How to kill the "heart of America"

How to kill the "heart of America"

History Latin America has a lot of dark stories, one of the most terrible and bloody - is the murder of an entire country, the "heart of America" ​​(Paraguay). This murder went down in history as the Paraguay War, which lasted from 13 December 1864 of the year to 1 of March 1870 of the year. In this war, the alliance of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay came out against Paraguay, supported by the then “world community” (the West).

A bit of background

The first European visited the land of the future of Paraguay in 1525, and the beginning of the history of this Latin American country is considered to be 15 in August 1537, when Spanish colonists founded Asuncion. This territory was inhabited by the Guarani tribes.

Gradually, the Spaniards founded several more strongholds, from 1542 to Paraguay (in translation from the language of the Guarani Indians, “Paraguay” means “from the great river” - meaning the Paraná River) they began to appoint special managers. From the beginning of the 17 century, Spanish Jesuits began to create their settlements in this territory (“Society of Jesus” - the male monastic order).

They create in Paraguay a unique theocratic-patriarchal kingdom (Jesuit reductions - Indian Jesuit reservations). It was based on the primitive communal tribal structure of local Indians, the institutions of the Inca Empire (Tauantinsuyu) and the ideas of Christianity. In fact, the Jesuits and the Indians created the first socialist state (with local specifics). This was the first large-scale attempt to build a just society based on the abandonment of personal property, the priority of the public good, the primacy of the collective over the individual. The Jesuit Fathers studied the management experience of the Inca Empire very well and developed it creatively.

The Indians were transferred from a nomadic way of life to a settled one; the basis of the economy was agriculture and cattle breeding, handicraft. The monks instilled in the Indians the basis of the material and spiritual culture of Europe, and in a non-violent way. If necessary, the communities put up militias, repulsing the attacks of slave traders and their mercenaries. Under the leadership of the monastic brethren, the Indians achieved a high degree of autonomy from the Spanish and Portuguese empires. Settlement flourished, the work of the Indians was quite successful.

As a result, the independent policy of the monks led to the fact that they decided to expel. In 1750, the Spanish and Portuguese crowns entered into an agreement by which 7 Jesuit settlements, including Asuncion, were to come under Portuguese control. The Jesuits refused to comply with this decision; As a result of the bloody war that lasted 4 of the year (1754 — 1758), the Spanish-Portuguese forces won. A complete expulsion of the Jesuit Order from all Spanish possessions in America followed (it ended in 1768). Indians began to return to their former way of life. By the end of the 18 century, about a third of the population consisted of mestizos (descendants of whites and Indians), and two thirds were Indians.


In the process of the collapse of the Spanish Empire, in which young predators, the British, actively participated, Buenos Aires (1810 year) became independent. Argentines tried to start a rebellion in Paraguay, during the so-called. "Paraguayan expedition", but the paraguayan militia defeated their troops.

But the process was launched, in 1811, Paraguay proclaimed independence. The country was headed by the lawyer Jose Francia, the people recognized him as the leader. Congress, elected by universal suffrage, recognized him as a dictator with unlimited powers, first for 3 of the year (in 1814), and then for life dictator (for 1817 of the year). France ruled the country until his death in 1840. Autarky was introduced in the country (an economic regime involving the country's self-sufficiency), foreigners were rarely allowed into Paraguay. The regime of Jose Francia was not liberal: the rebels, spies, conspirators were mercilessly destroyed and arrested. Although it cannot be said that the regime was monstrous, during the entire rule of the dictator, about 70 people were executed and about 1 thousand were thrown into prison.

France conducted secularization (seizure of church and monastic property, land), ruthlessly eliminated criminal gangs, with the result that after a few years people forgot about crime. France partially revived the ideas of the Jesuits, although "without excesses." In Paraguay, a special national economy has arisen, based on social labor and private small business. In addition, such amazing phenomena have arisen in the country (the first half of the XIX century was outside!) As free education, free medicine, low taxes and public food funds. As a result, in Paraguay, especially considering its rather isolated position relative to the world economic centers, a strong state industry was created. This allowed to be an economically independent state. By the middle of the 19 century, Paraguay became the fastest growing and most wealthy state in Latin America. It should be noted that this was a unique state where poverty was absent as a phenomenon, although there were plenty of rich people in Paraguay (the rich stratum was quite peacefully integrated into society).

