Vladimir Putin: Russia focuses on the challenges we must respond to

In an article for Izvestia, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin outlines a range of issues that will be reflected in his presidential election program, and expresses an opinion about the processes taking place in Russia.

Vladimir Putin: Russia focuses on the challenges we must respond to

4 March, Russian citizens will come to the polls to elect a president. There are a lot of discussions in society now.

I consider it necessary to express my position on a number of issues that seem to me important for broad discussion. What risks and challenges Russia will have to face. What place should we take in global politics and economics. Will we follow the development of events or themselves participate in the formation of the rules of the game. Thanks to what resources we will be able to strengthen our position and, I stress, to ensure stable development. And this, which has nothing to do with stagnation. Because in the modern world, stability is a wealth that can only be earned, earned by hard work, showing openness to change and readiness for urgent, thoughtful and calculated reforms.

Permanently repeated in stories Russia's problem is the striving of a part of its elites for a breakthrough, for revolution instead of consistent development. Meanwhile, not only the Russian experience, but the entire world experience shows the perniciousness of historical jerks: rushing ahead and overthrowing without creation.

This is opposed by another tendency, the opposite challenge - the tendency to stagnation, dependency, noncompetitiveness of elites and a high level of corruption. And at every opportunity, the “subversors” literally before our eyes turn into “self-satisfied gentlemen” who oppose any changes and jealously guard their status and privileges. Or exactly the opposite process takes place - “gentlemen” are transformed into “subversive”.

Hence, the very “short breath” of the policy, its limitations with the questions of the current preservation or redistribution of power and property.

This situation has traditionally been caused by the weakness of public control over politicians, the underdevelopment of civil society in Russia. The situation here is gradually changing, but still very slowly.

There can be no real democracy without the policy being accepted by the majority of the population, reflecting the interests of this majority. Yes, it is possible for a short period to entice a significant part of society with voiced slogans, images of a beautiful future; but if then people do not see themselves in this future - they will turn away from politics and from public tasks for a long time. This has happened more than once in our history.

Today they talk about different forms of updating the political process. But what is proposed to negotiate? How to arrange power? Transfer it to the "best people"? And then what? What we shall do?

I am concerned that there is practically no discussion about what should be done outside the framework of the elections, after the elections. In my opinion, this does not meet the interests of the country, the quality of development of our society, the level of its education and responsibility.

Russian citizens, it seems to me, should be able to discuss not only the advantages and disadvantages of politicians, which in itself is not bad, but the content of the policy, the programs that certain politicians intend to implement. Challenges and tasks that should be the focus of these programs. How can we improve our lives, make our social system more equitable. What vector of economic and social development we prefer.

We need a broad dialogue - about the future, about priorities, about long-term choice, national development and national perspectives. This article is an invitation to such a dialogue.

Where we are and where we go

Russia today on the basic parameters of economic and social development emerged from a deep recession that followed the collapse of the totalitarian model of socialism and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Despite the crisis of 2008 – 2009, which “deducted” from our efforts for two whole years, we achieved and overcame indicators of the standard of living of the most prosperous years of the USSR. For example, life expectancy in Russia is already higher than in the Soviet Union in 1990 – 1991.

The economy is developing - and this is primarily people, their work, their income, their new opportunities. Compared to the 1990 years, poverty today has decreased more than 2,5 times. The “zones of stagnant poverty” have practically become a thing of the past, when capable and active people in big cities could not find work or were not paid their salaries for months.

According to independent studies, the real incomes of four out of five Russians exceed the level of 1989 of the year - the “peak” of the development of the USSR, after which the decline and imbalance of the entire socio-economic organism of the country began. More 80% of Russian families today have a higher level of consumption than the average level of consumption of the Soviet family. The provision of home appliances has grown by half, to the level of developed countries. Every second family has a car - an increase of three times. Significantly improved living conditions. Not only the average citizen of Russia, but also our pensioners now consume more basic foodstuffs than in 1990.

But what is especially important is that in Russia over the past 10 years a significant stratum of people has been formed, which in the West is referred to the middle class. These are people with incomes that make it possible to choose, in fairly wide limits, whether to spend or save what to buy and how to rest. They can choose a job that they like, they have certain savings.

And finally, the middle class is people who can choose politics. They, as a rule, have the level of education that allows you to consciously treat the candidates, and not “vote with your heart.” In short, the middle class began to really formulate their requests in different directions.

In 1998, the middle class was from 5 to 10% of the population - less than in the late USSR. Now the middle class, according to various estimates, ranges from 20 to 30% of the population. These are people whose incomes are more than three times higher than the average earnings of 1990 of the year.

The middle class must grow further. Become a social majority in our society. To replenish at the expense of those who are dragging on themselves the country - doctors, teachers, engineers, skilled workers.

The main hope of Russia is a high level of education of the population, and above all our youth. This is exactly the case - even with all the known problems and complaints about the quality of the national educational system.

Among our citizens at the age of 25 – 35, 57% have higher education - this level except for Russia is noted only in 3 countries of the world: in Japan, South Korea and Canada. The explosive growth in educational needs continues: in the next generation (15 – 25 years), it is fit to talk about universal higher education - it gets or is seeking to get more 80% of boys and girls.

We are entering a new social reality. The “educational revolution” radically changes the very image of Russian society and the Russian economy. Even if at the moment our economy does not need so many workers with higher education, we cannot return back. People should not adapt to the existing structure of the economy and the labor market - the economy should become such that citizens with a high level of education, with a high level of demands, can find a worthy place for themselves.

The main challenge for Russia is that we must learn to use the “educational drive” of the younger generation, to mobilize the increased demands of the middle class and its willingness to be responsible for their own welfare to ensure economic growth and sustainable development of the country.

More educated people - this is longer life expectancy, it is a lower level of crime, antisocial behavior, a more rational choice. All this in itself creates a favorable background for our future.

But this is not enough.

The increase in wealth in the past decade was largely due to the actions of the state, including by restoring order in the distribution of natural rent. We used oil revenues to increase incomes of the population in order to get millions of people out of poverty. And also - to have national savings in case of crises and cataclysms. Today, this potential of the “raw materials economy” is drying up, and most importantly, it has no strategic prospects.

Already in the basic, programmatic documents of the year 2008, taken immediately before the crisis, the main task was to diversify the economy and create new sources of growth.

It is necessary to form a new economy for educated and responsible people. In each of their hypostases - professionals, entrepreneurs or consumers.

Over the next 10 years, 10 – 11 million young people will enter the economy, of which 8 – 9 million will have a higher education. Already today, 5 million people with higher education are not satisfied with the salary, but also with the nature of their work, lack of prospects in the labor market. Another 2 – 3 million - specialists of public institutions who want to find a new job. In addition, 10 million people are employed in industries built on archaic, backward technologies. Such technologies should be a thing of the past - and not only because they lose out on the market. Some of them are simply dangerous for the health of workers and for environmental well-being.

So creating 25 million new, high-tech, well-paid jobs for people with a high level of education is not a beautiful phrase. This is a must, a minimum level of sufficiency. Around the solution of this nationwide task it is necessary to build a state policy, consolidate the efforts of business, create the best business climate.

I am convinced that today's and especially tomorrow's personnel potential of our country allows us to claim the strongest position in global economic competition.

The future Russian economy must meet the needs of society. It should provide higher labor income, more interesting, creative work and create wide opportunities for professional growth, build social elevators.

It is this, and not only GDP figures, the volume of foreign exchange reserves, the ratings of international agencies and Russia's high place among the largest economies in the world will be critical in the coming years. First of all, people should feel the positive changes, and first of all through the expansion of their own capabilities.

But the engine of growth must and will be precisely the initiative of citizens. We will obviously lose, if we rely only on the decisions of officials and a limited number of large investors and state-owned companies. We will obviously lose if we rely on the passive position of the population.

So the growth of Russia in the coming decade is the expansion of the space of freedom for each of us. Well-being from the hands of someone, well-being without responsibility for their decisions in the 21st century is simply impossible.

We face another challenge. The general phrases about the consent and benefits of charity are revealed by an inadequate level of people's trust in each other, an unwillingness to engage in public affairs, to care for others, the inability to rise above private interests - this is a serious and long-standing ailment of our society.

