On the need for Russian unity

On the need for Russian unity

Every year, starting from 2010, 21 September is celebrated on World Unity Day of Russia. So far this is an unofficial holiday, but the idea to celebrate the Day was supported by representatives of Russian communities and lovers of Russian culture already from 24 countries. The initiator of this Day was the Russian Unifying Union of Compatriots (ROSS) in Kyrgyzstan, at the initiative of which the International Initiative Committee of the World Day of Russian Unity was created in the autumn of 2009.

September 21 day was not chosen by chance. On this day, several significant events occurred that had an impact on the development of the entire Russian civilization and the Russian people (the super-ethnos of the Rus).

First, it is believed that this day is the Day of the founding of Russia. On this day in 862, Prince Rurik began to rule the north of Russia (the future Novgorod land). He was invited by the elders (princes) and the priests of the magi of the northern alliances of the tribes (Rurik - the creation of the state of Falcon). Apparently, their main goal was to destroy the autonomy of the “lands” (tribal unions), to create a unified power - a state association that would be able to resist expansion from the west (Western civilization led by Rome, which was then the “command center” of the West) and from the south (Khazaria and the Islamic world). Rurik (Falcon) became the founder of the princely dynasty, which united the northern and southern state centers of Russia - Novgorod (Ladoga) and Kiev, in a single state.

It is worth noting that, despite the myth of the "youth" of the Russian people in comparison with "historical peoples ”, the superethnos of the Rus did not begin its history in the XNUMXth century or even in the XNUMXth century AD. Russian-Russian from the deepest antiquity lived on the territory of modern Russia and are the heirs of the Scythians-Skoles, Aryans, Yaris and Hyperboreans. That is, the history of our people has more than one millennium and goes back to the deepest antiquity. However, due to geopolitical considerations, and in order to keep Russian superethnos in submission and wraith, its history has been “cut off” more than once and rewritten. The first large-scale circumcision of Russian history occurred during the “Christianization” of Russia, almost the entire period of “pagan” Russia was simply deleted. And the process of rewriting and fooling Russian continues to the present.

Thus, Rurik-Rarog (Sokol) created the Russian state not on an empty place, but on a powerful and ancient foundation. Russian-Russian by this time had the most ancient culture, faith in one God-Rod, mythology, writing and law. However, at this moment the Russian civilization was in crisis, which was used by the neighbors. In particular, Christian Rome was able to enslave and assimilate a significant part of the Slavic-Russian lands in Europe. Those Slavs who were not destroyed or turned into “silent Germans” (new “peoples”) were “recoded”, like the western fields - the Poles, made a “ram” directed against the rest of the Rus. Today, we see the same method in Little Russia (“Ukraine”), where the Western and Southern Rus-Russians are turned into kinship by those who do not remember the “ukrov-Ukrainians”.

Under Rurik and his heirs, the Russian state united most of the Slavic-Russian alliances of the tribes and was able to withstand expansion from the west and the south. The first princes of the Rurik dynasty solved the task entrusted to them, creating a powerful empire (power) capable of preserving Russian superethnos (Rus) on the planet. Later, the country was seized by a crisis that caused a split and disintegration, but the Russians were able to survive, retaining their language, culture and statehood. Since the time of Dmitry Donskoy (1359 - 1389) and ending with Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584) the rulers of the Rurik dynasty solved the task of restoring the unity of the Russian state (empire). In general, they solved it. Russia again became a great power and the greatest spiritual center of mankind. Tsars Fedor I Ivanovich (1584-1598) and Vasily Shuisky (from 1606 to 1610) became the last rulers of the ruling dynasty of Rurikovich in Russia.

Also on September 21 (September 8) is Russia’s Day of Military Glory - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy in the Battle of Kulikovo. It was a momentous day. Moscow defeated the Horde troops. It must be remembered that during this period, the Horde experienced a severe spiritual, cultural, and political crisis - “great confusion,” when for two decades 25 khans changed in the Horde. The crisis was associated with the change of the spiritual matrix of the Horde - the millennial pagan (Vedic) tradition cut short Islam. Russian Orthodoxy, in fact, “dual faith” (a synthesis of Christianity and spiritual heritage of many thousands of Russian civilization, so-called “paganism”), although successfully implemented in the Horde, did not manage to establish itself after losing the battle to Islam, which was introduced by the opponents of the Horde and Russia .

The powerful grandee Mamai, who was not Chingizid (a descendant of Genghis Khan), received such power that he himself put the Khans, who completely obeyed him. These were khan marionettes. The crisis of the Horde led to the fact that Moscow, behind which stood the spiritual power of Sergius of Radonezh (he completed the process of transforming Greek-Byzantine Christianity into Russian Orthodoxy), was given the opportunity to “take over control” in the Horde Empire. Dmitry Donskoy united a significant part of the Russian lands and won the hardest battle. However, the Horde was still strong, so the process of transition of the ancient imperial center of Eurasia (tradition goes from the mythical Hyperborea, Aryan time and Scythian Russia) to Moscow was drawn out. But, it is the Kulikov battle that symbolizes the beginning of this path.