After the death of Francio, who became a tragedy for the whole nation, by the decision of Congress, the country was headed by his nephew Carlos Antonio López (until 1844, he reigned along with consul Mariano Roque Alonso). It was the same hard and consistent person. He carried out a number of liberal reforms, the country was ready for “discovery” - in 1845, access to Paraguay was opened to foreigners, in 1846, the former protective customs tariff was replaced by a more liberal one, Pilar harbor (on the Parana river) was open to foreign trade. Lopez reorganized the army according to European standards, brought its strength to 5. to 8 thousand people. It was built several fortresses, created a river fleet. The country survived the seven-year war with Argentina (1845 — 1852); the Argentines were forced to recognize the independence of Paraguay.

Work continued on the development of education, scientific societies were opened, the possibilities of communications and navigation improved, shipbuilding improved. The country as a whole has retained its identity, as in Paraguay almost all the land belonged to the state.

In 1862, Lopez died, leaving the country to his son Francisco Solano Lopez. A new people's congress approved his credentials for 10 years. At this time, the country reached the peak of its development (then the country was simply killed, not allowing to go on a very promising path). Its population reached 1,3 million, there were no government debts (the country did not take foreign loans). At the beginning of the reign of the second Lopez built the first railway length of 72 km. More than 200 foreign experts were invited to Paraguay, who laid telegraph lines and railways. This helped in the development of the steel, textile, paper, printing industries, gunpowder production and shipbuilding. Paraguay created its own defense industry, not only producing gunpowder and other ammunition, but cannons and mortars (foundry in Ibikui, built in 1850), built ships in the shipyards of Asuncion.

The reason for the war and its beginning

Neighboring Uruguay watched the successful experience of Paraguay, and after it, the experiment could triumphantly pass through the whole continent. The possible unification of Paraguay and Uruguay defied the interests of Great Britain, and the local regional powers — Argentina and Brazil. Naturally, this caused discontent and fears of the British and Latin American ruling clans. In addition, Paraguay had territorial disputes with Argentina. I needed a reason for war and he was quickly found.

In the spring of 1864, Brazilians sent a diplomatic mission to Uruguay and demanded compensation for damages caused to Brazilian farmers in border conflicts with Uruguayan farmers. The head of Uruguay, Atanasio Aguirre (from the National Party, which stood for an alliance with Paraguay), rejected Brazilian claims. Paraguayan leader Solano Lopez offered himself as a mediator in the negotiations between Brazil and Uruguay, but Rio de Janeiro opposed this proposal. In August, 1864, the Paraguayan government broke off diplomatic relations with Brazil, and announced that the Brazilian intervention and the occupation of Uruguay would be an imbalance in the region.

In October, Brazilian troops invaded Uruguay. Supporters of the Colorado party (the pro-Brazilian party), supported by Argentina, entered into an alliance with the Brazilians, and overthrew the government of Aguirre.

Uruguay was a strategically important partner for Paraguay, because almost all Paraguayan trade went through its capital (Montevideo). And the Brazilians occupied this port. Paraguay was forced into war, mobilization was carried out in the country, bringing the army to 38 thousand people (with a reserve for 60 thousand, in fact it was the people's militia). 13 December 1864, the Paraguayan government declared war on Brazil, and 18 March 1865 - Argentina. Uruguay, already under the control of pro-Brazilian politician Venancio Flores, entered into an alliance with Brazil and Argentina. 1 May 1865 of the year in the Argentine capital three countries signed the Treaty of the Triple Alliance. The world community (primarily the United Kingdom) supported the Triple Alliance. The "Enlightened Europeans" provided substantial assistance to the ammunition union, weapons, military advisers, gave loans for war.

Paraguay's army at the initial stage was more powerful, both numerically (the Argentines at the beginning of the war had about 8,5 thousand people, the Brazilians had 16 thousand, Uruguayans had 2 thousand) and in terms of motivation and organization. It was also well armed, with the Paraguayan army having up to 400 guns. The basis of the Triple Alliance military forces - the Brazilian armed units consisted mainly of detachments of local politicians and some parts of the National Guard, often slaves who were promised freedom. Then, various volunteers, adventurers from all over the continent, who wanted to participate in the robbery of a rich country, poured into the coalition unit. It was believed that the war would be short-lived, Paraguay and the three countries had too different indicators - population, power of economies, help from the “world community”. The war was actually sponsored by loans from the London Bank and the banking houses of the Baring brothers and “N. M. Rothschild and sons.

But I had to fight with the armed people. At the initial stage, the Paraguayan army won a number of victories. To the north, the Brazilian fort Nova Coimbra was captured, in January, 1865 was captured by the cities of Albuquerque and Corumba. In the southern direction, the Paraguayan units successfully operated in the southern part of the state of Mata Grosso.

