Be sure to watch: folk cinema "28 Panfilov" show Russia the feat of its heroes

Be sure to watch: folk cinema "28 Panfilov" show Russia the feat of its heroes

The most anticipated film of the last three years will soon justify the declared Year of Russian Cinema: in November the film “28 Panfilov” is released for rent, dedicated to the feat of the Great Patriotic War. Shortly before the premiere, director Andrei Chaliopa found time for an exclusive interview with the Federal Agency News.

For three years unprecedented in stories Russian cinema filming of the national film “28 Panfilov” directors Andrei Shalopa and Kim Druzhinin listened to the accusations of theft of money collected, in historical lies, in distorting the truth about the war, in the absence of the very feat 28 Panfilov. But in the creation of this amazing movie, the entire film crew, in which professionals, masters and passionate amateurs of their work came together, showed the same qualities that the Russian people once had in their desire to win. Despite all the circumstances, among the thousands of Internet comments, “it will not work, and if it works, it will be bad”, a miracle happened in the debate about the truth of the heroes' feat and a new Russian film about our war appeared in depth and quality. With the dialogues that are already taken from the trailer for quotes, with a reverent attitude to costumes, arms and other historical details, with the most "honest" special effects and endless love for his people.

The Ministry of Culture was stunned when they saw our movie

- Andrei, the film has already been watched not only by the Ministry of Culture, but it was even seen by Putin and Nazarbayev. Do you think it is not insulting to them that they only in the middle of the process supported your cinema, believed in it, but didn’t see such a treasure before?

- In the end, everything turned out much better than if the film was fully financed by the state. Almost always happens like this: the state does something, and we scold it. But the fact is, the state has only a few resources: money and the law. It can either prohibit, or control, or finance. But it is an insignificant tool, it does not give motivation. But the people can really do, create, and we see such examples. When the people have the will to do something - everything turns out. It is good if the state sees this, and it helps or, at least, does not interfere, does not insert a stick in the wheels.

When we collected the first three million rubles for the film, the Ministry of Culture immediately invited us to our place and offered money, but we refused. Not only because they did not want control from the state, but because, at the time of the collection, they found a creative union of people under one positive project. By that time, when we really came to the state for help, we had already collected not three, but 33 million rubles, and were no longer someone with an outstretched hand, but folk cinema, and we had 30 thousands of people behind our backs.

- How did you take the finished film?

- Oh, the Ministry of Culture was stunned when they saw our movie. It was a surprise to them. Initially, we looked like a kind of miracle: people threw themselves on some movie, and it would be nice if it was good, but it is unlikely to happen, because there are some unknown authors ... But you have to give money, because the people have thrown off , it is impossible not to support him ... They acted as they should have been, but it is clear that it was rather a tribute to the wishes of the people. And investing in an absolute cat in a bag: well, what can happen there when the “greats” themselves can't take a damn thing off? Of course, the Ministry of Culture wanted it to be a completely different movie, and the film "28 Panfilov" is just very different from what was made before it, especially in recent years. So when the cinema officials watched, they were very surprised and extremely inspired. I think they got what it was impossible to dream about. Many of the Ministry of Culture watched the movie more than once and secretly showed their children, violating the non-disclosure contract. Whether our film will be a new milestone in the military film - I don’t know ... Let's see what kind of rental we will have.

- What will success at the box office depend on?

- Only on how much the viewer will perceive it and how much he will like it. I think our viewer is very smart. Despite the fact that box office we often collect frankly bad films, I still believe that a good movie will appreciate. We have a core part of the audience, which is waiting for us all three years. I don’t know how much the others are waiting for him. According to statistics, 5% of the population goes to the cinema today. If before the cinema was intellectual entertainment, the people were more receptive to art, and megahits were difficult for perception “Love and pigeons”, “Garage” and others, now such an audience is completely washed out of cinemas, because they no longer have such films. Among those who have lost interest in cinema as an art, there are people we need to bring to the cinema. They are those who see that they are fed into the cinema as a surrogate, and in fact they want the kayfovogo movie and the truth, when the movie is not a mess, which they slip and from which it is embarrassing that I want to take my eyes off the screen.

The boys want to see in the movie about the war, in what and in whom then play

- Andrew, for sure, you have your own military history in the family? How did you grow up like that man who directed the 28 Panfilov film?

“My parents are a generation that was born either during the war or immediately after the war.” My father is 46-th year of birth, and my mother 44-th. I have fought two grandfathers and grandmother. Paternal grandparents - they met at the front. On the maternal side, my grandfather was a military doctor and ran a hospital in the Far East. To be honest, this is not directly related to the fact that then there appeared "28 Panfilov." Although ... It's hard to say ... I was born when less than 30 years passed after the war. Grandmother brother-soldiers gathered regularly, May 9 came in nice, still young men in orders, sat at the table, talked about something with pleasure. I don’t remember, maybe they didn’t particularly talk about the war, they just felt good together. My school teachers many fought, they put orders on holidays, and it was so natural ... There were so many films, books and lessons about the war, and for us it was a very close, meaningful and interesting event - such a large-scale thing. And then, for a man, war is something very exciting, but the boys always play it. When the boys go to the movies to watch about the war, they want to watch a movie about feats - about the battle, about what to play later. I post factum has already reviewed a lot of films, including the Soviet ones, and there are not so many really well-shot films among them. By the way, "28 Panfilov" we shot it that way, and for the boys it will be all ... In! This is really a battle, this is about heroes, there are many images that you can try on yourself. If I were a kid, I would not even go once.