In addition, 21 September is the day of the official foundation in 859 of Veliky Novgorod, the “father” of Russian cities. In 859, Novgorod was first mentioned in the chronicle. Novgorod played a key role in the history of the Russian state. This city was one of the first capitals of Russia. Novgorodians supported the first Rurikovich in their struggle for the unification of the Russian land and the confrontation with external enemies. For several centuries, Novgorod was the key city of the Russian land, maintaining ties with the Baltic Sea with Central Europe, leading trade with the East through the Baltic-Volga trade route and the “route from the Varangians to the Greeks”. It was Novgorod that began to develop the North, moving up to the Urals and even further to the east. His special political system is also connected with the history of Novgorod - it was the “veche republic”. In addition, Novgorod for a long time was the northern outpost of Russia, reflecting the onslaught of German and Swedish knights, at which the table is papal Rome. The sacred name of the Russian warrior, Alexander Yaroslavich, who reflected the blow from the West and laid the foundations of friendship with the Horde, was also associated with Novgorod, showing that the future of Russia is in the East.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to say straight out that at the present time Russian civilization - the Rus-Russian superethnos, has again come to a turning point. Again, Russia is experiencing a deep spiritual, conceptual, demographic and socio-economic crisis. And this crisis is closely intertwined with the global crisis that led to the start of the Fourth World War. (The Third World War ended with the fall of the USSR and the social bloc) - the Middle Eastern Front was opened, the unrest gradually covers other regions, in particular, Europe. The way out of this turmoil is the renewed Russia, which will directly show the world that “Russian code” is social justice, ethics of conscience, the creation of a society of service and creation. Otherwise, Global Babylon will win on Earth - a non-slave and neo-feudal civilization based on the parasitism of the few "chosen" over humanity, the unjust (in terms of Christians - satanic) concept of "divide, rule, and rule." This is the world of the "golden calf" (devil), where everything is sold and bought.

There are three main problems facing the Russian super-ethnos:

The fundamental question of why on earth there is the Russian people, civilization. The last decades Russians simply exist - there are no goals, programs and ideologies. There is no demand for the “Russian matrix” (Russian code) - the thirst for justice, the ethics of conscience, when the spiritual is higher than the material. The Golden Calf rules the ball.

If the trouble lasts, the fate of Russia will be sad. The West will finally solve the “Russian question”, that is, it will destroy the very name of the Russians on the planet. We see how the West, China and the Islamic world are active. Japan requires "northern territories." Jackals of a lower rank are barking. Russians are actively turned into “Europeans” - weak-willed, childish, not giving birth to children, steeped in material, debauchery and virtual worlds. Easily accessible alcohol, tobacco and drugs destroy the physical and intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation. The degradation of the education system, science and medicine makes every next generation more stupid and weaker. Russians are being turned into “ethnographic material”, which the West, China and other countries of the East gladly absorb. The archaization of society, which deprives the Russian people of the future, is proceeding rapidly.

There is no “Russian idea”. A holy place is never empty. There is not a single force that would prove in word and deed a desire for justice for the people. There are only parties that imitate the idea of ​​justice. Not surprisingly, two leading ideas filled this void: 1) Western materialism, the “golden calf”.

Just one example shows the depth of social injustice in modern Russia. So Russia ranked first in list of countries with the highest level of inequality among the major economies of the world, according to a study by consulting company New World Wealth. Nearly two thirds (62%) of wealth in the Russian Federation falls to the share of dollar millionaires, 26% - to the share of billionaires. In total in Russia there are about 100 thousands of dollar millionaires and about 100 billionaires. I.e taking into account family members 0,3% of the population of the Russian Federation owns almost 9 / 10 of its national wealth! Thus, after 1991, a large-scale redistribution of the wealth of Russia in favor of a few “chosen ones” occurred. Not surprisingly, the government has no money for retirees, teachers, doctors, the development of science, new industrialization, etc. Although only one colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be found in the stash 8-9 billion rubles.

- The gradual Islamization of Russia, which keeps pace with the archaic. Given that the “Caliphate” proclaimed the idea of ​​social justice and showed how to quickly restore order, it is very dangerous. Secular Islamic projects cannot withstand such an attractive ideology. They suffered defeat in almost all Muslim countries. In Russia itself, against the concept of justice and an attractive social order based on radical Islam, there is no chance for state-owned patriotism and a formal Christian church, in which there is no fire and righteousness of Jesus and Sergius of Radonezh.

Thus, we received the threat of a rebellion under the slogans of social justice and war with the “infidels” in a huge space - from the already immersed in the archaic and degraded Central Asia (compared to Soviet times) to the Russian Caucasus, Volga region and large cities, where there are powerful, welded by a single religion, customs, disciplined, associated with crime (including drug trafficking) ethnic communities. It is obvious that the migration threat will be used by our Western "partners" in full.

