ratified the Lend-Lease Agreement between the USSR and the USA. Both the British and the US government promised (although not specifying details) to open a second front against Germany. “So I made friends with the bourgeoisie,” Molotov joked after these visits.

Vyacheslav Molotov took part in the Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam conferences, which created the foundations of the post-war world order. He represented the Soviet Union at a conference in San Francisco (April – June 1945), where the United Nations was created. Even during the period of the military alliance between Moscow and Western democracies, Molotov was known as a tough negotiator and adamant defender of Soviet interests.

In addition, during the war, Molotov also resolved military production issues. He signed a decree of the CPC on the production of incendiary bottles (it received the unofficial name "Molotov cocktail"); worked with the field of tank building; Initially, it was Molotov, in 1942, who was entrusted with the leadership of the Soviet “atomic project” - the work to create an atomic weapons. Molotov also oversaw questions of science, including the work of Moscow State University. On his initiative, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations was established on the basis of the Faculty of International Relations of Moscow State University in order to train personnel for diplomatic institutions of the USSR 14 in October 1944.

The work of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was of great importance for the country, therefore, on March 8, 1940, in connection with the 50th anniversary of V.M. Three Molotovsk, two Molotovabad, Cape Molotov and Molotov Peak appeared on the map of the USSR. To this must be added collective farms, enterprises and institutes named after Molotov. Decree No. 79 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 30, 1943 for special services to the Soviet state in development tank industry during the Great Patriotic War, V. M. Molotov was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the medal "Hammer and Sickle".

The Potsdam Conference

The post-war period

In 1945-1947 Molotov took part in all four conferences of foreign ministers of the victor states of the Second World War. He was distinguished by an extremely tough attitude towards the Western powers. Vyacheslav Molotov often traveled to the United States to participate in the work of the United Nations, and because of his intransigent position, as well as the frequent use of the “veto” right, he received the nickname “Mr. No” in diplomatic circles.

On behalf of the Soviet government, Molotov condemned the Marshall Plan as “imperialistic” and declared that he divided Europe into two camps - capitalist and communist. The USSR and other countries of the Eastern bloc came up with the so-called "Molotov Plan." This plan created a series of bilateral relations between Eastern European states and Moscow. Subsequently, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) developed. Interestingly, Molotov and Stalin actively supported the idea of ​​creating the state of Israel, while all other countries were against it, including the United States and Great Britain. Thus, they wanted to create a Jewish state, the protection of which would focus the interests of the Jews.

19 March 1946, when the SNK was reorganized into the Council of Ministers, Molotov was removed from his post as first deputy, becoming merely deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, but remained Stalin’s first deputy. In this post he oversaw education, science and law enforcement. In 1947, Molotov was delegated the authority of Stalin on the atomic project. In addition, Molotov headed the Soviet foreign intelligence service as chairman of the Information Committee at the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1949, he was a member of the Permanent Commission to conduct open trials of the most important cases of former Wehrmacht soldiers and German punitive bodies, convicted of atrocities against Soviet citizens in the temporarily occupied territory of the Soviet Union. He participated in organizing trials of German and Japanese war criminals.

Apparently, because of the political intrigues, Molotov ousted the Soviet Olympus. 4 March 1949 was removed from his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs (Andrei Vyshinsky became Minister of Foreign Affairs). His wife was arrested. However, Molotov retained the post of deputy head of government and member of the Politburo. At the XIX Party Congress (1952), Molotov was elected to the Presidium of the Central Committee (replaced the Politburo).

The restructuring of the Moscow leadership after Stalin’s death strengthened Molotov’s position. Georgy Malenkov, Stalin's successor as head of government, March 5, 1953 re-appointed Molotov Minister of Foreign Affairs. Some Soviet leaders believed that it was Molotov who was to become Stalin's successor, but he himself never sought to become the leader of the Union.

Then Molotov made a mistake by supporting Khrushchev in the struggle in the decision to arrest Beria and remove Malenkov from his post as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. After this, the positions of Molotov and Khrushchev diverged. In particular, Molotov objected to the policy of de-Stalinization; against the complete withdrawal of Soviet troops from Austria; skeptical about the normalization of relations with Yugoslavia, considering it necessary to criticize the anti-Soviet speeches of the Yugoslav leadership; disagreements also concerned the expediency of excessive and accelerated development of virgin lands; the inclusion of the Crimea in the USSR.