- When the first Immortal regiments appeared on Russia on 9 in May, and we began to actively celebrate the 75 anniversary of Victory, opinions began to sound that we live only with the memory of victory, that we are building our national idea on the theme of war. What do you think about these debates around our military memory?

- Now all over the world there is such a thing - not the absence of a national idea even, but ideas in general. This is something I’m thinking a lot about right now, and this is one of the thoughts that really excites me. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a matter of pride for Russia, for the former USSR. Although there are many opposing opinions - that we are all about the war and the war, that we can’t do anything new and so on ... This idea develops to the point of absurdity, to the point that we actually lost the war. Can the memory of our victory be a core-forming and unifying factor? Of course it can. This is the same as a person who has achieved something in life, in his youth or maturity, and then reaps the fruits of it, eats it - this is normal. What is victory for our people? This is not just the signing of an agreement on the unconditional surrender of fascist Germany, but a long confrontation, which was crowned with our complete success; and even a huge political victory, because it was a very difficult political game. It is clear that many interests took part in the world war, and the Soviet Union eventually emerged victorious from these chess. In addition, it was a victory from the point of view of engineering, because a huge number of outstanding people from our people invented, created and did the best that won. This applied not only to military equipment, small arms, aviation, but also medicine, in which many discoveries were made. Up to physics, thanks to discoveries in which we soon had an atomic bomb before the others. This is a victory in terms of the creation of industry: so far, the transportation of industry to the Urals, which happened at the beginning of the war, is something that no project can match in scale. To top it all, this is a test over a long period of human qualities of the people. It would be strange not to be proud of this recent past of the victorious nation, moreover, 75 years have not passed yet, the participants are still alive. Events of this magnitude were no longer in the history of mankind - by the number of people, by the extent of territories, by duration.

I think we have forgotten so many heroes, let's remember at least 28 Panfilov

- It was a shame when they began to dig up the archives and shout from all sides that the feat of Panfilov was not?

- Too bad that this happens. Those who threw this stuffing created an Internet meme, as if the military prosecutor’s office had recognized the Panfilov’s feat in 48 as a Soviet myth, an element of propaganda imposed on people by the state. Although this is a pure lie, a monstrous discrepancy of reality, but it works terribly. People still write to me that we remove lies, that we are deceiving our children ... the absurdities and nonsense are different. This stuffing, unfortunately, has infected a huge number of people.

The people live for the most part in values: if they are asked to value moral things, and such a vector is given in the government, among the people of power, media people, public opinion makers, superstars - then he rather quickly starts to focus on this. If the values ​​of consumption are broadcast, then on them. In this sense, the people, I think, are quite simple. So now comes a certain value of truth, which is actually a very complex philosophical category. At some point, the value of the “black truth” was imposed on us: it’s said that everything that was so varnished was in the Soviet Union, everything was covered with a thick layer of chocolate, but in fact everything inside was rotten. Yes, to some extent it is, a purely human impulse to break all the covers and see - and what really was there - it is understandable. After perestroika, I wanted to get to the bottom of everything that was hidden from us. But this is the movement of the pendulum: he first went through a healthy middle, and then swung further into absurdity. When they say that war - continuous feats and victories - this is not true. So you can not talk about the war, it is actually a terrible and difficult time. But when they say that war - sheer betrayals and filth - is also one-sided. In the end, among the people who retained the human face, and after the victory, he found the strength to create and do a lot of good things - apparently, the best human qualities dominated in him. Of course, the Panfilov’s feat was obvious, although we don’t give the names of these people, many have forgotten. I think we forgot so many heroes that we should remember - we didn’t even have time to recognize them, because they were missing, died far from anyone's eyes, who could save this feat. Let's at least remember these 28! In 41, replaceable companies died in huge numbers, completely died, and there were no documents or witnesses left. Did they die from fear? They died heroically, fought as best they could. The names of Panfilov’s people are no longer associated with specific people: they are associated with heroes, with feat, with legends. Trying to debunk it is stupid and terribly harmful. I hope that our cinema will put many points in this story.

“There are Ukrainians in the international team of your heroes, while Ukraine itself eliminates the Great Patriotic War from its history. How do you feel about what is happening now with the neighbors?

- We play Kazakh, Kyrgyz actors, Ukrainian, our Russian and all willy-nilly bring their national identity. Among the 28 Panfilovs, most were Russians, several Ukrainians, three Kazakhs, one Kirghiz, and we gathered the same cast. The Panfilov Division was formed in Kazakhstan, and this is one of the most multinational divisions in the entire military history - there were about 200 nations in it. For me, the Ukrainian people are one people with us. It is clear that there is Western Ukraine, which never really wanted to merge with the Russians, but there is Southern and Eastern, which is tightly intertwined with us. My last name is Shalopa - actually Western Ukrainian, my grandfather was from Lviv, so how can I relate to this ...? It’s a disaster, and I don’t know how we will survive it ... I don’t know how Ukrainians will react to this film and to the Ukrainians in it - we are not given to understand how our word will respond. But it seems to me that our cinema pours water on the mill of Ukraine’s pride, because it shows that Ukrainians are heroes. It is clear that they were full among the soldiers of the Red Army, it was all one people. The Germans fought with all as with the Russians, for all of them were “Russian Ivanas”.

We do not have a history of death, we have a history of victory

- Your first trailer surprised with an uncharacteristic for Russian cinema of recent years, an intelligent and rich dialogue. I hope you will enjoy the whole movie with them?