- The need for Russian unity, the creation of "Great Russia" (Russian Union, USSR-2).

Recent years have shown that all three large fragments of Russia - the Russian Federation, Small Russia (Ukraine and Belarus) and the three parts of the Russian superethnos need unity. After the 1991 year, when the Russian civilization suffered the hardest defeat in the fight against the West (due to the betrayal of the degenerated part of the Soviet "elite"), the Russian people became the largest divided nation.

The war in the Ukraine showed the danger of the separation of Rus-Russian. The external and internal enemies of the Russian civilization pushed the Russians with the Russians together and instilled in one of the parts of the Russian superethnos that they are “Ukrainians” (“ukry”) who have nothing to do with the “Muscovites” - descendants of Finno-Ugric and Mongols, dangerous process. The owners of the western project always use the same method. Before they devour and “digest” a part of another spiritual, cultural, ethnic space, they dismember it, divide it into parts. People are told that they are “special”, “chosen”, “other”, deprived of their historical memory, language and cultural tradition.

That is what is happening in Little Russia. Parts of the Russian superethnos impressed that "a special people", descendants of "ancient ukrov". Russian turned into "anti-Russian", a kind of "corrupt elves" ("Orcs") from the "Lord of the Rings." And they are set off against those Russians who still retain their “Russianness”. Rome, London, and Washington, all of the commanders of the Western world, all benefit from this process. The Russian world is losing a huge historical region, such sacral centers as the Dnieper, Kiev, Chernihiv, Pereyaslavl Russian, Poltava, etc. The Russians are fighting with the Russians. The West sows the seeds of hatred and destruction.

The time that has passed after the dismemberment of Great Russia - the USSR showed that Russia should be united. Little Russia came to the point of complete destruction: language, culture, education, the safety of citizens, the national economy is all destroyed and the rapid decline continues. Only a handful of “chosen” parasite oligarchs, speculators bankers and other thieves have the benefit of this. The Russian lands, which with great difficulty were won, defended (fighting for Western Russian lands, millions of Russian people perished), mastered and settled many generations of our ancestors, again turn into the “Wild Field”. One of the cores of the Russian super-ethnos is dying out. The occupation regime in Kiev fulfills the will of the Western centers and pursues a policy of military, cultural and socio-economic genocide of the southern Russians-Russians. Russians in Little Russia are doomed to extinction, the population is falling at a catastrophic pace. Young people run, becoming “ethnographic material” in America, Canada, England, China, etc.

Negative processes (frankly speaking - a systemic crisis) are also noted in Belarus and the Russian Federation. Thus, Western Rus - Belarusians are gradually turned into "Litvin" (by the example, "ukrov"), which sooner or later will lead to serious problems and blood. Economically, Belaya Rus cannot survive without the rest of Rus. White Russia will not be able to defend itself in the event of direct aggression by the West. In Russia, a systemic crisis. All the talk about modernization, about industrialization-2, about reforms, “about Putin’s plan” is still talk. We see only further “optimization”, that is, the destruction and theft of the Russian and Soviet legacy, which was created by the labor of many generations of our ancestors. At the same time, there is no “money” for the people, and representatives of the “elite” are mired in overconsumption. Statistics show that the difference between the poor and the rich is growing, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are poorer, that 20-40% of the population is below or near the poverty line. And the leadership of the Russian Federation is dreaming of “making friends” with the United States again, waiting for an increase in oil prices, manna from the East. Anything but the ideology of creation.

Although the example of the Stalinist empire shows that if there is political will and a course of creation, social justice, which will be immediately supported by the people, the country can be transformed literally in a few years.

Thus, the need to unite the three parts of the Russian superethnos and the wreckage of the Russian civilization (Great Russia) is the question of Russia's survival in the raging sea of ​​global war.

- Demographics. The extinction of the Russian people (all three parts of it) is directly related to the first problems. "Russian code" is not embodied, the Russians have no goal for a full-blooded life. And existence leads to decomposition, death of the soul, which is destroyed by the virtual worlds, drugs, alcohol, debauchery, etc. The Russians do not want to give birth, because they do not see a “bright future”. The dominance of the ideology of materialism ruins the reproduction of the population. The socio-economic policy of the state, in fact, the Russian systemic liberals embody the plans of Hitler and his ideologues, also kills a large family. There is no decent work, the ability to realize their spiritual, intellectual and physical potential, education and medicine are destroyed. Leading media educate the human consumer, the slave of the system, whose existence is based only on raising funds for entertainment. The problem with preschool institutions, playgrounds and open, accessible to all stadiums for physical training, etc.

The worst situation in the Ukraine, where the genocide of Russians took open forms. However, relatively prosperous White Russia and the Russian Baltic states are dying out. In Russia in recent years, officially announced population growth. However, first, it is small, that is, it cannot solve the problem of the survival of Russians in the future. Secondly, it is largely associated with the influx of migrants and their reproduction in Russia. That is, the replacement of the Russian superethnos by a foreign cultural, foreign language and ethnic element is still going on.