As a result of 1 in May 1956, Molotov was dismissed as Minister of Foreign Affairs under the pretext of a wrong Yugoslav policy. He was appointed Minister of State Control of the USSR. In 1957, Molotov led the so-called "anti-party group" against Khrushchev. Teaming up with Kaganovich and Malenkov, Molotov attempted to displace Khrushchev. At a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee, Molotov's group criticized the work of Khrushchev as First Secretary of the Central Committee. The main claims were in the facts of Khrushchev’s violation of the rules of “collective leadership”, as well as in disputes over the revealed economic and foreign policy problems. Their position was supported by the overwhelming majority of members of the highest party body. Khrushchev was supposed to be appointed Minister of Agriculture, and the post of First Secretary would be handed over to Molotov or abolished altogether. But supporters of Khrushchev managed to quickly assemble a Central Committee Plenum, in which the "anti-Party group" was defeated. In addition, Khrushchev was supported by the military led by G. K. Zhukov.

At this career Molotov came to an end. 29 June 1957, Molotov was removed from all posts "for belonging to an anti-party group", removed from the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU and from the Central Committee of the CPSU. The cities named for him were renamed in 1957. Molotov was "banished" by the ambassador to Mongolia. From 1960 to 1961, he led the Soviet mission at the headquarters of the UN Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.


At the XXII Congress of the CPSU held in October 1961, Khrushchev and his allies for the first time declared the direct personal responsibility of Molotov, Kaganovich and Malenkov for the iniquities committed under Stalin, and demanded their exclusion from the party. In November 1961, Molotov was recalled from Vienna, removed from his post and expelled from the party. 12 September 1963, Molotov was sent into retirement. He lived in a small wooden cottage in Zhukovka.

Despite the disgrace, Molotov continued his active lifestyle, constantly working at home or in the library. He did not write memoirs, but he expounded his views on various events in public life in notes sent to the CPSU Central Committee. For several years, sought to restore party membership. Under Brezhnev, the gradual rehabilitation of Molotov began. On the basis of communication with Molotov 1970-1980-ies, journalist Felix Chuev published the book "One hundred and forty conversations with Molotov" and "Poluderzhavny ruler." In the year 1984 was restored to the party. General Secretary K. U. Chernenko personally presented him with a party card. As a result, he became the oldest member of the party (since 1906 of the year).

In June 1986, Molotov was hospitalized at Kuntsevo Hospital in Moscow, where he died on November 8. During his long life, V.M. Molotov suffered 7 myocardial infarction, but he lived up to 96 years. Vyacheslav Molotov was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Molotov remained faithful to his friendship with Stalin until the end of his days. Molotov condemned Khrushchev as a "Right deviationist." After the Sino-Soviet split, Molotov endorsed the criticism of Mao Zedong about the "revisionist" policy of Khrushchev. According to historian R. Medvedev, Stalin’s daughter Svetlana recalled how Molotov’s wife told her: “Your father was a genius. Now there is no revolutionary spirit anywhere, only opportunism everywhere ... Our only hope is China. Only he kept the revolutionary spirit. "

Like Stalin, Molotov was convinced that the confrontation between the USSR and the West (the cold war) could not have been prevented in any case, since this is the inevitable consequence of the general conflict between communism and capitalism.

Application. Winston Churchill in his memoirs gives this characteristic of the personality of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov:

“… Vyacheslav Molotov was a man of outstanding abilities and cold-blooded ruthlessness… He lived and prospered in a society where ever-changing intrigues were accompanied by the threat of personal liquidation. His cannonball-like head, black mustache and intelligent eyes, his stony face, dexterity of speech and imperturbable demeanor were a fitting expression of his qualities and dexterity. More than anyone else, he was fit to be the representative and instrument of a policy that cannot be accounted for by the machine. I met him on an equal footing only in negotiations, where there were occasional glimpses of humor, or at banquets, where he benevolently offered a long series of traditional and meaningless toasts. I have never met a person who more perfectly represents the modern concept Robot. And for all that, he was, apparently, an intelligent and sharply honed diplomat ... one after another delicate, testing, embarrassing conversations were carried out with perfect restraint, impenetrability and polite official correctness. No gap was ever found. There was never any unnecessary half-heartedness. His smile of a Siberian winter, his carefully measured and often sensible words… made him the perfect instrument of Soviet politics in a death-breathing world.

... In Molotov, the Soviet machine undoubtedly found a capable and in many respects typical representative for it - always a faithful member of the party and a follower of the communist doctrine ... Mazarin, Talleyrand, Metternich would accept him to his company, if there was another world, which the Bolsheviks allowed themselves to enter ... ".