In March 1865, the Paraguayan government appealed to the Argentine President Bartolome Mitra with a request to let the 25 army pass through the province of Corrientes to invade the Brazilian province of Rio Grande do Sul. But Buenos Aires refused, 18 March 1865, Paraguay declared war on Argentina. The Paraguayan squadron (at the beginning of the war, Paraguay had 23 small steamer and a number of small ships, and the flagship gunboat Tacuary, most of them were alterations from civilian ships), descending the Parana River, blocking the port of Corrientes, and then the land forces took it. At the same time, the Paraguayan units crossed the Argentine border, and through the territory of Argentina they hit the Brazilian province of Rio Grande do Sul, 12 on June 1865, the city of San Borj, 5 of August Uruguayan.

The continuation of the war

The situation was complicated by the defeat of the 11 Paraguayan squadron of June 1865 of the year in the Battle of Riachuelo. The Triple Alliance from that moment began to control the rivers of the basin of La Plata. Gradually, the strength in forces began to be felt, by the end of 1865, the Paraguayan troops were driven out of the previously occupied territories, the coalition concentrated the 50 thousand army and began to prepare for the invasion of Paraguay.

The invasion army could not immediately break into the country, they were detained by fortifications near the confluence of the Paraguay and Paraná rivers, where battles were fought for more than two years. So Umayta’s fortress became a real Paraguayan Sevastopol and detained the enemy for 30 months; it fell only on July 25 on 1868 of the year.

After that, Paraguay was doomed. The interventionists, being on the content of the “world community”, slowly and with great losses simply pushed through the defense of the Paraguayans, virtually grinding it, paying for it with numerous losses. And not only from bullets, but also from dysentery, cholera and other delights of a tropical climate. In a series of battles of December 1868, the remnants of the troops of Paraguay were practically destroyed.

Francisco Solano Lopez refused to surrender and retreated to the mountains. In January, 1969 fell Asuncion. It must be said that the people of Paraguay defended their country almost without exception, even women and children fought. Lopez continued the war in the mountains to the northeast of Asuncion, people went into the mountains, the jungle, into the partisan detachments. During the year there was a guerrilla war, but in the end the remnants of the Paraguayan forces were defeated. 1 March 1870, the detachment of Solano Lopez was surrounded and destroyed, the head of Paraguay died with the words: “I am dying for my Motherland!”


- The Paraguayan people fought to the last, even the enemies noted the mass heroism of the population, the Brazilian historian Roche Pombu wrote: “Many women, some with peaks and sticks, others with small children in their arms fiercely threw sand, stones and bottles at the attackers. The rectors of the parishes of Peribebui and Valenzuela fought with guns in their hands. The 8-10 boys lay dead for years, and their weapons were lying next to them, the other wounded men showed a stoic calm without making a single moan. ”

In the battle of Acosta New (16 in August 1869 of the year), 3,5 thousand of children of 9-15 fought, and the detachment of Paraguayans had only 6 of thousand people. In commemoration of their heroism of August 16 in modern Paraguay, Children's Day is celebrated.

In battles, fights, acts of genocide, 90% of the male population of Paraguay was killed. Of the more than 1,3 million of the country's population, by 1871 there were about 220 thousand people left. Paraguay has been completely devastated and thrown to the side of world development.

- The territory of Paraguay is curtailed in favor of Argentina and Brazil. Argentines generally proposed to completely dismember Paraguay and divide “fraternally,” but Rio de Janeiro did not agree. The Brazilians wanted a buffer between Argentina and Brazil.

- Britain and the banks behind it won from the war. The main powers of Latin America — Argentina and Brazil — became financially dependent, borrowing huge amounts. The possibilities that the Paraguayan experiment revealed were destroyed.

- The Paraguayan industry was eliminated, most of the Paraguayan villages were devastated and abandoned, the remaining people moved to the neighborhood of Asuncion. People switched to subsistence farming, a significant part of the land was bought up by foreigners, mainly Argentines, and turned into private estates. The country's market was open to British goods, and for the first time the new government took out a foreign loan for 1 million pounds.

This story teaches that if a nation is one and protects its Homeland, an idea, it can be defeated only with the help of total genocide.