There is only one positive way out: social justice and ethics of conscience should become the ideology of Russia; all parts of Russian civilization and superethnos should become one, despite the cries and tantrums of the “global community”. This will automatically lead to a change in the demographic policy of the government: the elite of Russian society should be 3-4-detny families, only in this case the problem of reproduction and steady increase in the number of Russians-Rus will be solved, while preserving their own racial, ethnic and cultural-language space.
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  1. +3
    21 September 2016 06: 27
    Political information ..... honestly .....
    1. +2
      21 September 2016 09: 18
      With Samsonov, without mentioning the pest Khrushchev, it is impossible to sit on the "skate". lol Frankly primitive article.
      1. +6
        21 September 2016 15: 44
        Political information ..... honestly .....

        And what's next, Andrew? Are you tired of sitting at political meetings? Or are you not Russian and the fate of the Russians does not concern you, and therefore you are not at all interested in Russian unity? In this case, in vain - Russia is a common country (bye!)!
        1. +4
          21 September 2016 16: 16
          The Russian question really exists and cannot be ignored if the Russians and the peoples of Russia want to survive and develop!

          The development of SOVIET Russia, the world's first socialist state, was twofold - controversial - in nature.
          On the one hand, the Russian people, who believed in the communist idea of ​​the Bolshevik-Leninists, and, being the bearer of a sovereign mentality, really built up socialism on all fronts of social construction throughout the country as a whole of its multinational homeland. As a matter of fact, he had no choice but to do anything. But at the same time, on the other hand, in the former tsarist national suburbs, where feudal relations still prevailed and there was no own national proletariat, power was gained from the Bolshevik-Leninists and under their control by the petty national bourgeoisie and former local feudal lords. National industry was built by the hands of the Russian and Russian-speaking peoples. Moreover, everything that was truly created national during the years of Soviet power in the once backward tsarist national suburbs - national republics - is only the local national party and Soviet bureaucracy, as well as the national creative intelligentsia that serves it (social scientists, writers, artists etc.). This national party and Soviet intelligentsia objectively retained the national bourgeois-feudal mentality not only in relation to their own working people, but also in relation to the Russians who came to “hunch on them” up to the time of the so-called Gorbachev “new thinking”.
          Thus, national problems in the Soviet Union were not only from the very beginning of Soviet power, but also had a national-bourgeois class character in relation to the Russian people. The counter-bourgeois coup in the USSR as a whole only raised national bourgeois deformations that had already taken place from the bottom to the surface during the construction of socialism in Russia, which the Soviet leadership tried not to publicize.
          The question arises: representatives of what nationality initially and during the period of "perestroika" led this process of moving away from the model of classical socialism and why? Why did Lenin demand that representatives of precisely Russian nationality be removed from the organs of Soviet power?
          To answer this question, just turn to the documents.

          See - Zueva T.F. Russian question. National crisis and democracy: the administrative-territorial structure of Russia. - SPb .: publishing house. A.S. Suvorin of the Union of Writers of Russia, 1995. - 32 sec. - See C. 25-26. - http://www.prlib.ru/Lib/pages/item.aspx?itemid=12
          1. +1
            21 September 2016 17: 07
            I recommend one more - more affordable - electronic access to read the work:
            Zueva T.F. Russian question. National crisis and democracy: the administrative-territorial structure of Russia. - St. Petersburg: A.S. Suvorin of the Union of Writers of Russia, 1995. - 32 sec. -

            _010189542 /
        2. 0
          22 September 2016 23: 27
          That's it - for now ... And, I'm afraid, we will not change anything by the political assembly.
      2. +1
        27 September 2016 09: 47
        "Almost two thirds (62%) of the wealth in the Russian Federation is accounted for by dollar millionaires, 26% - by billionaires. In total, there are about 100 thousand dollar millionaires and about 100 billionaires in Russia. That is, taking into account family members, 0,3% of the population of the Russian Federation owns almost 9/10 of its national wealth! Thus, after 1991, there was a large-scale redistribution of Russia's wealth in favor of a few “chosen”. "
        So you agree with this?
        So for you, this question is primitive and worthless, and this is the very question that directly raises the very thing called SURVIVAL of the Russian ethnic group.
        Do you not see that the absolute majority of the offspring of these 0,3% of the population in the absolute majority adopt the mattress of a different mentality, other social attitudes, think differently from the thoughts exactly in the WEST paradigm?
        Well, they assimilate all the dirt that is happening in the West now, and then all this, all this dirt and other meanings, a different matrix is ​​superimposed on Russia - the PROJECT of IMITATION of the West in Russia, always leads to disaster.
        Russia needs its own project, its own development. In which, even if there are those who are wealthy, but as for their use in government, as for their offspring, you study and perceive the Western mentality, you’re sorry, but you don’t have a place in any It was a public administration.
        [quote = social justice and ethics of conscience should become the ideology of Russia; all parts of Russian civilization and superethnos should become one, despite the cries and tantrums of the "world community." [/ Quote]
        Absolutely correct conclusion.
  2. +8
    21 September 2016 06: 35
    Judeo-Khazaria still relies on the division of peoples. "Divide and rule"...
    pit each other, slander the story ...
    1. +3
      21 September 2016 08: 24
      Quote: tihiy
      Judeo-Khazaria still relies on the division of peoples. "Divide and rule"...
      pit each other, slander the story ...

