Own among strangers - 4. Porthos, repeating the path of Napoleon
The purpose of the next article is to talk about the service of the French heavy tank B1 (or Char B1 / B1 bis) in the ranks of the Wehrmacht. Therefore, it makes no sense to fully describe history the creation and combat path of the tank in the ranks of the French army, reflect only the most necessary to complete the picture.
At the end of the First World War, France was the owner of the largest tank fleet, but most were battered in battles and demanded replacement. A new machine, except for the heavy 2C, was not.
Therefore, in 1919, the French General Staff developed a new program for the development of tanks. It was adopted in June 1920, and assumed the creation of the so-called. “Battle tank” Char de Bataille. In January, 1921 was formulated by the TTT project, and its development was entrusted to General Etienne (Chairman of the Technical Section of the General Staff). Delaunay-Belleville, FAMN, FCM, SRA (Schneider-Renault type A) and SRB (Schneider-Renault type B) were involved in the development.
The first prototypes were introduced in 1924. Despite the common task, the machines were noticeably different. It was felt the influence of the British tank school since the First World War. To maintain secrecy, the car received the designation "Tracteur 30". Tractor...
The work done made it possible to clarify the requirements for the tank and continue to work, but because of difficulties with financing, Renault only collected the first prototype in 1929 year. And in April, 1930 of the year could carry out modifications, mount the gun and roll out the car for testing. This prototype received the 101 number, had a 35 mm reservation, armed with the Schneider 75-mm tool instead of the one planned from Saint-Chamon. In the tower was mounted 2 machine gun. At the same time, there is a change in the designation "Tracteur 30" to "Char B", where the letter "B" indicates the type of tank - combat (Batalie).
In the spring of 1930, a prototype No. 102 from FAHM was received (in fact, it was built by Renault), and in September 1930, the company FCM introduced its own tank No. 103. Despite internal structural differences, prototypes of a heavy tank looked almost identical.
In October, the Experimental Division (Detachement d 'Experimentation), stationed at Camp de Chalons, was formed in 1931, to which experienced tanks were transferred in December. Here Char B was tested in winter conditions. The machines underwent various tests up to April 1934. On the tests, prototypes No.102 and No.103 for the main indicators turned out to be almost identical to No.101.
The same spring 1934, the tank is adopted under the symbol B-1, after 13 years after the first technical specification. This fact suggests that the machine is morally obsolete by the time of the release of the series.
The first order for 35 tanks was completed in the 1937 year, this amount was enough for the armament of one battalion, and in the 1938 year he began to carry out military service. Armed with a tank "Char B1" 75-mm gun SA-34 in the sponson in the front hull sheet, and 47-mm gun APX-1 in the tower, as well as machine guns.
Immediately after launching the series, it was decided to upgrade the tank, one of the reasons was also the high cost of the vehicle, about 1,5 million francs (the cost of 10 medium tanks).
Major improvements included:
- increase the thickness of the frontal armor to 60 mm and onboard to 55 mm;
- installation of tower type АРХ4 with 47-mm gun SA35 (with barrel length 32 caliber);
- Reduction of ammunition for 75-mm howitzers to 74 shots;
- dismantling of the course machine gun;
- track width increased to mm 500;
- added the ability to tow a Schneder type cargo trailer weighing up to 800 kg;
- a number of other changes.
The new car received the designation Char B1 bis (which means “second”).
Char B1 bis
In 1936, 70 improved tanks were ordered, and the total order was 1144 tanks, but only 369 machines managed to deliver to the customer.
There was another modification of the tank, named Char B1ter, it was an attempt to completely modernize the tank. The French managed to build only three cars, during evacuation the transport with tanks sank.
The Char B1 and Char B1 bis received their baptism of fire during the French campaign. The first battles took place in Belgium. The French army had a total of 8 battalions of B1 heavy tanks. This was the tank that old Charles de Gaulle preferred because of his great height, and it was in this tank that Pierre Billot performed his feat, these vehicles were quite capable of withstanding small-caliber anti-tank fire artillery Wehrmacht, but due to technical problems, lack of spare parts and fuel, many vehicles were abandoned, irrational use coupled with the impact of the German aviation also led to heavy losses. But local and outstanding successes, like the battle of captain Boyot, could not change the situation.
The Germans got 160 tanks (according to other data, 161) as trophies according to the results of the battles. In the Wehrmacht, the tanks received the designation Panzerkampfwagen B2 740 (f), or, abbreviated, Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f).
Impressed by the collision with these tanks, the Germans decided to certainly find their use in their army. The vehicles were brought to German standards, the improvement included the installation of an additional armor plate to protect the shoulder strap of the tower and the German radio station FuG 5, and German commander's turrets were also installed on some of the vehicles.
Part of the tank was converted into a tractor, alteration was the dismantling of all weapons. And part - in training machines, the same changes, plus the installation of handrails and German equipment. The car was named Fahrschulpanzer B2 (f).