In Russian culture there is a big historical tradition of respect for the state, for the public interests, for what the country needs. The absolute majority of Russians want to see our country great and strong, respects the heroes who put their lives for the common good. But, unfortunately, pride or resentment for a power is not always realized in everyday, everyday life - in participation in local government, in readiness to speak out in defense of the law, in real charity.

As a rule, not indifference and egoism are behind this. And an elementary disbelief in one’s own strength or distrust of one’s neighbor.

But here, in recent years, the situation has gradually changed. Citizens are more and more often not limited to fair demands on the authorities, but they themselves undertake many prosaic but very necessary things: improvement of courtyards, care for the disabled, assistance to the needy, organization of children's leisure and much more.

From 2012, the state will begin to help such initiatives: at the federal level and in many regions, programs have been adopted to support socially oriented non-governmental non-profit organizations. In the future, we will significantly increase the scale of such programs. But in order for them to truly work, you need to firmly confront the prejudice against social activists that is resilient in the bureaucratic environment. Behind this prejudice is the unwillingness to share resources, the desire to avoid competition, and the fear of real demand for the assigned work.

An invaluable role in social service, in overcoming people’s disunity, building trust and willingness to peacefully resolve conflicts that are inevitable in a rapidly developing society, is played by traditional religions — Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. The school and the media, television and the Internet community can and should do much in this regard.

A society of free people is not at all the same as a crowd of lonely calculating egoists who are indifferent to the common good. We have never been and never will be such a crowd. Personal freedom is productive if you remember and think of others. Freedom without moral basis turns into arbitrariness.

Trust between people develops only when society is held together by common values ​​and people have not lost their ability to believe, honesty, and a sense of justice. And respect for the law arises only when it is one for all, it is respected by everyone and at the core of it is the truth.

The social portrait of our future will be incomplete, if not to mention one more, most important problem. 10 – 11% of our citizens still remain below the poverty line in their incomes. For a variety of reasons. By the end of this decade, we need to solve this problem. Overcome poverty, unacceptable for a developed country. To use for this purpose both the resources of the state and the efforts of the society, its interested, active part. Target the social assistance system and support the philanthropic movement.

In Russia, the system of social mobility, social elevators, corresponding to modern society, should be fully formed. We need to learn how to compensate for the negative social consequences of a market economy and the inequality organically generated by it. Just as countries that have long lived under capitalism have learned to do this. This is a special, special support that children from poor families receive when receiving education. This is social housing for low-income families. This is a complete overcoming of any discrimination of persons with disabilities, ensuring their equal access to all life benefits and to good work. A society will be successful only when our citizens have no doubt about its justice.

On a new stage in global development

The global crisis that erupted in 2008 year has affected everyone, has re-evaluated a lot.

It is no secret to anyone that the economic storm was triggered not only by cyclical factors and failures in regulation. The root of the problems is accumulated imbalances. The model, built on rampant borrowing, on life in debt and eating away the future, on virtual rather than real values ​​and assets, has stalled. In addition, the wealth generated is extremely unevenly distributed and distributed among individual countries and regions. And it also reduces global sustainability, provokes conflicts, reduces the ability of the world community to reach agreement on acute, principled issues.

Fake entities appear not only in the economy, but also in politics, the social sphere. A kind of illusory "derivatives" also arise here. The crisis in the developed countries showed one dangerous and, in my opinion, purely political tendency: to a blind, populist build-up of the state’s social obligations - irrespective of the increase in labor productivity, to the formation of social irresponsibility in certain segments of the population of these countries. But now it becomes clear to many: the era of welfare states "on someone else's hump" is ending.

No one can live better than it works. This requirement fully applies to Russia.

We did not play dummy. Our economic policy was thoughtful and prudent. In the pre-crisis period, we significantly increased the volume of the economy, got rid of debt dependence, raised the real incomes of citizens, created reserves that allowed the crisis to pass with minimal losses to the standard of living of the population. Moreover, in the midst of the crisis, we were able to significantly increase pensions and other social benefits. But many people, especially from among the oppositionists, pushed us to spend what oil revenues brought. What would happen to the same pensions if we were led by populists?

Unfortunately, populist rhetoric resounded in the recent parliamentary campaign. Probably, we will hear it and in the course of the presidential campaign from those who obviously do not hope to win, and therefore feel free to give out promises that they will not have to fulfill. I will say with complete frankness: we must continue to persistently use all opportunities to improve the lives of our citizens, but, as before, we cannot act “at random”, so that, unlike some Western countries, we should not be faced with the need to take much more from people than frivolously distributed.

It should be recognized that in terms of scale, today's global imbalances are such that they can hardly be eliminated within the framework of the current system. Yes, market fluctuations can be overcome. And in most countries, a set of tactical measures has now been developed, which allows us to respond to acute manifestations of the crisis with varying degrees of success.

But in a deeper long-term sense, current problems are not at all opportunistic in nature. By and large, what the world is facing today is a serious systemic crisis, a tectonic process of global transformation. This is a visible manifestation of the transition to a new cultural, economic, technological, geopolitical era. The world is entering a zone of turbulence. And, of course, this period will be long and painful. There is no need to harbor illusions.

The final of the system that has developed over 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the phenomenon of "unipolarity", is also obvious. Now the former single “pole of power” is no longer able to maintain global stability, and new centers of influence are not yet ready to do so. The sharply increased unpredictability of world economic processes and the military-political situation in the world requires the confidential and responsible cooperation of states, and above all the permanent members of the Security Council, the G8 and G20 countries. Constant efforts are needed to overcome mutual suspicion, ideological prejudices and short-sighted egoism.

Now, the largest economic centers, instead of serving as development engines, giving stability to the world economic system, increasingly give rise to problems and risks. Social and ethnocultural tension is rapidly increasing. In a number of regions of the planet, they “unwind” and aggressively declare themselves destructive forces, which ultimately threaten the security of all the peoples of the Earth. Objectively, those states that try to “export democracy” using force and military methods sometimes become their allies.

Even the most good goals can not justify the violation of international law and state sovereignty. In addition, experience shows that, as a rule, initial goals are not achieved, and costs incomparably exceed expectations.

Under these conditions, Russia can and should adequately play the role dictated by its civilization model, great history, geography and its cultural genome, which organically combines the fundamental foundations of European civilization and the centuries-old experience of interaction with the East, which is now actively developing new centers of economic power and political influence.

What is the state of Russia facing the impending era of global transformation?

In 1990, the country experienced a real shock of decay and degradation, of tremendous social costs and losses. A total weakening of statehood against such a background was simply inevitable. We really came to a critical point. The fact that several thousand gangsters, albeit with the support of certain external forces, decided in 1999 to attack a state with a million-strong army, speaks of the tragedy of the situation at that time. Too many thought that we could finally finish.

I remember well the text of the information intercepted by the FSB at the time, which was sent abroad to its accomplices by one of the most odious and bloody international terrorists who killed our people in the North Caucasus - Khattab. He wrote: “Russia is weaker than ever. Today we have a unique chance: to take the North Caucasus from the Russians. ” The terrorists miscalculated: the Russian army, with the support of the Chechen and other peoples of the Caucasus, defended the territorial integrity of our country and the unity of the Russian state.

However, we needed tremendous exertion of forces, mobilization of all resources in order to get out of the pit. Collect the country. Return to Russia the status of a geopolitical subject. To establish a social system and raise the underlying economy. To restore the elementary controllability of power.

We had to revive the authority and strength of the state as such. To revive, without having deeply rooted democratic traditions, mass political parties and a mature civil society, and at the same time facing regional separatism, the domination of oligarchy, corruption, and sometimes the presence of outright crime in government.

The immediate task in such circumstances was the restoration of the real unity of the country, in other words, the establishment throughout its territory of the sovereignty of the Russian people, and not the domination of individuals or groups.

Now, few people remember how difficult this task was, what efforts it took to solve it. Few people remember that the most authoritative experts and many international leaders at the end of 1990 agreed on a single forecast for the future of Russia: bankruptcy and collapse. The current situation in Russia - if you look at it through the eyes of 1990-s - would look to them just super-optimistic fiction.

But just such “forgetfulness” and today's public readiness to try on Russia with the highest standards of quality of life and democracy are the best evidence of our success.

It is precisely because in recent years we all, the people of Russia, have achieved a lot in addressing the most urgent and urgent tasks, the country has stood up to the blows of the global crisis. And today we still have the opportunity to talk about prospects and strategies.

The recovery period is over. The post-Soviet stage in the development of Russia, however, as in the development of the whole world, has been completed and exhausted.

