"Kugelpanzer", tank ball

"Kugelpanzer", tank ball

Observer vehicle "Kugelpanzer" (German: "Kugelpanzer", "танк-ball") is a light armored car designed in the Third Reich in the 1930s, presumably by the Krupp company. According to employees of the armored museum in Kubinka, the car was designed as a mobile observation post for adjusting fire artillery.

As of 2009, the origin and purpose of the vehicle has not been precisely established.
Kugelpanzer is equipped with a radio station; no weapons were installed. The body is welded, closed type. A hatch in the stern is installed to enter the cabin. The body rests on two driving wheels and on the steering wheel at the rear. In front, at the level of the eyes of the person sitting, there is a viewing slot.

Currently, the only copy in the Armored Museum in Kubinka has been preserved. The armored car was delivered to Japan and was captured by Soviet troops in 1945 in Manchuria (according to other sources, captured at the Wehrmacht training ground together with the super-heavy Mouse). It was an experimental model. Participation in the battles did not take.

The only surviving prototype is labeled “37 Instance”.

Year of development: no data
Year of production: no data d.
Combat weight: 1,8 tons
Length: 1700 mm
Width: no mm
Height: 1500 mm
Speed: 8 km / h
Power reserve: no km data
a. Forehead: 5 mm
b. Board :: 5 mm
c. Feed: 5 mm
d. Felling: 5 mm
e. Body: (top) 5 mm
f. Body: (bottom) 5 mm
g. Roof / Bottom: 5 mm
Crew: 1 people.
Armament: not available
Manufacturers: Germany
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    27 June 2011 21: 55
    its purpose is not clear
  2. Turanchops
    5 May 2012 12: 16
    Yes, the Germans piled ... what
  3. Taz
    8 June 2012 14: 29
    War bun laughing
  4. Odessa16
    1 November 2012 01: 17
    still to paint with shady ...