26 May 1940 of the year during the inspection of tanks by Hitler was the idea of converting some of the machines into a flamethrower. Initially issued an order for the conversion of 25 machines, and later increased by another 35 units. The total number of converted tanks is estimated at 60 machines, although it is believed that their number was still greater, since after the transfer of orders for conversion to French factories in 1943, information is lost.
The tank received the name Flammwagen auf Panzerkampfwagen B2 (f), and since the name didn’t stick too much, the machine is called Flamm.Wg.B2 or Pz.Kpfw.B2 (Flamm) in the literature. In total there were three versions of the machine, the differences in flamethrowers and methods of their installation.
The first option is Flamm.Wg.B2. The flamethrower was mounted directly in place of the 75-mm guns with minimal rework, horizontal guidance was carried out by turning the hull. The driver carried out the functions of a flamethrower gunner.
Pz.Kpfw.B2 (Flamm) first version
The second version. The flamethrower was installed in a rotating turret of the same type as on the Sd.Kfz tank. 122 Panzerkampfwagen II Flamm "Flamingo". The flamethrower was already controlled by the gunner, and the visor was made in the armor plate of the hull for ease of aiming.
Sd.Kfz. 122 Panzerkampfwagen II Flamm
Pz.Kpfw.B2 (Flamm) 2 version
After creating the previous two, it was decided to make the third, final version of the tank. It was equipped with a flame thrower rotating in a ball mount, an armored wheelhouse was built for the gunner, and the stockpile of fire mixture was placed in the rear part of the machine in an armored tank with wall thickness 30 mm (before that, as far as the author knows, the fire mixture was placed in tanks inside the machine). The reserve was enough for 200 bursts of a duration of 3-4 seconds, the firing range to 50 meters.
Pz.Kpfw.B2 (Flamm) 3 version
Pz.Kpfw.B2 (Flamm) 3 version: view of the fire tank
The first converted tanks Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f) entered service with the 201 and 202 tank regiments (Pz.Rgt.201 and Pz.Rgt.202), but in the spring of 1941, they were reduced to the 102 tank battalion ( Pz.Abt.102). There is no exact date for this event. Initially, the unit consisted of 24 flamethrower tank Flamm.Wg.B2, but soon they included the 6 “linear” Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f). The tanks were equally divided between the two battalion companies. The cars carried standard German colors, the identification marks were small crosses on the front of the sides and white snakes with an open mouth on the back of the boards.
On 22 June 1941, the battalion was part of the 4 Army Corps Army Group South, and was intended to break through the defense of the Red Army in Western Ukraine.
23 June 1941, the battalion is transferred to the subordination of the headquarters of the 17 Army, which stormed the bunkers of the Przemysl fortified area. June 24 tanks Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f) assisted in the attack of the 24 Infantry Division, and on June 26 the attacks continued, but in conjunction with the 296 Infantry Division “on one of the large forts”. With the participation of flamethrower tanks, a Komsomolets dot was captured in Rawa-Russkoy fortified area. In the report of the commander of the 2 th battalion of the 520 th infantry regiment, a picture of the battle using flamethrowing tanks is visible:
"In the evening of 28 June, the 102 battalion of flamethrower tanks reached the indicated initial positions. The enemy opened fire with cannons and machine guns to the sound of tank engines, but there were no casualties. With a delay caused by thick fog, 5.55 mm Flak opened direct fire on 29 June embrasures of the pillboxes. The anti-aircraft gunners fired up to 8.8, when most embrasures were struck and silenced.
On the green rocket The 102nd Flamethrower Tank Battalion launched an attack at 7.05:88. Engineer units accompanied the tanks. Their task was to plant high explosive charges under the enemy's defensive fortifications. When some pillboxes opened fire, the sappers were forced to take cover in an anti-tank ditch. 1-mm anti-aircraft guns and other types of heavy weapons returned fire. Pillboxes No. 4-XNUMX were suppressed by flamethrower tanks.
The engineers were able to achieve the assigned goals, to lay down and undermine the high-explosive charges.
Dots number 1, 2 and 4 were heavily damaged by 88-mm guns and could only fire periodically. Flame-throwing tanks were able to get close to the pillbox almost closely. Defenders of the pillboxes, despite the significant damage and loss, provided desperate resistance. Two flamethrower tanks were hit by an 76,2-mm Dota No. 3 gun. Both tanks were burned, the crews managed to leave the wrecked cars. The wounded tankers were saved thanks to the brave actions of non-commissioned officer of the sanitary service Kannegisser. Flame-throwing tanks did not manage to hit the pillboxes. The combustible mixture could not penetrate the globular installation inside the dota. The defenders of the fortifications continued to fire. ”
From the report it can be concluded that flamethrowing tanks could only blind and suppress fire. June 30 The 102 Battalion was again transferred directly to the 17 Army headquarters, and July 27 was disbanded due to its low efficiency.
On the use of Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f), the data was preserved in our reports as well. For example, the command of the 20 tank division of the 9 mechanized corps reported that after the battles with units of the 13 tank division of the Wehrmacht, German, Czechoslovak tanks, as well as Renault, Schneider Creuse tanks and English tank shoes were discovered Carden-Lloyd. " Schneider Creuse - is nothing like Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f).