All prerequisites have been created for moving forward - on a new base and in a new capacity. And even in harsh, far from comfortable foreign policy and foreign economic conditions. At the same time, the irreversible global transformation is a tremendous chance for us.

And here I would once again like to say why I agreed to run in 2012 for the presidency of Russia. I do not want and I will not belittle anyone's merits in the formation of a new country. There were a lot of them. But the fact remains that in the 1999 year, when I became the chairman of the government, and then the president, our state was in a state of deep systemic crisis. And it was precisely the group of like-minded people who was destined to form and lead the author of these lines, relying on the support of the absolute majority of citizens, on national unity around common tasks, led Russia out of the impasse of the civil war, broke the backbone of terrorism, restored the country's territorial integrity and constitutional order, revived economy and has provided over the years 10 one of the highest in the world economic growth and increase the real income of our people.

Today we see what has been done successfully, which worked efficiently. And vice versa - what needs to be corrected, what things should be completely abandoned.

Our task for the coming years I see is to remove from the road of national development everything that hinders us from moving forward. To complete the creation in Russia of such a political system, such a structure of social guarantees and protection of citizens, such a model of the economy, which together will constitute a single, vibrant, constantly developing and at the same time stable and stable, healthy state organism. Able to unconditionally guarantee the sovereignty of Russia and the prosperity of the citizens of our great power for decades to come. To defend the justice and dignity of each person. Truth and trust in relations between the state and society.

We still have not solved many problems. There are also new complex problems, but we are able to wrap them up for our own benefit, for the benefit of Russia.

Russia is not a country that is retreating before the challenges. Russia is focusing, gathering strength and adequately responding to any challenges. Overcomes trials and always wins. We have grown a new generation of creative and responsible people who see the future. They are already coming and, of course, they will continue to come to the management of enterprises and entire industries, government agencies and the whole country.

It depends only on us how we will respond to today's challenges and how we use our chance to strengthen ourselves and our position in a rapidly changing world.

In the coming weeks, I intend to submit to the public discussion more specific considerations on this subject.
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  1. Lytzeff
    16 January 2012 09: 24
    Well, wait and see - we just want to listen not to pleasant words, but to see all this in practice and feel on ourselves ...
    1. +8
      16 January 2012 10: 02
      you already feel ...........
      1. Lytzeff
        16 January 2012 11: 17
        no, I don’t feel, and you can’t change something so that I feel it, and it’s not the rating
    2. fktrctqxbr
      16 January 2012 22: 20
      Putin says he is worried that there is no civic initiative - what to discuss, propose, share opinions, what to do after the election.
      So it asks if I need it ???
      I’ll choose him, so let him think about what to do after the elections. I'd rather sit at home, grumbling that they are "thieves and crooks"
      1. 0
        17 January 2012 16: 17
        Your clear civil position!
        I will not repeat, see lower post!
        That's the way we have most ...
  2. +36
    16 January 2012 09: 36
    I think it is right not to shout out - swindlers and thieves, not to stand in the squares and create some kind of "house" and say: they say everything is so bad, etc., but go about your business, do what you know how and help OUR COUNTRY!
    I Love My COUNTRY, as it is!
    We must live, create and see what happens!
    And to all proamers and screaming that everything is bad - I ask you to close your mouth, or break your hands and tear your head out!
    PS Everyone is peace.
    1. 755962
      17 January 2012 01: 53
      For the sake of this alone it is worth fighting
  3. alexander hjcnjd
    16 January 2012 09: 42
    Yeah, of course, for 12 years he drove the country into a big w ... y, and now he tells fairy tales. Officials increased 3 times compared to the 90s and nothing. From BRIC we were flooded. Absolutely all actions were the same as those of the rest countries of this organization, but the level of corruption brought everything to naught. I did not know that we were expelled from this organization, the teacher told us during a lecture at the Faculty of Economics. The VP did not say a word about what would reduce the bureaucratic apparatus, it turns out that " new wine in old skins. "By the way, the middle class is primarily determined by the financial situation, so it seems to me that we do not have a middle class. The rights of other countries to sovereignty and security are certainly good, but the right of citizens to fair elections can be wiped off.
    1. yorik_gagarin
      16 January 2012 10: 14
      Alexander, in view of your young age, you probably inadequately evaluate the events of the 90s. There was no need to drive anyone anywhere. The country of Russia was not officially. The fact that Putin did a miracle, fools do not understand this, or the Jews do not want to believe it.
    2. +16
      16 January 2012 10: 16
      alexander hjcnjd, you can easily replace your teacher, it is not for him to teach you, his qualifications are dubious, tk. it is impossible to exclude from BRIC for the reason: "This abbreviation, which denotes the participating countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - was introduced into circulation in 2001 by economist Jim O'Neill, who claims that by 2050 the economies of the BRIC countries will take dominant positions in the world. " - this is not an organization, but just a short listing of some countries.
    3. +7
      16 January 2012 10: 20
      alexander hjcnjd It would not hurt you to start to study the latest history of Russia, including the state of the economy in the 90s. It would also be nice to study the concept of BRIC, what kind of structure it is, who formed it, how the abbreviation appeared, and then make such statements. Russia by definition cannot be excluded from the BRIC, because it was at the initiative of Russia that BRIC took shape as an organization, although the abbreviation itself arose as a financial definition of the fastest growing world economies for easy-to-play stock market games of Goldman Sachs analyst Jimi O, Neela .. In short, study material on an adult basis, not on the words of a teacher.
      1. alexander hjcnjd
        16 January 2012 23: 02
        As for the BRICs, I admit, I was wrong.
    4. -2
      16 January 2012 10: 33
      Quote: Alexander Hjcnjd
      Yeah, of course 12 years drove the country into a big well ... u, and now tells tales.

      And how without it? Ensure a relatively good existence for 12 years ... Why not?

      Quote: Alexander Hjcnjd
      Bureaucracy has increased 3 times compared to 90-mi and nothing.

      This is where it is three times? Something modest ... Here we have published data, in 1990, the regional executive committee of the Voronezh region had 293 employees. Today in the administration of the region and the apparatus of the governor of 1286 there are people.

      Quote: Alexander Hjcnjd
      From BRIC we were flooded.

      When is that???

      Quote: Alexander Hjcnjd
      but the right of citizens to fair elections can be wiped.

      It is possible, to sense that ...

      What minusuete, truth hurts?
    5. +4
      16 January 2012 12: 12
      alexander hjcnjd,
      From the BRIC they didn’t trample on us in the first place. Secondly, corruption is the same as in other countries of the world (although corruption is legalized in the United States and called lobbying) Thirdly, how is it that there is no middle class? Yes, the troll is with you, my dear, there’s nothing to talk about at all, only sawdust in your head lol
      1. +3
        16 January 2012 12: 46
        I think, not only sawdust =))
        Man is simply far from this world ... And he does not understand what is happening at all.

        Proamers! You can express your opinion here, but I'm afraid more than 90% of the participants in this forum will not agree with you.
        I ask you to! Check out at least the story of OUR MOTHERLAND from the reign of Yaroslav the Wise to the present.
        1. alexander hjcnjd
          16 January 2012 23: 17
          I admit I was mistaken about BRIC. I am well acquainted with the history of our homeland. And I think that America needs to learn a lot and take a lot as an example. I do not say that America is perfect, but this does not mean that all attention needs to be focused on a small number of shortcomings and turn a blind eye to the huge number of advantages of this system. And this is my opinion. By the way, Chuck-Norris and LaGlobal, I do not insult you because you have it different.
          1. 0
            19 January 2012 14: 48
            Firstly, no one insulted you, and secondly, you don’t need to learn anything from America !!! If you need to study, pass your passport to the passport office, buy a visa and fly there.
            1. 0
              19 January 2012 15: 57
              Forgot to add!
              If you have such teachings as:
              prostitution, fagots, lesbians, transvestites and other evil spirits - then I xs, honestly, why do you live then? (!)
              Yes, of course, thanks to them for iPhones and other h..nyu. But what is surprising is the fact that all this is thanks to OUR MINDS.
              Draw conclusions.
      2. lightforcer
        16 January 2012 16: 21
        It is not necessary to equate Russians with Americans; corruption has been taught here since school. And for nepotism or a present in the responsible place is a complete layman. And in the USA, people strive to work and earn money, you won’t get sick there.
        1. Trezvomag
          16 January 2012 18: 08
          Quote: lightforcer
          And for nepotism or a present in a responsible place is a complete layman