      fool But what about reptilians, they attack ... wassat
      1. +1
        24 September 2016 12: 50
        Quote: Penzuck
        Quote: tihiy
        Judeo-Khazaria still relies on the division of peoples. "Divide and rule"...
        pit each other, slander the story ...

        fool But what about reptilians, they attack ... wassat

        and not only they
  3. +7
    21 September 2016 06: 41
    Almost the entire period of “pagan” Russia was simply crossed out.
    1. +9
      21 September 2016 09: 56
      My small homeland is Smolensk. The first mention of the city founded by the Krivichi tribe dates back to the time when Rurik entered the reign, but this is a mention, and the Slavs lived on the upper Dnieper hundreds of years before that. Here is a "young" nation .. This can be said about the Americans ( although this is a rabble, and I do not consider it a nation) but not about the Russians ..
    2. 0
      23 September 2016 12: 03
      Shaw we smoke? Yak grass picket ...
  4. +12
    21 September 2016 06: 42
    The historical excursion is interesting. But the solution to the problems is not only to increase the birth rate, but to change the entire course of development, that is, according to Stalin! hi
    1. +3
      21 September 2016 06: 57
      I do not believe in the written history, any ... all the time, history was written by "chroniclers" as they saw it and wished, it was written to please the rulers, or to discredit them, now the history is turned inside out with fur, but what happened THEN? yes the same ... therefore everything is "relative and approximately".
      1. +6
        21 September 2016 09: 23
        Nothing terrible. Believe in the story that you like. Do not forget that the whole story (Known and Unknown) is done precisely by your ancestors, love them as they would love you - all are great ....... grandparents. Pity them - it was very difficult for them to build their own state, but without this - nothing.
        History is personal.
        1. 0
          21 September 2016 09: 53
          Quote: Victor N
          History is personal.

          big plus. + hi
  5. PKK
    21 September 2016 06: 59
    After the introduction of the policy of "enrich yourself", it is very difficult to talk about unification, especially since men began to think like women, like mama's sons. Yes, and to unite purely Russian, somehow not humanly, but what about other peoples? or great power feelings? Wrong holiday.
    1. +3
      21 September 2016 14: 14
      Are you talking about a Dagestan policeman or about our pilot who caused fire on himself?

      do not write nonsense about
      men began to think like women

      each family has a different attitude. Who raised whom.

      So there is no need here to project their complexes on the masses
    2. 0
      27 September 2016 09: 26
      To unite everyone from Russian to Yakut, we are one country and one people. But the ridge is the Russian people, uniting.
  6. +5
    21 September 2016 07: 08
    The historical * digression * only emphasizes that as soon as there are those who, for the sake of their own well-being, betray their relatives and friends, so there is * unrest *. That in antiquity, that today there is only one reason - betrayal, and then a long straightening of the consequences, and the villains and members of their families are not destroyed but more * censured *. This * tradition * today helps traitors to overcome * agony * of responsibility, well, if you think about serving time and that's it, again you can try to build a career, if not yourself, then the grandchildren.
    Here in Europe everything is primitively simple, as soon as they suspected of treason, depending on * position * and title, or they quietly poison or bloody, as a warning, they execute, if it is not possible to immediately * bring down a wave of * protest, then they are already being destroyed by families and clans, not bothering with laws and customs. In Europe even today, the * explanations * for the deaths that have occurred are sometimes just anecdotal, as if they are being punished for the demented.
  7. +4
    21 September 2016 07: 16
    about "unification": I do not mind uniting capital with silane, for example .... wassat
  8. +2
    21 September 2016 07: 59
    There is only one positive solution: social justice and ethics of conscience should become the ideology of Russia; all parts of Russian civilization and superethnos should become one

    The author, so who is against. Everyone who is at least a little sick of Russia speaks about this. Was it worth reminding you once again that the water is wet? But the wording “superethnos” is just a little annoying.
    1. +2
      21 September 2016 09: 55
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Here are just a little straining the wording - "superethnos"

      "exceptional nation"? ...
      1. +1
        21 September 2016 10: 21
        Yes, a similar association.
      2. +1
        21 September 2016 12: 37
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        "exceptional nation"? ...