From the memoirs of Mikhail Smirtyukov, Assistant Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR:

"The derogatory characteristics:" iron ass "," the main party clerk, "" the uncomplaining executor of Stalin's instructions, "were thought up by people who had never worked with Molotov, and more often than not had never seen him. I worked with him for many years and I know that Molotov was not always an obedient executor of instructions. It varied depending on the circumstances. Nor was he a primitive clerk, as he is now often painted ...

The strongest side of the Molotov-politician was the ability to accurately assess their capabilities. Molotov always knew that in any business there is a border, which even he cannot cross. In addition, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was a very strong organizer. Hereby ... Decisions were made quickly ... Molotov did not tolerate wordiness at all ... Molotov generally tried to speak less and less. He stuttered and, as it seemed to me, ashamed of it ...

If we talk about the features of Molotov, I must say that he constantly had a desire to improve everything. Maybe because it is peculiar to most pedantic people. But, perhaps, because Molotov’s engineering talent remained unfulfilled: because of participation in underground party work, he did not graduate from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute ... Everyone knew that Molotov did not tolerate any untidiness. Neither in work nor in clothes. He himself was always dressed modestly, but neatly. And demanded the same from others. "
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  1. +14
    8 November 2016 06: 47
    Great time, great people.
  2. +15
    8 November 2016 07: 03
    Cadres decide everything! And where to get shots today? But in those years, they found personnel. Although the country was bastard. And the results of the work did not wait for years. Three months, a year or two, and the result was visible. Yes, the pockets did not ring and did not rustle. But the result of the activity was visible. And it was not nanodeactivity. Here you have the high efficiency of personal financial interest. So the question of efficiency is not a question of money. After all, the results of his work did not affect his wallet. But reflected on a national scale. Interesting. Should our today's ministers cut financial rations? Maybe they will begin to actively move the rolls in the interests of the country? And then all the proposals of our leadership are reduced to the sale of Kemsky volosts. It seems that apart from selling, they are no longer capable of anything. But the president is satisfied with the work of the government. It’s strange. He does not need the pace of development? It turns out that he does not work for the future of Russia? Sorry. Neither people are at the helm today.
    1. +5
      8 November 2016 07: 21
      Quote: Region 34
      Frames decide everything!

      Regi, welcome! I fully support.
      1. +4
        8 November 2016 07: 27
        07.21. We also welcome you Eugene in our land! drinks What is the flag with a strip below? I don’t understand how to return the USSR flag?
        1. +3
          8 November 2016 07: 37
          Quote: Region 34
          I don’t understand how to return the USSR flag?

          Which band is meant? But to put the Soviet one is simple. Go to profile, change at the top. at the very bottom is the choice of country.
          1. +3
            8 November 2016 07: 53
            07.37. Thanks for the tip! And I think that for the strip at the bottom of the flag? Like the flag of the USSR, but it seems not. Small image of course. Thanks again for the tip! tongue
          2. +5
            8 November 2016 07: 54
            Regi, congratulations. Still, Stalingrad should be called as it should.
        2. +3
          8 November 2016 18: 48
          Quote: Region 34
          What is the flag with a strip below? I don’t understand how to return the USSR flag?

          There is no country with such a flag. If you don’t know yet.

          And if you know and continue to think about how to write about the flag - you should go there too!

          What are you fooling around with?
          1. +3
            17 November 2016 04: 31

            There is no such country, but former citizens remained. And if so, pride for their former country remained.
    2. +1
      8 November 2016 23: 02
      And where to get shots today? But in those years, they found personnel. Although the country was bastard. And the results of the work did not wait for years. Three months, a year or two, and the result was visible.

      Personnel? What frames? You read less sovetskie newspapers.
      “As far as I know, the Soviet government bought two aircraft of this type in the United States for the purpose of making copies. One of these aircraft was delivered to the Soviet Union without wings. After work that took almost a year, it was assembled, that is, the wings were attached to the fuselage.

      It should be clarified that the central wing section of this type of aircraft forms a gas tank and that I tried to help Soviet engineers working under my leadership to copy such a gas tank in order to facilitate their future production of one of the most complex parts of this aircraft.

      I found that with one exception, all of these engineers have no experience and are unable to learn. Under my supervision there were 20 young people and only one of them had more than a year of work experience. Excluding him, everyone else was unable to understand even the basic drawing methods. As a result, I could not teach them even basic things. All Soviet engineers thought they knew more about aircraft design than I did.