          Excuse me, doesn’t there be such a thing as the Kennedy clan in the USA that you’ve presented? And the fact that at first 1 Bush steered the country, then the second came steered, is this not nepotism?
          1. +2
            16 January 2012 18: 09
            Their nepotism is democratic, and our totalitarian lol
          2. lightforcer
            16 January 2012 20: 52
            George Jr. did not bring dad to the presidency. Could the other who was there - Carrie be defeated?
            1. +4
              17 January 2012 02: 15
              lightforcer, You are always in your fantasies ... Do you really think that the presidents in the United States are those whom the people have chosen, and not those who will pursue a policy beneficial to the Fed owners? No, I'm just wondering
              1. lightforcer
                17 January 2012 20: 53
                No, I believe that the Fed, the Jews and Martians rule the world.
    6. +1
      16 January 2012 22: 42
      If I forgot then ..pa was from 1990 to 2000,
      1. evg5835
        17 January 2012 13: 48
        Exactly ... I was under Yeltsin. And everything could have ended simply tragically for all of us. Putin literally pulled the country out of a very dangerous state by the "hair". I never cease to be amazed at people, I have eyes and do not see, I have ears and do not hear. Everyone wants to get everything at once, and even doing nothing at the same time) Russia has to work a lot and hard, and not have fun if we need a better future. There is an excellent saying that perfectly characterizes the history of our country: "I don't have time for fat, I should live." Good luck everyone)
  4. +8
    16 January 2012 09: 46
    The road will be overpowered by a walker. The commander is coming and God grant him strength so that everything conceived is fulfilled. A challenge for the titans, no stretch. Especially now, when the world is on the verge of a third world war. It is necessary to support how much strength and opportunity.
    1. -11
      16 January 2012 10: 51
      Well, he knows how to manipulate people, everyone knows that. Yes, the country did not fall apart in the early 2000s, but nothing more. The explored oil reserves are running out in the coming years, and to find and start developing new ones takes a lot more time. Of the new capacities, we basically only have assembly machines. Now they have entered the WTO, duties will soon decrease, and it will not be so profitable for foreigners to collect cars from us. Due to the same duties, livestock breeding is also unlikely when it rises, apart from, possibly, chickens. The development of municipal districts is also impossible. For the cities themselves and villages to ennoble themselves and pay supplements to the poor, it must be that most of the taxes remain in the regions and not go up, as they are now. And so most likely it will continue. Our supreme bosses love to manage money themselves. So Putin is not a panacea for all ills. In exactly the same way, I'm sure the country can be controlled, if not better, by Zyuganov, Mironov, and Prokhorov.
      1. +6
        16 January 2012 11: 19
        Due to the same duties, livestock breeding is also unlikely when it rises, apart from, possibly, chickens.
        Sami vkurse business ?? or so from independent online publications.
        For agriculture, a lot has been done recently, such as subsidized leasing, soft loans, payment for increasing the growth of CG and L for each CG and Liter, I know firsthand that my friend has a father, deputy head of the local agricultural holding http: //www.agrohold-niva -group.ru/ who are interested.
        Nobody wants to work with his words, but there are all conditions !!!!
        1. Astral
          16 January 2012 12: 15
          You do not ask the agricultural holding, but crossed the Urals and descended from the village. There’s a lot of interesting things to tell you on this topic. And then agriculture was allowed, like the sense of the word, given to the bourgeoisie, and the population can no longer keep even a parasitic parasite in their own water, because it is not profitable. Drink diluted milk and sausage with 20% of the meat of your agricultural holdings. It is advantageous to deceive the naro. So don’t flattery with his rumors from the fathers of one of the head of the holding.
          Do you know how to repay these loans and pay for leasing? Here first talk to the people.
        2. Astral
          16 January 2012 12: 16
          Quote: urzul
          Reply Quote Complaint

          You do not ask the agricultural holding, but crossed the Urals and descended from the village. There’s a lot of interesting things to tell you on this topic. And then agriculture was allowed, like the sense of the word, given to the bourgeoisie, and the population can no longer keep even a parasitic parasite in their own water, because it is not profitable. Drink diluted milk and sausage with 20% of the meat of your agricultural holdings. It is advantageous to deceive the naro. So don’t flattery with his rumors from the fathers of one of the head of the holding.
          Do you know how to repay these loans and pay for leasing? First, talk to the people
        3. Astral
          16 January 2012 12: 17
          You do not ask the agricultural holding, but crossed the Urals and descended from the village. There’s a lot of interesting things to tell you on this topic. And then agriculture was allowed, like the sense of the word, given to the bourgeoisie, and the population can no longer keep even a parasitic parasite in their own water, because it is not profitable. Drink diluted milk and sausage with 20% of the meat of your agricultural holdings. It is advantageous to deceive the naro. So don’t flattery with his rumors from the fathers of one of the head of the holding.
          Do you know how to repay these loans and pay for leasing? First, talk to the people
          1. +2
            16 January 2012 12: 29
            Selkhozbank if that, but where is this holding where you think ?? at least look at the address, it works just the village !!! In the Nizhny Novgorod Region, its production of pork on 70% beef on 25% chicken on 100% provides itself. what other arguments ???
          2. +5
            16 January 2012 12: 50
            "Talk to the people first." So what?
            After all, we have such a mentality, blame all around, but not to blame the seed.
            you feel bad not because Putin and Medvedev are in power, but because you did nothing to make you feel good.
          3. +2
            16 January 2012 14: 58
            I am behind the Urals, I confirm the words urzul, they do not want to work in the Union of Artists, they want to tax or be directors, but they don’t work, although they may not be able to.
            Knowing a pigsty from a friend and a sawmill, that year he took a tractor he was returned 30% of the cost, everything is profitable (though the forest is finished)))))
        4. 0
          16 January 2012 15: 00
          Yeah, there is. In the Tula region, for example, there is practically no livestock left. And I didn’t ask anyone, but saw with my own eyes.
          1. +2
            16 January 2012 19: 33
            What did you see ?? one looted state farm where you go to your grandmother ?? so we have a lot of them, but it is the chairmen who blamed them all for the fault. Now their lands are successfully buying up new holdings that arose on the state farm’s place, so that the leadership’s hands grew from the right place
      2. yorik_gagarin
        16 January 2012 11: 30
        Putin flew into a car without brakes, which was already rushing off a cliff ...... and hell knows how to stop by a hill, catching a twig ..... and you tell him something you drive Vladimir inappropriately .... Zyuganov and Mironova and in a nightmare not to dream that they will become presidents of the Russian Federation.
  5. dimaas
    16 January 2012 10: 17
    Again the same blah blah. Not a word about political reform.
    It's funny that at the same time there was news that the Putin clan topped the list of wealthy families http://www.inosmi.ru/russia/20120114/182805461.html
    1. +7
      16 January 2012 12: 06
      "The British newspaper The Sunday Times and the Czech Lidov noviny counted the money of the Russian prime minister and his relatives and claim" this is an excerpt from the article. Since when will we trust the yellow press? Do you believe, such as you believe in anything wink
      1. dimaas
        16 January 2012 14: 11
        I don't really care how much money Putin has. I'm only interested in his actions. The main result of his activities is the construction of a "vertical of power" in which the distribution of national wealth and control over this distribution is carried out by one and the same political force. One can only fail to understand that this leads to total corruption. But Putin does not go for sure. Therefore, the publication of the type in the given link does not cause rejection for me. And every time I see another Putin appointment based on the principle of personal loyalty, it fits perfectly into the scheme of a thief-king.
        1. +4
          16 January 2012 15: 04
          The construction of the vertical of power and the unification of legislation were precisely the gaining of control over the processes as such, from the moment of building the vertical the progressive development of the country began and the squabble for power stopped
        2. -9
          16 January 2012 15: 05
          That's for sure. And some of them on the site are called skilled government. It’s funny. And the fact that there is no alternative to Putin is unproven.
          1. +6
            16 January 2012 15: 37
            So name this alternative - together and laugh.
            1. -3
              16 January 2012 15: 55
              I laugh when they say that only Putin is the salvation of Russia. fellow And the rest of the people, and according to him, we have more than 50% of people with higher education, are all stupid people, anti-patriots and bedmakers. The teams of Mironov, Zyuganov, Prokhorov will cope no worse. Supporters of Putin are extremely thieves and are unlikely to stop, but the fact that other teams are the same is not a fact. It’s ridiculous to leave corrupt officials in power, hoping that they are full, but you can risk checking others. More than there is - neither Putiners, nor others can, but only others can do better, and this credit of trust is over. He is blind and does not see what Serdyukovs, Fursens and others like them are doing? Do not make people laugh.
              1. 0
                16 January 2012 16: 44
                That - that Zyuganov already described himself in 96, when the power itself fell into his hands. They all need a feeding trough, not power with full responsibility for their actions. Give them Putin the real power, but they will throw a tantrum and kick off their hands and feet. This is not yelling at rallies (by the way, none of the mandates to the Duma, yelling about fraudulent elections, DID NOT REFUSED. There you can safely "cut loot", bawl and not answer for anything!)
                1. -6
                  16 January 2012 18: 59
                  I do not know. Power is the biggest feeder, and Zyuganov refused it. Perhaps it was because he was really afraid of the outbreak of civil war that Yeltsin promised him. This is Yeltsin for the sake of power and the dough even went to the shooting of the Supreme Council. And now Putin is also scaring everyone that without him we will be in complete ...
                  1. CEO
                    16 January 2012 22: 23
                    I would be in the place of Putin, like you, or rather, you and Navalny would have taken to fight corruption .. Well, then apparently some kind of Pidalny would have appeared and cheated on you. Are you ready to fight corruption? Give constructive suggestions.
              2. 0
                19 January 2012 16: 05
                Hmm ... Isn't Prokhorov a thief, But are Zhirinovsky and Zyuganov not thieves?
                Yes, such bitches * as you say there - thieves and swindlers?
                So stolen in 90-e and still continue!
    2. +3
      16 January 2012 15: 02
      In order for there to be words about political reform, it should be in demand in an enormous amount (rather than 1-2%), now the demand for it is weak, there is dissatisfaction with the elements of the system, but it is more about settings than about reorganization, people are asking for executions, we must give him that he is asking
  6. +2
    16 January 2012 10: 26
    The problem of Russia constantly recurring in the history is the desire of a part of its elites to dash, to revolution instead of consistent development. Meanwhile, not only the Russian experience, but the entire world experience shows the perniciousness of historical jerks: rushing ahead and overthrowing without creation.