        Once upon a time, someone really needed to divide the same people of the same kind (nation) into countless "nation"(the term is generally foreign and very strange), straight according to the principle -"divide and rule". The usual and main task of all enemies is to play people off - brother against brother, father against son, etc., etc. - all this is described by the ancients (in China, for example). The basic task of all these manipulations is to create a permanent an explosive situation in any region, and frankly out of the blue.
        I think that the task of today's article was to uncover the mechanisms of such manipulations, it seems that, unfortunately, the article was not written clearly enough, only this I see its drawback. I believe that in principle it is possible to help the author to eradicate individual shortcomings and inaccuracies. I consider the very direction of the article useful for a general understanding of the current situation and the prevention, in the future, of frankly intra-ethnic explosions.
  9. +2
    21 September 2016 08: 14
    Prince Rurik began to rule the north of Russia (the future Novgorod land).
    ... but .. Russian "pseudo-scientists" wink Yanin, Troyanovsky and others ... claim that Novgorod ... was already ... before Rurik ... wink Russian-Russian from the deepest antiquity lived on the territory of modern Russia and are the heirs of the Scythians-Skoles, Aryans, Yaris and Hyperboreans. [/quote XNUMX... Something the author did not mention about Tartaria .. or aren't in trend anymore? wink ..Maybe ..ROSS is not a bad thing ... but as if they didn’t agree that the Russians dug Lake Ladoga Lake .. [quote]
  10. FID
    21 September 2016 08: 45
    I apologize - nonsense ....
    1. +4
      21 September 2016 09: 56
      Quote: SSI
      I apologize - nonsense ....

      Absolute, Sergey Ivanovich! hi
    2. 0
      27 September 2016 09: 50
      Well, since the author did not please you, would you deign to the respectable community to tell your version of the development of the situation?
  11. 0
    21 September 2016 09: 17
    What? belay
    Thus, Rurik-Rarog (Sokol) created the Russian power not from scratch, but on powerful and ancient foundation.

    How many people necessaryTo Create state?
    And how many people should be to arise need state?
    1. +1
      21 September 2016 09: 58
      Quote: Penzuck
      What? belay
      Thus, Rurik-Rarog (Sokol) created the Russian power not from scratch, but on powerful and ancient foundation.

      How many people necessaryTo Create state?
      And how many people should be to arise need state?

      dig deep! and how many people were needed to forcefully "inculcate" Christianity? yes a little ... Vladimir, and the guardsmen.
      1. +3
        21 September 2016 11: 37
        That is, 400-500 people defeated millions of proud, free, warriors, character warriors, with a deep history and inspiring fear throughout the world, supported by svarogami and perunami and other paraphernalia?
        Who are these super warriors who "planted" Christianity in a ratio of 1 to 40 or more ?! And who neutralized the pagan gods? Where have all these pagan "helpers" gone? Frightened, because they are powerless against This Power? Or did they like to look at their people, who are being exterminated in the most cynical way and destroying the cities and science given by them? Then they are just sadists and monsters!
        If you think of your ancestors as omebs who cannot organize for resistance, then do not bear and do not generalize to all Russians.
        My ancestors, being Christians, organized perfectly and threw off the Poles imposing Latinism and other rabble.
        1. 0
          21 September 2016 12: 01
          Quote: Velizariy
          That is, 400-500 people defeated millions of proud, free, warriors, character warriors, with a deep history and inspiring fear throughout the world, supported by svarogami and perunami and other paraphernalia?

          no, it’s those 40-50 thousand who, by fire and sword, drove the Old Believer farmers into the earth, fire and hermitages ... teach History, and do not read history books ...
          1. +3
            21 September 2016 12: 05
            I will reveal a terrible secret. Only shhhh .... Oprichniki are also Old Believers! Shhh! And the reform of Patriarch Nikon was much later than the guardsmen, and even more so Prince Vladimir.
            All the same, read the history book)
  12. +1
    21 September 2016 10: 16
    Forty barrels of prisoners ...
  13. +1
    21 September 2016 13: 35
    It’s time for the Russians to unite to defend their rights and defend themselves against subjects with Russophobia.
  14. +1
    21 September 2016 15: 17
    Weakly. The subject of ZOG is not covered. Again, not a word about the Zhidomassons.
  15. 0
    21 September 2016 16: 49
    A lot of stuff.
    He took out only that without an article it’s clear that there is no idea that under capitalism the core is lost.
    Well, it’s clear that there is no center of crystallization, and the branches have spread. Under capitalism, the world is now their melting pot, and not a common state with one idea and a center of crystallization!
    What does this have to do with families with 4 children if a woman has become the main consumer of goods and her reproductive role has lost its main value in society? Only the global crisis of existence with the loss of the social status and the predominance of the reproductive one, for the survival of mankind, will push the paste into the tube. For the sake of the nation, no woman (white "civilizing") will just give birth.
    In general, we need
    1-Idea, along with capitalism or merger
    2-Center of crystallization (Kiev, Novgorod, Tver, Moscow lost)
    But before that, you need to understand this progress or regression in the modern world? Even a little isolation (in any way) threatens to lag!
    Now the melting pot is the whole world! And not a separate state.
    1. 0
      21 September 2016 17: 51
      Western Europeans have already been replenished.