      When the gas tank was completed based on the drawings, which were rather carelessly drawn under my supervision, I found that several parts were missing. I want to especially point out that no one in the factory seemed to know how to properly fit the rivet. It is, of course, entirely possible that this work was not entrusted to the most skilled workers. Nevertheless, in my general impression, Soviet engineers and workers are rarely able to perform work that requires any kind of precision. "
      Yes, the pockets did not ring and did not rustle.

      The salary of the Air Constructor of the 1st category in the 30s was 4000 rubles / month, the designers of the 3rd category (those who did not have their aircraft in the series, but just tried to do something) - 2000 rubles / month, the salary of deputies was 80% of the salary of the boss, with an average salary of hard workers in 200-300 p.
      Ha. They did not rustle. These guys all rustled normally in their pockets
      1. 0
        10 November 2016 19: 01
        I am convinced of that. that Nikolai !!, was bloody, quote from the article; "In 1909, Vyacheslav was arrested and spent two years in exile in Vologda. After leaving it, he arrived in St. Petersburg in 1911 and entered the Polytechnic Institute there (at the Faculty of Economics he completed his studies until the fourth course). ". The reptile was a king, he mocked people. Here is Comrade. Lenin did the right thing, all the unwanted to the wall, enemies of the people. And the stupid and "bloody" tsar sent him to Shushenskoye, where the leader went hunting and suffered a lot ... And what is interesting, he did not take the estate from Lenin's family, Nikolai was the usurper, but then it came back to haunt him. And comrade. Lenin did the right thing; he confiscated everything from the enemies, so that everyone would be discouraged. And in institutes from the children of enemies, no one studied.
        1. +1
          14 November 2016 12: 03
          Again the same thing. Nicholas 2 was kind and humane to the representatives of the nobility, which was V.I. Ulyanov. That is why the punishment for him was as soft as possible. Molotov's father was not a poor man and belonged to the merchant class. For money, both then and now, it was possible to buy any official. Here is the reason that the revolutionary got off with a slight fright. Those who were simpler — workers and peasants — were rotten in hard labor. And "Gad" Lenin really was a tough leader. He demanded that decisions on the cases of guilty members of the Bolshevik Party be considered several times more severe than non-party ones. In wartime conditions, incompetent leaders and saboteurs were put up against the wall.
      2. +2
        17 November 2016 04: 42

        Rzhu nimagu.

        When I came to one of the advanced countries, I will not speak in which one. I lived in different countries.

        So, there were difficulties with the language and it was difficult to find work. He got a job at a plant not at the most key position. Over time, the authorities felt that I had a clear discrepancy with the position held, offered a raise. But the increase was strange, obviously not in my profile. I am a physicist engineer. And I had to work as a chemical technologist. As it turned out, the Soviet school course in chemistry was quite enough for this. Industrial chemistry, it’s not complicated. I had basic knowledge and read something. Naturally, I went through internal certification. I was offered retraining courses, but because of my stupid youth I refused. Although in vain, an extra piece of paper will not hurt me.

        So, all the same, what you wrote, I can say about Western engineers. I had to train them.

        Since then, I have seen a lot of things and only affirmed that the most organized country in the world and smartly arranged remained the USSR.
    3. +1
      17 November 2016 04: 11

      Have you ever wondered why the Communists called themselves Communists?

      Because a commune is a society, it is a form of survival. Everything rests on the value of human life.
      According to communist ideology, people do not need super-wealth. A man needs prosperity, and this is enough.
      But the engine of progress in communist ideology is "duty". Duty to society. It would be naive to think that ALL communists were crystal-clear in their duty. But here the ideology intervened, which, through the "senior comrades", did not allow to violate morality. Ideology, in moments of crises, works wonders. But having achieved its goals, ideology is subject to destruction. Alas, nothing in the world is eternal.

      Many thanks to the author. The first time I read the biography of Molotov.
    4. 0
      28 June 2017 22: 31
      That's right, I’ll even say more - there is one specialist who offers specific methods for detecting the potential of the brain in a relatively short time (listen from 6:00):
      "Saveliev's natural selection for people is an impasse, cerebral sorting"
      The system has not yet been implemented, since we need a lot of funding, a group of candidates of science for competent work, and the result is the effect of an uncontrolled atomic bomb (for various reasons, you need to listen to a full lecture somewhere). Everything is according to science, but the author assumes that it is not allowed intentionally, because the “boyars" will have to accept a lot of unpleasant evidence-based factology.
      PS: Yes, he is criticized a lot, but lengthy work in this direction, thorough explanations of trifles (which can be found in the scientific literature of various recognized authors) and extremely understandable logic of processes (far from fiction) are very attractive.
  3. +4
    8 November 2016 07: 47
    There were personalities, there was a cult ... Molotov is one of them ..
    1. +7
      8 November 2016 08: 15
      Quote: parusnik
      , there was a cult ..