    The jerk of the elite is not a jerk for the country. This can be seen without optics. Yes, our elite breaks. But repels from all others.

    There can be no real democracy without the policy being accepted by the majority of the population, reflecting the interests of this majority.

    And we have it and not. The policy is adopted by a united Russia, which brazenly seized in the State Duma the leadership of ALL committees. ALL, I stress. What the fuck, crappy, are we talking about? Or is Mr. Putin not aware?

    in Russia over the past 10 years, a significant stratum of people has been formed, which in the West belongs to the middle class. These are people with incomes that make it possible to choose, in fairly wide limits, whether to spend or save what to buy and how to rest. They can choose a job that they like, they have certain savings.

    Further in the text, did not begin to copy everything. That is, everything is on the shelves: elite, forward, there is a middle class, not a word about the rest. From the text I understand that since I am not the middle class (and even more so, not the elite), then I am a cattle who cannot assess politics, vote with their hearts and all that.

    Yes, I trash. I can not afford that, by definition, Putin can afford a middle class. Well, Vladimir Vladimirovich, thank you. You have always been able to set points and articulate.

    I do not believe that the Russia you are writing about will be built for people like me. Waste material, according to your own words. For honesty respect. But I will not vote for GDP.

    The final of the system that has developed over 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the phenomenon of "unipolarity", is also obvious. Now the former single “pole of power” is no longer able to maintain global stability, and new centers of influence are not yet ready to do so.

    Yeah, edro is no longer capable, and the new ones have very successfully spread rot.

    Yes, the elections are not far off, everything is clear.
    1. yorik_gagarin
      16 January 2012 10: 41
      Yes Yes. It’s bad that you’re not balancing about .... you would have led us to a brighter future
      1. -2
        18 January 2012 11: 15
        Sometimes it's better to chew than talk. Especially if there is nothing to say.
    2. +3
      16 January 2012 15: 07
      The elite always rules the lower classes (the version of the cook headed even worse is verified), our elite is poorly formed and unstable, but without the support of the lower classes, the elite is helpless, and the lower classes, in turn, choose for themselves which of the elites is more profitable for him to support
      1. lightforcer
        16 January 2012 16: 29
        Well now, for example, there is no support for the lower classes of the elite, and then what?
        1. +1
          16 January 2012 18: 06
          Quote: lightforcer
          Well now, for example, there is no support for the lower classes of the elite, and then what?

          Well, I don’t agree, there is support, it just started looking for alternatives (preconditions for competition), and support did not become so unanimous but with reservations, or support for someone else (the truth is not clear to anyone)))), and such The political dreadnought has to maneuver, attract support to use reserves (certain elite circles), in 2004 and 2008 he did not need it.
          But foreign foundations and non-profit organizations should be banned IMHO despite a screech abroad, and publicize and remove contacts from them of movements and candidates from the distance until clarification.
  7. predator
    16 January 2012 10: 38
    “A problem that is constantly recurring in the history of Russia is the desire of a part of its elites for a breakthrough, for a revolution instead of consistent development,” writes Vladimir Putin in an article. Our consistent development took place in the 60s and 80s, but in the 90s it all collapsed who and how we all know perfectly well, but the "fat" zero years are lost years, who prevented Putin from making a technological revolution, he himself slowed down everything, and how many billions were lost holding the stabilization fund in American bonds, instead of developing their own economy, I don’t believe Putin, from the very beginning he went like a State Department project, and now he is embarking on the final phase - to finally destroy Russia, and is bringing down for permanent residence in some island on the equator.
    1. +3
      16 January 2012 10: 44
      Do not say nonsense, is it worth waiting for 12 years for this ?? for the first 4 would be completely controlled, especially since there were all the prerequisites.
      and how many billion were lost holding the stabilization fund in US bonds, instead of developing their own economy
      Already share information from economic sources
    2. yorik_gagarin
      16 January 2012 10: 52
      Precisely you say, no one bothered (the whole Jewish Pendo gang was on vacation on Mars at that time). So it’s easy to rule a country without a single functioning institution of power. And who was stopping him ....
    3. +3
      16 January 2012 12: 54
      Yes, so smart, you know so much.
      Maybe you just didn’t live here at that time and can’t evaluate and compare what was and is now!
  8. wk
    16 January 2012 10: 57
    it seems that in this article the GDP FOR THE FIRST TIME has publicly disowned Medvedev’s policy, which he could not control in the past 4 years ... of course, following the agreement, he will nominate DAM for the thought of the post of pre-minister, but the existing thought will reject him ... I think in secret ballot (I don’t know which is required for this procedure) DAM will be voted against even part of the EP ... so GDP will then either dissolve the Duma or present a new prime minister .... I think he will choose the last one, which will be in his favor.
    1. wk
      16 January 2012 11: 29
      For the first time and many more typos, the site slows down
    16 January 2012 11: 03
    Representatives of the Navalny clan and sympathizing with them for some elements of society, zealously lobbying by the West, not only do not see the obvious, but also do not believe Putin’s concrete and practical assurances, therefore there is no place for them in the new Russia.
    1. -15
      16 January 2012 11: 13
      When I wrote, I probably still spread my fingers. smile
  10. Anthrax
    16 January 2012 11: 05
    The middle class must grow further. Become a social majority in our society. To replenish at the expense of those who are dragging on themselves the country - doctors, teachers, engineers, skilled workers.

    Apparently, in order for the middle class to be replenished at the expense of teachers and doctors, it is not planned to index public sector salaries for 2012.
    At the same time, many doctors and teachers receive 4-5 thousand per month.
    such a middle class
    1. NKVD
      16 January 2012 14: 11
      And why did you assume that teachers and doctors are middle class? How do specialists dealing with this issue say that the middle class is small and medium business ... 7% across the country.
      1. lightforcer
        16 January 2012 16: 28
        That is, is this the norm?
  11. yorik_gagarin
    16 January 2012 11: 15
    Medvedev is simply weak in politics. But I think I did my thing. If Putin could not control Medvedev, he would never have put him in his place. It was more convenient for pendos to work with the less solid and experienced Medvedev. I remember how Putin Julia bent over the gas. Until now, he probably regrets that he went to solve such a question with him. If Medvedev had gone for a second term, they would hardly have been able to keep their country (GDP and DAM). In the foreign policy arena, Medvedev did not resolve coordination issues but did not aggravate what I think was his task. I’ll gather all my people for the elections for Putin, I’ll deliver them to their homes ..... only to vote ....
  12. +7
    16 January 2012 11: 36
    It depends only on us how we will respond to today's challenges and how we use our chance to strengthen ourselves and our position in a rapidly changing world.