      Eastern Europeans in the person of Ukrainians are next in turn: the president and the prime minister no longer only belong to the Russians, but even to the Slavs - the process went back to the Khazar Kaganate, with the Jews at the head.
      1. 0
        21 September 2016 23: 57
        Quote: Operator
        Western Europeans have already been replenished.

        many strive for their level. And not only Ukrainians. Living in Europe is an incentive for many.
        Quote: Operator
        the president and the prime minister no longer only belong to the Russians, but even to the Slavs - the process went back to the Khazar Kaganate with the Jews at the head.

        Yes, I know a couple of countries with the same situation)))
        The world of white people (without Asians) is successfully melting into a single whole with the global economy and culture. Many for and many against.
    2. 0
      27 September 2016 10: 07
      Quote: Retvizan
      Now the melting pot is the whole world! And not a separate state.

      Yeah, we look at Europe and what do we see? What are the consequences? Are you there in Ruinia, want to melt into the expansion of the Arab East and Black Africa? However, why not, you yourself have chosen such a fate. Renouncing a single community.
      Quote: Retvizan
      1-Idea, along with capitalism or merger

      What is it? Tear more, betray, sell, is that the meaning of life? Arrange wars, for the sake of capital, this is the meaning for society. Well, this is what is happening in Ruinia, where there is a direct merger of the wild oligarchy with no less wild nationalists who led a country in a state of war of all against all for the sake of profit for a narrow group of nouveau riche.
      Quote: Retvizan
      2-Center of crystallization (Kiev, Novgorod, Tver, Moscow lost)

      Why ... The fact that KIEV, as a certain center, completely discredited itself, is understandable, the claims to the center of crystallization with Bandera ideology are absolutely groundless and frankly unwise.
      However, some of your stupid self-styled and svidolm talkers, think of themselves as a kind of center, to taste with Pollsha, raving about some kind of Black Sea-Baltic union, against Russia in the first place, but here's the problem, the leading role of POLAND is clearly emerging there, and her mentality in relation to Ruinia, it has always been on the principle of SHLYAKHTA and HOLOPA. And why is such a "center of crystallization" needed?
      Novgorod, Tver, and from what is interesting the fabrication of a city, which has been a part of Russia for centuries, can suddenly become centers of crystallization of something else, if there is already something around which the country has crystallized? Well, isn’t crystallization around Washington?
      Until you reach the understanding in your Ruinia that RUSSIA is all that at one time was in the form of RI, the USSR is a single country, you will continue to bind in the swamp the bloody and rotten idea of ​​independence imposed on you from the West.
  16. 0
    21 September 2016 16: 55
    The Proto-Slavs, carriers of the haplogroup R1a, separated from R1 (common with protokelts, carriers R1b) 20000 years ago in Northwest China and have since existed as a genetic community.

    During this time, the carriers of R1a managed to reach Europe (10000 years ago) and become one of the five peoples of the auto-mounts there, as well as assimilate the peoples of the north of India, Iran and Asia Minor. Those who remained in Europe became Slavs, who went back east - by the Aryans, and who returned back to Europe - by the Scythians.

    The Slavs in Europe lived most of the time in the Pripyat-Dnepr region without conflicts with their neighbors and therefore were not noted in the written sources of the Greeks and Romans. Only in the 1 of the millennium BC was the written record of the migration of Slavic Venets to the north of Italy and to the coast of the Baltic Sea. Mass migration of Slavs to the west (Ants, Serbs, Czechs, Poles) began only in the 1 millennium AD.

    Then, from the tribes of Slavs remaining in the Pripyat-Dnieper region, the Russian people began to form. At the same time, the Western Slavic Rurik was not invited to Russia (there was no one to invite, since Russia had not yet been), but only to Novgorod (the center of the Slovene tribe) as part of the standard procedure for hiring squads to protect Novgorod possessions. Another thing is that then Rurik took the initiative, left Novgorod and seized sole power in another city - Kiev (the center of the Polyan tribe), after which his descendants began to subordinate the remaining tribes of the Eastern Slavs to Kiev.

    The resulting cultural and linguistic community was named Rus by the self-designation of Rurik warriors. R1a carriers among modern Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are from 50 (northern Russia), 60 (Ukraine and Belarus) to 75 (Central Black Earth Region of Russia) of the population of Eastern Europe.

    The second largest among the Russians are the carriers of the haplogroup I1 - the Northern Illyrians (up to 30 percent in the north-west of Russia), the third - the carriers N1c Finno-Ugric (up to 20 percent in the north-east of Russia). Mongols (haplogroup C) make up about 1 percent.

    Currently, the R1a carriers include Indians (approximately 300 million people), Slavs (200 million people), Pashtuns (25 million people), Iranians (10 million people) and Germans (10 million people), a significant part of Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Balts and Norwegians.
    The carriers of R1 are also the majority of the sheikhs of the Arabian Peninsula (including the clan to which the founder of Islam, Muhammad, belonged), as well as about 650 of thousands of Jews belonging to the Levite tribe (rabbis).
  17. +1
    21 September 2016 17: 35
    Quote: Tatiana
    Or are you not Russian and the fate of the Russians does not concern you, and therefore you are not at all interested in Russian unity?

