The Chinese came up with how to sink American aircraft carriers


China develops ballistic missile rocket, which, according to experts, is capable of causing damage to large-sized ships, including US Navy aircraft carriers.

As the US Naval Institute reports on its website, China is close to creating a ballistic missile capable of striking American ships at a distance of 2000 kilometers. This information was discovered by the military on one of the blogs that American experts consider to be a reliable source.

Work on making this weapons was carried out in China for several years. The new rocket, as military experts believe, was developed on a base designed to hit the ground targets of the Dongfeng 21 rocket.

An aircraft carrier killer, as it was dubbed at the Pentagon, is capable of carrying a warhead, the destructive force of which can destroy the largest ships in one hit.

The new rocket reflected all the most advanced developments in the field of ballistic weapons. Targeting is carried out with the help of a satellite, during the flight it is able to perform maneuvers that are unpredictable for anti-ballistic missiles. It takes only 2000 minutes to cover the 12 distance in kilometers of an aircraft carrier killer.

This message has already caused concern among the US military. According to some, the United States will have to rethink its strategy of action. fleet given the newly emerging threats. Experts fear that ballistic missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

Anatoly Sokolov, editor-in-chief of the Weapon of Russia portal, shared his opinion with Izvestia: “With the above characteristics, the new Chinese rocket can really hit an aircraft carrier. In this case, the use of American warships in the seas around China will be in doubt. Enhancing aircraft carrier missile defense. When a Chinese missile is equipped with a nuclear warhead, it can be assumed that the ship will be hit with one hundred percent probability. "

Perhaps it is a question of borrowing technology from the Chinese military, which the USSR was trying to introduce at one time. Then it was planned to use a ballistic missile as a carrier, which would bring several cruise missiles to the combat zone. It was assumed that the carrier will be programmed to a specific area where the paths of American aircraft carriers lie. After separation, cruise missiles (Mosquito type with a range of up to 150 kilometers) would homing on enemy warships and hit them. "Mosquitoes" could carry up to half a ton of combat charge, which guaranteed in the event of hitting several of them in an aircraft carrier causing irreparable damage to it. Later, the Soviet Union abandoned such a project due to its high cost. At one time, the Chinese purchased Mosquito missiles from Russia. And it cannot be ruled out that the Soviet idea formed the basis of the anti-ship weapons now being created in the PRC.

The Chinese came up with how to sink American aircraft carriers
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  1. 0
    6 July 2012 17: 42
    It is hard to believe that the Chinese have such technologies. They are still only able to copy, not create. In about 20 years they can learn.
  2. 0
    18 June 2016 03: 25
    Already learned.