Territorial loss of Paraguay as a result of the war
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  1. +10
    11 January 2012 08: 50
    In vain they flooded Argentina. And then back in the Chuck war they fought off Bolivia (the first war was purely for oil). There, by the way, Russian emigrants showed themselves well. But two grueling wars and you're in the ass and in the back of the story. Article plus is intended.
  2. +11
    11 January 2012 09: 46
    The article teaches us that the law of power rules and rules in the world. For Paraguay, this was a tragedy, as far as it is known that after this war this state no longer recovered and Paraguay remained an economically impoverished country, even now. And so, it’s sincerely sorry for the Paraguayans that their undertakings to build an economically strong country were so brutally crushed.
  3. dred
    11 January 2012 09: 55
    With Coca, this is Latin America has become the center of America.
  4. +13
    11 January 2012 12: 33
    The Paraguay war was the first common human experience with democracy in a single independent state. With all the attributes that they use to this day - information war, demagogy, genocide.
    As a result, the first socialist state on Earth was destroyed. So that others are not in the habit.
    And not just destroyed, but literally wiped off the face of the earth. Two other countries - Brazil and Argentina - fell into debt slavery to Britain for almost a century. They were already in complete economic and political dependence, but now they have managed to enslave them even more reliably and thereby multiply the exploitation of these semi-colonies.
    Brazil was able to pay off its debts for the Paraguayan war only under Getulio Vargas in the 1940s, while in Argentina, only Juan Domingo Peron succeeded in ending the British supremacy in the same 40s of the XNUMXth century. For world capitalism represented by Britain, everything turned out perfectly it's better. True, for this I had to almost completely cut out a whole nation - the population of an entire country. But for English capital, this is utter nonsense!
  5. +7
    11 January 2012 13: 47
    Key words in this article: (the country did not take external loans), i.e. did not get into financial bondage, and the financial oligarchs of the world could not allow this. In general, socialism in itself does not provide for financial speculation, exaggerated loans and other "charms" of capitalism, therefore, countries that have taken the path of building a just society will be immediately (like Paraguay) or gradually (like the USSR and Libya) destroyed.
  6. 755962
    11 January 2012 15: 57
    It did not fit into the overall picture of "democracy" and world order. The result is obvious. The scheme is old ... like the world
  7. Shqvarqi
    11 January 2012 15: 58
    It should be added that in Libya, along with the intervention, a civil war was going on and is going on, respectively, the Libyans did not show "Mass heroism", and the USSR, if it had the size of Paraguay, would probably have received such a fate, and so ... history has no subjunctive inclinations.
  8. +3
    12 January 2012 09: 10
    very informative, and really shows that all the oligarchs come up with wars!
    1. Regul
      22 February 2012 11: 25
      Quote: Baron Wrangel
      really shows that all wars come up with oligarchs

      Of course, wars have always been the most desirable feeding trough of bankers, there is no way to get such fabulous profits in peacetime.
  9. +4
    13 January 2012 08: 26
    there is still such interesting information:
    Uruguay with unlimited military assistance from the USA, England, France, etc. invaded Paraguay and destroyed 85% of the country's population. The slaughter was openly paid for by the Rothschilds International Banking House, which was closely connected with the famous British bank Baring Brothers, etc. where the Rothschild tribesmen played the leading role. The genocide was given a special cynicism by the fact that it was carried out under the slogans of the liberation of the Paraguayan people from the yoke of dictatorship and the restoration of democracy in the country.
    1. 0
      5 November 2022 16: 16
      In fact, Paraguay started the war, wanting to get access to the sea. Only now he did not take into account the strength of 2 giants - Brazil and Argentina.
  10. Stanter
    22 February 2012 21: 41
    He became independent, then the enemy.
  11. Rodver
    28 February 2012 13: 27
    Nice story. Paraguay in our hearts.
  12. Temnik
    30 June 2014 14: 16
    What a touching love for the "South American DPRK"! What a "neutral" article!
  13. yand
    25 July 2014 13: 06
    The article is an attempt to interpret history in a modern manner for the sake of an aggressive anti-Western worldview. If we try to comprehend such old events in the current vein, then in Paraguay what was now called the fascist regime was built. An aggressive irrational nationalist ideology prevailed in the country with a monstrously bloated idea of ​​its own significance and possibilities. This conceit prompted a conflict with peaceful and healthy neighbors, who were not at all completely ready for war. In the end, the bearers of this crazy ideology naturally awaited a monstrous defeat, since the economic and other resources of their opponents far exceeded the Paraguayan ones.
  14. 0
    28 June 2017 09: 41
    And there is only one lesson: the country's most reliable allies are its army and navy. And who does not want to feed his army, he will inevitably feed someone else's.