“I’m a professional dialogist and I really like dialogues. For me, they mean a lot to the cinema: I like it when there is a lot of great text in a film, when meanings are woven into it, and you can listen to it, quote it later. So the great value of our film is good dialogue. When we decided to remove the first piece on the money collected, we began to seriously think: what exactly to show. Running with shooting? Explosions and special effects? But today you will surprise the viewer with this ... We decided to shoot the scene in a room one meter by meter, where four fighters will sit, and where nothing will happen except the text - it was very bold. The effect was what we did not expect, but what we would very much like. The viewer is smart, the viewer hears the text. He reads the relevance of the film, sagging script and all-all-all. He has an amazing flair that somehow works.

- In the same dialogue, you have a completely new idea for us, not to die, but to live for the Motherland. Will it be revealed in the movie?

- This idea is very close to me. What is the feat of Panfilov’s or soldiers in general: it’s that when the forces are unequal, you fight, understanding that you will perish, because you have against tanks only grenades and anti-tank rifles. All this time, people who have repeatedly done this and learned this to try to kill you. In such a situation, the simplest thing you can do is to run away. This is a natural animal instinct, because now they will tear you to pieces with hot iron, and not everyone can withstand it. The second option is neutral: you can just lie in the trench, close your head and, by your own will, force yourself not to run anywhere. But you will die and do nothing. The third option: not to run, not to lie, but to act. To act as efficiently as possible, you need a special will. Those who do this are heroes. The most difficult thing is to live in these circumstances, this is the feat. These people were able to move away their fear, their desire to survive at all costs, to show composure and in those moments of the battle that they endured, to do everything possible. This can be done only for the sake of an idea, and they possessed it - that's why they won. When you throw a picture of a grenade at a tank and they shoot you - it’s hysteria, I never liked that in Soviet cinema. This is irresponsible, and this is what our character says. You died, and bribes from you are smooth - that’s impossible. Need to live. This is one of the keynotes of the film. We do not have a history of death, we have a history of victory. Someone wrote about the film that in it, they say, the soldiers of the division die, defending Moscow. Nothing of the kind, they do not perish, they live. Death can be treated in two ways: you can say "died", or you can - "lived." So they live their lives in battles on the outskirts of Moscow. This is very important, and I hope that the movie turned out to be bright, with a good point in the finale.

The premiere of the folk film “28 Panfilov” will take place on November 16 near Volokolamsk, not far from the scene of hostilities, in honor of the 75 anniversary of the feat of Russian heroes. 24 November will be released in a wide movie rental.

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  1. +14
    8 November 2016 15: 15
    Can not wait.
    "Moscow has nowhere to retreat behind us" -Panfilov
    1. +29
      8 November 2016 17: 03
      This movie would be shown on main channels and at the best time! Instead of Malakhov, "let them say", "let's get married ..", etc .... Ugh, damn it ..!
      1. +6
        8 November 2016 18: 35
        Putin and Nazarbayev watched the film "28 Panfilov"
    2. +19
      8 November 2016 18: 38
      Also looking forward to the movie with impatience. In May of this year I traveled to Volokolamsk, specially set aside a day to visit the memorial complex in Dubosekovo, walked through the old sprawling trenches, looked at the remaining dugout. This is where the story really feels, you are standing in a trench and you think, maybe it was here, on this very spot, the soldiers fought, defending their homeland and giving their lives for the sake of what she lived, what we lived ...
      Everlasting memory

      1. +2
        8 November 2016 19: 06
        Quote: major071
        Also looking forward to the movie with impatience.

        Greetings, Major! hi

        The video did not impress - the "newfangled" cheap trick of the "twitchy camera" is present.
        This, in general, dirty, technique based on instinctive physiology (or something like that) - when the object constantly escapes in different directions - then "nerves" are automatically turned on. It's like kittens with candy wrappers.

        I'm not a kitten to be bred so cheaply.
        It is disserving - and zafig to strain, there, strained by artistic techniques: to create a frame, light, music, text?

        The frame is larger — so that the object does not fit and is partially visible — and it is in different directions. The people went adrenaline into the blood - something business. And why the hell are some camera and directorial skills.

        The same Hitchcock never stooped to the "nutty cell".

        In general, I think that films and performances should also have a "guarantee" of quality: if I leave the hall before half an hour from the beginning of the film, I should get my money back.

        Well, I didn’t like the movie - they make a trailer - they get hurt. And in a beautiful package - poop.
        This is the same product, and I must have the right to return the back of it.
        1. 0
          8 November 2016 19: 17
          There are no special expectations, since I doubt that modern people will be able to create an excellent film about that war, which can be put on the same shelf as Soviet masterpieces. It’s just that the contemporaries cannot feel the nerve of that war. It turns out either a terrible revelatory crap about evil nkvdshnikov or simulated pathos, when a simple soldier begins to speak with slogans and pathos speeches. The first option does not seem to be, but I would not want the second. Soviet films about the war were simple, vital, and without much pathos. Therefore, they were revised. What happens now - xs, but in any case you need to look. I hope that a movie can be revised. hi
        2. +3
          8 November 2016 19: 55
          Quote: iConst
          Well, I didn’t like the movie - they make a trailer - they get hurt.

          Has the movie already looked? If not, is there so much negativity?
          P.S. And the film industry has recently surrendered the truth, with Hollywood even in regression ahead of the rest.
          1. 0
            8 November 2016 20: 24
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            Quote: iConst
            Well, I didn’t like the movie - they make a trailer - they get hurt.