    In the coming weeks, I intend to submit to the public discussion more specific considerations on this subject.

    Let's refrain from praising the GDP for now and, even more so, from thoughtless stupid criticism, moreover, based on completely incomprehensible sources! We will see "more specific considerations" - then there will be something to talk about and discuss! In the meantime, this is a "declaration of intent", although very good intentions!
    1. +2
      16 January 2012 12: 25
      It is not a matter of praise, this must be left to our distant descendants, when from the distance private insults of individual individuals will not be visible, but the path and history of the country will be studied.
      Putin is not new to management and politics, therefore, one can evaluate his statements as our possible future.
      As for the thoughtless criticism - I agree, there are a lot of it thoughtless (entirely cliches and fabrications), and analyzes of the causes and consequences are almost never found on the Internet.
      This article is the thesis of the future program. It's time to make suggestions and comments. This is best done on the candidate’s website, and here you’ll evaluate your position in relation to others.
  13. Astral
    16 January 2012 11: 57
    Well, this article is nonsense, the exact opposite of reality. They probably took the template from the zealous debate and inserted figures from the times of the USSR. Compare this rotten country with the Mighty USSR. Then it was better to live. Now they are only doing that they grow boltaglot, lawyers and managers.

    And I almost forgot. With such a policy of nurturing and brainwashing, gangsters and zombies are reared.
    1. arhipelag
      16 January 2012 12: 51
      complete nonsense ... carries no meaning, water is water am
  14. +3
    16 January 2012 12: 11
    There are a lot of questions against Putin, as a person, I have nothing against Putin, a political figure. Let's see what program he will offer. Politics is a prostitute: today one, tomorrow another. But if the team remains the same, then there’s nothing to talk about such a candidate. And the prime minister’s past merits should not be belittled, yet Russia has retained its statehood, which under Tsar Boris would definitely not have been.
    1. +1
      16 January 2012 15: 09
      The fact of the matter is that practically the same will remain in power. Putin said: I do not betray people and do not trade. Even if they don’t know a damn thing.
  15. +7
    16 January 2012 12: 15
    The past has already passed. Ahead is the future of Russia. I read the article and once again made sure that the One does not have a clear picture as a whole, not to mention the details.
    Pay serious attention to such words of GDP as: we must, we need, we are entering, we need ... This is about nothing. By the way, observant people have long noticed this feature of GDP.
    Has anyone here worked on a business project? If so, with such a "creation" you will be immediately asked to close the door on the other side.
    Where is the development program of Russia in specific figures, terms, volumes, means, surnames of responsible persons? Where is the rationale, calculations, calculations, potential threats, risks, etc.? Where are they?
    What about the authorities? I didn’t understand something? What kind of dialogue with the people are we talking about?
    Have they really decided to live the life of the people upstairs? Chat in queues, in transport, to live in a kopeck piece for a salary of 10-15 thousand?
    Then this phrase "raised the real incomes of citizens" always makes me laugh Homeric, tk. not a word about the irrepressible rise in prices in all spheres of life. One - absorbs the other. Words words words.
    Not impressed, not inserted, not pleased, not lit.
    1. +2
      16 January 2012 14: 43
      Sorry, to your words: "Anyone present worked on a business project? If yes, then with such a" creation "you will be immediately asked to close the door from the other side." - I wanted to write myself, but changed my mind, and I quote:
      "MOSCOW, January 16 - RIA Novosti. Political analysts believe that the keynote article by Vladimir Putin, published on Monday in the newspaper Izvestia and on the website putin2012.ru, is primarily addressed to the middle class.
      The prime minister and leader of United Russia, who is running for president in the March 2012 elections, published an article "Russia is focusing - challenges we must respond to." As RIA Novosti was informed by the press secretary of the Prime Minister Dmitry Peskov, this article is the introductory part of the election program, which will be a voluminous document (about 100 pages). According to the spokesman, Putin will continue to publish programmatic articles in the near future.."
      1. 0
        16 January 2012 15: 04
        It will be interesting to read. I think we can assess the scale (in numbers, where, what, and in what quantities) and the direction of building a strong Russia. I especially want to believe that there will be indicated and specific leaders and performers and dates. In the meantime, the introduction is water to the mill.
        The often-sounding word stresses, stagnation is also a form of stability.
        We need growth dynamics, a positive trend.
    2. 0
      17 January 2012 02: 29
      Putin hasn’t voiced any program, still ahead. You are confusing something.
  16. J_silver
    16 January 2012 12: 16
    What, Russia, the new Moses is going to drive 40 years in the back streets of the world order?
    It’s best to bring down the GDP from your post before it’s too late - really tired ...
    Even Zyuganov, no matter what the leader, but even less than that ...
    1. +2
      16 January 2012 13: 43
      I believe more in the film "Unknown Putin" where ministers, diplomats and even presidents of other countries talked about him. But certainly not a forum troll.

      PS "really tired ..." - laughed heartily at this moment, to blame because of the fact that he was tired. Selfovn. lol
      1. lightforcer
        16 January 2012 16: 26
        Chake is an actor who is actually a wimp and famous for playing fighters in films. This is not bro. Get out, pendejo.
    2. NKVD
      16 January 2012 14: 23
      The Communists have been in power for more than 70 years, but they didn’t hold on and about ... and it, and as they say 2 times in the same place the bomb doesn’t fall, let it rest and Zyuganov balabol and demagogue ... if we assume that they will come to power it will be remodel for yourself and this is new turmoil ... REMEMBER ABOUT 90s
      1. lightforcer
        16 January 2012 16: 25
        They are still in power, the party is just different. But the people are the same.
  17. hellbringer
    16 January 2012 12: 17
    The article is a go-go PeAr Putin, you read directly and think that he had done this before Mr. Putin? Awoke? He was not given power? Did Uncle Dmitry Anatolyevich interfere? In short, the people dismiss, but there is no alternative to Putin, a vacuum has been created, everything else and even this golemous PR are the appearance of shit democracy for the West.
    1. +3
      16 January 2012 16: 27
      ))) if in the title of the article his name is a surname and a colon, what were you waiting for?
  18. serge
    16 January 2012 12: 19
    Our leaders have learned to praise themselves. Already progress. The middle class has been invented. In fact, our "wealthy" (not middle) class consists mainly of officials, security officials and entrepreneurs. The intellectual elite is simply poor in comparison with them. And as a "middle class "can make up 10-20% of the population? The average is average, because its overwhelming majority. Here is our" middle class "- an apartment, a car, a summer house. As in Soviet times. Apartments and summer cottages are from Soviet times. Income, of course they have increased, but so have the costs.
    By the way, it is stated that the income has grown because of oil, and oil is running out. Therefore, "the engine of growth should be the initiative of citizens."
    In short, tighten our belts and study, study, study.
    Of course, Putin is better than Yeltsin. Better than liberal creatures. And he built the oil economy perfectly.
    But the future is slightly foggy.
    1. +3
      16 January 2012 12: 58
      Partly agree, partly not.
  19. r.anoshkin
    16 January 2012 13: 28
    : we must continue to persistently use all opportunities to improve the lives of our citizens (quote). The next step, please publish a complete list of these citizens .. We used oil revenues to increase the income of the population, in order to pull millions of people out of poverty (quote). Again, where is the list? To defend the justice and dignity of each person (quote). LIST ???? -It should be like and about people "to think", otherwise somehow I forgot about them in the affairs of the sovereign. And they are fleeing from Russia, although they are replaced by new, highly educated, intelligent, instead of running "cowardly-lazy cattle", and who remains, so some are trying to rebel, it would be better if they had fled, the main gray masses had not troubled themselves.
  20. NKVD
    16 January 2012 13: 57
    The GDP has great services to the country, but standing still and resting on our laurels must not move on .... PS And in general, the word "democracy" is already sick of it ..
    1. lightforcer
      16 January 2012 16: 24
      But because there is no democracy. The people are removed from power. Although, when in Russia there was democracy in general?
      1. +1
        16 January 2012 18: 08
        There is no democracy anywhere, we had it in 1917-1922, and probably 1993-1996
  21. +8
    16 January 2012 14: 26
    As they say, ours would eat a calf and a wolf. But it looks like the "calf" has turned into a bison. May God give him strength. I don't remember the last time I went to the polls, but I will definitely go to vote for Putin!
    1. petor41
      16 January 2012 20: 39
      I support, I will also vote for Putin!
      1. paul to
        16 January 2012 20: 41
        I am also for Putin + wife!
        1. CEO
          16 January 2012 22: 30
          I support +2 and parents +2
      2. +2
        17 January 2012 02: 33
        Quote: petor41
        I support, I will also vote for Putin!