      Alexei, in Russia there is no way without dictatorship. What is going on today? The fifth column is unbelted.
      1. +3
        8 November 2016 11: 33
        If they assure me now that he lived under a cruel totalitarian regime, then the light today, in any case, is some kind of anarchy for me ... robbed-looted ... the individual has the right to free love, the big brother is watching you and really watching .. ... and other, other ...
        1. +2
          8 November 2016 23: 13
          .. robbery

          This is one of the slogans of the sovereign power. Expropriation of expropriators.
          an individual has the right to free love

          THIS is one of the slogans of the Soviet government. The parades "Down with shame" were also conducted by Kolontai.
          Big brother is watching you

          This is the practice of sovereign power. Knocking was widespread. Do you know the word sex? Only sex is it irrelevant
          1. MrK
            9 November 2016 15: 18
            Quote: Hupfri
            .. robbery

            This is the slogan of the revolution, not Soviet power.

            an individual has the right to free love

            THIS is one of the slogans of the Soviet government. The parades "Down with shame" were also conducted by Kolontai.

            Maybe, but there was no widespread child prostitution and pedophilia
          2. 0
            17 November 2016 04: 56

            Where did you come from? laughing

            Sexot, this is a secret employee. Any authority is obliged to control society.

            Are you very naive? wassat Are you going to continue to ask stupid questions? Or will you find the answer without me? fool
    2. +2
      8 November 2016 08: 32
      But is there no cult in Putin? belay
      1. +4
        8 November 2016 08: 35
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        But is there no cult in Putin?

        There is a cult, there is no dictatorship.
        1. MrK
          9 November 2016 15: 20
          Quote: EvgNik
          There is a cult, there is no dictatorship.

          Yes, but there is a dictatorship of the bureaucracy. And it’s not known what is worse
          1. 0
            9 November 2016 16: 15
            Quote: mrark
            Yes, but there is a dictatorship of the bureaucracy. And it’s not known what is worse

            It is what it is. It’s hard to disagree.
      2. +3
        8 November 2016 13: 43
        If there would have been a cult of Putin in Russia, you would not have asked such questions in the open press. And all kinds of liberals competing with each other would not have written any dirt about Russia. Putin’s support, yes, disagreement with Putin, yes, criticism, yes where did you see the cult?
        1. +3
          8 November 2016 14: 03
          The cult of personality - the exaltation of an individual person (usually a statesman) is something wrong? lol
        2. MrK
          9 November 2016 15: 32
          Quote: Seeker
          And all kinds of liberals racing with each other would not have written all the dirt about Russia.

          Any dirt is allowed into the media, so that people would think: what will happen if these grebes come to power. No, let Putin.

          Today, the airwaves are simply crammed with the image of Putin: Putin is skiing in Austria, Putin with the dog Koni, Putin is fishing in Altai, Putin is riding a horse in the Sayan Mountains, Putin is driving Kalina in the Far East, Putin is personally putting out forest fires, Putin dives for amphoras, Putin holds a candle in a church, Putin consoles grandmothers in Krymsk, Putin takes out a crane, Putin demonstrates a pumped-up torso in Sochi, Putin in a kimono on a tatami, Putin flirts with Nashist girls on Seliger, etc.
          Once in a second-hand market, a friend of mine bought a binder of 14 issues of Ogonyok magazine for the end of 1952. And he systematized and counted photos and drawings in these magazines.
          We are assured that in those years all publications continuously glorified Stalin and continuously printed only his photographs. Yes, indeed, there are photographs of Stalin. True, it should be noted that during this period the Congress of Peacekeepers took place, the 19th Congress of the CPSU (B.), The 35 anniversary of the October Revolution and the 30 anniversary of the formation of the USSR were celebrated. In addition, a friendship agreement was signed with China.
          If you take into account not only photos (and paintings) with Stalin, but also photos of other political figures, and call these photos of politicians, then they, along with photos of Romanian, Chinese, Vietnamese and other figures in the 14 issues of The Light for 1952. total 28 pcs.
          Now count how many times a day you see the sun, only on the screen of the box. This is the cult.
          Waiting for cons from Zaputintsy.
      3. 0
        17 November 2016 04: 53
        Uncle Murzik

        And without a cult there will be no country. Because the "cult" imposes its morality on those who carry out its instructions. And if these "cults" change frequently, then, due to different ideas about life, the orders coming down will be mutually contradictory and lead to chaos.
        Therefore, I advise you to stick to this "cult" as long as possible in order to suffer less.
    3. MrK
      9 November 2016 15: 14
      Quote: parusnik
      There were individuals, there was a cult.