            Has the movie already looked? If not, is there so much negativity?
            P.S. And the film industry has recently surrendered the truth, with Hollywood even in regression ahead of the rest.

            Damn, for whom I write in Russian - about the film, or rather the trailer I have only one line.

            The rest is about the cheap reception in the cinema. From the word "in general", not in particular.
            1. +2
              8 November 2016 20: 50
              Quote: iConst
              Damn, for whom I write in Russian - about the film, or rather the trailer I have only one line.

              Do not be offended - I like to look for flaws and inconsistencies.
              In general, I know a lot about cinema - I’ve been selling discs for ten years and watched a lot. Learned to rate the film in the first minutes. Well, the taste is present. hi
              1. +3
                8 November 2016 21: 47
                Quote: Ingvar 72
                Learned to rate the film in the first minutes. Well, the taste is present.

                Yes, it's hard to offend me.

                In the first minutes you can distinguish frank get along.
                But there is a category of films where there is a plot and a good work, but ... - they do not draw out the ending. Those. 2/3 of the film goes with a bang. And then that's it. You don't need to inspect. This is very disappointing.

                In recent years, I rarely come across good films. You start to look - 95% no more than 10-15 minutes. Why waste time.

                What have you looked good lately? Unless, of course, is a secret.
                1. 0
                  9 November 2016 01: 09
                  Quote: iConst
                  What have you looked good lately? Unless, of course, is a secret.

                  Yes, so that it shocked .. In recent years, nothing. But the efforts are not bad. Not enough of course. The last film that I rate as a real movie is The Painted Veil with Edward Norton in 2006. If someone tells me something like that in the future, I would be very grateful. I'm not going to argue about cinema with anyone.
                2. 0
                  9 November 2016 08: 13
                  Quote: iConst
                  What have you looked good lately? Unless, of course, is a secret.

                  Last time, nothing good. Now TV shows are more interesting than films. request
          2. 0
            8 November 2016 22: 15
            People still write to me that we are filming lies, that we are deceiving our children ... the absurdities and stupid things are different.

            probably so say those who believe that Batman and Spiderman are real characters ....
    3. +3
      8 November 2016 19: 23
      Quote: Russian Moldovans
      Can not wait.
      "Moscow has nowhere to retreat behind us" -Panfilov

      Klochkov did not say this Panfilov. Commissar Vasily Klochkov
      1. +4
        8 November 2016 19: 57
        Quote: AwaZ
        Klochkov did not say this Panfilov. Commissar Vasily Klochkov

        Politruk if that .... wink
        1. +2
          8 November 2016 20: 18
          Well, these are synonyms in the sense in which we use them
  2. +9
    8 November 2016 15: 17
    It's great that we finished, it's great that they made an important film.
    The wide movie rental will be released on November 24.
    People were dumped on the film, and now they will earn on the film. Who? People who gave money? Why not show the film on Channel One? Once the film is folk.
    On the other hand, if this team will make such films, then let them earn. Time will tell.
    1. +16
      8 November 2016 16: 28
      The people raised a little more than 30 million, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation issued another 30 million, Kazakhstan gave more (I will not say so as not to lie), the Gadzin company also gave money! In total (if I’m not mistaken) 150 million rubles were spent on production. + how much the dealer has invested !!! Of course there are people who want to return what they have invested and also earn! There will be a rental and the film will be laid out in the public domain (it was announced by the director)!
      I hope the film will make a big profit, because they were going to put it on a new project! I'm all for it!!! Now we need just such films and to prove to our officials we can only go to the movies !!!
    2. +2
      8 November 2016 16: 53
      Quote: Wend
      People were dumped on the film, and now they will earn on the film. Who? People who gave money? Why not show the film on Channel One? Once the film is folk.

      Check out previous interviews with Chaliops. He said that after the rental they will post the film on the Internet for free viewing.
  3. +22
    8 November 2016 15: 18
    I'm really looking forward to the premiere. Reviews about the film are interested.
    Review by historian Bair Irincheev.

    Today I had the honor to watch "28 Panfilov".

    My personal opinion - Andrei Shalyopa and the crew made the film artistically stronger than the Brest Fortress, and in terms of technical performance it was no weaker than the Fury and Brothers in Arms of overseas studios.
    During the filming, I never heard from any team member the words “C'mon, it’s all right, let's go home, it's late already.” Each take was re-shot five and six times, the entire crew worked conscientiously.
    According to the style of filming - there is no clip flickering, there are no fancy slow-motion, there is no blind copying of Hollywood, which hurts the eye so much in the popcorn "Stalingrad" by Bondarchuk Jr. There are no hand-to-hand fighting in the style of the Matrix, there is no lapel-and-gun fetishism that is noticeable in the Belarusian Dnieper Boundary and the American Fury. There is no cheap American pathos and superheroes, no picture of Soviet pathos either.

    In the film, such obligatory characters of Russian films about the Great Patriotic War as:

    • fat, disgusting Jewish political worker with round glasses;
    • no less fat - an obosist with a pewter look screaming “I'll shoot!” every five minutes of the movie;
    • mediocre and stupid commanders of the Red Army, thumping the whole movie in the dugout;
    • repressed and reflective intellectual;
    • Stalin, similar to Dracula;
    • It is not clear how a criminal released from the Gulag who teaches all of the above how to defeat the Nazis.