    For example, I'm interested! Only under modern government, with the current economic policy, the gap between wealth and poverty is growing more and more. And as you know, "the well-fed does not understand the hungry." This is such a UNITY. Here no St. George ribbons and similar "holidays" can help ! More window dressing turns out! No. hi
  18. 0
    21 September 2016 20: 51
    There are no exceptional peoples.
    1. 0
      23 September 2016 12: 03
      Quote: ALEA IACTA EST
      There are no exceptional peoples.

      "Exceptional" don't think so ...
  19. +1
    23 September 2016 06: 06
    Before you unite, you need to THINK FULLY around what idea to unite! Personally, I am not at all attracted by the idea, promoted from the very top of the power in RUSSIA, about uniting around the idea of ​​AUTHORITY! Around "repentance" before the royal Romanov family!
  20. +3
    23 September 2016 07: 12
    Well, what is Russian unity? It is present in other nations, but not in Russian. If they scandalize a Russian with a Caucasian, put on the street, then to whom will fellow countrymen resort to help? Of course, not to Russian .. Even if there are a majority of Russians there, they will stand and watch at best.
  21. 0
    23 September 2016 11: 59
    (c) this day is the foundation day of Russia. On this day in 862, Prince Rurik began to rule the north of Russia (c)
    On the basis of Russia, they "united" for the last time in 1993 ... I don’t know - how to whom? I'm not very ... Can remember the Great Russia before the forcible baptism and destruction of those Magi, who allegedly "fell at Rurik's feet"?
  22. +1
    24 September 2016 12: 11
    There is only one positive solution: social justice and ethics of conscience should become the ideology of Russia; all parts of Russian civilization and superethnos should become one, despite the cries and tantrums of the “world community”. This will automatically lead to a change in the demographic course of the government.

    The hopes of young men are nourished, especially when the course of government automatically changes. Sitting, watching talk shows, and looking at the course - and changed. You can wait for this automation before the carrotkin plot.

    Then, the author claims that justice and ethics should become the ideology of Russia, but this is hindered by the cries and tantrums of the “world community”. The idea is interesting.

    Again, it means that abroad harms us, does not help.
    And Colonel Zakharchenko with a dozen stolen billions does not interfere?
    Or governors who stole 300 years in advance?
    But someone Shuvalov, the deputy chairman of the government, whose talented wife sends dogs to compete for Russia on a private plane that is not declared, does he help social justice or what?
    Maybe the millers, the Sechins, the Yakunins with daily earnings in the civil service in the millions of rubles are also a "world community" and only because of this they are against the ethics of conscience.

    In the end, the little boy, Dima Premier, also turns out to be for justice, for which he built a cottage on 80 hectares with a hut of thousands of meters square and 3 helipads. But, he says, not mine, it was his talented little wife who built, at the expense of her foundation.

    We will not even remember that supreme or even general rower in the galleys, who, as a talented hired manager, organized this entire banquet for his own, among whom the Russian people, about whom the author of the publication is concerned, are clearly not included.
  23. 0
    24 September 2016 12: 17
    The feat of Colonel Zakharchenko became known when billions were discovered: and he still went to work!
  24. +2
    27 September 2016 09: 21
    Until the country decides where and how we go, there will be no unity. How can there be united thieves-oligarchs, coupled with thieves-officials, and a simple worker, engineer, teacher and doctor? And yet - until the housing, eternal problem for us is resolved, there will be no talk of any surge in the birth rate of the Russian people. A slight increase will be due to the declassified part of the people for the sake of obtaining maternity capital, we must face the truth. And while housing construction will be a sphere of investment, and not a solution to the housing problem of the people. Both in cities and in the countryside (it’s a shame to look at our villages).
  25. +1
    27 September 2016 17: 51
    Families of 3-4 children will become common only after the ban on abortion. No other way. Over the past quarter of a century, abortions have killed about 100 million (!) Future Russian children (abortion is not practiced in the Caucasus and among Asians). All other arguments about Russian demography before this trash. It's funny to talk about social justice. Who - the billionaires will install it, or what? So there are no Russians among them. There are also almost no Russians among media representatives. As there said the head of Russian television broadcasting over the hill Margarita Simonyan? "You understand that the fascists will win in any free elections, and they will hang us with pleasure." By fascists, she means the Russians. Are these guys from TV going to promote social justice? Of course not. Therefore, among our parliamentarians, there are also almost no Russians. The only places where the Russians are in certain leadership positions is the power structures, primarily the army. But the army in Syria is at war. It is there, of course, that there is the eternal place of residence of the Russian super-ethnos, which must be united. First of all, it is necessary to restore order in Russia, starting with the establishment of national proportional representation in the elected and executive bodies of power. This is the cornerstone of the Russian revival. But it will be impossible to do this by elective means.