      There was a cult, but there was a personality. Sholokhov
  4. +11
    8 November 2016 08: 30
    More precisely - "Mister No", or more precisely - Gromyko, not Molotov
    1. +2
      8 November 2016 09: 01
      Quote: Engineer
      "Mister No"

      "Mister no," yes, Gromyko. But it is not said that Molotov is "mister". Scratching our turnips.
      1. +2
        8 November 2016 10: 21
        Molotov and raised Gromyko AA
        It is difficult to move from the collapse of the empire to creating even more complex and larger (during the life of one generation), but that generation was able to achieve a result (possibly bad? - there are a lot of stones lying under your feet, there are enough of them for everyone and there were already enough for the leaders of the 1990s )
  5. +3
    8 November 2016 09: 36
    The key phrase of the article is "To burn Russia in the fire of the world revolution"
  6. +2
    8 November 2016 09: 52
    Then they mentioned his support for Mao. But I wonder how Molotov reacted to criticism of the "cultural revolution", to the arrest of the "gang of four" and to Deng Xiaoping's reforms? I have not found anything on this score. Although Molotov certainly spoke on this topic.
    1. +2
      8 November 2016 10: 13
      Quote: Sergej1972
      Although Molotov probably spoke out on this subject.

      Molotov did not like public speaking and speaking. A glimpse of Molotov’s position, which coincided with Stalin’s position in the series of articles: http: //atakazine.narod.ru/Shapinow_Cultura
      1. 0
        9 November 2016 08: 07
        Quote: EvgNik
        Molotov did not like public speaking and speaking

        - that's why he stayed "in power" for so long
        - see "The Wise Gudgeon" by Saltykov-Shchedrin, everything is painted there, as if by notes
  7. +5
    8 November 2016 10: 40
    A statesman with a capital letter !!! He is a statesman, and not, as they say now, a "prominent politician."
    I recommend F. Chuev's book 140 Conversations with Molotov. Many questions in conversations are repeated years later, very informative.
  8. +5
    8 November 2016 11: 07
    Enchanting dolbo ... negative
    Because of his sloppiness, the Great Patriotic War actually began.
    He was sent to the Berlin talks to probe the intentions and demands
    Hitler. Just feel it.
    And he acted like Napoleon after Austrelitz.
    He began to make demands. And still make fun of Hitler in the very for
    that painful question: failures with England.
    Hitler had very bad humor. The Fuhrer freaked out.
    Stalin, when he returned after the collapse of the negotiations, gave him a hat.
    He sent a telegram to Hitler with apologies and explanations.
    But it was too late. The next day, Barbaross’s plan became operational, lay down on the General Staff table.
    There was no way back (diplomatic).
    1. +5
      8 November 2016 11: 45
      Hitler, in my opinion, admired the Anglo-Saxons. That strange case of stopping the offensive on Dunkirk and the strictest order "not to twitch" made it possible to transport the 300 thousandth British group to the islands. True, to transport without weapons, which were left to the Germans in exemplary order. What a strange relationship between the warring parties .... This is the question of failures with England.
      1. +3
        8 November 2016 12: 12
        Hitler really had the illusions at one time that
        Anglo-Saxons - cousins ​​of the Germans and also "Aryans"
        (according to his racist theories) will join his Great Reich.
        But the British frankly spat on Hitler. "Aryanness" did not inspire them.

        Near Dunkirk off the coast, British aviation and navy dominated.
        Hitler 1) was afraid to substitute his tanks under bombs and shells of ships,
        2) believed that the soldiers demoralized after the evacuation will affect
        on the government in a pacifist plan - as was the case in France - to reconcile with Germany.
        1. +2
          8 November 2016 12: 24
          Well ... a good legend. Following this path, we should have sent Paulus' army to Germany with the task of convincing Hitler. Only the English had Hess, Churchill's cousin, visiting.
          1. 0
            8 November 2016 23: 19
            Only the English had Hess, Churchill's cousin, visiting.