    All this is not. There are ordinary people in the form of the Red Army, who do not even have time to remember how they die, and this "28" resembles the "Thin Red Line" by Terrence Malik. There are excellent dialogues, excellent casting, and respect for the multinational Red Army. The noise that arose around the story with 28 Panfilovites greatly benefited the promotion of the film. Modern society only responds to scandal, and fans of the sect “a feat were not all lies to us” played a very good role in terms of information support. I also note that this is the only big feature film that goes to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow. This is really a great event in the life of our country.
    To summarize, this is a feature film about the Great Patriotic War, shot in the best traditions of the Soviet military cinema, according to the Soviet legend, which Andrei Shaliopa treated very carefully and respectfully. To put it in a completely modern language, then this is “Hot Snow” 2.0. Thank you very much to Andrei and everyone who helped, that such a large and complex business was brought to a victorious end.

    I hope it will be no worse than the "Brest Fortress".
    1. +15
      8 November 2016 15: 36
      Quote: Sunflower
      “A feat was not all lie to us”

      That's just five minutes ago I had a conversation on this topic.
      But in another framework, they say this is not a feat - just the troops were like that. Everything else is a propaganda move.
      My reasonable answer did not convince my opponent. Yes, the troops, in particular the 316th Infantry Division (later the 8th Guards Division named after Major General Panfilov), stood and did their duty. But! Firstly, these were troops that were not fired in battle, secondly, this moment was when it was "half an hour by bus" to the capital, thirdly, these were the last reserves that stood on pegs (in terminology, there are markings of fortifications, there are no fortifications) and held the front wider than prescribed by the combat regulations, in the fifth they held off the attack of armored vehicles (both tanks and armored vehicles) and monstrous air raids. At the same time, neck-deep in snow and frozen ground.
      And they did not run.
      Can this be considered a feat? I believe not (i.e., this is a feat).
      1. +3
        8 November 2016 16: 47
        Quote: ShadowCat
        And they did not run.

        This is a feat.
        So you can count anything and wherever, but in this case, your accounts are accounts with the fallen, which gave you the opportunity to exist, you forgot who you owe it to.
        1. +18
          8 November 2016 18: 30
          grandfather told - 41, the retreat, the remains of a heavy artillery regiment, 6 guns 152 mm, but without a single shell (!!!!) with equipment, the remains of a machine-gun company-2 DShK and about a dozen fighters got to them. They ran from the guard tanks !! They didn’t even lay down shells, but there weren’t any weapons; only rifles of the thirtieth and grenades from the heels of the weapon. DShKovtsy turned around (while they had cartridges) ... In general, 9 pieces of equipment (that is, all!) Knocked out a joint effort, and the Germans twisted! Then, as in a movie, 2 of our tanks appeared from the bushes and drove off the Germans. two alive .. The commander-tanker together with the battalion commander built the remaining ones, the tankman took off some medal and hung it on one, the second took off the battalion commander ... Let's go on .. After 3 days, we went to see us. Almost the entire command staff including the tank commander died - both machine gunners died. Could save 3 guns ...
          And what the hell archives (!!!) can there be information about that battle, about those awards ????
          Maybe this battle is described somewhere (now) - maybe not, maybe the Germans wrote or maybe not (their remnants might have also retreated to run into someone). In a word ....
          9 (even if not armored vehicles most likely) and a large number (grandfather said - put a lot) of the infantry laid by those machine guns is a feat by any criteria: human, state, statutory, even bureaucratic ..
          1. +3
            8 November 2016 18: 40
            What can I say? They defended their homeland !!! I am proud that I am Russian!
            1. +1
              9 November 2016 03: 19
              The bottom line is that the Panfilov division, together with the tankers of Katukov and the cavalry of Dovator, slowed down the rapid offensive of two German corps in the Volokolamsk direction. And these are five divisions (of which three are tank). Here is the arithmetic of Victory.
              Then there were heavy battles for the village, which is 8 times !!! passed from hand to hand. And this is also terrible arithmetic. But I still took the village ... In Russia there are hero cities, and this is a simple village, the village of Kryukovo
  4. +3
    8 November 2016 15: 28
    Oh, at least to Russia for the weekend.
    Is it interesting to show General Rokossovsky? Dovatora, Dobronravova? What parts will illuminate? (of course, the main will be 316 pp. div, but still she had neighbors)
    We are waiting with bated breath.
  5. +1
    8 November 2016 15: 43
    I do not believe in enthusiasm and still ... V.S. Vysotsky, I do not like

    Somehow the article is very "custom-made" and looks boastful. There have already been so many such PRs over the past 20 years, and the same number of times all the steam went to the whistle.

    But to believe that something worthwhile is created, you still want to wink
  6. +3
    8 November 2016 15: 51
    we'll see and then we will discuss
  7. +6
    8 November 2016 15: 54
    Even giving a simple interview, a person speaks in such a way that you will be heard. Because "I am a dialogist." This is a lesson for today's empty-headed filmmakers - in order to make a good movie, you need to be a deep person.
  8. +7
    8 November 2016 16: 01
    I'll go to the film. I wait and hope that there will be a breakthrough. After the Mikhalkov crafts and other things, to be honest, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that expectations will not be met.
  9. +5
    8 November 2016 16: 01
    Quote: pva1964
    we'll see and then we will discuss