        There is practically no doubt that Putin will win. The question is whether there will be a second round. Ideally, it would be better if he were not, then the victory would have been more convincing.
        1. 0
          19 January 2012 16: 13
          Many advantages, because the whole office, + friends, + parents + girl)))
    2. evg5835
      17 January 2012 14: 16
      And I voted for Putin, I vote and I will vote)
  22. +3
    16 January 2012 14: 31
    But do oligarchs and bureaucrats agree on the proposed path of development? They are used to squeezing grandmothers and sawing them, but not working. Therefore, any undertaking, if any, will meet fierce resistance in all available ways. Moreover, with full support and financing from abroad. Therefore, if the GDP wants he cannot manage to carry out such reforms without a total purge of all echelons of power. He must rely on the middle class especially when carrying out such reforms, but for this he needs to be formed. If the professor receives 14 thousand, and the minister considers it normal and put him in the middle class a big mistake. The office plankton formed on the basis of the commodity economy will also be in opposition, it will have a sharp knife on these reforms. Pensioners with beggarly pensions do not know which side they will take. So at the moment there are more questions than answers.
    1. +2
      16 January 2012 18: 10
      Putin relies on the siloviki, they, in turn, apparently have information on the oligarchs, which makes the latter more accommodating, though these siloviki have already acquired dignity
  23. Jedi
    16 January 2012 14: 44
    Lies well! I sure didn’t write it myself!
  24. fdf1234
    16 January 2012 15: 09
    I will be for Putin, just imagine that at least the communists will come and start "the country has been plundered and sold out and we need to roll up our sleeves, tighten our belts and restore the national economy, to live in great Russia, we need to endure" that is, work for free and endure hardships, etc. and whoever does not want to work like this will be put in jail or a little shot and all failures will be blamed on the previous leadership. At the same time, money abroad will be lost, they will be frozen or foreigners will sue for compensation, etc. From the history; Russia has always revived or made a leap in development on the corpses of its citizens. I somehow want to avoid it
    1. lightforcer
      16 January 2012 16: 22
      to work for free and endure hardships, etc. whoever doesn’t want to work like this will be a little jailed or a little shot and all the failures will be blamed on the previous leadership. Moreover, money abroad will be lost, they will be frozen or sued by foreigners including compensation, etc.

      Well, Putin will do it anyway.
  25. +2
    16 January 2012 16: 22
    I will vote for Putin with my wife. Always voted for him.
    1. petor41
      16 January 2012 20: 43
      And I for him!
    2. +1
      17 January 2012 02: 35
      Quote: sprut
      I will vote for Putin with my wife. Always voted for him.

      Same. And at work I spend reasoned agitation. smile
  26. Snalin 2010
    16 January 2012 16: 50
    First of all, I appeal to those who will vote for VVP. If you look around you, it turns out that everything is pretty good. But let's go a little higher. And what we see. The roads are not shaky, not shaky. Bridges are not built in villages ( do not do them yourself). The water supply and sewerage in the villages breathe with adjustment. The aquifer towers are closed for non-payment. The gardens have long been closed because there is no population and children. Cows are slaughtered because It is not profitable to keep them. The average salary in the village of Legostaevo is 3 thousand rubles. Computers were brought to school, but only 11th grades are used for them. The Internet does not rise above 10 KB ... Well, let's go up a little more. And what we see There are no kindergartens, no roads, no apartments are being built, the patches are low. Food products are terrible, The medicine is 90% imported (and counterfeit). Production is standing or decreasing. The housing and utilities sector has become insolent. Gas prices are like in America .... Let's go up a little more. our economy. Zagnite at least one finger where we have a clear order ?!. Astronautics is collapsing. The army is collapsing. Medicine has become paid. Agriculture is on the "edge". Yes, we already import up to 80% of food imports into the country. And almost I forgot to remember our television with a kind word. After all, there is complete debauchery, blood, murder, jokes below the belt. But all this is watched by our children. And advertising, about this advertisement. How many times we asked to remove it, but things are still there. And of course the queen is corruption (who does it ???) .... So Tell me, my dear Putintsy, what are our ministers appointed by Putin doing up there, and what their policies will lead to in the future. China has gone where in 20 years, and these powers that be are waiting for something. Well, let's wait a little longer ... .when NATO comes here.
    1. petor41
      16 January 2012 20: 48
      Snalin 2010
      When NATO arrives, I personally apologize to you for voting in 2012 for Putin!
      1. Snalin 2010
        16 January 2012 21: 49
        A funny thing is life. Why are we so selfish!?. So from the fact that I wrote you were interested only in NATO. And what about the rest? Or are we wearing pink glasses?. And what’s weak to say that we have a king naked! ! ???. tell Putin it’s not a shame that we buy the same webcams in China, we ourselves are not able to make this consumer goods ?. And yet. Tell me, my dear, where did our animation go? Where are our films?. And where is our yard sport.? ..... And if the global economy dips even a little, then ours will fall into tartar. Why? And you take off your pink glasses. Our economy is in place. And plus corruption. With such corruption, any undertakings will turn to dust. Ask yourself: how much is one kilometer of the road? (Hammer in a search engine and read about the quality of these roads and kickbacks to officials ...). And at the expense of NATO. Do you have an Internet, you read about what weapons our Defense Ministry is buying and you will all understand why I mentioned NATO.
        1. evg5835
          17 January 2012 14: 27
          I wish you to take off your "rose-colored glasses" yourself.
    2. CEO
      16 January 2012 22: 35
      Have you been to China?))))))) I would go and see. And then he would write as well with them. And I was and saw. In the depths of such poverty. that I didn’t dream in a nightmare.
      1. Snalin 2010
        17 January 2012 12: 08
        Damn, I tell you about Thomas, you tell me about Yeryomu. I will then ask specifically: But is your Putin not ashamed that he buys the same webcams in China ?. Or have we forgotten how to do this already?
        1. 0
          19 January 2012 16: 20
          I’ll clarify the situation a bit!
          Why in China - yes, because almost 90% of all the electronics of this world is produced there!
          Did you answer your question?
    3. evg5835
      17 January 2012 14: 24
      All this was under Yeltsin on an even larger scale. It became better to live. I will not list you achievements. Take a closer look, you will see for yourself, unless of course you are interested in this. Although I, for example, see them without even looking closely)
      1. Snalin 2010
        17 January 2012 15: 44
        Of course, under Peter-1 we lived badly, in the 20s and 30s we also lived badly. There was no Internet, there was no food as it is now. That's the case right now ..... Dear ones, I don't mean that we are now We live well. I'm talking about the fact that we don't build bridges (we need a bridge in every second village). We don't build river ships (remember "BULGARIA"). We have one aircraft carrier, and that one runs on diesel, and then hardly In our country, housing is not built for free (young people are roaming around in rented apartments). In our country, astronautics are being destroyed. In rural areas, clubs are closed (and those that are standing will soon collapse on their own, because they need repairs). In our country, no one thinks. about the upbringing of a person (look what is going on on television, sheer debauchery and jokes below the belt). And in the end, no one here is trying to fight corruption ..... And you say that our life has become better. Hehe.
        1. petor41
          17 January 2012 16: 14
          Quote: Snalin-2010

          A funny thing is life. Why are we so selfish!?. So from the fact that I wrote you were interested only in NATO. And what about the rest? Or are we wearing pink glasses?. And what’s weak to say that we have a king naked! ! ???