            Like this, excuse me .....
        2. +1
          7 December 2016 09: 15
          3). Hitler was not afraid of anything militarily. He just didn’t go all the way, so as not to exacerbate Great Britain and leave a loophole for separate negotiations. Read World War II by Anthony Beevor. There he colorfully describes "the domination of the British aviation and navy", the panic of the British, the reluctance to use their aircraft in France (maybe it’s right - what would later cover the British sky). Quite realistically, the British government discussed a plan for a shameful peace treaty with Germany.
    2. +7
      8 November 2016 12: 18
      Quote: voyaka uh
      The next day, Barbaross’s plan became operational, lay down on the General Staff table.

      So it was like that ......))))), the next day

      On December 18, 1940, Hitler signed Directive No. 21, which received the code name Variant Barbarossa. Those. Molotov was in Berlin in early December ???? Or..... )))

      Molotov's visit to Berlin November 12-14, 1940.
      1. +1
        8 November 2016 12: 31
        VERSION No. 1: At some point, Hitler inquired whether the Soviet Union wanted too much. Molotov replied that Germany should not complain in this sense, it has acquired much more in Europe in recent months.

        "But we are at war, and you are not!" Shouted the furious Fuhrer. "We pay for all the acquisitions with the blood of our soldiers!"

        Hear this conversation, British intelligence analysts, who predicted back in the summer of 1939 that "if these countries [Germany and the USSR] come to any political, let alone military, agreement, then a war between them will become completely inevitable," they could congratulate themselves with an accurate forecast.

        The interlocutors parted annoyed. The fact that the visit did not go as planned in Moscow was also made clear by the fact that the entire high-ranking Molotov retinue remained virtually idle.
        1. +3
          8 November 2016 18: 23
          That is, Molotov is also to blame for the Holocaust? Judging by your logic, "if he had not teased Hitler, there would have been no attack on the USSR, the Jews and other peoples would not have suffered on its territory"? In my opinion, Holland is "resting" in your case. What do Israeli schoolchildren smoke? Or did you find out while studying in the USSR?
          1. 0
            8 November 2016 23: 34
            That is, Molotov is also to blame for the Holocaust?

            Of course to blame. We should have been the first to attack
          2. +1
            9 November 2016 01: 30
            "That is, Molotov is to blame for the Holocaust too? Judging by" ////

            These are the curves of your logic. What does the Holocaust have to do with it? If it were not for Molotov's "blooper", the war would still have been, but later. And the USSR would have had time to better prepare for it. That's all.
            1. 0
              9 November 2016 07: 58
              Because of his sloppiness, the WWII actually began.
              Your words?
            2. 0
              7 December 2016 09: 24
              And the USSR would have better prepare for it

              It is still unknown - who would have managed to better prepare for the war, had the delay been longer. In pre-war Germany there were so many scientific and military developments that it remains only to thank God that Hitler started the war earlier.
          3. MrK
            9 November 2016 15: 46
            Quote: alexej123
            That is, Molotov is also to blame for the Holocaust? Judging by your logic, "if he had not teased Hitler, there would have been no attack on the USSR, the Jews and other peoples would not have suffered on its territory"?