    I think that if Putin and Nazarbayev were shown, then the film should be just a masterpiece.
    Be sure to go with the children.
  10. +3
    8 November 2016 16: 05
    Also looking forward to this movie. I am glad that they attracted the Kubinka, attracted gaiygin (war thunder). If the film turns out to be beautiful and the audience appreciates it, I think it is worthwhile to tackle the coverage of more global battles (Kursk, Stalingrad, Bagration)
  11. +1
    8 November 2016 16: 20
    The first film, it is not yet known what it turned out, how the people will accept it, and the author already starts to "star" a little, no matter how another "unrecognized genius" grows up - "I have already reviewed many films post factum, including Soviet ones, and among them -real there were not so many well-shot, impressiveI don’t argue about the remakes, but it would be better if he didn’t touch Soviet films about the war, everything was shot well, some were better - by 5, and the rest - by 4,8 4,9. And he has not yet matured, has not shown himself to criticize Soviet cinema! hi
    1. +4
      8 November 2016 20: 12
      you are wrong - and among the Soviet films there were a lot of passing films that you won’t even remember. There were really not many impressive LIVE films - really not so many ....
      It is quite easy to check, just put a piece of paper and write on it the names of all the films that you can remember. Most likely you will stop at the top 3 ... How many such films were I did not find - but for example, the figure "200 best films about the Second World War" (although taking into account modern ones), but there are not many films that I saw ..
      We'll see.
      If it turns out to be on the level "They fought for the Motherland", "Officers", "Only" old men "go into battle" - it means that the people were not collecting money for nothing ... and not "Everything is lost !!!!!!" ... ...
      1. 0
        9 November 2016 20: 01
        Quote: your1970
        you are wrong - and among Soviet films there were many passing films that you won’t even remember.

        Well, let's start with the fact that there are famous directors and there are not so many, whose films will be better known? There are films "promoted" and there are not, which ones will we remember? And there is no need to say "checkpoints", they speak and write only about the units of outstanding work, directing, acting. There is such a movie "Ascent", who remembers it? If you remember, how would you rate it? But the film is outstanding. hi
  12. 0
    8 November 2016 16: 27
    I will see the obligation
  13. 0
    8 November 2016 16: 36
    Nishtyak !!!
  14. The comment was deleted.
    1. +11
      8 November 2016 16: 45
      Quote: legkostup
      A movie about the exploit of which was not right. Citizens of the Russian Federation, your taxes are in safe hands!

      Thanks to the exploits of hundreds of thousands of people in the Red Army uniform, including Panfilov’s, such as you have gained the right to live ... at times it seems that you would not have been better.
      You have to be absolutely immoral to write and think like you .. disgrace ..
      1. 0
        9 November 2016 09: 33
        Quote: legkostup
        A movie about the exploit of which was not right. Citizens of the Russian Federation, your taxes are in safe hands!
        What a stupid thing ... this is not a documentary. You see Avatar, Kin-Dza-Dza, etc. etc. and do not resent that this was not. And do not shout about taxpayer money. Even if there was no such feat, it had to be invented! Time and situation required such a feat.
    2. +15
      8 November 2016 16: 46
      Who would say, just not a "winner of croissants", if you compare your exploits, then Pavlov's house in Stalingrad lasted longer than all of France!
    3. +4
      8 November 2016 16: 50
      And what about our taxes to the writers from the Storage?
    4. +4
      8 November 2016 16: 56
      Easy-access-fake a movie about the "occupation" of France, an honest movie !! like cakes fed the Hans, how they licked their ass, and we'll see.
    5. +4
      8 November 2016 17: 20
      Our taxes are OUR taxes, it is up to us to decide in whose hands they should be, so go, my friend, deal with your taxes and your Arabs and their interactions.
    6. +6
      8 November 2016 17: 21
      Quote: legkostup
      A movie about the exploit of which was not right. Citizens of the Russian Federation, your taxes are in safe hands!

      And how many feats there were about which not only the movie was not shot, but also simply not told!
      Just honorably fulfilled their duty to the motherland. They did not cry like the French standing on the sidelines (there is such a newsreel), but simply killing the Nazis they perished themselves! As one German wrote in a letter, “It is better to conquer three France than one Russia!” So he wrote it back in 41m. So Russia has always dealt with its own problems, including taxes. Adie is a young friend.
    7. +1
      8 November 2016 17: 50
      What are the taxes? The film raised money through "crowdfunding", that is, people were thrown off of their own free will. And in general, money is not a pity for art.
    8. +2
      8 November 2016 18: 46
      legkostup Fat troll .tralyayaya! If only it were not a disgrace, not that audience.
  15. 0
    8 November 2016 16: 53
    I am for the fact that only truthful cinema was reproached in the country, and it does not matter if the bureaucrats like it or not. Enough near-war fiction or frankly ordered lies. There will be a movie at the box office - we will watch and draw conclusions.
  16. +1
    8 November 2016 17: 13
    Quote: legkostup
    Cinema about the exploit of which was not

    So what? "Saving Private Rain" was also sucked out of the picture, and it's okay - it turned out to be a spectacular film, even a jingoistic patriotic one, I would say.
    So our businessmen from show business do not discover anything new. Now it is full of such crafts, the main thing is to be heroic and patriotic, and compliance with realities is not the point.
  17. aiw
    8 November 2016 17: 16
    Mdya ... i.e. documents from state. Archives of the Russian Federation, according to the director, is it a lie and stuffing?

    Why is it necessary to make a movie about fairy tales, why not make a movie about those who really stood there to the death? What is it, interestingly, before the memory of those who died then for the Motherland and Moscow - for example, to call people "Panfilov heroes", some of whom actually served as policemen and were even convicted for this in the USSR? Not ashamed?
    1. +5
      8 November 2016 18: 05
      Quote: aiw
      Why is it necessary to make a movie about fairy tales, why not make a movie about those who really stood there to the death? What is it, interestingly, before the memory of those who died then for the Motherland and Moscow - for example, to call people "Panfilov heroes", some of whom actually served as policemen and were even convicted for this in the USSR? Not ashamed?