Another unit that was sent to the Eastern Front was the 223 Tank Battalion (Pz.Abt.223), attached as a means of strengthening the 22 Tank Division. The battalion was equipped with 5 tanks Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f) and 12 Flamm.Wg.B2. At the beginning of 1942, these cars were near Sevastopol, taking part in another attempt to storm the city. Subsequently, the battalion was again sent to the Western Front, where its tanks were used in battles against the Anglo-American allies.
Tanks Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f) fought as part of the Wehrmacht 14 Panzer Division.
14-I TD fought in Ukraine, near the Sea of Azov and was eventually surrounded and destroyed in Stalingrad. But in the summer, 1943 of the year re-created on the Eastern Front. At what period of time the tanks Pz.Kpfw.B2 (f) took part in the battles, the author could not be established.
Combat weight, t - 32.
Crew, pers. - 4.
Body length, mm - 6520.
Case width, mm - 2500.
Height, mm - 2790.
Clearance, mm - 450.
Type of armor: cast steel and rolled.
Body forehead, mm - 60.
Body side, mm - 60.
Body feed, mm - 55.
Bottom, mm - 20.
Housing roof, mm - 25.
Front of the tower, mm - 56.
Board turret, mm - 46.
Feed chopping, mm - 46.
The roof of the tower, mm - 30.
Caliber and brand of gun:
75-mm SA 32.
47-mm SA 35.
Gun ammunition:
74 pcs for 75-mm.
50 pcs for 47-mm.
Machine guns: 2 × 7,5-mm "Reibel".
Engine power, l. with. - 307.
Speed on the highway, km / h - 28.
Cruising on the highway, km - 150.
Overcoming rise, hail. - 40.
Breakable wall, m - 0,95.
Overcoming ditch, m - 2,75.
Passable ford, m - 1,45.
In general, de Gaulle's favorite tank (at that time, the commander of the 5 army equipped with these tanks) was rather weak for a heavy infantry support tank.
Colonel Charles de Gaulle shows his tanks to French President Albert Lebrun, October 1939
Not bad armored for its time, it was frankly heavy and slow, and the complex design of the chassis and transmission led to the fact that under high loads or due to driver errors, they easily broke down. During hostilities for this reason, many Char B-1 will be lost.
In addition, all members of the crew, except the radio operator, were assigned additional tasks.
The driver was both a driver and a gunner 75-mm guns. Since the 75-mm howitzer-gun was directed by the crew only vertically, the driver had to carry out horizontal guidance to the entire hull of the tank.
The charger had to not only manage to load two guns, first screwing in the fuse caps and throwing out the spent cartridges, but also pointing the 75-mm gun vertically. And throw away spent cartridges through a special hatch in the floor, so that the crew does not poison powder gases.
Given that the horizontal and vertical 75-mm gun induced two different people, I think we will not talk about accuracy and rate of fire.
The tank commander, instead of watching the battlefield and making decisions, had to direct the 47-mm gun, and if the loader did not have time, then charge it. In addition, each crew member had a machine gun from which they had to periodically fire.
In general, to fight for B1 was a very difficult task.
It is quite clear that the Germans, faced with the problem of the complete absence of heavy tanks from them, happily seized on the idea of using the 1 in their units. The disappointment that befell them was comparable to this joy. Hence the conversion of tanks into a flamethrower, from tanks of the battlefield into tanks of support.
In addition, it turned out that the Russian roads are absolutely not for this tank. B1, as soon as summer ended, began to get stuck everywhere, where there were no prepared roads. That is, everywhere.
The latest information on the use of B1 on the Eastern Front dates back to 1942. The fate of B1 and all its modifications was associated with the Western Front.
A complete list of German units that used the Char B1 / Char B1 bis infantry tanks:
Panzer-Brigade 100.
Panzer-Regimente 100.
Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 100.
Panzer-Abteilung (F) 102.
Panzer-Abteilung 213.
SS-Panzer-Abteilung 'Prinz Eugen'.
Panzer-Kompanie zbV 12.
Panzer-Abteilung 223.
Beutepanzer-Kompanie 223.
I./Artillerie-Regiment 93 of 26. Panzer-Division.
II./Panzer-Regiment 1 of 1. Panzer-Division.
Panzer-Regiment 2 of 16. Panzer-Division.
I./Panzer-Regiment 36 of 14. Panzer-Division.
Panzer-Abteilung 205.
Panzer-Kompanie 206.
Panzer-Kompanie C (ND) 224.
Panzerjager-Abteilung 657 (PK 224).
Favorite of General de Gaulle // Tankomaster. 1998. No.1.
Flame-throwing tanks of the Second World War // Armored collection. 2005. No.2.
French tanks of World War II (part of 1) // Armored collection. 2004. No.3.
AFV Weapons Profile 58 French Infantry Tanks: part I (Char 2C, D and B).
Trackstory 03 - Les Chars B B1-B1bis-B1ter.