            Guilty and still guilty according to voyaka uh and Hapfrey. After all, they do not crawl out of Holland. And you know what they smoke there. I can explain - weed called anti-Soviet. He twists his head tightly. It is worth only once to expand.
    3. +1
      8 November 2016 12: 58
      Or maybe the war began because of the banal fear of fighting on two fronts? But Barbaross’s plan gave at least an illusion of success.
    4. +6
      8 November 2016 13: 46
      Are you really so primitive. What do you think that big politics is done according to the mood, even of leaders ???
      1. 0
        7 December 2016 09: 28
        Yes, here one comrade from Israel seriously believes that "Hitler freaked out" during the negotiations and because of this began to deploy the "Barbarossa" plan!
    5. +2
      9 November 2016 00: 50
      Hitler started the war with the USSR because of insult))) In fact, these negotiations were a screen behind which the Nazis tried to hide their preparations for the war with the USSR. For example, already on September 20, 1940, the transfer of units to Romania began.
      State Secretary of the German Foreign Ministry E. Weizsacker wrote in his diary on November 16, 1940: "Molotov is not the kind of person who can be persuaded by hopes soaring in the sky regarding the British inheritance." The results were also summed up in German military circles. They came to the conclusion that "Molotov turned out to be an extremely stubborn and difficult partner for negotiations, who did not hide his skepticism about Germany's hopes of victory." It was noted that "the negotiations did not end in open discord, but they did not bring positive results either." It was decided that the Russians were not inclined to let themselves be "distracted to the East."
      On the evening of November 15, 1940, a meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU (B.) Was held, at which Molotov reported on the negotiations in detail.
      "So, the meetings with Hitler and Ribbentrop did not lead to anything ... Leaving Nazi Germany, all of us, members of the Soviet delegation, were convinced that the meeting initiated by the Nazi side was just a showcase. The main events lie ahead. Having thwarted the attempt to place the USSR under conditions that would bind us in the international arena, isolate us from the West and unleash the actions of Germany to conclude an armistice with England, our delegation did the maximum possible. Common to all members of the delegation was also the belief that the inevitability of German aggression has increased incredibly, and in the near future. The corresponding conclusions should be drawn from this and our Armed Forces. "
      In the course of Molotov's speech, Stalin made remarks several times. When Molotov noted that he had rejected the German proposal for cooperation with the members of the tripartite pact, Stalin said: "And rightly so!" Referring to Hitler's statements about Iran, Stalin inserted: "The Soviet Union will not be able to be caught on this bait. After all, this is our neighbor, and relations with him must be very warm and good."
      The meeting was attended by the manager of affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, Y. E. Chadayev. Possessing the shorthand, he made these detailed notes during the meeting.
      Where is the hat?))
    6. +1
      9 November 2016 13: 51
      But it was too late. The next day, Barbaross’s plan became operational, lay down on the General Staff table.

      Another alternative story of the beginning of World War II.
      Volume No. ...
      Page number ....
      Line number ....
      As for the "operational Barbarossa" - a lot of people counted how many times it was transferred. 10-20-30 times. And there are opinions that it might not have been put into effect at all.
      Let's say like the same "Sea Lion" - Unternehmen Seelöwe. Since July 16, 1940, how many times have they transferred - until they were finally buried
    7. 0
      17 November 2016 05: 12
      Voyaka uh

      He always laughed at the filth that Stalin and Molotov created for the sons of Israel.

      I was myself, the people lived without their country. He lived in the midst of others and did not accept assimilation, due to a very specific religion.

      And then misfortune happened, some Soviet rulers took and showed concern. They made a pledge that the sons of Israel would have their own country.

      So it turns out a bear service. That country must be protected, stored. Work for her benefit 60 hours a week. And everyone strives to take it away. So many worries happened at once.

      But how easy it was before this! Christianity, after all of thought, forbade usury, but Judaism did not forbid them. This is how much competition immediately diminished. And fucked up ...

      But all the good is not long. There is a country, there are concerns ...

      Here are these tricky Tips.

      But you voyaka uh, do not be sad, tomorrow again to work. Not everyone cares for bankers.
  9. +4
    8 November 2016 17: 15
    The pensioner's remark is very significant. It is unforgivable to neglect such dates for the leadership of VO.
  10. +1
    8 November 2016 18: 45
    The Soviet-German Treaty of 1940 - this is what this document should be called, and not negative "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact". IMHO hi
    1. +1
      9 November 2016 01: 34
      Its official name is "Treaty of Friendship and Border Between Germany and the USSR".
      And this is in the article (caption under the photo)
      1. +1
        9 November 2016 13: 57
        Its official name is "The Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union" (Deutsch-sowjetischer Nichtangriffspakt) - do not confuse it with the aforementioned treaty - these are two different documents.
        And it is he who is known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
        1. MrK
          9 November 2016 15: 56
          Quote: Nikkola Mac
          And it is he who is known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

          In his book, Chuev writes that he asked Molotov twice about additional secret protocols. The first time Molotov replied that they were not there. The second time he said that he did not remember such protocols.
          From the book by Alexander Kurlyandchik "Damned" Soviet power ... on Proza.ru.
          1. 0
            9 November 2016 16: 14
            In his book, Chuev writes that he asked Molotov twice about additional secret protocols.

            I didn’t quite understand you something - can you explain your idea?
  11. 0
    10 November 2016 09: 47
    the article seems to be not bad, but ..
    In addition, during the war, Molotov also resolved military-production issues. He signed the SNK decree on the production of Molotov cocktails (it received the unofficial name of “Molotov cocktail”)

    but nothing that the name "Molotov Cocktail" was already in Russian-Finnish and went from the Finns, as well as "Molotov's bread basket"?
    "Mister No" of the Red Empire

    actually "Mr. No" and this is Gromyko
    In general, the article seems to be not bad, but frank blunders cast doubt on the veracity of other specified facts

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"