      And why do we have to believe all sorts of "extras" who always climb to accuracy, numbers, there were not 28 of them, but more than 200, not only grenades and anti-tank missiles were in our hands, but also support for artillery, etc., then they draw conclusions: they say it was not - you see, they lied here, it does not fit, here the unit does not beat, and if so, then the whole story is a linden.
      Z.Y. Can't a person accomplish a feat, and then, to the best of circumstances or stress, deprivation of reason, change of character - do a bad deed? If one turned out to be a traitor - so the whole company is to blame? Really, the Mikhalkovs and other bandarchuk brought up a generation that rejects everything domestic, up to feats ...
      1. +2
        8 November 2016 20: 27
        you know, I disagree with you about "ZY. Can't a person perform a feat, and then, to the best of circumstances, or stress, loss of reason, a change in character - do a bad thing?"
        Before becoming a traitor, General Vlasov quite successfully led the troops rescuing Moscow. At that moment it was a military feat - yes, he didn’t throw himself under the tanks, but led the troops so that they destroyed the enemy. At that time it was archival.
        A little time passed and he "did a bad deed to the best of the circumstances" - he began to agitate the soldiers to fight against their homeland. And that's it ... he crossed out all his past exploits
        General Karbyshev in a similar situation chose to die.
        1. 0
          9 November 2016 18: 41
          Let him cross out his feat, but this should not cast a shadow on his entire team, which may have been laid down there on the battlefields - I’m just about that. But they poke us in the face with these facts - they say what your heroes are - one worked as a policeman, others still lit up somewhere.
          And those who died, what are to blame, or those who survived then died after other battles, those who survived, but did not become a police officer and a traitor? They cast a shadow on everyone.
          1. 0
            10 November 2016 15: 59
            About Vlasov -A.A. I will not speak. That one more.

            But! Not a word about the army.
            The 2nd Shock Army, taking part in January 1943, from the Volkhov Front, being at the forefront of the attack, was able to break through to meet the Leningrad Front, which was rushing to meet it, through the enemy's long-term fortifications, which were additionally fortified in winter, through the swamps, and to de-blockade the city of Leningrad. Yes, Operation Iskra did not achieve all of its tasks. Yes, the corridor was that it was impossible to sneeze there so that the bullet would not come. But the supply of the city began on it.
            Also, even the surname that General Andrei Andreevich bore, "Vlasov", was whitewashed by others - Aleksey Alekseevich (Hero of the USSR, 1943), Aleksey Vasilievich (Order of Lenin and the Star of the Hero in 1944), and many others.
            Just some people think you need to remember the traitor. I believe that it should be deprived of a name. There was such a bastard, betrayed the country at a difficult moment and that’s it. Not a first name or last name if you do not rummage through the archives.
    2. +2
      8 November 2016 22: 22
      Quote: aiw
      those. documents from state. Archives of the Russian Federation, according to the director, is it a lie and stuffing?

      I completely agree with you. And despite my dislike of lies (not in the sense of "revising history" and the like of pseudo-patriotic hysteria), I regard the film (which I have not seen, I confess) as some element of drawing attention to the history of the country. And as an understandable glorification of our side.
      But what about the lies - kill God, I don’t know.
      All countries are faced with this - they create legends, and the whole story is legends, at least in the perception of the mass viewer / reader.
  18. +1
    8 November 2016 17: 19
    But guys! the beginning is laid!
    People’s cinema, they’re already gathering the national football team ...
    Maybe on the way traditional medicine with a public housing and public education.
    And then, let them go there in Maskvabad on their own, and how can Zamkadye live without them?
  19. +5
    8 November 2016 17: 43
    I have seen only the trailer so far, but I am ready to transfer money once again, even if only for the same trailer, instead of the nonsense that has been filmed over the past ten years, with the exception, perhaps, of the "Brest Fortress".
  20. 0
    8 November 2016 18: 11
    It is interesting to see and would rather.
    And the fact that propaganda is a fiction about 28 Panfilovites, so let them prove the opposite. Documents do not dispute!
    Apparently they do not know what archival documents are and they certainly will not be allowed to see them.
  21. 0
    8 November 2016 18: 50
    I was lying like that in the hospital (for a long time), I had a laptop .. And so I decided to watch movies (I really like about the Second World War, I see genes demand in my soul ..))) So I typed in different search engines in different ways ... And everywhere they come out alone and the same films about our war .... Jewish resistance and "the second front wets the Nazis"! I was shocked by this ... IT WAS everywhere Karl! I watched them and my pressure rose from this, that our young people are shown first of all ... Later, of course, I found what interested me, but I lost a lot of time separating the dirt! That's the way things are and this film, I think it will be jammed everywhere ... Here you have to keep your ears open and watch!
    1. +2
      8 November 2016 20: 30
      IT WAS EVERYWHERE Charles! and you after it what do you want from youth and for her? There are no other words?
      "Semyon Semyonich !!!!!" ©
      1. +1
        8 November 2016 20: 41
        Quote: your1970
        IT WAS EVERYWHERE Charles! and you after it what do you want from youth and for her? There are no other words?
        "Semyon Semyonich !!!!!" ©

        I am "youth", I try ... hi I try to draw their attention to such topics on the site and that's it! After all, I am a teacher by first education and I understand their psychology a little (they perceive when they communicate in their slang ..) The main thing is that without a "cheap" authority and on an equal footing with them, but they knew what ... angry
        1. +2
          8 November 2016 20: 52
          Ie you believe that faking for them, you will earn credibility and they will watch your movie ??? Well, well ...
          1. +1
            8 November 2016 21: 27
            Quote: your1970
            Ie you believe that faking for them, you will earn credibility and they will watch your movie ??? Well, well ...