          I wrote only about NATO, because all the other provisions of your comment are controversial! Personally, I feel that life is improving, there are many problems, but I think there are positive changes! Therefore, in order not to get involved in a long and meaningless argument with you, I took out the rest of the points!
  27. polukazak1
    16 January 2012 17: 04
    GDP came to power when the constituent entity of Chechnya seceded from the Russian Federation, in fact, the beginning of the collapse of the country. Explosions in Volgodonsk, Moscow, the desire for revenge among the security forces in relation to the bandits in Chechnya, and most of the people, and this is the second Chechen, great a strong president against a weak Yeltsin is raising popularity. Here and no ideology and election program is needed. The high price of oil brought money to the banking sector and trade. They developed 200-300% of profits in trade, a normal phenomenon for that economy. Production of their goods it is not profitable for some reason. People who said that the imbalance between trade and production would not lead to anything good pointed to the United States and Great Britain - just look in the country banks rule - "respect". Yes, when cheap loans then "respect of course" and took the people relatively cheap loans and ideology are not needed and election programs again. Then a crisis broke out, or rather the collapse of that post-industrial economy and Kudrin to whom production? No "poor" banks, yes shareholders. During other elections, and then it became clear that people need to agitate, prove, participate in the debate. The ER was going to give a ride to the "ball" due to the former rating of the GDP, but it did not work as we can see The gentlemen responsible for the rating of the candidate for President Putin V.V. Are you stepping on the same rake, learn how to work in the end, do you have the administrative resource and the media, when will there be a clear ideology, a program that is clear with the planned figures for the country's development?

    It’s more accurate to say EP in the elections relaxed confidence in the administrative resource and the media. When there is too much advertising, there is a natural rejection
  28. 101
    16 January 2012 17: 32
    The starting points are doubtful. The number of diplomas per capita is not an indicator. You yourself know two books you have read in your luggage, but one WAR AND PEACE is usually for you and a person with higher education. You work poorly. You can live very well. One-party system is convenient for the authorities, but if you wish the good of their country, then a bipartisan is the key to control. You can continue to state, and they themselves know all this.
  29. LiRoy
    16 January 2012 19: 41
    Fortunately, our people have retained the inertia of the great power’s thinking, there is an advantage in this that will allow people to consolidate to solve super-tasks, but this is also the problem, since people can be led to ill-conceived adventures by threatening complete collapse.
    1. 101
      24 January 2012 18: 16
      People must be properly managed and not consolidated. Hurray. Super task. I’ll prepare the harvester or hurray. Overfulfill the norm by 20%. We were charged with the super task so apparently.
  30. KA
    17 January 2012 00: 06
    I join those who say that this article is a lot of empty and beautiful words. Putin has achievements and no one can argue with this, but stagnation is hinting!
    1. Diversification of the economy - not done, we are still a raw material power.
    2. Inflation - a record decline has occurred! But not thanks to Putin’s economic policy, but thanks to the financial crisis: foreign and our capitalists are withdrawing money abroad!
    3. Income growth - salaries of state employees (pensions, benefits) are indexed every year, but the same percentage (and sometimes less) as well as official inflation in the country are growing. Significant uplift happens only on the eve of elections smile
    It can be enumerated for a long time, I think this is how the shooter, who always looks in one direction, “gets blurred,” and Putin does not have new ideas, new approaches to solving the already standing challenges. I pinned great hopes on Medvedev, saying that he was a new man, young, with fresh views ... but you.
    Putin is not a bad person! But as the saying goes: "The old horse will not spoil the furrow, but it does not deeply burst either."
    ps it would be better to discuss ideas on the development of the country and the economy
    1. Snalin 2010
      17 January 2012 11: 04
      I agree with you by 50%. But I would like to add. It wouldn’t hurt Putin, Putin, to put things in order with corruption. Otherwise, it’s all just prafonation. He will save his money and mustache.
  31. toxa-xa
    17 January 2012 01: 00
    Putin has done a lot to raise Russia. But today there is a big problem, the Russian people have no ideology, and although the people are living better and better - there are more and more dissatisfied, living without ideology is like living without meaning. If Putin creates a great idea and promotes it in the minds of the people, then not only the whole of Russia will follow him, but also the peoples closest in spirit. And finally they will sweep away the fucking Western empire of lies and cynicism!
    And if there is a great idea, you can forget about the economy and the army, the people will not care at all, if only to move forward with this idea
  32. Trudy
    17 January 2012 09: 35
    Come on, Vladimir Putin
    Words: V. Slepak

    In distant villages and villages
    Harmonies about love sing ...
    Russia always be cheerful
    And remember your truth.
    Let the weather turn the tornadoes
    But the sun is the light for all ...
    Come on, Vladimir Putin!
    We will overcome all problems!

    Russia, you did not retreat
    From the evil hell in battle
    All soldiers and generals
    With a great homeland in the ranks!
    Don't stand country at a crossroads
    Better fight tomorrow!
    Come on, Vladimir Putin!
    And we are all on the attack with you.

    Politicians in Edification
    From the stands they read speeches to us ...
    We only believe in building
    Not the greatness of the programs.
    Why crush voditsa in a mortar?
    At the temples they beat the bells ...
    Come on, Vladimir Putin!
    Concrete business awaits us!

    What other applicants?
    Everything is like in a comic movie ...
    Face the President Today
    Smile, ski, kimono ...
    He will not yield in a duel,
    He is not afraid of a steep slope!
    Come on, Vladimir Putin!
    And we are all together for you!

    And there will be a new Russia,
    And there will be a new country ...
    Own power and strength
    She will prove to everyone!
    Fatherland, you wanted the essence
    You are in the world of reason
    Come on, Vladimir Putin!
    The Russian people are with you!
  33. grizzlir
    17 January 2012 11: 15
    Well, if you started poems:
    Citizen Poet: Putin and the man. Poems by Dmitry Bykov read by Mikhail Efremov
    In the latest issue of the Citizen Poet project, Alexander Twardovsky.

    His poem “Putin and the Man,” Dmitry Bykov believes, best describes the impressions of the people on the activity of the president and prime minister of the Russian Federation (who played badminton and gathered corn with the help of combines).

    Mikhail Efremov agrees with him.

    In boots, in a worn blouse,
    With a hangover, in all its glory,
    It was a corn man,
    By uncompressed lane.
    Jacket sticking out Kurguzo,
    Smoke came from the cigar ...
    Thought: “Here! Corn!"
    He could not think further.

    Suddenly charged motors
    Approached combine harvesters,
    And in the harvester - the one that!
    And in the next one, the second one!
    In jackets branded colors,
    Surrounded by villagers,
    And they have racquets in their hands,
    And each shuttlecock.
    Impregnable, like gossip,
    And swift, like a whack,
    Putin out of the combine!
    Putin! Here also the man sat down.

    He went out, and was shining with the sun,
    Stepped into the native slime ...
    - What, are you shaking, Russian?
    That's right, shake ...
    When you see them before you,
    The villager whacked:
    - How are you here ... both ?!
    How do I deserve it ?!
    Unexpectedly available -
    He’s recruiting a master,
    - Don’t be afraid! Said Putin.
    - Dimon and I are just like that.
    Just now at dinner,
    Eating up the scallop,
    We thought with Medved -
    Stir up something b?
    We all did what was there
    Amusing the whole country:
    Flew the plane
    Plunged into the depths
    Tender friendship is not concealed,
    Sang rock
    Cows milked
    Twitter, sweater, Mac,
    Skiing, dancing, all that you want!
    And when tinkling cups of tea
    There was an answer pronounced:
    We never on combines
    Did not play badminton!
    Neither in Russia, nor in the Union
    Do not do that, say?
    And at the same time - in corn!
    After all, funnier than in rye!

    Totally foolish
    From such serious topics
    The villager gasped quietly:
    “That's cool! What for?"

    Putin ate this audacity
    And he answered not out of lies:
    “What else is there to do?”
    Well, do not rule, say!
    And a man, straining his memory,
    And he blurted out to the kings:
    “True, you better not rule.”
    Better so ... in the fields ...
    To rackets and shuttlecocks,
    And a combine for courage ...
    What are your plans?
    I even tell a woman!

    And with a grin like an angel,
    He said: “Something like this:
    Just skiing in scuba
    Or in a tank for journalism. "

    What can I say, what you offer,
    Lying in fear on a stack?
    “How can you do that without a liter ?!”
    “Yeah,” he said, “I can.”
    1. Snalin 2010
      17 January 2012 12: 01
      Cool!!!. better and you can’t say about empty eloquence and comprehensive window dressing.