            They will watch it even without me, believe me ... Now you just start to mess me up with words and questions ...? Rest, ... the topic is closed with you, I know such people on the site ... bully
            1. +1
              8 November 2016 21: 50
              feel it’s just that sometimes you have to say the least ( what!!!!! ) pops up, that even shivers takes me .....
              1. 0
                9 November 2016 18: 51
                And why now if you hit a year old for 40-50 you already need to communicate only in Old Slavic? )))
                People now, even at the age of literate and know how to use the Internet, and there are everywhere pictures, demotivators, etc. Well, soon the generation of "Albans" will finally grow up - it will be a real tough on the forums.
  22. +3
    8 November 2016 19: 29
    It’s a pity that it was shot on videotape. The film has some zest that cannot be expressed in words. I understand that it’s cheaper, but ...
    1. 0
      8 November 2016 21: 31
      Strictly speaking, no one is already filming a videotape.
      And about the price - yes. For a wide arriflex + kodak - the budget would have grown ten times.
  23. +3
    8 November 2016 20: 40
    In the creation of this amazing movie, the entire film crew, which brought together professionals, masters and passionate lovers of their craft, showed the same qualities that the Russian people once had in their quest for victory.
    It's Russia!!!
    In the end, everything turned out to be much better than if the film was fully funded by the state.
    And here is the answer "to the gopher from" Satyricon "!

    in the Ministry of Culture were stunned when they saw our movie. It was a surprise to them.
    There would be more such "awesomeness"!
    But we need to give money, because the people fell off, but we can’t help but support it ... They did as they should, but it is clear that it was more likely a tribute to the desire of the people. And investing in an absolute cat in a poke: well, what can happen there when the “greats” themselves can’t take a damn?
    Nothing personal, just business!

    box office at us often collect frankly bad films,

    The paid bureaucratic lobby and aggressive advertising are to blame for everything.

    Although this is a pure lie, a monstrous mismatch of reality, but it works scary. People still write to me that we are filming lies, that we are deceiving our children ... absurdities and stupid things are different.

    Yes, let it be better such "lies" will be than black-and-porn "lies" (like House-2)

    I don’t know how the Ukrainians will react to this film and the Ukrainian characters in it - we are not given to understand how our word will respond.
    Rather banned from showing.

    These people were able to move away their fear, their desire to survive at all costs, to show composure and in those moments of the battle that they endured, to do everything possible. This can be done only for the sake of an idea, and they possessed it - that's why they won. When you throw a picture of a grenade at a tank and they shoot you, it’s hysteria
    Dust liberals and anti-Stalinists with dust and go ahead under the tanks !!

    The wide movie rental will be released on November 24.
    I look forward to it !!! I hate going to the cinema (because of mostly stupid cinema), but I will lead everyone and children (adults) and grandchildren to this film.
    1. +2
      8 November 2016 20: 55
      "box-office grossing we often collect frankly bad films,
      Blamed for everything paid bureaucratic lobby .. "- please show your finger (and it doesn't matter that it is uncivilized !!) of the official who MAKES young people to go to the cinema to watch bad films ..... Or name the surname - he is supposedly driving people to the cinema ...
      Officials you always and everywhere seem ....
  24. +2
    8 November 2016 21: 29
    Waiting anxiously. Be sure to collect all the friends in the cinema.
  25. 0
    9 November 2016 05: 07
    Another, I suppose, KINOSHOP ...... the fighters are clean and shaven, as if only from a bath, uniforms, as if from warehouses and weapons, as soon as from the arsenal ....... Example-film "Star" - new and CLASSIC ..........
    1. 0
      9 November 2016 09: 47
      Do you need more realism? dirt, blood, guts out? In the trailer, I did not see clean fighters in the trenches. But the desire to haunt and look for flaws in this case is surprising
      1. 0
        9 November 2016 19: 11
        Quote: gaura
        Do you need more realism? dirt, blood, guts out?

        what does it have to do with it, watching the footage from the commercials of this film "cinematic" (in the worst sense of the word) and rushing. I would like to be wrong. But "They fought for their Motherland" does not cause such rejection.
        1. +1
          9 November 2016 19: 36
          just in "They Fought for the Motherland" many actors were born or participated in the war - they just remembered it and felt it - and this is important: when you felt what it was like to dig a trench or the weight of a military ration, you don't need to play this, it's a common feeling .. ...
          And besides, they really dug that position themselves - where they were later filming (I don’t remember exactly who the actors said in an interview), hence the really clogged tunics, the salt on their backs, the caps slipped to their ears, and generally all the signs of tired infantry .. ..

          Pay attention - when "Meteor" is walking behind Shukshin, his eyes do not catch. When I found out - I remembered, I looked many times, but I never remembered - so much Shukshin overrides everything with his skill
          1. 0
            10 November 2016 10: 48
            Quote: your1970
            many actors were born or participated in the war

            maybe you are right, but here is one of the last films about the war "Cadets" by Todorovsky, there is absolutely no Hollywood, and the boys there obviously have not seen the war. It's like shooting, a lot depends on the director.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"